View Full Version : wrath and glory: hive Golgotha stirs

2021-11-12, 02:54 PM
you are all aboard the light cruiser piety of the vampire, and are currently in a cavernous briefing room awaiting the arrival of magos thrix. please describe your characters and where they are standing/sitting.
you've heard rumors of an ancient ministorum text that was lost on this planet

there may be a suit of tactical dreadnought armor hidden in this hives lower levels

Lord Raziere
2021-11-13, 01:46 PM
Canonesss Fiedelm
She is sitting in her white and red vestments with a gold skull design on the belt, red hair tied up in a braid from her home planet. While she waits she has put her hands together in prayer and muttering sororitas prayers under her breath such as this one:

"A spiritu dominatus,
Domine, libra nos,
From the lighting and the tempest,
Our Emperor, deliver us.
From plague, temptation and war,
Our Emperor, deliver us,
From the scourge of the Kraken,
Our Emperor, deliver us.

From the blasphemy of the Fallen,
Our Emperor, deliver us,
From the begetting of daemons,
Our Emperor, deliver us,
From the curse of the mutant,
Our Emperor, deliver us,
A morte perpetua,
Domine, libra nos.
That thou wouldst bring them only death,
That thou shouldst spare none,
That thou shouldst pardon none
We beseech thee, destroy them."
She will continue this quiet prayer until the meeting begins. The Emperor surely has sent her here to recover a rumored Ministorum text- a holy relic that will reveal a small part of the Emperor's divine plan. If the rumors are true then hopefully she is meant to find it as an extension of His will. Therefore it is imperative that she succeed. She believed it with all her being, to do anything less was to doubt the Emperor's plan for the Imperium, mysterious as it was. Sheona has faith- faith that she was meant to recover this text, or at least destroy whatever heretic spread lies about its existence. Either way, it was all apart of the Emperor's plan, and she was an instrument towards its success. She believes it so hard, that the motley arrangement of people she is working with do not even give her pause- the Emperor works in mysterious ways. If they are here on this mission, they are meant to serve Him in some manner, that is all there is to it.

2021-11-13, 03:25 PM
Baltus looks around the room at those gathered here. He still found it unusual to work on assignments alone with non Astrates, but it was something to work on. Looking over those gathered, he decided to attempt to speak to the Inquisitor. He yad always found those in the Ordo Xenos to be loyal servants of the Emperor. Quickly and quietly walking the distance between them, he approached Mathais. Trying to keep his voice quiet so that the only person who hears him is the Inquisitor, Baltus asks, "So, what brings a member of the Inquisition out here without their warband?"

2021-11-13, 08:36 PM
Mathias DeCarabas

Mathias had been the last one who arrived, immediately dramatically striding into the room with purpose and sitting down, his boots up on the table. Average Imperial citizens would understand that an Agent of the Inquisition arrives exactly when he means to and would dare not question why he had been late.

In actuality, Inquisitor DeCarabas had been up into the late hours drinking and gambling. He never really got used to having access to such high price amasec and the crew just kept on wanting to lose their money. He had intended to take it easy and keep quiet, nursing his hangover until Magos Thrix had shown up. That is until....

Trying to keep his voice quiet so that the only person who hears him is the Inquisitor, Baltus asks, "So, what brings a member of the Inquisition out here without their warband?"

Emperor's bowels....it's too early for this. Mathias thought to himself, casually waving over a servitor. "The Inquisition holds much power, Astartes. I don't like to call down the true extent of their wrath unless it's truly necessary." In actuality, Mathias hadn't even thought to call on his now vast resources. He always preferred to work alone, and now was internally kicking himself for coming to Golgatha without the full force of the Ordo Xenos behind him.

"Bring over a pot of recaff, black." Mathias said to the servitor, which beeped approvingly and then lumbered off. The inquisitor turned back to Baltus "I imagine the Blood Angels have similar reasons for only sending one warrior here?"

2021-11-13, 09:21 PM
magos thrix scuttles in on a mass of spider-like mechadendrite feet. he parks himself by the data-projector and plugs in. he clears his throat, sending a new wave of agony through Mathias' head. "praise the omnissiah!" he intones, and the readouts spin to life. magos thrix speaks "hive Golgotha is a mining hive, churning out several hundred thousand tons of lommite ore a week. recently, a digging crew uncovered this" a picture appears, grainy and indistinct


"unfortunately, that was their last transmission. a subsequent search team found neither crawler nor bodies, suggesting that something sinister is afoot. transport has been arranged to Golgotha when you are all ready to leave. the ships master is ready for any requests you might make, of weapons or provisions."

2021-11-14, 01:58 AM
Mathias DeCarabas

The Inquisitor squinted his eyes shut at the harsh, metallic sound of Thrix's voice. The foul Drukhari could learn a thing or two about torture from the techpriests who replaced the Magos's voicebox. Where the hell was that servitor?

By the time the photo was displayed, the Inquisitor had gotten his recaff and was significantly less grumpy. He lifted his boots off the table, sitting forward and studying the photo between sips of recaff "If there were no bodies or signs of a struggle, I'd say it was probably local hive gangs. I still wouldn't write it off entirely." He takes a sip from his mug before turning to Thrix, "Magos, what do you know of criminal activity in the area?"

2021-11-14, 07:53 AM
gimme a DN3 cunning check, the more icons you shift, the more you know

2021-11-14, 08:10 AM
Standing at attention, Colonel 163 listens to the techpriest as he describes the missing patrol.

Voice buzzing from underneath his rebreather, he speaks up:

"I will begin with a platoon-level deployment. That should be sufficient until we can gain further intelligence."

2021-11-14, 10:57 PM
the magos speaks "163, you know as well as i do the value of discretion. surely we must send reconnaissance probes before we can find the canker and destroy it. force serves its purpose, but only when the correct instruments apply, don't you agree?"

