View Full Version : Traitors and Last Chances IC

2021-11-04, 10:01 AM
Gondol, the land you fought for, the land your comrades later down their lives for, has betrayed you. Betrayed you and countless others. The very crown you swore to serve and protect has spat on you and cast you aside.

Now you see the Holy wars and purges for what they we're: atrocities and genocide. And the bravest among you, Livodan the Grand Mage, betrothed of the eldest daughter of Queen Vasha, lies dead. His head in the executioners basket for finally seeing the truth, one of your own, his fate sworn guard, now framed for his "Murder". You all await a similar fate to your great leader's. You the wizards staunch protector, the lost experiment who owed him everything, and the young woman who he saw such potential in. All his work is for naught now, as the perverted interpretations of the goddess of Blades will sings out your death song.

But hope still shines bright in the smallest of souls....


Isk awakens in her small cage, the pain phantom pains from her lost stinger still ache through the stump. But even the pain and loss of an appendage is small compared to the loss of her master. When she closes her eyes she can still see his dark eyes, smiling teeth, and messy hair that she always chastised him for forgetting to comb. That hair was matted in his own blood last time the loyal little dragon saw him, and the meer thought of her beautiful wizard in such a state boils her very blood.

But they made a mistake, keeping her as some exotic pet instead of planning her execution like the others, oh yes. Because she was much more clever than they could ever know, and her master had not died without leaving her a few last gifts....
Isk, you have no equipment besides a single lock pick hidden inside your mouth. you can hold the pick with your mouth and use your claw as a tension wrench to try and make a check to pick the lock. Failing that, well, most cantrips don't require material components. Good luck.


There's only three of you left, maybe they saved you for last because you were weak, or maybe because you were closest to Livodan and they wanted information, you don't know. They Killed Rexi the archer three days ago, claiming him as a traitor. Astor was found stabbed to death in an alley, blamed on a drunk of all things. Like a drunk could kill the Boar of Gondol. But now it's just you. Rat, Alyssia, and Naegrion. None of you have any equipment besides the clothes the guards made you put on, which is rough and course and very lacking in length and warmth in this damp and freezing cell. You all three are in one cell together, which at first seemed like a bad descision on their part. Until it was realized that there is no toilet in the cell and it was clearly made for one person, with three people in this 5 foot by 5 foot box the filth is going to pile up fast, and there isn't even room to lie down.

The only item that anyone still has besides the aforementioned clothes is the amulet to Medina the Refiner on Alyssia. Left because it was deemed harmless and because despite the guards rage at the murderer of the castles beloved Mage who was always so kind to them, they would not deprive anyone of Medinas presence. To do so was a major sin in her church, no matter which aspect you worshipped.

Please describe your characters everyone! You all have nothing besides Alyssia's holy symbol, some poor clothing, and the dust in your mouths. Good luck!

2021-11-04, 01:37 PM
Alyssia Strongwall (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2542734)

The former officer of Gondol started awake, almost forgetting for a moment where she was. Then sensations returned and quickly reminded her of the situation. First, the stinging pains on her wrists and ankles, where the manacles had chaffed. Then the dull ache in her shoulders and back, from standing for so long in the small room. Next, the metallic taste in her mouth, blood from her lip where she had been struck several times. Finally, the smell ... sour, acrid odors of blood, sweat and filth. However, inside, there was little. No more fear, no more tears, no more outrage - all the emotions had drained away and left her numb. Her beloved lord was dead, slain brutally. She still remembered the blood - so much blood - as she rushed to his side. She could still feel the weight of his empty gaze, forever dulled, as they pulled her away kicking and screaming. She reached out -

Pushing the images away, Alyssia hardened her jaw, thinking No. No more. There was no use dwelling on that right now. She had accepted her situation, realized there was nothing she could do to bring him back. All she could do was face her remaining days with dignity and courage. Almost unbidden, she remembered Calla's kindness, the parting gift, and her hand rose to touch the symbol on her breast. She could feel the circle, surrounding carved flames. A simple piece of iron, forged in mass for the citizens of Gondol, representing adherence to the faith of Medina.

Upon her initial incarceration, Alyssia had faltered, but stayed strong in her beliefs that the goddess would provide. However, when the Inquisitors had arrived, and the questioning and torture began, she had almost broken faith. Hour after hour, for what seemed like an eternity, they cajoled, pled, and demanded answers in the name of the Lady of Blades, wearing their medallions and evoking pain in her name. But when her stepmother had come and slipped the symbol into her hand, Alyssia felt a spark of something. And when Calla whispered those words into her ear and kissed her forehead, the spark grew into a ... a flame, that spread throughout.

