View Full Version : Radiant Servant of a Different God?

2021-11-17, 09:17 PM
I'm playing a cleric in a non-standard campaign setting (Goodman Games' Aereth), looking into modifying Radiant Servant of Pelor for that setting's god Delwyn. Delwyn is similar to Pelor in many ways (a Good god who hates the undead), but basically swaps out the Healing domain for Knowledge.

My DM is open to the idea, but sensibly argues that the Healing-based class features don't make sense for clerics of Delwyn, and is open to suggestion for alternatives. One idea floated is simply changing Empower Healing, Maximize Healing, and Supreme Healing to Empower Glory, Maximize Glory, and Supreme Glory - which almost works, but the problem is that some of the Glory domain spells don't have variable numeric effects.

Anyone have ideas for alternate class features for 2nd, 6th, and 10th levels (maybe stolen from another prestige class) that might reflect Delwyn's Glory, Sun, Good, or Knowledge domains?

The characters are all 1st level now, but it would be nice to nail something down early....

2021-11-17, 09:53 PM
I'm playing a cleric in a non-standard campaign setting (Goodman Games' Aereth), looking into modifying Radiant Servant of Pelor for that setting's god Delwyn. Delwyn is similar to Pelor in many ways (a Good god who hates the undead), but basically swaps out the Healing domain for Knowledge.

My DM is open to the idea, but sensibly argues that the Healing-based class features don't make sense for clerics of Delwyn, and is open to suggestion for alternatives. One idea floated is simply changing Empower Healing, Maximize Healing, and Supreme Healing to Empower Glory, Maximize Glory, and Supreme Glory - which almost works, but the problem is that some of the Glory domain spells don't have variable numeric effects.

Anyone have ideas for alternate class features for 2nd, 6th, and 10th levels (maybe stolen from another prestige class) that might reflect Delwyn's Glory, Sun, Good, or Knowledge domains?

The characters are all 1st level now, but it would be nice to nail something down early....

Easiest thing that comes to mind is subbing them out for an ability similar to the archivist's Dark Knowledge:

Enlightened Tactics (Su) Three times per day as a move action, a 2nd-level radiant servant of Delwyn can roll a DC 15 Knowledge check appropriate to the type of creature she is facing (Religion for undead, Planes for outsiders, etc.) to provide herself and all allies a +1 bonus to attacks against creatures of that particular kind (e.g. babau demons, but not mariliths if the check is made against a babau) for the duration of the encounter. In order to be enlightened, the radiant servant must be able to perceive and recognize the creature in question (so a doppelganger disguised as an elf would not be subject to this ability unless the radiant servant knew it was a doppelganger). Radiant servants of Delwyn can use this ability against outsiders, magical beasts, aberrations, and dragons of evil alignment, and against any undead regardless of alignment. If the radiant servant succeeds on the check by 10 or more, the bonus increases to +2; by 20 or more, +3.

Enlightened Resolve (Su) At 6th level, a radiant servant of Delwyn gains an additional daily use of enlightened tactics. In addition, the radiant servant may expend a use of enlightened tactics to select a creature who could be a subject of that ability and generate enlightened resolve. This requires a DC 15 Knowledge check as above, which if successful provides the radiant servant and her allies with a +1 bonus on saving throws against the abilities of creatures of that kind for the duration of the encounter (+2 if the check succeeds by 10 or more, +3 by 20 or more).

Enlightened Wrath (Su) At 10th level, a radiant servant of Delwyn gains an additional daily use of enlightened tactics. In addition, the radiant servant may expend a use of enlightened tactics to select a creature who could be a subject of that ability and generate enlightened wrath. This requires a DC 15 Knowledge check as above, which if successful provides the radiant servant and her allies with an additional 1d6 damage on weapon damage rolls against creatures of that kind for the duration of the encounter (2d6 if the check succeeds by 10 or more, 3d6 by 20 or more).

2021-11-19, 07:28 AM
I'd have a look at the Morning Lord of Lathander from Player's Guide to Faerun or the Sunmaster from Lost Empires of Faerun. Lathander and Amaunator are Forgotten Realms variants of Pelor without the healing bonuses.