View Full Version : [Pathfinder 2E] Abomination Vaults (IC)

Storm Vermin
2021-11-05, 05:46 PM
https://i.ibb.co/KWwXbW7/Abomination-Vaults-Logo-Final.png (https://imgbb.com/)

It is a warm autumn evening and the stars are shining bright over the small logging town of Otari, nestled on the south coast of the Isle of Kortos. It is, in other words, a perfect night for fortune - telling, at least according to Wrin Sivinxi, a local oddities merchant and amateur astrologist. She has managed to talk a few of her friends into attending a reading - an eclectic little group, consisting of a fellow tiefling dedicated to an angelic general, a dwarf with a penchant for magic, a sneaky little gnoll and a gnome with a head full of dreams. Wrin is now attempting to discern what the future holds for them from the movement of celestial bodies.

"... and The Wagon is in the ascendant now, which foretells..." Wrin's gaze drifs towards northwest and she pauses her reading with a frown. "There's that awful light again! And brighter than yesterday, too." she tugs absent-mindedly on one of her horns, a tall-tale sign of tiefling heritage "You probably don't see it, but this eerie glow appeared on top of the Gauntlight a few weeks ago. Everybody in town tells me that I'm just letting children's rhymes and old wifes' tales go to my head, but I know the light's there! My readings have grown more foreboding ever since it appeared, too. " She turns towards the small group gathered close to her shop, a wide ring of wood frames and canvas cunningly disguised as a standing stone circle. "I'm worried something much worse than pests and mold is festering in that crumbling lighthouse. After all, it was a seat of great evil once...

2021-11-05, 09:14 PM
Produce Flame

Summon Construct
Feather Fall
Magic Missile

Share Senses

Lorgrym sits up in his chair and pulls off his reading glasses to squint out toward the Gauntlight. "I don't wish to doubt you, Wrin," says the old dwarf in a soft, warm voice, "But I have known you to get too worked up over small matters at times. Are you truly the only one who has seen this light? If what you say is true, I'd be shocked if there were not also a traveling merchant or a drunken lumberjack echoing your tale in The Casks."

Lorgrym looks away from the lighthouse, sinks back into his chair, and gazes ponderously at the Harrow cards arrayed on the table. "I loathe to think what it could mean if what you say is true... Last I heard, the old place was empty of any treasures and home only for the rats now. If someone or something is slinking around in there, it can't be for honest purpose."

2021-11-06, 03:44 AM
A quick nod from Mouse, where he sprawled on on a small table to have him mostly level with the rest of the group, an empty plate next to him now holding only crumbs. "Shame 'bout the treasure and all, but it's gonna be gone like you said." He glanced at Lorgrym, smiling innocently. "Least you know it's not me slinking around in there. If there's any dishonesty, I'm out of it."

He thoughtfully gestured at Wrin. "Maybe it's just someone camping out. I ain't sure what's still there that'd be worth evil types moving in." A hand rose to scratch behind his ear.

Zero Prime
2021-11-06, 08:36 AM
Arioch, servitor of Ragathiel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2536995)
AC: 17 | HIT POINTS: 21 | CURRENT 21 | FOCUS: 1 | CURRENT: 1
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Low Light Vision.

Arioch was glad to attend the reading, though he lent little credence to her readings, Wrin's presence was comforting to him. For he shared a heritage with her, their bloodline touched by abyssal ancestry somewhere in their past, those features manifested at birth, often caused those around them to judge them as corrupted or tainted. However, in Wrin, he had found a kindred spirit, someone who, despite their perceived nature, was a trusted member of the Otari community.

As she pointed towards the constellation, he followed her hand, and if he squinted, turning his head just so, he could see it. However, as her attention waivered, he too looked towards the Gauntlight, and though his eyes were accustomed to the gloom, he couldn't see as clearly as Wrin herself, he did trust her senses though, for she had been the first to show him kindness when he arrived in Otari some weeks ago. In attendance was a dour dwarven scholar, a shop keeper by all accounts, recently burdened by the loss of his spouse, and given the deep crag like lines on the man's face, Arioch was inclined to believe the local rumors. In a slow, deep voice, the dwarven man spoke, cautioning Wrin to patience, a not unreasonable request. Then the small gnoll spoke up, in their high pitched, almost canine voice, lamenting the fact that most treasures had been stripped from the ruins.

Arioch squinted, his eyes still cast towards the ruins of the tower, "What reason would a traveler, camp in those damp ruins, when the lights of the Cask are less than an hour's stroll, with the promise of warm food and a roof over one's head await you? It makes little sense unless one wishes to remain unobserved, and that is a cause for concern. Not one I'd bring up to Captain Longsaddle though, I've endured enough of his foul tempered tirades, but, perhaps, one we could take upon ourselves?"

2021-11-07, 02:54 PM
Yandriel stares at the sky attentively, moving his eyesight from one constellation to another constellation according to Wrin's words. The sudden interruption and the jaw-dropping discovery, however, shocked the gnome, who lost his grip on his flute upon hearing about it, before he acrobatically rescued the flute right before it reached the floor.

Yandriel stands up and a "We can know one thing for sure: something is happening there, am I right? Then, I think, we should pay a visit."

Yandriel then asks Arioch, "Don't mess with Captain Longsaddle, sure, but what 'bout Priestess Banderdash? She's friendly and knowledgeable. Perhaps she can tell us something about the lighthouse. And even if that's not the case, she might be able to lead us to the right bookshelf in the library."

And, in a sudden change of mood, Yandriel turns to Wrin and asks, "And... what does The Wagon ascending mean, anyway?" and he also tries his luck in using his crude astrological knowledge to find an answer to that.

Recall knowledge: Lore(Astrology) to see what the current star alignments mean. Yandriel has Dubious Knowledge (https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=776), so he will be able to learn something even if he fails, just not terribly reliable.

1d20+4->22 (as in OOC thread)

Storm Vermin
2021-11-08, 05:28 PM
Wrin nods eagerly as Arioch speaks. "Yes, even if somebody was crazy enough to camp in decaying ruins in the middle of a swamp, they wouldn't climb to the most exposed place around, right? And the light looks nothing like a campfire - it's this sickly, pale blue glow." She turns towards Yandriel as he suggests doing some more research. "I've already read up on Otari's official history and some biographies of the Roseguard's members. The stories are light on details, but they all agree that the Gauntlight's glow was somehow connected to Belcorra's magic. There are even echoes in that children's rhyme - about Belcorra coming to eat naughty kids when Gauntlight starts to glow?"

Wrin sighs and rubs her forehead in frustration "Look, I realize how this all sounds, and maybe I'm overreacting, but I can't stop worrying about the whole situation. I would have gone and investigated on my own weeks ago, but -" she pauses for a moment, a look of discomfort appearing on her face. "Well, I hate cramped spaces, and the thought of being surrounded by tons and tons of stone is just - ugh." the tiefling shivers.

When asked to finish her reading, Wrin smiles slightly and responds in a more upbeat tone. "Why, it means it's an excellent time for new endavours!" Yandriel realizes this is indeed the most common interpretation.

2021-11-09, 02:02 AM
Lorgrym lets out a hearty chuckle as Yandriel mentions the library.

"Now hold on a second there, lad!" the dwarf speaks in a lighter and more friendly tone, growing visibly excited, "If it's books we're talkin', ye've got some ol' fogey sittin' next to ya who's read damn near everything in Otari. Now if my mind ain't left me yet, I could swear I was just readin' somethin' about the Gauntlight the other day. What was it now... it's on the tip of me tongue." The old dwarf runs a hand through his messy gray beard, muttering to himself as he's lost in thought.

Lore (Library) -- [roll0]

2021-11-09, 06:22 AM
Mouse produced a small chunk of wood, whittling at it with a knife in a manner that's usual for him when he's thinking something over. Eyes dart from one speaker to the next as discussions go on and his ears twitched in a digestion of information.

"Can't see that ol' Belcorra is going to turn up and start chowing down on the locals." He drawled to Wrin. "Just because of a weird light, but.." A shrug. "Stories sometimes mean something." He glanced over at Lorgrym as the old Dwarf mused over stories himself."Books and learning ain't my strong suit, but, I do hear rumours from time to time that might be of use.."

Lore (Underworld): [roll0]

Zero Prime
2021-11-09, 07:10 AM
Arioch, servitor of Ragathiel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2536995)
AC: 17 | HIT POINTS: 21 | CURRENT 21 | FOCUS: 1 | CURRENT: 1
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Low Light Vision.

Arioch listened to his companions discuss the lore and history surrounding the Gauntlight, having little to contribute, the broad shouldered paladin stood to his full height. "A poor plan executed with haste, if oft times more advantageous than a perfect plan implemented after lengthy delay. Perhaps we return to our respective homes, procure gear for an overnight expedition, and meet at the Giant's Wheel to make our way to the ruins?"