Tightening her hand on the symbol, Alyssia whispered aloud, "Steel sharpens steel ..." She opened her eyes, taking a moment to focus, then looking to the other occupants. One was Naegrion, personal 'consultant' to the Grand Mage. Decent enough fellow, if not a bit quirky. And quiet. The other was someone she had seen around recently, but first met back during the border skirmishes. A scout, if she remembered correctly. Laris, was it? The three of them were all that remained of the supposed traitors, but their real crime had been living in close contact and in the confidence of Livodan. Now, they sat in prison, waiting for execution, as they tried to humiliate and break them one last time.

Alyssia tightened her hand, the edge of her symbol cutting into her hand. No more outrage? No, no more unfocused anger or spite ... but certainly there was rage. A white hot, focused fury that threatened to overwhelm her. Holding the symbol up, she closed her eyes and thought on the goddess, Medina the Refiner. "Goddess of Blades, Mother Creator, Lady of Flames, I, Alyssia Stonewall, pledge my heart and soul to you. I shall be your pulpit, your hammer, your axe. I accept the path you have set before me, the trials of yesterday and days to come, and will be all the stronger for it. And I shall ensure your people are hewn, molded and forged into tools for your purpose. So says your humble servant."

The symbol warmed under her touch, growing hotter with each second, but she simply gripped it tighter, eyes open now and bright with tenacity and purpose. When the symbol finally cooled, she released it with a slow exhale. Kneeling down, she reached out to gently touch her companions. "Rise friends, we stand on the dawn of a new age and destiny calls us to glorious purpose."

As she spoke, her symbol began to glow and provide light in the room.
OOC - casting light cantrip, waking the others if they aren't already up, and assessing our situation

Alyssia is an athletic looking woman with red hair and green eyes. Right now, her hair is disheveled, her skin smudged with dirt and muck, and she's wearing rough clothes. But normally she looks like this:
AC: 11 HP: 28 Init +1 Move 30’
Str 16 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 17
Saves: Str +3 Dex +1 Con +2 Int +0 Wis +4 Cha +5
Skills: Athletics +5, Religion +2, Insight +4, Survival +4
Tools: Keelboat / rowboat, wagon
Celestial Resistance - resistant to necrotic and radiant damage
Healing Hands: as an action, touch creature and heal 3 hps (1/long)
Light Bearer: Know the light cantrip, cast w/Cha
Radiant soul: as an action, transform for 1 min, gain 30' fly and add +3 rad damage (1/long)
Divine sense: as action, detect celestial/fiend/undead/hallowed/consecrated areas w/in 60' (4/long)
Lay on hands: heal hps (1 for 1) or cure disease/poison (5 ea) - up to 15 / long)
Fighting Style: Blessed warrior (gain 2 cleric cantrips - sacred flame and toll the dead)
Spellcasting (Prepare 4 spells/day; cast 3x 1st)
Divine Smite: expend 1 spell slot to add 2d8 radiant for 1st level, +1d8 for each add'l level of spell (5d8 max); add +1d8 vs undead or fiends
Divine Health: Immune to disease
Sacred Oath of Heroism
- Actions Over Words: Deeds, not words.
- Challenges Are But Tests: Hardship serves to challenge your abilities and harden your resolve.
- Embrace Destiny: You didn't choose this path, but it's yours to walk. It will carry you into legend.
- Hone the Body: Like raw stone, your body must be worked so its potential can be realized.
Spells: Expeditious Retreat, Guiding Bolt
Channel Divinity (1/rest)
- Legendary Strike: As bonus, for 1 minute weapons crit on 19-20
- Peerless Athlete: As bonus, for 10 min gain adv on all Athletics and Acrobatics checks
Weapons: TBD
Prepare 4 spells, DC 13, 3-1st
0: light, sacred flame, toll the dead
1st (x3): expeditious retreat, guiding bolt, cure light wounds, command, shield of faith
Effects: Celestial Resistance

2021-11-04, 03:14 PM
Amber "Rat" Laris

As the low light shimmered in the cell, Alyssia could see that Rat had been awake but sitting there in silence. Rat's face was dirty and pale, dark rings under her eyes, but she seemed collected. Her brown, slightly curly hair fell on her shoulders, unkempt and dirty.

Rat nodded at Alyssia, acknowledging.

