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2021-11-14, 10:36 AM
OOC thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?638799-OOC-Keep-on-the-Borderlands-(5e)-Dragonlance&p=25268081#post25268081)

Keep on the Borderlands

It is first thaw, and seeking new opportunities, you recently set out on the road to Dargoth Keep - The Keep on the Borderlands. On the way you find yourself joined by folk of every stripe; vagrants, homesteaders, merchants, and wanderers. With you travel several heavy wagons laden with stonework, while alone and on foot are people. Families in wagons or partners driving animals, they all have stories to tell, and you have days or even weeks together to get to know them, and they are certainly interested in you - no mere farmers or settlers, you tend to stand out. Many of them speak Solamnic, but most can settle for at least choppy common.

"Hello, stranger. Have some stew. See, I've been at odds with my landlord for many years, and though it cost us, I got our debts settled and brought our remaining goats along hoping to settle a small patch of fresh earth where we can start anew. What's your story? "

The closest major city is Gaarlus, capital the Solamnic province of Gaardlund, which you saw days ago and sits safely on the southern bank of the Watching River. You passed a number of small villages and farming communities north of the Watching, but they dwindled away until only a lonely, understaffed watchtower slumped in disinterest as your train rattled northward. On you went, trundling for days around gentle hills bearing wild undergrowth, unkempt copses of trees and the vestiges of ancient construction; the ruins of whole towns seemingly forgotten for ages. For all intents and purposes, civilization ended fifty miles behind you, and you are entering what travelers are now calling Dargoth Vale.

The drovers of the heavy wagons seem pretty comfortable and appear to have made this journey before. They'll share a drink an a game of dice to help while away the monotony. If you join them, you may make a Charisma check to learn what they know.

At last among hills and dense forest you spy a few new-looking farmhouses here are there across wide miles of tall grass, and when the train turns east, with under a backdrop of mountain in the distance, you see the vale proper for the first time. It is not impressive. Just a large valley between impenetrable woodlands, bound further by a small river, though you note a barge tied at what might be a quay or a just a large tree stump. You are too far off to tell for certain. Before you, nearly under the shadow of a great massive slab of rock, lies a sprawling, filthy village. Hundreds of tents, lean-tos, and shacks sagging with heavy blankets or animal skins sit in a layer of muck as the ground softens. These people had obviously just passed through the winter huddled here together with little but what they could carry, and they are desperate for news, goods, and coin. Everywhere are animals tied up, boxed, or roaming free - dogs, chickens, rodents, sheep, a few cows, and a great many pigs.

"Them are nice breeches; I'll trade you all my skins here for them." "Pot of hot rabbit stew is on - join me for a silver." "Look at that steel - another bastard mercenary then, like we need more." "Have you news of work? They promised there would be more work."

At the center of all this, which you hear called alternately Dargoth Town, Darton, and Camp Dargoth, are more proper buildings, though not what you'd call much of a village. These structures, while basic, are sturdy and set apart with modest neighborliness in mind. These appear to be both homes and shops of various sorts - including a hastily-painted sign outside one large structure promising warm companionship. Here you also see several armed men in thick hides.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/UFhocc-9GU69hF2Fe1QH235qlzAVU0Thx0npziFLYxRpNJB12w5ndScqu B_kqgOzH3SfJ4hsAGZFKyfvBU6NH7WVDjW6hy0PlD4tHh8ELqS aMw7j46cdtZxXmJ4r0ZQ5uMY8Kfu79p6ozt8XRs4QJl4RUv5vq uHbVfoRpidNit0DYeuomkAixP0S6rKgg6gtCgyy0V_2MF7iWHA xBSpv-Bn-GOybj1PtZT64fBN5ADQnN-1YBBpBRgMxb7kbF9eoy35pe-_RbMRWFBpnx-IT12NgxNwhLp4VpTjl9sKb9kN10d0TdcRR8yV09mClUvP-XifPZvYGmTt1WJdKD1GjcVcsAoOlBkNFOTl54Sz0SAEKFOn40I WSegSzE7f27vjb3DhoIZb5yDjnKEqSUDBRXTrZf_L1XDzIPJ38 vFn4bu-gkgs6hZOSL3xTQ-pmD1Tyo2EGbkXki0Pjweqdr43jw-bb3P-iUVnBvBZ4Ho0iC-c7cDhXdfWrBvN039Y8bGBfVIR827IBRpfntpW30Ev7Gv98JZxT AMSlPt7S8Gjegv2vlvuaZYiC5P81gC0mjCLMSTS1Ck2nQrK0pZ zdyfcol1qipBNB1RNGQor0lVL4GPtV-L_PyW2n1v1i3VHKxuhFFSjMVqpKW9bt6jRTYFyo9JDMKIpg5Wn Af33HN--rX630Cfh8eSrZgZJNYEuBTTuL4Yjs4R8es6hwhj_t-5xsDFQ=w937-h625-no?authuser=1

Many travelers have broken away from the train by this point, but you continue on, knowing there's plenty of time. A half mile beyond the camp is the great stone mesa, atop which stands the famed keep. A broad, smooth road winds around the side of the mount to a massive gate, and you cannot help but be impressed. This is no hastily-built motte and bailey keep, but a true fortress with massive walls and considered defenses. And not only did it look incredibly new, but there were still huge wooden cranes hauling cubed stones into place for waiting bricklayers.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/CZkYSiFrQfzpzUpB72upiTeq2ERqAzO8XpIvf1fmdPZqk7FCLV 5FAIQIsSmvUbx38V0qS0VyqLTRZ_vjmxaE9bKAbpaZTLJKFCVe 9RCRKg-yz07Sr90eklCy4wDRE8lBvELHiAX2tiac1OR-Yjh_7zDMw-IUagXdUT75a9Hx7syJo5cSl_xsSIYhndXMuVMV0spnMKYi5xsO R_aPxl0LnLfDdErBkTPXOCWZ5fLwd8_WD0MiPhT7FIOE9wusRG 0njRX_q7ZaOGoBa84BpNVuk2-8BRxlHmYfUrHQ9nPFHcblimnLg6scshknvMCApYzkDYTu61r6j SITy5RzvaoZTVKgtRUqg4pb-tQdQKFC6Nhm62G3tKAodhqpp8ZIEVnIy91E7_UrCTIkSmvaPMT Oan26S70S2NMb-ft5SUxTOnWZ-pwD9Ijknc-1LuwDglCeGJ9R6ZOwHIGtBFH5TSkasSOJKkNrI2HGL574Na1cK DlxmdLf3pDFoA0G4FlRtF5ZHsVlO6Swdkdg54QhXHD9700wyq9 v2M58nBB95GQQ7JJk_X1NfFTGL5-Fril-wbMKoB1Yw8bUEnl2W4jHiWKGT6MBGXSYVk3Xo7E0ovfPJal8WM-BrXObJ4RBS2pfOCEWY4g2h28lZVAuH5xoAeD7s1juCwX3Pty-rKVonTNnh5fmbz0LjiD1BbeCKPbZ1Ut4SJxfybMWUzdjr5McVa EqkYQ=w654-h368-no?authuser=1

Approaching the gate was slow going - a pair of spear-bearing guards in simple red gambesons and helms checks through each person's bags for who-knows-what as a dark-haired young man scribbles notes in a ledger. Nearby, a massively rotund gent sits under the portcullis on a three-legged stool that cries out for sympathy as he shifts his weight. Seeing armed persons, he hefts himself upward, leaning on his spear, and with an accent as thick as his jowls and red cheeks, says, "Oy, there. Welcome to Dawgoff Keep. 'Efore you go any further, know that I'm Corporal Jansen and I remember every face uh see. So's that's out the way, state your names and business."

Jensen continues, looking at each of you intently, "Widdin, you will find accommodations, drink, and a jobs board. But Bailiff Montgomery is in charge, so you mind, and access to the inner bailey is off-limits."

2021-11-15, 01:05 PM
Aria took in the travelers in the wagon with apt, if not disguised, interest. She had never really had friends and had a hard time imagining any of them would become that but a number of them might end up as her new coworkers. When she had failed to complete her mission she had started this 'new life' as she deemed it but she wasn't entirely sure what that entailed. She had never had the freedom to make her own choices. Now she did. Yay me, she thought with just a hint of sarcasm.

She sat across from the other eating stew taking in their stories. Some poor saps, with unfortunate tales. Then it came her turn to reply. "I had a falling out with my parents. You know how it goes... I had to move out, get a job, that sort of thing." Nothing that was a lie, but she wasn't exactly ready to share that her parents ruled an assassin stronghold. Ya, she'd leave that part out for a bit.

As they continued into the makeshift village, she was assaulted with the many sounds and sights of what she had only seen up till now in a town square. She nearly indulged herself in bartering before remembering that before she started spending her limited supply of money, she needed a job. Ya that thing. Keeping her sights focused instead on the fortress she waited through the long line before appearing before the constable.

Aria stepped forward eager to be out of the wind and into the keep. Aria Olivier she lied about her last name. Deception: [roll0]. "Skilled at fighting, looking for work. So... anything else or can I come in now?" she smiled in mock sweetness.

2021-11-15, 01:11 PM
Deception [roll0]

2021-11-15, 02:25 PM
The images don't load for me.

Heart, arriving from the forests, waits patiently as the Corporal addresses the person in front of her. She nervously hits the keys on her flute-not playing anything, just a fidget of impatience and worry.

2021-11-15, 03:24 PM

Zara feels a little uneasy travelling in Solamnia, for all her ancestors hail from here. As a Knight of Takhisis of old she would be in for a rough time in the admittedly unlikely event of anyone recognising her. Still she carries herself with the pride of a true aristocratic lady, her thick dark hair cut short but not too short, her fine cloak on her shoulders, her scale mail armour polished and spotless, an elegant sabre at her belt.

She speaks to the drovers, hoping to learn more of these lands, even rolling the dice gamely though dragonchess was more her style.


At the gates she nods in greeting to the good corporal.

"I am Zara Uth Drangor, a mage-knight," stated regally, "originally of Palanthas," she lied, "and journeying in search in search of mystical secrets." That last statement was true enough.


2021-11-15, 08:16 PM
Seeing the other person approach, Heart carefully places her flute back in its case, and bounds over. "Hello there! I am Heart, of the Nordmaar Forest. I'm... Well, I'm not exactly 100% sure what I'm doing here, honestly, but I did hear rumblings of people who could use some support. I'd be happy to lend a hand or two!"

She smiles a touch nervously at the Corporal, standing there at her not-so-impressive 5' of height. She's dressed in simple leather armor, its brown contrasting her red fur, with a pack over her back and a necklace with a small but very shiny rock set in its wooden center.

2021-11-16, 06:41 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of Vengence

Royse hadn't registered when the goatherd began speaking. His attention had been set firmly in the distance, back the way they'd came, with a telemetry not measured in miles but minutes. An occurrence that was becoming more frequent as of late. How many years had it been since he'd last seen the Watching River? Certainly long enough that he'd exchanged his dark crown for white one. Long enough to forget some of the details and, apparently, his manners. The story telling had rounded his way and Royse wasn't prepared for it.

"Apologies," a request and a contrition as the reverie broke, "I was thinking of something else. I am an errant, a former knight. My glories... lose much in the telling. Our goals are the same though. A new start. Perhaps there I'll find a story worth repeating."

Though the answer was vague, the armor he wore was far more direct with an answer. Midnight mingling with ebony and crimson. Takhisis' armor. The garb of a dark knight bound up with all the feelings that could evoke. Though the reputation was dire, Royse owned the fouled expectations of others with a reserved wit, steady judgement, and a willing hand when help was needed. Perhaps that was why, days later, the drovers invited him to a game of dice.


The trip was pleasant. The roughness of the road was nothing he wasn't already used to. It was said that for all her wrath, Chislev could extend her peace to those that appreciated her gifts. Royse, with the gentle breeze around them, had that peace for a time. It wasn't to last when they met the throng on their approach to the infamous keep. People clinging to the promise who had failed to grasp it. One voice in particular caught Royse's attention.

"Have you news of work? They promised there would be more work."

Though he did want to offer an answer, he had none. That remained ahead ensconced in new stone. Despite the impressive exterior he had an inkling, just from the state of Dargoth Town, of what sort of men resided within. He also finally had a chance to appraise the sort of people he'd be working with. A teenager that was oddly armed and prepared, cat from a place he'd never heard of with the attention span one could expect from a feline, and a knight that seemed jarringly familiar. There were questions he'd ask of the last one, but first he had questions of his own to answer.

"My name is Royse Mide, former Knight of the Skull," he answered directly, the evasion being beneath the low appraisal he had of Jensen, "I've come here looking for purpose. Until I find it, work will have to do."

2021-11-17, 10:19 AM
Brookgreen (March) 14, 430 AC

Discussion with your fellow travelers reveals little but a litany of expectedly bleak tales – not altogether dissimilar to your own –of folk down on their luck and hoping for a better morrow in a new land. Some of you make enough effort to co-exist with your fellow travelers to allay many suspicions, though many of them get the feeling Aria in particular is being dismissive or vague. They mostly figure she isn't interested in sharing and wishes to be left to herself.

Though weapons and dark armor still remain a threat in the eyes of your average farmer, the war was long ago, and the glory days of the dark knights is in the past; there’s some chatting in Solamnic and one man notes your very presence makes that case. “If the luster ain’t gone off the gem, you’d still be holding it tight, would be my guess. Name’s Jeremiah of Cuttingham. Damnedest thing, naming a logging camp that - only for it to grow into a village with no trees around for miles. A man needs work, and I need trees. Legends say the whole of the Nightlund Forest hasn’t been touched in centuries. Can you imagine?” With a big grin he pantomimes swinging an axe.

Heart finds the going particularly trying, for as much as she remains hidden or apart from these simple folk, their guileless wonder and interest in her remains non-stop, as do the questions and intrusions by the children, some of whom have taken to daring each other to flick Heart’s whiskers or yank her tail.

a striking figure in her own right, is accustomed to the attention various single and not-so-single men show her – at least until she places a hand on her sword hilt. – While playing dice, Zara can’t tell if her opponents are more attracted by her appearance or dissuaded by her arms, and though they outwardly enjoy the game they remain a bit on edge and tight-lipped until they realize you don’t speak Solamnic. From that point half the conversation is in the native tongue, but you do pick up that they have had regular work hauling stone blocks and other supplies to Dargoth Vale for the better part of a year and will miss it when it inevitably ends, as it has for a dozen other drovers from Gaardlund.

finds the travelers warm to his calm and polite nature, forgiving the raiment of a conflict they barely understood to begin with. The drovers, with a few drinks and winning hands of dice in them, reveal they have had regular work hauling stone blocks and other supplies to Dargoth Vale for the better part of a year and will miss it when it inevitably ends, as it has for a dozen other drovers from Gaardlund. In fact, considering the entire Nightlund region went untouched for centuries, they are astonished at the speed with which the keep was constructed and the resources that went into it. They heard a young noble couple from Gaarlus wanted to be the first to take advantage of the new opportunities presented by the lifting of the Curse of Soth. It did take a decade, of course, but superstition runs deep and it’s a sizable investment even for nobles. They’ve heard any number of rumors around the Vale; the keep was erected so quickly there are still offices available in the bailey; a number of adventuring bands have arrived recently and taken to clearing the area of perceived threats with verve; that a unicorn was seen north of the Vale; that a mysterious thief called The Night Chime has plagued the camp all winter; that the keep’s main defenders appear to be brutish, undisciplined mercenaries. You suspect you can learn much more in the camp and keep.

Lies, truths, excuses, and sarcasm bounce off the impenetrable wall of apathy that is Corporal Jansen. The young clerk nearby scribbles away unabated while the rotund guard’s small eyes seem to take in every physical detail. “Well, look at you, little pussycat.” He thoughtlessly reaches out to scratch Heart between the ears and then waves you all past. “All right then, in you go.”

OOC: You are all here for essentially the same reason and have traveled together for days, during which I assumed you introduced yourselves. If nothing else, you are acutely aware that you are all seeking work and have skills beyond those of the commoners you traveled with. So what now?

Can y'all see the images now?

2021-11-17, 12:02 PM
I cannot see the images.

Heart, having had a few experiences with travelers who worried she was some form of tricksy beast, does not give in to her instincts to hiss at the man who treats her like some housecat. She does, however, move quickly away from him. "Right! Onwards, then," she says as she walks into the encampment.

As the group walks in, Heart does her best to not ogle her companions' armor. "You guys seem like you're armed for a bear," she says to Aria, Zara, and Royse. "It's so clanky, but... The craftsmanship is really quite something! In Nordmaar, or at least my part of it, we don't have the infrastructure really needed to make large crafts like that. Not from metal, at least."

2021-11-17, 12:45 PM
Aria glanced around deciding where she should go before being interrupted by Heart. Aria smiled at her remark resisting the urge to ask about Heart's unique appearance. "it's always best to be ready for trouble but I agree. The armors nice but so... loud and restrictive. How do you guys move in it?
Personally I find it better to just not get hit." she shrugged nonchalantly.

"So are you guys mercenaries as well? You look like you can fight at least." If she was going to work with them she might as well learn something about them. Back home in the guild she had a good grasp of what all of her peers were capable of. Unfortunately, not much, but there was a reason they were still in training she supposed.

2021-11-17, 05:37 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengenceI can't see the images either.

With Jensen's hand wave, Royse hefted his pack and followed the others into the keep. The rumors the drovers had provided him were true in regard to the sentries here. Then the same might be true for the other rumors. In any case they'd need to set themselves up within the keep and, perhaps, turn their casual acquaintance into something more formal.

"You learn to carry the weight of it until it becomes like a second skin," he answered Aria, though making sure to include Heart in his disclosure, "Anything less and you'd have more luck hiding behind a rock or, as you put it, learning not to get hit in the first place. I the midst of a massed combat I'd prefer the armor. It's too easy to be pinned down when you have nowhere to dodge and glancing blows are common. But you've piqued my curiosity Heart, what else could you make the armor from other than metal?"

Royse cleared his throat. He was getting off topic.

"Beyond the intricacies of what I'm wearing there was something I wanted to discuss with you all before chance splits us to the winds. Technically I might be considered a mercenary, although I far prefer being called an errant, there is not much to be gained by being a lone one. If we pool our talents, much as other groups in the area have, then we stand a better chance of being successful in our pursuits. Beyond the job boards I've heard there are other tasks that need doing and offices in the bailey left vacant. If you agree with my proposal, then might I suggest we figure out where we will lay our heads once night comes."

2021-11-17, 06:52 PM
Aria visibly sized Royse up then looked over the others, considering his offer. He looked competent if not trustworthy. "I wouldn't mind having someone to watch my back. " she consented. It was why the full member assassins, strong as they were, always worked in pairs. "Just don't get any funny ideas at night" she started stepping protectively in front of heart. "I've heard of what some of the older men do with young girls"

2021-11-18, 06:00 AM
Zara Uth Drangor

Zara had noticed Royse of course as a fellow Knight of Takhisis, and even exchanged careful words with him. Sufficient at least to understand he was no longer with the Order, though he had retained the armour. It was similar to that she had worn herself, if heavier (Zara had muscles but she was far more wiry and nimble than heavy set and favoured medium armours.) She admired his confidence to still wear his symbols and felt a tiny pang of loss at seeing them again.

The cat woman Heart was astonishing; Zara had vaguely heard of such exotic folk but never actually met one. At the mention of her armour Zara smiled wryly. "Believe me it has it's uses, though I concede it is rather lacking in stealth."

The other human woman, Aria, was a bit of a mystery to Zara though she was clearly capable and intelligent and Zara took notice of her stepping in front of Heart. As someone who often attracted attention (sometimes intentionally) she appreciated that!

"I at least am indeed a mercenary, though like you Royse I would sooner think myself a knight errant. I have knowledge of the blade and a little magic and I think it is a wise idea to join forces in these dangerous lands."

