View Full Version : 3rd Ed 3.5 rogue/assasin equip 1 hand and 1 arm slot

2021-11-11, 08:29 PM
Hi, i'm playing an rogue/Assasin drow and i have obtained the "claw of revenancer" which consume 2 slot, arms and hands (my DM said doesn't consume the ring slot, so... nice nice nice), i'm here to ask you if you knew some single equip like 1 glove or 1 bracelet good for a pg like mine (first pg) or an armor who doesn't have dex max which i could enchant.

Maat Mons
2021-11-11, 09:13 PM
Contrary to what the writers of City of the Spider Queen believe, you can't split a body slot between two different magic items.

Some body slots are described as a matched pair of body parts. If an item uses one of these body slots, it takes up both “halves” of the body slot even if worn on only one of the pair. For example, a glove of storing takes up the entire hands body slot, even though it’s only one glove. Similarly, items that come in pairs must be worn together to function.

2021-11-12, 07:44 AM
Contrary to what the writers of City of the Spider Queen believe, you can't split a body slot between two different magic items.

My DM says that i can use the remaining 1 hand and 1 arm slot if i find single pair item

2021-11-12, 02:01 PM
Only ones I can think of are a glove of the master strategist and a glove of storing.

Maat Mons
2021-11-12, 04:47 PM
In that case, maybe Wand Bracelet and Gauntlet of Infinite Blades?

Since you can't cast Create Greater Undead, you can't actually use the function of the Claw of the Revenancer that makes it good. For you it's just +5 armor, and +5 natural armor. You can easily add those properties to other items using the rules in the back of Magic Item Compendium. And then you'd be free to use whatever items you like in your arms and hands slots.

I guess maybe you could convince someone else to wear the Claw of the Revenancer, use it to Create Greater Undead, and then give it back to you. You'd gain control of the undead they created. But at that point you'd be kind of superfluous.

2021-11-14, 01:38 PM
Contrary to what the writers of City of the Spider Queen believe, you can't split a body slot between two different magic items.

Did they give a reasoning or is it simply a case of specific trumping general? If the latter then it would work as described for sure.

Incarnum gives you the ability to split an item slot between incarnum and a magic item so it isn't unheard of.

Also, the claw functions as a gauntlet which can be worn as a weapon. Technicality says that it only covers the item slots making it so that you simply can't wear them, not that it uses the item slots.

2021-11-14, 02:02 PM
If you have plenty of gold to spend there's also the Casting Glove (MIC p.84).

2021-11-15, 08:16 AM
If you have plenty of gold to spend there's also the Casting Glove (MIC p.84).

I think that this is a good idea i'm a poison oriented and i can store some poison inside to use it or some wand.

ps:I'm the new king of Menzoberranzan so i have "some gold to spend" :cool: