View Full Version : Frontier! The Saga of Bulls Landing

2021-11-17, 06:01 PM
29 May 1875
Bulls Landing, Arizona Territory

A quiet afternoon in Bulls Landing. The stage due in from the west has yet to arrive, and the townsfolk are going about their regular business. A group of cavalry troopers on leave are visiting, making use of the facilities at the Bellamere saloon, though they are yet to get particularly rowdy and are currently occupied playing cards in a corner of the bar.

A ragged man wanders up the main street, covered in dust and wearing what might once have been a military uniform. Most give him a wide berth, though he seems to be of Hispanic appearance, perhaps in late middle age, and his hair would likely be grey even without the dust. He staggers somewhat unsteadily past a number of the local businesses before reaching Bellamere, where he enters and walks up to the bar.

"Mezcal, senorita," he says to Belle with some effort: his throat is clearly dry.

2021-11-17, 07:18 PM
The interior of the saloon was kept purposefully dim in an effort to tame the afternoon heat, but there were a few strategic windows flung open for just enough light to work or play cards by. The aroma of the evening's beans and the sweet smell of sawdust hung heavy in the air. The chatter of her only patrons played in the background as Belle worked, quietly spreading fresh sawdust on the saloon floor in anticipation of a busy evening. She looked up and squinted her eyes against the bright sunlight as the swinging saloon doors creaked, expecting to see Clive returning with her weekly order of beans and cornmeal from the general store. She put down her bag of sawdust behind the bar and wiped her hands as the raggedy man approached the bar.

"Si." Belle replied shortly, taking in his haggard appearance, resisting the urge to offer him water or coffee instead. She pulled a tall bottle of clear liquid from the shelf behind her and poured an inch or so into a clean, short glass.

"Be a while before the beans are ready, but I'm fixing cornbread with it if you stick around." She pushed the glass across the bar and went to work polishing her mismatched glassware, staying near to the bar in case the stranger needed anything else.

2021-11-17, 07:48 PM
The man drained the glass in a single swig, then started coughing, a hacking, chesty cough that it didn't take much medical knowledge to know was bad. There was a laugh from the troopers as they took in his appearance, and the man turned to fix them with a glare.

"What are you looking at, yanqui?" he rasped. One of the troopers frowned and began to rise, but his fellows restrained him and he went back to his game.

"I could eat," the man said. "Got no other plans." He laughed, but with no apparent humour. "What is there in this town? You have music or dancing girls here?"

He pushed his glass back across the bar. "Another."

2021-11-17, 08:01 PM
Belle's eyes flicked coldly between the stranger and the troopers, waiting to see if there'd be trouble. It was early for it, but trouble paid no mind to the time. She relaxed almost imperceptibly as the trooper sat back down, but flinched at the haggard man's deep cough.

"Town's a generous word for it." She pulled the bottle back out and poured him another mezcal.

"Clive's my piano player, he's on a run to the general store right now. The saloon don't get lively 'til the evenings, there are girls who will dance for you if you got money." She shrugged, implying they wouldn't give him the time of day unless they were paid to.

"You fixing to stay in Bull's Landing?" Her tone was mildly curious. They got newcomers passing through, but few chose to stay for any lasting amount of time. She went back to cleaning her glasses, only half interested in his reply.

2021-11-17, 09:18 PM
Pleasant Pine Cemetery

Chipper Pine was not only the Undertaker for Bull's Landing, he was also Owner and Operator of Pleasant Pine Cemetery and arguably Owner and Operator of the biggest smile in town. He had it - and his work clothes - on him right now. Grinning up at the gravestone above him, Chipper dusted himself off, and took the hand of his part-time employee Gavin as the bigger man pulled him out of the grave they had just finished digging for tomorrow's Client. Poor old Mister Weatherly had just been passing through Bull's Landing when he fell ill and laid bed ridden for weeks before passing on. Pleasant fella, but when it's your time, it's your time. Chipper managed to scrounge up enough scratch to give the lonely man a proper burial, though it was taking a bit of work to find out of Weatherly had any living relatives to pass along what little the older man had left.

Chipper nodded to Gavin, but kept his thoughts to himself. It was approaching evening, and they were both tired and winded. Gavin was built like a horse, but a really ugly one; not that anyone would say such a thing to the big man. Chipper found his employee to be an agreeable fellow, but only really needed Gavin's help for the labor intensive days. Digging ditches, lifting Clients into their final resting places, and filling the holes back in didn't take much skill, but it did take muscle... muscle Chipper didn't have. Chipper took more after his mother than his father; where Old Man Pine had been tall, strong, and stout - a lot like Gavin - Chipper was more lean, wiry, and a little below average height. Chipper's father had once had bright blonde hair that gleamed in the hot sun until the day it turned silver, while Chipper himself had long brown hair that was naturally wavy. Chipper's Pa had always been clean shaven, but the younger Pine was actually rather proud of his Horseshoe mustache. It had taken him years to grow it out just right, starting from the first week in... well... that place.

"Gonna need me tomorrow, right Boss?" Gavin asked, his gruff voice calling attention to his missing teeth.

Chipper was used to it though, and pleased that Gavin was around. Chipper, "Gorgeous" Gavin, and Renaldo the Spaniard were the Cemetery's only workers these days. And most of the time, Chipper let Gavin and Renaldo do all the work here while Chipper stayed near the main office, carving gravestones and making small talk. It was actually a pretty rare day in Bull's Landing to be digging a grave, though not so rare that Chipper couldn't afford to hire two part-timers for when it got busy. Like tomorrow. "Yeah, Gavin, Mister Weatherly is all boxed up, but he'll need to be lowered down after Sister Nancy's speaking o' the words."

Gavin nodded, knowing the drill by now. The two of them continued their walk to through the Graveyard, and then on in to town. Gavin waved farewell - heading home - shortly before Chipper made his way into his office, where he promptly changed from his dusty work clothes into something much more comfortable: A white dress suit with bow tie, white vest, matching pants, and back into his comfortable large black boots. More importantly - at least to Chipper - his white bowler hat finally matched the rest of his outfit. Securing his gun and shovel, Chipper looked up at the sun as he exited the office, locking the door behind him. It was time to go get a drink... Bellamere's would help Chipper cool down, even if it was a bit early for the other regulars to show up.

Walking through the street, a smile on his face, and a spring in his step, Chipper was soon at the local watering hole... though he was very careful to say 'Saloon' out loud anywhere Belle might hear it. Chipper didn't want to lose his status as 'friend of the owner'!

Bellamere's Saloon

The creak of the doors was the only signal Chipper gave as he walked inside and took a look around. Sure enough, he was early. A few cavalry men playing cards in the corner, and an out of towner talking with Belle. Where was Clive? There should be music by now at least. Chipper pulled off his hat and waved it in front of his face to get the air flowing while he walked to the bar. Smiling his big smile, the Undertaker interjected into the ongoing conversation, "Evening, Belle! Pardon me for bothering ya while yer conversing to this fine fella, but me and Gavin just got done with the new plot, and I'm mighty parched. Might I trouble ya for whatever suits your fancy for me to drink tonight?"

Chipper didn't order a specific drink, not since he came to town and found Belle was here running the Saloon. He just asked for a nice bit of liquid, got whatever she wanted to give him, and paid his tab on time. Belle got a steady customer, and Chipper got to try everything behind the counter. What more could you ask from an old friend from Tuscan?

2021-11-17, 09:58 PM
Sister Nancy walked through Bull’s Landing like the disappointed eye of the Lord himself. Her white habit almost glinted in the glare of the sun and the sparse citizens and travelers would step out of their way, smile with the shamefaced recognition of their own private sins and tell her “Peace be with you sister”. Nancy would pause in her walk and turn to them and smile as well, with the confidence purity afforded her, reply “And with your Spirit”.

Nancy wondered why so many of these people were so quick to give way to their baser instincts here in Arizona – when she had first came here, unsure of her purpose and her mission, she had quickly come to find that her Christian Spirit flourished. On her travels through the prairies and mountains she was bombarded by impressions. Snow up high in the Saint Augustine Mountains, and then a marvelous long line of snowless, arid plateaus, clean long shapes stretching for miles under pure light. Mesas, full rivers, cottonwoods, sagebrush, high red cliffs, pines. Most impressed of all was she by the miles of emptiness. It made her connect to that point in herself, that hidden silent portion of her soul that was reserved only for the Lord Christ. The stillness was almost virginal.

Standing vigil on the main street was the Saloon, the callous den of sin that drew onto itself those that should better come to her mission or a church. Those that knew the Nun’s routine knew that at least once a week Nancy would make time to walk to the Saloon, steel herself at its entrance as if preparing for battle or to take a step into Hell, and enter.

She was no preacher, but she would often come in and walk straight to the bar and make conversation, first with Belle – a lovely woman, who she kept trying to convince to join her mission, with her Husband dead, her faith on a razor’s edge, the embrace of the sister’s would be a balm and shield both – and then with the derelicts who inhabited the Saloon. Wielding guilt like a saber she could usually take one such scruffian by surprise and march him out the door for a sermon or brandishing her compassion like a knife lead a fallen woman to confide in her and consider joining a convent.

This time, however, she walked in and saw Belle and Mr. Pine at the bar. While friendly with both, the former for the sake of her immortal soul and the latter for the immortal souls of his clients, she did not want to interrupt and instead walked to an empty side table and sat down quietly and with a straight back. The other patrons followed her with their eyes – the regulars rolling their eyes and then looking at each other wondering when she would start speaking and which one of them will fall and be dragged out by the ear to hear a lecture about idle hands. The eyes of the travelers lingered longer, wondering what a Nun was doing here and wondering, perhaps, if her skin was especially dark or if that was a trick of the light in contrast to the Nun’s white habit. The latter Nancy stared down hard with the cold black eyes of an Owl.