2021-11-18, 12:27 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengenceStill can't see the images.

Now Royse's face was often schooled into a very neutral expression. The white beard made it even more difficult to tell what the man was feeling at any given time. Despite those facts it was easy to see the deepening frown that crossed his features. The thought had never crossed his mind, especially with two girls that were probably a quarter of his age, and he said as much.

"That is province of base men with too much libido and too little integrity. I don't have anything other than my word, but I give it. You'll be safe at night with me. In any case we seem to be agreed unless... Heart, what say you?"

Are there any inns that are clearly visible or will we have to travel further in or to Dargoth Town to find one?

2021-11-18, 01:46 PM
Heart's face breaks into a broad smile. "I'd love to make some new friends! We can work together-I know we can do whatever we set our minds to." She reaches out for whichever two of her new friends are nearest, and pulls them into a hug.

After a moment or two, giving everyone a chance to join the hug if they want, she lets go, still with visible happiness. "If we're gonna work together, we should probably lay our skills out. I'm a decent hand with the agile weapons-daggers and other light ones like that-and I can sneak around very well. My charm," she shows her necklace to them, "has some magic to it. It can, pretty much at-will, let me empower little tasks, just making them a bit easier. It can make clouds of fog, make people run faster, and charm animals, though all that's kinda limited in how much it can do. And, no more than once per day, it can make me and anyone else nearby really, really sneaky. Even you clanking armored folks!"

2021-11-18, 02:45 PM
Aria nodded accepting Royse's answer as truth then involuntary stiffened when Heart hugged her. She wasn't used to feeling vulnerable and had to resist the urge to push her away but it ended quickly enough Heart had done nothing wrong, no need to overreact. That would be a great way to make friends.

"I can go next" she forced herself to focus on Heart's words rather than how much the simple act had unsettled her "I generally don't struggle with much. I'm fast and stronger than I look. I'm great at hand to hand combat. I can easily take on a skilled opponent or take care of a few thugs on my own. I like my warfan the best but I'm trained with a few different weapons and pretty handy without weapons too."

"What about you, Zara was it?"

2021-11-20, 08:28 PM
Within the gate is a street that leads past several long, tall buildings, including a public stable, and there is a large tower at the end on your left. As you talk, recall at least three points of interest were mentioned.

2021-11-21, 09:35 PM

At Aria's question Zara smiled and drew her long, slender curved sabre, elegantly slicing at the air before returning said weapon to her scabbard. "I can handle myself in a fight and as I said I can cast a spell or two. I can also ride dragons, though sadly there are few available here for me to show off that skill."

She gestures ahead with a gloved hand. "The man mentioned a jobs board. I suggest we check it out, then find lodgings, food and drink."

2021-11-22, 10:23 AM
Heart nods. "That sounds like an excellent plan," she says, and takes point of the group, walking for the board of quests.

As the group walks, she asks "Do any of you have musical talent? I can play the flute, and I've been told my voice is good for singing, but I'm not really good at carrying a tune with only my mouth. I feel like music is something that you can share, even if you don't have anything else in common."

2021-11-22, 10:48 AM
It’s roughly midday, and as you pass the tower to your left, you note a rudimentary blade sign reading only “Bailiff.” Further on to your left, along the western wall, are a number of small apartments, while numerous other buildings, including a smithy, stretch out and along a road leading east – and toward the inner bailey. As you’d heard, some of them do appear unoccupied. You find a busy open square, though it seems busy mostly with construction and arguments.

While commoners wander past in conversation or carrying buckets or skins of water, a pair of bricklayers argues with a slick-haired gnome in a longcoat and a dozen other workers in warm, protective cotton coveralls and various caps linger in a corner around a big pile of stone, lumber, and tools. A far-from-finished public well seems to be the subject of argument, or at least one of them. A portable crane lies dismantled on a cart nearby, happily ignored by a donkey which brays and relieves itself voluminously.

Large two-story buildings create the corner here; one bearing an unadorned plaque hanging from chains etched with the words, “Rockslide’s Cegger.” The other’s front door is invitingly open, but resting against the wall at a funny angle is a random wooden plank covered in multiple layers of paint, the latest of which is a garish yellow and upon which, in sloppy black lettering, reads, “INN.”

On the tavern’s exterior wall is a haphazard wooden shelter protecting the local jobs board. In various states of dilapidation and handwriting are notices, some of which are written in Solamnic, and so you may have to ask passersby for assistance:

“Ancient records and current rumors suggest that within this region lies an ancient mine, forgotten since before the Cataclysm, and filled with warring bands of monsters. Find this mine system, these Caves of Chaos, make it safe, and you shall be handsomely rewarded.” – Lord Christofson

“Royal surveyor seeks protective escorts during forays into countryside. Inquire at apartment 7B.”

“New resident families seek aid with homebuilding, planting. Will provide meals, shelter. Find Arcos due east.”

“Strong backs and smart heads needed to place milestones along the road. Terms negotiable. Inquire at guildhall.”

“Wolves howl and hobs prowl. Scour the Dargoth Road for dangers to make safe our lifeline to the south. Inquire at guildhall.”

“Business opportunities within bailey. Trade store, bank needed. Only serious applicants with recommendations and capital will be considered. Inquire with Bailiff Montgomery.”

2021-11-22, 12:24 PM
She looks over the job listings. "Well, looking at the list... Guildhall seems a good bet. That, or maybe apartment 7B? The surveyor's probably at risk when they do their job."

Once she's had her look-see at the board, she glances her way towards the donkey. She's looking for any signs of neglect or cruelty, but hoping that the animal is being treated well.

[roll0] Check to see how the donkey's doing.

Add +5 if Nature applies, +2 for Animal Handling.

2021-11-22, 01:05 PM
Aria watched with intrigue the different business both already occupied and those in need of someone to run it mentally logging those that would provide useful resources for her own endeavors. I dabbled with the ukulele". She responded absent mindedly. "We all had to learn at least one"

After satisfying hey curiosity at the job board she turned to respond to heart's suggestion.

"None of these seem urgent, at least the ones I can read. If it's all the same to you I could use a hot meal and a drink, and fingers crossed for a hot bath. I like where your head is at but I would just as soon get started in the morning. Gotta have a little fun right?"

She motioned towards the front doors of the inn.

2021-11-23, 07:32 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of Vengence

The suggestion of the job board received no argument from Royse. He followed along at their pace, idly listening to the boasts and banter. He missed the dragons too, standing in the presence of power that could easily shape the world. When the subject of music and performing it came up... There was a pained sigh as the memory crystalized in his mind.

"I did dabble with a recorder once. It's for the best that I never tried to play again."

At the job board he did need Heart's help to read the notices, Solamnic never being his strong suit to begin with. What he heard brought another other memories. Ones of lands the knights used to occupy. There were places that were held just to be held. No value other than being a tract of land that someone far away deemed too important to ignore. This was that sort of place.

He should've seen it before. That place had, so far, probably failed to produce anything to justify its existence. That was clear from the destitution in Dargoth Town. Even the adventurers who bled coffers without much more than quick solutions. Meanwhile the Lord was chasing a fable that may or may not exist. Gods, this was going to be a far harder task than he'd originally envisioned. He did saw he'd come seeking purpose. It looked like it found him.

"They might be more urgent than you realize Aria. This place feels familiar in a way that doesn't leave me feeling at ease. I do think we should secure lodging first, but we should look into some of these notices while we still have daylight."

2021-11-23, 07:58 PM
Heart nods. "Lodging, grooming, and then work," she says. "When you say familiar, Royse, what do you mean?" Her eyes light up a little bit, and she continues, excited. "Ooh! Is this a family home? Are you reclaiming lost heritage? Are you some kind of long-lost noble, or... Well, um, I dunno! But we'll be here for you, all the way!" she adds, already including her newfound friends in her fanciful excitement. "But, we should find lodging first! And maybe a meal too. Can't be heroic on an empty stomach!"

She approaches one of the workers. "Excuse me!" she says, getting attention. "Is the Cegger better than Inn? Or are they comparable, or... You know, newcomers, looking for a nice place to settle in. Any advice, friend?"

2021-11-23, 09:58 PM
Fountain Square

While Royse ruminates on old times and considers just what he's walked in to - and whether he should commit to it - Heart finds a strange kind of welcome. The moment the closest worker truly focuses on her appearance he gulps and stammers and launches into excited Solamnic. Emperor's iron balls, what's happened to you? I think the girl's been cursed. You aught to forget dinner and find a priest. Leastways the Cegger's just a tavern and the inn's got food and beds.

Others join in the curiosity and it quickly becomes a great distraction for the bored men. Eventually the gnome approaches and, with a bit of pointed shouting to get the unruly back in order, turns his race's well-established peculiarity on Heart with a gale force of incomprehensible jabber. Gnomes are feared across Ansalon for their ability to speak nonstop at a rate nobody can follow, and he directs orders, questions, and theories at everybody nearby, though they all go unanswered. "Ihavehadmorethanenoughofyourlollygaggingandidtract ionsforonedaysogetbackinlineandrecountyourgearwhil eIsortthismesswithwiththefinegentlemanworkingsodil ligentlyonthefountaininhisproffessionaloeuvredespi tehismostunpleasantanddisagreeablenatureandhardhea dedunwillingnesstoseethingsfromapurelyfiscalperspe ctiveandwhoareyouspeakingwithoverhereohmygoodnessw hatonKrynnisthissomegirlcoveredinfurandlookingsomu chlikeacatinthemostunlikelywaycanshespeakshe'sdres sedasanintelligentpersonbutitisastrangeoldworldaft erallareyouwellgirlanddoyourrequirehelpofsomesortI seeyouaretravelingwithcompanionssoImustassumeyouar ecaredforandhowdidyoucometobeinsuchastateandisitca tchingorarewesafefromsometerriblekittypox..." etc. etc.

The rest of you understand none of the words spoken during all this, but the meaning is perfectly clear.

When things settle down, the first worker says he'd be happy to tell you all he knows for some information of your own - and a few beers. However the the gnome, staring, gets them back to work and asks you to direct your questions either to off-shift folks in the tavern or Bailiff Montgomery.

2021-11-24, 08:44 AM
Aria sighed in resignation dousing her hope of a hot bath. She too could tell enough about the state of affairs to know that Royce was right. When people started swarming heart she once again felt compelled to step in protectively. The girl just seemed so innocent, so naive.

"Alright" she consented "let's get to it then. At the very least I'm sure we can take care of those wolves today" she suggested. It was easy enough that she couldn't really complain and something that required her talent to achieve. "The inn then the guild hall" she agreed with the general consensus.

It wasn't so bad she decided. It would take what, a week? To clear the job board and make some money and then they could relax for a bit. The sooner they started, the sooner she could enjoy herself.

2021-11-24, 07:40 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of Vengence

Heart, true to her name, honed in on the exact angle he was hoping to avoid explaining. While he struggled to process the barrage of questions and how to answer them, she was already off again. True to her nature she seemed to find trouble. As the people gathered around her, Royse took the opposite side of heart as a tangible, physical barrier. The girl had nothing on the gnome though. Royse weathered that just about as well as anybody. As the crowd dispersed he found his opportunity to dispute the wild theories.

"Thank you for the assurances, but it's nothing so grand or exciting. No, more shame and regret. In my youth I commanded garrisons like these. Nothing on this scale, but I did allow the warning signs of ruin and corruption to fester unopposed. I don't absolve myself of these acts..."

He looked at Zara, a kindred soul, "But I was a different person back then."

2021-11-24, 10:08 PM
When the questioning starts, Heart tries to explain that that's just who she is, but finds herself unable to overcome the barrage of people. She assures them that she's fine, and thanks them all for their attention. As the gnome foreman directs his workers to stop being lazy, she looks sheepish. "Sorry, sir. Thank you for your time, all of you!"

As the group approaches the inn, Heart ***** her head at Royse. "I won't pry," she says, "but I am curious. Explain as much or as little as you'd like-but you seem like a good person to me. Whatever you did before... What matters is what you do now. The past is the past, and nothing will change that-but you're not the past you. You're the current you, and will be the future you-and I know that those yous are good yous!" she adds, stepping towards Royse and putting an arm around the much taller man. "If you ever want someone to pep you up, I'm here! If you're feeling down or guilty or anything bad like that... I'm here. Now, let's see what kind of eats they have here!"

2021-11-25, 11:18 AM
Haverna’s Inn

You continue your conversation, leaving the workers and argument and find yourselves in an open, plain space with some of the blandest, basic woodwork you’ve ever seen. The place was obviously thrown together with leftover woodcuts by amateurs – likely saving quite a bit of money – and not a lick it has yet been polished yet. With the door and windows open and candles and lamps lit, it’s quite bright within. You upon a large dining room with a half-dozen tables, a gracious hearth nearby, and an expansive common room and another hearth beyond. There's a work desk to your left upon which rests an open ledger. Next to the book is a beautifully written note stating, “Lost items? Ask management!” Every surface seems cluttered with oddities and knickknacks. A common coin, a toy soldier, a stuffed bird, an ornate hair comb, a dragonfly in a jar, a handful of wilted flowers, a stringless violin, a receipt for two sacks of flour, a silk scarf, and on and on. With a clarion singsong, “Customeeeeeeers!” you spot your hostess, who zips toward you like a loose wrecking-ball.

“Hullo,” says the middle-aged Kender woman in a dress of yellow and blue. Her topknot is streaked with gray and her eyes shine with kindness. “I’m Haverna Hayseed and welcome to my inn. I offer the best food, best beds, and best company in the Vale, and before you say it, I know you don’t really have any other good options. Not that I mind. Having no competition is great for business. I mean there's a place down in the camp but it's not really better than my common room there. So how can I-holy moly you’re like a walking kitty-lady! Your fur is gorgeous. You have to tell me all about yourself.”

She does, of course, take your orders and happily addresses your questions.

2021-11-25, 11:39 AM
"Hello!" Heart responds to the excited woman. "You seem happy to see us. I'm Heart-that is, Big Heart of the Nordmaar Forest. I've recently traveled from my home, looking to see new places, meet new people, and see what the world has to offer. And so far... It's pretty different from home! And my fur is from my mom-her name is Sapphire, and you should see how the color deepens with age. Mine is this light red, but mom's is so vibrant and majestic. I hope I can be as pretty and wise and all that as she is, one day. But, not to just bask in compliments, I love your dress! We don't have any yellow flowers or anything in our section of Nordmaar, so something the color of the sun being used as just clothes feels a little weird. But it looks gorgeous! You wear it so well!"

"Oh, and these are my friends, Royse and Aria. I know they might not look as out of place as I do, what with the fur and the tail and all that, but they're just as interesting as I am! You'd do well to make friends of them too." As they talk, Heart's stomach growls, and she grins sheepishly. "But maybe we should get food before we talk more, yeah? Do you have anything nice, meaty, and rich?"

2021-11-25, 12:05 PM
Aria assessed the state of the place with a furrowed brow starting to really grasp what Royce had alluded to. Not the prettiest but it all armed functional at least.

She shouldn't help but smiled when Heart introduced her as her friend. She didn't quite share the girl's optimism, she likely at a pretty low bar for friendship, but it was nice to be thought of that way nonetheless.

"I'm Aria. I'll start with food as well maybe something sweet if you have it I've been craving a nice apple pie" she said the last part half to herself. I suspect we'll be staying here a while so I'm hoping you can make some accomodations for me. I'll need a room probably long term, with a window facing the street or with no window at all. Some type of cabinet with a lock if you have anything and a large tub for baths and laundry unless you provide laundry service that is? "

2021-11-26, 07:56 AM

Zara exchanged a sad smile with Royse. The two of them were indeed orphans of the knighthood. Still, who knew maybe they would hold commands again some day.

The lady knight had been lost in her thoughts so much she hadn't quite realised the group was in danger of leaving her behind. With a smooth clip she followed, trying to conceal her distaste at encountering a Kender - and the way her hand immediately moved over her money purse.

"I am Zara and I would like something similar to my companion Aria here, at least when it comes to rooms. For food however I believe I'd like something more filling than apple pie - though it sounds a pleasant desert."

2021-11-26, 11:39 AM
Haverna’s Inn

“Oh, blessings of the Branchala aren’t you a polite and friendly young kitty-girl. Nordmaar… Nordmaar? Is that near Steelmotte? I spent a summer in Steelmotte when I was young and I have to say it stank a lot. All those forges, like a dwarf village. Well, it was a dwarf village, but it was like exactly what you’d expect a dwarf village to be instead of a nice village that happened to be full of dwarves.

She gives the dress a little twirl. “Thank you! I wish I could say I made it myself but I got a bit of arthritis setting in and the little tasks just aren’t as fun as they used to be. Have yourselves a seat. I’ll bring you some sausages.”

To Aria and Zara she says, her brows rising in surprise, “Long-term stay with turndown service and laundry? Fancy! Well, we do wash the linens after each visit, so for an additional fee I suppose we can throw clothing in the mix once a week if we have to. Don’t have a big stock of soap and food’s still coming from the south because nobody’s growing nothing locally yet, being as we all just got here and then the winter set in. But you’re in luck that I still have rooms available and regular income would be a welcome sight. Oh, hear that? Hahahah! I didn’t mean to sound clever. Windows you’ve got. Sorry the doors don’t lock: Locks are expensive. But adding a strongbox to each room is a wonderful idea! Bring your own locks, of course. I’ll have to write that down. JAYMEEEEE!!!! Write that down, love, that’s a good lad.

“But we have a bath back there behind the common room, with our own water pump and all, and the bailiff says it’ll be sure to work properly any day now. Though he’s been saying that for months.”

The cost, she says regretfully, is 1stl, 5sp per room per night, for Modest lifestyle accommodations.

Haverna’s shout gets plenty of attention, and customers look up from their meals and take you in for the first time. Some are obviously workers who just want a hot meal – perhaps the off-shift men the gnome had mentioned. Three men in particular stand out because of their dark, broad features, armor of pelts and leather, and obvious weapons. They look at you all with interest.

recognize brutes when they see them, and can tell by the tightness of their backs and set of their eyes that were they not engaged in a meal and if you didn’t outnumber them, they’d probably challenge you to some sort of contest or duel.

with a careful eye on surroundings and people, notes nothing of value – at least to her – but sees several other Kender working here as well as a few human women, who look drawn, a bit dirty, and threadbare.

2021-11-26, 05:52 PM
When the food is brought, Heart eagerly wolfs some of it down. "It's great! My compliments to the chef, she says, debating about asking for more, but deciding against it.

With the meal done for the moment, she carefully withdraws her flute from her carrying case, and looks for anything resembling a stage. If there is something, she'll move her chair there-if not, she'll find a good spot and blow a few practice notes. Once she's ready, she holds her charm a moment, for luck and Guidance, and begins to play. The tune starts off low (for a flute, at least) and slow, almost mournful, but picks up quickly into a jaunty, dancing melody.

[roll0] for a Charisma (Flute) check. Same check if it's Dexterity.
Adding [roll1] from Guidance.

Heart, being a bit rusty with her musical skills, makes a few errors and is a little out of tune, but she's got a soft smile on her face, as much as she can while playing. She hopes to see some of the other patrons dance, or sing, or provide other instruments of their own; but is happy to perform alone if need-be.

2021-11-26, 06:01 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengenceThe hug caught him by surprise. Who in the world just hugged a stranger like that? Heart was obviously the answer. It ended just as quickly and Royse was left in the street, still processing it. Another surprise awaited him on the interior of the inn. Kender.

He didn't have a problem have a problem with kender. Not really. They were an annoyance, however. That lack of the sense of personal space... It wasn't too surprising to see why Heart warm to the woman immediately. Normally, that would've been the end of it. He'd have paid for his room and had some sausages before they set to their task in earnest. But there were wolves in this establishment.

He felt the dark eyes on himself and the others. Steel claws and ratty furs. His hand found its way down to Caution's guard and rested there as easily as someone hooking a thumb into a pocket. He could feel the sword's tension. An alerted dog. Ears up, but not growling; yet. Not until their numbers were whittled down. He stared at them directly. Not a threat, a promise. As Haverna finished speaking he broke his gaze and pulled his pouch from his belt with his other hand to lay thirty-two steel before her.

"Since I was the one to propose a joint venture it's only fitting I cover the first week of our stay here. Aria, am I correct that you still want to share a room with Heart?"

2021-11-26, 07:46 PM
those accomodations are sufficient thanks . Aria made a mental note to buy a few locks for the door and the strong box. Surely there was somewhere in town to get them. She was a little disappointed by the lack of a bath but she'd lived with worse... While on the road at least.

[roll0] insight

Aria sized up the armed men determining if they were a threat or not. She flashed them a cocky grin almost daring them to challenge her.

[roll1] charisma check

Then was surprised when Royce volunteered to pay for her way at the inn. She wasn't going to complain about that. It certainly kept her own purse heavier.

thanks Royce. I appreciate that. I'm good with it if she is. she really wouldn't mind being in a position where she could protect the girl. She had taken a long to get and heart was too innocent for her own good.

2021-11-27, 11:04 AM
Haverna's Inn

The armed men glower and sneer in classic bully fashion, eating heartily and laughing in a language none of you knows. If you're still in the dining area when they leave, they are aggressive in the shoulder-bump "I have to look tough in front of my homies" sort of way but otherwise leave without any real violence.

OOC: At this point it is still mid-afternoon, so there won't be a dinner crowd in here for hours. Please converse and/or describe your actions/what you mean to accomplish yet today.

2021-11-28, 08:02 PM

Zara looked disdainfully at the bully boy riff-raff, the type of flotsam she'd seen before (in Flotsam in fact.) More bark than bite. Frankly she was still more worried about the kenders running around.

"Thank you Royce, but I insist on paying my own way at least," Zara said in response to her fellow knight's offer. A smile conjured into being on her features. "If I can't earn back my steel soon enough I'm in the wrong line of work. Now, I think you suggested we tackle the wolves and hobgoblins first Aria? I agree; it will earn us some coin, build our reputation a little and allow us to experience the lay of the land."

2021-11-29, 08:31 AM
Aria smiled at Zara's endorsement. "I just thought it was easy enough to start with and it will give us a chance to test our teamwork in combat. But I like you're like of thinking as well" She looked to the others to try to determine their thoughts on the matter. "Shall we head to the guildhall then?"

2021-11-29, 12:47 PM
Heart packs her flute away after a few songs. She heads back to the table with her friends, and says "Guess it's the wrong time for music. We're off for the Guildhall, then?"

I'm good to just move on to the Guildhall-see what adventure we can get ourselves into! :)

2021-11-29, 06:29 PM

With your passable sausages put away, you off back into the chill air to see the groups of workmen not busily at their jobs, laying cobblestones, tugging big blocks high onto the walls, building up the sides of the well, and tacking tar paper and slate shingles onto nearby rooves. Passersby are at a minimum, however, as most folk will still be busy at their respective trades for several more hours.

A large standalone building in the out bailey, the guildhouse actually has quite a nice sign indicating various trade goods around a wagon wheel and the words, “Wheelers Guild, Dargoth chapter.”

Inside is a cramped foyer, and an overhead bell introduces you to a clerk who, swiping aside a heavy curtain, appears with surprising speed. The fastidious young man, bespectacled but not unhandsome, sags noticeably upon seeing you, and speaks common with a thick Solamnic accent. “Good afternoon. Do you have an appointment? And you are not guild members… how can I be of service? Master Ruch is busy with clients at the moment. You may wait, if you must speak with him.”

There is a bench to either side of you and nothing else in this cramped space; not even lamps. All the light comes from the busy, fragrant room beyond the curtain.

2021-12-01, 05:10 AM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of Vengence"True, true," his own smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as Royse withdrew ten steel from the pile and passed the remainder to Haverna, "I have no doubt that you will."

With the matter of payment settled Royse took his sausages and sat down to eat. It was good and Heart's music didn't offend. The only thing that kept him from fully enjoying his meal were the wolves. His eyes were locked on them. Every sneer and jeer stoking a coal within him. He marked their faces and he knew that if they overstepped their bounds he'd cut them down like the dogs they were. Even as the final bumps came, Royse could feel that coal was about to burst into a fire... But he remained as steady as a rock and let the insult of it pass him by.

During the walk he was quiet. In hindsight he'd let the ruffians get under his skin. The hindsight was always the easy part. Royse still had trouble, despite all his self-examination, putting up with that level of disrespect. So, the walk was quiet while he schooled himself on being a better person than that. It was a good thing too. The clerk’s apathy and clear dismissal of their arrival might have gotten a worse reaction.

"No appointments, but becoming a member is a possibility. In truth we are looking into some work that was posted on the job board. I assume that you can speak to us about those Mr. ..?"

Persuasion roll (just in case) [roll]1d20+4[roll]

2021-12-01, 08:48 AM
Guildhouse - Wheelers Guild, Dargoth chapter

The young man nods. “Wintergreen. And Wheelers is a trade guild, sir knight. We deal in the shipping of goods and the creation and services rendered to do so. If you have goods to trade or services to render, yes, I would be happy to assist you. Items from the jobs board are a different matter, only … [something in Solamnic – tangential] … uh, related to it. What work are you interested in? And I should say we’ve taken to asking for names for adventuring troupes such as yours because otherwise we would quickly lose track. They seem particularly eager to seek out these rumors of hobgoblins along the road – there are already three groups patrolling that area for miles.”

Wintergreen, by his tone, is not being disrespectful, but is weary, as if he’s had the same conversation many times recently.

2021-12-01, 10:47 AM
"Perhaps we could help with the milestones?" Heart asks. "That'd be something productive, whether or not it's dangerous."

There's a brief moment where Heart is silent, and then a realization is visible crossing her face. "Wait-wait. We get to name our own adventuring group? Oh gosh, this is a big ask! Um, um, uh... I was not prepared for this! We gotta make it something impressive... Something that'll get respect just on the words alone," she says, thinking hard. "You guys got any ideas? Um, Mr. Wintergreen, do we need to make a name now? Can we change it later, if we get a better name?"

2021-12-01, 12:12 PM
"Damn" aria cursed at being too late for the job she wanted. Nothing was going her way today. ya I suppose we could help with the milestones she wasn't really looking forward to manual labor today but she wouldn't shy away from it. "Like a team name" she pondered. "How about... The marauders? Or The Silver talons? Or what about the Shadows dagger?" they definitely needed a cool name, she decided. Having come from the immortal assassins she knew that marketing was half the battle.

2021-12-01, 12:35 PM
"Let's shoot for something more heroic than that! Marauders sounds like we're gonna pillage your village," Heart says. "I like the Silver Talons, though. Not sure I'm completely sold on it, but it's a good starting place..."

2021-12-01, 09:41 PM

Zara's mouth quirks into an roguish smile. "Having faced Silver Dragons in combat I'd sooner not the Silver Talons. Too much bad blood. Maybe the the Jade Talons instead? Makes us sound mysterious."

The lady knight seems highly amused by the discussion, but like Aria feels a good name is important.

2021-12-02, 06:28 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of Vengence"Mide," Royse offered, his tension leaving in the same breath as the name. Perhaps neither one of them was at their best in this moment.

While it wasn't daring or exciting the milestone work would certainly give them a reputation for solid work and help with the supply situation. In the moment he couldn't ascertain how, but if a trade guild deemed it important enough to pay for then it was important. It also didn't completely void the possibility for the glory Aria craved. Speaking of, now it was his turn to weigh in on the name they'd go by. He knew his answer.

"I must admit, Zara has the right of it I think. 'Jade Talons' grabs the imagination but doesn't conjure a ready image. Much like ourselves. Beyond that, Mr. Wintergreen, what are the terms of work and pay for the milestone job? While we're discussing that it might be beneficial to talk about the hobgoblin job as well. With three parties of hunters at the ready a tribe could be pushed to act in unexpected ways. If we have to deal with them as well we should know what their bounty is."

2021-12-03, 09:54 AM
Guildhouse - Wheelers Guild, Dargoth chapter

“The former is simple enough – literally. We’ve been dropping some silver in the camp for some individuals with skills at stonework to carve the mileposts, and now we’ve an even ten ready to be lain along the road. This is day labor and the first strong backs to walk through the door will be hired for two silver each. It’s a seller’s market after all. One of us will have to go along to perform the measurements and make certain you remain on-task.

“But that certainly won’t require weapons. We are offering a bounty of two silver for each wolf ear, and one steel for each goblin ear.”

Something about Wintergreen’s tone at the end sounded … even more banal than the rest? As if he didn’t expect you to return with any at all – or maybe return at all.

2021-12-03, 12:47 PM
"Jade talons. I like it" aria stated satisfied with the name.

She had to agree that her talents were wasted carrying stone and the goblins and wolves certainly paid better.

She shrugged ignoring the tone of his voice. She was more than capable and the knights looks like they could handle themselves. "I'm leaning towards the bounties again. If we get paid per creature then it might not matter that we're not the only ones Killin. We can still take the stones if you want, but I'd rather go hunting. Shall we?"

2021-12-03, 09:01 PM
Heart nods. "Wolves are always dangerous. Thinning the packs isn't a bad idea."

She's very much not mentioning the goblins, and there's a reason for that. She doesn't seem to have personal experience with any goblinoids, but is hesitant to attack sentient creatures.

2021-12-04, 10:33 AM
Guildhouse - Wheelers Guild, Dargoth chapter

The Jade Talons it is. Wintergreen takes note, adding your names (whichever names and information you choose to provide), physical descriptions, and tells you a copy will be provided to the bailiff.

OOC: Please make a definitive plan and enact it - however, also note again that it's midday and too late to start a day's work immediately (early darkness being an obstacle).

2021-12-06, 02:25 PM
"Not much more to do today then, but we
know where to start tomorrow. I need to make a few purchases" she informed the others thinking of the locks she wanted to buy. "Then I'll be heading back to my room at the inn. Relax a bit before the morning comes." Sounds like the bath was happening after all and maybe someone here would have a good book for sale. She wouldn't mind some reading while soaking.

2021-12-07, 07:48 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of Vengence"Then I'll be here bright and early to accept the stones and begin the work."

After their records were taken and they left the office, Royse had to wonder at Aria's insistence on the bounty hunting. With so many hunters it just seemed less likely that they'd encounter their marks and more likely that they'd be wasting time. Though he kept those thoughts to himself. He didn't know for certain if that was the truth. Speaking of time, the dwindling day was not encouraging for checking in with all the job posts. The farmland would have to wait for another day, but there was something closer they could pursue. As Aria made her intention known to peruse the shops, Royse passed her ten steel for a lock of his own.

"While you're shopping I'm going to pursue one more of those job notices. The royal surveyor shouldn't be too hard to find, considering that we have their apartment number. I'm going to question them about what they need and we'll meet up back at the inn later."

2021-12-07, 08:34 PM
"Want company for that?" Heart asks.

I'm all for just narrating past this, Gorgon. I think we're ready to start the meat.

2021-12-07, 09:06 PM
Dargaard Keep Outer Bailey


It takes only a minute to get directions to the provisioner – the general store – but Aria is disappointed the moment she steps up to the window. A pale, lean, almost emaciated male elf stands from a stool and greets her warmly,, introducing himself as Derithar, but she sees the shelves behind him are quite bare. He regretfully states there’s been no call for locks in any number (generally being an expensive luxury) but he says he can place an order for delivery that should arrive in about two weeks. He asks for pay up front, of course.

Royse and Heart

The cartographer, Markus, is a middle-aged human man in sturdy traveling clothes. The gear in his surprisingly spacious apartment is packed in such a way as to suggest he’s ready to leave at a moment’s notice and has been agitating to do so for some time. Trying not to stare, he speaks in common, thinking he’s doing Heart a favor when in fact he’s helping Royse. “It is a pleasure to meet you both. I’ve been waiting for weeks, but rumors from the countryside and in the camp assure me I’m not prepared for whatever I may face in the wilds. I’m sorry to say it, but surveying is typically a more sedate job. I’ve … never had to face completely uncharted territory before. I’m not military, you see, I work in the Gaardlund Interior office. Lord Christofson refuses to provide an escort but is more than happy to pay for mercenaries, and they all appear to think this work is beneath them. Such a strange situation. So, will you be my escort? When are we leaving?”

2021-12-07, 09:21 PM
Heart looks Markus in the eyes, and smiles, trying to reassure him with her body language that all is well. "My friends and I have just come into camp-we were planning on taking a night to rest at the inn, but we can leave bright and early tomorrow, if that works for you. We were also going to see about putting some milestones down-is that compatible with your work, or should we focus on one task at a time?" she asks.

"And, also," she adds, "when you say 'not military', how equipped are you in a fight? I don't think any of us expect you to charge in with a sword or anything like that, but are you composed enough to get cover and keep your wits about you?"

2021-12-08, 08:47 AM
Aria paid 20 steel pieces for the 2 locks she wanted and Royce's 10 for a lock for him. She would sleep sounder one those had arrived and couple be put to use. After putting in the order for those, having no impulse purchases available to her she headed back to the inn and went to soak in the tub for the rest of the afternoon. Her muscles were stiff and sore from the days on the road. Aside from being relaxing, and helping with the smell, the bath would loosen up her muscles allowing her to be quick and nimble when faced with combat.

2021-12-08, 03:51 PM

"I too want to make a few investigations but I'll see you this evening," Zara said to Aria, Heart and Royse.

While the others had moved off Zara had decided to see if the Keep had any wizards or other such magical practitioners around. The ex-knight had only a limited grasp of magic as yet, but she was interested in exploring the mystical arts further and that meant trading notes with those of an arcane bent. Besides they might have some insight into the local area that might have escaped more mundane minds and eyes.

The young woman asked around for directions or even just rumours that could help her.

2021-12-08, 04:21 PM

Zara asks random strangers in the street, mostly workers and more of those rough-looking warrior types. None admit to knowing any magic users personally, let along know of any here at the keep or in the camp. Your mind is distracted by possibly conflicting missions come the morning. (OOC - This should have been a Charisma check on your part. I rolled on your behalf - really low.)

Royse and Heart

Markus stares at Heart, his wonder and curiosity turning into open-mouthed confusion and fear. "Wha-what do you mean? I know there are wolves and maybe bears in the woods... you make it sound as if I might be in real danger at every moment. Sir, tell me that isn't the case. I am a professional with a job to do, but I have no experience with violence. Who would possibly want to harm me? What is out there? Can the two of you truly keep me safe? And are you prepared for travel - a proper survey will require hiking quite a few miles, finding high ground and setting up my equipment at a number of locations. I presume it will take several days..." He's now's lost his confidence and is fairly unnerved by the unknown dangers he may face.

2021-12-09, 08:26 AM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengenceRoyse kept silent as Markus described his duties and his situation. It certainly was a pickle. Even from this scant meeting Royse had the feeling the men who'd discouraged Markus might be right. He did not seem prepared for his business. To be fair though, who was when facing the untamed wilderness. As the surveyor started to lose his nerve, the knight chose to speak up.

"I hold no illusions that the travel will be dangerous or treacherous. Possibly both. I do know that we can protect you if need be. As long as we work together and keep our heads, there's not much that can overcome us. That said, I think I do know how we can be more prepared."

"Heart mentioned that we're laying milestones tomorrow for the Wheelers Guild. That job will certainly take a few hours. We've also agreed to hunt some of the dangers that lurk nearby. The wolves, you mentioned them, and goblins. Completing these two will help us to prepare for protecting you since we will be better informed about the intricacies of the land and its residents. When we return we'll finalize our arrangements and gather any needed supplies before setting off. Would that be amenable to you?"

Persuasion (just in case) [roll0]

2021-12-09, 03:59 PM
Outer Bailey Apartments

Though you’d been traveling together for days, none of you had taken the time to get to know one another until you arrived at the keep a few hours ago, and Royse, despite himself, sounded pretty uncertain.

Heart, grinning widely and giving enthusiastic two thumbs-up, didn’t evoke professionalism either.

"Ah, um. Well, you see, I might just want to wait for... numbers. Strength in numbers is something they say in the military, yeah? I think I'd best wait until a larger detail volunteers. Better safe, if there's real danger about." You swear he's paled by a degree.

2021-12-09, 07:20 PM
Heart's smile drops a little. She can tell they flubbed this. "Alright. Well, Mr. Markus, be sure to let us know if you need any help. We appreciate your time, and wish you the best!"

Unless Royse objects, she'll walk out the door and head back to the inn. "Gah," she lets out. "Did I come on too strong? I was just worried that he might not be safe, and... Maybe he's right? I mean, there aren't a ton of us. No matter how handy we are in a fight, if we can't keep watch properly or just get surrounded and can't cover him... Well, it's in the past," she says. "We'll just have to show him that we've got what it takes!"

If Royse looks at her closely, he can tell that she's a little off-put by this. She's used to good intentions having good results, and all she wanted was to keep the mapmaker safe. She seems to be handling it pretty fine, though, especially as her eyes dart towards a flurry of motion as a small flock of birds, perhaps a half dozen, sets in flight. "You ever think about flying?" she asks as her head turns to follow the birds. "When I was real little, I'd run and run and run as fast as I could, and try jumping and flapping my arms to try to take off. It never worked, but thank the gods that my mom got me to stop before I tried it off a tall tree or something! I still hope I can find some kind of mage, though, who could let me fly for a little bit. Just to see what it's like."

2021-12-10, 10:35 AM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengenceDespite his attempt to convey their honest intent, it was nothing next to the assurance the man needed. A lost battle, if one wanted to liken conversations to battles. No, a simple blunder and one of Royse's making. The knight still left Markus with the inn they were staying at and the new moniker of their band before taking his leave.

Out on the streets Heart's sudden shift in attitude was... There was a word for it that escaped him. An odd parental feeling. There was a word for it. He wanted to assure her that it wasn't her fault, but that'd hardly had the intended effect a few minutes ago. Perhaps this time would be different.

"I think you did nothing wrong. Restraint was probably wiser, though some can always tell when the person their speaking to is false or untrue. Your enthusiasm was true. Rather it was I who made the blunder. I could not now for certain that we could protect him and I couldn't lie to him about that fact. As much as it feels true, without evidence to back it up those words just become false promises."

"I never thought about flying. I wanted to be a knight, a far different one from the kind I became, but a knight all the same. I worked very hard for it, but the reality of it shattered the dream. I won't say that you shouldn't pursue that goal someday. Just that goals can seem lackluster when you achieve them. ... I'm doing it again, aren't I?"

I'm good to get back to the inn whenever.

2021-12-10, 10:47 AM
"If you didn't become the knight you wanted to be, did you really get the chance to be your dream?" Heart asks. "Words aren't everything. Other people aren't everything. If the whole world told me, right now, I was flying, that wouldn't mean a dang thing for me-same with you. If everyone else called you a knight, but you weren't the knight you wanted to really be... I dunno. Maybe you chose the wrong word, maybe they called you wrong, but you've still got plenty of life to live. You'll achieve your goals, Royse, and be happy. I might not be able to se visions of the future like Glint can, but I know you can do it."

Same OOC note as Royse has-ready to continue!

Glint is the shaman/mage/whatever you want to call 'em of Heart's home, the person who advises Sapphire (Heart's mom and the Chieftain) and reads the future.

2021-12-10, 02:17 PM
Haverna's Inn

You all return to the inn for dinner and baths and to discuss the day's minor failures. The evening is more exciting that mid-afternoon, that's for certain, though Haverna only serves watered down wine. The ruckus at the Ceggar next door increases over the dark hours but is not loud enough to keep any of you awake.

(OOC: Do as you wish as far as conversation, etc., but otherwise ...)

Brookgreen (March) 15, 430 AC

There's no bell to mark the hours - at least not yet - and the dawn rooster calls are oddly distanced; some muted from the inner bailey and some from the camp. The air slowly fills with the smell of fresh bread and the clang of smith's tools, and soon the entire keep is awake.

You dress and arm yourselves, pausing in the inn's dining hall for a breakfast of eggs, sausages, toast, and weak, bitter tarbean tea, and milk. You meet the second guild clerk, Loffler, a scrawny, disheveled young man who squints a lot, leading a mule and cart from the public stable at the gate. He makes introductions warmly enough, though he seems mostly pleased to see you're well armed and eagerly curious about Heart - with whom he opens up in an awkwardly flirtation manner. Down in the camp a number of men haul big stone blocks engraved with numbers onto the cart and secure them with a web of old ropes.

Loffler explains the day's duties as they work. "I've got this thin hundred-yard line wrapped around a handled spindle, so once we leave the first marker, I'll ride down the road - with an escort, if you don't mind, Miss Heart - while one or two of you remains behind. Once it's played out, you catch up and we do it again until a mile is measured out. Unfortunately it's going to be a bit tedious: We have to do it eighteen times per mile." He shrugs. "Sorry, it's the easiest way. I know it's a bit chill out but it'll warm with the sun and it'll be a nice stroll. I mean, aside from moving those four hundred point stones. But don't worry, you can all ride on the cart on the way back. Hop on! We're to leave the first stone around that bend, just south of the vale.

"So, Miss Heart ... I'm uh, from Frankville. It's a small village in western Gaardlund known primarily for a particularly ancient barn some folks say was the site of an important ceremony centuries ago, but it's only rumor. You are no rumor, and I've never seen anybody like you before. Or heard. Not heard. About you, I mean. Or ... so where are you from? Must be an amazing story."

To your surprise, you jangle on down the road for about an hour before he draws to a stop, explaining you're not marking the road to the keep, which anybody can see once they're close enough, but to the rather ill-defined region everybody's referring to as the vale in general.

2021-12-10, 09:16 PM
The Night
Heart chooses not to drink even the watered-down wine. "I'm only 19-in my home, you aren't allowed to drink alcohol till 24. Though I confess... I've smelt it, and it smells foul! Not sure I'd want it anyway."

The Morning
Being a late riser, Heart's probably the last one down. She wolfs down the meat and milk, and eats the rest if with a little less gusto. "My compliments to the chef! What kind of meat blend is the sausage?" she asks. Regardless of the answer, she leaves with the rest of her party.

"Hello, Mr. Clerk!" she calls out when she spots their (for now) employer. When he introduces himself, she smiles back at him, saying "I'm Heart. Big Heart of the Nordmaar Forest. And these are my friends! I'll let them introduce themselves, but they're good folk!"

When he starts to explain their task for the day, she listens attentively. When he asks for an escort, she nods, slowly coming to the realization that he's interested in her more than the others.

"Well," Heart starts, in reply to his questions about her origin, "I'm from Nordmaar, as I'm sure you could've guessed from my introduction a bit ago. I grew up with my family there-there's a lot more of us deep in the trees there! We... Well, I mean, we live there. We do what people do-I know I've got fur and a tail and you don't, but we're not too dissimilar. But I was always curious about the world beyond our little part of Nordmaar, so about a year ago now, maybe a little less, I finally left home. It took a few months to get from our part of Nordmaar to here, and then travels, and learning some customs... It's been a journey! But I'm glad I made it. Everyone here is so different, and it's good to see that! Although, I gotta say, people outside of Nordmaar seem kinda... Uptight? I guess that's the word?"

She continues, saying "I mean, back home, you'd see people kissing off the side of a path all the time. But I don't think I've seen a single smooch since I've left home! And then, 'husband' and 'wife'. I've heard those words, but... Gods, someone explained it well, but I can't for the life of me remember it fully! It was, something like... Something like, two people who just... Don't get involved with anyone else? At all. At all!" she adds for emphasis, sounding incredulous. "I just do not get it. Aria, could you imagine just sticking to one person and never being with anyone else? Crazy, right?"

As one just MAYBE might be able to guess, Heart's not a stickler for monogamy. Considering this is D&D-more about adventures and daring heroes than romance and smooching-I'm perfectly happy to have this be a minor footnote that doesn't matter much. If all y'all are cool with it being more important, also cool!

2021-12-11, 09:45 PM

Haverna's Inn - Night

Though she had been disappointed in her search during the day a bath and a some wine did much to restore her and she sought to swap tales with her new companions. "What would each of you say is the most fearsome foe you have faced so far?"


The Morning

Enjoying a fairly pleasant breakfast Zara had donned her armour and cloak, run a comb through her dark mop of hair and sauntered out to enjoy their first official job here and hopefully earn some steel. Part of her was a little put out Heart was the centre of so much attention but she had to admit the feline woman certainly had charm. She did find her eyebrows raised at some of the differences that existed between Nordmaar - at least the furred part of it - and the rest of the world.

"Greetings Mr. Loffler, I am Zara," Zara says crisply, though the bemused knight doubts he'd heard a word.

2021-12-12, 11:21 AM
Dargoth Vale

Loffler, as distracted as he is by Heart’s exotic nature and outgoing friendly energy, is still politely curious about the rest of you when you take a moment to engage. “It’s a strange day for certain, lady, sir. If you hadn’t responded to the notice to fast I’d be undergoing this task with folks from the camp. I know they need the coin but I never thought to meet a bunch like you. No disrespect, of course!

“Did you both serve during Ankar’s War? I was too young and already apprenticed, and then we’ve had nothing but peace for years and years. I suppose that’s why you’re here? Wish I could be a knight, but my lot’s to put pen to paper. At least I’m out of Frankville and helping noble folk like you. Like a dream, really.” Loffler may have never actually met a knight before and simply assumes Zara and Royse are Solamnic knights.

Speaking with Heart, Loffler flushes and his mouth goes dry. There seems to be some intense gear-grinding in his noggin for a while and he says to her when they’re beyond earshot, “Well, I’ve left home without commitments as well. When my master said we were moving here I just knew this would be a time for new experiences. We have a long day ahead of us but I wouldn’t mind unwinding afterward with a more private cultural exchange. Uh, in the name of learning, of course.”

After about half a day of tedium paired with brief but intense labor, you cannot help but note a tight, loud knot of crows circling a spot in the woods away from the road…

OOC QUESTION: How do you remove and set the first milestone? If you have a safe method in which nobody will get hurt, we can assume you do so for the complete set throughout the day without any rolls or broken feet, etc.

2021-12-12, 05:13 PM
The night
Aria quite enjoyed her bath, staying in to soak long after the water grew cold. Her muscles sore from the road were relaxed making her ready for the combat she anticipated tomorrow. After joining the patrons for a few drinks of wine she reluctantly took her bed so she cold rise early with the dawn.

The morning
True to her word, Aria was up with the sunrise and set about eating a healthy sized breakfast with the group. "I participated in an arena match of sport against their champion. I think he was very nearly better than me." She replied to Zara,s question.

As they headed out she kept her vision trained on the road ahead but was happy to engage in idle chat with her traveling companions. "I love your hair" She commented to Zara. I'll have to get you to do mine sometime. This morning I was just happy to have it clean and tied back."

Then was interrupted by hearts question. "Ya crazy..." She replied sarcastically. "Imagine only being involved with one person that cared about you." Aria would have settled for even having one person that wanted to get involved with her. Someone she liked that is. People that knew her never got close lest they face the wrath of her mother, or possibly worse, her father. So how do we want to put these in? She posed changing the subject. "Probably best carried by two. I can partner with someone."

[roll0] perception for scanning the road
[roll1] athletics for moving the milestones

2021-12-13, 06:02 PM

Somewhere around the six mile mark, now around noon, Aria notes all the swirling, annoyingly loud birds in the woods and, as part of her overall sense of caution, sees something peculiar. A limp of some sort amongst some disturbed grass. It's all a mess of brown, and it could easily have been missed - hundreds of yards away at the edge of the treeline - but it doesn't look like a rock or stump.

OOC: I'll wait until I hear from others before determining what happens with the markers.

2021-12-14, 07:52 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengenceNight

"That's... Surprisingly insightful Heart," the words weren't the same, but the sentiment was so close to Mina's that Royse was taken aback, good company to keep in his estimation, "I'll think on this. Shall we?"

The walk back was quick and the warmth of the in inviting. The bath's siren call reached him first though. Retiring for a soak Royse did as he said he would. He reflected. Years and memories had their toll. They haunted him in the water, thoughts only he alone could struggle with, but as he returned to the common room he seemed a little less burdened than he had been walking in the door.

Taking a seat across from Zara he caught her question. There were none quite so fearsome as one and he wondered if they'd see the story the same way. Strange how his talk with Heart had embolden him on this subject. Or not strange at all.

"As a young man I sought out the Solamnic Knights. I was a squire for them, but they saw the person I was at the time. Sir Istus was my mentor and the one to banish me from their ranks. I hated him and found my revenge through the Neraka. His helmet I've kept as a trophy. In fact I still have it in my bag upstairs."

"He wasn't formidable for his skill or prowess. I crushed him in our duel thanks to the powers of the Skull. What he is to me has changed as I've changed. As I've come to reflect on my past he's become less of a victory and more of a measure of the person I should be. The way he composed himself even as the final blow was struck. If it's not formidable to alter the course of a person's life, then I don't know what is."


The wine doesn't find Royse that evening, the man had a job to do the next day after all, the meal sufficed to buoy him instead. The same could be said of the breakfast the next day. Though the inhabitants of the Keep could say what they will about shortages, it was the best he'd eaten in quite a while. Belly full, gear perfectly packed, and armor secured he was quick to follow Zara's introduction with one of his own.

"Royse," and that was all that needed to he said. The boy had more pressing interests it seemed. A fact that Royse noted and blamed on the eagerness of youth. Still, he'd be keeping an eye out to make sure that it was kept respectful.

Beyond that all that remained was the work and Loffler's stream of questions. Most of which he simply nodded along to. He had a job to do and chatting wasn't part of it. That said, he had no familiarity with the work, but Royse did his best.

Athletics [roll0]

2021-12-14, 08:01 PM
When Loffler mentions the "private cultural exchange" she restrains a belly laugh, but isn't able to stifle a small giggle. "You're cute, Loffler. You've got a nice attitude and you're respectful." She leans against him for a moment. "This is okay, right? You don't mind? Not allergic to the fur or anything?"

Later, when the group handles the milestones themselves, Heart looks a bit nervous about lifting them herself. "I'm... I don't mind helping, but that's a big rock. I can help make sure it gets placed in the exact best spot, at least!"

Guidance on myself, followed by a Nature check to see if there's an opportune spot within the acceptable area.

[roll0] plus [roll1]

In the future, I can apply Guidance to whoever needs it when we set up the big rock.

2021-12-15, 10:54 AM
When she gets a chance in between placing the milestones Aria moves to investigate the lump further up the path."I see something up ahead. I'm going to go check it out" She moves quietly forward hoping to not draw attention to herself until she knows what she's approaching.

[roll0] stealth check

2021-12-15, 12:58 PM
Dargoth Vale approach

After you successfully place the second 300-pound stone without injury, you are all skeptical and weary about continuing, think this may not have been worth the few silver you agreed to. Royse, his back aching at the very idea of hauling more of these things from the cart, thinks back to his days of traveling with an army. He recalls working with supplies and wagon trains (meaning his Land Vehicle proficiency) and unloading procedures, and when it came to very heavy items such as barrels of water, the easiest way was to set a plank and roll them down.

Well, he had no plank, but they were rocks and weren't likely to break from a three-foot fall onto grassy earth, so he suggested rolling them right off the cart, and then into place before simply righting them at the side of the trail. This proved far easier and faster than your earlier attempts. With relief, you all move on.

Meanwhile Loffler, enjoying Heart's softness, talks on and on about Franksville and his extremely tedious work and how all he wanted was to see something of the world and get away from his desk from time to time. Having traveled many hundreds of miles through a strange assortment of lands for much the same reason, Heart empathizes, and the two cozy up adorably in adolescent affection.

At mile six, Aria walks off toward the treeline, low and slow, and finds a number of packs and other items discarded in a pile.

2021-12-15, 01:07 PM
Nodding and smiling, Heart listens attentively to Loffler. "Sounds like you took a risk coming out here. I hope it's been paying off."

When Aria sneaks off, Heart offers a "Good luck-yell if you need us!" to her. She then looks over to Royse. "Sorry that you've been all the muscle, Royse. When we get back to town, I could try working the knots in your back out, if you like." Pre-empting Loffler, she then adds to him humorously "And if you want a massage, good sir, you better put some work in!"

As a reminder to everyone, I do have Guidance. So if you plan on making a check and we have time, you can ask Heart for assistance and get +1d4 to your check. Probably not important for this Stealth roll, but it's definitely something to keep in mind!

2021-12-18, 09:10 PM

Zara does her best but it soon becomes clear that though she has muscles the lady knight simply lacks the sheer brute strength to achieve much. At least until Royse suggests his way of dealing with them and she smiles gratefully at him.

Zara had been hazy in response to Loffler's questions about the war, but she was more willing to talk to Royse as they worked. "I was a Knight of the Lily, though I think I should have trained as a Knight of the Thorn. I can handle the sabre well enough but magic always had a real draw for me. I was proud of being a Knight of Takhisis once upon a time, but that was long ago."

She smiled ruefully. "I do miss the dragons though. I was not senior enough to be permanently assigned a dragon but the blues I knew always seemed so powerful, cunning and proud."

2021-12-19, 06:10 PM
Aria digs through the various packs trying to identify what they are and why they are here.

[roll0] investigation check on the supplies.

2021-12-19, 07:17 PM
Dargoth Vale approach - Aria

There are five packs, all of similar fabric and stitching by human hands from common generic sources. All are either brand new or old and worn. They contain the same basic checklist of camping gear and personal care items; mess kit, razor, jerky and dried fruit, bedroll and blanket. She'd guess several people from a town or city outfitted themselves at the same time. She checks the straps and notes each is fit for somebody with a broader torso than herself - men, likely. The thick material isn't sun-bleached or soaked through, but the packs are settled into the grass and earth; signs that it warmed during the day and froze overnight several times.

And there's only one reason to leave your gear unattended like this - to unburden yourself for a fight. Scratch that, she thinks, her skin crawling, there's another reason: A trap. But it's been long minutes out in the open and if it were a trap, she'd be long riddled with arrows by now.

And go ahead and take Inspiration.

2021-12-19, 11:00 PM
Aria knows what to do, she just hopes it's not too late. Something killed a group of men ready for combat. She needed to warm the others. She kept to get feet with her ear fan already ready in her hand. She chanced a quick look at her surroundings hoping for an indication of what direction the danger would come from before sprinting back towards the group.

[roll0] perception check

Once she was sure she was in earshot she risked calling out to them. "Draw your weapons. Be ready."

This would be their first real test as a team. She got one didn't intend on failing it.

2021-12-20, 01:23 AM
Heart, who has been looking skyward for a bit, snaps to attention when Aria calls over. She draws her daggers, and looks about, seeing if she can notice any threats.

Perception! [roll0]
And Initiative roll, for when it's needed: [roll1]

2021-12-20, 09:44 AM
Dargoth Vale approach

Quickly going from alert to concerned to terrified, Loffler ends up crawling under the cart for protection. Everyone stands, tense and ready to act, for some time. But no threat emerges.

2021-12-21, 12:23 PM
"I found the packs of 5 men" Aria explained slightly embarrassed by her, apparently, over reaction. "They were tossed to the side quickly. Whoever left them there was expecting a fight and since they didn't come back to collect them either they lost the fight or just forgot where they put them. I'm gonna go collect them. Stay alert. I'm not wrong. Something is out there" she insisted trying to save some face.

2021-12-21, 05:53 PM

Zara nods at Aria. "I believe you Aria, and I agree. I've seen more than a few battlefields and you learn which judgement to use."

The lady knight readied her crossbow. Though she preferred her rapier and magic, with a distant opponent more likely a weapon with range seemed best.

2021-12-22, 06:52 PM
Dargoth Vale approach

Aria returns to the packs without incident. If no further decisions are made, Loffler eventually climbs from beneath the cart, brushes himself off, and insists a bit uneasily that you should return to the task at hand.

2021-12-22, 07:14 PM
Heart frowns. "I believe you, but... Should we try to follow their tracks? Or... I don't know. At a minimum, we should be especially careful."

2021-12-23, 12:10 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengenceThough his mental acuity had never been in question, Royse would be quick to admit that it wasn't his strong suit either. So it did come as a shock to him when a solution to the problem of the stones presented itself. Duress really had been the mother of invention and the next, dropped, stone didn't require near the effort.

As they worked, Zara talked. He heard it in her tone, that wistful regret. Though too often it was tinged with anger or resentment, mostly directed at himself, he often adopted the tone as well.

"I think it's the pride that's the draw. Strength is possessed by many, but the surety of ones actions is something only dragons seem to be able to achieve. Almost as if they know what they do is right for them. I've seen men kill to project a pale imitation of that prowess. But I am curious, why didn't you become a Knight of the Thorn?"

It was a question that would go unanswered as Aria burst back into their number. Royse abandoned the stone her was moving and he drew Caution without a second thought. The sword hadn't warned him of danger, but there could be any number of reasons for that. As time stretched Royse's tension eased. When Aria offered to collect the packs, Royse was quick to follow behind her.

"We can return to the markers soon. I'll go with you, just in case."

2021-12-23, 12:59 PM
Aria, still feeling a bit foolish was hoping for a moment of recluse to compose herself. Not finding that in Royce's company she instead turned the conversation towards him as they walked back over to the packs. " Hey you choose the whole knight thing right? How did you know it was what you wanted?" and how was she supposed to figure out what she wanted? All she knew till now was that she needed to get away from what she didn't want. Maybe if someone has ever asked her what she wanted her and her parents would be on better terms. But no, she had to be born as a symbol of death.

2021-12-25, 02:42 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengenceAria's question was easily answered. Considering the amount of time he'd been dwelling on the past it was natural that he'd been thinking about that as well. The real mystery was why she asked and Royse didn't have an answer for that.

"It was during the Chaos War. I was five at the time and the Solamnic Kights were all that stood between us and death. It's hard not to idolize that kind of strength, stand that tall. To everyone else they were people, but to me they were giants. I wanted to be a giant too. Why do you ask?"

2021-12-26, 10:54 AM
Dargoth Vale approach

As the others work and investigate, Loffler returns to his seat on the cart and speak to Heart in Solamnic. "That was ... almost exciting. Does this happen often?" Not knowing that you had traveled together for mere days and only just introduced each other, he continues, "May I ask - how did you come to partner with these folks. You're ... so very different. They're all black and armed. If you weren't here I never would have agreed to be alone with them."


He sees what Aria had described, but having experienced similar situation a hundred times, he peered at the discarded packs so near the tree line and knew - as no trap was sprung - the most likely direction the owners had gone, alerted and drawn off the road for some reason.

2021-12-26, 11:14 AM
Responding in the same tongue, Heart says "We kinda just strolled into town around the same time. I don't think they knew each other beforehand, but I certainly didn't." She keeps her eyes peeled for anything dangerous as she talks. "And, well, I just try to make friends. They're nice people-I mean, have you seen the way they're trying to shelter me? It's a little silly, but it shows their hearts are in the right place."

"You did the right thing, by the way, diving under the cart. If you can't fight, and there's danger, hide. Though you did mess up your clothes doing that-they're gonna need a wash when we're back in town," she adds, before continuing with a chuckle. "I'd say clean it off in any nearby water, but, well, I feel like the others might object to coming back to a half-naked man."

2021-12-28, 06:38 PM
Aria but her lip as if she was about to say something then shook her head. "You have the benefit of experience" she replied instead. I haven't really spent much time away from the- away from home. But I figure with my skills and your experience we'll be unstoppable" she smirked and move to collect the packs. "Let's see if we can find where they went"

[roll0] survival to track the packs owners

2021-12-28, 09:06 PM
Aria but her lip as if she was about to say something then shook her head. "You have the benefit of experience" she replied instead. I haven't really spent much time away from the- away from home. But I figure with my skills and your experience we'll be unstoppable" she smirked and move to collect the packs. "Let's see if we can find where they went"

[roll0] survival to track the packs owners

Though it's been a few days, some stalks of tall grass were clearly broken by footsteps, and (obviously) lead into the woods. There, with painstaking searching, you are able to find crushed old leaves and scuffed prints in refrozen mud. The question is how far/long you are willing to follow.

2021-12-28, 11:56 PM
"it's a couple days old but I can follow their trail" Aria stated quickly forgetting about the milestones. "You coming?" she asked Royce over her shoulder as she stayed down the path.

she is far more interested in the packs then the milestones. If Royce follows her she will continue down the trail for as long as she can track it.

"Heart, Zara Aria calls out now confident that the attackers are out of ear shot. "There's a trail here. We should go see where they went"

2021-12-29, 09:58 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of Vengence"I think you have your answer there. You might not have encountered something to be passionate about yet. Childhood isn't the requirement for one either. You have the benefit of time to discover it and pursue it. Similarly, as you said, we should pursue the owners of these packs. It's too far to simply abandon gear in the wilderness. I'll be right behind you."

He rose, easily hefting some of the packs so Aria wouldn't overburden herself. If need be it made him excellent bait due to the noise. As he followed her, he called back his own endorsement of the plan as well.

"She had the right of it, Heart, Zara, we should look into this while we have the opportunity. Be sure to bring Loffler with you. We stick together from here."

2021-12-29, 10:02 PM
"Right!" Heart calls back. "Loffler, let's go! You should stick to the middle-back of the group, I think. We might encounter some ne'er-do-wells, and you're not a fighter."

With that, she leads Loffler to join the others. "What've we found so far?" she asks, and when she's brought up to speed, nods. "Lemme take a glance, see if I spot anything else."

Casting Guidance on myself, then Survival!


2021-12-30, 01:59 PM
Dargoth Vale approach

Loffler scratches nervously at his arm while mumbling excuses for remaining where he is. Heart cajoles and reminds him he may be far safer in the group than left alone on the prairie [Persuasion 19], and he agrees to leave the mules and cart where the packs had lain (Royse can place the packs onto it instead of carrying them) and coming along because people may be in danger, though he insists you can't delay more than an hour or so.

Once into the tree line, Aria shows Heart the evidence of tracks, and the feline woman takes over. Though these woods are very different from her native Nordmaarin plant and animal life, sounds, and fragrances, some basic logical similarities remain. She manages to keep track of sporadic tracks, though it become unnecessary at about the quarter-mile mark, when the cacophonous crows you'd seen earlier appear to be your exact target. As you crest a small hill and look down into a gentle ravine, Heart's fur stands on end and she notes a particular note of rot in the air. There is plenty of daylight - the leaves have yet to begin growing.

Spread across an area as large as a stone's throw are tattered remains of men. You are all distressed to see the ground spattered with blood and guts, but even the veterans are sickened by the sight of the mangled corpses hanging limply from branches high in the air, draped like wet laundry. Even the lowest must be twenty feet up.

Loffler keeps saying, "Oh, gods, oh, gods ..." and can't seem to decide whether to hold his mouth or stomach, but he manages to retain his lunch.

Royse notes that Caution remains silent.

2021-12-30, 02:28 PM
"What... What happened?" Heart asks. She looks away, breathing through her mouth to avoid having to smell any of the rotting corpses. "What could've done this? And why?" Her fingers curl over her daggers and, beneath the fur, her knuckles are white with the force at which she grips them. She's doing her best to keep her resolve up, but anyone who so much as glances her way can tell she feels out of her depth.

She grits her teeth, and speaks again. "Can we do anything? Are we safe here? Who are these men?" she asks to no one in particular.

Well this got dark!

OOC, my vote is run like hell. Maybe run stealthily (in which case, Pass Without Trace would be a good choice, but I feel like this is less a "Adventure!" and more a "Get the damn army" situation.

2021-12-30, 08:22 PM

Zara shudders. Though her military background has given her some experience of such brutal business even she can say she is not familiar with this scale - thankfully!

Though she is gone pale and feels faint Zara walks at a clip as she moves to Loffler's side. "Compose yourself," she orders curtly, then follows with a more gentle tone and a reassuring hand on his shoulder: "Don't worry, we can deal with this."

She glances at the others to see how they are taking things in and whether they did think they could deal with it.

2022-01-02, 11:02 AM
Aria looked away to steady her shaking legs and felt bile rising in here throat. She had seen blood a plenty on her training and even death want entirely foreign to her, but the scene in front of her stopped her in her tracks. It was... No word was horrid enough to describe it.

Zara's words shook her from her stupor. Zara's composure have her strength and she turned back to the scene the sick of it hiring a little less hard the second time. "What so we do?" She asked looking for direction. "Do we report this to the Marshall?"

2022-01-04, 07:12 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengenceRoyse went pale. Carnage. Utter carnage. He didn't even have to examine the scene to process the pointless savagery of it. No predator would be so wasteful. No bandit or murderer would be so discrete. His had squeaked Caution's grip so tightly that the leather squeaked in his palm.

"We report this to the Marshall," Royse confirmed, "but I have the feeling that he already knows about this or incidents like this."

"I can't even imagine what could've done this," he continued, "Aria, do you remember our talk with the royal surveyor yesterday? How strongly he was warned off from doing his duty. I think this is what he was being warned against."

He looked at Zara. They'd seen the last war and so much else. Her look mirrored his own. Beneath the horror he summoned the steel within. His next words were said without pride or jest.

"We have to deal with this."

"If this enemy starts targeting the shipments it'll starve the Keep down to nothing. We'll have to leave the bodies here. It's to risky to be caught unawares while we try to move them. We'll finish our task today, but tomorrow we'll need to hunt."

2022-01-05, 02:20 PM
Dargoth Keep

Wary and sick from the smell, you return to the cart, where Loffler ensconces himself and clutches the donkeys’ reigns with a faraway intensity. He’s no longer so talkative, though by the return trip he’s at least loosened up enough to try to wrangle information out of you regarding what or who you think was responsible and under what circumstances you’ve seen similar horror.

By late sunset you have returned to the keep having fulfilled your agreement and feeling quite sore from the effort. Loffler, looking forward to some strong whatever he can find, pays you the promised silver, and bids Heart a fond good evening with an implied request for another conversation soon.

There not being anyone called a marshal, you can report your findings to the guildmaster – who will learn of this from Loffler – or the bailiff, whom you have not met but recall is in charge of all affairs of the lower bailey and presumably the camp of Dargoth Town as well.

2022-01-05, 06:52 PM
Heart, on the way back, flits from person to person. She's nervous-not just nervous, scared. She's never seen death like this before, and wants a comforting touch of someone who cares. She manages to hold it together, though, and smiles at Loffler when he leaves. "Thank you, Loffler, for your time. I hope I get the chance to see you again."

"Do you guys think the baliff or the guildmaster is better prepared for... You know," she says. "I mean, we should probably tell more people than less, right? I don't want to panic anyone, but they deserve to be warned."

2022-01-05, 07:02 PM
"I found it curious at the time, but I want sure what it could mean" Aria responded to Royce grateful for the chance to turn away from the massacre. "You don't think someone in the stronghold is involved do you?"

As they headed back Aria nervously looked around expecting trouble alone every corner. When she saw none she instead find herself talking as if to silence get thoughts. "Zara, Royce. You two seem familiar. Are you, that is were you... Romantically involved?" she wasn't sure where that thought had come from, but she had seen the looks they had been sending each other. It was almost like they could read each other's thoughts.

2022-01-11, 07:53 PM

Zara looked at Aria in astonishment at her question, then burst out laughing. "No, no we were not involved! Don't worry Aria I'm not offended you just caught me off guard. We belonged to the same knighthood that is all, and left it too. We had no previous knowledge of each other."

The former knight tilted her head, thinking through the rest of her companions suggestions. "I think perhaps the Guildmaster for now. Royse has a point that there may be more too this and the baliff may be more likely to be involved than the Guildmaster."

2022-01-11, 07:58 PM
Heart chuckles along with Zara, happy to have a bright spot. "The Guildmaster it'll be, then," she says, and heads for the guildhall.

2022-01-11, 10:30 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengeanceRoyse was quiet during much of the rest of the day. His responses were limited to yes, no, and the occasional grunt of shrug. His mind was clearly elsewhere and every so often his hand drifted back to his sword. It wasn't fear that compelled him to withdraw from the others. It was more a sense of responsibility. With the new threat he felt he had to stay on his toes, doubly so with this new threat.

Once back, within the safety of the keep, Royse let his guard slip and his tense muscles rest. What were the best options here? Compared to that, Aria question was far easier to answer.

"It's true, we'd never met before the journey here. Our order placed a deal of importance on the removal of individual desires for the betterment of the knighthood as a whole. That regimentation becomes a part of you and makes it easier for us to recognize and work with each other. We know what our duties and tasks are. It also makes it more difficult to act independently for those that haven't moved past the training."

"I have to agree, the guildmaster has to know something about this. Men don't just die like that without word getting back to the people in charge. If not them, than the bailiff for certain. Perhaps they're hoping to find a band strong enough to defeat the threat that they doesn't have to pay for the extra work."

2022-01-12, 11:32 AM
Dargoth Keep – Inner Bailey

As a group, you make your way back to the guildhouse, which is one of the larger standalone buildings in the outer bailey. You parted from Loffler just minutes ago, and you know he was headed toward the same place. It is not him, however, who answers the incessant knocking; it’s the other clerk, Wintergreen, who appears quite grumpy. “You wish to see t e guildmaster? You must see the guildmaster. Of course, we live to serve, and never mind mealtime. However, the master is in fact not dining at home this evening but with his lordship in the keep, so you will have to await his return.”

Wintergreen waves you a good night and locks the door, leaving you unsympathetically outside for the master’s return.

Several hours later a pear shaped middle-aged bald man in a fine velvet doublet, tapping an exquisite walking cane, finds you in various states of boredom outside his door. In a thick, high-class Solamnic accent, he says, “What’s this, adventurers? I gather this is important, or you wouldn’t have waited. Well, come in and please do be brief. The morrow looks to be busy. Now tell me; what brings you at such an hour in such a state? I am Guildmaster Ruch. Tell me your tale.”

2022-01-12, 04:13 PM
Aria glances at the adults in the group not sure the proper way to proceed. Hey mind objected though. How was she supposed to have her freedom if she simply went from following her parents orders to looking to Royce and Zara for guidance. She shook her head.

"There was a massacre in the woods. Bodies mutilated by no type of beast. It was-" Aria stepped herself. Like Zara she needed to remain calm. "It was bad. We believe this to be a real threat to the keep. Do you know anything about this?"

2022-01-13, 08:01 AM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengeanceWintergreen's indifference was understandable. They were little better than crude workers for the guild at this point. People of no standing with no rights to the time of their employer. He understood. He also knew how aggravating it was to be ignored when he had a genuine warning. After the interminable waiting he was a little surprised to see bald man approaching to hear them out.

Royse was about to speak when Aria beat him to it. It was very professional and to the point. Not that he had an expectation for how Aria would act, but this seemed a change from the more reserved girl he'd observed during the trip. Perhaps she was chasing that idealized version of her grown self she'd been talking about when she asked him about his goals. Perhaps he was reading too much into this, Either way, he appreciated the effort and added to her earlier points before the guildmaster could deflect any of this as commonplace.

"We know adventures have been flocking to work for you. The strange thing is that we haven't heard much of their successes beyond the assumption that hey have. No wolves or goblins did this. Those men were only in the state they were in if they encountered something that wanted them to serve as a gruesome warning or a a display of brutal power. If even the locals know that there is something more dangerous in the woods, then why isn't that being hunted?"

Persuasion? [roll0]

2022-01-13, 10:39 AM
Dargoth Keep- Guildhouse

Ruch has led you into the chamber beyond the foyer and office space, wherein (imported) furnishings are classy and comfortable and set for proper business meetings. He kindly pours you each a drink (water) and settles himself in a large though not particularly plush chair with a log book. He appears concerned. "By the descriptions, you must be the Jade Talons? That's ... evocative? I have no experience with monsters or adventures myself but much experience with business and trade, and I can assure you that this is the first I've heard of such a disruption. If you saw there site, please provide all the details you can - where was this, what signs or indications did you see as the the cause, and anything that may identify the victims. If they were traders, they may have been expected and we will be able to identify them, their place of origin, and their goods. I assume they had a carts or wagons or animals of some sort?

"As for who or what may be responsible - well, we aren't equipped to perform that task on our own, you see. Not as yet. His lordship has employed mercenaries to supplement his household guard, but I've contracted a half-dozen adventuring parties specifically because of the breadth of experience and skills you bring to the Vale. If there is some dreadful threat out there, I expect you or one of your competing groups to proactively learn its source and diffuse the situation before it impacts my trade, which is already anemic, and threaten the poor souls who have come to the Vale looking for a new beginning.

"Rewards are due any who act for the good of the Vale (and provide proof). As for success or lack of it, I can say that in the past month a number of goblins have been killed or driven off, bandits have been captured, and a number of wild beasts and ... more esoteric creatures have been confronted, though I can only assume things will liven up as spring commences and trade and farming bring more activity to this long-ignored region."

You each get the feeling that this man talks for a living and is leaving something out, but he's already been so voluminous and he's so knowledgeable that you can't guess what it might be.

2022-01-13, 12:11 PM
Heart would normally be nice about it. She would normally be tactful and polite and kind and all manner of hospitable.

Heart normally doesn't see dead bodies. She takes a moment to hold her charm and take a deep breath, then speaks.

"Sir-we saw a dozen or more bodies, strung up in the trees like some malevolent deity had tossed them there. I can still smell the rot. You aren't being fully honest. You've got one chance to correct that before I start telling every single person I see here what happened. I don't want to cause a panic, but I will not be mislead."

Handling the charm was Guidance. If a roll is called for, use the roll in the spoiler below:

[roll0] Intimidate
[roll1] Guidance

If Persuasion is more applicable, add +2.

2022-01-13, 03:23 PM
Dargoth Keep - Guildhouse

Guildmaster Ruch starts at Heart's vehemence, and raises a warning hand. "I misstated where it was not my affair to do so. Let me just say his lordship's policy on the Vale's protection and the quality of his mercenaries is not to everyone's satisfaction. I've encouraged the recruitment of adventurers to make up the difference."

2022-01-14, 07:25 PM
"Alright" Aria said weighing the information. "We'll solve the problem then. That's what we came for after all. What do you guys say? It's not like we can just sit back and let this sort of thing go... Unpunished" she stated with an edge of disgust.

2022-01-15, 08:40 AM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengeanceRoyse placed a reassuring hand on Heart's shoulder, giving her the reassurance she'd been looking for from earlier. It was also to hold her back from going too far. It was true that they weren't being told the whole truth, but the guildmaster's words weren't exactly lies by omission. Either way, he had the words he'd wanted to here from him. He'd hold the man to them as well.

"Yes, we'll start our hunt tomorrow and keep you abreast of what we find... There weren't any goods or animals that we found nearby. Though we intentionally limited our search since we had one of your employees with us and we didn't want to place him in any further danger, so there might be more to discover about this attack. What we do have is the unbloodied gear they left behind. We can drop that off here if there's any next of kin that need to be notified, if they can be identified from it, as I believe the majority of them were probably adventurers."

And that was that, for Royse at least, except for one last thing that he felt compelled to add.

"Thank you for taking the time to see us tonight. Your concern for your business and the keep speak well of your character."

2022-01-15, 12:23 PM
Heart shifts a little into Royse's hand. She doesn't seem particularly happy with the results of this little conversation, but doesn't say anything more.

When they head back out, presumably going for the inn they've been staying at, she speaks again, starting off mostly to herself. "We can do this. We are strong. We are competent, we are skilled. We..." she trails off a little, and addresses her friends. "We can do this, right? Whatever killed them... We can handle it. Right?"

2022-01-15, 05:52 PM
"Definitely. I may not understand everything just yet but if there's one thing I'm good at it's fighting" Aria replied with a cocky grin while stifling her rising anger. There would be a time for anger. She would need it to do what needed to be done by right now, right now she was happy to have work that was actually important and something she was good at it. It would give them a good chance to prove themselves. "We can handle it." she reiterated.

2022-01-17, 10:26 PM

Zara tries to look confident. "Like Royse I'm a veteran, though I doubt I have many of years on either of you Aria and Heart. Still, I know my way with a blade and a little magic and I think we can handle this. As for what we'll do next I suppose we shall have to just scout for more signs of trouble - oh by the Dark Queen what I'd give to have my dragon with me!"

2022-01-18, 10:33 AM
Dargoth Keep approach
Brookgreen (March) 16, 430 AC

Guildmaster Ruch, or rather Wintergreen, receives (all?) of the packs and personal belongings for cataloging and they sent you on your way. You ate in Haverna's dining room, got a good night's rest, and were up and out the door bright and early. The smell of fresh bread is accompanied by a ringing bell from some tower in the keep, and those already awake in the camp as you pass through are mostly feeding chickens and taking their eggs. You note a number of bedraggled folk already offering coppers or barter for these rare nutritious gems.

By the time you are stepping through the frosty farmland, your numb fingers have warmed though your breath is still white in the air. The farms are not truly farms; yet to really break any ground as homesteaders are still mostly constructing real houses next to their ramshackle temporary abodes and seeing to other farm tasks ... much of which is a mystery to you.

You follow yesterday's track and about two hours later you reach mile marker six and the edge of the woods...

2022-01-19, 12:22 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of Vengeance"We will handle it," Royse assured, echoing Aria and Zara, "because someone must."
A new day brought a new meal and Royse ate like a condemned man. If he did fail and died today, it would not be on an empty stomach. He also realized the defeatist nature of such thoughts. Other than fresh bread his meal of the day would be confidence.

In their final approach to the infamous mile marker, Royse let Caution rasp free and took stock. This had to be done carefully. He had a clear picture of the forward thrust they'd be using. But how much should they commit to defense in the rear. Zara was the obvious choice. Her crossbow and spells could allow her to be deadly at any range. On the other hand Heart had proven to be full of surprises. That sense of chaos caused him to rethink his strategy at the last minute.

"We should travel single file. Both to hide our numbers and to have a clear view of each other ahead and behind. It's unorthodox, but I think both Heart and Aria should take point as our scouts. Zara and I will be trailing behind you and give notice if you start to range too far ahead. About fifteen to twenty feet between the two groups would be ideal."

"If you encounter this killer or something you think might be it, retreat back to us and we'll face it as a unified front. If it should ambush you then fight to hinder and escape, rejoin with us. If it ambushes the back group then we'll do the same thing. Hinder, retreat, unify, attack."

2022-01-19, 01:39 PM
"Stay close" Aria says to the group as she attempts to scout ahead. Given what they say yesterday it would be best to take no chances. She pursues the path to where they find the bodies yesterday moving as quietly as possible and staying on the lookout for any signs of danger.

[roll0] for stealth
[roll1] for perception

2022-01-19, 03:06 PM
You were here just yesterday so finding the site is a matter of walking ten minutes. There is no sign of immediate danger, nobody around, no traps, once you are again in view of bodies. What do you do?