2021-11-09, 04:34 PM
Yandriel nods to Wrin compassionately, knowing that his friend has claustrophobia, "I know, 'tis not a place you are comfortable with. Worry not, we'll get there and get things done."

Yandriel then turns to Arioch in approval, "Sure, Gauntlight might be glowing ominously but The Wagon says we'll be fine. Let's set off tomorrow."

Zero Prime
2021-11-10, 08:37 AM
Arioch, servitor of Ragathiel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2536995)
AC: 17 | HIT POINTS: 21 | CURRENT 21 | FOCUS: 1 | CURRENT: 1
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Low Light Vision.

Arioch stood, looking out to his companions, "So it shall be, by dawn's first light, let our journey be blessed by the Burning Mother, and shielded by Ragathiel's wing." A pause, "And should danger dog our heels as we set our feet upon this path, I will offer this solemn pledge. I will stand between you and it, for if, as Wrin suspects, evil gather's in the shadows of the Gauntlight, we shall persevere." He placed his hand forward, to lay palm over knuckles with these new companions, ready to stand, to fight, and to die, if need be, in their defense.

OOC: On three, TEAM ADVENTURER! After the team building moment, I am good to advance to the following morning, unless we have anything else we need to do before we prepare?

Storm Vermin
2021-11-10, 05:40 PM
Lorgrym can't recall much besides what Wrin already mentioned- Gauntlight served as lair for the evil sorceress Belcorra, who was vanquished nearly 500 years ago by Otari's heroic founders, the Rosegaurd. As for Mouse, he hasn't heard any rumours of note circulating about the ancient lighthouse.

I'm ready to put you on the way to the Gauntlight, if everyone's OK with that.

2021-11-10, 09:14 PM
Suddenly, Lorgrym breaks from his pondering and slams a fist on the table.

"Blast! It's slipped my mind." He grumbles. At that, he looks up around the other visitors at the table as they make plans to set out. "Aye, count me in," Lorgrym nods, "I've wanted to poke around that old place for myself for years now," he turns to Wrin, "and I'd never turn down a friend's request for help." With that, the old dwarf pulls himself to his feet, and bows to Wrin and the rest of the group, "Lorgrym Coalbearer, at your service." He rises from the bow and puts his hand forward to match Arioch's. As he does, a bright white mouse digs it's way out from under his beard, scurries over his shoulder and down his arm. The mouse scurries down to Lorgrym's wrist and sits back on its hind legs.

"And this," Lorgrym chuckles, "This is my friend Quartz. We may not look like much, but we've learned a trick or two that will come in handy if there's any trouble in there."

o7 All ready for adventurin on my end.

Storm Vermin
2021-11-11, 05:38 PM
The next morning, the four adventurers gather on the northern edge of Otari before venturing into Fogfen. The ruins aren't far from the town - just a 20 - minute walk away along the aptly-named Gaunt Trail, and so the party quickly reaches what remains of the Gauntlight Keep.

The sound of frogs and mosquitos mixes with water sloshing against muddy shores, all muffled by the ever-present mists that linger in the aptly named Fogfen. As the mists clear, a shadow looms from the cloying swamp vapors - a sprawling ruin of stone and wood squats atop an island in the soggy marsh. The upper floors have largely collapsed, leaving only the stone walls of the ground floor intact. Above these ruins towers an out-of-place monument - a colossal lighthouse whose painted walls and iron-cased crown have resisted the corrosive effects of the surrounding swamp.

An overgrown path leads to a squat, moss-covered watchtower directly to the north. The gate leading to the building must have rotted away a long time ago and now the entrance gapes wide open. To the east of the watchtower lies a muddy pond, its' edges overgrown with tangles of reed.

2021-11-12, 02:00 PM
"That lighthouse... it somehow survived the weathering and the swamp for, like, 500 years? While everything else broke down? That's amazing!" Yandriel sounds impressed and intrigued by the lighthouse, "Is it protected by some magic...? Or does it have anything to do with the painting on the wall?"