2021-11-18, 09:26 AM
"I'm not going anywhere else," he said to Belle, "but that don't mean I'll be here long." He laughed again, and looked over as Chipper and then Nancy entered. His eyes kept straying to Nancy, and his shoulders seemed to hunch slightly defensively.

"You the maker of coffins round these parts, eh?" he said to Chipper. "Come in here to size me up, have you? Ahahahaha-" he broke off again into another bout of coughing. "Well, you can make a note of the name. Diego Mirano. Coronel Diego Mirano." He said it with some pride, but without apparent expectation that the name would be recognised. With some effort, he drew himself up straight into an approximation of military attention. Then he seemed to become distracted by Nancy again, his shoulders slumped, and he drained his glass.

"You have a room upstairs I can use?" he asked Belle.

Belle, Chipper and/or Nancy may make a Mind check at -3 to see whether they have heard of Diego or can surmise anything else about his identity.

The door to the saloon opened to reveal an impeccably-dressed woman, Mrs. Amy Benton - familiar to all locals. She held a handkerchief to her nose for a moment, as if to suggest she wouldn't usually stoop to enter such a place, but was prepared to make an exception on this occasion. Such exceptions were, as all knew, very frequent. She glanced around the bar, nodded to Chipper and walked up to stand next to him at the bar, placing a hand gently on his arm.

"Why, Mr. Pine, have you seen the way that woman is carrying on?" she said in a well-practised voice, implying confidentiality while nevertheless carrying to every corner of the bar. "As bold as brass, I ask you. What poor Mr. Larson would think if he were to see that, I do not know."

A glance out of the window would reveal the context: Louisa Moss, the schoolteacher, and widely rumoured to be courting with Mayor Larson, was standing outside the barbership opposite, apparently conducting a pleasant conversation with the proprietor.

"Oh, an iced tea, if you please, Mrs Reeve," she said to Belle, her tone and body language making it clear that she expected Chipper to pay for this, possibly in exchange for the juicy morsel of gossip she had just shared.

2021-11-18, 10:48 AM
"I'm not going anywhere else," he said to Belle, "but that don't mean I'll be here long." He laughed again, and looked over as Chipper and then Nancy entered. His eyes kept straying to Nancy, and his shoulders seemed to hunch slightly defensively.

"You the maker of coffins round these parts, eh?" he said to Chipper. "Come in here to size me up, have you? Ahahahaha-" he broke off again into another bout of coughing. "Well, you can make a note of the name. Diego Mirano. Coronel Diego Mirano." He said it with some pride, but without apparent expectation that the name would be recognised. With some effort, he drew himself up straight into an approximation of military attention. Then he seemed to become distracted by Nancy again, his shoulders slumped, and he drained his glass.

"You have a room upstairs I can use?" he asked Belle.

Belle, Chipper and/or Nancy may make a Mind check at -3 to see whether they have heard of Diego or can surmise anything else about his identity.

I rolled a 9 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?639031-Frontier!-Dice-rolls&p=25273560#post25273560) to identify the 'Coronel'.

Chipper made note of Sister Nancy coming in the Saloon, and tipped his hat to her while listening to the stranger introduce himself.

Patting his vest pocket for a second, Chipper pulls out his notepad and pencil and begins to write something down. "To be honest, Colonel, I didn't rightly know you'd be in here. Though I have heard of you. But as you've given permission, I'll see to it that should the worst happen, I can at least get yer name right."

"And," Chipper adds as he puts his writing implements away, before reaching out an open palm for a handshake, "It would be downright rude of me to not introduce myself. Chipper Pine. As you suspect, I'm the local Undertaker."

The door to the saloon opened to reveal an impeccably-dressed woman, Mrs. Amy Benton - familiar to all locals. She held a handkerchief to her nose for a moment, as if to suggest she wouldn't usually stoop to enter such a place, but was prepared to make an exception on this occasion. Such exceptions were, as all knew, very frequent. She glanced around the bar, nodded to Chipper and walked up to stand next to him at the bar, placing a hand gently on his arm.

"Why, Mr. Pine, have you seen the way that woman is carrying on?" she said in a well-practised voice, implying confidentiality while nevertheless carrying to every corner of the bar. "As bold as brass, I ask you. What poor Mr. Larson would think if he were to see that, I do not know."

A glance out of the window would reveal the context: Louisa Moss, the schoolteacher, and widely rumoured to be courting with Mayor Larson, was standing outside the barbership opposite, apparently conducting a pleasant conversation with the proprietor.

"Oh, an iced tea, if you please, Mrs Reeve," she said to Belle, her tone and body language making it clear that she expected Chipper to pay for this, possibly in exchange for the juicy morsel of gossip she had just shared.

When Amy Benton was looking away, Chipper looked at Belle and nodded to confirm her order before rolling his eyes. "Well Mrs. Benton, I imagine Miss Moss - being a schoolmarm - is smart enough what to know exactly what's she's about. And Mayor Larson, being the Mayor, also knows that if he wants to keep being the Mayor, what he is about is under scrutiny."

Chipper made sure that his smile was on his face, and his tone was neutral; neither agreeing or disagreeing with the woman's gossip. Chipper's opinion didn't seem to be wanted or required at this point. He was just the unfortunate soul that Mrs. Benton had decided to be the outlet for her own opinions. Best to suffer through it agreeably.

2021-11-18, 11:14 AM
"Oh, Mr. Pine,", said Mrs. Benton, "you are a kind soul. But it's precisely because Miss Moss is our schoolteacher that she ought to be careful about her conduct. Someone in that position should be respectable, and sometimes I wonder, well, whether she's no better than she should be. And you know as well as I do that poor Mr. Larson has no more guile in him than Sister Nancy, bless his heart. I would hate for him to be hurt."

She raised her voice as if to imply that what she said now was on the record. "Now I don't know all that goes on beneath this roof and I'm sure not all of it would be to my liking, and that's for the Lord to judge, but I have always said that Mrs. Reeve here conducts herself in a manner befitting her position, and I don't think it's too much to ask that others do likewise."

2021-11-18, 03:27 PM
"I'm not going anywhere else," he said to Belle, "but that don't mean I'll be here long." He laughed again, and looked over as Chipper and then Nancy entered. His eyes kept straying to Nancy, and his shoulders seemed to hunch slightly defensively.

"You the maker of coffins round these parts, eh?" he said to Chipper. "Come in here to size me up, have you? Ahahahaha-" he broke off again into another bout of coughing. "Well, you can make a note of the name. Diego Mirano. Coronel Diego Mirano." He said it with some pride, but without apparent expectation that the name would be recognised. With some effort, he drew himself up straight into an approximation of military attention. Then he seemed to become distracted by Nancy again, his shoulders slumped, and he drained his glass.

"You have a room upstairs I can use?" he asked Belle.

Nancy looked up from her water to see the stranger looking at her - a man seeking solace in the Lord Christ? In her mind the mists of recollection began to repaint a canvas of recognition, when the stranger looked away, and the mists disperse.

2021-11-18, 04:44 PM
"Rooms are thirty five cents a night, including supper." She hadn't heard of the Coronel, but that didn't mean much. Most people passing through didn't want to be known, and Belle made it her business to respect her patrons' privacy. Her face twitched as Mrs. Benton extolled upon Belle's virtue. Gold digger, swindler, jezebel, Belle had heard the townsfolks talking about her when she first arrived and set about courting with Amos, rumors that were led by women just like Mrs. Benton. Back when she was still in her teens when love had come easy enough for the first man who'd shown her any kindness at all, before she'd locked away her heart and threw away the key.

"Ice is extra." She warned Chip and opened the creaking cellar door. She returned with two tiny shards of ice in a tall clean glass and poured some tea from a pitcher and slid it over to the woman. For Chip, she pulled out a glass from beneath the bar already filled with a golden yellow liquid.

"My latest Whiskey Punch experiment." Belle explained with a small smirk before she set about polishing the bar.

2021-11-18, 09:17 PM
Patting his vest pocket for a second, Chipper pulls out his notepad and pencil and begins to write something down. "To be honest, Colonel, I didn't rightly know you'd be in here. Though I have heard of you. But as you've given permission, I'll see to it that should the worst happen, I can at least get yer name right."

"And," Chipper adds as he puts his writing implements away, before reaching out an open palm for a handshake, "It would be downright rude of me to not introduce myself. Chipper Pine. As you suspect, I'm the local Undertaker."

"You have heard of me?" He seemed surprised. "Well, do not believe all you hear. Pleased to meet you." He shook Chipper's outstretched hand, but made no move to continue the conversation.

"Rooms are thirty five cents a night, including supper." She hadn't heard of the Coronel, but that didn't mean much. Most people passing through didn't want to be known, and Belle made it her business to respect her patrons' privacy.

"A fair price," He put a rumpled dollar bill on the bar. "Which room do I take?"

"Thank you, Mr. Pine, Mrs. Reeve," said Amy Benton, taking the glass from Belle, and then made her way over to Nancy's table. "Sister Nancy, what a pleasure to see you. May I join you?" She took a seat at the table without waiting for a response. "Now what brings you here at this time of day?"

2021-11-18, 09:22 PM
Robert Kennedy was trudged to the saloon with a slight limp, after three months he'd finally claimed the bounty on that damned Jaque Detiege. The Frenchmen was a pain in the ass to catch and while Robert was able to ambush the varmit, he put up a damn good fight. Too good for a man supposedly a deserter from the French army in the deserts of Arizona. He had support somewhere around these parts, and Robert had no doubt it was those grey pigs, dressed in proper suits.

For now, though he had an ankle that needed attending to, and he wasn't ready to see Aj, might as well get some whiskey and hope it feels better by morning. Walking through the threshold he winched, he definitely needed some rest and maybe whiskey more.

Upon seeing Chipper and sister Nacy he lowered his hat.

"Chipper, Miss Nancy, fancy seeing yall here."

He extended a customary nod to the stranger, before hailing Belle.

"If it ain't too much trouble madam, can I have some whiskey, today is...an ice day."

2021-11-19, 12:43 AM
The doors of the saloon swung open as AJ walked in dressed as usual in his black suit and hat, the only colour being the dark purple lining of his jacket and his necktie. He looked around a bit, surprised at the lack of music as he approached the bar. He gave a polite nod to Sister Nancy and Mrs. Benton, the former someone who strove to do good in the world and the latter someone he did his best to avoid speaking to, though he suspected he would have to anyway. He was sure the young Sister could handle herself, but he did not envy her in the slightest.

"A scotch and soda when you're free Mrs. Reeve," he said politely as he took a seat at the bar and set his hat down, "Is Clive feeling alright? I was looking forward to some music after the day I've had."

2021-11-19, 03:33 AM
The sounds of a match being struck cut through the dull hum of the saloon, sparks flying from the bannister as the Easterner lit a waiting pipe. Slender and with an easy smile, he exuded the guilelessness of a true innocent, a practiced affectation that had served him well so far in Bulls Landing. He'd left both bowler cap and jacket in his room above, descending in a freshly laundered white shirt, grey trousers, and a tempestuously patterned vest. His short hair carefully tamed with pomade, it was hard to imagine him looking more out of place in the frontier, but the worn black holster on his hip told a different story. Favoring the saloon with an easy smile, he unleashed a ribbon of smoke before giving Miss Reeve a friendly nod. Dismounting the stairs, he ignored the bar, instead making a bee line for the table where Sister Nancy was imperiously holding court.

"I do declare, Sister, you're about the last thing I expected to see in the saloon today. Would you mind some company, or are you waiting for someone?"

2021-11-19, 09:45 AM
Upon seeing Chipper and sister Nancy he lowered his hat.
"Chipper, Miss Nancy, fancy seeing yall here."

He gave a polite nod to Sister Nancy and Mrs. Benton, the former someone who strove to do good in the world and the latter someone he did his best to avoid speaking to, though he suspected he would have to anyway.

The sister always smiled and nodded back at those that greet her and depending on if there was still room at the table would wave her hand in front of an open chair indicating that they were always welcome to join her. As Hebrews said one should not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Thank you, Mr. Pine, Mrs. Reeve," said Amy Benton, taking the glass from Belle, and then made her way over to Nancy's table. "Sister Nancy, what a pleasure to see you. May I join you?" She took a seat at the table without waiting for a response. "Now what brings you here at this time of day?"

"I do declare, Sister, you're about the last thing I expected to see in the saloon today. Would you mind some company, or are you waiting for someone?"

And while some might be unaware of their angels, there were others that were decidedly more fallen.

"Good morning Mrs. Benton and Mr. Clark. I am happy that you have come to talk to me instead of partaking in drink. I often come here like Daniel among the Lions, hoping that my presence is like a lighthouse to those in spiritual distress and that they, like you, surely will come to pray on Sundays with me."

2021-11-19, 08:43 PM
With far too loud a sound for the lazy afternoon, the doors to the Bellamere flew open to admit a tall, broad man in his usual getup, a long blue jacket with golden buttons over cavalry trousers. Of all things, a saber hung from his belt. He stepped out of the sunlight and into the saloon, hands on his hips. Despite the attention-grabbing entry and pose-like stance, though, the man seemed completely unaware of the eyes of those who looked his way. Instead, he stood for a moment, taking stock of the newcomers to the town with a serious expression on his broad face.

Then, as if his mind were made up, he nodded and walked to the bar, tipping his hat toward Sister Nancy and offering a quick, "Afternoon, Sister," in his loud, deep voice as he passed. At the bar, he gave a long glance at the stranger before turning slowly to the proprietor, a smile already forming and a bit of fun at the ready.

"Mrs. Reeve, a pleasure as always. 'Captain' Hurling, reporting for duty! Any trouble at the watering hole today?" A self-deprecating smile accompanied the rank, though the constant - and loud - reminders likely take some of the lightness from the joke. Willie turned to lean back against the bar with a light sigh to hear Mrs. Reeve's response, a small, friendly smile still on his face as he runs his gaze across the room a second time.

2021-11-20, 02:14 AM
Belle nodded at AJ as she pushed the cold glass over to Kennedy, which was already dripping condensation down its sides.

"Clive should be back anytime...." She poured AJ's drink and looked up as the doors creaked again, only to see Willie walk in and up to the bar.

"It was close once, but nothing came of it. It's early yet." She answered and nodded at Eugene as he passed by.

She looked up at yet another arrival, this time it was her burly piano man who was rolling a large barrel in front of him.

"There he is." She held open the door to the small kitchen for him.

"People been asking about you. I think you're more popular than the girls." She remarked and he grinned.

"I'd best get to playing then, my public awaits." He straightened his hat and puffed up his chest and walked out of the kitchen and took his seat at the piano and began to play a jaunty tune.

2021-11-20, 06:01 PM
With far too loud a sound for the lazy afternoon, the doors to the Bellamere flew open to admit a tall, broad man in his usual getup, a long blue jacket with golden buttons over cavalry trousers. Of all things, a saber hung from his belt. He stepped out of the sunlight and into the saloon, hands on his hips. Despite the attention-grabbing entry and pose-like stance, though, the man seemed completely unaware of the eyes of those who looked his way. Instead, he stood for a moment, taking stock of the newcomers to the town with a serious expression on his broad face.

Then, as if his mind were made up, he nodded and walked to the bar, tipping his hat toward Sister Nancy and offering a quick, "Afternoon, Sister," in his loud, deep voice as he passed. At the bar, he gave a long glance at the stranger before turning slowly to the proprietor, a smile already forming and a bit of fun at the ready.

"Mrs. Reeve, a pleasure as always. 'Captain' Hurling, reporting for duty! Any trouble at the watering hole today?" A self-deprecating smile accompanied the rank, though the constant - and loud - reminders likely take some of the lightness from the joke. Willie turned to lean back against the bar with a light sigh to hear Mrs. Reeve's response, a small, friendly smile still on his face as he runs his gaze across the room a second time.

Robert peered carefully at the lawman if was their first meeting in what seemed like ages, or at least half an hour since he turned in the bounty. He fought back a smile, not wanting to show that side of himself in the midst of a crowd. Speaking with a degree of myrth and probably with a sharper edge than Willies blade he decided to taunt the man over his attire.

"Willie you dealt with all Bull's landing crime already or were you planning to disembowel some gentlemen in a duel with that there wood cutter."

2021-11-20, 07:13 PM
Mrs. Benton beamed at her companions. "Sister Nancy, you are as always a beacon of virtue. I only wish that all in our community were able to recognise that and follow your example. And Mr. Clark, you are of course a newcomer in these parts, so I d hope you won't be letting a few bad apples sour your impression of our town."

A few minutes after Mirano had made his way upstairs, Josephine, one of the working girls, came down the stairs in something of a fluster and approached Belle at the bar.

"Belle, you'd better come upstairs. It's that Mexican gentleman..."

2021-11-22, 09:46 AM
"Rooms are thirty five cents a night, including supper." She hadn't heard of the Coronel, but that didn't mean much. Most people passing through didn't want to be known, and Belle made it her business to respect her patrons' privacy. Her face twitched as Mrs. Benton extolled upon Belle's virtue. Gold digger, swindler, jezebel, Belle had heard the townsfolks talking about her when she first arrived and set about courting with Amos, rumors that were led by women just like Mrs. Benton. Back when she was still in her teens when love had come easy enough for the first man who'd shown her any kindness at all, before she'd locked away her heart and threw away the key.

"Ice is extra." She warned Chip and opened the creaking cellar door. She returned with two tiny shards of ice in a tall clean glass and poured some tea from a pitcher and slid it over to the woman. For Chip, she pulled out a glass from beneath the bar already filled with a golden yellow liquid.

"My latest Whiskey Punch experiment." Belle explained with a small smirk before she set about polishing the bar.

"You have heard of me?" He seemed surprised. "Well, do not believe all you hear. Pleased to meet you." He shook Chipper's outstretched hand, but made no move to continue the conversation.

With far too loud a sound for the lazy afternoon, the doors to the Bellamere flew open to admit a tall, broad man in his usual getup, a long blue jacket with golden buttons over cavalry trousers. Of all things, a saber hung from his belt. He stepped out of the sunlight and into the saloon, hands on his hips. Despite the attention-grabbing entry and pose-like stance, though, the man seemed completely unaware of the eyes of those who looked his way. Instead, he stood for a moment, taking stock of the newcomers to the town with a serious expression on his broad face.

Then, as if his mind were made up, he nodded and walked to the bar, tipping his hat toward Sister Nancy and offering a quick, "Afternoon, Sister," in his loud, deep voice as he passed. At the bar, he gave a long glance at the stranger before turning slowly to the proprietor, a smile already forming and a bit of fun at the ready.

"Mrs. Reeve, a pleasure as always. 'Captain' Hurling, reporting for duty! Any trouble at the watering hole today?" A self-deprecating smile accompanied the rank, though the constant - and loud - reminders likely take some of the lightness from the joke. Willie turned to lean back against the bar with a light sigh to hear Mrs. Reeve's response, a small, friendly smile still on his face as he runs his gaze across the room a second time.

Chipper half-heartedly nods his acceptance to Belle's extra price for ice - only fair - as he's too busy waiting for his drink. Chipper can tell the Colonel isn't interested in talking, and nothing good comes from making a man like that speak up when he doesn't want to, so the Undertaker gives the old warrior friendly smile number five (an excellent choice that mixes emotions of 'good to see you' with 'talk to you some other time') and proceeds to turn around just in time to get Belle's Whiskey Punch.

Friendly smile number five is replaced by Genuine Smile number one (no faking this one, it's all original, all real) as Chipper takes a sip of the fine Whiskey. It goes down smooth, but has a hint of fruity flavor. "Absolutely delicious, Belle. A keeper for sure!"

Chipper is pleased to see that Mrs. Benton has wandered off to go pay homage to Sister Nancy, and as that was where the Undertaker was going to go sit, Chipper decides different and just continues to stand at the bar. A few more people wander in, either from upstairs or outside, and at last even Clive shows up. The music starts and Chipper closes his eyes and relaxes to the sound of music. Letting the sound of the tune and the growing hub-bub of people coming in and out wash over him, Chipper continues to sip his Whiskey Punch, eyes closed. He only opens them again when he hears the Marshall, William Hurling say, "Mrs. Reeve, a pleasure as always. 'Captain' Hurling, reporting for duty! Any trouble at the watering hole today?"

"Marshall Hurling!" Chipper grins another pleased smile, happy to see someone who - probably - isn't here to spread gossip. "Belle can probably tell you more, but can't say as I've heard nor seen any issues worth reporting yet. How's the town been today? Quiet I hope?"

2021-11-22, 02:06 PM
Mrs. Benton beamed at her companions. "Sister Nancy, you are as always a beacon of virtue. I only wish that all in our community were able to recognise that and follow your example. And Mr. Clark, you are of course a newcomer in these parts, so I d hope you won't be letting a few bad apples sour your impression of our town."

Sister Nancy modestly smiled at Mrs. Benton's praise. She was going to ask the woman what was she doing at the saloon herself, doubtless that it was as noble persuasion as her own missionary efforts, but instead sat back while Benton turned to speak to Mr. Clark. One of the first things a Nun learns . . . no even before that, one of the first things an Indian child learns at the Reformatory, was that it was often better to listen than to speak. Whereas when she was the latter, silence was a shield, later in life, Nancy's Mother Superior had shown her how to fashion silence into a spear. As Proverbs said "A Wise Son heareth his father's instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke."

2021-11-22, 04:39 PM
Belle's eyebrows knit together in consternation as Josephine gained her attention.

"The Coronel?" She put her polishing rag back beneath the bar.

"Willie, you better come with me, sounds like it's trouble upstairs." She debated grabbing her shotgun briefly, but thought better of it.

"Chip, watch the bar for me, would ya?" She bid the Undertaker before dashing up the stairs to see what was the matter.

2021-11-22, 05:30 PM
Belle's eyebrows knit together in consternation as Josephine gained her attention.

"The Coronel?" She put her polishing rag back beneath the bar.

"Willie, you better come with me, sounds like it's trouble upstairs." She debated grabbing her shotgun briefly, but thought better of it.

"Chip, watch the bar for me, would ya?" She bid the Undertaker before dashing up the stairs to see what was the matter.

Chipper nods, and downing the rest of his Whiskey Punch, steps behind the bar. He pulls out his notepad and pencil again, intending to write down who orders what, so Belle can get the money later.

2021-11-22, 09:34 PM
Josephine showed Belle to one of the rooms, where Mirano had removed his jacket and hat and was hunched over on the bed.

"He asked me to keep him company, but before anything even happened-"

He was coughing terribly, and both his shirt-front and the bed were spattered with blood. As Belle entered, he looked up and smiled without humour, then doubled over again, coughing up more blood.

"Ah, señora, it seems I may not be staying as long as I hoped," he said between bouts of coughs. "But the cleaning may come to more than thirty-five cents. I guess you make the bill out to Bella Esperanza - ahahahaha-" he cackled wildly and unwisely, his laugh vanishing under his cough once more, before he collapsed back onto the bed, struggling to breathe.

2021-11-22, 10:04 PM
"Settle down now, Coronel." Belle admonished him, grimacing at the mess he had made of the bedding.

"It ain't the first blood I washed out, just lay still until we get AJ up here." She turned to Josephine.

"Josie, will you go get the doc? I think he was still sittin' at the bar."

2021-11-22, 11:13 PM
AJ was still sitting at the bar, enjoying his drink as he listened to Clive's expert piano playing until Josie came up behind him.

"Doc! Belle needs you upstairs, it's an emergency," she said in a low voice as to not disturb anyone else. Unfortunately it had the effect of almost making AJ choke to death on his whiskey, but he recovered quickly and followed her up the stairs.

"What seems to be the- " he started to speak as he entered the room, but stopped upon sight of the man coughing up blood. He pulled a set of keys out of his pocket and handed them to Josie, "Miss Josephine, go across the street to my surgery and grab my medical bag. It's in my office on my desk in plain site. You can't miss it, it's got one of those snake rods on it."

With the supplies sent for he pulled his jacket and hat off and got to work taking the man's vitals.

"Alright Sir, I need you to tell me if you're suffering from any ailments or injuries. See if we can't save some time on a diagnosis."

2021-11-23, 07:54 PM
Mirano answered with some difficulty. "Well, I had a cough for a while now, a couple years maybe. Some of my men said it was the consumption, I don't know. But also... I was shot. Two days ago." He clawed at his shirt and pulled it open to show a wound above his ribcage, the area around it red and inflamed.

"Maybe you can help, but-" he smiled weakly - "I think I need a priest."

Josephine returned with AJ's bag and appeared in the doorway. "Here you are, doctor. Do you need anything else?"

2021-11-23, 09:37 PM
Pre Trouble

Belle nodded at AJ as she pushed the cold glass over to Kennedy, which was already dripping condensation down its sides.

"Clive should be back anytime...." She poured AJ's drink and looked up as the doors creaked again, only to see Willie walk in and up to the bar.

"It was close once, but nothing came of it. It's early yet." She answered and nodded at Eugene as he passed by.

At Mrs. Reeve's report, Willie nods. "Glad to hear it. I'll be around all day, of course, unless Charlie needs me."

Robert peered carefully at the lawman if was their first meeting in what seemed like ages, or at least half an hour since he turned in the bounty. He fought back a smile, not wanting to show that side of himself in the midst of a crowd. Speaking with a degree of myrth and probably with a sharper edge than Willies blade he decided to taunt the man over his attire.

"Willie you dealt with all Bull's landing crime already or were you planning to disembowel some gentlemen in a duel with that there wood cutter."

Willie fought down a smile at Robert's comment, placing a hand on the hilt of the "wood chopper."

"Kennedy, you know full well this thing's good for more'n chopping wood. Or at least you would if you weren't too busy laughing that rotten tail of yours off every time I reach for it!"

"Marshall Hurling!" Chipper grins another pleased smile, happy to see someone who - probably - isn't here to spread gossip. "Belle can probably tell you more, but can't say as I've heard nor seen any issues worth reporting yet. How's the town been today? Quiet I hope?"

Willie returned to the man's smile and offered a brief clap on the shoulder. "Mr. Pine, a pleasure, as usual! Always reassuring to know I've got a reliable set of eyes like yours keeping watch for me. Quiet so far, Lord b'praised. Charlie had hardly a word for me this morning, though I'm sure he's as busy as ever." Willie's last comment was made with a knowing wink.

As he opened his mouth for some other commentary, though, Willie was interrupted by Belle's concern. He tossed an apologetic half smile toward Chipper and hustled up the stairs. When he saw that the trouble was outside his realm of expertise, though, he quickly shuffled to the side of the hall where he could keep an eye on things without being in the way. Experience had shown that dying men sometimes grew violent - sometimes accidentally, sometimes in a blind panic - and he wanted to be on hand just in case. His heavy brow jumped up when the man mentioned being shot, though, and he leaned in the door a bit.

"Shot? Doc, am I gonna bother you if I talk to him while you're working?" Willie's tone was polite, but his face showed keen, almost impatient, interest.

2021-11-23, 11:52 PM
Mirano answered with some difficulty. "Well, I had a cough for a while now, a couple years maybe. Some of my men said it was the consumption, I don't know. But also... I was shot. Two days ago." He clawed at his shirt and pulled it open to show a wound above his ribcage, the area around it red and inflamed.

"Maybe you can help, but-" he smiled weakly - "I think I need a priest."

Josephine returned with AJ's bag and appeared in the doorway. "Here you are, doctor. Do you need anything else?"

As he opened his mouth for some other commentary, though, Willie was interrupted by Belle's concern. He tossed an apologetic half smile toward Chipper and hustled up the stairs. When he saw that the trouble was outside his realm of expertise, though, he quickly shuffled to the side of the hall where he could keep an eye on things without being in the way. Experience had shown that dying men sometimes grew violent - sometimes accidentally, sometimes in a blind panic - and he wanted to be on hand just in case. His heavy brow jumped up when the man mentioned being shot, though, and he leaned in the door a bit.

"Shot? Doc, am I gonna bother you if I talk to him while you're working?" Willie's tone was polite, but his face showed keen, almost impatient, interest.

AJ swore under his breath and rolled up his sleeves before taking the bag from Josephine. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a dollar's worth of coins

"Josephine, go back downstairs and get someone to ride out to San Nicola and bring back Father Pedro. Tell them to ride like the wind and if human decency won't sway them give them some coin," he said as he turned back to the dying man, "Oh, and bring Sister Nancy up here in case the priest can't make it."

He got to work on Mirano's injury, working with all due haste and caution he sterilised his instruments with pure alcohol. He put a strip of rawhide between the man's teeth to give him something to bite down.

"Patience Marshal, I'll let you know when it's safe."

2021-11-24, 07:13 PM
Josephine hurried back down the stairs and paused, looking around the bar, seemingly not wanting to interrupt the entertainment with an announcement, then went over to the bar to speak to Belle.

"The doctor's asked someone to ride out to San Nicola to fetch Father Pedro," she said, loudly enough that anyone nearby could hear. Then she turned to walk over to Sister Nancy's table. The black-eyed gaze of the nun held her at bay for a moment: she had managed to avoid the sister's lectures for some time but could nevertheless feel her disapproval at a distance, but she soon recovered her pride and addressed Nancy directly.

"Sister, the doc also asked for you in case Father Pedro can't come in time."

2021-11-25, 04:35 AM
As the Benton woman intruded on their conversation, Eugene's demeanor shifted from pious curiosity to jovial camaraderie, even as he fantasized about shoving the busybody's face into the horse trough outside.

"There's no call to trouble yourself, Mrs. Benton. It's many a town I've seen in my travels, and I'm set on giving Bulls Landing the same chance I give every burgh on the frontier. You fine people have yet to disappoint."

Flashing her a smile, he reached across the table absently to place a hand atop Sister Nancy's.

"Why, just take the Sister's invitation to join you all on the sabbath. I can think of no better use of my time than to come together with you fine people as we open ourselves to the holy spirit."

Stopping to let the moment settle, Eugene seemed ready to go on before they were interrupted by Josephine's arrival.

"Oh my, this sounds serious. Might I escort you upstairs, Sister Nancy?"

2021-11-26, 11:25 AM
"The doctor's asked someone to ride out to San Nicola to fetch Father Pedro," she said, loudly enough that anyone nearby could hear. Then she turned to walk over to Sister Nancy's table. The black-eyed gaze of the nun held her at bay for a moment: she had managed to avoid the sister's lectures for some time but could nevertheless feel her disapproval at a distance, but she soon recovered her pride and addressed Nancy directly.

"Sister, the doc also asked for you in case Father Pedro can't come in time."

Sister Nancy saw Josephine heading towards her and was split between two of the Good Book's teachings, on one hand that the price of a prostitute is only a loaf of bread and on the other whom was she to accuse her? To condemn her when the Lord would not. She could only show the path towards salvation, each must follow in their own way. She made a mental note to herself to find Josephine later for an important talk about immorality.

She inclined her head and was about to get up - only the Father would be able to give the man his Last Rights, but the presence of one such as she, clad in white. Like an angle watching over you and leading you towards St. Peter's gates.

Flashing her a smile, he reached across the table absently to place a hand atop Sister Nancy's.

"Why, just take the Sister's invitation to join you all on the sabbath. I can think of no better use of my time than to come together with you fine people as we open ourselves to the holy spirit."

"Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my beloved among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste." In the Reformatory and in the Nunnery, they had been taught to beware the Song of Songs. Lying in wait between the Old and the New it was as sweet as honey and as dangerous as fire. It could inflame you.

Sister Nancy quickly withdrew her hand from beneath Eugene's and placing it within the cold embrace of her other hand. She felt marked as she looked into Eugene's eyes.

"The Holy Spirit is always Open"

Stopping to let the moment settle, Eugene seemed ready to go on before they were interrupted by Josephine's arrival.

"Oh my, this sounds serious. Might I escort you upstairs, Sister Nancy?"

As Sister Nancy got up, her hands now hidden in the outermost layer of her habit she looked back at Eugene. Eugene. "Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; your name is like perfume poured out." Sand and sweat is how most people smelled in Arizona. She sniffed and thought she could smell lavender.

"Of course Mr. Clark, I would feel safer with a man of Virtue in my journey into this upstairs Gomorrah."

2021-11-26, 04:01 PM
Belle sighed in a failed effort to stifle her displeasure.

"It's gonna have to be Clive, there's no helping it." She tossed her polishing rag down carelessly onto the already gleaming bar, a testament to her annoyance.

"Clive, take Saguaro and ride out to San Nicola would ya? And bring back Father Pedro. Our guest is doing frightful poorly." She patted her faithful piano man and errand boy on the shoulder. The music stopped and the big man hurried out the door to the stable where Belle kept the big black horse, named for the common desert flora.

"Josephine, where's Sadie Mae at? I need you girls down here for a spell. Without Clive's music to distract them, I'm afraid they'll turn to violence for entertainment." She turned to face her patrons.

"Can anyone here play the piano? Clive had some evening business to attend to. I'm giving a free drink for every three songs you can play.. well." She added, implying she would be the judge of that.

2021-11-26, 07:48 PM
Pre Trouble

Willie fought down a smile at Robert's comment, placing a hand on the hilt of the "woodchopper."

"Kennedy, you know full well this thing's good for more'n chopping wood. Or at least you would if you weren't too busy laughing that rotten tail of yours off every time I reach for it!"

As he opened his mouth for some other commentary, though, Willie was interrupted by Belle's concern. He tossed an apologetic half smile toward Chipper and hustled up the stairs. When he saw that the trouble was outside his realm of expertise, though, he quickly shuffled to the side of the hall where he could keep an eye on things without being in the way. Experience had shown that dying men sometimes grew violent - sometimes accidentally, sometimes in a blind panic - and he wanted to be on hand just in case. His heavy brow jumped up when the man mentioned being shot, though, and he leaned in the door a bit.

"Shot? Doc, am I gonna bother you if I talk to him while you're working?" Willie's tone was polite, but his face showed keen, almost impatient interest.

Robert stifled a chuckle as the stranger's condition grew noticeably worse. He looked at Aj in apparent concern. Coughs like that could wipe out a hole camp unchecked, he'd seen it a fair few times himself. Robert worried that Willie would be caught unawares, either by plague or the thrashing of a man in death's jaws.

"Check up on our old gentle and spill the beans, who know Aj, might have use for the wood chopper yet."

2021-11-28, 02:40 AM
An initial examination quickly revealed to AJ that Mirano's condition was mortal: the combination of the disease and the bullet wound would likely have been deadly even if the wound had been treated immediately, but the subsequent neglect had hastened his demise, and it could be expected imminently.

Nevertheless, AJ set to work, with some success. After his ministrations, Mirano might still be doomed, but he appeared to be having less difficulty breathing at least.

One of the cavalry troopers stood up. "I'll give the piano a go!" he exclaimed.

An execrable rendition of Campdown Races ensued. Two verses in and even his comrades were booing.

2021-11-28, 01:39 PM
Just because things were hopeless didn't mean AJ wasn't going to try, miracles happened after all and if he could do his part in facilitating one then he would. He gave Mirano a shot of morphine in the arm and immediately got to work, his hands moving with speed and precision. There was a clink as the extracted bullet was dropped into a small glass dish and shortly thereafter the wound was cleaned and wrapped in sterile bandages. His work done he washed his hands and took the piece of rawhide from between the unfortunate man's teeth.

"Alright, you can question him now Marshal, but if you agitate him I'll have you thrown down the stairs."

2021-11-30, 12:07 PM
An initial examination quickly revealed to AJ that Mirano's condition was mortal: the combination of the disease and the bullet wound would likely have been deadly even if the wound had been treated immediately, but the subsequent neglect had hastened his demise, and it could be expected imminently.

Nevertheless, AJ set to work, with some success. After his ministrations, Mirano might still be doomed, but he appeared to be having less difficulty breathing at least.

One of the cavalry troopers stood up. "I'll give the piano a go!" he exclaimed.

An execrable rendition of Campdown Races ensued. Two verses in and even his comrades were booing.

Robert looked to Chipper in the midst of this...rendition, no rendition was too kind a term of Campdown Races. He lightly prodded chipper with his shot glass before saying.

"Don't those undertaking fingers of yours know a little bit about the piano."

2021-12-01, 12:09 AM
Just because things were hopeless didn't mean AJ wasn't going to try, miracles happened after all and if he could do his part in facilitating one then he would. He gave Mirano a shot of morphine in the arm and immediately got to work, his hands moving with speed and precision. There was a clink as the extracted bullet was dropped into a small glass dish and shortly thereafter the wound was cleaned and wrapped in sterile bandages. His work done he washed his hands and took the piece of rawhide from between the unfortunate man's teeth.

"Alright, you can question him now Marshal, but if you agitate him I'll have you thrown down the stairs."

Willie nodded and leaned past the door, one eye on the hallway - people seemed to be coming and going and quite the pace for a sickroom, and he had no interest in being trampled. His focused expression turned briefly into a frown as he noticed the morphine. Nothing dulls a man's wit or memory quite like the drug, especially when alcohol was involved already.

"Right then, fella. I reckon my first question's the most apparent: who did it? This something I need to look into or did you draw on someone you shouldn't've?"

Willie held up a quick hand and offered a slight apologetic smile to AJ, hoping to forestall the man following through on his threat. "You know I have to ask, Doc." He turned back to the dying man after his response, hoping to get a follow up question or two in while he was yet conscious.

"And whereabouts did this go down? Nowhere near here or we'd've heard the shots. You ride in from out of town for a drink or were you looking for something?"

2021-12-01, 08:09 PM
Willie nodded and leaned past the door, one eye on the hallway - people seemed to be coming and going and quite the pace for a sickroom, and he had no interest in being trampled. His focused expression turned briefly into a frown as he noticed the morphine. Nothing dulls a man's wit or memory quite like the drug, especially when alcohol was involved already.

"Right then, fella. I reckon my first question's the most apparent: who did it? This something I need to look into or did you draw on someone you shouldn't've?"

Willie held up a quick hand and offered a slight apologetic smile to AJ, hoping to forestall the man following through on his threat. "You know I have to ask, Doc." He turned back to the dying man after his response, hoping to get a follow up question or two in while he was yet conscious.

"And whereabouts did this go down? Nowhere near here or we'd've heard the shots. You ride in from out of town for a drink or were you looking for something?"

Mirano smiled at the marshal's first question. "Well, a lot of people who know who we are, they don't like us much. We're not bandidos, but that's what they call us. So who shot us, maybe they were looking for a reward, maybe they were comancheros or bandidos themselves, I don't know. They shot from ambush, I didn't get a good look at them. They shot Antoinio, they shot me. I rode out of there, but I guess they hit my horse too.

"This was south. It took me two days to get here. But for most of that time I wasn't walking very fast. I figured I'd get a warmer welcome this side of the border. This just seemed like a good place to stop."

2021-12-02, 04:16 AM
Standing with a flourish, Eugene gave a bow to Mrs. Benton.

"I hope you'll excuse me, ma'am, but the Lord's work calls."

Offering his hand to Sister Nancy, Eugene led the way up the stairs, a slight limp becoming apparent as care replaced his usual energetic speed. As they reached the second floor, their destination was evident by the gaggle of onlookers already gathered. Catching sight of the stranger's wound, air hissed over his teeth as he suppressed a curse.

"You'd best hurry, sister, that man's not long for the world."

2021-12-02, 10:33 AM
Walking into the room, Nancy lets go of Mr. Clark and assumes the imperious bearing that her virtue affords her. Grimacing she looks at the crowded room.

"Enough, you are not vultures to squawk at the dying - everyone but the Good Doctor and I will leave now."

As the others would make room for her or begin to leave the room, Nancy walked closer to the dying man and noticing that the Marshall was still there.

"Marshall you too - this man will either live and you can ask your questions then or his soul will be saved and he will answer to God alone."

Coming now to where the Doctor was performing his futile ministrations she placed a hand on AJ's back, less gentle and more consolidatory, expressing through touch that his work was close to over.

Now talking to Mirano she places her hand on the man's forehead, his feverish perspirations coating it with a film of moist lamentation as she offers her apologies

"The Father is coming as fast as they can find him to perform your Last Rights, but I am here to offer solace and grieve for you. I shall pray for you. "

She starts to sing softly a hymn to the dying man.

"One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple. For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock."

2021-12-02, 03:06 PM
AJ let out a sigh of relief when Sister Nancy entered the room. He wasn't Catholic, but her stern, no-nonsense yet compassionate manner was comforting and he hoped it was just as comforting for his patient.

"You all heard the Sister," he said as he looked up disapprovingly at the crowd, "This isn't a circus so kindly take your leave or I'll have Marshal Hurling read you the riot act."

He pulled out his watch and looked at it in frustration. He knew that San Nicola was some distance away, but it always seemed that distance would double when one of his ailing patients called for a priest. If only Martin Luther hadn't found any nails that day so long ago.

He waited until the Sister had finished singing before leaning in to whisper to her, "Is there any chance you might be willing to do the Last Rites yourself? It'll be between us and the Lord."

2021-12-03, 12:11 AM
Willie grimaced as Mirano responded. A case of mistaken identities would be an unfortunate situation that might take some resolving, assuming the man told the truth. If he was hiding something, though... a small war between competing factions this close to Bulls Landing could spell trouble.

"Now, why might..." The marshal is cut off as Sister Nancy makes her presence known. The woman was more than capable of wielding her mere presence like a bullwhip, but Willie was intent on pressing on.

"Before I..." The Sister's rebuke saw Willie undercut twice in less time than it'd take a man to tip his hat, and the direct attention was enough for the lawman to make his departure. He cast one last worried glance at the dying man before nodding politely to the two left in the room with him and making his way to the top of the stairs. He leaned on the railing where he could keep an eye on both the common room and the hall. He did, after all, have a job to do.

He was lost in thought when he again caught sight of the small group of cavalrymen. He quickly straightened up and adjusted his coat. It wouldn't do for them to forget under whose protection this town lived.

2021-12-03, 04:48 PM
He waited until the Sister had finished singing before leaning in to whisper to her, "Is there any chance you might be willing to do the Last Rites yourself? It'll be between us and the Lord."

Sister Nancy looks at the Doctor harshly.

And you think God allows for such leniency? No. Only a priest can perform the Extreme Unction or the Sacraments of Penance.

She paused, and sighed and spoke to Mirano.

I can grant you the Viaticum. Your provisions for your journey to the Lord; the last communion.

Turning back to the Doctor

Your work is done Physician. Quickly now! Find me a wafer or bread that I may give the sacrament to this man!

As soon as the Doctor leaves, if he does - alone with the dying man - the sister speaks:

I may not grant forgiveness like an Ordained Man, but I may listen such that you may forgive yourself in your last hour on Earth. And, truth is, this is not your last hour of life. As the Good Book says: "Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."

2021-12-03, 05:37 PM
Sister Nancy looks at the Doctor harshly.

And you think God allows for such leniency? No. Only a priest can give the perform the Extreme Unction or the Sacraments of Penance.

She paused, and sighed and spoke to Mirano.

I can grant you the Viaticum. Your provisions for your journey to the Lord; the last communion.

Turning back to the Doctor

Your work is done Physician. Quickly now! Find me a wafer or bread that I may give the sacrament to this man!

AJ didn't allow Sister Nancy's harsh gaze to affect him. She clung to an archaic rule while a man lay dying, but he knew better than to challenge her.

"Very well Sister, I will get the bread you request," he said as he stood up to leave the room.

He hurried down the stairs, not bothering to grab his jacket or his hat and approached the bar.

"Mrs. Reeve, we need some bread upstairs. Any type, but the nicer the better and put it on my tab," he said softly so that gossips wouldn't overhear.

2021-12-03, 07:54 PM
Belle's forehead creased as she spied AJ coming down the stairs.

"That dire a situation, is it?" Her eyes flicked to the saloon door, but Clive and the Father failed to manifest. Guessing what it was for, Belle cut a thin slice off of a square piece of cornbread and solemnly handed it over to the doctor.

"Don't worry about putting it on your tab, Doc. I ain't one to deny a dying man a place to pass comfortably, even if I have to burn the sheets." She grumbled in a resigned voice and shook her head ruefully.

2021-12-03, 09:18 PM
AJ solemnly accepted the bread.

"Thank you Belle," he replied softly, temporarily abandoning formality, "I'll let you know when the time comes."

He took the stairs back up two at a time and wordlessly handed the bread to Sister Nancy, "I'll be right outside Sister, call me if his condition worsens."

2021-12-03, 11:30 PM
Sister Nancy keeps her eyes on the dying man, watching his labored breathing, ready to bear witness to his last words and breath. As AJ walks into the room, she turns only her neck, not quite like an owl, but her black eyes and her still body most certainty offer that impression. Just as quickly as that thought might flick across AJ's mind just as quickly it could fly away on swift wings as the Sister smiles thankfully and says.

"Thank you Dr. Shepard"

As the Doctor leaves the room, taking the cornbread, she turns her attention once more at the man at the death's door, thinking to herself and herself alone that the bread was worthless. The thing about growing up in a Reformatory was that one had to be perfect. More so for being the sole Sister of Native birth in Cambridge. The rules and laws were stifling and barbed like roses, but they were protection and in the hands of the trained - in the hands of the pure - they were weapons. Per the Code of Canon law the Eucharist must be only wheat and recently made so that there is no danger of spoiling. Corn, that germ sprung from the native land, much like herself, was unwelcome. She too was unwelcome at first. Her lips were pursed like a beak as she considered. Perhaps the Maize shall make itself welcome too - it could not be of the sacrament, but the thought that it might provide the Lord's reprieve to one who might be soon gone was itself a blessing.

She fed Mirano the bread, unconsecrated, letting him think that he had found salvation and reciting the psalm:

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

2021-12-04, 03:18 AM
Leaning against the doorframe outside Sister Nancy's vigil, Eugene endeavored to return his pipe to some semblance of life. Exhaling a serpentine column of smoke, he split his attention between an attentive ear at the door and the Marshall posturing against the railing.

"A hard morning, eh Marshal?"

2021-12-04, 09:18 PM
Leaning against the doorframe outside Sister Nancy's vigil, Eugene endeavored to return his pipe to some semblance of life. Exhaling a serpentine column of smoke, he split his attention between an attentive ear at the door and the Marshall posturing against the railing.

"A hard morning, eh Marshal?"

Willie shakes his head, somewhat ruefully. "I suppose you could say that. Nothing gives a man a fright quite like a stranger stumbling into his town, dying of a gunshot wound. Whatever it is he claims..." Willie seems to catch himself, then smiles a bit. "I'm sure it'll come to nothing in the end, Mr. Clark. But just to be on the safe side, I might not stray to far out of town alone for a while, were I you."

