View Full Version : tomboys and troublemakers: a wfrp 2e game

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2021-11-05, 05:10 AM
after laying the professor to rest in the cemetery, you retire to the inn for a drink. the inn is bustling and the balding barkeep is hard-pressed to keep everything moving. he looks up at you four, sweat beading his brow. "can i get ye anything" he asks hurriedly, all the while pouring ale.

for wighard
there is a letter in your pocket, one you don't remember having before. do you read it?

for sir bertelis
there is an unattended young lady being hassled by a uncouth lout a couple of tables over. do you intervene?

for emil
there is a petty noble giving a long-winded opinion on how the burghers are but a "passing trend". do you do anything?

for grimgoth
there is a big brute of a man giving you "the eye". do you do anything?

2021-11-05, 10:32 AM
Grimgoth sat sullenly at the bar amongst a few of the professors other associates. Normally talkative for a dwarf but the mood of the day meant the others were free from his boasts and stories for the time being. Grimgoth was in a sour mood burying one of the few humans he truly called a friend. He ordered a stiff drink from the bartender before meeting the eyes of large brute of a man.
What ye looking at Bozdok? he calls to the large man staring him down before draining his mug in front of him.

2021-11-05, 01:04 PM
Emil hid an amused smirk behind his mug of ale while the noble ranted self-importantly about how burghers were no threat to the aristocracy. Sure, let the nobles think that. Let them convince themselves that the entire world was their birthright, until one day they woke up and realized all political and economic power had escaped their grasp and all they had left were some empty self-bestowed titles. Granted, Emil did not care much for the burgher class either, finding them greedy and too quick to forget about their roots, but at least they were not starting wars over matters of "honor" or demanding that people kill or die for them.

He would sure love to go pick a fight with the noble, but aside from likely landing him in trouble, it seemed a crass thing to do just after attending a dear friend's funeral.

2021-11-05, 03:04 PM
Sir Bertelis is not a big ale drinker; but he chips away at a tankard of the imperial peasant libation with the stoic devotion of a man enduring a siege.

"It is, ah... Not bad. Not a bad ale. Not so good to rave about, but not so poor it offends misseur Gimgroth's tongue, ah? 'To dwarven holds, go ye for ale; to Bretonnian fields, go ye for wine; and may the emperor's schnapps sustain the interim'."

This, he states like a proverb he expects everyone to know; though his gaze does not remain on the table with his fellows long enough to learn otherwise. A young woman across the bar is engaged in an uncomfortable exchange with a couple of men; too far to hear the conversation, but her posture, folded arms, and withdrawal back into her seat while they loom casts an unsavoury shadow over the matter. "A moment."

He leaves his ale (thank the Lady), pushes off from the table, and goes to do what nobles do best - start a war over a matter of honor, possibly requiring men to die for him.

"Gentlemen," he begins, without for a moment considering the two louts gentlemen, "the lady is exasperated. You have tried your charms, and your valor is exhausted; perhaps you will fare better with another drink, on ze next venture?"

Might as well start with the carry, before we resort to the stick. Attempting to charm them into leaving her alone, before we graduate to more forceful measures.
[roll0] Basic Charm Threshold: 47.

2021-11-05, 03:34 PM
the big man stands, cracking his knuckles. "think you can take me huh?" he scoffs, looking at grimgoth. "let's settle this outside" he barks, and storms out the door.

sir bertelis
the louts do an about-face, seemingly annoyed that you interrupted them from their prey. upon seeing a brettonian knight, they quickly scurry out the door like frightened rats after the big bruiser "this aint over" one of the louts barks over his shoulder.

the noble makes a snarky comment about his "right to the peasantry" he follows it up with "i don't care if they live or die. after all they are one among many"

what do you all do?

2021-11-05, 03:42 PM
Bertelis is a little stunned by the sudden retreat of the reprobates, but takes it for granted. He bows a little to the woman, now spared their attentions, and asks: "With some grace, they might not bother you anymore. Are you elsewise well served?"

2021-11-05, 04:35 PM
Think. Umgi I know it. the stout dwarf said as he jumped off the barstool. Grimgoth leaves a handful of coins on the counter and slaps Emil on the shoulder as he walks towards the door Watch me drink, I'll be back soon enough..

2021-11-05, 05:13 PM
When Grimgoth asks him to watch his drink, Emil finally notices the situation brewing between the dwarf and the burly man. His brow furrows. Have they already attracted trouble with the locals? He starts to rise.

"Want a witness?" he asks the dwarf. "You know, just to make sure he doesn't pull a knife in a fistfight? I can even patch you up afterwards. Not that I have doubts about your chances..."

Mostly he wants an excuse to get away from the insufferable noble's rambles.

Sorry if this disappoints anyone, but Emil isn't the sort to be easily baited into a direct confrontation with a noble, much as he hates the nobility. He's passionate about his cause but also somewhat pragmatic.

2021-11-05, 05:18 PM
grimgoth: gimme a perception check just as you step out the door

sir bertelis: the lady looks at you with grateful eyes. "thank you good sir knight. i was wondering when a valorous man like yourself would rescue me from such uncouth barbarians"

2021-11-05, 05:27 PM
Tragically stereotypical, Bertelis is distracted by an opportunity to display how humble he is to a pretty face. He misses the goings on with his new acquaintances; perhaps later to learn the folly of that inattention.

Gotta give him room to display some flaws to grind off over time. Bertelis will cluelessly chat up this grateful local woman, for now!

2021-11-06, 05:46 AM
Wighard frowns slightly, having stuff disappear from your pockets was unfortunate but often regrettably common. Having stuff appear in your pockets rarely meant anything good.

He examines the letter, but will only read it if it is already open or addressed to him (or nobody)

Watch me drink, I'll be back soon enough..

Yes to be sure he said absent-mindedly, engrossed in the letter.

2021-11-06, 01:48 PM
the letter is in a curious looping script. it reads as thus

to whoever may find this, may sigmar have mercy on your soul, for there are worse things in the world, and now that you have read this, they have been awoken from their slumber. head to the village of trundheim. find the proprietor of the tavern and inquire about dwarven stout. he will know what you mean. make haste, for even now, inquiries are being made, and word spreads among the dark and forbidden places of the world. beware the grey ghost!

with that the paper suddenly crumbles to ash in your hands and falls to the floor

2021-11-06, 02:32 PM
Come then Emil, I'm sure Mr. Surly will appreciate your services after I teach him some manners. Grimgoth scoffs as he heads out the door to the street.

[roll0] plus any modifiers for difficulty and the like.
Grimgoth has left his helm on the bar next to his drink but I think he is still dressed in his mail from the funeral earlier.

2021-11-06, 03:05 PM
the burly mans fist whizzes above your head as you step out of the establishment. "i'll get ya beardie" the man growls, fists up and circling

[ooc] cant figure out the dice roller, so i rolled d% and got a 57, which is a miss

2021-11-07, 12:30 AM
Hearing the large oaf's failed sucker punch sail harmlessly over his head Grimgoth's laughed Down here ye dumb fool
He then shoved the human hard at his waist attempting to push the larger man into the street further away from the tavern door. As he does so Grimgroth punches the man in his stomach.

[roll0] 1/2 action opposed WS test to move the brute 2 yards into the street following him as well. Misremembered my WS it is 62 so this is 4 degrees of success.
[roll1] 1/2 action standard attack +10% streetfighting talent hits with several degrees of success.
Adding flavor after knowing the rolls.

2021-11-07, 04:38 AM
thugs opposed ws test[roll0]
with a little fancy footwork, you easily move the bruiser out to the street. you give him a good jab to the ribs that makes the breath shoot out of him. wheezing, the man maintains his stance, and circles cautiously. suddenly he lashes out with a right hook that connects with vicious force (four degrees of success)

bruiser 6/10 wounds

2021-11-07, 03:32 PM
The brute lashes out with a blow catching Grimgoth off guard. The fact that this ignorant brute landed a blow causes Grimgoth's dwarven fury to boil over. The dwarf leads with a quick jab with his left barely connecting but pulling the larger man's defenses to block it. With a swift headbutt Grimgoth knocks the wind out of the tall fellow. As his unhelmed head crashes into his opponent chest possibly cracking a rib or two.

Dodge reaction
[roll0] brute connects.
Full action = swift attack
[roll1] Grimgoth hits
[roll2] soaked.
[roll3] Grimgoth hits again HARD.
[roll4] set off Ulric's Fury rolled in OOC 3 more points for 14 total. 9 points after soak. Critical hit with critcal effect 3.

2021-11-07, 05:43 PM
the bruiser collapses in the muck of the street, clutching his ribs. this fight's clearly over. gain 10 xp for that fight

this is the thread i roll dice on, he got you for 10 wounds in the torso. i trust you to deduct fairly

2021-11-07, 05:53 PM
Emil watches the brawl from the sidelines, ready to intervene if it appears to be escalating into a murder attempt. Thankfully Grimgoth prevails, without any weapon being drawn by either party.

"That'll teach him not to underestimate dwarfs," he says in a light tone. "Want me to look at those bruises, brother?"

Heal vs. 53: [roll0]
Fortune Point if necessary: [roll1]

Wounds healed on Grimgoth: [roll2]

2021-11-07, 09:39 PM
The dwarf looks up at EmIl. The fool punched a dwarf in his chain mail. I'm fine you might want to tend to the fool though make sure he won't die from internal bleeding.

The dwarf head back in the tavern sits down at the bar and quietly resumes drinking.

Chest is 11 points of soak so no wounds lost.

2021-11-08, 05:01 AM
Bertelis happily chats to the woman he has effortlessly rescued for a few minutes, though he has no intention to take advantage of her. But he excuses himself from her pleasant company when his eyes track Wighard back at the table, and the air of distress about him. He returns, and sits next to him; watching his face and waiting for this new companion to finish reading and, likely, to need someone to speak to. With one hand and without looking, he signals the barmaid to refill his companion’s mug.

Instinct is telling him he’ll need it.

2021-11-08, 05:40 AM
Wighard holds up a hand at the others as they come back as a sign to keep away a bit, with a frown of concentration on his face he hurriedly but deliberately writes down the pertinent facts from what he read.

Once done he faces his companions,

Please excuse my rudeness, creepy wizard stuff. Pray be careful and do not disturb those fragments. Your ale is safe however. he passes it to the dwarf.

He focuses upon the ashes, seeing if there is any magical aura about them and in any case scoops them up as best he can. With that out of the way he gives a full explanation.

A missive appeared in my pocket, warning of dark forces that had now been awakened and something called the Grey Ghost. And that one should travel to the village of Trundheim and ask the innkeeper about Dwarvish stout.

2021-11-08, 09:40 AM
all of you who heard that, please give me a common knowledge at -10%

2021-11-08, 09:55 AM
[roll0] 51-10= 41

2021-11-08, 11:14 AM
Trundheim is village a couple days travel south of this one. its close to a trade route, and also to a the fallen city of shanksbirg. it is relatively wealthy, and has the best tavern for miles around, the boars head.

