View Full Version : Optimization High OP Spheres Transmogrifier

2021-11-02, 06:28 AM
For perhaps the first time, one of the groups I'm in is excessively high power. And despite being a hypothetically hostile world to mages, everyone is at least partially a mage. And a couple chose to play the Sage class.
My frightening face ogre (Oni Tiefling) who optimistically could do up to 2d6+12 damage on a full attack... is insufficient. But I do not want to play Sage. Instead, I'll be a mage that changes things into other things. Perhaps in a sort of irony for having been experimented on and whose body was forced into unnatural shapes. Let's see if reviewing the spheres of power has granted me a good enough view into sufficiently powerful stuff.

(Also, I was missing out on Gestalt, and oaths, and 3 CR of free templates, in a level 3 game. So go figure that I didn't have near their stats. Well done me on not reading the character creation rules beyond "Spheres is allowed, and the world is interesting.")

Why am I posting here? Because we use Mythweavers for character sheets. And those just feel so suppressive. I'll fill it out once I actually figure out the character.

8, 12, 18, 12, 18, 8
The character's going to be a subject of excessively cruel experiments... and whose masters just got bored of. Maxed Con and Wis to have even survived. Low Cha for horrible deformities (could have gone lower) and Str for not really being allowed to work out.
Dex isn't low because... nowhere else to put the points, but he's also quite quick to adapt to the shapes his body was morphed to. And going through the experience granted him knowledge of inhuman anatomy. So. Above average Int?

Super Mutant (CR 3) (aka. basically Mutant Template x3)
Type: changes to Aberration (augmented)
Attacks / Special Abilities: Retain all attacks / special abilities of base creature.
Abilities: +4 to two abilities +2 to two other abilities [Our new ability scores are: 8, 14, 22, 14, 22, 8]
Skills: Gains Climb, Intimidate, Knowledge (any three), Perception, Sense Motive, Survival, and Swim as class skills.

Deformities: Select 3 deformities. (See Mutant)
Mutations: Select 3 mutations, +3/4 Hit Dice (same rate as rogue BAB).

Deformities : Lame (-10 speed) Misshapen (can't wear humanoid armor without custom fitting [2x cost]) and Fragile (failed fort save staggers)

Mutations: Fast Healing (FH 5), Rugged (DR 5), Sealed Mind (Immune to mind-affecting effects)
Mutations up to HD 3: Gills (aquatic / amphibious, swim speed), Echolocation (blindsense 30 ft + Blind-Fight)

Hedgewitch 3
HD Size: d8
Skill ranks / level: 6
CS: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Linguistics (Int), Perform (Cha), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Magic Talents: 4
Spell points: 3+Wis mod

Paths: Transmuter / Dreamwalker (Reasoning being: Transmuter being the ironic shape controlling powers. And Dreamwalker being how he lived escapist fantasies. What a blessing.)

Path Benefits: Class = CL for creation sphere
Dreamspace feat as a bonus feat

Path Powers (3+1/2 lvl) times per day: May transmute object to a different shape/material (fort save negates). Works as if by Alteration sphere, but it's reversibly permanent, and uses class level for CL.
May only target up to Small size unattended, non-magical vegetable matter or stone.

May merge dreamspace with dreams of another as a spell point, so long as they are on the same plane. If within touch range, no spell point. Merge up to 1 + 1/2 level target dreams.

Secrets: Dream Meditation
Hard choice between the functional size increase to transmuting objects or the instant escape to dream space.

Incanter 3
CS: Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Caster Level: Full caster in all spheres
Magic Talents: 5
Spell points:

Specialization: Alteration Specialization: +1 CL in Alteration.
Battleshaping: 3+Wis Mod times per day. Grant self or creature under effects of shapeshift 1 trait as a swift action for 1 round / 2 lvl.

Fort/Ref: +1
Will:: +3

HD: 3d8
Skill Ranks: 6+int / level
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int) Linguistics (Int), Perform (Cha), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Caster Level: 3
Talents: 10
Spell Points:: 6+(2xWis mod) + (2x Tradition bonus)

Very obvious casting is a big no-no. At least most of the time. So Subtlety is the key. Skilled Casting to make it seem like not-casting was an optimal choice, but not one I'm taking.
Similarly, I want it to reflect how taxing the sheer existence of the ability is.

General Drawbacks: Anemic: On taking slashing / piercing damage, suffer 1 bleed. Stopping bleeding is difficult, requiring magic skill check or heal check even with regeneration.
Decrepit Casting: DC 10 + 1/2 CL save or age 1 category for the day, on spending a spell point.
Draining Casting: Spending at least 1 spell point causes 1 health burn + 1 per 5 CL.
Narcoleptic Casting: DC 10 + 1/2 CL fort save on spending a spell point, or fall asleep standing for 1 round. Counts as 2.

Tradition Bonus Spell Points: 1 / level

Alteration Drawbacks: Fleshwarper: Cannot target self with shapeshift.
Rebound: Make save against resisted shapeshift, or fall prey to it yourself for 1d4 rounds.
Unnatural Transformation: All transformations look irrepressibly like a tortured mess of meat.

Conjuration Drawbacks: Material Weakness - Silver. When touched by a primarily silver object, it makes will save DC 10+damage or be dismissed for an hour

Total Available: 10 +1 Alteration talent (+3 Alteration from Drawback, +1 Conjuration from Drawback)
Alteration (4 talents): Base sphere - Shapeshift. 1 trait + 1 / 5 CL. Blank form, Dark-/Low-light vision, natural attacks.
Twisted Shapeshift: Flesh pocket, seal eyes, twist legs, vocal theft, wrench stomach. Also can deal 1d6/2CL damage on failed save as for a spell point.
Aquan Transformation: Grant the form of a fish with 5 speed, 40 swim, 1 bite, 2 nat armor, and aquatic subtype.
Vermin Transformation: Grant the form of 6 or 8 legged vermin.

Conjuration (2 talents): Base sphere - small Serpent form. Mindless archetype.
Draconic Creature: 1d8 + 1d8 / 2 HD dmg on 30 ft cone or 60 ft line. Deals acid damage. Ref save 10 + 1/2 HD + con mod for half dmg.

Creation (4 talents): Base sphere-

Expanded Materials: May work with any non-harmful material with hardness 5 or less, including stone, glass, ice, or leather.

Magnify/Minimize: Alter size by 1 category for 1 minute / CL. Spell point to increase category changes by 1 + 1/5 CL).
Sustenance: 10 minutes to create food for CAM creatures. Instantaneous effect for no SP. Or standard action for 1 SP. Also convert object to be edible for 1 spell point.
Exquisite Detail: Craft checks on any attempted item use Wisdom mod. DC to tell it's fake = 10 + 1/5 GP, up to 50. Or 20+1/200 GP above 50.

Transform Objects - Can transform objects, not with Blank form.