Willie quickly finds himself leaning forward, elbows resting atop the railing of the stairs. He throws a quick grimace to Robert while nodding in the direction of the wounded man's room, a simple update for the man.

"And you? You have anything in store for the afternoon? Or am I getting a companion here into the evening again?" Willie offers the question with polite curiosity tinged with the slightest touch of humor.

2021-12-05, 02:05 PM
Willie shakes his head, somewhat ruefully. "I suppose you could say that. Nothing gives a man a fright quite like a stranger stumbling into his town, dying of a gunshot wound. Whatever it is he claims..." Willie seems to catch himself, then smiles a bit. "I'm sure it'll come to nothing in the end, Mr. Clark. But just to be on the safe side, I might not stray to far out of town alone for a while, were I you."

Willie quickly finds himself leaning forward, elbows resting atop the railing of the stairs. He throws a quick grimace to Robert while nodding in the direction of the wounded man's room, a simple update for the man.

"And you? You have anything in store for the afternoon? Or am I getting a companion here into the evening again?" Willie offers the question with polite curiosity tinged with the slightest touch of humor.

Robert saw Willie's rueful expression and grimaced maybe today had more in store than expected. Robert made sure he had eye contact with Willie before walking upstairs, travelling through a serpentine waft of tobacco, nodding at Eugene before addressing the sheriff.

"I suppose you don't have good news do ya. Think we'll need a posse, to do some investigating mountainside."

2021-12-06, 06:54 AM
Mirano took the bread gratefully, the finer points of the differing substantiations of cereal flour apparently lost on him, as Nancy had suspected.

"Bless you, Sister. I must make confession, in case the padre does not get here in time. I must tell you-"

Robert saw Willie's rueful expression and grimaced maybe today had more in store than expected. Robert made sure he had eye contact with Willie before walking upstairs, travelling through a serpentine waft of tobacco, nodding at Eugene before addressing the sheriff.

"I suppose you don't have good news do ya. Think we'll need a posse, to do some investigating mountainside."

"Did I hear you mention a posse?" said a man, emerging into the bar from the doorway. Not someone who would normally show his face in the Bellamere, since he owned the Pink Lady around the corner, Davey Lynch was a big fellow dressed like an east coast gent, aside perhaps from the gold waistcoat and prominent jewellery that might have struck the Boston well-to-do as a bit over-the-top. Whether Lynch was really the richest man in town was a matter of debate, but he certainly dressed like it. His face, on close inspection, was a little at odds with his clothing: a nose and brow that looked like they might have been chiselled from stone - and repeatedly broken - although much of his lower face was covered by a huge handlebar moustache.

"Quite the commotion here, I see. First Josephine and now Clive running around like scalded cats. I'm sure there's a story I'd love to here, there, but it's the Marshal I came to see. Whatever ruckus there might be in here, Gumbo's just told me there's been no sign of the stage from Devil's Junction and it was due in over two hours ago by my watch."

2021-12-06, 09:30 AM
Mirano took the bread gratefully, the finer points of the differing substantiations of cereal flour apparently lost on him, as Nancy had suspected.

"Bless you, Sister. I must make confession, in case the padre does not get here in time. I must tell you-"

Mirano tells Nancy his confession. Hearing the words, Nancy makes the sign of the cross and prays:

"For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved."

And yet, while she prays she turns over the words that Mirano uttered, examining them, wondering if they were a gift or a curse or one dressed in the package of another. She slowly decides what to do, but first she sits by the man's side until he dies.

2021-12-06, 04:11 PM
The snide remark Belle was about to welcome Lynch with died on her lips as he mentioned the delayed coach.

"It's a story alright, not that I have the time to tell it. The Marshal's upstairs. I don't know if our commotion is connected to the missing coach or not, but it's likely to be a posse either way." She began to dole out dishes of beans and cornbread as her patrons came up to the bar to get their meals. Her eyes caught Davey's again.

"If you want a decent meal when you're finished talking to the Marshal, you're welcome to sit a spell." The corner of Belle's mouth twitched as if considering breaking into a smile but refrained.

2021-12-06, 04:40 PM
Unburdening himself to Nancy seemed to have a pacifying effect on Mirano, as if he had been hanging on for this long for a purpose, that was now concluded. The knowledge of Father Pedro's arrival at some point was apparently insufficient incentive for him to remain of this earth, and he lapsed into a sleep from which he would not wake little more than an hour after he finished talking to Nancy.

The snide remark Belle was about to welcome Lynch with died on her lips as he mentioned the delayed coach.

"It's a story alright, not that I have the time to tell it. The Marshal's upstairs. I don't know if our commotion is connected to the missing coach or not, but it's likely to be a posse either way." She began to dole out dishes of beans and cornbread as her patrons came up to the bar to get their meals. Her eyes caught Davey's again.

"If you want a decent meal when you're finished talking to the Marshal, you're welcome to sit a spell." The corner of Belle's mouth twitched as if considering breaking into a smile but refrained.
"I'll have a drink in the meantime, if it ain't too much trouble. Whiskey, if you please." His eyes kept moving around the room, as if pricing it up. "You seem to be doing reasonable business for this time of day."

2021-12-06, 05:19 PM
Nancy stayed with Mirano until he left the mortal coil and began his journey to the Lord. Although, knowing what she knew, she privately doubted that he would reach the summit and instead may fall into perdition. Standing now, she exits the room eyeing Mr. Clark and the Marshall.

"The gentleman has passed. Please have Mr. Pine collect him and bury him. Let me know when he is being lowered into the soil, I shall like to be present."

She paused, as if still deciding on a course of action, but in reality it was already decided.

"I'll be seeing you Sunday at my Mission then - both of you."

The statement said with the Nun's usual assurance of command, but the two men would hear the unspoken request. With that, and perhaps a longer glance at Mr. Clark than what she had intended, she walked downstairs. Descending like a bird of prey, her white habit brought a soft hush in the Salon's proceedings as if Nancy was the specter of death itself - for coming down alone she might as well announce the passage of another of God's children. Walking down she looked over at Belle, tilted her head as if in consolation at the corpse in her abode. She approached the other woman and spoke:

"Mr. Pine will be busy this afternoon I am afraid. To have death so close is hard, and if you or any of your girls need a place of rest, you know my doors are always open. I hope to see you Sunday."

Then, seemingly speaking to the entire assembly, she recites the proverb:

"Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few".

And with that she glided out of the Saloon, her light footsteps providing an auditory ellipses.

2021-12-06, 06:34 PM
Once the Sister left AJ re-entered the room, he had to retrieve his coat and hat after all, and grabbed a blank death certificate from his medical bag. He sat down and started filling it out.
"Colonel Diego Mirano... Cause of death, murdered by gunshot, time..." he looked up at the clock and jotted the time down. He hated losing a patient, but such was the life of a physician. He could only hope that the good Sister had managed to soothe his soul before his passing. Once he was done with the paperwork he stood up, grabbed his hat and coat and headed down the stairs.
"He's all yours Mr. Pine," he said as he passed the undertaker on the way out, "If you need me I'll be at home after a quick visit to the town clerk."

2021-12-07, 11:17 AM
Robert saw Willie's rueful expression and grimaced maybe today had more in store than expected. Robert made sure he had eye contact with Willie before walking upstairs, travelling through a serpentine waft of tobacco, nodding at Eugene before addressing the sheriff.

"I suppose you don't have good news do ya. Think we'll need a posse, to do some investigating mountainside."

Willie sighed and nodded. "Seems likely. A man ambushed near town is cause for concern, without a doubt. I'll want to talk to Charlie first. Make sure he's apprised of the goings on. That said..." Willie paused in thought for a moment, unintentionally giving Mr. Lynch the opportunity to enter the conversation.

"Did I hear you mention a posse?" said a man, emerging into the bar from the doorway. Not someone who would normally show his face in the Bellamere, since he owned the Pink Lady around the corner, Davey Lynch was a big fellow dressed like an east coast gent, aside perhaps from the gold waistcoat and prominent jewellery that might have struck the Boston well-to-do as a bit over-the-top. Whether Lynch was really the richest man in town was a matter of debate, but he certainly dressed like it. His face, on close inspection, was a little at odds with his clothing: a nose and brow that looked like they might have been chiselled from stone - and repeatedly broken - although much of his lower face was covered by a huge handlebar moustache.

"Quite the commotion here, I see. First Josephine and now Clive running around like scalded cats. I'm sure there's a story I'd love to here, there, but it's the Marshal I came to see. Whatever ruckus there might be in here, Gumbo's just told me there's been no sign of the stage from Devil's Junction and it was due in over two hours ago by my watch."

Willie offered Davey a smile and a tip of the hat. "Afternoon to you, too, Mr. Lynch. That's assuredly not something I'm wanting to be hearing right now, but it's going to command my attention. It seems we'll be a busy posse, Robert. Assuming you're not busy, that is." Willie said this last with a tone indicating exactly how likely he thought that was. Ambush and a missing coach... For a quiet morning this has turned into some kind of afternoon.

"Mr. Lynch, I don't suppose you know who was manning the coach, or who it was supposed to be carrying?"

Nancy stayed with Mirano until he left the mortal coil and began his journey to the Lord. Although, knowing what she knew, she privately doubted that he would reach the summit and instead may fall into perdition. Standing now, she exits the room eyeing Mr. Clark and the Marshall.

"The gentleman has passed. Please have Mr. Pine collect him and bury him. Let me know when he is being lowered into the soil, I shall like to be present."

She paused, as if still deciding on a course of action, but in reality it was already decided.