"Hey you, you're finally awake." Rat's low voice was husky which only amplified a slight cynicism. "Good to see there is still some juice left in you. Are you ... you know... alright?" It sounded as if she knew well that none of them was actually alright.

While waiting for an answer, she focused her glance on Naegrion to see whether he was awake.

Tall but slender, Amber "Rat" Laris probably would not strike fear into the heart of her opponents. The moment she enters combat however, her graceful movement shows ability. She usually has a defiant, confident look on her face, and rarely smiles (rather smirks). She has curly brown hair, tanned and freckled skin. She usually wears simple and functional brown clothes.


2021-11-04, 03:33 PM
Alyssia Strongwall (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2542734)

Alyssia smiled gently. Alright? I suppose that depends on how you define it. Physically, I am fit. Emotionally, I am hurt, but will mend. But I don't think I will be 'alright' until it is all right. I'm not going to let his death be in vane. He deserves more, as do the people of this country. We just have to live long enough to make it happen."

She paused, realizing she had started preaching. Shaking her head with a sad smile, she continued. "Maybe we start small. I'm Alyssia. Your Agent Laris, right?"

Alyssia held out her hand.
OOC - Huzzah ...
AC: 11 HP: 28 Init +1 Move 30’
Str 16 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 17
Saves: Str +3 Dex +1 Con +2 Int +0 Wis +4 Cha +5
Skills: Athletics +5, Religion +2, Insight +4, Survival +4
Tools: Keelboat / rowboat, wagon
Celestial Resistance - resistant to necrotic and radiant damage
Healing Hands: as an action, touch creature and heal 3 hps (1/long)
Light Bearer: Know the light cantrip, cast w/Cha
Radiant soul: as an action, transform for 1 min, gain 30' fly and add +3 rad damage (1/long)
Divine sense: as action, detect celestial/fiend/undead/hallowed/consecrated areas w/in 60' (4/long)
Lay on hands: heal hps (1 for 1) or cure disease/poison (5 ea) - up to 15 / long)
Fighting Style: Blessed warrior (gain 2 cleric cantrips - sacred flame and toll the dead)
Spellcasting (Prepare 4 spells/day; cast 3x 1st)
Divine Smite: expend 1 spell slot to add 2d8 radiant for 1st level, +1d8 for each add'l level of spell (5d8 max); add +1d8 vs undead or fiends
Divine Health: Immune to disease
Sacred Oath of Heroism
- Actions Over Words: Deeds, not words.
- Challenges Are But Tests: Hardship serves to challenge your abilities and harden your resolve.
- Embrace Destiny: You didn't choose this path, but it's yours to walk. It will carry you into legend.
- Hone the Body: Like raw stone, your body must be worked so its potential can be realized.
Spells: Expeditious Retreat, Guiding Bolt
Channel Divinity (1/rest)
- Legendary Strike: As bonus, for 1 minute weapons crit on 19-20
- Peerless Athlete: As bonus, for 10 min gain adv on all Athletics and Acrobatics checks
Weapons: TBD
Prepare 4 spells, DC 13, 3-1st
0: light, sacred flame, toll the dead
1st (x3): expeditious retreat, guiding bolt, cure light wounds, command, shield of faith
Effects: Celestial Resistance

2021-11-04, 03:39 PM
Amber Rat Laris

Amber nodded at Alyssia's little speech, clearly agreeing with her.

"Guess I'm not an agent anymore." She answered, taking the hand and shaking it with a firm grip. "But yeah, Amber Laris. Just call me Rat, will you? Most people do."

2021-11-05, 11:15 AM

Naegrion sat up from the corner he'd been tossed into, rubbing his bruised head. "Rat. Alyssia" he said, nodding to each of them. "I see they also kept you two alive. That's a mistake I believe they will come to regret."

Just a few days before, he'd been awoken in the night by a cry from the neighboring chamber. Naegrion bolted up, realizing it came from the neighboring chamber. Livodan's chamber. He rushed to the next chamber as quick as he could, drawing his sword, when he saw Livodan crumpled on the ground, surrounded by half a dozen palace guards with saps. They shouted something about conspiracy and heresy, but Naegrion wasn't listening. He muttered something under his breath, and drew his blade along his wrist, coating it in blood. The blade crackled with lightning as he thrust it into the nearest guard's neck, but before he could withdraw the sword, the rest of the guards were upon him, beating him with their saps. Naegrion collapsed to the ground and blacked out.

