View Full Version : Primus Corrupted

2021-11-02, 12:38 AM
Here is the thread for the IC game material for Primus Corrupted, the Mechanus-focused Planar game.

Please introduce yourselves, and place yourselves within a normal day in your existence. You may currently be found on any plane you wish.

2021-11-02, 11:25 AM
Susebron walked through the portal appearing on the other side without even breaking his stride, his shadow Mastiff padded silently next to him, corporeal enough to bother people, but just a shadow of it's true nature. The streets here were familiar enough to Bron, for he had walked them many times.

He was looking for someone, but knew they wouldn't be here for a while, so he grabbed a chair at one of his favorite bistro's, and ordered some light pasties, and a cup of their strongest caff, trying to expunge the morning fog from his mind, the problem with caff, was it made things worse the more you took it, but he liked the illogical use of such a drug, it seemed illogical to use at all, yet, was one of the most commonly ingested substances he had seen. Quite literally, self causing entropy, and for Bron, that put a little smile on his otherwise grim and broody visage.

The waiting staff pretended not to notice, and their tips reflected that.

He was enjoying himself so much, that he missed his mark, cursing he stood up, dropped a handful of coins on the table, and ran off at a sprint, his shadow mastiff keeping up easily, loping beside him like a panther made of mist. He skittered around a corner, to see his mark being arrested by the city guard, a grin plastered on his face.

DAMN IT! He thought to himself, he had been outplayed, again, now he would need to go bribe a judge or two, he walked away deep in thought about who he had on his payroll already, it wasn't many, this was supposed to be an easy job! But a part of him was fine with it, easy jobs were boring, and this just become....unboring.

He stormed off in the direction of a particular gaoler who had a bad habit of gambling...

2021-11-03, 07:50 AM
There is no sunrise on The Plane of Fire, so the chant of the calls to prayer rouses Tyosh, as they did countless people in The City of Brass. After offering prayers to both the Lords of this Plane and her personal patron, Hoar, Tyosh starts the water for her coffee.

Her partner, but not lover, not until we get this fixed, sits on the end table, reading a book. The polished skull that holds their soul can't show emotion, but it is clear they are moping.

She fries some peppers and a dinosaur egg, then serves it over cold rice. Persh, her partner, used to like fruit for breakfast, and she was sad that was one more thing they could no longer share.

"I'm going out to look for work, see you in a few hours." Tyosh says, but Persh doesn't answer...

She still had a nest egg from the fighting pits, but no income. And she couldn't go back, not after they refused to have Persh.. fixed. It was their elephants!

Well, hopefully, today, something happens.

2021-11-03, 09:56 PM
Londu Pennu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2527828) keeps a wary eye on the vast audience as Rubina, the red half-dragon woman, does her song and dance routine. The Coliseum in Free City of Greyhawk is far from the most dangerous venue Londu has worked, but it does attract all types, including some of the more monstrous varieties of creatures. Still, this is a cushy assignment and he knows it. The pay is not great by his standards, but the danger is low, and he gets to enjoy some rare performances. Of course, he won't be doing this for long ...

Seeing a wolfman - perhaps a werewolf? begin to argue with an elf, he heads over to that part of the stadium. Hopefully, his earlier on-stage demonstration of his fighting prowess was sufficiently impressive that he won't need to make another scene ...

2021-11-04, 09:04 AM
A.J bumps into a planetouched couple, picks himself up, resuming his quickened pace forward. He uses his hands to wave people away as they are to collide with him as he runs away from a bunch of angry group consists of a thri-kreen, bugbear and hobgoblin chasing him from behind.

"Sorry, coming through."

A.J slips into an alleyway as he comes to a corner.

How did it came to this? I won fair and square, dammit!

He should not have gambled with these sore losers. These types of raging brutes will flip the tables, call you a cheat and try to bully you into forking over your winnings unless they are winning. He was not the one to create a scene with powerful outsiders acting as security. So he collected his winning and bailed. The human looks back to see his hunters persisting his trail and keeps his speed. He zigzags through the maze of the alleys as if he knows it like the back of his mind. It was wise for him to pay an official guide for a tour and not a tout. Cheapskates will be cheapskates. A.J twists his head several times when he nears the exit.