"I'll be seeing you Sunday at my Mission then - both of you."

The statement said with the Nun's usual assurance of command, but the two men would hear the unspoken request. With that, and perhaps a longer glance at Mr. Clark than what she had intended, she walked downstairs. Descending like a bird of prey, her white habit brought a soft hush in the Salon's proceedings as if Nancy was the specter of death itself - for coming down alone she might as well announce the passage of another of God's children. Walking down she looked over at Belle, tilted her head as if in consolation at the corpse in her abode. She approached the other woman and spoke:

"Mr. Pine will be busy this afternoon I am afraid. To have death so close is hard, and if you or any of your girls need a place of rest, you know my doors are always open. I hope to see you Sunday."

Then, seemingly speaking to the entire assembly, she recites the proverb:

"Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few".

And with that she glided out of the Saloon, her light footsteps providing an auditory ellipses.

The Marshal narrowed his eyes a bit and glanced back at the room with the deceased briefly before nodding to Nancy. "I'll see you there, Sister. Thank you."

2021-12-09, 01:05 PM

Willie sighed and nodded. "Seems likely. A man ambushed near town is cause for concern, without a doubt. I'll want to talk to Charlie first. Make sure he's apprised of the goings-on. That said..." Willie paused in thought for a moment, unintentionally giving Mr. Lynch the opportunity to enter the conversation.

Willie offered Davey a smile and a tip of the hat. "Afternoon to you, too, Mr. Lynch. That's assuredly not something I'm wanting to be hearing right now, but it's going to command my attention. It seems we'll be a busy posse, Robert. Assuming you're not busy, that is." Willie said this last with a tone indicating exactly how likely he thought that was. Ambush and a missing coach... For a quiet morning this has turned into some kind of afternoon.

"Mr. Lynch, I don't suppose you know who was manning the coach, or who it was supposed to be carrying?"

Robert made a show of rotating his arm, his joints letting out a light crack in protest.
"Well look here, my busy schedule has just a space open. We should keep Charlie abreast of this. Are you considering anyone else Will, don't know how many bandits are prowling around here."

2021-12-09, 02:20 PM
Belle poured Davey two fingers of whiskey and passed the small glass over to him. Her late husband had had a fairly adversarial relationship with their fellow saloon owner, in private to Belle, he claimed their competitor cut his liquor with all manner of things, but since Amos had passed, she'd made an effort to not antagonize the big man, and he had seemed keen to keep to his own territory, for the most part.

"Clive's a big draw, don't you try stealing him now." She narrowed her dark eyes at him in warning, even as she spoke in jest. Several people came down the stairs at the same time and Belle's guess that the Marshal had passed was confirmed as AJ gave the news to Chip and left. She repressed an irritated sigh as Sister Nancy bid them farewell and harangued them about making an appearance in her church.

"She knows I'm a Methodist." She shrugged at Davey and Chip and looked up as Clive finally arrived with Father Pedro, albeit too late to redeem the dead man's soul.

"Clive, take over the piano will ya? If I have to hear Camptown Races one more time I'm gonna puke." She continued dishing up the beans and cornbread.

2021-12-10, 06:32 AM

Willie offered Davey a smile and a tip of the hat. "Afternoon to you, too, Mr. Lynch. That's assuredly not something I'm wanting to be hearing right now, but it's going to command my attention. It seems we'll be a busy posse, Robert. Assuming you're not busy, that is." Willie said this last with a tone indicating exactly how likely he thought that was. Ambush and a missing coach... For a quiet morning this has turned into some kind of afternoon.

"Mr. Lynch, I don't suppose you know who was manning the coach, or who it was supposed to be carrying?"[/spoiler]
"I would assume it was Chuck, the usual fellow, driving, though of course I can't be sure. I don't know anything about the passengers, but even if none of them was heading for here, it usually stops to change horses at the livery, and Gumbo there tells me there's been no sign of it. Running late is one thing, but too much later and it'll be dark."

2021-12-11, 09:13 PM
Robert made a show of rotating his arm, his joints letting out a light crack in protest.
"Well look here, my busy schedule has just a space open. We should keep Charlie abreast of this. Are you considering anyone else Will, don't know how many bandits are prowling around here."

Willie smiled. "Afraid my wood chopper won't be enough? Yeah, I'll be gathering up a few guns, no doubt."


"I would assume it was Chuck, the usual fellow, driving, though of course I can't be sure. I don't know anything about the passengers, but even if none of them was heading for here, it usually stops to change horses at the livery, and Gumbo there tells me there's been no sign of it. Running late is one thing, but too much later and it'll be dark."

"Right, well then we'd best get a move on."

Willie made his way to the bottom step and looked over the common room for a moment, before nodding to the troopers with his thumbs hooked through his belt.

"You fellas looking to do your part for this here town while you're around? I could use a few folks who can ride fast and keep an eye out for trouble."

2021-12-13, 09:49 AM
Willie smiled. "Afraid my wood chopper won't be enough? Yeah, I'll be gathering up a few guns, no doubt."

"Right, well then we'd best get a move on."

Willie made his way to the bottom step and looked over the common room for a moment, before nodding to the troopers with his thumbs hooked through his belt.

"You fellas looking to do your part for this here town while you're around? I could use a few folks who can ride fast and keep an eye out for trouble."

"These two ain't good for much that requires being upright right now, but I'll ride with you," said one of the cavalrymen. "Sergeant Frost, 5th Cavalry. And trooper Garrett will be joining me." He clapped a hand on the shoulder of the most sober-looking of the remaining troopers, who looked somewhat downcast to be called on.

"I'd just as soon stay here," said Lynch, "but I'll ride if you need an extra man. I'll tell Charlie and see who else he can muster."

2021-12-13, 05:46 PM
"These two ain't good for much that requires being upright right now, but I'll ride with you," said one of the cavalrymen. "Sergeant Frost, 5th Cavalry. And trooper Garrett will be joining me." He clapped a hand on the shoulder of the most sober-looking of the remaining troopers, who looked somewhat downcast to be called on.

"I'd just as soon stay here," said Lynch, "but I'll ride if you need an extra man. I'll tell Charlie and see who else he can muster."

"Welcome aboard, Sergeant Frost, Trooper Garret. Get yourselves ready, we're heading out soon. You too, Kennedy.

"And Mr. Lynch, I'll come with you to see Charlie. I'll want to tell him about the deceased myself."

With this settled, Willie took a moment to speak quietly with Belle. "Mrs. Reeve, my apologies for heading out so early, bu I hope you understand the time-sensitive nature of this development. Naturally I won't be expecting any recompense for today's work, short as it was. I'll ask Charlie to keep an ear out for trouble, at least."

When Lynch is ready, Willie accompanies him to Charlie's place.

2021-12-14, 12:42 AM
Willie, where are we gonna start investigating? Augustine hill, Junction, or somewhere else. I just wanna know what sort of ride I'm in for, it has been an eventful morning.

After speaking to Willie, Robert nodded to the calvarymen. Welcome Sergeant Frost, where did you serve during the war between the states. You look like the kinda man who cut his teeth in bloody Kansas.

2021-12-15, 04:49 PM
"Whole darn day is trouble if you ask me." Belle muttered irritably to Willie, though it was obvious he wasn't the subject of her ire.

"You all best come back in one piece, you hear? There'll be supper waiting for the lot of you if you still have an appetite once it's all said and done."

2021-12-19, 09:37 PM
Willie, where are we gonna start investigating? Augustine hill, Junction, or somewhere else. I just wanna know what sort of ride I'm in for, it has been an eventful morning.

After speaking to Willie, Robert nodded to the calvarymen. Welcome Sergeant Frost, where did you serve during the war between the states. You look like the kinda man who cut his teeth in bloody Kansas.

"I figure we head straight for Junction itself, find out if anything out of the ordinary happened prior to them setting out. Assuming everything's on the up and up, heading for high ground isn't the worst idea. Anything we can do to see trouble before it sees us is worthwhile in my reckoning."

"Whole darn day is trouble if you ask me." Belle muttered irritably to Willie, though it was obvious he wasn't the subject of her ire.

"You all best come back in one piece, you hear? There'll be supper waiting for the lot of you if you still have an appetite once it's all said and done."

Willie smiled and tipped his hat briefly. "You're a saint, ma'am." The smile faltered for a moment, before Willie continues. "Ah, don't tell teh sister I said that, will you?

"We'll do our best to make sure any trouble stays outside the Bellamere going forward, y'have my word."

2021-12-21, 09:48 PM
Willie, where are we gonna start investigating? Augustine hill, Junction, or somewhere else. I just wanna know what sort of ride I'm in for, it has been an eventful morning.

After speaking to Willie, Robert nodded to the calvarymen. Welcome Sergeant Frost, where did you serve during the war between the states. You look like the kinda man who cut his teeth in bloody Kansas.

"I enlisted in '59, so I was in Kansas, for a while, but during the war, mostly in Virginia." His eyes narrowed in suspicion and some apparent confusion. "You fight for the South in that war?"

2022-01-11, 05:40 PM
"I enlisted in '59, so I was in Kansas, for a while, but during the war, mostly in Virginia." His eyes narrowed in suspicion and some apparent confusion. "You fight for the South in that war?"

Robert looked at him with the most deadpan glare he'd given starring at the man before tacitly pointing to his russet skin tone. Doing his best to restrain a torrent of sardonic fury, Robert spoke with a quiet grit as the beads of civility escaped his mouth.

"No sir I did not. Not that the grey boys in Vicksburg would let me. I was not so forutnate."