View Full Version : Roy is the glue that sticks them together

2007-11-18, 09:49 PM
Well, have you realised that it only took for Roy to be dead for Oots to disintegrate, even though they are still trying to regroup, most probably scenario is that... they won't be able to do so without some celestial help from Roy, or maybe Hayley will bring back Roy on her own, and then Roy will make Oots be reunited once again, or something like that But it seems to me that Roy is the one keeping the entire party together. Anyway, just a thought.

Occasional Sage
2007-11-18, 10:05 PM
Well, have you realised that it only took for Roy to be dead for Oots to disintegrate, even though they are still trying to regroup, most probably scenario is that... they won't be able to do so without some celestial help from Roy, or maybe Hayley will bring back Roy on her own, and then Roy will make Oots be reunited once again, or something like that But it seems to me that Roy is the one keeping the entire party together. Anyway, just a thought.

To be fair, they're separated. Half the Order is stuck on ships without access to doing anything productive, and the other half is stuck behind enemy lines. If they were free and together, I'd be more willing to pass judgment on their abilities without Roy.

2007-11-18, 10:09 PM
I´m not judging their abilities at any point, but rather just saying that they need him. Though I guess that the way you think I meant it shouldn't be disregarded so easily.

2007-11-18, 10:21 PM
Yeah, the only time we've seen them together without Roy (recently) is in the tower, and even then they didn't have V. So, we don't know how they would do with everyone but Roy there.

2007-11-18, 10:32 PM
Well, it's not necessarily the fact that Roy is dead that the Order of the Stick is separated. There's also a huge hobgoblin army standing between Haley and the rest of the team. It wasn't really the Order's or Roy's fault.

Yoritomo Himeko
2007-11-18, 10:46 PM
Well, the order was together for a while even after Roy's death. It was only because Elan, Durkon, and V stayed behind while Haley and Belkar went to find his body. They all should have gone together, then no one would have been left behind.

Without Roy, there just isn't any OOTS. He was the one who founded the order of the stick in the first place. I can't imagine them going on for much longer without him.

Much of the plot depends on him. He's the only one who can defeat Xykon. And he is the main character of the strip. The strip just isn't the same without him. :smallfrown:

2007-11-19, 02:57 AM
It wasn't really the Order's or Roy's fault.

But everything that went wrong during the battle of Azure City was Roy's fault--with great power comes great blame, remember? :smallsmile:

2007-11-19, 03:25 AM
I wouldn't call it "disintegrate". At least V, Elan, And Durkon are seeking to reunite with Haley and Belkar, but simply haven't been able to find them. For Roy to be the glue, they would have to abandon each other when he was gone, and they haven't really done that. They've merely been preventedfrom getting back together.

no one special
2007-11-19, 03:53 AM
I think this is about how V acts after he/she fails to find Haley which is because V was tired, not because Roy is dead

David Argall
2007-11-19, 04:01 AM
most probably scenario is that... they won't be able to do so without some celestial help from Roy, or maybe Hayley will bring back Roy on her own, and then Roy will make Oots be reunited once again, or something like that

My favorite theory of the moment is that Roy will have to find some way to raise himself. Just how he is going to manage that, I am at sea, but I figure he is going to do some of the work.

no one special
2007-11-19, 04:06 AM
My favorite theory of the moment is that Roy will have to find some way to raise himself. Just how he is going to manage that, I am at sea, but I figure he is going to do some of the work.

I don't know the first thing about D&D, but is there some kinda resurrection spell (or any spell) you can cast when your dead?

2007-11-19, 04:18 AM
I don't know the first thing about D&D, but is there some kinda resurrection spell (or any spell) you can cast when your dead?

That is a loophole in the rule. The rules do not state you cannot cast the spell when you are dead, it also does not state you cannot cast it on/for yourself while you are dead. So, *technically*, a dead mage can resurrect himself while being in the afterlife and use a "plane travel" spell of some sort to get back to the material plane.

Let us never mention that again, it is just... stupid and obviously a bug.

2007-11-19, 06:32 AM
Roy is the 'glue' because he keeps the OoTS serious - I'm not saying he isn't funny, but that he brings a serious element to what they are doing. Characters like Belkar certainly don't.

Without Roy and Redcloak OoTS would be almost entirely comic, and probably wouldn't be as popular as it is. It's hard to sympathise with the end of their world (sort of) when all the characters have conversations made up entirely one 1-liners. And then the halfling kills something.