C'mon. There has to a portal somewhere. This is Sigil.

His head veers right.


A.J sees the glow and swirl of a planar gateway. He rushes to it and hurls himself into it without caring what portal it is and where it leads to. The taste of freedom is better than the sensation of getting roughed up.

2021-11-09, 06:09 AM
You open the jailer's door, and find him sitting reading paperwork, only occasionally looking over at his newest prisoner. "Why hello, Bron. I am most surprised to see you here. Slumming it now, or are you working your way upwards in society?" the jailer asks, putting aside his paperwork. He gestures at his assistant, and she stands, heading towards you, ready to do a quick frisk search for anything illegal, immoral, or fattening. He doesn't have a great deal of concern at which of those it is, but he would have a great deal of pleasure in trying to arrest you, should an opportunity arise. Old friends or not.

Tyosh heads into the city, but doesn't get far before a small group of salamanders approach from all sides, boxing her in. "Well hello there, little one. What brings a Prime to the City?" the evident leader asks, stepping in from behind Tyrosh and completing the surrounding maneuver. They do not look overtly threatening, but being salamanders, that doesn't necessarily mean a great deal. They are all armed, and can easily bring violence down in moments. Besides, the guards in the City are probably more likely to listen to them than to Tyosh.

As Londu heads in that direction, the wolfman spits in the direction of the elf, and a brawl starts between the two of them, rapidly expanding to include others in the vicinity. The fight looks like it is going to escalate, but when they see Londu the fighting settles down a bit, and soon tails off entirely, with everyone either rubbing their wounds or slinking away from the area of the fight, now apparently having had nothing to do with it. A barker starts to read off the next fight to start off a list, and then immediately begins to exhort the crowd into a frenzy, getting them interested in the fight to come. Yet another day in the greatest city on Greyhawk, nay, in all the planes.

A.J. makes it through the portal, meaning that one of the customary pieces of tat that he keeps on himself for the purposes of opening random portals to adventure, as he likes to think of them, has worked somehow. This is not a portal that he is familiar with, but it leads away from Sigil. He gets through it, just as it is closing, though the lightning quick thri-kreen gets through with him at the last moment. A.J. finds himself in a place of straight lines, everything seeming to make sense. Or at least, that is the sensation that comes to mind as he looks around. Perhaps that is really what the plane is like, perhaps it is something that the plane itself puts into the mind. But you feel something a little odd about the feeling at the same time. A faintest sign of discordance. The kreen looks at you, and immediately tries to find the other side of the portal, so it can return to the City. In its desperation it seems to forget about you.

2021-11-09, 06:44 AM

"Ummm... I was born here? I'm emancipated! I have the paperwork!" [Hoar's backside!], a racist mob, just my luck. Primes were rare out here, but this was a cosmopolitan place. Most likely they had a pretty good idea who and what she was, and objected to her being free, not her being descended from a human.

She could blast them with cold, but escalating the situation seemed unwise. A freeman using ice magic on citizens was asking for trouble.

She readies the only nondestructive spell she knows that might possibly help, eyebite, and back up, trying to seem submissive while also getting them all in area of effect.

"What do you want?"

2021-11-09, 01:27 PM
Susebron smiles as he enters and sees the jailer, and then nods at the attempt to intimidate him, of course he had nothing contraband on his person, that would be stupid when visiting a town jailer.

He sighed, "Are you sure that's needed, c'mon, you know me, I came bearing a business opportunity, if you catch my drift."

His shadow, the large mastiff like shape lopes into the room, and stands between them.

[roll0] to improve their attitude one step, and/or get them to not search him.

2021-11-09, 05:10 PM
A.J turns invisible as he tries to slink away from the thri-kreen and wears his spiked gauntlets while he is distracted. He is not the mood to parley or communicate with the insectoid as the monstrous humanoid is responsible for stranding them in an unknown plane. No, he wants to get away from this irascible creature to cool down and process the new situation he got himself into. But the first things he wants to do is rack his brain for information of the plane he is in the same time he is stealthing and detect new dangers.

Turning invisible (as invisible fist feature; 3 round cooldown; immediate action if applicable) for one round to sneak away.