Attempts to identify possible magic protecting the lighthouse.
Arcana: [roll0]
Occultism: [roll1]

2021-11-13, 02:45 AM
Read Aura
Electric Arc

Summon Animal
Magic Missile

Share Senses

Lorgrym nods at Yandriel. "Aye, that's a good question. Worth investigatin' when we get to poking around in there." Lorgrym scans around the ruins carefully, shudders and pulls his cloak closer around his shoulders. He then mutters an incantation under his breath and a protective field of shimmering force envelops him. "This place makes me nervous. Not enough solid ground." Then, Lorgrym takes a deep breath and begin trudging down the path toward the old gate and the watchtower. "Well there's no use draggin' our feet. I'm not gettin' any younger."

I am using the Repeat a Spell exploration action to cast Shield.

2021-11-13, 03:07 AM
Mouse sniffed the air as they moved, the diminutive Gnoll working to try and keep up with his longer legged companions and glancing at Arioch hopefully. "Y'know, I could work to try and spot a fair bit more if I happened to be perched on your shoulder. Just saying 'n' all." He eyed the tower himself, nodding. "Could just be better made then the rest of these ruins, or it's magic, yah. You all likely know more then that myself, I'm mostly just here to spot things that'd try to do us in.

Speaking of.." His nostrils flared again as he looked away, sampling the various scents in the area in cautious fashion. "And you have it Lorgrym. You'd just get wet feet, I'd be swimming if I step wrong."

Will use Sensitive nose for picking up any concerning scents within 30 feet.

Zero Prime
2021-11-13, 07:42 AM
Arioch, servitor of Ragathiel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2536995)
AC: 17 | HIT POINTS: 21 | CURRENT 21 | FOCUS: 1 | CURRENT: 1
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Low Light Vision.

Arioch nodded speaking to his companions, however, his eyes stayed locked on the path ahead, picking out a path that would avoid the worst of the fens, and allow them some dry ground as they approached the towers. "Could be it was simply well constructed," he commented to Yandriel's inquiry. "I hear that Lorgrym's folk are exceptionally skilled with stone and steel, I, for one, would love to visit Janderhoff to see the marvels of their stonework."

He proceeded cautiously, calling out behind him, "Watch the path I take, try to follow in my footsteps," he was unsure of what he was scanning for, creatures breaking the surface of the fens, scavengers in the branches as they approached the tower, or bandits with rudimentary traps or obstacles seeking to waylay the party. However, gripping the hand and a half sword in two red-hued hands, he squinted his eyes against the morning sun, searching for any danger that would pose a threat to himself or his companions.

OOC: Moving ahead of the party, by about 60 feet, picking out a path that is easy for our party to navigate, I am performing the Scout (https://2e.aonprd.com/Actions.aspx?ID=518) action, which will allow us to approach the tower at 1/2 speed, *but*, provide us with a +1 Initiative bonus for the next encounter.

Storm Vermin
2021-11-14, 11:32 AM
There is definitely something unnatural preserving the whole ruins - they should have been completely consumed by the swamp over half a millennium. The Gauntlight itself seems immune to time's passage, as there is not a single spot of vegetation covering its' walls or a speck of rust on its' iron crown. It would certainly take powerful magic to raise such an impervious structure.

No sound but the rustling of trees and distant frog croaks break the silence as the party approaches the watchtower. The building appears completely unguarded, and the foursome walks up to the front gate without incident. Through the decayed front door, they get a clear look inside. Swaths of mildew and mold cover the damp surfaces of this watchtower, appearing as green and black smears on the dull stone walls. The doorframes in the walls to the north and south rotted long ago, while a few collapsed chairs lie on the floor amid small heaps of foul-smelling gray lumps. Thick sheets of dusty cobwebs hang from above, obscuring any view of the ceiling. A decrepit wooden drawbridge stretches from the tower's northern exit.

You recognise the foul smell - these lumps are dung, some of it fairly fresh. The stench is overpowering, and makes it hard to pick up anything else.

Zero Prime
2021-11-14, 12:50 PM
Arioch, servitor of Ragathiel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2536995)
AC: 17 | HIT POINTS: 21 | CURRENT 21 | FOCUS: 1 | CURRENT: 1
ACTIVE EFFECTS: Low Light Vision.

Arioch studied the gatehouse as they approached, his brow was furrowed, the cobwebs that dangled above their heads obscured the high ceilings within the building, a fact that concerned him. Perhaps burning them away would be the best option, he stopped, sheathing his blade, producing from his belt pouch a tinderbox. Striking flint to steel, he produced a cloth wrapped torch, setting it aflame. Holding the torch in his left hand he secured the flint and steel, once again, in his hip pouch, and stored it at his side, before drawing his weapon, it's long blade reflecting the flickering light of the torch in the gloom.

