View Full Version : Investigation - Clue Hunt as a Skill Challenge

2021-10-31, 07:55 AM
Here are the facts

We are in a town.
When you fall asleep without the appropriate protective charm while in the town, you get an invisible mark on your palm that itches constantly.
Those with the mark experience frequent headaches and emotional outbursts.
This usually doesn't get much attention, except when large number of outsiders gather in the town, like the festival that was last night. Now, a riot of magically insane outsiders is ravaging the city.
The locals are protected via a protective charm each local gets as an infant.
The magic originates from the end of a cave filled with magical blue crystals, from which the protective charms are made.
The end of the cave houses a phenomena (undisclosed) that is the origin of the magics. It could be a "god-shard", a leaking portal to wherever or an Imprisoned magical creature.

The underlined bits is what the players have learned.

The skill challenge is to figure out all the details. I have the facts all sorted out, although I could afford to include more. What I'm missing is the actual clues. I feel it's a bit cheap to just have a player suggest a method of gaining information, rolling a die, and I just give the fact out. I'd much rather give information that hints at the truth, and have them figure things out, even if it takes multiple clues to figure each bit of information out.

Clues I've already written

There hasn't been a riot since 1320DR
There was a large gathering of outsiders in 1320DR
If asked about strange experiences, a local can say that his nephew always has night terrors and vivid nightmares when yeah come to visit.
When asked about local magic, a local with high intelligence (elder, cleric, historian, official) says he/she doesn't worry about that, their customs protect them. They have all sorts of superstitions in the town, such as sooting the beams of their doors with a smoke from a willow, always sleep with your feet towards the sunset, and each local gets a blue pendant as an infant.

I need some help with more clues, and maybe even more facts :D

2021-10-31, 10:08 AM
The the protective charms worn in a clearly visible manner? Are they worn in a sometimes visible manner, or in a way that some townsfolk might toy with them occasionally?

Also, why doesn't the town sell these charms to outsiders?

2021-10-31, 01:27 PM
These charms are visibly worn.
They might we'll be sold to outsiders, which would be useful if anyone knew how useful they were ;)
Remember, the locals have worn their charms forever. They have no idea what its like if they try to go on for extended periods of time without them