Hide: [roll0]

Move Silently: [roll1]

Knowledge (Planes) to identify the plane he is in: [roll2]

Listen: [roll3]

Spot: [roll4]

2021-11-09, 11:47 PM
Having dealt with that bit of audience unruliness, Londu makes his way back towards the stage.

Later, at the afterparty, Londu knocks back a strong red wine and trades tales with several interesting characters. In doing so he is looking for two things: possible leads for his next job, and perhaps a woman to enjoy some time with.

He finds himself circling back to Rubina, the half-dragon singer. He waits until she's alone for a moment, then approaches. As part of the show, he's already met her, but not had much chance to talk. Still, he did gather that she's travelled quite a bit and knows how to use her music for combat inspiration as well as entertainment.

"Great show tonight. You've been a part of many shows, I take it. What was the greatest of them all?" he asks her with a smile.

2021-11-12, 05:13 AM
The lead salamander looks appraisingly at Tyosh. It appears, disturbingly, like he may not be as stupid as may have been assumed. "We have been asked to bring you to a High Lady. You are to be brought whether you like it or not, with the promise that you will likely dislike it. But you will, apparently, be well rewarded for your time," he says quietly. The band of salamanders, you notice, are not actually facing Tyosh, but are instead facing outwards, guarding against intruders from overhearing.

The jailer waves his associate off from the search, and instead leans back in his chair. "You have a business proposition for me, do you? I may have one for you, too. First tell me yours, then I will tell you of mine," he commands. His voice is hard but not cold. His eyes are warm, though, possibly in amusement over Susebron's words having some sort of effect. He has surely heard such words before, but in this case he seems to have something to say. "I thought that bringing your...friend... here, we would likely be able to track you down better than we could have if we sent trained city trackers or touts to find you" he adds.

The kreen thug manages to find that the portal is indeed doublesided. But as soon as it passes through, the portal closes once more, stranding A.J. there. He is now invisible and very well hidden on another plane, which he quickly determines is probably Mechanus, judging by the overwhelming orderliness of the place as far as he can see. It could be Bytopia, but that is unlikely as A.J. can't see the other half of the plane overhead, as might be expected if he were on that plane. After some time, a faint rhythmic sound can be heard in the distance, away to what you can only imagine by the direction of the sunlight to be the north.

Rubina looks at Londu with some interest. "Every show is fun, though some lead to better outcomes than others," she says. One of her backup singers gains your attention even as you try to lay on the charm. It is a modron, who are well know for their ability to harmonise perfectly, as suits their orderly nature. The modron breaks off from warming up its throat, and suddenly it turns and walks into a wall, then turns again, and walks in another direction, barging into other patrons, which immediately turns into a fight. Though it seems confused, the modron fights well enough when challenged, though it quickly gets overwhelmed and goes down hard, to the sound of Rubina's screams of distress.

2021-11-12, 05:21 AM
Tyosh blinks.

That wasn't what she expected, at all. A job, for a High Lady? This might be her chance to help Persh!

"Lead on, then. Can't keep her waiting. "

2021-11-12, 11:08 AM
Bron frowns at the jailers words, completely caught off guard, he decided to play it up hoping the jailer would over play his hand. "Oh? right...yes, business, there's a mark that got caught by the town guard...but that seems like it can wait, doesn't it?" he says "Whats going on?"

2021-11-12, 08:31 PM
Londu is shocked at the behavior of the modron. Has it been attacked with a Confusion spell?

"That's enough, people. Clear off and let me have a look."

He casts Mystic Reflections (aka detect magic) and examines the modron.

OOC: Spot [roll0], Spellcraft [roll1], Knowledge (planes) [roll2], Heal [roll3]

If it seems alive and not ensorcelled, he will attempt to restrain, heal, and question the creature.

OOC: Grapple [roll4], healing belt [roll5]

"What happened to you?" he'll ask it.

2021-11-13, 02:41 AM
As his short term invisibility fades, A.J lifts his mask and breathes a sigh of relief when the thri-kreen disappears back to Sigil. The sigh is not of a sigh made by an everyday chap who lucked out of danger but a nonchalant and casual sigh that he had produced many times in the past. As much as he wants to antagonize the closest person to reprise the chase, the thrills and all, the mess back in Sigil soured his mood and the person in question has gone back to Sigil. The "stranded" human turns towards the source of the sound. After strapping two quivers of normal serpent arrows to his back, he pulls his mask down to cover the exposed average face and taps it to activate the fly spell on him. He hovers and flies to his destination, refreshing the spell's duration with a tap if it runs out. Maybe the change in environment can help him create enough good memories to forget the bad ones to dispel the negativity within.

Mechanus, huh? I hope there is excitement where that rhythm came from. It has been a while since I last visited and I touched the tip of the iceberg. Time to revisit the past. Full and whole this time.

2021-11-18, 08:25 PM
Warren extends his hand for the Tiger Lady to touch, soon he would be back home. He had to empty his pockets in front of the strange woman, but she asured him she could bring him back home to his grove with her magic, apparently she was able to shift entire planes.

As the world blurs arround him, warren feels a brief nausea that soon dissipates because it's imediately replaced by confusion. "This does not look like the redtorn grove" and "... this doesn't even look like a forest" was all he could mutter as he stares the cluster of floating islands, linked thogether with bridges and stairs acrossn them.

The Rakshasi had no idea if it was sheer stupidity or just a sheltered life, but the large idiot was so trustful she just couldn't pass the chance to make some good coin, even if she had never heard of the so called red torn grove he wanted to go back to. "And it's not like screwed him over" she reasoned with herself "someone in Union will probably be able to help him... sooner or later. The chump first needs to learn some basic common sense. Yeah, it'll be good for him".

2021-11-19, 02:58 AM
The salamanders take position around Tyosh as a moving screen, with the leader taking the front position to guide the group. It leads not to the noble ward, but instead to a building in the slums. It appears to be a simple map shop, judging by the sign. The salamander says, "The Lady can be found within. A word to the wise. Do not judge her by her appearance. She is more than she appears, I am sure of it, and I have known her for some time. No mere human could survive what I have heard of her doing without great power."

The jailer says to his assistant, "Go outside with my friend's associate. Give him a bit of a roughing up, but don't hurt him too badly. Just enough to make clear to others that he has been under our care." Then, once they are out of the room, the jailer says, "There is something strange going on. I have contacts throughout the planes, and I have heard that the modrons are acting oddly. They get a bit funny when they are about to March, but this is not the right time for that. My city will be affected if they do March, and I want to know if there is a reason why they may be going early, if that is the case. Interested?"

Londu manages to restrain the modron with relative ease, as it is not putting up a full blooded fight, but seems mostly confused more than enraged. Londu thinks that the creature is not ensorcelled, but may be going into the early stages of behaviour associated with the Modron March. However, that can't be, surely, because they always march to an organised schedule, and this is not the year when they are due to March. Besides, they normally retain more awareness of their surroundings than this modron seems to display. Such creatures of order normally don't behave in such a disorderly manner.

A.J. flies for some time, and eventually sees the signs of civilisation. Flying over a forest, he sees a village. It appears to be on fire, and there are creatures fleeing the flames. There are a large number of modrons setting the fires, which is strange on their own plane, as usually such creatures are orderly and peaceful, especially on Mechanus. But a closer inspection reveals that they are acting strangely. Some are walking into walls, others are casting spells of all sorts, including the fire spells that are burning the village to the ground. Others are just walking in circles. None appears to be in charge, with even the higher ranks of modrons present acting in the same manner as the others. There seems to be no order to their activities.

Warren approaches the islands, landing at the most populated looking one of them. He lands and is immediately approached by a small crowd. One of the larger men present is carrying the body of a child, and another drags the inert form of a modron. From its adornments it appears to be high ranking among its kind, though it is of the duodrone type, which is only the second lowest level of modron. "Stranger, can you help our people? This modron is the ambassador of the modron people here. He has always been normal by their standards, but he has just suddenly gone insane. He attacked my son, and he killed him. All my son, Eriad, did was walk past him, he didn't even look at him. The people in the area subdued him, and I think they killed him in their rage. I helped, I must confess. Who could blame me? But we need to know if the other modrons in the town are likely to go mad as well, and if we should expel them, or if they will be okay," the man carrying the child's body says.

2021-11-20, 09:31 PM
Londu explains his suspicions to the modron and to Rubina.