"Let's get a closer look?" He said to his companions, reasoning that the damp and the mildew would prevent any flame from the burning cobwebs from spreading to the gatehouse itself. He lifted the torch to the cobwebs, his eyes scanning around and above.

2021-11-15, 02:53 PM
"The more I look at Gauntlight the more I believe that it must have been preserved by powerful magic." Yandriel comments.

Then, as Arioch attempts to burn the cobweb, Yandriel encourages, "Yes, yes, what could go wrong? Inflammable stuff have mostly decayed by now.".

Yandriel reaches up, measuring how high the cobwebs are, and decided that his gnomish stature does not really help with the task. Instead, he focuses on his encouraging words.

Yandriel casts Infectious Enthusiasm (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=932).

2021-11-17, 07:59 PM
Lorgrym steps close to the stinking gray lumps on the ground and kneels down. "Arioch," he says, "Hold the light this way a minute. What do you suppose these are? Maybe eggs of some kind?" Lorgrym draws his clan dagger and uses the blunt part of the blade to gently nudge the closest lump.

[roll0] Recall Knowledge Nature, if appropriate.

2021-11-18, 02:52 AM
Mouse had been grimacing in distaste since they entered, rubbing at his nose as various, unpleasant scents assailed it. His eyes slanted to Lorgrym as he inspected the lumps and there was a quiet snicker.

"I can save you some time. They're dung."

2021-11-19, 04:53 PM
Yandriel hums a delightful tune, then tries to add some lyrics to it.
"Brave warriors went to the Gauntlight, and all they found were piles of ****e... well, Mouse, got any idea who left these dung? If they are fresh..."", Yandriel takes a sniff, and frowns, looking disgusted, "perhaps it means a big hairy monster is nearby?"

2021-11-19, 06:20 PM
Lorgrym doesn't get up from his crouch next to the dung, but sheathes his dagger and grins back at Mouse.

"If only my nose were half as sharp as yers!" Then he nods at Yandriel, "You raise a good point. I'd also like to know what sort of creature leaves droppings like this. Even if it's not fresh, it might help us better prepare for whatever beasties we find deeper inside.

Storm Vermin
2021-11-21, 03:54 PM
Lorgrym realizes the droppings were most likely left by mitflits - a kind of dimunitive, belligerent fae.

Arioch peers through the cobwebs and notices a 3 - foot space between the webbing and the ceiling above. It is filled with a slipshod network of soggy ropes and planks, which could serve as a walkway for creatures small enough to squeeze into this space.

As the adventurers slowly file into the dank watchtower, a squeaky, grating voice comes from somewhere above the cobwebs. The language this voice speaks is oddly guttural, and only Lorgrym can understand it.

The voice speaks in Undercommon: "We, the Fogfen pixies, welcome you to our humble parlor, brave heroes! Beware, there are some really mean bugs in the keep beyond! We advise you to partake of the magic pixie mud we left so thoughtfully on the floor to refresh yourselves before venturing forth."

2021-11-22, 12:12 AM
Lorgrym furrows his brow as he squints up toward the dark cobwebs overhead. He rises and leans over to his companions, speaking to them quietly.

"They're Mitflits." He mutters to them, "Meanspirited little fey, but not necessarily violent. Seems the one up there is looking for a laugh at our expense. I'll see if we can resolve things peacefully, but I admit I'm not the most persuasive of speakers."

Then, Lorgrym calls back up to the cobwebs in the same guttural language, but in the most pleasant tone he can manage.

"You are a most gracious host, to offer us such gifts! But alas, we foolish folk are unfamiliar with the uses of pixie mud. Perhaps you, in your infinite worldliness and wisdom, could come down among us and demonstrate how we might make use of your blessing! I assure you, we mean you no harm so long as you return the sentiment."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2021-11-25, 10:51 PM
"I don't think I can communicate with the Misflits directly, but perhaps I can help with the atmosphere." Yandriel chants loudly, as he casts Read the Air, to gather clues that he'll otherwise miss due to the language barrier, then he starts to play his flute, improvising a playful tune.

Yandriel casts Read the Air, then attempts to Make an Impression with Versatile Performance.


If the latter is impossible (for example, due to language barrier), then Yandriel instead attempts to use the music to Aid Lorgrym's diplomacy

If Aid is also impossible... then it's just the mandatory background music for Misflits encounters :smallredface: