View Full Version : Most Entertaining monster up to CR15?

2021-10-28, 09:05 AM
So on a D&D Twitch stream I'm a big fan of, they are playing a game for Extra Life. The DM has a pledge level where he will incorporate any monster of the donor's choice up to CR15. I'm thinking about doing this, but I've been away from P&P for a while and don't know the Monster Manuals for the current edition in sufficient depth to really do this opportunity justice. Does anybody have suggestions for a truly weird/bizarre/entertaining monster to encounter the PCs?


I should probably specify that this group often solves challenges with rp'ed social interactions, so creatures likely to lead to entertaining social encounters are also welcome!

2021-10-28, 09:20 AM
So on a D&D Twitch stream I'm a big fan of, they are playing a game for Extra Life. The DM has a pledge level where he will incorporate any monster of the donor's choice up to CR15. I'm thinking about doing this, but I've been away from P&P for a while and don't know the Monster Manuals for the current edition in sufficient depth to really do this opportunity justice. Does anybody have suggestions for a truly weird/bizarre/entertaining monster to encounter the PCs?

Mmmh, hard to choose only one. Do you know what levels the PCs will be? Some monsters are less entertaining when the gap in power is too wide, others benefit from it.

2021-10-28, 09:24 AM
The Nilbog!

It is literally made to be funny

2021-10-28, 09:32 AM
Mmmh, hard to choose only one. Do you know what levels the PCs will be? Some monsters are less entertaining when the gap in power is too wide, others benefit from it.

Six players, level 12.

da newt
2021-10-28, 10:25 AM
Skull Lord from MToF might be fun - it is 3 souls crammed into one baddie.

The Star Spawn Seer (MToF) is just different.

The Morkoth (VGtM) is super weird with unique stuff.

Death Tyrants (MM) are just nasier undead beholders.

Mummy Lord (MM) is a nasty one.

Rakshasa (MM) are always interesting especially for RP/social interaction heavy stuff.

What sort of a thing / encounter are you looking for? More yucks, more different, more challenging, etc ...

Just one CR 15 bad guy vs 6 lvl 12 PCs isn't that dire a challenge.

2021-10-28, 10:25 AM
I should probably specify that this group often solves challenges with rp'ed social interactions, so creatures likely to lead to entertaining social encounters are also welcome!

Six players, level 12.

In that case, I recommend the Yagnoloth.

I don't think they're used very often, they're fun mechanically and lore-wise, and they're known for social interactions.

Skull Lord from MToF might be fun - it is 3 souls crammed into one baddie.

Skull Lords are great indeed. Especially if you can set up things so that the PCs expected they're either a sorcerer or a fighter or a thief, and then reveal that they all three in one package.

Other possible candidates:

- Nabassu

- Githyanki Supreme Commander

- Yuan-ti Anathema

- Githzerai Enlightened

Witty Username
2021-10-29, 02:23 AM
I have a soft spot for the Rakshasa, I would hide it as a friendly NPC until the "Ahhhh, nooooo, Betrayal" and they have a nice pile of spells.

2021-10-29, 02:30 AM
Quantum ogre, hands down.