2021-11-09, 08:19 AM
"An ominous warning. But more curious than that - why seek you out in particular? A matter worth investigation, certainly." Bertelis pulls up a chair, a little back from the table now. "...And best investigated with armed companions, ah?"

2021-11-09, 12:20 PM
Well if there is magic involved, not unreasonable it would seek me out. Like you gravitate towards attractive young maidens in need of rescue.

Wighard takes a drink

Rather think you may have gotten the better choice of calling.

It could off course be a trap or a misdirection but it would be irresponsible to ignore such a dark warning and for the moment one direction is as good as another. You companionship would be greatly welcomed my friend.

2021-11-10, 09:14 AM
not only do you not find anyone heading anywhere near trundheim, you also manage to upset a local bailiff, who chews you out and threatens to "have you drawn and quartered"

sir bertelis
its 4 gc per feed bag. how many do you want?

2021-11-10, 11:31 AM
**burp** Grimgoth lets out a belch after draining his mug. He looks at his hands and there's a fine purple bruise beginning to show up where his fist connected hard with the brutish big fellow. He looks over at the others. What's this trouble in Trundheim? A true dwarven stout would be worth a 3 day trip. I think I'll tag along if you'll have me.

2021-11-10, 12:52 PM
Your company would be most welcome my friend. If there is anything to this I fear it may not be resolved without violence

2021-11-11, 08:41 AM
you are awoken by the cry of the cockerel, and proceed to get ready for travel.

your head feels somewhat fuzzy, as if you had too much too drink

please describe your morning routine, and how you are feeling about this endeavor

2021-11-11, 09:19 AM
Wighard feels vaguely uneasy about feeling queasy, he didn't have that much to drink and cannot shake the feeling that it is something to do with the letter. But he is ready to travel, eager even.

He will make sure to have a decent breakfast of bread and eggs and see if that makes him feel better, if not he might have to treat himself.

He might have gone looking for some business the previous afternoon, but after attracting the adverse attention of the bailiff he headed back to his room to get his effects ready for the next day and asked the inn to prepare some food for the road he could pick up the next morning.

2021-11-12, 05:05 AM
the eggs and bread clear your head, but not as much as you would expect. the traveling food is delivered several hours later. it is a mix of hard flatbread and pemmican, with a few bags of dried fruit

2021-11-12, 06:28 AM
Bertelis is up early, going to the inn's stable and relieving the boy on duty from the need to groom or tend to his horses. He spends time talking to them, brushing them down, checking their hooves for the road ahead; and returns to the inn to catch the tail end of the served breakfast, eating his mean cold, but without complaint. He seems restless; ready to be on the road, and seeking out the mystery of this omen.

2021-11-12, 08:33 AM
Emil Reissner eats in silence, casting suspicious glances at Wighard. He is mystified by this story about the letter; he never even saw the letter with his own eyes before it was conveniently destroyed, yet now everyone is heading to another town to investigate some cryptic message. Part of him cannot help but wonder if Wighard made it all up in an attempt to involve them in a plot of his.

He will come nevertheless, as it is not as if he has anything better to do.

2021-11-12, 02:37 PM
you notice wighard seems a bit... off

sir bertelis
your horses are in perfect condition. nothing is wrong with them at all, adelard nickers and nuzzles your hand as you feed her an apple.

is there anything else you want to do before leaving for trundheim?

2021-11-12, 03:14 PM
Grimgoth clasps the old professors gravestone. It is wet with the early morning dew. The sun is yet to rise this day. Old fool. If trouble was coming fer ye and failed to tell me about I won't forgive ye. Now I'm off to some gods-forsaken village with Wighard and the others. Morr protect us we all may be seeing you sooner than expected. The dwarf places a wooden mug on the tombstone and rises from a bent knee about the same time the sun crests above the horizon.

Grimgoth returns to the inn as the others are finishing up his breakfast. His tunic a bit damp but he sets to work on the meal quickly finishing. Three day ride for some Dwarven Stout. Small effort for such a reward.

2021-11-12, 03:46 PM
you notice wighard seems a bit... off

sir bertelis
your horses are in perfect condition. nothing is wrong with them at all, adelard nickers and nuzzles your hand as you feed him an apple.

is there anything else you want to do before leaving for trundheim?

Bertelis prays to the lady, and is ready to go! He rides his light warhorse and allows his
riding horse to follow behind; but otherwise he’s just waiting for the others to be ready and then off they’ll go. To adventure!

2021-11-13, 02:26 AM
Wighard is a bit fidgety as he waits for the others but he is out and ready

What do we think the weather will do? he asks looking at the sky

2021-11-13, 02:30 AM

low is good!

the weather is mostly sunny, with a few patches of cloud way off in the distance

somebody give me a 1d100 roll

2021-11-13, 02:48 AM
Bertelis squints up at the sky as they get moving. "It remains tolerable for now; but the weather in Sigmar's land is treasonous, and so I would not put up a wager, ah?"


2021-11-13, 04:34 AM
the weather holds for the first six hours, then dark grey clouds heavy with rain start moving in. on one hand, all but the most desperate of bandits will be deterred. on the other hand, you'll all be cold wet and miserable when it does start to rain. you are currently on a long flat road, with a pair of knolls on either side about 50 feet ahead

gimme a flat perception test

2021-11-13, 07:43 AM
Sir Bertelis sighs a little, and indicates skyward with one mailed fingertip. "Treasonous, ah?" But his eyes track down to the hillocks ahead - good ambush positions, for those inclined...

[roll0] Versus Perception Untrained, so looking for a 26.

Edit: Lmao!

2021-11-14, 09:45 AM
“You know,” the young knight begins quietly over his shoulder to his companions, “if I were a canny bandit, I would count myself lucky to have two shoulders of hills by a road such as this, ah..?”

Narrowing his eyes, he precautiously unleashes Rainier from Adelhard, and orders the riding horse to stay while he unlimbers his lance and shield on the warhorse. Better to be safe; bandits would not fight fairly.

2021-11-14, 01:14 PM
[roll0] Perception v 51+10

Wighard feels the comforting weight of the crossbow off his right shoulder, pausing to load it and then swapping his quarterstaff into his left hand

No, I can't say I ever have, but better safe than sorry

2021-11-14, 06:54 PM
Taking his cues from the others, Emil makes sure his sword is loose in its scabbard. He has yet to use it in a life-or-death situation, but is quite confident that when the moment comes, he will handle himself tolerably.

Perception 63, thanks to a degree of skill mastery: [roll0]

2021-11-15, 10:22 AM
Grimgoth eyes the two rolling hills and quietly unslings his crossbow from his shoulder. He loads a bolt and draws the crossbow back.
Be a fool of a bandit crew to attack a well armed and prepared party though. Grimgoth says loudly back to the knight.

2021-11-15, 11:17 AM
all of you hear the thunderous crack of an arquebus, maybe two. the first sails wide of the horse, but the second strikes sir bertelis in the body. roll for initiative


2021-11-16, 11:37 AM
Emil lets out a curse and draws his sword. His mind is already racing. Guns are rare and expensive, so these are either very successful bandits, or no bandits at all but trained soldiers or mercenaries. In any case they are sure to pose a challenge. After a quick glance at Bertelis that confirms the knight is not about to topple from his saddle, the agitator squints in the direction of the gunshots and begins to move towards them.

Ready (half action), and half-move towards the shooters.

2021-11-17, 06:56 AM
Well gunpowder is expensive, so no mere bandits

Wighard drops to the side of road and checks about to see what is happening, including to their rear

[roll0] 54+10 Perception

2021-11-17, 07:27 AM
"Meurs, toi les porcs déshonorants!"

Sir Bertelis is furious. It's a compound of reasons; the injury stings; the ambush tactics don't help; the refusal to give an ultimatum (that he would have refused, but still) is reprehensible; and the fact that they used a black powder weapon tops it off. Welling up with disgust and disdain, he spurs Adélard into a charge with a heel to the beast's sable flanks, and races straight into the middle of the bandit melee group. He lowers his lance at the halberdier, knowing that weapon poses the most threat to himself and his steed, steering the creature into a trample on one of the swordsmen as they go.

Lance Attack vs Halberd Man! 1d100. OR [roll2], whichever is higher. This attack gives the enemy a -10% penalty to dodge or parry, because the weapon is fast.

Adélard's Trample vs Sword Man1! [ROLL=WS30+10 for charging; TN 40]1d100. [roll4].

2021-11-17, 11:20 AM
the lance hits the halberdier, throwing him bodily off the road, never to rise again. adelard tramples the swordsmen, and you hear ribs crunch. he goes down howling and clutching himself. the other two make swift attacks

2021-11-17, 02:25 PM
Though not an especially reckless man, nor especially fond of knights, Emil knows that it is in his advantage not to let Bertelis be overwhelmed by their attackers. With both sword and shield raised, the agitator dashes towards one of the swordsmen and swings his blade at him.

To hit vs. 54 (+10 from charging): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Aww damn. :smallfrown: Am I allowed to use a Fortune Point to re-roll that hit roll, even though I already know the damage roll?

2021-11-17, 03:07 PM
Grimgoth sees the bloody dance of battle happening before him. At first there seemed to be far more bandits than the two arqubusiers but two fell in the Knight's charge. Grimgoth decided to take aim on one of the fleeing arqubusiers with his crossbow and fires the shot grazes the man in the shoulder.

Half Action Aim gaining +10% to normal BS of 46 assuming target is within 30 meters.
Half Action Standard Attack with Crossbow.
use a FP if it misses

2021-11-17, 03:09 PM
the arquebusier staggers with a crossbow bolt in the shoulder, but keeps runnning

2021-11-17, 09:09 PM
Bertelis is wheeling around to engage the renaming swordmen, but then Emil is in the mix with a slash so well placed it downs a man with masterful precision. Taking this as a sign that Emil is a much more accomplished combatant than he thought, he spurs Abelhard into another charge - this time, after the gunmen. They had offered no terms; they should expect none.

Wighart’s action seems unlikely to affect Bertelis, so I’m posting ahead of sequence just because I have time.

Charging the uninjured shooter, provoking an attack from the swordsman as he goes.

[roll0] for [roll1] or [roll2]. -10 to dodge.

[roll3] for [roll4]

2021-11-17, 09:21 PM

2021-11-18, 05:20 AM
Wighard viewing this as a pretty much unequal rout at this point decides he wants to end it - and also have someone left alive to question

He moves round Emil to get a clearer shot and conspicuously points his crossbow at whoever is still standing and attempting to sound as scary as possible


[roll0] Fel 51, probably halved for not having the right skill

2021-11-18, 01:31 PM
the man spits and runs himself through. you are now out of combat
anyone close enough to the man, gimme perception at -10

2021-11-18, 01:55 PM
[roll0] 54 +1 if visual

2021-11-18, 02:08 PM
after he runs himself through, there is a split second of shock in his eyes, before his death rattle

2021-11-18, 02:36 PM
Emil is slightly shaken to see the body at his feet and all the blood on his sword. He has been in street brawls and riots before, but this is the first time he actually takes a life.