Then he adds "So ... for my next adventure, I shall investigate the matter! I will go to Sigil itself to find out if other modrons have been affected, and I'll come back to tell you of my findings!

... anyone know a short way there from here?"

OOC: Knowledge (planes) [roll0] to know of a portal

2021-11-22, 12:11 PM
Bron folds his arms and listens, modrons? he thought, well of course he was interested!

Frowning though, he answers "I can look into it, do you have a starting point?"

2021-11-23, 08:44 AM
Warren is conflicted by the scene. While he wants to get back home as soon as possible, the Grove Mother would never accept that he left a child without help... or justice. And even worse, the man is saying that this can happen again, that there are more of these block-shaped constructs arround and they might attack other children.

"I will help this time, but after that its back to the grove" Warren tought. "I can and I will help, I can't stand innocent children being hurt and will never let that happen on my watch." he said to the grieving father, "But I know nothing about these block people, can you tell me more about them? or where can I find more of them at least?"

2021-11-23, 08:59 AM
A.J flies to the creatures fleeing from the modrons' chaos and mimics their actions except he is flying. He keeps a safe distance from them as he does so. Maybe they are the sane ones in this place who may be able to exchange information with him.

"Anyone mind telling me what is going on here?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2021-11-25, 02:06 AM
"Perhaps instead of Sigil, you would be better off searching on Mechanus itself. You will find a lot more modrons there than in Sigil, and can better assess their mental state," Rubina suggests. You find a portal to Sigil is nearby, and it leads to the Lady's Ward, from what little you know of its direction.

"Mechanus itself would be the logical starting point, I would guess. If they are due to March early, they will be gathering there," the jailer says with a slight shrug. "As for where exactly in Mechanus to go, I am not sure. Maybe head for one of the cities there, as that is where you will find the majority of the modrons, and you can assess their state."

"The modrons are creatures of pure order, normally. They have different forms, with different numbers of sides and shapes, depending on their rank. But they all serve one known as Primus, from what little I know of them. Primus is basically a god. The race is based on the plane of Mechanus, so that would be the best place to start your search. You will occasionally run into a rogue modron, though, so be aware of that. These are modrons who have rebelled against the natural order of the modrons, and have attained something closer to what we would consider to be free will," the man replies. "They are a strange race, and are hard to understand by anyone who is not of a purely ordered mind."

One of the villagers looks up in surprise at seeing a flying person overhead. "If you can fly, you must be powerful, stranger. Please help us. This column of modrons marched into the village and just went mad. They didn't offer any warning at all, they just started to destroy things and attack people" she says, panic in her voice. In a plane of pure order, such actions would seemingly be even more shocking than they would be on other planes.

2021-11-27, 09:38 AM
What Londu tells Rubina is ”Good idea, if it proves necessary. You are rather knowledgeable I see.”

What he doesn’t tell her is Damn, I hope I don’t have to do that! Sigil is a party town and I could have a blast there. Mechanus, not so much. The modrons may have gathered information from all over the planes, but they still have no idea how to party.

So he first goes to Sigil and asks around about modrons. If he doesn’t find much, he will try finding a portal to Mechanus.

2021-11-27, 12:40 PM
With a little trepidation, Tyosh enters the building and bows. "It is I, Tyosh. You summoned for me?"

2021-11-28, 04:09 AM
Londu returns to Sigil, and it looks like a festival is in progress, which draws attention. It looks like it could be going on for a whole week, and seems like it will be a lot of fun. But business awaits. Asking around at the taverns reveals grumblings about how things in the planes seem to be turning dark, with demons and devils out in more frequency than normal, and even good beings being more active. Londu figures that the best place to go would be a tout, or perhaps the greatest information broker in the city, Rule-Of-Three, an arcanoloth who has seemingly gone to the side of good, or at least, neutrality.

A lday sits within, and she looks strange to your eyes. She is humanoid, but has a pair of angelic wings folded behind her. She is tall, but not the height of a full angel or deva. You figure that she must be a powerful kind of Aasimar, since only one closely descended from the angels would have such a mark of the upper planes. She does not look surprised to see you, and gestures you to a seat before her. "Greetings, Tyosh. I am named Alaria. And I have been awaiting one such as you to come past. I have sent agents to collect beings of power, but you are the first to arrive. I have a mission that is required, and few are powerful enough to survive it. The modrons seem to be stirring. It looks like they are about to March, but their March is not due for some years yet. This could present a major problem to the planes, as the entire species Marching around the planes at once will upturn the balance of the planes and their inhabitants," she says.

