View Full Version : Inspired by Reddit - The Battle Warden Druid - Need help balancing it.

2021-11-18, 03:48 PM
A Primal Defender. The Battle Warden Circle of Druids are concerned with guidance in battles. Safe Guarding their warriors against the weapons of war so they may return home to their loved ones. (This is a little over-tuned, but it will convey the idea of the subclass)

Based on the Warden from D&D 4e.

2nd Level Druid Circle Feature

Bulwark against attacks - A Battle Warden when wearing light or no armor may calculate their AC using their Constitution modifier instead of their Dexterity.

Warriors Guardian - A Battle Warden may expend one use of their Wildshape feature and instead give a number of resistances equal to their proficiency bonus to up to 6 allies (not themselves) within 30 feet. (For example: At second level they could do piercing and fire). This lasts for one minute.

6th Level Druid Circle Feature

Warden's Grasp- The Battle Warden gains the booming blade cantrip using Wisdom

Warden's Fury - If an ally affected by Warriors Guardian is attacked by an enemy, the Warden may make a melee attack against said enemy if they are in reach as a reaction.

10th level Druid Circle Feature

Wardens Blessing - Whenever the Warden receives magical healing they may add their constitution modifier+1/2 their druid levels to the total healing received.

14th Level Druid Circle Feature

Thunderous Death - Should the warden hit 0 hit points the following occur. May happen once per short rest.

The enemy that struck down the warden is afflicted by a blast of thunder - They must make a constitution saving throw or take 4d12 thunder damage, half if they pass. All enemies within 30 feat of the warden must make a constitution saving throw or take 2d10 thunder damage. Half if they pass.

The Warden automatically stabilizes.

The next turn the warden gains 2d8 magical healing thus enabling their Warden's Blessing.

2021-11-19, 01:36 PM
Bulwark looks fine. A nice little boost, but not game-breaking.

Warrior's Guardian, though, is REALLY strong. Even if it takes an action (which is not stated) it's insanely good.

Grasp is fine.

Fury looks okay.

Blessing should probably have a cap based on the original healing received. Assuming they have 16 Con at level 10, a Goodberry goes from healing them for 1 HP to 9 HP, for a total of 90 HP (in ten 9 HP increments) from a 1st level slot.

Thunderous Death should specify whether or not it works if you're DEAD dead. Like what happens if you get hit with Power Word Kill?

2021-11-19, 03:16 PM
Bulwark looks fine. A nice little boost, but not game-breaking.

Warrior's Guardian, though, is REALLY strong. Even if it takes an action (which is not stated) it's insanely good.

Grasp is fine.

Fury looks okay.

Blessing should probably have a cap based on the original healing received. Assuming they have 16 Con at level 10, a Goodberry goes from healing them for 1 HP to 9 HP, for a total of 90 HP (in ten 9 HP increments) from a 1st level slot.

Thunderous Death should specify whether or not it works if you're DEAD dead. Like what happens if you get hit with Power Word Kill?

Thanks for the feedback.

I think changing Warrior's Guardian to the following would be simpler and easier understood. The numbers can change of course.

As an action expend one use of Wildshape to gain the following ability.
As a bonus action you may grant allies within 30 feet 1d4+wis temporary hit points.
This lasts for up to 10 minutes.

Thunderous Death - It should read I think as follows.

When a Warden reaches 0 hit points and falls unconscious or dies the following occurs.
The enemy that dealt the blow that knocked the Warden to 0 hit points makes a constitution saving throw or take 4d12 thunder damage. 1/2 if they pass.
Separately Any enemies within 30 feet of the Warden must make a constitution saving throw or take 2d12 Thunder damage. 1/2 if they pass
If The Warden is unconscious and not dead they automatically stabilize. At the start of their next turn they heal 2d8 magical healing and enables their Warden's Blessing.
This can only occur once per short rest.

Warden's blessing should have a cap. Good call. Maybe Proficiency bonus or 1/2 level + Wis per long rest.

That's some good feedback.

2021-11-19, 05:11 PM
Those sound like good changes. With those implemented, I’d probably let this play at my table.