2007-11-19, 06:44 AM
Is simple: Roy is the leader, all of them plays a role in OotS. Haley is the scout and second-in-command, V is the main artillery and a pool of knowledge, Durkon is the cleric and moral compass, Elan... well Elan is Elan... all of us like him ¿right?... and Roy is the leader, no one can replace him.

no one special
2007-11-19, 07:10 AM
don't forget Belkar, tracker/main source of dirty/"Evil" comady

2007-11-19, 09:29 AM
I'd say that Elan is the glue. Roy is what gives the group, as a whole, direction.

2007-11-19, 09:31 AM
What you can see in the last comics: The group works without Roy.
They can decide about directions and do not need glue anymore (which is totally different from what was before). I think that is what Rich tries to tell with some of the panels.

2007-11-19, 09:42 AM
It depends if by 'Roy stick the OoTS together' you mean literally the members of the order, or the comic. He used to stick the members together, but now, after learning from him, they can make their own decisions (maybe... we don't know what Belkar and Hayley are doing).

Roy and Redcloak are the glue that hold the comic, as a whole, together.

2007-11-19, 11:05 AM
I wouldn't say they fell apart. There isn't that much infighting between Durkon, V, and Elan at this point.

Crimson Avenger
2007-11-19, 11:15 AM
Roy is glue if you look at holding ALLLLLL of the characters together, or am I the only one that has noticed a CONSPICUOUS lack of anyone mentioning or worrying about Belker.

V and Durkon both have made references to getting back Roy and Haley, but no mention of the homicidal halfling.

Curioser and curiouser

2007-11-19, 12:45 PM
he was the one keeping them focused for sure.

2007-11-19, 01:14 PM
See we are back to STICKing together. It's all related man, don't you see it!

I miss Roy :smallfrown:

2007-11-19, 01:17 PM
What you can see in the last comics: The group works without Roy.
They can decide about directions and do not need glue anymore (which is totally different from what was before). I think that is what Rich tries to tell with some of the panels.

I'm not so sure. Durkon had not even seen V for weeks before the last few strips and had no idea what he/she was doing.

2007-11-22, 02:45 AM
He's the only one who can defeat Xykon.

Simple rule of any rpg; anyone can be killed at any time. Its very simple for another epic character to surface and lay waste to a villian if needed. This occurs very often in D&D and other roleplaying games, wherein theres plenty of epic heroes in semi-retirement who can always show up if the heroes fail.

Hell, I'd wager good old lord tyrannus and his "nearly undefeatable" army could always give Xycon a good run for his money if need be.

2007-11-22, 06:47 AM
Roy is glue if you look at holding ALLLLLL of the characters together, or am I the only one that has noticed a CONSPICUOUS lack of anyone mentioning or worrying about Belker.

V and Durkon both have made references to getting back Roy and Haley, but no mention of the homicidal halfling.

I think it's been fairly well estabilished that none of them really like Belkar as a person. Willing to fight Miko to defend him? Sure. Heck, I bet they were willing to beat the crap out of her anyway. Willing to risk their lives to go into a hobgoblin infested city to get him? Maybe not so much

2007-11-22, 07:16 AM
I think they do recognise that Belkar's being in the party satiates his bloodlust and prevents him from going on a boredom-driven rampage - I doubt Thog's cure would work on Belkar.

If Belkar found out that the order only wanted Roy and Hayley, not him, he'd probably kill Hayley out of annoyance, do something nasty to Roy's corpse and track down V.

If they rescued Hayley, Belkar and Roy and then kicked out Belkar, I'm sure he'd do his very best in tracking down the party and killing them (V first), or just go around randomly slaughtering innocents. There's always the probability that Redcloak will see a potential in hiring Belkar himself, promising lots of civilians to kill - and of course, the chance to get back at the OoTS.

2007-11-22, 12:57 PM
Well, I didn't intend to say that the order is falling apart without Roy, just tried to highlight the fact that they got separated when Roy wasn't there, and got me thinking that maybe as a possible way of expresion this has happened before (though when Elan was kidnapped in the forest the party stick together, it wasn't long before Durkon ran away, while the order were captured). So, if Roy is what sticks them together, then only when he is about to resurrect will they reunite. That's what I think.