2021-11-29, 04:58 PM
Bron nods "Fair enough, I'll figure out how to get to the plane of Mechanus" he nods to his associate one last time "Thanks for the tip, now pray tell, do you know how to get there?"

Bron had no means of transportation across planes, and this was a prime city, he couldn't think of any portals nearby, but who knew?

2021-11-29, 10:35 PM
Londu takes a few minutes to enjoy the festival, dancing a little and watching a parade with strange lanterns. However, he doesn't let himself get distracted, and is soon back on the case.

He decides to seek out the strange arcanaloth known as Rule-of-Three.

2021-11-30, 10:55 AM
Tyosh looks with awe on the celestial. Even in the City of Brass, such were rare. Even one beholden to a neutral God knew they were a potent and benevolent force.

"I am humbled you think I could help. I am no great scholar of the planes, though I imagine I could work as security for those who are. I confess to having knowledge of religions and spells from far and wide, but that knowledge is more, ahem, practical."

2021-11-30, 12:17 PM
Warren nodded along as the man told his tale, listening carefully. To try and remember all of that new information, Warren made a few mental notes "the block people come in various shapes and sizes. not always blocks, but mostly blocks. They have a block god. They come from mechanus. I should go to mechanus. I might find one of them on my walk there. they are crazy and you cant understand them."

Ok, I got it, I'm on my way. after a few seconds of consideration, Warren turns arround and walk back to the man to ask him: But how far are we from mechanus? I sort of used all my gold to get here, thinking I was going home. If you happen to know how to get a free ride, that would be great

2021-12-01, 03:29 AM
The jailer considers this, then tosses Bron a small piece of a hangman's rope, cut just short of the noose. "Take this. It is a portal key. Go to the Tavern of the White Pintail. Ask the barmaid to see 'the special stock'. She will take you out the back to a portal to Arborea. Go through that, then travel one hundred yards to the east of there. You will find there another portal, made of a cave mouth. Sing a happy song as you enter, and that will act as the portal key. It will take you to Mechanus. I haven't been through there myself, I have just heard of it from travellers who have been under my care," he says. "Good luck with your task."

Asking around gets a quick response, with the jingle of a little jink. You are quickly directed to a small bar in the Lower Ward. Entering, you find a being who is clearly not an arcanoloth, but a cambion. He looks fairly demonic, but is still basically humanoid. "How can I help you on this fine day, cutter?" he asks.

The powerful looking being speaks, and her voice is a dancing song of nearly pure melody. "I appreciate that. A scholar is not what is needed right now, and besides, across various places, those I work for are recruiting those of differing...talents, to investigate a problem we are seeing. To put it briefly, we are hearing reports that the modrons are acting strangely. Apparently they are acting in the same way as they would during a Great March, but that is still not scheduled for some years yet. As modrons are beings of pure order, that seems strange, that they would March out of schedule. We want it investigated, as if they do March early, its effects will ring throughout the planes. Are you interested?" she asks.

The man looks to an old woman, who nods slightly. He looks back at Warren, then says, "There is a portal at the edge of the city. That is the reason the city was built here, to allow for trade with another plane. If you go to the forest at the edge of town, there is an ancient wooden gate built into a wall. You need to rub your thumb and finger over a silver coin as you go through it, and it will take you to the plane of Arborea. Travel a mile to the north, and you will encounter another gate, made up of a cave mouth. Sing a happy song as you enter it, and it will take you to Mechanus. Is that all clear?" he says.

The beings in the village are parai. They are humanoids in long black clothing, with white skin. Their face is a hollow porcelain mask, lit from within by a ball of light. The back of their heads is hollow. They are beings of order and neutrality, which is what brought them to this realm. But they are not as devoted to it as the modrons, instead being content to simply live their lives by the rules.

2021-12-01, 06:15 AM
"I am very interested! I am always happy to serve.

As for... remuneration, perhaps you are in a position to help. My partner came down with a tragic case of being trampled to death by elephants. I have implemented various... palliative measures, but a true cure is beyond me.. While I am away, I will need someone to maintain our apartment and help them with daily tasks.

But, perhaps one in your position might be able to effect a more, err, viable long-term solution?"

She shifts uncomfortably. "Errm...if not, I'm sure your standard rate is fine."

2021-12-01, 07:12 AM
The man looks to an old woman, who nods slightly. He looks back at Warren, then says, "There is a portal at the edge of the city. That is the reason the city was built here, to allow for trade with another plane. If you go to the forest at the edge of town, there is an ancient wooden gate built into a wall. You need to rub your thumb and finger over a silver coin as you go through it, and it will take you to the plane of Arborea. Travel a mile to the north, and you will encounter another gate, made up of a cave mouth. Sing a happy song as you enter it, and it will take you to Mechanus. Is that all clear?" he says.

Yes, I understood that perfectly. You have my word I'll deal with this as fast as I can, I gotta get home soon too! Warren says the last few words almost shouting, since he was already running to the edge of town.

2021-12-01, 08:09 AM
"Give me more information. Like when they appeared to burn the village, anything they said during their attack, etc. Any extra tidbit might help towards solving this Modron problem."

A.J's posture remains the same; relaxed and non-hostile. Unclenched hands, slumped shoulders and a confident smile contribute towards the impression. He figures he can use the assumption of him being a powerful being to his advantage to get more info. Not to help, no. Helping is secondary. Sating curiosity is a first. If the conflict interests him enough, he will ride the waves. If not, he will go his own way.

2021-12-01, 05:36 PM
Bron nods and accepts the portal key, he steps outside, letting his shadow mastiff take the lead, and as he did so, he turned invisible.

Now, he just needed to find the White Pintail tavern...but something was chewing at him, 'sing a happy song', it gnawed at him, this was going to be rough. He thought to himself as he wandered about, trying to listen to conversations, and get his bearings for the tavern, if that failed, he would just start asking, no harm in that. He would of course play the part, so in case someone was following him, it would be one of his aliases.

2021-12-01, 08:01 PM
Londu tells the cambion "Hello, sir. Are you the one known as Rule-of-Three? You don't look the way i expected.

In any case, on the Prime I saw a modron start to behave strangely, almost as if the March was about to come on, but that's not supposed to happen yet. I am hoping to find out what caused it. Do you know if other modrons have been affected, and what might be causing it, or where I might be able to find such answers?"

Lord Foul
2021-12-04, 07:48 AM
Thomas was enjoying his breakfast in a local adventuring guild hall in the city of doors. He was looking over the postings for various odd jobs. He felt satisfied with the last job he preformed, a curse removal from a family heirloom that he thinks involved a jealous uncle. Either way it was satisfying work but with one job done he'd need another soon enough. Once he found one suited to his tastes he'd pen a letter to his home church and to his parents back in waterdeep, sending it with a mephit or Slyph currier.

2021-12-05, 07:09 AM
The woman seems almost gently amused. "The powers of the Upper Planes who are among those seeking this information would be quite prepared to assist your companion. No matter what their state, they can be resurrected and returned to life. If the payment is acceptable, as it appears that it is, then I can plane shift you straight to Mechanus. Others are being employed as well, so keep an eye out for them. They will be able to assist you. Is there anything else you need? If not, I will transfer you immediately," she says.

Warren finds the portal quickly, as the path is well trod, and a steady stream of people are coming and going. Warren passes through the portal, then finds himself on another world. The lands are forested and stunningly beautiful. He heads to the north, and rapidly finds the cave entrance he has been told about.

One of the surviving villagers looks up and replies, "They arrived about twenty minutes ago. They marched in out of nowhere. No one thought anything of it, until they started to attack people without cause, and destroying the buildings. They didn't say a word, they actually seemed confused about what they were doing here, even as they killed and burned. I have heard of the Great Modron March, of course, and it was something like what that was like, from what I have heard. But during the Great Marches, they retain their awareness. Here, they were virtually mindless."

Bron wanders around for a short time, before finding, in the merchant district, a medium sized building with a sign out the front, displaying a bird he recognises as a white pintail. Bron enters the building, and heads for the bar. The place is moderately busy, but nothing special. It seems like the sort of place that is designed not to attract attention. Asking, somewhat self-consciously, for the Special Stock, the is taken out the back, where there is a doorway leading to a room where the barrels are apparently kept. Approaching it, it seems to shimmer slightly, and it is impossible to tell what the portal key might be. It could just be that it is the desire to travel through the gate that might activate it. That is not unheard of, though a key that simple is uncommon.

The cambion hesitates, then nods. "Ah, greetings. Yes, I am known to those of Sigil as Rule of Three. To answer your very brief question, yes, I have heard of the modrons behaving strangely, and I am in search of the cause of this myself. If you are prepared to reveal what you find out, I can transport you to the modrons' plane, Mechanus. It is possible that the devils are acting to drive them mad, though it could as easily be the solars who are trying to drive the entire plane of Mechanus from neutrality into goodness," he says. "But I have my price, as all in Sigil know. I must be paid in threes. Because I expect you to return with information, my price will be low. I want the feathers of three different types of birds."

As Thomas relaxes, a bariaur enters the room. He looks around, as if seeking someone. Seeing Thomas, he approaches and bows at the waist, as a baraiur is restricted to by his build. "Are you Thomas of Waterdeep?" he asks. Finding a sign of acknowledgement, he says, "I thought so. I was given your description quite carefully. I bring you a message. A'Kin the Arcanoloth seeks you. He can be found in his magical trinket shop, the Friendly Fiend. He asks that you go there immediately, and says it will be worth your while," he says.

2021-12-05, 11:42 AM
The green scenery made Warren imediately think of his home grove and feel a little homesick. But now he had a promisse to keep and he was going to see it to the end. "It's what the grove mother would have wanted" he tought as he swiftly ran north.


Warren stands in front of the cave entrance, with folded arms and holding his own chin. "Happy song... Happy song... what whas that one that Calico use to sing for us again?... Oh right!" Warren walks slowly towards the de gate humming and trying to remember the actual lyrics. As he remembers a verse, he picks up his pace and goes through the gate while singing:

Listen my child, you say to me
I am the voice of your hystory
Be not afraid, come follow me
Answer my call and I'll set you free (https://youtu.be/BxGE65pn2vg?t=39)

2021-12-05, 02:49 PM
"I should tell Persh I will be gone for a while. I'll be back in an hour to Plane Shift, if that is acceptable"

2021-12-05, 05:02 PM
Londu tells Three "Very well. To return here, do I come back through the same portal you will show me?"

2021-12-06, 10:35 AM
A.J tilts his head as if confused.

"What do these modrons usually do? Keeping order in this plane?"

As his half-joking, half-serious tone echoes to the villagers, the flying human fishes his brain for information on these species and the Great Modron March one of these villagers mentioned. He hopes his exposure to this plane in the past can help him recall what he knows of them.

Knowledge (Planes) to know about Modrons, their current state, their abilities and Great Modron March: [roll0]

If result is below 25, re-roll knowledge check: [roll1]

2021-12-06, 05:30 PM
Grasping the small piece of a hangman's rope in one hand, and the other on the hilt of his blade, he attempts to step through the portal in the back of the inn.

Lord Foul
2021-12-07, 02:02 PM
Thomas blinks in surprise for a moment and he nods, buying time to swallow his food before saying "ah yes, I am Thomas of waterdeep... the friendly fiend, is that the one next to the upside down fountain? I'll be right over. Thank you very much" Thomas tosses the man a coper in appreciation of receiving the message and finishes off his meal with a bit more haste before leaving to go right to where he's expected

2021-12-16, 12:41 AM
I will post here, so people will notice it. I have had a lot of IRL stuff going on lately, which is why I have had no time for DMing. I have had time to mess about on the recruitment thread, but no time to devote to actually running games myself. I have unfortunately lost enthusiasm for running games right now. I am closing down all but one game I have been running for two years. Everything else is going. I am truly sorry to have to do this to you all, especially so early in the game. But I just don't feel I can do the game justice at the moment.

I will keep the game tagged on my browser, though, and if I feel more enthusiasm rise once again later I will contact you all through this page. So you can keep your sheets saved, if you like, just in case. Maybe after Christmas I will feel a bit better about it.