2022-01-19, 09:21 PM
"It makes sense. We'll keep each other safe," she says in response to Royse's instructions.

After that, Heart stays near Aria. The smell of the bodies still threatens to make her gag, but she pushes through, and looks at them-have they been disturbed? Are animals eating them, as one would expect, or is there some malign force keeping them at bay?

[roll0] Nature Check
[roll1] Survival Check

If any other checks are needed, lemme know.

2022-01-20, 11:40 AM
Dargoth Vale approach - Mile six forest massacre site

Heart is repulsed by what she sees, but she notes there's no longer much smell. She moves about the entire area carefully, and though there are traces of blood and occasional piles of entrails, she counts only four bodies, and they are hanging in the open air, draped across thick branches. The blood has long drained from them and they are dryer, at least on the outside, than she might expect. She climbs up trees with her claws for a closer look, and she’s unnerved by the sight of massive claw marks that are remarkably similar to her own in the trunks.

It occurs to her that hanging the bodies that way is a common act of jaguars of her forest and lions of the jungles to the south and east. Big cats much less civilized than her own people. She finds additional tracks on the ground that confirm this. But none of the prints tell the same story – they start and stop from tree to tree and the ground haphazardly, like the beast was leaping fifty feet at a time. The boot prints in the mud and presence of crossbow bolts all around tells her the young men been fall over themselves and shooting in all directions.

As for cause of death, well, they were either disemboweled or their necks were ripped open. Big. Very bigly. But she knows nothing of anatomy or life processes. They sure didn’t do it to each other.

2022-01-20, 10:22 PM
"Okay... I think I'm piecing together some of the details," she tells her friends. "There's some kind of creature-a big cat, most likely-but faster, stronger, bigger than any normal jaguar or anything like that. It attacked these people, and took them out. It looks like whatever killed them can jump... Really well. We're talking 50' leaps."

2022-01-21, 05:44 AM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of Vengeance"Fifty feet?"

If Royse sounded incredulous it was because he was. A jump like that, from tree to ground to tree seemed completely out of the ordinary for any natural creature he'd ever heard of. Nothing that size anyway. Unfortunately there were plenty of unnatural creatures he'd never heard of. Another idea started to form. One which he didn't like any better.

"Is it possible that this thing can fly?"

2022-01-22, 04:36 PM
"The landing doesn't look like a flying one... But we shouldn't rule it out," Heart says. "I've a bow-do the rest of you have ranged weapons?"

2022-01-22, 06:20 PM

"I have a crossbow," Zara stated, double checking said wespon. "As to our mystery beast perhaps a cat like monster like a manticore? I've never seen one but I hear they are fearful beasts."

2022-01-22, 07:37 PM
"I prefer hand to hand combat, but I've got throwing darts that have never served be wrong" Aria was excited at the new challenge. It was a beast. Any dread she had at the thought of killing people was long forgotten. "Can you track it?" she asked heart.

2022-01-22, 08:15 PM
Dargoth Vale approach - Mile six forest massacre site

Aria hears a branch creak mightily, independent of the light breeze, and she turns toward the noise, though it must be hundreds of feet away. It’s followed by noticeable change in the leaves, like something moving through the upper branches in leaps.

All animal sounds stop as a coughing, chilling hiss mocks the life all around you, echoing through the forest and setting your skin to prickle. Royse feels Caution’s reaction as a mere tingle in his palm, as if confirming that yes, something terrible is nearby. A creak and shush and thumping landing with another creak. It’s closer, and you are all now totally aware of a malevolent presence, even if Aria’s ready wariness gave you early warning.

“What is it?” says a dreadful voice from somewhere off and above, throaty and deep and whining all at once. “What you do? What you little things do with my meats? Be more meats, are you?” Creak-thump. “You little things bring so many meals now, you do. So much meat, I’ll hang you with the rest. I’ll live like a dragon, I will. Hehehehe. With meat canned for keeping.” Creak-thump.

Aria, already looking in the correct direction, sees it first, a huge shape in the canopy, red-orange eyes flashing in a beam of sunlight. She calls out and you all spring into action - though facing danger together is strange and new and you don’t know how your companions will react - as the white gleam of malicious fangs appear in a grin and thrash-snap cracks across the glade and it leaps, sailing on great wings to another perch, laughing the whole way. Something moves with a blur and Royse grunts from a sudden impact in his armor; bits of broken something – a pointed stick? Some sort of short spear? lay snapped at his feet…

Initiative order

This was not a surprise round. You are all in motion, the creature has made its action, moving and attacking Royse for 5 piercing damage on its turn. The monster is about a hundred feet away, using the shadows of the tree canopy and trees themselves to remain somewhat concealed, but you may attack or act normally.

2022-01-22, 09:28 PM
Aria runs towards the creature, grabbing a dart from it's slot on her belly and letting it for smoothly in the same motion. She keeps her eyes fixed on the beast to giraffe it's reaction to her attack.

Aria will attempt to get within 30 ft of the creature so it's in range of her darts. She has 40ft movement speed. If she can't she'll tai an action to throw it when it performs a fly by.
[roll0] to hit and [roll1] damage.

2022-01-23, 02:10 PM
Heart grabs her necklace and fog begins to billow out from out, quickly filling the area her and her friends are in with thick white gas. In the fog, she moves near the edge of it, quietly treading so as to obscure her location.

Action, Fog Cloud from my charm. Centered in the middle of the clearing.
BA, Hide check from Cunning Action. [roll0]

2022-01-25, 04:05 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengeanceRoyse wished he could've been happier about his guess at the thing's wings. He would've been happier if he'd been wrong. There was no joy in dealing with a creature like this, especially one as slippery as this. He was not the one built for this type of fight at all. So, the problem became making this a battle that played to more of his strengths.

He smashed away the darts still protruding from his chest with his shield arm and stepped into the fog that Aria had provided. He wasn't hiding though. He was hoping that his instincts and his timing would play out as he intended.

"A dragon?" he laughed from the mists, "You're nothing like a dragon. You boast from shadows, but I see the fear in you. You're afraid as you laud your power. Too afraid to do as the powerful and exert your strength. Mewling cub is more like it."

Having said his piece, Royse waited. Patience was a virtue and if his gambit paid off he might be well rewarded.

HP: 23/28

Not sure if Royse's goading would be considered an intimidation roll or a deception. Either way, here's a roll and the correct modifier can be added after.


15 for deception and 19 for intimidate

Otherwise, if this thing takes the bait and comes within melee to Royse then he'll make an attack using divine smite. If it's close enough to see, then he'll also use hunter's mark (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Hunter's%20Mark#content) as a bonus action.

Attack [roll1] Crit!
Slashing Damage [roll2] 13 slashing damge
Smite Radiant Damage [roll3] 24 radiant damage

Whole lot of ifs here, but with slasher that would mean that it has disadvantage on all attack rolls until Royse's next turn. Extra damage in the OOC thread.

2022-01-26, 06:25 PM

Zara laughs when she hears the creature boast it is like a dragon - then nearly cheers at Royse's response. By the Dark Queen yes! She had ridden real dragons, what was she afraid of?

The ex-knight moved forward, crossbow gripped as she attempted to close the range that she might let loose a bolt with a reasonable chance of hitting!

Zara is going to move to within eighty feet of the monster and then fire her light crossbow.

[roll0] to hit, [roll1] to damage.

2022-01-26, 08:15 PM
You are all technically at Disadvantage because of Heart’s fog.

Heart’s necklace emits a thick cloud of fog that rolls from her position and rises from the earth in mere moments.
Aria dashes behind some trees and then aims her small blade at the shadow gliding overhead, but is surprised when the fog arises. Her blade passes through leaves. Her attack misses Disadvantage or no
Royse calls the monster out, chiding and insulting its ego. With an angry growl it drops through the canopy into the sudden fog and slings a tail-spine, which rattles of Royse’s heavy armor, causing him a mere bruise. But the noise it makes is enough for Caution to sweep accurately, slicing its wing and thick hide. It yowls again and leaps away, a rushing whirl of white it its wake and it lifts off again, smarting from its mistake. Royse would have missed with Disadvantage, but with a Nat 20 I will split the difference and say you hit at normal. Royse made an AoO when the monster left his reach but he missed at Disadvantage. Royse may take Inspiration.
Zara runs toward the voice and fires her crossbow at the monster and scores, though she cannot tell how badly it’s hurt. The action wasn’t clear if Zara intended to move beyond the fog, but I rolled for Disadvantage and she hit in either case.
I re-rolled for the monster's attack at Disadvantage and it still hit.

State your actions knowing there is a 40-foot diameter section of thick fog, small enough for you to leave or re-enter as you like. The monster is currently flapping, rising out of the cloud about 10 feet up, snarling and looking for softer targets...

2022-01-26, 11:13 PM
Aria runs up to the creature rising out of the clouds attempting to intercept it's movements. She draws her way fan and leaps into the air slashing at it from the side. With her other hand she forms a palm and slams it against the creature trying to throw it off guard while bringing her knee up for a third blow.

[roll0] + 5 acrobatics or -1 athletics
[roll1] to attack with the fan [roll2] damage
Then flurry of blows for
[roll3] to attack for [roll4] damage
And [roll5] to attack for [roll6] damage
Both of those require a DC 13 dexterity check if they hit or the creature falls prone
Roll below included in case it's still at disadvantage. I assumed the creature was already out of the good enough to see it but I'm not sure.

2022-01-27, 10:56 AM
Heart maneuvers through the fog, switching from daggers to her bow as she moves till she can get the drop on the beast. Then, springing from the cloud, she pops an arrow at their foe.

[roll1] Advantage, if it didn't beat my Stealth check in the cloud.
[roll2] Piercing damage
[roll3] SA damage, either from having an ally nearby or my advantage.

2022-01-27, 04:38 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengeanceIt worked!

Alone in those mists with nothing to keep him company other than the sounds of his companions struggling, Royse waited. His heart pounded with anticipation. And then it was there. The spike threatened to take his breath, but he powered through and cut.

In the tradition of mysticism, your feelings and memories mattered. As his sword swung upwards at the shape he could barely see, Royse was transported across time and space to another, very different conflict. A horse rearing over him as its rider prepared to jab again with his spear. thoughts of the strength he used to possess flooded him and connected with the divine within.

The blow was thunderous, or would have been if not for the cloying vapors. But it did send the creature on the retreat. Not a dragon in any sense it would seem. As soon as it lifted off, Royse was running for clear land. Breaching the barrier he looked up at where the creature should be and found it ten feet above Heart's obstruction.

"I see you," he breathed, his words becoming power that sharpened his sight and tension.

Caution fell to the ground. The javelin was in his hand automatically, just as he'd practiced thousands of times before. Aiming and throwing became one motion as he hurtled his own spike right back at it.

HP: 23/28

OK, Royse will use his movement to get out from the middle of the mists. Since it's within 90 feet and above the obstruction he'll use his second spell slot to cast hunter's mark (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Hunter's%20Mark#content) as a bonus action. From there he'll grab a javelin and throw it at the beast using the inspiration he just earned.

Javelin Attack [roll0]
Advantage [roll1] Dang, exactly the same rolls.
Piercing Damage [roll2]
Hunter's Mark Damage [roll3] 9 total damage.

2022-01-27, 06:52 PM
Monster's action

Flies 30 feet up (elevation 40 feet) and 20 feet to a branch and gets cover behind a trunk. Looses tail spike at Heart for 10 damage.

Summary after Zara's actions ...

2022-01-27, 07:19 PM

Zara fought the urge to rub her eyes in the sudden fog - it wouldn't help and it would waste time!

She reloaded her crossbow and moved, trying to break through the tendrils of mist to take a clean shot at the monster.

If Zara can't get through the fog in time she'll shoot from within the murk.

Attack: [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2022-01-27, 08:24 PM

Heart pads softly from the and cranes her head, finding the beat and striking true.
Aria leaps but misjudges the distance, unable to tell just how high the monster ascended. Her initial attacks miss, but she licks out as she falls, her heel striking the beast in its thick ribs.
Royse's javelin stabs the monster in the flank, penetrating its hide and muscle but deflecting off its thick hip bone.
Zara, now at least thirty feet from fog, also lets fly a bolt, cutting the monster even as it puts a big tree trunk between itself and its enemies.

It yowls loudly in pain and anger. "Awful little stinging things! You spoil my hunting ground, but I'll make fresh meat of you and hang you with the rotten ones." You can feel its hateful gaze but cannot fathom its animalistic thoughts ...


2022-01-28, 12:37 PM
Breathing deeply, Heart lets herself focus. Ignore the bodies. Ignore the sounds of your friends. Ignore everything but your bow and the target...

She lets loose a single shot, aiming to strike true.

Steady Aim Bonus Action.

Then, shoot that beast!

[roll1] Advantage
[roll2] Piercing
[roll3] Sneak Attack

2022-01-28, 01:26 PM
Dargoth Vale approach - Mile six forest massacre site

The monster leers around the trunk, staring balefully at Heart - the softest target and already hurt, and it's clear in its eyes and tensing muscles it intends to have at the friendly catgirl in all its fury ... but her bolt plunges into its open mouth and protrudes from the back of its neck. It gags and coughs blood into the air, clawing at its own mouth and neck, eyes wild.

Panicked, it loses its balance and tumbles from the branch, thudding with a bone-crushing thud forty feet below. It twitches and gurgles, wheezes ... and fades.

that was preposterously easy. CR 3 my butt. Maybe I shouldn't have allowed that intimidate to goad it into attacking, because damn, that very first strike by Royse was a knockout even without the crit. Well, manticores are prideful and not that bright, and this one had gotten a little full of itself with all the easy kills walking right to its hunting ground. Well, congrats, y'all, a horrible monster defeated. You each receive 175 xp.

2022-01-28, 01:43 PM
The fog continues to billow. Heart keeps her bow trained on the body, her hands starting to shake a little bit. "I... I..." she says.

She knows that that beast was responsible for killing the bodies around her. She knows that it's for the better of the settlement and all the people that it's dead. She knows this... But she just killed something that was clearly intelligent. Did it have siblings? Parents? Children, perhaps?

"I'm going to keep the fog up-just in case something else attacks," she says. Her voice is quivering.

2022-01-28, 03:51 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengeanceThe next javelin was slipping into Royse's hand when the beast came crashing down. He felt the releif wash over him. Slipping the javelin back into its carrier he bent down and retrieved Caution from the ground. Using his cloak, he cleaned the blood and dirt off the blade before stowing it as well.

He was on his way to dislodge his other javelin when his eyes rested on Heart's shaking form. He abandoned that task and instead put a placating hand on her shoulder.

"You did very well. Creating that fog saved us a great deal of trouble. You should be proud. Was... Was this the first time you've killed something?"

HP: 23/28

I know I don't have to tell you, but monster CRs really don't reflect their potency. A similar CR creature would've been a basilisk. That would have killed us all in short order. Contrary to it's looks, a manticore is pure offense. It wants to soften up a lot of targets and the blitz the most wounded or softest target with a bunch of physical hits. If that fog hadn't been up it could have easily blitzed Royse down to nothing and returned to the trees to snipe and then rush. With 5 feet of reach Royse couldn't have even touched it before it's launch off again. The fog saved us all that time, he just got a lucky hit in.

Still though, we had to spend resources there and that's what a fight is mechanically intended to do.

2022-01-28, 04:10 PM
"No," Heart says. "I've hunted before. But... It spoke. He spoke. She? I don't know. Did they have a name? Did they have a family? Did we... Did we do the right thing?"

She melts into Royse, dropping her bow and crying freely now. "What we did doesn't feel good. I've never had to really fight someone intelligent before-I mean, I've had encounters with bullies and people like that, people who wouldn't listen to anything without a good fight, but they... they didn't die. I didn't kill them. Did we have any other choices? Did... Did... Did..." she stutters out, before just bawling more.

2022-01-28, 05:28 PM
Aria was getting planning get next move when the creature came down. It was staying to dawn on her how inadequate she really was with ranged weapons. As assassin always picked their battles here she didn't have that luxury. She was drawn back to the present by Hearts laments and they struck a chord with her. She it was true she hadn't dealt the final blow but she might have. She had dealt with it by thinking of it as a monster but she couldn't think like that anymore. It has been an enemy yes, evil? Definitely, but how was this any different than home?

Aria suddenly ran towards the creature fallen form. It might not be dead yet. She was going to spare it. When she reached out she was convinced she could save it. She had to stop the bleeding.

[roll0] medicine check

2022-01-29, 08:50 PM

Zara had smiled in triumph as the manticore died, but that smile quickly vanished from her face as she registered how distraught two of her comrades were. Fighting back the urge to say something sharp she met Royse's eyes and raised her eyebrows before moving after Aria. Reaching the other woman, she stopped still hardly able to believe what she was seeing.

"By all the gods tell me you are not going to help that thing? Remember it attacked us with deadly force and without warning!"

2022-01-29, 09:17 PM
Aria looked up at Zara with her eyes still holding back tears. She had bested many opponents on combat even used to enjoy it but only in practice. This was a... Person they had killed.

"Then what am I supposed to do?" she asked, half pleaded, for an answer.

Sure it was a bully, but she had dealt with plenty of those at the stronghold. She thought of the people that had been slain. The gruesome scene but it somehow merged with the scene in front of her. "How can this be right?" she challenged.

2022-02-01, 03:33 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengeanceRoyse made no move to stop Aria. It wasn't because he sympathized with her outlook on this. Far from it. He knew that there was no getting up from a finishing blow like that, not without the holy arts that none of them likely possessed.

"Heart, Aria, look at the bodies in the trees, hung there like trophies and meat," Royse's voice was even and tempered, one of a teacher rather than a opponent, "None of them wanted to die either. Where their deaths correct and just? We'll never know, but we do know this thing's reasons for killing were shallow at best. Pride, hunger. It killed indiscriminately and willfully."

"Imagine Loffler or Haverna in their place. That you care is a sign of character, however, what we did was necessary. It was too close to the keep and too powerful to be left to its own devices. Give your tears to the Goddess of Regret and strive for better outcomes, but never shrink away from doing what is necessary."

With that he finally retrieved his remaining weapon, his gaze focused on one of the manticore's most defining features, its tail. How best to remove it?

"We'll need proof of our efforts and something to help inform the guild about this danger. We should also make sure that this area is clear of any more of them and try to find its den. Before we leave for the keep again we can bury these bodies to give their souls rest."

HP: 23/28

2022-02-01, 03:56 PM
Heart nods, and tries her best to compose herself. She's still shook-but she's able to do what needs to done. She climbs the trees nimbly, and starts extricating the bodies, getting them down to the others.

I'm good to move past the trophy-taking and burial rites, if everyone else is too.

2022-02-01, 06:59 PM
Aria turned her back to the group to hide her distress. She could deal with this. She would deal with it, but only because she hadn't landed the final blow. She was no killer. She hadn't crossed that line training with the assassins, she certainly wasn't about to cross it now.

"Alright" she stated turning back to the group with her emotions in check. "Let's get those bodies down"

2022-02-02, 09:10 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengeanceHe silently nodded at the two girls and passed them his rope. Since he'd been the one to suggest it, Royse took it upon himself to dig the graves. Though he did quietly curse himself for forgetting to bring a shovel. Instead he used his shield as he had before in his campaign days. Throughout the work he kept his goal in mind. Once they were finished, and still had light, they were going to search out that den.

HP: 23/28

Strength check [roll0]

2022-02-04, 11:00 AM
Dargoth Vale approach - Mile six forest massacre site

Royse finds a spot free of thick roots, but the ground is still fairly hard. Digging even shallow graves in these conditions without proper tools takes a lot of time, and there are five bodies. Unless somebody helps he's at it for a good two hours and is grunting with effort and sweating profusely.

The bodies are lowered slowly but respectfully. Despite their rot, some of the damage is quite clear even to those of you who have never seen battle wounds, and large chunks of muscle were removed - torn free - here and there; the manticore seemingly relished in the vicious, gory windfall of meat. It is obvious it could not have eaten all this before it was terribly spoiled.

2022-02-08, 04:48 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengeanceRoyse is still silent throughout the work, doggedly scrapping out a resting place for every body. He had to be silent as he lowered every desecrated body into the ground. The feelings of despair, helplessness, or failure that they had felt. He made those feelings his own.

He had no hope that these shallow graves would be enough to dissuade any scavengers. It was something though. It mattered. He would make sure it mattered. With the last scoop of dirt he rose and wiped the sweat from his face. One last task.

He made a sign in the air, an imitation of one he'd seen all too often as a child. The words he spoke were an imitation as well. The only Solamnic he knew with any confidence really...

"I entrust these souls to your care Habbakuk. May you fly them to their proper place."

Everything after was perfunctory. He secured the tail to his pack, wrapped carefully in his bedroll and cinched with his rope. He looked looked over the other women and asked the most important question he had at the moment.

"Are we ready?"

HP: 23/28

If anyone has another plan I'm all ears. If not, Royse will be providing a help action for anyone in the search for the den.

2022-02-11, 08:21 AM
Aria looked over the shallow graves silently morning those who lost their lives against that beast. Then she looked back to the beast, trying to accept that his destruction at their hands was necessary. She couldn't, she realized. Not yet. She needed to do better. For all her talk about being the best, what was it worth if she couldn't save one life or spare another? She would do better next time she silently vowed.

"Alright. I'm ready" she stated turning to Royce. "Lets go" she swung her pack back over her shoulder and gathered back with the rest of the group. "Back to the keep?" she questioned.

2022-02-11, 10:21 AM
"To the keep," Heart agrees. She isn't wholly sure on the funeral customs outside her home, but she trusts Royse and the others to have done it correctly, as best they can.

2022-02-12, 09:07 AM

Zara nods her assent. Truthfully though the ex-knight had been willing to assist in digging the graves and burying the poor victims she had been rather silent. The unexpected grief of her companions over slaying a monstrous manticore had left her confused and unsure of her place in this unexpectedly soft hearted team

2022-02-12, 11:27 AM
Dargoth Keep – Inner Bailey

Though Zara assists, Royse is sweaty and tired from his efforts, and has reservations about leaving immediately, but the rest of you are eager to return to the keep.

Hours later you walk through the squalid camp and then up the ramp, a guard eyeing your various weapons. Corporal Janson’s shift ended hours ago, but you know Haverna and your names are already in the book, so you are permitted to enter despite the late hour, though she warns the gates will be closed soon and once that happens, you’d have to find board in the camp – or the woods.

At this time of evening, just after sunset, the air is chilling rapidly and work of the day has ended. Most laborers are winding down with a meal, ale, and songs before retiring, so both Haverna’s and the Ceggar are at their busiest, and other shops are closing or already shuttered...

2022-02-16, 11:03 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengeanceTo say that the choice made to return to the keep weighed heavily on Royse is putting it mildly. It felt like things were being left undone. In Heart and Aria's bid to refrain from more fighting, they may have complicated their position in the future.

Royse was, however, not so much a fool yet to charge blindly into the wilderness. Not yet anyway.

On the long slog back he found his gaze wandering towards his fellow knight. She seemed off and Royse could not pierce the question of why. As his own counsel had failed him in that regards he turned the question outward and at her.

"Is something the matter?"

2022-02-22, 05:12 PM

Zara glanced at the other two women in the party and very quietly said to Royse: "The manticore. Maybe being in the knights left me a hard woman but I don't understand all that grief over a monster that we killed in self defence."

2022-02-22, 08:32 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengeanceRoyce stroked his beard while he considered Zara words. Each time his ran through the white hairs a new angle on the conversation appeared to him and he mentally amended what he was going to say. It may have seemed that Royse hadn't heard her whisper, but, finally, he responded in the same low tone.

"The answer would be in your own words. The training hardened us to deal with the difficulties in killing something that can speak back, express pain. Without that training a pained cry or voice can sound disturbing on a fundamental level. It can halt you and stop you from doing what needs to be done. So we are left with two young women who have either only killed to hunt or are in the midst of wrestling with darker impulses. I can relate to the latter."

"That said, I don't disagree with you. It needed to die and there was no other to deal with or reform it."

2022-02-23, 08:33 AM
The exchange between Zara and Royce was not entirely lost on Aria. She could tell something was being said even of she couldn't make out the words. She was familiar enough to know that when she messed up, adults whispered.

[roll0] perception

She looked over at Heart to distract herself but she didn't much feel like talking this time. She was glad when they finally made it back to town she was glad to be out of the cold again and set of for the tavern without waiting for permission. She was an adult now whether they recognized it or not, but if she didn't fit in with the assassins and she didn't fit in with these knights, just where did she fit, she wondered.

2022-02-23, 10:45 AM
Dargoth Keep – Rockslide’s Ceggar

Aria stomps sourly toward the Ceggar, not knowing what to expect. You’ve all still only just arrived and this place is still strange to you.

The Ceggar is a spacious tavern with virtually zero decoration. It occupies the entire first floor of the building. To the right it’s entirely open to the second floor with a sturdy mezzanine around a heavy chandelier. To the left are the bar, a huge hearth, and a set of stairs. The tables and chairs appear to have largely been cobbled together with construction leftovers. Nailed to the walls are a few deerskins.

With night fallen and the day’s work done, it seems everybody has come here to unwind from their day. The place is surprisingly full. Laborers are at tables with sets of cards and dice or standing near the fire or bar. A few better-dressed folks are also present, sharing in the games or sitting together upon the mezzanine, while a few more poorly-dressed folks cluster together under them. Several of the rough, hairy, armored men eye everyone like a potential target. The air is thick with pipeweed and thicker, more cloying smoke from cigars. A middle-aged woman and a pair of younger dwarves, male and female, rush about delivering drinks and bowls of stew and sizzling griddles.

At the bar, a male dwarf in a simple yellowed shirt and stained smock fills a cluster of mismatched drinking horns and cups from a trio of kegs. Each has a little sign hanging on it by a twine, indicating “Ceg,” “Nut Brown,” and “Bitter” He works rapidly, unaffected by his missing right hand, and his head is wreathed in an aura of cigar smoke that trails behind him as he moves. He grunts at Aria. “Another new face. Common is it? Sure. What do you want, lass? I also got some Gaardlund red and some Ergothian mead, if you don’t care for ale, though those ain’t cheap.”

The armored ruffians, broad-faced and ruddy, watch Aria (and Zara if she’s present) with both challenge and lust in their eyes.

With a shout of exhortation, an instrument suddenly strums to life, and at a table under the chandelier are a strange foursome; though no more strange than yourselves. Seemingly checking the boxes are an elf, dwarf, Kender, and man in lively adventuring dress. The Kender tunes a compact lute while the others, with a couple female admirers, shout at him to get on with it. He does not stop plucking, but he sees you and says, “Oh, look at you. A mysterious figure dressed in black.

She appeared through the smoke, a vision
And brought with her the dark, uh, like a pigeon?

“That needs a rewrite. No, revision! That rhymes.”

The elf sighs. “Oh, do give it a rest, Peachy. Stick with verses already written, would you?”

“No. Hullo, miss. You look positively grumpy. Howabout I play you a song? The Laughing Ducks don’t like grumpy people, so you’ll have to sing along. Have a seat next to me and harmonize, you won’t mind will you, dear? Coin? Why, I haven’t even gotten any tips yet.”

The dwarf laughed sardonically. “She ain’t either. Not to worry; I’ll toss her one before the night’s through.”

Peachy the Kender says to Aria, “So what’s your story, and is there any way you can make it rhyme with ‘pigeon?’”

2022-02-23, 05:35 PM
Aria took in the scene initially planning on getting a drink and staying out of trouble, but part of her wanted trouble. She wouldn't mind something so simple as a bar fight to entertain her thoughts. Regardless, she definitely wanted a drink.

"Aria" she gave the bartender her name, then looked up at the options for ale. Undecided she turned to the ruffians, and saw the not entirely unappreciated looks going her way. "Buy a girl a drink?" she asked attempting a smile.

The music started and she was immediately drawn towards the band. This was what she needed, just some drinks and fun, and to forget about things for a little while. She almost didint notice the kender was singing about her until he turned to address her directly.

"Why not?" she shrugged accepting his invitation. She liked him she decided and took the seat beside him attempting to harmonize. "My story?" She pondered for a second. "I afraid I'm just at the end of a hard day and I don't think very much rhymes with pigeon."

[roll0] performance to sing along

2022-02-23, 06:51 PM
The grown-ups (so to speak) talking quietly is lost on Heart entirely. She's used to her family being open with her, and she's not paying much attention to the world around her. When they arrive at the Ceggar, she looks about for the kind woman who was so talkative earlier, but when the band starts up, she pays them the most attention. She sits quietly, tapping her toes and humming along. When they approach Aria with their questions, Heart thinks a moment.

"Smidgen? Religion? Religion might work... Or decision. Also hi," she says. "The Laughing Ducks, you said you were called? You sound like nice folk."

2022-02-25, 10:20 AM
Dargoth Keep – Rockslide’s Ceggar

The armored men both grin and argue for a moment before one strides forward and receives a mug of “Ceg” which he gives to Aria. She does not see his face when she simply walks away.

“We are nice folk! Well met, young maids,” says Peachy. “And what intriguing strangers you are. One cloaked in dark mystery, the other a fair feline the likes of which I’ve never imagined. Quickly, what rhymes with ‘feline?’” He plucks absentmindedly while you talk, discovering Aria is not familiar with most Solamnic songs and instead chooses a ditty known in every port he's ever visited. It's about a little boy (he changes it to girl on the fly) who outsmarts a hungry ogre. They sound pleasant, if unpracticed, together, as she catches the time and he raises his voice over her flat notes.

The elf, wearing a gray cloak over dark leathers, his hair in a long brown ponytail, sips from an alehorn and says politely, “Forgive the Kender, he’s, well, a Kender. I am Estathanen, and this is Brex and Johnson.” Brex’s beard and hair are tightly braided, while Johnson, the man in only worn old tunic and breaches despite the weather, has a big bushy beard. The dresses of the women sitting with them are a bit careworn, and their buttons strategically loose.

“You aren’t armed as adventurers, but you certainly aren't laborers or merchants. What might have brought you to the Vale? We were searching for a certain ruin in Nightlund – unsuccessfully, I might add – when we heard word of Dargoth here. It wasn’t a pleasant trip south but we had the coin to spend the last weeks of winter in comfort, and there’s plenty of work hereabouts. We’ve been here for over a month already. A pleasant enough place, though not without its growing pains.”

Now the armored man approaches Aria, his patience having failed. He gazes admiringly and stands close enough that she feels his body heat though the furs. He wraps a big arm around her waist and says in an unfamiliar, thick-tongued accent, “You like a chase and look tougher than the others. I like that. A woman should have spirit. We go back to barracks, da? Uh, maybe just stop at stable; days are long and cold. You get coin and drinks when we done.” He jangles his coinpurse and steers Aria away from the table toward the door...

2022-02-25, 11:01 AM
"We are adventurers... I think, at least," Heart says with a small laugh. "We've been doing some small tasks here, and we recently... Um... We dealt with a manticore."

She looks the other way for a moment, still conflicted over what had to be done. But she puts a smile on her face by the time she turns back. "I've not met many kender before. If those I have met are representative of the rest of their kind, I must say they're pleasant company. And, Johnson was it? I like your beard! It reminds me of a lion's mane. I believe there are, or at least used to be, people of my race who were less panther or tiger, and more lion, complete with the mane, but I've not met any other tabaxi that match that."

2022-02-26, 09:15 PM
"Keep your coins. I'm not some tavern wench" She replies, almost challenging him to push it. When he attempts to guide her towards the door Aria Elbows him in the gut, then hooks her leg behind his and shoves him knocking him onto his back. She had been looking to stir up some trouble and he had given her the perfect opportunity.

[roll0] to attack the first time. [roll1] if she gets advantage from surprise at all. For [roll2] damage.
Then flurry of blows [roll3] to hit and [roll4] for the second attack. Or [roll5] and [roll6] if advantage.
For [roll7] damage and [roll8] damage. If either hits 13 DC dex save or knocked prone. If both hit he must beat it twice. If any of the 3 attacks hit he is knocked back 5 feet.

2022-02-27, 01:03 AM
Dargoth Keep – Rockslide’s Ceggar

A little drunk and completely taken by surprise, the man is shocked when Aria knocks out his wind. Her trip and thrust send him reeling and toppling over, and his head strikes a rickety stool on his way down. He lies pale and unmoving, an ugly gash on his temple gushing blood into his hair and onto the floorboards.

Everyone in the tavern halts in stunned silence. Peachy gapes, fingers frozen over his strings.

There’s a roar from near the bar, and the second man in leathers and furs rushes over, looking at his friend and Aria in fury. “Stoval! You pay, sooka!” He pulls a big, ugly knife and lunges, cutting her arm as she tries to bat the attack aside and he presses her back against the crowded table. Ducks and whores scramble out of the way as drinks spill in their laps...

Aria takes 5 points of slashing damage. The man won initiative, and it is Aria’s turn.

2022-02-27, 01:46 PM
You got my message about nonlethal damage right?

Aria turns to the second man, ducks under the knife and jabs at his elbow joint, then she moves in closer, jumps and kicks off his chest, pushing him back as she does a flip landing back on her feet looking for more opponents.

OOC, two unarmed attacks using martial arts.
[roll0] to hit for [roll1] damage [roll2] to hit for [roll3] damage

2022-02-28, 09:48 AM
Dargoth Keep – Rockslide’s Ceggar

The ruffian is knocked back several steps and with a heavy oof, grips his chest. He seems to recognize now that Stoval wasn't entirely a drunken fool and that the girl before him had some form of combat training. He came in low, more carefully, the knife weaving, and thrust, feinted, thrust again, using his superior reach and overall bulk to limit Aria's options as she ducks and blocks his strikes. Perhaps he's become too cautious.

Meanwhile the staff and customers of the Ceggar stood as if mesmerized, when suddenly it occurred to a laborer to start a betting pool, and shouting erupted all at once. Rockslide and a woman dwarf with dark hair in a high circular braid like a bird's nest rushed a younger dwarfs and a human server behind the bar for safety. The Laughing Ducks and their companions were watching in surprise, the dwarf, Brex, frowning at the unconscious man on the floor.

OOC: Aria's turn.

2022-02-28, 11:45 AM
Aria smiles, despite the pain still running through her arm. This was no different than sparring and sparring was simple. Sparring was fun. It took her mind off the events of the day and she could just focus on bringing her opponents down.

Having successfully blocked and parried his counter attacks, Aria watched for an opening then moved to strike. She ducked low again using his larger size to her advantage. She elbowed him in the gut then stepped to his side and attempted to kick land a hard kick against his undefended back.

OOC: Forgot my rolls, will add them to OOC thread.

2022-02-28, 12:35 PM
Dargoth Keep – Rockslide’s Ceggar

Aria sinks to a squat to get under his lower stance and strikes with her elbow under the protection of his leather breastplate, deep into his groin. He contorts, still trying to defend himself, but the young woman slides under his arm and jumps in a beautiful spin-kick, her heel connecting loudly with the back of his head. He tumbled over a bench onto the floor.

A collective gasp is immediately followed by shouts of anger and disappointment as the harried bet-maker is forced to withdraw, having had no chance to even get things rolling.

2022-02-28, 01:05 PM
Aria returns to the bar with a grin on her face, takes the ceg that had been ordered for her and takes a seat beside Heart. She downs a healthy portion of the drink, still parched from the fight, then scowls at the taste before smiling again.

"Well that was fun." She address Heart casually.

2022-03-01, 11:45 AM
"At least no one was seriously hurt," Heart says. She isn't the same sort of connoisseur of fighting that Aria is, but at the same time, a little stress relief with sparring (if you want to look at it that way) is fine. "And hopefully they won't be back, or if they are, they'll be more respectful."

2022-03-02, 09:36 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of Vengeance"Cautious is more like it."

Royse extricated himself from the remains of the betting crowd and found a place for himself next to the two women.

"I doubt they have much in the way of respect."


He'd lingered, talking to Zara, while the other two had headed inside the Ceggar. There hadn't been much need for him at the moment, he'd assumed. An assumption that proved very wrong when he'd the second man's shout bring the rest of the sounds of the tavern to a halt. Cursing both his inattention and his lethargy he tried to charge in and instead met a wall of bodies.

Like the rest, he was a spectator to the fight. While she did take some hits Royse was there to bear to her pure display of skill. While others gasped at the end of the brawl, Royse encountered something just as shocking, his own quiet and exultant "Yes!" escaping his mouth.


"You did quite well Aria. Very impressive."

2022-03-03, 09:00 AM
Dargoth Keep – Rockslide’s Ceggar

The Laughing Ducks are all a bit shocked, with the elf, Estathanen, saying quietly, “I’m not certain that was necessary, but it was quite a display of skill.” Peachy says excitedly, “I’ve heard the Majeran monks learn to fight with their bare hands. Are you a monk? Do you live in a mountaintop temple with in the clouds with men who fight like animals and birds who fight like men?!”

The Laughing Duck Brex steps forward and kneels at the side of the bleeding man. He grasps a medallion bearing a stylized red-orange flame and murmurs something under his breath, and a moment later Stoval revives, looking near-death. He and his friend are dragged aside and left to wake on their own minutes later.

A few people move forward to congratulate Aria on her skill, while others simply sneer at the men on the floor. Eventually, two women help them out, eager to soothe their bruised bodies and egos and tend to their coinpurses.

From his place among the crowd the entire time, Royse senses a changing vibe and mixed attitudes. It seems nobody cares much for the ruffians and their ilk, some even saying they deserved the beating, while others say she led them on and could have simply rebuffed them rather than nearly beating a man to death in public. Either way, people are asking her name and Royse realizes she’s quickly earned a reputation. He also notes the barkeep, Rockslide himself, is unhappy a fight broke out and endangered his family and business.

OOC: You can continue conversations or we can jump to morning.

2022-03-03, 09:19 AM
"Thanks Royce" Aria revelled in the praise from her newfound friends on a way she hadn't with her parents in quite some time. It was nice to feel proud of her skills again.

Aria laughs when peachy calls her a monk and at the endless barrage of questions. "I am most definitely not a monk" she reassures him. "I did train in the mountains though so you're not entirely wrong" she shrugs sipping on the rest of her ale.

2022-03-03, 08:01 PM
When she sees the miscreants were not well-liked (and therefore probably have a history of being bad) Heart feels okay with the results of the little altercation. She smiles at Aria. "I've got claws and I don't think I could hit like that."

If Royse points out to her how Rockslide is feeling or she notices herself, she'll extricate herself from Aria's crowd and head over to him. "Hey-I'm not... Quite apologizing for what Aria did, because... Well, there were reasons for it. But I will say that we'll do our best to keep the peace from here on out, okay? We don't want to cause trouble for you and yours. Those guys... Might not be so nice about it."

Morning is good with me. :)

2022-03-03, 10:22 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of Vengeance"You're welcome Aria," he was about to let the compliment lie, but as the crowd cleared it seemed not everyone conscious was happy with the outcome. The barkeep, for instance, seemed to have a glower about things.

"When we get the chance later, we should apologize for the commo-"

Royse didn't get to finish the sentence as Heart was already running off to do something similar.

"So... Who are your new friends Aria?"

I'm good as well. Come daybreak Royse will drop off their trophy and inform the Wheelers about what they've found.