2021-11-15, 06:49 PM
Colonel 163 gives a surly grunt of affirmation.

"So what's our next move?"

2021-11-18, 06:20 AM
"Some of us should inspect the site personally to make sure nothing was missed by previous teams."

2021-11-18, 01:26 PM
"of course" thrix buzzes. and a servitor comes in. "an aquilla lander is waiting for you in the docking bay. may the emporer protect you"

2021-11-21, 02:48 AM
Baltus nods to the Magus before following the servitor to the lander.

2021-11-21, 06:16 PM
Mathias DeCarabas

In respones to my Cunning roll....

Inquisitor DeCarabas gets up from his chair, quickly flashing the sign of the Aquila to the Magus before joining the others. Typical of the Adeptus Mechanicus: they are so focused on picking up some new toy from the Dark Age of Technology that they don't bother to learn about anything else. Fortunately, Mathias knew that the seedy underbelly of Hive Worlds that so much of his Ordo simply ignored was often the best place to find information.

And fortunately for the party, the Inquisitor did some homework before traveling to Golgatha.

"There are two hive gangs operatiing around the mining operation," DeCarabas explains as they walk, pulling out a data slate and tapping the screen a few times. "The Black Rollers and the Iron Teeth. It would be wise to investigate the operations of both, but I suggest we begin with the Black Rollers. I doubt a gang that takes that much pride in their vehicles could resist getting their hands on some deep-mining equipment."

Lord Raziere
2021-11-21, 06:45 PM
Canonness Fiedelm:
"Inquisitor DeCarabas" she says as she ends her prayer and gets up to walk. "I have been sent on a holy mission to investigate rumors of a lost Ministorum text on this planet and will make it my top priority. As there could be holy text from the God-Emperor himself to find, I shall prioritize confirming its existence, locating it and retrieving it over purging heresy, but if I catch any in my sight I will not hesitate to do what must be done."
She will change into her Adepta Sororitas armor before she goes of course.
"Other than that I will follow your lead. May the Emperor Protect."

2021-11-21, 07:02 PM
do any of you wish to make any influence tests to pick up gear? if not, here is the next scene

the aquilla lander settles on the docking bay, and the pilot gives you a thumbs-up as the doors open, the smells of lubricant and promethium and body odor greet your nostrils as you step out onto the windswept tarmac and head inside. the promethium and lubricant smells are replaced by sizzling meat and hawking vendors. some children run by, but they give a wide berth to the primaris marine and you guys

your contact was a man called holtz at the rusty stubber, a bar in the underhive. wanna go there, or puruse the market

2021-11-22, 01:58 AM
Canonness Fiedelm:
"Inquisitor DeCarabas" she says as she ends her prayer and gets up to walk. "I have been sent on a holy mission to investigate rumors of a lost Ministorum text on this planet and will make it my top priority. As there could be holy text from the God-Emperor himself to find, I shall prioritize confirming its existence, locating it and retrieving it over purging heresy, but if I catch any in my sight I will not hesitate to do what must be done."
She will change into her Adepta Sororitas armor before she goes of course.
"Other than that I will follow your lead. May the Emperor Protect."

"My chapter also believes they have actionable intelligence on a lost holy relic within the hive. If I find a lead on its location, I am duty bound to follow it through as needed. However, until the current situation is dealt with, I feel it prudent to stay together until such time as our paths diverge."

do any of you wish to make any influence tests to pick up gear? if not, here is the next scene

the aquilla lander settles on the docking bay, and the pilot gives you a thumbs-up as the doors open, the smells of lubricant and promethium and body odor greet your nostrils as you step out onto the windswept tarmac and head inside. the promethium and lubricant smells are replaced by sizzling meat and hawking vendors. some children run by, but they give a wide berth to the primaris marine and you guys

your contact was a man called holtz at the rusty stubber, a bar in the underhive. wanna go there, or pursue the market

"We should rendezvous with this Holtz. Any on site information will be better than what we had before."

2021-11-22, 10:55 PM
sheidra. it appears y'all have picked up a tail. what's the plan?

2021-11-28, 02:24 PM
Baltus strides forward, unaware of the tail the group has acquired, and heads towards what he assumes to be the Rusty Stubber bar.

2021-11-29, 12:58 AM
Inquisitor DeCarabas

Mathias managed to slip off from the group shortly after they landed, disappearing into a crowd of hive city citizens rather quickly. Usually he preferred to make a quieter entrance, less to worry about if the enemies of the Golden Throne didn't know he was coming. However, today he was traveling with a fully armored Canoness of the Adeptus Sororitas AND an Astartes. He knew how fast word got around a hive city, and he had to learn some things before the locals clammed up.

Hiding his Imperial Rosary in his jacket, Mathias paid a vendor for some street meat and headed deeper into the Hive City, questioning the local dive bar patrons and street vendors about the local happenings. Or at least he would have had he not spotted a local walk past him with a grunt. A local with a tattoo that the Inquisitor recognized as a symbol used by the Black Rollers.

"This is DeCarabas," the Inquisitor whispered into his vox-caster before starting to trail the hive gang member. "I have a lead I'm following up on. Sending you my coordinates now...."

2021-11-29, 11:47 AM
gimme stealth check dn 3

2021-12-01, 05:11 AM
you easily follow the ganger back to a storefront in the underhive. the sign reads <truthful tornikas arms shop> the ganger goes inside, and you can hear the sounds of heated conversation, although you cant make out the specifics, someone is clearly having a very bad day

2021-12-10, 02:59 AM
Mathias DeCarabas

Mathias double checked his inferno pistol before walking into the shop, casually as if to browse. He looked at the lasguns on the walls, trying to seem like he wasn't interested in their conversation whatsoever.