View Full Version : What powers do you find the coolest?

2021-10-31, 05:37 PM
In your opinion, which are some of the coolest powers in the game? You can pick any definition of "cool" you would like — maybe the power has an interesting complexity, maybe you like the aesthetics of it, the fluff text, or something else.

Of course, I don't know every power in the game, but some of my favorites are:

Tentacles of Cryonax. Really like the spreading tentacles thing. I know the chances of it actually spreading is not huge, but I find the effect very instersting.
Shadow Legion. This one is just terrifying. Filling the battlefield with shadows of your enemies that use their own powers against them? Absolutely cool.
Ravenous Singularity. It's a black hole, how is it not cool?
Falling Star Strike. It is probably my favorite anime moment of any power, teleporting into the air and striking the ground like a comet.

2021-11-03, 01:56 PM
I know this is cheating a bit because it's an adaptation of a rules element from 3rd edition with the same name, but the monk's 15th-level daily attack, Ring the Golden Bell (Player's Handbook 3), is sick as hell.

For that matter, anything in Player's Handbook 3 or Psionic Power that exiles someone, in the MtG sense. Like the second augment of the psion's 23rd-level at-will, Space Vortex (PH3).

2021-11-03, 03:41 PM
The various "exiling" effects are definitely up there, especially Void Assumption. Chain Lightning is cool, it's not quite the classic implementation but the way it kind of goes "You! And those guys! And actually, everybody else, too!" just pleases me.

2021-11-04, 10:56 PM
Here's some of my favorites:

Whirling Frenzy: It's a barbarian encounter power for the dual wield barbarian. I just lose that it's entire flavor is "I'm going to spin around, really fast, and attack everyone within 5 feet of me, and anyone I miss causes me damage because the attack bounces back to me. Just the reckless abandon is so fun to see.
Shadow Step: It's an at-will Assassin Move Power that allows them to teleport from one shadow to another. It's completely cool and I love it mechanically and it gets some really big marks for style points!
Dimensional Vortex: Swordmage level 3 Encounter, allows you to play with portals and make people attack their allies. I love it.
Bladespells: Just, the fact they exist is awesome. They're like flurry of blows, but for wizards and spell swords. I just wish they were on a better class or that the bladesinger was actually worth touching. I would love to see a Swordmage homebrew that loses aegis and gains bladespells instead. That'd be really cool.

Yeah, those are probably some of my favorites. If that doesn't make it obvious, I have only really played in heroic, but still, this game is awesome. There's an assassin daily power that I can't remember, but it's like a shadow guild where you summon a shadow clone of yourself to just REALLY kill someone, which is amazing!

2021-11-15, 06:48 PM
The first one that came to mind is Lightning Rush. A true defender power in every sense of the word. Protects your allies, whether you have the target marked or not. Acts as an interrupt so you can ruin the monsters attack before it hits your ally. And allows you to move while doing it. Just a great, big, "Screw you" to an enemy that dared to think about attacking your ally.

It's legit a fun power. And while it's not the most powerful power out there, it's very strong. It just ticks all the right boxes for me. Movement + attack + damage prevention + wrecking your DMs day + forced movement (usually) + a second free attack sometimes (Opportunity attack if you interrupted a ranged attack) + songs written about you by the Bard you just saved. What's not to love? It's the reason why Battlemind is my favorite defender.

Kurald Galain
2021-11-16, 03:48 AM
In my opinion: Racial powers.

That is, in any other edition of D&D, races just aren't noticeable mechanically. Other than through roleplaying (and many players just don't focus on their character race so much), it is largely impossible to tell what race a character is...

...but in 4E, you can tell immediately somebody is a Dwarf because he's second-winding all the time; or that a character is an Elf because he does these rerolls every combat; and so forth; and this applies to NPCs/monsters as well. Most races have a very iconic and stand-out power (that usually is a non-standard action just so it sees more use) and I find that pretty cool.

2021-11-19, 01:04 PM
My group got a lot of mileage out of Sword Burst, with our Genasi Swordmage using it to wipe out countless minions. The description is just that you spin it around striking everyone, but the one damage combined with the name always had me visualizing it as the sword shattering into shrapnel and then reforming in his hands.

2021-11-19, 05:34 PM
In my opinion: Racial powers.

That is, in any other edition of D&D, races just aren't noticeable mechanically. Other than through roleplaying (and many players just don't focus on their character race so much), it is largely impossible to tell what race a character is...

...but in 4E, you can tell immediately somebody is a Dwarf because he's second-winding all the time; or that a character is an Elf because he does these rerolls every combat; and so forth; and this applies to NPCs/monsters as well. Most races have a very iconic and stand-out power (that usually is a non-standard action just so it sees more use) and I find that pretty cool.

I agree with this, except that it makes it tougher to play a changeling. I feel like Changelings need a feat that allows you to power swap Changeling Trick for another race's racial power - perhaps requiring Becomer as a prerequisite.

2021-11-21, 08:27 PM
I hate to look like a forumite stereotype, but Form of the Leaping Stag from the Warden Paragon Path "Horned Champion" is just so cool to me. It's kinda the fulfillment of the kind of character I like (the hart has some great symbolism throughout history). The fact that it's from the Warden, which is my favorite class in 4e makes it all the better.

2021-11-22, 03:22 PM
Divine Tilt, Inauspicious Vulnerability, Rolling Echo, Dragon Breath

2021-12-02, 07:03 PM
Anvil of Doom.

"You crack your foe upside the head."

High damage, and they're immobilized (IIRC the effect is weaker if you're not using a bludgeoning weapon). It's a simple power, but it's awesome and so fits a fighter.

Sneak Dog
2021-12-04, 09:43 AM
Whew, been a while but the phoenix-themed barbarian rages are great fun. Become so angry that angry spirits join you and you just don't die.