It was either him or me, he tells himself. And the path to revolution will involve a lot of violence like that. Better get used to it.

Perception 63 - 10 = 53. [roll0]

2021-11-18, 05:35 PM
The knight charges off after the fleeing arquebusier, around the visual blind of the hillock from which they once fired. His blood is up, and there's no man alive that could outrun a horseman for long; but the man has the sense to throw his firearm down and try to veer off into the woodland, to take his chances with the beastmen. He almost makes it, too; but raising his lance to avoid striking a tree, Adelhard only has to follow him a few feet into the trees before bowling him over and crushing him underfoot.

The next the party sees of Bertelis is the knight riding back, with the bodies of the two arquebusiers bumping along on the road, tethered to the saddle to bring the corpses together in once scene.

"Thus always to brigands, ah?" He says in theoretical cheer, though there's acid plain in his tone. The blood of the gunshot wound is visible down his left side, though not a concerning geyser. "Perhaps we take a moment to string them up to ward off imitators, ah?"

He glances to Emil's bloody sword, and the second slain man by his feet, and takes a moment to give the agitator a look of pleasant surprise, and approval - which may be as much a crown of shame, as badge of honor.

2021-11-18, 06:19 PM
"Perhaps we take a moment to string them up to ward off imitators, ah?"

Emil shakes his head. "You're sick."

"You should've tried to take the last one alive for questioning," he grumbles, beginning with some disgust to search the pockets of the man he killed. "What if they weren't bandits? They were surprisingly well armed, and they opened fire without even asking us for our gold. I'd say there are even chances they were hired killers."

Search 53: [roll0]

2021-11-18, 08:50 PM
Bertelis, helm hanging from his saddle horn, gazed at Emil for an extended moment or confusion at his reply, before the good humor drains out of his expression in one swift moment of resignation.

The tension between Bertelis and Emil had been palpable since they met, but neither of them was such a boor as to pick at it during their mutual friend’s sacred sendoff. But now, back on the road no longer muted by the shroud of Morr’s grim procession, that truce is easily breached.

“Not sick.” He thumbs at the bleeding bullethole in his side, and spits back: “wounded. Hired killers? For whom? You? They are thieves, who saw two horses and a chance to make ale money.” Then he looks as if he is going to let it go, wheeling his black charger away; then decides return for another pass in hopes of deeper vindication, swinging down from the saddle and advancing on Emil in rising rancor, stabbing an accusing finger out at him as he closes the gap. “You could have spared either that you were fighting, but I see you had not problem eviscerating them, ah? You call sick what is justice for hundreds of years. These men make themselves like the man-goats and greenskins! You are sick to pity them!”

2021-11-18, 11:40 PM
Emil does not step back an inch as the knight moves towards him. "We do what we have to do to defend ourselves," he replies, glaring. "But I won't be desecrating bodies. You want to string them up, you do it yourself. I understand why the tales of chivalry leave out that part..."

2021-11-19, 03:30 AM
Let me deal with that harquebus shot before you have a go at each other

[roll0] Heal 51
[roll1] Wounds Recovered

He speaks quietly as he works, pulling a few metal fragments out

One of them killed himself rather than surrender and from the expression on his face that was as much a surprise to him as it was to me

Wighard looks at Grimgoth and Emil, Would you care to search the bodies and see what can be found? At least take those two firearms they will be of some value.

Shot didn't go through, it did however break a few links and drive them into the skin when it glanced off. Painful and it will need to be kept clean lest it get infected, but not serious.

I would suggest you invest in some proper Imperial plate if you are going to be shot at by the likes of those

He cleans his tools as best he can

I would prefer not to tarry, we still have a way to go to the next inn, we do not want to be still on the road after dark and who knows what else may befall us.

If we see a Roadwarden we can report this and have them deal with it

2021-11-19, 05:29 AM
Bertelis is looks dissatisfied with this conclusion. His life and training have taught him to tolerate disrespect in perfect inverse proportion to how Emil dispenses it; and peeling away from this confrontation now seems like putting it off to another time with consternation between now and then to augment it.

But Bertelis grew up with many brothers, and isn't prone to the demanding his way even when he is obviously correct. So he cooperates with Wighard, grunting his way valiantly through the extraction of metal fragments in his skin. He keeps the lead ball, deformed into an oval from its shallow pass into his flesh; washes it off with some water from his waterskin, and pockets it for later. Perhaps one day, once he's had his own grail quest, it will be a talisman of value and inspiration to someone. For now, it's a reminder of... something. He resolves to fill the token with sentiment.

"Thank you, Wighard. You're a good man. I should like if I were not forced to rely on your skills much more to come, but I fear that may not be the case." He offers a pleasant smile as he resets his armor over the bound wound, and a fought grimace as he tests that side with a careful flex of his body. "I admit, when I heard the shot, and felt a sting, I thought I was in more trouble. Perhaps this mystery we pursue now will offer remuneration to the value of the vaunted imperial plate."

But he considers the odd report about the swordsman's surprise suicide, and can offer no wisdom on that front but a look of unsatisfied unease. "...A peculiar madness, to be sure. In ancient Tylos, defeated noble warriors would take their lives often enough, in the accounts. But these ragged woodsmen are more likely to be afflicted in the head, than struck with anachronistic honor fantasies."

He readies his horses to go again and, at Wighard's suggestion, forgoes his genuine desire to make a hanging example of the knaves, instead contributing to stacking the bodies once searched just off the road, where a road warden might find them when alerted.

Ready to continue on, once we've searched and whatnot!

2021-11-19, 05:45 AM
Before the Brave Bertelis returns with his quarry Grimgoth approaches the battle sight.
Ye all made quick work of the fools. They forfeited their lives when they opened fire.
Sensing the distress Emil is feeling the dwarf offers some water. It gets easier. It shouldn't but it does. after slapping the young man on the shoulder Grimgoth goess searching the men for any clues as to why they attacked and also any loose coin or items of value. As he is searching Bertelis returns and the Knight and Emil get into it.

[roll0] vs 28
[roll1] vs 38

2021-11-19, 07:02 AM
I do not think I have developed the power to scare people into committing suicide rather than face me. That is not where my studies lie and I would be loath to use it if I had it. No something else was responsible.

he brightens

Don't use magic when you have medicine to do the job, and don't use your sword when words can suffice

2021-11-19, 09:46 AM
you find 10 gc on the corpses. no clues as to why they attacked, but each one of them has a grey scarf tied around his upper arm

2021-11-20, 02:17 AM
Once they’ve done setting the bodies off the road and confiscating their firearms, swords and polearm, Bertelis takes one of the armcloths, perhaps as a trophy, perhaps to investigate the nature of this band at the next stopover. He takes a moment to try to commit their faces to memory- the ones that haven’t been too badly ruined, anyway.

2021-11-20, 07:53 AM
Are we ready to move on, don't want to hang around here for longer than we have to

2021-11-20, 08:04 AM
"Indeed; there are worse things than such opportunists, if we are caught on the roads at night. On we go, then."

And, barring objection, on they go indeed.

2021-11-20, 12:35 PM
the rest of the journey passes without incident, and soon enough, the village of trundheim comes into view. it is a walled village, with the fallen city of shanksbirg looming in the distance. a few groups of rag-pickers give your group a healthy distance as you come into view of the walls

gimme a marching order

2021-11-20, 02:46 PM

2021-11-21, 11:07 AM
nothing happens as you roll up to the gate. the guards sorta look you all over, then wave you inside. the main street is mucky, and there is a general store, a few houses,and the boars head. the main street veers sharply after the boars head. wdyd?

2021-11-21, 02:57 PM
Wighard will shoot the breeze with the guards or if they are not inclined any local urchin, ask what's been going on recently, if there is a road-warden in town, ask about the local inns, and put the word out that there is a barber-surgeon arrived if anybody needs attention. A few clanks may come the child's way if he gets any business from this.

[roll0] Gossip 51

2021-11-21, 03:57 PM

you spread the news, and people seem happy to know there is a barber-surgeon in town, a couple of people will stop by later to have a procedure done

what are the rest of you doing?

2021-11-21, 07:44 PM
Bertelis is going to see what stabling arrangements the Boar’s Head has; and he’s going to try to discover and possibly make brief introduction to whatever petty noble or burgher is the closest thing to landed lord of the village.

2021-11-21, 09:28 PM
the stabling is the usual price, and you do manage to get an audience with the council of burghers who run this town. its tomorrow, bright and early

2021-11-22, 10:32 AM
Wighard will see if can barter one of the swords for tonight's lodging for the group

2021-11-22, 10:40 AM
Grimgoth is going to start his morning proper like with a breakfast of beer, cheese and bread. He will hang close to Emil keeping eyes on the young agitator.

2021-11-22, 12:56 PM
the barkeep, an old human with a peg leg, will happily take the sword for a night's stay. your sleep is restful, but not overly so.

do you ask the barkeep about dwarven stout?

how does the meeting with the burgher council go?

how are you feeling after having spilled blood for the first time?

you have a premonition. please describe it to your party members

2021-11-23, 01:29 AM
Sir Bertelis meets with the burghers, presses hands, makes some commentary about the men of the lance and men of the hammer, having deflected the storm of chaos, now having a future of brotherhood ahead of them. He does his best to charm them and not to take much of their time, as he knows the merchant class thinks poorly of that.

He mentions the ambush on the road, shows the grey armband and asks if there have been similar attacks on their roads, and finally goes so far as to offer the group’s (unsolicited) assistance if there is a matter that a few skilled travellers could take off their hands.

[roll0]. Bonuses may include +10 if they are “noble” enough that the Etiquette talent helps, and whatever bonuses if any you think are appropriate If they’re grateful that we whacked some bandits on their roads, and if they’re just desperate to give a difficult job to someone. Possible penalty if they hate bretonnians or nobles!

2021-11-23, 03:29 PM
the burghers seem happy to have a party of adventurers in trundheim, and as a matter of fact, they need someone to check on a mining site that they haven't heard from in a few days.

2021-11-23, 06:27 PM
the burghers seem happy to have a party of adventures in trundheim, and as a matter of fact, they need someone to check on a mining site that they haven't heard from in a few days.

Bertelis gets the location, pertinent details, and attempts to secure an agreed fee - perhaps, a trifling ten gold crowns if it turns out to be nothing dangerous, and up to a hundred if it’s something dangerous and they bring back proof of having managed it. After that, he assures the burghers they’ll look into it at their earliest opportunity, and takes his leave to the Boar’s Head.

2021-11-23, 06:49 PM
they will agree to that fee. nobody bothers you as you walk into the boars head

2021-11-24, 01:24 PM
Wighard sees a grey fog formed from trendrils of Ulgu snake through the taproom slowly obscuring the features of those within until all that is left open is the circle of clear air in the which the party of 4 sits.

The Ulgu circles them like a small and slow tornado, whisps getting closer and closer.

He strives with all his mental fortitude to force it back, sweating and straining until there is a bright white flash of Hysh and the fog clears.

Only to reveal everyone in the taproom slain by their own hand.

The vision fades and those watching see him pale and sweating over his breakfast

2021-11-25, 04:15 AM
As Wighard's senses return to the land of the living, Bertelis drops his plate of breakfast sausage and bread onto the table with a loud clunk.

"Good news - I've spoken to the town council, and secured us paying work. A mine in the town's catchment has gone silent; a worthy opportunity to do some good for the miners in whatever manner of trouble they are in, and to be paid twice for the labor of travelling to this town." He bites into a breakfast sausage, but allows his jovial manner to fade a little as he notices Wighard's deflated countenance. Mouth full, the knight makes a loose circular gesture at the physician with his fork, as if to ask in the most abstract way possible if he is unwell.

2021-11-25, 11:49 AM
I do indeed not feel normal, but I know what will pick me up! he attracts the attention of the passing innkeeper, Tell me sir, I am a little bit not myself, do you perhaps pray have any dwarven stout?

2021-11-25, 12:54 PM
the barkeep nods, taking your money and sliding you a mug of foaming stout.

everyone who is currently in the bar, gimme a perception at -10

2021-11-25, 01:43 PM
[roll0] Perception 51 -10 for penalty +10 for excellent vision if applicable

2021-11-25, 08:41 PM
untrained and the extra penalty means I’m looking for a flimsy little 16 or less. But here we go: [roll0]

2021-11-25, 11:51 PM
the stout is delicious and nutty. you do find a small note under the bottom. the note is in neat crabbed script. it reads "proceed with all haste to the mining camp. something important is happening there. you must disrupt the grey ghost's plans. do not tarry" the note stays intact

2021-11-26, 08:49 AM
Wighard gets up and moves over to Bertelis, Your wound has healed up ok? pressing on the Bretonnian's shoulder be casually presses the note into Bertelis' hand and returns to his seat and waits for him to peruse it I feel perhaps is time to get going then if the good burgers of the town have assigned you a quest

the note is in neat crabbed script. it reads "proceed with all haste to the mining camp. something important is happening there. you must disrupt the grey ghost's plans. do not tarry"

2021-11-26, 09:58 AM
"Healed enough, I think. You're a credit to your profession, Wighard." When he looks over the note, he slows in his chewing and glances up at the physician with casual, clandestine concern. "...Well enough that I might set out this morning without fear. Are Emil and Gimgroth still waiting on their meals?" He peers around the tavern, as he wolfs down the rest of his breakfast.

2021-11-26, 10:12 PM
"Good news - I've spoken to the town council, and secured us paying work. A mine in the town's catchment has gone silent; a worthy opportunity to do some good for the miners in whatever manner of trouble they are in, and to be paid twice for the labor of travelling to this town."

Emil, buttering a chunk of bread, stops with a frown.

"Gone silent, you say?" he echoes. "Now that's worrisome. It means whatever happened over there, not a single miner got out to tell the tale. I suppose we can go have a look... but the fact that the town council is hiring outsiders tells me that they're afraid, or they'd send some of their own men."

2021-11-27, 07:33 AM
a ratty-looking fellow wearing a patched and torn cloak slips out the door at the mention of dwarven stout

so whats the plan? ya just gonna ride down and check out the mine?

2021-11-27, 09:32 AM
"Gone silent, you say?" he echoes. "Now that's worrisome. It means whatever happened over there, not a single miner got out to tell the tale. I suppose we can go have a look... but the fact that the town council is hiring outsiders tells me that they're afraid, or they'd send some of their own men."

The knight thumbs his trimmed beard thoughtfully, as he pushes away his empty plate. "I shall dare to hope the miners are well, if afraid to tread the road back to town for fear of some phantom. But there are as many real threats in the forest as there are phantasmic ones. I shall prepare my horses; and we'll go seeking the welfare of these workers at once."

The wording of that description, seeking the welfare of these workers, is obviously crafted; an oblique attempt to frame the effort in a way that conforms to what the knight perceives as Emil's worldview, rather than his own. Whether this is good natured or condescending is open to debate, as the knight pushes up from his chair and heads out to the stables.

Sir Bertelis is ready to go; and it seems Emil and Wighard are ready too. Gimgroth, we'll assume, is also ready, and we'll hope he chimes in when his player gets time.

2021-11-28, 08:56 PM
you head off to the mine, with directions generously given by the town council. its a half-day walk, less by horse.

someone toss me 1d100 will ya kindly?

2021-11-28, 11:18 PM
[roll0]! Come on, random treasure chest. Full of money. Or plate armor.

2021-11-29, 01:21 AM
there is no better way to put it than this. somehow, you guys got lost on a half-day walk throughout the woods. nothing makes sense, and the map has blown away. wdyd?

2021-11-29, 04:18 AM
The situation felt ridiculous. The path had been just a half-day's journey. The instructions had been reasonably simple. The burghers had even gone out of their way to have a map sketched by a servant in the room while he was there, to remove ambiguity for the foreign knight. But something had gone wrong. They had followed the appointed way until the side track which should have taken them on to the mine; but then rainshower had hit, sudden and severe enough that they pulled just off the track and sheltered under the most generous trees for fifteen minutes until the clouds had blustered themselves out.

It must have been at that point, Bertelis reflected, that we got lost. We rejoined what we thought was the track we came in on, but was in fact another track with nothing to offer but confusion. Now half the day had slipped away, and the map - sketched on paper in runny ink - had disintegrated in the rain. The knight had a theory that the map had been wrong in the first place - failing to mark the turn-offs they ought not take, which might obscure the ones they should. But it was too late to make that complain now. Here they were; and here he had led them.

Sir Bertelis had done the only sensible and masculine thing to do in this situation: he attempted to fix the problem by trial and error, adopting a posture of overcompensated confidence sufficient to deflect any unsolicited suggestion that something might be wrong. But after having led his companions back down the path twenty minutes to its terminus in the now muddy and rain-gleaming forest with no obvious indication of how to rejoin the main road and right the error, he pulls his steed to a stop, dismounts, settles his hands on his hips, and tips his head forward a little as he admits in so many words what the other three travellers have certainly come to guess.

"I must ask your forgiveness, companions. I have lost us." The confession comes flatly and with a certain amount of humility in its plainness, now that he's worked up to it; conspicuously absent of conjecture about the rain, or the map, or the burghers being more to blame than the knight himself. He chews his lower lip for a moment, permitting a hanging few seconds in which he may bask in the defeat and the others may lance him with proportionate scorn; but then musters himself to attack the problem again. "Let us split a little, and look for signs of distinction. Listen for water, look for tracks that are not our own, shelters, animal dens. Do not wander so far that you lose sight of Adélard and Rainier, to whom we will regroup in several minutes hence. Perhaps if we find enough cues in the land, we will find a better heading. Failing that, we will be better equipped to camp for the night, and to start out fresh tomorrow - but I yet have hope we will be at the mine before the gloaming."

Bertelis' plan - to which no one is required to conform, but everyone is invited - is to scatter a little in the immediate area looking for landmarks, clues, and topographical features that will help us find our way to the road to the mine. None of us have Navigation (gulp), but itt seems that Bertelis is the only one in the party as it stands with Outdoor Survival, which seems to be the next best skill as far as "getting us back on track" goes. I'm hoping to fortify the roll with assistance from the others, maybe dependant on successful 'near enough' skill checks like Perception and Search to look for landmarks and tracks, or maybe even Common Knowledge: Empire. It's up to you to decide what will count, and how hard it will be to succeed, GM.

Here's my roll either way, pending whatever bonuses Bertelis may get from other folks assisting: [roll0]. I reserve the right to come back and fate-point if it, once all the assists have shaken our and you set a difficulty level, it happens to fail!

2021-11-29, 10:13 AM
everyone gimme perception or an appropriate skill. those that succeed grant +10 to sir bertelis' check

2021-11-29, 12:11 PM
Note in future to ask for guide

Wighard has been with commanders who got lost before, so is not yet too worried and also unwilling to dwell upon the young Knight's admission of failure.

As you wish, but we should not spread out too far.

[roll0] Perception 54 +10 for visual

2021-11-29, 07:59 PM
Emil gives a sigh. He is very much a city mouse and almost useless in this kind of place. Nevertheless he does his best to help Bertelis find their way again.

Perception 63: [roll0]
Fortune: [roll1]

2021-11-29, 08:56 PM
with much fumbling and no small amount of dumb luck, you do actually find the trail again. its late afternoon/early evening at this point ,and the sun is starting to plummet over the horizon. ya got a couple hours of daylight max. wdyd?

2021-11-30, 09:02 AM
Keep going or find a suitable place to setup camp while we still can see?

2021-11-30, 09:17 AM
“The latter. By the roadside here will do. That rain will have brought out the worms, and the worms will bring out the birds. I shall see if we can eat better than jerked beef, on this stopover.”

Finding a patch of clearing beside the road, the knight tethers his horses, takes bow and quiver from one saddlebag, and leaves the others to make their camping arrangements while he still has a lick of daylight to hunt.

[roll0]. Failing that, he’ll head back to the camp, eat some miserable rations, and set up his best quality 2 person tent.

Mmmm. Deluxe.

2021-11-30, 11:59 AM
after a meal of jerked meat and water, you settle down for the night

are you setting a watch? if so, i will need the order, and perception checks at -20 for darkness

2021-11-30, 01:32 PM

Fire will be lit, but allowed to drop to embers so we have it if we need it but it won't be destroying night vision.

2021-11-30, 01:32 PM
[roll0] Perception 54 +10 if visual

2021-11-30, 07:00 PM
there are a few rustles on your watch, but nothing out of the ordinary

2021-12-01, 12:44 AM
It took a two day journey and getting lost for Grimgoth to break his silence. He was in a very low mood since finding out that the "dwarven stout" was a passphrase and was no real dwarven stout to be had at the tavern. Still he figured trouble at a mine should be something a dwarf should see to and struck out with the others. When he rose for his shift on the watch he grumbled to Wighard shame about that stout. and set up getting his shield and armor donned.
[roll0] with Night Vision to 30 yards

2021-12-01, 02:35 AM
Bertelis returns with nothing to show for his effort; the same number of arrows in his quiver, and a little more hang-dog in his expression. The young knight is struggling today, it seems; a bad steer into the wilderness, and then a flubbed effort to cover over the failure with some game bird for dinner. He's quiet for the rest of the night; much less of the jaunty conversationalist. He makes one last effort to end the day doing something with a modicum of competence - wiling away an hour before sleep comes playing the fine wooden flute from one saddlebag.

[ROLL=Perform vs 47]1d100[ROLL]

Screwed the macro, but in the OOC it's a 45 - pass. It's a decent, pleasing sound.

...Then, when the time comes, he takes his watch.

[ROLL=Perception vs 23]1d100[ROLL]

Screwed the macro, but in the OOC it's a 45 - a big ol' failure!

2021-12-01, 04:57 AM
more rustling. a couple times you think you see large luminous eyes staring at you, but when you look again, nothing

you do see a pair of large luminous eyes staring at you

2021-12-04, 06:58 PM
Grimgoth seeing something out in the woods looking back at the camp cranks back on his crossbow loading a bolt. He also checks that his axe and shield are nearby. He kicks the knight in the leg softly. Wake up. There's something out there. He says softly.

2021-12-04, 09:46 PM
Bertelis stirs, takes the requisite blurry pause to retrocomprehend what the dwarf has said, and shakes his fatigue off as much as he can while cautiously gathering up his own sword from nearby, making sure the rest of his armament is within reach as well, and that his horses remain unmolested. Crouching beside the dwarf now, he confesses: “I see nothing. What was it?”

2021-12-04, 09:48 PM
now you see it. a pair of luminous green eyes stare out of the darkness. they blink a couple times, then continue to stare. wdyd?

2021-12-04, 11:06 PM
The classic watchman's dilemma. The safest course would be to wake everyone up - but to wake every companion up every time something odd stared from the bushes was to condemn one's party to sleeplessness. Glancing to Grimgroth and noting his loaded and ready crossbow, and with sword in hand himself, Bertelis reaches behind himself to grasp a stick he was using the night before to poke the coals that still now glow with their spare but necessary light. He flings it loosely into the bushes, hoping to startle away what he is counting on being some kind of bird, or nightfauna.

2021-12-05, 06:19 AM
zilch. the eyes continue to stare.

2021-12-05, 06:45 AM
Well, that's suspicious. "...Hold a moment." He murmurs to Grimgoth, shuffling back to his tent's open door to furtively seek a torch out of one of the saddlebags; glancing up frequently to keep tracking the weird eyes. Lighting the torch from the embers, he thus finally has a source of true light and, sword in the other hand, stalks forward to illuminate their phantom voyuer.

2021-12-05, 09:18 AM
the light illuminates a withered hollow of a man and a single spectral undead floating above him. the man cackles madly and lunges

please roll willpower at -10. anyone that fails is considered surprised for the first round of combat and gains an IP

lemme know if this is too hard and i will happily change it :)

2021-12-05, 11:34 AM
What in Sigmar's name...

Still trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes, Emil reaches around for his sword.

WP vs. 36: [roll0]

2021-12-06, 02:55 PM
the man makes two lunging swipes with his clawlike fingernails, both against sir bertelis. both just barely misss


2021-12-06, 05:31 PM
By the smith's hammers. What is that thing? Grimgoth stammers as the ghostly image and ghastly creature below it become fully visible.

2021-12-07, 03:49 AM
Bertelis' eyes are wide with numb incomprehension; but while his mind reels, his muscles remember their purpose. Fearing no way to combat the spirit-thing, he trusts the 'man' to be physical if only for its own desperate efforts to slash out his throat. The longsword flashes across his body in a rising backhand strike, and back around again in a shearing plane at head height on the creature.

[roll0]; FP if miss [roll1]. Damage: [roll2]. EDIT: Confirmed Ulric's Fury and rolled an extra 6, in the OOC. So if that isn't avoided, it deals 20 damage to the right arm!

Second attack, [roll3]; FP if miss [roll4]. Damage: [roll5]

2021-12-07, 12:55 PM
Wighard is soundly asleep and therefore all he can be doing right now is wake up

[roll0] WP 37

2021-12-07, 02:49 PM
the hollow masterfully slides under sir bertelis' first attack. the second strike does no damage


2021-12-07, 05:23 PM
the hollow takes a fingernail rake at sir bertelis' eyes, and swipes at grimgoth. the fingernail rake, just barely connects, but the swipe hits hard


2021-12-07, 05:26 PM
fingernail rake


2021-12-07, 08:54 PM
The knight jerks away from the swipe and saves his eyes, but the length of the claws catches his collarbone and takes down across his chest, eliciting a cry of pain and a river of blood from the heavy wound. But behind him, his allies are still preparing themselves for combat; and so he declines fall back to recover. Instead, he makes a flashing one-two pass with sword and torch, warding the creature and preparing to defend against another such grevious strike.

Parrying stance, then a guarded strike to inflict a -10 penalty for the hollow to hit him.

[roll0]; Damage [roll1]

Edit: a big ol’ miss!

2021-12-08, 07:53 AM
Wighard scrambles to his feet, kicking the fire into further light and snatching a burning brand whilst trying to work out what they are up against.

[roll0] Academic Knowledge (Magic) 51

2021-12-08, 09:20 AM
Shortsword in hand, Emil lunges at the creature attacking the knight.

WS 54 on the charge: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


18 damage total.

2021-12-08, 10:45 AM
this is a undead who is powered by the spirit controlling it. either kill the body, or dispel the spirit


the hollow takes a grievous wound to a living man, but seems unphased by it.

10/20 wounds

2021-12-08, 12:35 PM
The creature swipes at Grimgoth catching the dwarf in his arm. Grimgoth shouts in fury and swings away with axe hoping to catch the creature off guard. The creature proves elusive but Grimgoth manages to connect and deal minor damage.

[roll0] Would Grimgoth get a bonus for the creature being outnumbered?
[roll1][roll2] Impact means highest. If so this is possible Ulric's Fury and I'll check in OOC.
2nd attack.
[roll3] hits
[roll4][roll5] 1 wound after soak.

2021-12-08, 03:19 PM
the hollow attempts to dodge: (unless it cant, in which case ignore the roll)

2021-12-10, 02:07 PM
the hollow grunts, and takes two swipes at grimgoth


2021-12-10, 02:39 PM
"Bloody tenacious, isn't it?" grumbles Emil, picking up his shield from the ground and swinging his blade at the creature once more.

Ready shield.

Standard attack vs. 44: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


2021-12-10, 06:34 PM
the hollow crumples to the ground. you are out of combat. take 150 xp for the fight

2021-12-10, 06:44 PM
Sir Bertelis holds his guard for a moment, to ensure the deathblow Emil struck upon it isn't a pretence for some evil ruse from the thing - but when it fails to launch up to its feet, the knight steps up beside it and neatly strikes through the double-dead creature's withered neck, and spine. The danger passed, he is free to give due response to his ripped flesh; and he totters back into a barely controlled sit beside the stoked firepit, looking down at the three red and running tears through his gambeson. The sword drops to one side, the torch clumsilly close-enough to the fire. With the arm that does not answer to that grieved pectoral, he begins unlacing and unfastening it, teeth clenched. He gives no jocular banter, after this victory; it seems to be taking much of his resolve to remain quiet in his injury, his skin paling with compacted physical distress, as much as blood loss.

2021-12-11, 11:35 AM
Wighard watches the spirit flee and attempts to send a missile after it

[roll0] Channelling 57

[roll1] Casting

2021-12-11, 11:40 AM
Wighard feels slightly disappointed as the raw magic merely laps around him rather than being focused into a bolt of energy

I guess we found out what happened to the miners, and I fear we may have to fight that thing again. Is anyone except Sir Bertelis wounded?

He turns his attention to the Bretonnian, I'm not entirely sure what that was, but I think it could have been killed by dispersing the spirit as well.

I am however very certain I want to clean that wound well

[roll0] Heal 51
[roll1] Healed

2021-12-11, 11:49 AM
with leeches and maggots and lots of rolled bandages, wighard patches up sir bertelis. its about three in the morning when the barber-surgeon finishes. wdyd

im gonna give you all a level of fatigue, which can be resisted by a toughness roll

your kit is running low, tell me what you need to restock it

2021-12-11, 12:06 PM
Wighard feels the tendrils of sleep reaching for him but shakes them off, he has worked harder during the war.

That creature did a real number on you, I'm not sure how many more such wounds I can treat.

He looks around for some moss that he can dry by the fire for more dressings if he needs some before he can restock properly

2021-12-11, 12:34 PM
you could go searching at night to find some moss. of course, that spirit is still out there, along with god knows what else. sure you wanna risk it?

if you do go searching, ill have you make a random encounter roll. the higher you get, the worse it will be

2021-12-11, 02:05 PM
That creature did a real number on you, I'm not sure how many more such wounds I can treat.

“Hah. Then I will… Strive to receive fewer.”

This is less that the knight tends to say, when his wounds are treated. It looks to be the most severe injury he has ever taken, and it’s mortal depth is not lost on him; though he radiates the appreciate he does not lavishly articulate. After the wound is dressed, it’s time for his watch - the throbbing pain is too much to sleep through anyway!

2021-12-11, 02:18 PM
Finding nothing in the immediate campsite Wighard will not go looking in the dark but see what he find when they start again in the morning

2021-12-11, 06:30 PM
the morning dawns all too early, and the pc's scramble to take down the campsite, and get to the mine before any other unfortunate events happen :smallcool:

wighard, toss a flat intelligence to find anything to restock your medical kit. i will take other skills if you have them.

please describe what the rest of you are doing

2021-12-11, 07:12 PM
It’s the least Sir Bertelis can do to help Wighard with a scout about the trees for the requisite moss, as they go. Being the only one with a modicum of outdoorsmanship, he feels he has the best chance of helping.


2021-12-11, 07:46 PM
talk about luck! sir bertelis stumbles across a mossy log, and whaddya know, there's a corpse sitting next to the log, wearing a rusty suit of imperial plate. it'lll need a little work, but you got your wish

2021-12-12, 07:28 AM
Wighard regards the corpse, trying to work out cause of death and how long it has been there

[roll0] INT51

It seems these woods are not a safe space even for the well outfitted. I would suggest we approach our destination with some circumspection, our warriors barely overcame one of these creatures.

If a whole community has been attacked we face being greatly outnumbered

He strips some moss to dry a little by the ashes of their fire and then puts it next to his body to dry out further as they move. He will also look out for anything else he can use (mushrooms, leaves etc)

[roll1] Trade Apothecary 51

2021-12-12, 04:33 PM
“Agreed; though when we are alert and ready, they shall not be so successful. And I am not sure this is the threat the the miners, and not simply a ghastly denizen of the cursed forest. Still, caution is fair and you are right to comment it. As for this poor soul… it does no one good to drag his vessel around. We know his resting place; we can bring him back to town and inter him under the eyes of Morr after we tend to the mine.”

Leaving the fallen warrior for now, the knight is eager to move on - if sore, still.

2021-12-12, 09:18 PM
judging by the way the birds have pecked out his eyeballs, he's been there awhile

the rest of the journey passes without incident, and you arrive at the mine. ruined mine-carts and broken tools lay everywhere, strangely, there are no corpses to be seen. wdyd?

2021-12-13, 06:05 AM
Back in his mail, and obviously suppressing a grimace with each bounce in the saddle, the Bretonnian looks down at the scene with dismay.

"...A hellish, knock-down fight, ah? Fought until their improvised weapons broke, perhaps..."

He use his steed to do a quick patrol of the perimeter of the mine, seeing if there's any obvious survivors or intruders. He leaves the more meticulous examination of the immediate scene to his savvy comrades.


2021-12-13, 07:17 AM
Wighard looks about him, Well that's... Certainly a thing. Did they say what they mined here?

They must have have lived somewhere, and processed the ore too and both require water

He will check the site, not really expecting to find anything, but maybe some scraps of cloth or blood, or signs that any bodies have been removed.

Then cast about for sites of habitation and processing, both of which he expects to find downhill and try and get a sense of how the winds of magic flow here

[roll0] Perception 51

[roll1] Magical Sense 57

2021-12-13, 12:52 PM
you find blood trails, headed into the mine, they appear to be drag marks. the winds of magic are also a tad unreliable here. habitation, and processing are untouched

you do hear sobbing coming from a little ways off, it sounds like a girl, but you cant be sure

2021-12-13, 10:51 PM
you do hear sobbing coming from a little ways off, it sounds like a girl, but you cant be sure

After tracking the sound to its source or near enough, Bertelis dismounts and resumes the search on foot. Once he’s near enough to hear it, he offers in a voice spoken clear enough to be thought neither domineering, nor sneaking: “Come on out, now. It’s over now; I’m a good knight, and my friends and I are here to help.”

[roll0] charm, vs… 40 something, I’ll check. FP if required.

2021-12-14, 08:19 AM
Wighard decides that he doesn't want to get closer to the mine entrance right now, and goes look for Sir Bertelis and some light sources

2021-12-14, 12:37 PM
the crying stops, and teenager with mismatched eyes walks out of the woods. her face is tear-stained and her clothes are filthy. "who are you?" she murmurs, and collapses

wighard, you get here just in time to see this

2021-12-15, 10:46 AM
Bertelis dismounts at once, and sinks to his knees to cradle the girl. He looks up at Wighard, implicitly submitting to his medical authority in any way he can.

2021-12-15, 02:26 PM
Wighard makes his way quickly down to the two of them

Please step aside in case she turns out to be an evil shapeshifter, no point letting it grab both of us

He looks her over quickly and checks her skin, Cold and dehydrated, get us a fire going if you can please. he turns his attention back to her, Hello. I am Wighard, are you hurt anywhere? How long have you been outside?

2021-12-15, 05:02 PM
the teen blinks up at you. "i dont remember. a day, maybe more? i got a nasty scratch on my upper arm from a tree branch when blundering through the forest at night" she rolls up her sleeve, revealing a red, raw scratch mark

2021-12-15, 09:08 PM
Letting someone else take care of lighting a fire, Emil has a closer look at the girl's injury.

"Hold still, please. I need to remove any dirt from the wound first, so this may hurt a little bit. Don't worry. You're with friends now."

He was confident that her explanations would be forthcoming, and did not press her further.

Heal 53: [roll0]

are you kidding me

2021-12-16, 06:49 PM
Grimgoth hurries about gathering wood and starting a fire to bring light and warmth. Once the fire is roaring he takes a brand from the campfire and goes to inspect the mouth of the mine. He surveys the area to see if he can make any sense of what he sees.


2021-12-16, 09:36 PM
the cave slopes downwards at a sharp angle. drag marks are evident on the slope, along with a few dried blood trails, the cave itself looks somehow sinister, as if darkness bats at the light of the torch

2021-12-17, 10:37 AM
Thank you Grimgoth, Wighard settles by the fire and observes Emil's technique, and hands the girl a waterflask, Drink lightly at first, dangerous to drink too much too soon

[roll0] Charm 51 to get her to open up

2021-12-17, 01:53 PM
"things came out of the mine" the teenager says in a small voice. "big creatures, easily twice the size of a man, speaking a unknown language. da told me to run and i did, but i heard screams and the crunching of bones, as the creatures dragged them away into the mine"

2021-12-17, 03:25 PM
Grimgoth looks down at the ground and mumbles sounds like Trolls damnit where's a slayer when you need one of them.

2021-12-18, 02:06 AM
Bertelis looks into the mouth of the mine with a glimmer of dread. The path certainly leads into its belly; there is no escaping that conclusion. He rolls his shoulder and grimaces at the pain, shakes his head a little, and gets to preparing. He fishes the pair of torches from his horses' saddlebags, and lays them beside the fire. He straps his shield to his back, brings his horses over near to the fire and tethers them to a stake he drives into the ground.

Then he takes a knee in front of the cave, draws his longsword and drives its point into the earth, and leans on it as he prays.

Sir Bertelis is using his ability to invoke a Gift of the Lady. Bramble, there's a couple of things you ought to know to adjudicate that, but none of it is super burdensome so here's the rundown.

Basically, he prays for a minute, spends a fortune point, "Before going into combat" and gains one of a number of bonuses (+20% to resist poison, OR +1 Armor all over, OR Roll Twice and Choose for damage, OR +20% to resist fear, OR +10% to resist magic). He gets to choose the one he wants, and will usually get it, but if his patron deity, the Lady of the Lake, sees fit, she might give him a different gift than he asks for if it would be more relevant - the knight may be unaware that he's about to walk into a den of poison-dart shooting lizard men, but the Lady knows, and might choose to give him poison resist instead of what he asked for, for example.

Secondly, the duration of the blessing is kind of vague. He prays "before going into combat". A very strict reading of this would forbid it's use unless he's immediately about to enter a fight. I think it's obvious he can't wake up in the morning and pray and carry the blessing in his pocket until he needs it, but it seems to me if he has a reasonable idea he's going into danger (like a mine full of maybe trolls), it should be fine. It costs a Fortune Point after all, and if no combat results during the next scene, he's just down an FP for no benefit. Let me know if any part of that's unclear!

In this case, Sir Bertelis is asking for the Might of Purity - which manifests the ability to roll twice and choose the better result, when dealing damage.

2021-12-18, 02:36 AM
the lady grants you the boon, with a simple instruction. "protect the girl. she is more important than she appears"

any preparations before entering the mine?

2021-12-18, 05:21 AM
What's your name child? What do they mine here?

Wighard will check the houses for anything flammable or a light source, and take a look at the processing area just in case there is anything like acid that can be weaponised

2021-12-19, 11:19 AM
"im siobhan, and they mine iron in this mine" siobhan says.

wighard you find a crank lantern in each house and two vials of greenish liquid in the processing area

2021-12-19, 11:24 AM
Emil just paces nervously around the mine entrance. Having no preparations to make, all he can do is dread what is coming. He is no stranger to dark, enclosed spaces, having done a couple of stints in prison, but this is the first time he actually sets out to kill something.

2021-12-19, 12:02 PM
Siobhan, can you wait here with Adélard and Rainier, we are going to see what we can do.

Is there another entrance or is that the only one?

He looks at the others

Should we go in? We were asked to check the place out and we have. Taking word back to come and coming back with reinforcements may be better than going in, getting killed and having another group follow us into danger

2021-12-19, 06:28 PM
"there was a little side entrance a few seasons back" siobhan says. she adds "i dont know if it's in any kind of repair, but you could try it"

2021-12-20, 05:55 AM
Bertelis rises from his prayer, cleans off his blade, and considers Siobhan with new eyes. He frowns a little, thoughtfully.

“Why are you here, ma’amselle? Does your father work this mine..?”

2021-12-20, 10:31 AM
Should we go in? We were asked to check the place out and we have. Taking word back to come and coming back with reinforcements may be better than going in, getting killed and having another group follow us into danger
Grimgoth looked at the cave and then back towards his companions. Wighard we were asked to investigate the mine. At this point what do we go and tell the guild. We don't have any information. I don't think we need to go in there. pointing a thumb towards the mine entrance. And kill a nest full of trolls but I do think we need to find out what actually was behind this attack. I think we owe that much to our employers and to the people who work here.
Grimgoth lights his lantern and starts walking towards the mine's mouth. He looks down at the trails of blood at least it will be easy to track whomever was responsible.

2021-12-20, 10:58 AM
At this point what do we go and tell the guild. We don't have any information.

The reason you lost communication with the mine is because they were taken by some sort of monsters.

2021-12-20, 02:32 PM
That hardly seems worth the gold they offered. I wouldn't want to anger the guilds people.

2021-12-20, 02:43 PM
Fair enough. You don't want to try the side entrance Siobhan talked about?

You may be able to find it and tell if its safe

2021-12-20, 04:51 PM
Grimgoth will set off to try and find this side entrance.

Not sure what rolls are required for this if any.

2021-12-20, 09:22 PM
You find the side entrance. It looks no worse for wear, but you do notice a couple braces have shifted a little.

siobhan sniffles, and nods. "he and the miners bought me time to escape"

2021-12-20, 10:50 PM
Bertelis frowns. He doesn’t like this any more than anyone else. He made an oath to find out what caused the mine’s silence, and his conscience is not eased that he has completed that task with just the girl’s story. But he also has no desire to leave Siobhan alone while they investigate. Yet those were the only options, as he could see it. So he sighed, made his peace, and introduced the girl to his horses.

“You come here with your father, you must go back and forth to town with him, ah? You must have gone the way with a cart full of iron a few times, I think. Here. We must go into the mine. There may be others who need help. You will have to stay here - perhaps near your old hiding spot, since it work so well. But if trouble comes, you come to my horses, ma’amselle. Adélard is a fighting horse; he will not run away, and he will fight for you, ah? Noble champion on four legs.” He offers a reassuring smile as he pats the warhorse’s flank. “Rainier is a running horse. So you climb up here, and ride back up the path to the road and take the road back to town. And we catch up to you on the way back, I think. Alright?”

After he’s given the girl the unfortunately necessary orientation about his horses, he leaves her with them and the bag of fodder. He trusts in the ancient bond of girls and horses to take her mind off the tragedy for a while, as he talks to his companions. “Side entrance, ah? Easier to track from the main, I think; but more predictable. But I am ready to go - just quickly in and out, confirm the enemy, perhaps take one head or free who we can. The girl should not be left alone for long, even if we cannot spare any of our number to wait with her.”

2021-12-21, 03:42 AM
Quick raid? Good. How about Grimgoth go ahead because he can see without fire and the rest of us follow at a distance so as not to give away our presence?

2021-12-21, 07:24 AM
"It seems good to me, this way. After you, sir dwarf."

2021-12-21, 09:17 AM
With that Grimgoth hands off his lantern and confidently strides into the side entrance of the mine. Mines were the homes of dwarves and Grimgoth felt at ease as the Earth seemed to engulf him on all sides. He seemed guide by some inborn dwarven instinct as his steps carried him further underground. He kept an eye and ear out for any sign of the struggle that happened here days before.

Again not sure what checks so

2021-12-21, 03:33 PM
Wighard hoods the lantern, ready to light torches and such if the time comes

2021-12-21, 06:22 PM
Giving Grimgoth a little lead time, Bertelis keeps pace with the other humans; sword and shield out, unlit torches tied to his belt with a leather thong.

2021-12-21, 07:44 PM
The tunnel slopes downwards at a steady rate. Soon the dripping of water and the smell of mold hit your noses

Will everyone toss me perception at -10? except grimgoth and wighard

2022-01-02, 09:15 PM
in the interest of saving this game, im gonna move it along

as you stalk along the tunnel, two large hirsute creatures jump out at you. roll for initiative


2022-01-03, 04:36 AM
Wighard tries to get another torch or two going so they can see what they are up against

2022-01-04, 04:52 AM
the light illuminates two troll-like creatures, with huge warty, scabby plates extending down their tummies and backs. they speak a distorted version of reikspiel, interspersed with mumblings and chitterings

[roll1]sir bertelis

2022-01-09, 10:15 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

Does this require a Fear test?

Emil raises his sword in a defensive position and glances nervously at the others.

"I say we take them down one by one," he hisses. While he is no tactician, he has been in enough street fights to know that reducing the enemy's numbers—even by one—goes a longer way than giving several of them a bloody nose.

2022-01-14, 07:36 PM
the monstrosity attacks, claws sweeping towards sir bertelis and emil. both hit


[roll1]sir bertelis
[roll2] emil

2022-01-14, 07:56 PM
"Damn! Right on top of us! Back, you filth! Back!"

Lurching back to avoid the worst of the sweeping claw, Sir Bertelis immediately pushes onto the offensive - hacking away at the beast nearest to him with big, chopping blows of his longsword.

[roll0], or a reroll if failed for [roll1].

Swift attack, to attack twice.


If there's a first successful hit, it will do [roll4] or [roll5], whichever is higher.
If there's a second successful hit, it will do [roll6] or [roll7], whichever is higher.

Edit: Yikes, I'm just killin' these rolls. I hope there's no horrible reversal.

2022-01-15, 11:50 AM
Wighard, not directly engaged, tries to light a few torches from the lantern, maybe these things are afraid of light or fire. If not, they have a better chance of seeing what is going on.

Let us see how these things feel about fire

2022-01-17, 09:41 AM
Emil raises his shield to block the first strike, and hits back cautiously at his opponent.

Parry at +10 from using a Defensive weapon (target 54) against the troll's attack: [roll0] Passed, no damage

Aimed attack (+10) vs. 54: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

His blade hits only air and he growls in frustration.

2022-01-22, 02:33 PM
the monsters ignore the torches. monstrosity 2 will make two claw attacks against emil and grimgoth. the first swings wide, but the second connects


emil damage: [roll1]
grimgoth damage: [roll2]

2022-01-23, 10:31 PM
Grimgoth raise his shield to parry this hideous creatures claw swiping at him. The shield barely getting into place in time to stop the blow.
A deep rage filled Grimgoth and unleashed a series of deadly slashing with his axe. Deadly but blinded by rage. None of the blows drawing blood.
Die foul creature! he screamed exasperated at his failing to connect.

Swift Attack -Full action to attack twice.
[roll1] if it hits the higher of the two [roll2] or [roll3] +5
[roll4] if it hits the higher of the two [roll5] or [roll6] +5

2022-01-24, 10:52 AM
Emil feels his blood pumping with excitement as he dodges the creature's claws. This is... exhilarating, truth to be told. Doing his best not to lose himself, he strikes back.

Aimed attack vs. 54: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] :smallsigh:

He can only manage a glancing blow, unlikely to cause any real damage.

2022-01-24, 02:25 PM
monstrosity A tanks the wound, but monstrosity B is limping

monstrosity a will make two claw attacks against sir bertelis. the first goes wide, but the second punches deep through the chain mail



monstrosity a 15/15
monstrosity b 6/15

2022-01-24, 03:04 PM
Seeing his friend in such trouble Wighard gropes towards his pouch in an attempt to make this fight a bit more even

[roll0] Channelling

[roll1] +1 for Down +1 if Channelling succeeds

Target 6

Target must make WP test or sleep for 1d10 rounds

And even if he fails he is now giving the young Bretonnian +10% on his attacks

2022-01-24, 04:57 PM
Bertelis is hacking away at one of the beasts just as it turns to assault Grimgoth; and he moves to take advantage of its decision, leaving his shield high defending his flank against the other for a moment as he prepares for a piercing strike to the wounded creature's back, and hopefully heart. As he does so, he feels one set of claws rake off the shield, which is well enough; but some inexplicable instinct warns him that he cannot afford even that moment of inattention, and he ducks his head like a tortoise just as a second set of decapitating claws go whizzing past, their tips ringing off his helm and scoring the steel.

Morr has come very close, just now; but the Bretonnian has ducked the scythe, and attempts, with his own sword, to guide it into the back of the wounded creature.

...Were accidentally rolled in the OOC thread. First attack missed. Second one hits for a non-terrible 9 Damage before soak, on the wounded Monstrosity (To the head, infact). Since Bertelis is before Wighard in the initative, it's only NOW that he'll start benefitting from the helpful magic!

2022-01-27, 02:33 PM
monstrosity b tanks the sleep spell through sheer stupidity, but both claws go wide



2022-01-27, 03:01 PM
Grimgoth dodges out the way of two claw swipe. Oy! Ugly! Overhere ya bonka!
The dwarf tries goading the troll-like creature into keeping its focus on himself. He then charges it with his axes flailing.
Grimgoth connects with the thing's chin with one of his swipes of the axe. There is a shower of gore as the dwarf laughs.

Swift Attack Full Action
[roll0] if it hits highest out of [roll1] or [roll2] Confirmed Grimnir's Fury for an additional 2 points and 17 total damage to the head.
[roll3] if it hits highest out of [roll4] or [roll5] *Whiff*
I didn't explicitly call it out but these attacks were B the one attacking Grimgoth. And the 17 damage might be enough to keep him down permanently as he was already injured before Bertellis hit earlier this round and then Grimgoth hit in the head at the same time. Knight's sword and Dwarf axe with Troll's head in between. Squish!! Previous Soak was 6. So Monster B would have had 3 hp before getting hit for 11 after soak. That's a pretty serious critical roll.

2022-01-30, 01:51 PM
the monstrosities head tumbles off its shoulders, staining the ground with arterial blood. the second monster roars and swipes at sir bertelis. both hit, one significantly deeper than the other



2022-01-30, 02:34 PM
Bertelis skips back from one blow raking at a kneecap, and catches a second blow on his shield - this one so strong that it flashes sparks up from the gouged metal and drives him back in a rigid blocking pose, skidding a few feet on the earthen floor of the mine. Then he's launching forward again, sword flashing. The ambush fell upon them and things seemed grim, but the tide has turned comprehensively now; and the boon of Wighard's spell gleams in his rising and falling blade.

Parry and dodge are in the OOC.

[roll0] for [roll1] or [roll2], whichever is higher.
[roll3] for [roll4] or [roll5], whichever is higher.

Electing not to use fate on attack rolls because this guy keeps coming for my skull.

...And in a blow that the Green Knight may indeed have been proud of, he shears the head from the neck of the second creature. The danger passed, he rolls the head back with one foot so its face is pointing up into the torchlight.

"...A little fierce, but not the trolls we feared. More than enough to overwhelm miners, but if we proceed like this, we might well find survivors. Does anybody have and idea what they are?"

2022-01-31, 06:44 AM
Wighard takes the torch and cauterises the two neck stumps, and the head. I have no idea if that is necessary, but I would like to make sure. he regards the head, Clean neat amputation, mayhaps I will call on you next time I need to do one. he wraps the head up and puts it in his pack That will be some evidence of what is here. Is anyone wounded?

but if we proceed like this, we might well find survivors.

You wish to delve deeper? Our mission was to find out what happened to the miners. If we fail to return then others, perhaps less qualified, will need to be sent and the town will remain in danger through ignorance of the threat they face.

2022-01-31, 07:59 AM
You wish to delve deeper? Our mission was to find out what happened to the miners. If we fail to return then others, perhaps less qualified, will need to be sent and the town will remain in danger through ignorance of the threat they face.

Bertelis removes his helmet for a moment, and looks himself over. "They did not catch me, this time. The Lady smiles on our bravery. As for venturing deeper... Well. It is not so easy to say what is right, ah? It is a gamble. If we descend, we may save innocent men's lives - and, perhaps, secure a greater reward. If we return, we can steward Siobhan to safety, certainly - but we would be leaving any possible survivors to an additional number of nights while the town scrounges up a sufficient militia to make the descent anyway. My instinct is to take the risk, trust the gods, and see if we cannot save some of these tragically beset workers. It does... not sit well with me to turn back without knowing we can do no more good here. But I will hear the wisdom of our other companions, certainly."

2022-01-31, 09:01 AM
They weren't so tough. Grimgoth says looking at the pair of detached heads. Just go for the head. I'm for seeing if we can't stop some decent folk from becoming food. That may be foolish but I think pulling back now out of fear is not something that would sit well on my mind. If we go forward I'll keep a better eye out for danger.

2022-01-31, 03:14 PM
as you push forward, the smell of rot and death assaults your nostrils. as you round the corner, an altar of meat has been set up ahead. there's nobody here but ill need a will test at -20 to do anything but puke.

2022-01-31, 03:38 PM
WP test versus 21: [roll0]

Emil felt his stomach lurch, but managed to keep it under control. "Is that, uh, human flesh, you think?"

2022-01-31, 04:01 PM
Grimgoth wrinkles his nose at the stench of decay.

2022-01-31, 04:09 PM
Bertelis steps to the side, setting down his sword and pulling off his helmet quickly as the smell assaults him…


...and wretches up a few stringy mouthfuls of breakfast, and watery bile. It's not particularly dignified, but he manages not to get it on himself. Steadying himself, he produces his waterskin to rinse his mouth and spit, before glancing over toward the altar with revulsion.

2022-01-31, 05:22 PM
Wighard looks at the altar and projects a dispassionate professionalism that he doesn't entirely feel, but on the other hand part of his training involved being the guy who had to empty the bucket of amputated limbs after it fills up and its sometimes since been him the one filling the bucket after a bloody battle.

Well, that's a new one he advances cautiously but does not touch it trying to identify what species it is from, how long its been there and the skill with which it was butchered

"Is that, uh, human flesh, you think?"

Think carefully if you really want an answer to that question

Mundane investigation over he will make a quick magical check on the area to see the altar gives anything off

[roll0] Heal 61 (As Forensic Pathology is not on the skill list)

[roll1] Magical Sense 57

2022-01-31, 05:33 PM
the altar was constructed with great skill. the flensed flesh seems to wiggle and burble invitingly as you look at it. as you begin to scan it, your mind erupts in searing pain. take 1d5 wounds unreducable by toughness or armor


2022-01-31, 05:54 PM
Wighard staggers to the wall and slumps down to the floor clutching his head and trying not to look at that, thing.

He just about chokes back a scream but is clearly in great pain

2022-01-31, 06:04 PM
Right we burn it then and leave quickly. But not in that order. He lights a torch but waits for the others to get back on the feet and started down past the corner before throwing the torch unto the meat altar.

2022-01-31, 06:42 PM
Recovering from his stomach's rebellion, Bertelis regains himself after a few tottering steps and crosses to Wighard; standing near enough to him to provide the shadow of allies, in a painful moment. His eyes, however, scan the rest of the room. "...Is it possible there were... only these two? That these two.. mutant creatures caused such awful mayhem? Still.. we need oil, for the altar. A mine like this must surely have lamp oils, somewhere - probably stored in the mine itself, so the miners need not retreat to the surface to replenish their light."

2022-02-01, 07:48 AM
Wighard scrambles to his feet and starts running back up the tunnel

2022-02-03, 11:41 AM

as you scramble out into daylight siobhan looks at you "back so soon?" she says, wandering over and putting a hand on your arm

the rest of you:

the room you're in has a small trapdoor in the floor about ten feet from the altar.

2022-02-03, 02:50 PM
“Strange place for a trapdoor. What kind of mine would force its workers to climb a ladder with an armful of ore? Perhaps supply in there, ah?”

Grimacing at the smell and trying not to look at the altar, Bertelis replaces his helmet then crosses over to inspect the suspicious trapdoor. He’ll open it, if it’s not emiting weird sounds.

2022-02-03, 03:03 PM
Wighard collapses, totally out of breath, onto a pile of leaves and does not speak for some time, slowly some colour comes back to his face and he rolls over to face Siobhan I...I could not stay down there, I am sorry


A larger than usual raven regards them from a low branch opposite

Caw! Caw!

A flock of other ravens settles to the trees around them and looks at them

Technically a flock of Ravens is an Unkindness

I doubt that this usage is encouraged in the Old World

2022-02-04, 09:38 AM
Grimgoth looks around at the others.
Perhaps this side entrance meets up with the main mine shafts down through this door?Do we want to go through the door or leave and enter through the main mine shaft? Either way once the rest of you leave I'm taking down that altar. Grimgoth firmly grips his axe with both hands as he says the last part.

2022-02-05, 01:15 PM
the party in the mines: the trapdoor leads down into what could be considered a large storeroom. boxes and bags of mining gear lie strewn haphazardly around the walls and a wall sconce holds a guttering lantern that just barely illuminates the room and the bashed down door leading deeper into the mines. a body, claw marks rending it horrifically, spasms in the corner, coughing up wet bits of lung and bloody chunks


siobhan looks at the ravens, then looks at you. "rest now" she murmurs, and closes your eyes.

please describe the dream that puts you in contact with an agent of the shroud

2022-02-05, 05:26 PM
Bertelis' eyes go wide as he peers into the trap door. "Wighard!" He hisses, a fruitless sound that dares not be loud enough to attract other creatures, and therefore cannot reach the physician, way up the mine's shaft by now. Then, to Emil and Grimgoth: "Man alive!", and drops into the storeroom, rushing, helpless and untrained, to the perishing man's side. "Hold on, man; hold on a little longer. Morr need not embrace you just now."

2022-02-06, 11:53 AM
sir bertelis

the man gurgles "take the eye in my belt pouch" another round of hacking coughs ensue and he stubbornly clings to life, only to say "it may prove useful in the journey ahead." with that his head lolls to the side and his death rattle sounds.


the altar burns with the sickening stench of charring meat and a few screeches sound somewhere deeper in the mine

2022-02-07, 09:16 AM
"Take the eye in my belt pouch. It may prove useful in the journey ahead."

"The...... eye?" echoed Emil, fervently hoping he did not mean a literal eye but a trinket in the shape of one.

He rummaged carefully in the man's pouch.

I love how the man talks like a video game character. :smalltongue:

2022-02-07, 09:46 AM
Grimgoth uses his axe on the charring meat altar smashing through the blackened flesh before heading down to join the others.

2022-02-07, 10:50 AM
you find a finely crafted bejeweled eye with a small winding mechanism in the side. he has nothing else of value. if you wanna search the room gimme perception or search

2022-02-08, 02:55 PM
A white dove, a large owl and a great eagle alight next to the first raven. A hawk with prey grasps a nearby branch and begins tearing its catch to pieces, with an arrogant disregard for the hostile looks from the other birds*.

The Winds of Magic flow around the birds, some of them coalescing around specific birds, purple Shyish shrouds the Raven, red Aqshy the Hawk, yellow Chamon around the Owl, blue Azyr arcs between the Raven and the Owl and most spectacularly white Hysh glows around the Dove.

The Dove looks directly at Wighard You have served me and my sister well

Clearing up the bloody work of our uncle adds the Eagle, glaring at the hawk who merely sneers** and goes back to tearing up its meal

However, our father is in need of your services now, so we lend you to him for a time.

The Dove's glow fades, as the purple around the raven begins to reach out and fill Wighard's vision, blocking all else out.

Wighard awakes with a start, the raven is still there, but the other birds are not.

The emptied skin of a freshly killed rabbit falls into the leaves below where the Hawk had been perched

*Wighard can't read bird body language either, but its a dream so some things you just know

** Same about birds sneering and glaring

2022-02-08, 03:29 PM
"Now that is... an odd thing," muttered Emil, peering closely at the mechanical device. "Wonder who made it. Looks like the sort of trinket they'd make in Nuln. Think we should try winding it?"

He was half expecting it to be something dangerous.


if you wanna search the room gimme perception or search
Perception 63: [roll0]
Fortune Point if needed: [roll1]

2022-02-08, 06:20 PM
Emil finds a good-quality dwarven mattock tucked into an alcove. the mattock has a handle inlaid with silver filigree and the grips seem good. rooting around in the storeroom, Emil also finds a pair of archaic sets of coin mail vests, one in significantly better condition then the other. coin mail vests is basically chain mail shirts at 1.5x weight

wighard, a cold wind starts to blow and a few leaves fall off the nearest tree. a long drawn-out sigh seems to echo off the forest surrounding you, and siobhan shudders "we probably should get moving" she chirps with forced cheer

2022-02-08, 08:04 PM
Grimgoth takes the dwarven mattock from Emil turning it over in his hands. This is well made. Someone paid a good deal of coin for it. Shall we go deeper or check on our companion?

2022-02-08, 09:27 PM
Bertelis grimaces at the door leading deeper into the mine, then trades his glance down toward the body on the floor. “…Justice bids our descent; but compassion belongs first to those to whom we are first bound. We ought to speak with Wighard. If he is hale and willing, we might go further. But our obligation to him, as comrade, changes the weights of our options.”

He puts away his sword and shield, and enlists his companion’s help in getting the body of the fallen man up from the storeroom. His reasoning seems obvious - better to be burned in honor beneath the sun than devoured or mashed into a blasphemous altar down here.

2022-02-08, 09:58 PM
Grimgoth nods at Bertelis's words. Once we get him up the trap door I'll carry the body. the dwarf says looking back up from where they came. Emil carry those shirts, I'll carry this mattock. At least we found some things of worth.

2022-02-09, 10:22 AM
Uncertain exactly what has happened, Wighard picks up the rabbit pelt and puts it in a pocket

I cannot leave without my companions

With a new resolve he descends into the mine for a second time

2022-02-09, 11:12 AM
the party reconvenes about halfway up the mineshaft. you can hear the wind start to whip outside, as small leaves and sticks go zooming by the entrance. it seems abundantly clear that you should skedaddle before you're stuck in here with whatever horrors lie deeper in the mine. wdyd?

2022-02-09, 01:45 PM
There is some sort of storm brewing Wighard helps carry the dead man

2022-02-11, 04:17 PM
Should we camp outside in the storm or risk getting trapped in this mine? I vote for out into the storm. I don't like the idea of leaving that girl alone out there. Grimgoth says helping Wighard carry the dead man outside of the mine.

2022-02-11, 05:35 PM
"Yes. Best out, then; if we make it back to our campsite, we can fortify it to wait out the storm, then head back to town." With that, Bertelis is hustling; letting Wighard and Grimgoth carry the corpse, while he holds a lantern in one hand, and the head-in-a-sack in the other. They'll try to snowball up Siobhan, and then hustle back to the campsite they already scouted and secured the night before.

2022-02-11, 08:44 PM
the party makes its way through torrential rain back to the campsite. when you get there you all look like drowned rats, soaked to the skin and the horses are no better. its a long, cold, wet night as the thunder roars and the winds shrieks past the sodden tent flaps. when the morning finally rolls around, im gonna need a toughness test at -20 to avoid picking up a virulent cold.

-10% ws and -1 move for 1d5 days

2022-02-11, 11:56 PM
Wighard wakes, sneezes and looks up into the face of a large raven, being pretty sure it is the same one.

Does anyone need medical attention or do we just strike camp and get the heck out of here?

2022-02-12, 09:49 AM
Waking bleary eyed and just as miserable looking as Wighard, Bertelis forces down some rations, and shakes his head. "No wounds, though I feel lime Morr's afterthought. Back to town then. The town council will have to decide either to sent a their knights - or I suppose, a militia to clear the mine; or else to try to collapse it. The sooner we are back, the better."

Bertelis is going to strike camp. He'll put Siobhan on his riding horse, and ride his warhorse when they get back to the road. He'll also roll up the body of the decaying knight they found in the canvas of his tent (it'll need a wash!), and lashes it behind the saddle so he's taking this gross, waterlogged rotting man-burrito with him. Yuck. But still. Oh, and the cold lasts [roll0] day/s.

2022-02-13, 11:13 AM
the heroes sniffle their way back to trundheim, where they are reluctantly let in by the guard. the citizens give y'all a wide berth as you enter, and start muttering as emil sneezes. siobhan seems strangely unfazed by the weather, and more unfazed by the muttering. what's the plan here?

2022-02-13, 02:23 PM
So, do we want to go report back to the town fathers first?

Then we have to, um, see if anyone knows the man inside that armour, arrange burial, barter/sell off as much of this junk as we can, clean up what we want to keep. I need to restock supplies. Siobhan do you have any friends or family here? Or know anybody?

2022-02-13, 04:57 PM
"me ma died during childbirth, and me da is now probably dead in the mine" siobhan sniffles, and a single tear runs down her cheek. " my only family is now somewhere is talabheim, and to be honest, going by myself is a fools errand. id much rather stay with you guys" she looks up hopefully at sir bertelis, giving him her best puppy-dog eyes.

2022-02-14, 05:07 AM
Bertelis gives Siobhan a compassionate look; though his eyes are watering from frequent sneezing, not overwelling emotion.

"It would be the very height of knavery to abandon you here after what you have endured, my lady. We shall see that you are..." He pauses, eyes unfocusing, then continues. "...Taken care of until-" He suddenly turns to the side to sneeze, as the elusive outburst creeps up on him. He shakes his head a little, trying to focus. "...Until we can learn about your family in Talabheim, and see you safely settled. Your father had valor in him, to deliver you at such an awful cost. We are bound to honor that effort." This is not strictly true; no one but himself is honorbound to anything, but he takes the liberty of talking that way anyway.

Addressing Wighard and the rest of the group, he begins again: "Much as I want to report right away to the town fathers, it is less than seemly to carry this body around. I should like us to go at once to the local priest of Morr; who undoubtedly has helpers who can most reverantly deal with the content of the armor. And later in the evening I shall cajole a local armorer into cursing their apprentice to make the vacated suit suitable for purpose again - a job I feel I shall generously tip for. The trading we can do after we make our report - so I should think, the Morrites, then the Town Fathers, then whatever market we can find... Then perhaps a solid night's sleep." He looks between his companions for input, although he seems ready to start tapping passers by on the shoulder to ask where to find the shrine of Morr.