2022-03-07, 09:16 PM

Zara had lingered before entering Rockslide’s Ceggar, her mind still very much on the day's events. She'd almost missed the beginning of the brawl and watched, both impressed and surprised at how well Aria handled herself. Truthfully Zara felt a little jealous; though she could throw a punch if needed she certainly wasn't that graceful or forceful without a blade in her hand.

"An impressive performance Aria, though if I were you I'd watch my back. Your new acquaintences don't strike me as the kind who would settle for a honourable duel out in the open!"

2022-03-08, 09:40 AM
Dargoth Keep – Rockslide’s Ceggar
Brookgreen (March) 17, 430 AC

The dwarf tucks an alehorn under his abbreviated arm and mops it out with a wet rag. He says to Heart, “Oh, now the fight’s past it ain’t my place that’s in danger, mark my words kitty. What the blazes are you, anyway? Eh, that little friend of yours better watch her back. Them sellswords are all over the Vale and she just embarrassed’em. Don’t get me wrong, they’re a bunch of ignorant Estwilde mountain folk, but they sure as Abyss can hold a grudge.”

The Laughing Ducks introduce themselves politely, though some eye Royse and Zara more suspiciously than others. They are generally friendly and talkative, but following Aria’s explosive introduction are reserved and bid you all a good night and stay in the tavern long after you’ve gone.


Come morning after breaking fast, Royse returns to the Wheelers Guildhouse and you discuss the many options available to you...

2022-03-08, 12:28 PM
Heart comes to the main room, stretching and yawning. She gets some chow, and sits down, munching at a reserved pace.

When the others join her, whenever that might be, she says "Morning guys. We should probably see what else is needed around here. I'd also like to check on Loffler-he's a nice guy, and I hope he's doing okay. I can handle that on my own, though, if you have other things to attend to."

2022-03-08, 12:40 PM
Aria takes Zara's warning to heart but to be honest it was just another reason to be looking over her shoulder. It's why she had requested the room she had. It's not as if her parents would simply leave her be. Sure this year was a little closer to her right now, but far less dangerous if the brawl was anything to base it on.

In the morning she meets up with the others as planned. "I wouldn't mind tagging along" she replies to Heart. She hadn't really had a chance to chat with her since the events of yesterday and it might be nice to hear a like minded opinion. The knights she knew were battle hardened but it didn't make Aria weak to have her own resolve.

2022-03-09, 10:01 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of Vengeance"I see no reason why you couldn't come along."

Royse was dour and it showed through his flat affect. The tail was not on him when he checked this morning. Though he had his suspicions about their kender's hospitality, a quick glance at his pack revealed nothing else out of the ordinary. The only possible route was that he'd simply forgotten to take it. A truly sobering thought in many ways.

In any case he'd just made the coming talk with the guild much more like hearsay than fact. So, with the weight of a not to minor failure pushing him down, he rose and made ready to leave.

"Is everyone else ready?"

2022-03-10, 10:58 AM
Dargoth Keep - Wheelers Guild

It's a bright, crisp morning, and your breath comes out in little puffs. The streets are already lively, the smell of bread and the sound of the smith clanking away. A dozen masons are getting their orders near the well, some staying put and others being sent back up the wall to continue constructing crenellations, even as residents are lined up with skins and pails. Various folks are just coming into the streets carrying sacks and baskets. A pair of guards, red gambesons bright and clean, spears in hand, speak with passersby. You get eyed warily but nothing more.

The clerk Wintergreen is setting up some tea when you enter the guildhouse, and frowns. He primly announces your arrival and minutes later Guildmaster Ruch appears, hair dark and slick, robe of fine cloth if unadorned, rings on his fingers. He is professionally tepid.

OOC: Whatever you do, include a roll if it applies.

2022-03-10, 06:50 PM

Zara had breakfasted lightly, having spent more time getting ready. She polished her armour and fixed her hair for the audience, drawing some admiring glances as she entered the room. After all this was the first major accomplishment the Jade Talons had managed under their own steam. Unfortunately as they stood up to leave she caught Royse's expression and tone and paused.

"Royse do you think he'll try and avoid paying us?"

2022-03-14, 10:58 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of Vengeance"There's always the possibility that our word isn't enough and the fault lies in me for that. If I must, I can travel back to the corpse to retrieve the tail. By all reason it should still be there."

The walk invigorates Royse a tiny bit. The air's sting actually felt good to him, considering the last few day's exertions. It livened his senses, set his pace. In no time at all they were inside the guild house and subject to Wintergreen's professional courtesy. Royse couldn't fault him at this point. They were just another set of faces.

"Guildmaster Ruch," Royse inclined his head formally, "We went back to the hunting grounds and fought the beast there. It was a winged creature, shaped like a lion, with a barbed tail. It could speak and plan..."

Building up to the bad news. Roll for the future.

Persuasion [roll0]

2022-03-15, 01:47 PM
As they walk to the guild house Aria was hoping to hey a few words in with Heart privately. When she saw Zara and Royce engaged in conversation about their latest... Victory, she took the chance.

"Yesterday was... A lot" she settled on. "How are you doing with everything?"

2022-03-15, 08:00 PM
"I'm... Still processing," Heart says. "Trying to not focus on it too much. I know I'll have to handle it in time, but right now, it's just... Too fresh. Too raw."

2022-03-18, 11:54 AM
Dargoth Keep - Wheelers Guild

Ruch listens to Royse, recognition in his eyes, but senses the hesitancy as the old warrior's story fades unfinished. "That sounds like a manticore. I've not seen one, but as a master of roads I must be aware of common threats to travelers. I gather you were not successful in dispatching it or chasing it off. A pity, but a temporary problem. There are a number of other adventuring groups operating in the Vale at this time, and I will make them aware of this, since young Goodman Loffler has shared the details of its approximate location.

"I thank you for your assistance, and encourage you to continue in your trade despite this setback. May Shinare fill your pockets."

2022-03-19, 05:35 AM

"But we did slay it!" Zara interrupts, seeing the prospect of their victory fading right before their eyes. "Unfortunately the dead beast was far too heavy to bring back here but we could lead you to the spot where we killed it - even with scavengers I'd say there is still likely enough of the monster left to prove recognisable."

Actually Zara was simply guessing the last part but she did know the manticore was pretty hefty - and potentially too poisonous for wolves.

2022-03-19, 10:35 AM
Dargoth Keep - Wheelers Guild

Ruch resonates a calm, professional demeanor, and is clearly startled by Zara's outburst. "Oh! I am sorry for the misunderstanding. And if you did slay a manticore, I congratulate you. I've never heard a tale complimentary to their character. But as a matter of policy I cannot take your word for it. Think of how my good nature and office would be taken advantage of if I believed every tale I was told.

"I'm afraid I must ask you to return with proof, or take Goodman Loffler back to the site for his inspection, when he has time away from his existing duties, and if he's willing to accompany you."

2022-03-22, 07:02 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of Vengeance"Yes, unavoidable."

Royse sighed as another long trek loomed before the Jade Talons. If they could be convinced to go back. For the time, the knight struggled to find some way to save a little face in this. There was only one last real question he had for Ruch before his schedule would whisk him away.

"While we are out there, is there any other business that you may need done?"

Regardless of the Guildmaster's response, when their business was concluded and they were back outside, he had another question for the others.

"Is there any thing we, or any of you in particular, might need to do?

2022-03-23, 09:52 AM
Dargoth Keep - Wheelers Guild

Ruch opens his hands helplessly, telling Royse, "Nothing new since we last spoke. Work is on the public board. But do hurry back; I appreciate and reward effectiveness."

2022-03-23, 01:59 PM
"I think I could convince Loeffler to go with us," Heart says with a small bit of laughter. "Where is he now?"

2022-03-24, 08:01 AM
Ruch says with a sort of lofty vagueness that Loffler is, as he suggested, in the building but attending to his duties at the moment.

2022-03-24, 09:55 AM
"May I go see him? I'll let him know that I could use some of his time, when he gets the chance," Heart asks.

Assuming the guildmaster says yes, she heads inside, looking for Loeffler, and when she spots him, gives him a wave. As soon as she gets the chance to talk to him without interrupting his work, she heads over. "Heyyo. My friends and I could use a smidgen of help-nothing dangerous. We... Uh, took care of the beast," she says as calmly as she can, "but forgot to take proof. So, if you want to come with and help us verify with the guild that it's been dealt with, I'd really appreciate it."

2022-03-24, 02:48 PM
Ruch relents with a dismissive wave, but Loffler, working through a stack of parchments upstairs, is taken aback. "I wouldn't object to a stroll through the open fields with you again, Heart, but I have my own work to do and I'm an entire day behind. Collating dispatches and tabulations may not be as exciting as fighting monsters, but if we don't increase trade to the Vale, the lack of steel will dampen your livelihood as sure as everyone else's.

"I can't spare the time to travel again just yet. And if you've slain the beast and can collect the proof, you have no need of a witness. Please stay safe, and I hope I can call on you some evening."

2022-03-24, 06:36 PM
Heart nods. "Alright, that's fair," she says. "Good luck, and work hard!"

I guess we just head back to the clearing?

2022-03-25, 08:26 AM
Aria wasn't particularly looking forward to returning to the creature they had slain. She understood that if they wanted to be successful they needed to get paid but she it still made her stomach lurch. She would have much preferred to kill the wolves. Wolves couldn't talk. She remained silent during the exchange assenting that they should return to collect proof I've it had finished.

2022-03-30, 05:25 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengeanceRoyse was hopeful that they could travel again with the young man. It certainly would've helped with the mood. Instead, maybe a motivation would serve. Considering the trek ahead, now was as good a time as any to mention it.

"If we collect the proof, and return soon enough, there's a possibility that we could earn enough for some horses. Or a horse and a cart at the very least."

Without any other business holding him back, he made his way to the gate.

2022-03-30, 07:56 PM
Dargoth Keep/Manticore site

Once again you leave the guildhouse to retrace your steps south, passing the businesses and bailiff's tower, the masons already hard at work high on the walls and at the public well, the hammering from within the smithy, and several empty storefronts, and public stable. The common guards in red gambesons are at the gate, with portly Corporal Jensen tipping his metal cap politely while cronching on an apple. Aria and Zara note as you leave the keep and walk through the camp that the seemingly ever-present men in furs and armor seem to be giving you dirty looks.

At a easy pace you reach the sixth mile marker in under three hours, and can find the maticorpse less than an hour later. It's been a single night of cold temperatures, so there's very little sign of decomposition or tampering by the local fauna.

2022-03-31, 10:03 AM
As they draw near the clearing, Heart says "I'll, um... Keep watch, okay? I... I don't want to look at the body too much."

2022-04-03, 08:42 PM

Zara grimaces in distaste but after a deep breath steps forward towards the manticore. "Right this is going to be an unpleasant job but we'll get through this and then look forward to baths this evening. Obviously we better slice off the tail and... ugh... the head too."

She glances at the others to see if they are to the task without passing out.

2022-04-04, 04:54 PM
Aria draws her dagger and steadies her resolve and get stomach.
"It's already dead" she mutters under her breath. "nothing can change that now"

With the creature dead and the scene no longer fresh she was surprisingly able to approach the creature as something no different than hunting a beast. Aria attempts to cut off a few manageable sized pieces of the tail.

2022-04-05, 09:56 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of Vengeance"Unpleasant and necessary."

As Aria headed for the tail, Royse closed on the opposite end. Caution rasped free of its scabbard and he planted himself beside the manticore's neck.

Despite his usual role of a warrior, his time with the Skull Knights gave him a reasonable understanding of the body after death. Without the pressure of the heart the blood would still, settle, and congeal. He had no time estimates, but the worst he could do is splatter himself with the darkened ichor if he was too wild with his strikes as he tried to sever the beast's head.

He remained there, chopping, until the deed was done. After he set the head away from the body and let it drain whatever remained. He did at least have the consideration to cover it with his cloak, for Heart's sake, until they were ready to move on and he'd take up the burden personally this time.

2022-04-06, 03:16 PM
After cutting a few smaller chunks off the end of the tail Aria wraps the spikey bits in her bed roll and places the bundle in her pack careful to not damage her pack. After a quick glance towards Royce she decided that she definitely did not want to see his handiwork and turned away to let him finish.

"Do you think we got enough to get paid?" she questioned the seniors of the group.

2022-04-07, 08:02 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengeanceRoyse heaved his makeshift satchel onto his back, the ropes working as straps much like his own pack. Hopefully the time he's taken to weave and tie it wouldn't impede him too much.

"If this isn't enough to get paid then they didn't mean to pay us in the first place. Though I wonder if taking the job helping out at the farms might be a cleaner affair."

2022-04-11, 04:24 PM

"The tail will do for proof. We can also think about selling the head," Zara suggests. "A manticore skull would be a fine trophy for some even if I'd find it a little on the garish side on my wall."

The ex-knight distastefully eyed the bloody satchel. Farms maybe didn't sound so bad at this point...

2022-04-14, 05:01 PM
Dargoth Vale - Camp

The afternoon wears on and your vile cargo warms and seeps as it thaws. Your trek back north is as dull as expected, though you see additional travelers moving both with and against you. Small groups of people with worn belongings and sometimes animals. Some are curious and ask what they will find in the Vale ahead, others march with the disinterest of accomplished migrants.

You stroll into the camp and some of you note a itch at the back of your necks, and some unusual movement. As you enter what passes for a square among the sturdy central structures, a number of figures emerge and stand opposing you. Eight bulky men gather, wearing their customary rough leather armor with thick hides and furs. All are armed, though not immediately threatening. Some speak to another seated upon a log, who tosses aside a piece of fruit. He places a big, thick leather helmet on his head and approaches, pointing a big knife. His common is thickly accented. "You there, you stop. You need answers for attacking my men. Black-haired sooka come forward and we teach a lesson. We protect Vale, you attack us, break bones by surprise. You no friend of Vale, you no respect us.

"Go now from Vale or stay and we teach you. Rest of you mind your business."

Together they start walking forward.

2022-04-15, 09:28 PM
Aria eyes up the opposition. At least they were selling retribution openly. She half expected to be attacked in her sleep.

"It's ok guy. I got this. I started this mess, I'll handle it" Aria addresses the members of her belly formed party.

"lets see. One two three... Eight of you" she counts aloud "and one of me" Hardly seems fair. You guys could still retreat of you wanted" she smirks at them drawing her war fan.

[roll0] for initiative when it matters

2022-04-15, 09:44 PM
Heart looks to the men, and back to her friends. She says "I don't think this is gonna go well for you. I mean..." She gestures towards the trophy they've brought back. "That didn't stop us. And that flew. And was bigger than all of you put together."

2022-04-19, 08:54 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengeanceRoyse readjusted the quite heavy sack and stepped behind Aria. This was her show to make, but his intent was clear. If they tried to follow through with their threat then it wouldn't be just one of the Jade Talons that they'd have to fight against. There was a lesson to be learned here; it was knowing when to walk away.

"Your men didn't respect her. They treated her like a common streetwalker. What respect did she owe you for that?"

Intimidation [roll0]

2022-04-20, 06:15 AM

Zara also moved forward, her right going to the pommel of her rapier though not drawing just yet. Instead she found herself smiling at Aria's comment.

"She's right you know. It doesn't seem fair. Still we are giving you a chance to go, a chance I strongly suggest you take."

2022-04-20, 11:09 AM
Dargoth Vale - Camp

All eight men now start moving toward you, some appearing confused why the rest of you aren't backing off. One man, whom you recognize mostly because of his badly bruised and split face, shouts, "Nyet! You welcome us, then attack. It was a trap!"

"Da," says the leader. "You take your beating, sooka, and then tell whoever you work for we are not leaving." He says something in their language and they run toward Aria, some with their heads and shoulders down to bull-rush anyone standing in their way...


Heart (Nat 1 - Lose one action this round; they have weapons but are not using them. Having never experienced the weirdness of this scenario, you hesitate)

You may choose to leave, stand aside, or Disengage. Otherwise, two men are coming at each of you. Please make Athletics or Acrobatics checks at Disadvantage vs DC 12. Failure indicated you have been knocked prone, and must oppose a DC 15 grapple check.

2022-04-20, 12:18 PM
"well, can't say I didn't warn you" Aria shrugs as agree moves to intercept the thugs. She attempts to duck under their reach, then jabs the war fan forward into the gut of the closest one.

She sweeps her leg in a wide arc attempting to strike their legs and knock them both prone.

All damage posted is intentionally non lethal. She doesn't want to kill anyone in this bout

[roll0] acrobatics
[roll1] disadvantage
[roll2] acrobatics to oppose the grapple check
[roll3] For her first attack and [roll4] damage
Flurry of blows kicks:
[roll5] to hit against first thug for [roll6] damage
[roll7] to hit against second thug for [roll8] damage
Each thug that gets hit needs to make a dexterity save vs DC 13 to avoid falling prone.

Posting on phone so fingers crossed those are all entered correctly

2022-04-20, 06:41 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengeanceDespite the trying to ready himself for the inevitable, the charge still manages to take his feet out from under him. Royse tries to recover and instead finds himself pinned.

Waiting until the thugs take their turn.

Athletics [roll0]
Disadvantage [roll1]
Possible Grapple [roll2]

2022-04-21, 08:19 PM

Zara braced herself for the impact from the louts. She'd never been an expert in brawling and regretted that lack of experience now...

Acrobatics: [roll0]
Disadvantage: [roll1]
Acrobatics to oppose grapple: [roll2]

2022-04-22, 10:21 AM
Dargoth Vale - Camp

The men rush in shouting and throw themselves at you in tackles, no real technique involved, just bearing you down with their weight.

With a simple grab and turn Aria tosses one attacker to the earth, and as he rises she delivers blows at the leader, who appears more experience or at least more wary, taking her specific skills into account. He responds with powerful blows from on high to open her guard and follows with jabs to the midsection ... she is fast enough to elude his meaty fists, but is taking his measure.

2022-04-26, 12:06 PM
Royse Mide (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2546598), Paladin of VengeanceRoyse regathered himself. He strained against every ounce of muscle pressing against him and started to rise from the ground. From the black depths of his pupil a light took hold.

"I've given you fair warning. What happens next is the consequence of your actions."

Royse will try to escape the grapple with his action. I'm assuming it's still at disadvantage and at the same DC so I'll roll twice. Let me know if it has changed. If he escapes he'll use half his movement to stand from prone. Either way he'll use a bonus action to cast Hunter's Mark (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Hunter's%20Mark#content) on one of the two toughs he's engaged with.

Athletics [roll0]
Disadvantage [roll1]

2022-06-04, 01:42 PM
Fresh post in case I didn't screw this up entirely.

Dargoth Vale - Camp

Aria hooks a toe behind the ankle of her (single, sorry!) attacker and he hits the ground, rolling aside. Zara struggles under the weight of her attackers. Heart does not resist. Royse manages to get a grip on a thug's ankle and drags him off his torso while kicking the other away, freeing himself, stands in a low guard, and mars the first man with his magical awareness.

Round 2 starts ...

2022-06-10, 08:15 AM
Aria moves in close to her prone attacker. She attempts an axe kick as he rolls out of the way. She follows it with an elbow and knee strike taking advantage of her position above him.

unarmed strike then flurry of blows all non lethal
[roll0] for first attack
[roll1] advantage for prone
[roll2] second attack
[roll3] advantage for prone
[roll4] third attack
[roll5] advantage for prone
[roll6] damage for first
[roll7] damage for second
[roll8] damage for third

2022-06-12, 08:48 AM
Dargoth Vale - Camp

Aria delivers several solid blows to the leader, who returns the favor (8 total non-lethal), especially with a rabbit punch in the ribs. A very impatient warrior who'd been standing aside rushed in with a sloppy kick, eliciting a rebuke from the elader in their language, but sharp words continue.

All the other warriors are merely trying to keep you all from engaging in the central fight, doing no harm but attampting to keep you grappled. Royse's attackers try to re-engage but he successfully pushes them aside.