View Full Version : DM Help A Boss fight

2021-11-10, 10:18 AM
I'm trying to make a boss/mini boss fight, this is the werewolf hunter villian that is sent from the king. So I would say probably a mini boss, he is going to be a witch knight concept, warlock/paladin. He pretends to worship the king's god but secretly has made a deal with a devil. He is supposed to attack then the players retreat from him to fight him later, he also will have a group of 6 other lackeys. I was thinking about drawing him up as a player character but giving him a boost to Hp and some other random ability but everything I've seen says that's a bad idea. I'm open to all suggestions.

So basically he is a warlock/paladin, human with 3 swordsmen, 2 archers, and 1 low level mage (the swordsmen and archers I'm just using town's guard's stats unless a better idea comes along)

2021-11-10, 10:27 AM
What's the party level and numbers?

2021-11-10, 10:32 AM
How many players you have? Party composition? Level? Place of the ambush/fight? Will they be rested or not? A few more details about the setting of this encounter could help to aid you in what you want.

Nevertheless, I would not tailor too much this character if it is their first encounter. If you want to use it as a recurring villain, be mysterious about his/her capabilities and goals. Also, if he is not truly loyal to the king, what are the motivations to fulfil the king's command and engage the players?

2021-11-10, 10:48 AM
1) Be very careful planning encounters in which the PCs are "supposed" to do anything. They won't.

2) Don't get too focused on class builds as much as the abilities you want the NPC to have in that encounter.

General encounter building advice.

2021-11-10, 03:36 PM
Players are notoriously bad at knowing when to run away from a fight. Even when it should be obvious that they are in over their head.

I'd be tempted to have them target an NPC rather then the PCs, that way once the NPC is killed the villain is the one who will retreat, if the villain kicks enough ass without trying to be lethal, ie doesn't target downed PCs then it's more likely that they'll let the villain leave. Making some threats about how not making him kill the PCs or taking a hostage that he'll kill if they follow would also work.

2021-11-11, 07:06 PM
What's the party level and numbers?

Sorry I completely forgot to include it, all are at level 7
Veldekin Artificer
Warforged Barbarain
Half Orc Barbarian
Half Elf Ranger

2021-11-11, 07:12 PM
How many players you have? Party composition? Level? Place of the ambush/fight? Will they be rested or not? A few more details about the setting of this encounter could help to aid you in what you want.

Nevertheless, I would not tailor too much this character if it is their first encounter. If you want to use it as a recurring villain, be mysterious about his/her capabilities and goals. Also, if he is not truly loyal to the king, what are the motivations to fulfil the king's command and engage the players?

Artificer Veldekin, Warforged Barbarian, Half-orc barbarian, and a half elven ranger all level 7. They will probably be rested for the fight unless they attack this upcoming NPC group. Currently the group is on a quest to return a sicken child to her uncle in the mountains, the child is a werewolf nearing her first change. The villain is obsessed with killing the werewolf, he already killed her mother and father. He sees it his mission to kill all lycanthropes thus him working under the king to get more resources and less hassle from the royal guards. He doesn't fully understand his warlock patron is a demon and that he has been corrupted, there won't be a redemption for him.

2021-11-11, 10:05 PM
Damn. I'd love to say 'throw a deathknight', but wee bit too strong. They can take on a CR13, Deathknight is CR17. They also don't look like they have very good access to healing.

Honestly, look at the Erinyes - Monsters - D&D Beyond (dndbeyond.com) (https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/erinyes) You could straight run one, but more reflavor it. The numbers are good, now, what's the flavor like?

Longbow becomes eldritch blasts/magic. Poison damage on sword becomes radiant/necrotic, depending on how you want to flavor it.

Poisoned condition could be from it draining vitality of those it hits.

I'm lazy, and that's the fastest way I build fights. Throw it in Goblinist or a tool to see about what CR they can take, find one that's a decent base, and reflavor til I'm happy.

2021-11-12, 06:40 AM
I'm trying to make a boss/mini boss fight, this is the werewolf hunter villian that is sent from the king. So I would say probably a mini boss, he is going to be a witch knight concept, warlock/paladin. He pretends to worship the king's god but secretly has made a deal with a devil. He is supposed to attack then the players retreat from him to fight him later, he also will have a group of 6 other lackeys. I was thinking about drawing him up as a player character but giving him a boost to Hp and some other random ability but everything I've seen says that's a bad idea. I'm open to all suggestions.

So basically he is a warlock/paladin, human with 3 swordsmen, 2 archers, and 1 low level mage (the swordsmen and archers I'm just using town's guard's stats unless a better idea comes along)

First up, have a plan for what happens if he dies. It doesn't matter how overlevelled he's meant to be, the 1's on saves and planet-cracking crits will happen, while the supposed warrior of legend cannot roll above an 8 (speaking from experience here!). If you don't want the possibility of death, don't put him in attack range of the PC's.

The PC's will have a big advantage in a fight simply through having more actions. I'd highly recommend adding legendary and / or lair actions so he can be an actual challenge to multiple PC's. Extra attacks, a fear effect, something relating to getting away if it goes badly, etc. One thing that could be fun is to add on the Goblin Boss' reaction where he can make a nearby ally take a hit meant for him.

Second, don't count on them retreating--PC's are a stubborn lot, and the rules aren't exactly helpful when you try to run away.

I'd suggest two options--either have him demonstrate how scary he is in a "cutscene" (for example, killing an ally of the PC's who was already established as being scary). Having an NPC explicitly say they need to run would help.

Or if you do want to go with the fight, use the minions as speedbumps (or spells such as Grease or Web from his wizard ally) to stop him getting focus fired into oblivion. Have them fight a round or two, then have a scripted event happen that forces them apart (the floor cracks open, the roof of a burning building begins to collapse, etc).

Stat-wise, I'd say the Blackguard from Volos sounds like a good template. Maybe swap some of the paladin spells out for warlock spells?