Naegrion is wearing little more than rags, and his skin is covered with bruises. You can also see dozens of small scars, especially on his arms, both from the Fae experiments and his own blood magic. Normally he keeps a neutral expression, hiding his emotions, but now there is a fire burning in his eyes.

How he usually looks:
https://i.ibb.co/BjtCSyg/Naegrion.png (https://ibb.co/ZKVMkBh)

Wow, you're writing is really good. I doubt I'll be able to keep a similar level of quality, but I'll do my best. Also I'm changing my color to green because I realized I couldn't see the shade of purple I chose originally

2021-11-05, 11:32 AM
Amber "Rat" Laris

"Naegrion!" she said, relieved to find him well, given the circumstances at least.

"I like to plot a good vengeance like every decent traitor" she continued a pause. "I think step one would be to get out of here. I suppose we all have a few tricks up our sleeves, as dirty as they are." unclear whether she referred to the tricks, the sleeves, or both.

"Yet, we need a plan. Any ideas?"

2021-11-05, 03:53 PM
Alyssia Strongwall (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2542734)

Alyssia nodded to Naegrion, moving to the door to peer out and see if any guards were nearby. Leaning in to the others, she whispered, "I do not anticipate that this ends well for any of us if we simply wait for nobler heads to prevail ... or simple providence. If we are agreed to attempt to avenge our lord's murder, then know it may be a long while before we are accepted as patriots. We may find that this nation is not what any of us wanted after all." She paused for a moment, looking at her companions. Presuming they agree, she nodded and continued.

"I have my symbol, and a few spells that may serve us well. One can potentially convince a guard to let us out. Beyond that, we will need to gather some gear and resources to survive for a bit. When we are ready, we can make noise to draw a guard, yes?"
OOC - Here's hoping they have low Will saves :)
AC: 11 HP: 28 Init +1 Move 30’
Str 16 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 17
Saves: Str +3 Dex +1 Con +2 Int +0 Wis +4 Cha +5
Skills: Athletics +5, Religion +2, Insight +4, Survival +4
Tools: Keelboat / rowboat, wagon
Celestial Resistance - resistant to necrotic and radiant damage
Healing Hands: as an action, touch creature and heal 3 hps (1/long)
Light Bearer: Know the light cantrip, cast w/Cha
Radiant soul: as an action, transform for 1 min, gain 30' fly and add +3 rad damage (1/long)
Divine sense: as action, detect celestial/fiend/undead/hallowed/consecrated areas w/in 60' (4/long)
Lay on hands: heal hps (1 for 1) or cure disease/poison (5 ea) - up to 15 / long)
Fighting Style: Blessed warrior (gain 2 cleric cantrips - sacred flame and toll the dead)
Spellcasting (Prepare 4 spells/day; cast 3x 1st)
Divine Smite: expend 1 spell slot to add 2d8 radiant for 1st level, +1d8 for each add'l level of spell (5d8 max); add +1d8 vs undead or fiends
Divine Health: Immune to disease
Sacred Oath of Heroism
- Actions Over Words: Deeds, not words.
- Challenges Are But Tests: Hardship serves to challenge your abilities and harden your resolve.
- Embrace Destiny: You didn't choose this path, but it's yours to walk. It will carry you into legend.
- Hone the Body: Like raw stone, your body must be worked so its potential can be realized.
Spells: Expeditious Retreat, Guiding Bolt
Channel Divinity (1/rest)
- Legendary Strike: As bonus, for 1 minute weapons crit on 19-20
- Peerless Athlete: As bonus, for 10 min gain adv on all Athletics and Acrobatics checks
Weapons: TBD
Prepare 4 spells, DC 13, 3-1st
0: light, sacred flame, toll the dead
1st (x3): expeditious retreat, guiding bolt, cure light wounds, command, shield of faith
Effects: Celestial Resistance

2021-11-05, 07:58 PM
Amber "Rat" Laris

Rat nodded. "Before we do that, let's see what we each can contribute, we might only have one shot, one opportunity." Focusing her mind, she moved her wrist in a small circle and seemingly grabbed something invisible from the air. Darkness densified around her hand, as she opened it again. "I could silence an area, which would possibly interfere with your spells, but could shut up a guard if required. If push comes to shove, I could instead engulf an area in thick darkness that nobody, including us, could see through. A risky business but if we know where to run, it could surprise our opponents and facilitate flight. I could also cast in on any small token and thus turn it on and off at will by enclosing it in my hand. Then, there is also the opportunity to blur our tracks and soften our steps." She sighed. "The problem however is that I can only procur one of those effects, in total. So if we were to utilize any of those skills, we need to choose. On the bright side, I am trained in hand-to-hand, or rather knee-to-you-know-where combat, so I might be of use without weaponry."

2021-11-06, 09:59 PM

"I can bind an enemy's blood, lashing them in place, but without a weapon I will be of little use in combat. Alyssia, you say you can force the guards to open the door? If you can get them to open the door, then Rat can silence the area, preventing any guards from crying for help. If there is only one guard, I can bind him, allowing us to dispatch him before he can leave and warn any others, but if there are more then it will be a gamble."

Sorry for the short post. I wanted to make sure I got something out today, but I didn't have much time.

2021-11-08, 03:57 PM
Alyssia Strongwall (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2542734)

Alyssia nodded. "I certainly have a chance to sway one's mind; presuming his is not too strong willed. I also have spells that could hurt him, but whether it would be enough to fell him remains to be seen." She paused for a moment, a look of consternation on her face. She thought for a moment, then spoke slowly.

"One concern - what is our purpose? That is, do we think all the Kings and Queens are corrupt? If so, how far down does the corruption reach? I will be fearless in battle, and charge the largest foe in the name of freeing our country from these malicious oppressors. But I do not relish killing men and women who are simply doing their jobs. At some point, many of these soldiers may be the same ones tomorrow that defend our country. Hopefully a better run one."
OOC - The paladin has ... a question :)
AC: 11 HP: 28 Init +1 Move 30’
Str 16 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 17
Saves: Str +3 Dex +1 Con +2 Int +0 Wis +4 Cha +5
Skills: Athletics +5, Religion +2, Insight +4, Survival +4
Tools: Keelboat / rowboat, wagon
Celestial Resistance - resistant to necrotic and radiant damage
Healing Hands: as an action, touch creature and heal 3 hps (1/long)
Light Bearer: Know the light cantrip, cast w/Cha
Radiant soul: as an action, transform for 1 min, gain 30' fly and add +3 rad damage (1/long)
Divine sense: as action, detect celestial/fiend/undead/hallowed/consecrated areas w/in 60' (4/long)
Lay on hands: heal hps (1 for 1) or cure disease/poison (5 ea) - up to 15 / long)
Fighting Style: Blessed warrior (gain 2 cleric cantrips - sacred flame and toll the dead)
Spellcasting (Prepare 4 spells/day; cast 3x 1st)
Divine Smite: expend 1 spell slot to add 2d8 radiant for 1st level, +1d8 for each add'l level of spell (5d8 max); add +1d8 vs undead or fiends
Divine Health: Immune to disease
Sacred Oath of Heroism
- Actions Over Words: Deeds, not words.
- Challenges Are But Tests: Hardship serves to challenge your abilities and harden your resolve.
- Embrace Destiny: You didn't choose this path, but it's yours to walk. It will carry you into legend.
- Hone the Body: Like raw stone, your body must be worked so its potential can be realized.
Spells: Expeditious Retreat, Guiding Bolt
Channel Divinity (1/rest)
- Legendary Strike: As bonus, for 1 minute weapons crit on 19-20
- Peerless Athlete: As bonus, for 10 min gain adv on all Athletics and Acrobatics checks
Weapons: TBD
Prepare 4 spells, DC 13, 3-1st
0: light, sacred flame, toll the dead
1st (x3): expeditious retreat, guiding bolt, cure light wounds, command, shield of faith
Effects: Celestial Resistance

2021-11-09, 07:18 PM
Isk awoke with a small miserable cry to the feel of her own congealed blood coating her scales and a wound to her heart she wasn't certain would ever heal. Dark tears staining the little psuedodragon's cheeks as she glanced about through the bars looking for any guards, but it seemed they felt little concern in regards to the now disarmed, and lone familiar. As adjusting the lockpick in her teeth she slips her head through the slots carefully fiddling with the lock with her claws as she attempts to pop open the cage door. Perhaps there were others survivors nearby. Others she could use to seek her revenge.


2021-11-09, 09:19 PM
The lock swings open with a soft *click*.
The room you are in appears to be a storage room, wooden crates and coils of rope line the walls and the floor. The door seems to be unlocked.

2021-11-09, 09:42 PM
Isk noses leaps out of the cage her wings beating furiously as she lands a touch hard still a little disorientated as she peers around the room. Tiny reptilian head swinging this way and that as she noses through the boxes looking for anything useful before carefully nudging open the door. Her slitted blue eyes peering down the hall first one way and then the next. Surely the Pig Queen hadn't killed everyone yet? Surely there must be other survivors or so she ponder and should she see no one slips out of the storage room and down the hall to the left keeping to the shadows. Her senses honed in for anyone approaching.

2021-11-13, 08:29 AM
Isk can hear commotion coming far off from the right, armor jingling and weapons slacking. The noise of soldiers. On the left, a steady drip and a radiating cold come from a stone staircase. The dungeons.

2021-11-13, 06:19 PM
Isk takes her chances darting to the left and down the stairs keeping an ear out for familiar sounding voices. Surely not everyone was gone? Where were the others? Not everyone could be... she didn't want to think about it. Her masters warm eyes got flat in death still haunting the backs of her eyelids anytime she closed her eyes.

2021-11-14, 08:55 AM
After at least 10 minutes of walking and 2 more staircases leading into the depths, you here familiar voices. You can't place the exact person they belong too but you know you know them.
You've managed to sneak by a few guards do to your size and flight, but they likely will notice anyone bigger than you trying to break out.

2021-11-14, 07:35 PM
Landing on the door hatch Isk tries to poke their nose through the bars to peer into the rooms following the sound of familiar voices. "Friends? Friends of Master?" She hisses into the darkness hoping her query does not fall on deaf ears. "Is Isk! If Friends of Master... Isk can free, but Guards are sharp eyed. Difficult to sneak by." She explains awaiting and answer.

2021-11-15, 11:21 AM
Landing on the door hatch Isk tries to poke their nose through the bars to peer into the rooms following the sound of familiar voices. "Friends? Friends of Master?" She hisses into the darkness hoping her query does not fall on deaf ears. "Is Isk! If Friends of Master... Isk can free, but Guards are sharp eyed. Difficult to sneak by." She explains awaiting and answer.


"Isk! Is that you? Can you see how many guards there are out there? If there is only one or two we may be able to fight them, but any more and we won't stand a chance without our gear."

2021-11-15, 02:53 PM
Alyssia Strongwall (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2542734)

At the initial whisper, Alyssia raised a hand of caution. She wouldn't put it past their captors to attempt to deceive them. However, as the small dragon poked through the bars, she visibly relaxed. "It is good to see you, Isk - I thought you were killed shortly after ... well, events. As Naegrion asked, see if you can scout out numbers ... and layout of the dungeon. Do you know if there's another exit we could escape out of?"

She wanted to ask more, but as she recalled, Isk had never carried on much by way of complex conversation. Alyssia wasn't sure how much Isk could handle ...
OOC - Not being rude :smallbiggrin: I just thought I remembered Isk was newly awakened upon the death of her master. If that's wrong, I can edit this post.
AC: 11 HP: 28 Init +1 Move 30’
Str 16 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 17
Saves: Str +3 Dex +1 Con +2 Int +0 Wis +4 Cha +5
Skills: Athletics +5, Religion +2, Insight +4, Survival +4
Tools: Keelboat / rowboat, wagon
Celestial Resistance - resistant to necrotic and radiant damage
Healing Hands: as an action, touch creature and heal 3 hps (1/long)
Light Bearer: Know the light cantrip, cast w/Cha
Radiant soul: as an action, transform for 1 min, gain 30' fly and add +3 rad damage (1/long)
Divine sense: as action, detect celestial/fiend/undead/hallowed/consecrated areas w/in 60' (4/long)
Lay on hands: heal hps (1 for 1) or cure disease/poison (5 ea) - up to 15 / long)
Fighting Style: Blessed warrior (gain 2 cleric cantrips - sacred flame and toll the dead)
Spellcasting (Prepare 4 spells/day; cast 3x 1st)
Divine Smite: expend 1 spell slot to add 2d8 radiant for 1st level, +1d8 for each add'l level of spell (5d8 max); add +1d8 vs undead or fiends
Divine Health: Immune to disease
Sacred Oath of Heroism
- Actions Over Words: Deeds, not words.
- Challenges Are But Tests: Hardship serves to challenge your abilities and harden your resolve.
- Embrace Destiny: You didn't choose this path, but it's yours to walk. It will carry you into legend.
- Hone the Body: Like raw stone, your body must be worked so its potential can be realized.
Spells: Expeditious Retreat, Guiding Bolt
Channel Divinity (1/rest)
- Legendary Strike: As bonus, for 1 minute weapons crit on 19-20
- Peerless Athlete: As bonus, for 10 min gain adv on all Athletics and Acrobatics checks
Weapons: TBD
Prepare 4 spells, DC 13, 3-1st
0: light, sacred flame, toll the dead
1st (x3): expeditious retreat, guiding bolt, cure light wounds, command, shield of faith
Effects: Celestial Resistance

2021-11-16, 06:15 AM
"Isk heard... guards. Guards plural. Passed multiple sets of two." The little psuedodragon tried to sound out her grasp of common somewhat rough in comparison to her native tongue. Rarely had she ever used it to this extent as the little dragon shifted against the bars. "Isk can unlock door. Was held in storeroom. Maybe gear there? Gear too big for Isk to carry. Party too big to sneak. If... if quiet though maybe take out guards in pairs before they call out?" The little creature suggests hopping down to cling to the thick wood with her claws by the lock as she began to work it with her little pick and claws.

Lockpicking cell door

2021-11-16, 08:40 AM
The door remains firmly unbudged by the pseudo dragons attempts.

2021-11-16, 07:23 PM
Isk mutters something unflattering in draconic about the door ancestors and how maybe if it had been this good at staying put as a tree it wouldn't now be a door and would still be a tree.

Lockpicking attempt 2 electric boogaloo

2021-11-17, 06:03 PM
Amber Rat Laris

"This happens when a dragon is doing a rat's job, eh?" Rat whispers, loud enough for Isk to hear it. Rat starts to check whether she could either assist him or break open the lock from her side if she magically found some lockpicks.

I am not sure if it's possible to try to unlock the door from the inside, if Isk would pass lockpicks through the food slit?

2021-11-17, 06:21 PM
As rat speaks Isk manages to slide the pin just right and the door swings open easily. Rat stands there looking a tad dumbfounded.

2021-11-18, 06:53 AM
Isk rides the door inward looking rather proud of herself as the little Psuedodragon puffs up her chest and hops over to place the pick in Rat's hand. "Now you try." They chirp glancing between the assorted perches the various party members presence offers before she flaps her wings to settle upon Naegrion's shoulder. Holding herself there somewhat awkwardly her little talons digging into his clothing rather then rapping their tail about his neck like she would have her master. The answer to why now that she's through the door becomes quickly obvious. Where once there had been the Psuedodragon's stinger there is now is merely an angry red wound that occasionally weeps blood and a bit of puss. The injury having been far from cared for and the limb clearly very sensitive if the way the tiny dragon is holding their tail is any indicator.

2021-11-18, 11:22 AM
Alyssia Strongwall (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2542734)

With the door unlocked, Alyssia smiled, knowing now that they had options. Surely this was a sign that even as the Lady of Flame and Blades challenged them, she gave them opportunities to overcome and prove themselves worthy. Upon seeing Isk's injury, she moved forward cautiously, so as not to startle the small creature. "Isk, I think I can sooth some of your pain, if I may?" If the small dragon allows her, Alyssia will lay hands on her tail.

With that done, she turned back to the others, nodding towards the door. "The Lady provides ... but we still have choices to make. Do we run for the exit, grabbing anything we can along the way? Dangerous, but we may catch them unawares ... but if the alarm goes up we will likely be killed.

We could attempt to enchant a guard and have them escort us out, but that will quickly meet resistance once we are on the main floor, I would guess. But it may delay bloodshed for a bit.

Ideally, if we could find an alternate exit from the dungeons, we could avoid the main floor and escape directly into the city or beyond.

All of these plans work better if we know what we face, which would require some amount of scouting ..."

