View Full Version : Vecna vs Baba Yaga.. Begin!

2021-11-19, 06:52 AM
They're both ageless schemers meant more as plot devices than NPCs or even BBEGs.

Both make plans spanning centuries and leave countless victims in their wake.

How would they fare in an all out brawl against each other brought on by their plans intersecting badly for whatever reason?

Please discuss. :)

Kurald Galain
2021-11-19, 07:00 AM
Which edition of Vecna? Because in some editions he's a literal god (meaning he wins) and in others he's not.

2021-11-19, 07:13 AM
Which edition of Vecna? Because in some editions he's a literal god (meaning he wins) and in others he's not.

Yeah, the stats I find are Wizard 30/Loremaster15/Archmage 5 Lesser God with a giant pile of spell likes. More than capable of trashing Baba Yaga’s Witch 20/Archmage 10 Mythic. Even without the godhood, Vecna, as a level 50 caster in 3.5, has epic spellcasting, and Baba Yaga, in pathfinder, doesnt. That alone should do it. She can probably beat his avatar (wiz 10/lor 10/acm 5) but not easily.

Strategy wise, Baba Yaga is very odd. (Discussion of real world religion omitted). I would expect her to send adventurers after Vecna, who would be entirely incapable of beating him because they are like 15 year old kids except that they were polite to birds or something and in a squirrel girl fashion they are mcguffined into finding the mcguffin that beats him. I’d expect Vecna to hide and make some sinister long term plan, which also plays to his strength of epic spellcasting.

2021-11-19, 11:01 AM
Vecna is a god. Gods fear Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga wins. QED.

2021-11-19, 02:50 PM
They meet over tea on a neutral demiplane, hash out whatever the disagreement is verbally, and part on amicable terms. The multiverse breathes a sigh of relief.

...wait, were you expecting combat? :smalltongue:

2021-11-19, 02:55 PM
They meet over tea on a neutral demiplane, hash out whatever the disagreement is verbally, and part on amicable terms. The multiverse breathes a sigh of relief.

...wait, were you expecting combat? :smalltongue:

It is social combat.

2021-11-19, 03:07 PM
Am I the only one that was kinda hoping for an epic rap battle?

2021-11-19, 06:13 PM
Yeah, the stats I find are Wizard 30/Loremaster15/Archmage 5 Lesser God with a giant pile of spell likes.

You found the Dicefreaks stats for Vecna created by Phaedros back in 2005. These stats are not official WoTC published stats and are therefore not applicable. Vecna is, in 3.5 Deities and Demigods, a Wizard 20 / Cleric 20 Human Lich, with a Divine Rank 10. He does not use the Epic level handbook for any feats (as it was not published at the time); These two characters are completely incompatible with one another in their respective systems, despite these two systems being virtually the same. 40 levels in D&D 3.5e are not the same as high Mythic in Pathfinder 1e.

2021-11-19, 06:57 PM
Gods fear Baba Yaga.
According to Baba Yaga, maybe.

Book stats vs book stats, Vecna wins by a landslide. He has Know Secrets and Alter Reality as SDAs. There's nothing you can really do to a god in direct combat unless they're restrained by whatever force in your campaign setting prevents them from instantly smiting mortals. Baba Yaga is technically more powerful though(better stats, better casting), if you strip Vecna of his divine abilities, since he's only Wiz 20/Cleric 20 instead of a mythic or epic spellcaster.

2021-11-19, 11:32 PM
Strategy wise, Baba Yaga is very odd. (Discussion of real world religion omitted).

Baba yaga isn't religion, it's folklore, which afaik isn't against the rules to discuss?

2021-11-20, 03:07 AM
Baba yaga isn't religion, it's folklore, which afaik isn't against the rules to discuss?

The line is real world vs. not, to be safe we have to stick to fictional representations of her (e.g. the Pathfinder version.)

Speaking of which, per Inner Sea Magic her actual level is unknown, save that she has at least 20 levels of Witch.

2021-11-20, 03:39 AM
The line is real world vs. not, to be safe we have to stick to fictional representations of her (e.g. the Pathfinder version.)

Speaking of which, per Inner Sea Magic her actual level is unknown, save that she has at least 20 levels of Witch.

She is definitely regarded as a goddess by some IRL.

She has full stats in an AP

2021-11-20, 02:08 PM
She has full stats in an AP

Ah right, I had forgotten about that one. CR 30 Mythic Rank Archmage 10. Immortal, and can't be killed unless you "find her death" (whatever that means?)

2021-11-20, 02:22 PM
Ah right, I had forgotten about that one. CR 30 Mythic Rank Archmage 10. Immortal, and can't be killed unless you "find her death" (whatever that means?)

Sounds like it's meant in the same way as in the legend of Kostchtchie. Kostchtchie hid his "death" inside a needle inside a very complicated container on an island and could only be killed if someone broke the needle. That was one of the inspirations for the lich and its phylactery.