She turned her gaze to Amber and Isk.
OOC - Alyssia can heal up to 3hps ... not sure if Isk is actually down on HPs or if that's flavor, but a hit point should at least close the wound and ease the pain. I also think scouting would help ...
AC: 11 HP: 28 Init +1 Move 30’
Str 16 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 17
Saves: Str +3 Dex +1 Con +2 Int +0 Wis +4 Cha +5
Skills: Athletics +5, Religion +2, Insight +4, Survival +4
Tools: Keelboat / rowboat, wagon
Celestial Resistance - resistant to necrotic and radiant damage
Healing Hands: as an action, touch creature and heal 3 hps (1/long)
Light Bearer: Know the light cantrip, cast w/Cha
Radiant soul: as an action, transform for 1 min, gain 30' fly and add +3 rad damage (1/long)
Divine sense: as action, detect celestial/fiend/undead/hallowed/consecrated areas w/in 60' (4/long)
Lay on hands: heal hps (1 for 1) or cure disease/poison (5 ea) - up to 15 / long)
Fighting Style: Blessed warrior (gain 2 cleric cantrips - sacred flame and toll the dead)
Spellcasting (Prepare 4 spells/day; cast 3x 1st)
Divine Smite: expend 1 spell slot to add 2d8 radiant for 1st level, +1d8 for each add'l level of spell (5d8 max); add +1d8 vs undead or fiends
Divine Health: Immune to disease
Sacred Oath of Heroism
- Actions Over Words: Deeds, not words.
- Challenges Are But Tests: Hardship serves to challenge your abilities and harden your resolve.
- Embrace Destiny: You didn't choose this path, but it's yours to walk. It will carry you into legend.
- Hone the Body: Like raw stone, your body must be worked so its potential can be realized.
Spells: Expeditious Retreat, Guiding Bolt
Channel Divinity (1/rest)
- Legendary Strike: As bonus, for 1 minute weapons crit on 19-20
- Peerless Athlete: As bonus, for 10 min gain adv on all Athletics and Acrobatics checks
Weapons: TBD
Prepare 4 spells, DC 13, 3-1st
0: light, sacred flame, toll the dead
1st (x3): expeditious retreat, guiding bolt, cure light wounds, command, shield of faith
Effects: Celestial Resistance

2021-11-19, 05:42 AM
Isk will remain still only flinching slightly as Alyssia healed the tip of her tail. Leaving the wound at least closed if bereft of the little Psuedodragon's prized stinger. The tiny creature looking forlornly at their injured limb with sorrow before they turned their attention back to the others. "I try. Very small. Dungeon smell... damp. Water nearby? Sewer or river maybe? Get out that way?" She suggests with a tilt of her head flitting over to the door and eyeing the hallway beyond with some trepidation.

(Edit: Just a story wound so the smallest healing ability you have should be fine)

2021-11-19, 11:30 AM
Alyssia Strongwall (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2542734)

Alyssia nodded. "Dungeons are typically dank, but that's a good point. If you're worried about being discovered, either we try and enchant a guard or perhaps Amber ... ah, 'Rat' goes, alone or with you."
OOC - @moonfly - how much damage did Isk have? I realize I was mixing up my Healing Hands and Lay on Hands :smallbiggrin:
Not trying to throw anyone under the bus ... just trying to keep the planning going.
AC: 11 HP: 28 Init +1 Move 30’
Str 16 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 17
Saves: Str +3 Dex +1 Con +2 Int +0 Wis +4 Cha +5
Skills: Athletics +5, Religion +2, Insight +4, Survival +4
Tools: Keelboat / rowboat, wagon
Celestial Resistance - resistant to necrotic and radiant damage
Healing Hands: as an action, touch creature and heal 3 hps (1/long)
Light Bearer: Know the light cantrip, cast w/Cha
Radiant soul: as an action, transform for 1 min, gain 30' fly and add +3 rad damage (1/long)
Divine sense: as action, detect celestial/fiend/undead/hallowed/consecrated areas w/in 60' (4/long)
Lay on hands: heal hps (1 for 1) or cure disease/poison (5 ea) - up to 15 / long)
Fighting Style: Blessed warrior (gain 2 cleric cantrips - sacred flame and toll the dead)
Spellcasting (Prepare 4 spells/day; cast 3x 1st)
Divine Smite: expend 1 spell slot to add 2d8 radiant for 1st level, +1d8 for each add'l level of spell (5d8 max); add +1d8 vs undead or fiends
Divine Health: Immune to disease
Sacred Oath of Heroism
- Actions Over Words: Deeds, not words.
- Challenges Are But Tests: Hardship serves to challenge your abilities and harden your resolve.
- Embrace Destiny: You didn't choose this path, but it's yours to walk. It will carry you into legend.
- Hone the Body: Like raw stone, your body must be worked so its potential can be realized.
Spells: Expeditious Retreat, Guiding Bolt
Channel Divinity (1/rest)
- Legendary Strike: As bonus, for 1 minute weapons crit on 19-20
- Peerless Athlete: As bonus, for 10 min gain adv on all Athletics and Acrobatics checks
Weapons: TBD
Prepare 4 spells, DC 13, 3-1st
0: light, sacred flame, toll the dead
1st (x3): expeditious retreat, guiding bolt, cure light wounds, command, shield of faith
Effects: Celestial Resistance