View Full Version : Daughters of Fury IC

2021-11-21, 04:41 AM
Link to OOC thread: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?639149-Daughters-of-Fury-OOC&p=25276593#post25276593

2021-11-25, 02:09 AM
What is known of the local area:
The border region between Vigil and Urgir is a hotly contested battleground between the humans of Lastwall and the orcs of Belkzen, in addition to being plagued by horrors from the Hungry Mountains to the east. The mining town of Arwyll Stead is one of the numerous border settlements standing between the Hold of Belkzen and Lastwall. It’s named after the Arwylls, a well-known family of Lastwall crusaders and knights who have fought against the orcs for generations. The Arwyll family has been steadily dwindling over past few decades; a knight named Wate Arwyll is the sole remaining holder of the Arwyll name. While the Arwylls aren’t the official rulers of the town, the townsfolk all but revere their namesake family, looking to them for guidance and security in the face of orc savagery.

The party trudges from one town to the next, looking for work. The clang of metal on metal and the shrill whinnies of frightened horses can be heard from up ahead. As the dusty road curves around the hills, a scene of battle comes into view some hundred feet away. Panicked horses bolt past, and corpses litter the ground around the road—some are recognizable as human guards or fallen horses, but others are twisted, winged, horned monstrosities with fiendish features. All of the combatants have fallen, except for two of the flying yellow monsters attacking a lone, wounded half-orc woman wielding a bow.

2021-11-25, 01:17 PM
Variel was never the type to ask questions first. With emphatic gestures and an incomprehensible phrase, he conjured a gout of fire like a bright red wind from thin air. It roiled and engulfed the fiendish creatures before swirling into the air at his direction.

Initiative? [roll0]

Casting Create Fire & Affect Fire from the Nature Sphere (one action thanks to the Create Nature talent), dealing [roll1] Fire damage in a 15' square (cube?). He can also use Move Fire as part of the action (via the Manipulate Nature talent) if necessary to catch both monsters, and direct it into the air before it dissipates to hopefully avoid starting a non-magical fire.

If he can successfully identify what the monsters are (or at any rate, whether they have fire resistance) he will spend a Spell Point and increase the cast time to a Full Round Action to apply Searing Spell (ignores Resistance, and creatures with Immunity still take half damage).

Knowledge: [roll2] (assuming Planes or Arcana; -2 from this if it's Nature, Religion, or Dungeoneering).

If he is unsuccessful he will assume they have no specific fire resistance and will cast the spell normally. In any case, Geomancing abilities from the Nature Sphere ignore Spell Resistance.

2021-11-25, 02:52 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

"Bloody hell," cursed Delphyne, "this is the last thing I expected to find out in the country."

Since I rolled such low initiative I'll wait on other folks.

2021-11-25, 03:43 PM
Hannah rushes to the archer's side, longspear out and stabbing at the enemy nearest to the injured woman.

Knowledge check: [roll0] plus 8 (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Nature, Planes, Religion) or 11 (Local).

Moving adjacent to the archer. She now threatens the full 10 feet around her square, with the outer 10 feet being the longspear and the inner 5 being the cestus. Both attack at +8. She has 5 attacks of opportunity and will spend them as the opportunity comes up to either give herself a +2 to AC on being attacked herself, or to attempt a trip if possible, or to stab somebody if not.

Longspear attack if possible. [roll1], with the damage being [roll2].
If crit: [roll3], with the damage being [roll4].

2021-11-26, 02:50 AM
The two devils you see before you continue to attack the woman, ignoring you in favour of trying to kill the badly wounded woman. They manage to hurt her even more, but she is still, barely, standing.

Everyone should feel free to make their actions now. You are sixty feet away from them, and they are airborne.

2021-11-26, 11:08 AM
"Stop! If you have to fight, fight me!" Azethia shouts at the devils.

Seeing that the devil ignores her and continues assaulting the half-orc archer, she moves up, holding her falchard in one hand and waves her other hand in wild gestures. As she chants, a gust of wind shoots at one of the devils, small sparks crackling all the way.

Initiative: [roll0]
Intimidate (to taunt the devil, but I'm assuming it has no effect here): [roll1]
Azethia then moves up (35'), and casts Air Blast, spending one spell point to increase damage and one Cloud Mote to add electric damage.
To hit (ranged touch): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] nonlethal bludgeoning + 4 electric
If it hits, the Air Blast comes with a Bull Rush attempt: [roll4], which, if success, provokes AoO, and causes 1d6+1d6 per 5ft bludgeoning damage if they hit solid objects (which is unlikely because they are airborne).

2021-11-26, 12:44 PM
"I can still burn you bastards," Variel swore through clenched teeth as he brought the flame washing back across the fiends. As he did, he moved closer and readied his own polearm weapon, almost a mirror of Azethia's.

Maintain concentration on the fire and move it back across the fiends as a Standard Action, move 30' closer and "draw" his weapon.

[roll0] Fire damage. Forgot to mention they can make Reflex saves (DC 16) for half damage, and to avoid catching fire ([roll1] and [roll2] more if they do).

2021-11-26, 04:17 PM
Tobias' main concern as he sees the scene in front of them is the woman - on a practical side, they needed her to live through this if they were going to get a good idea of what was going on after this, and in any case he wasn't in the business of letting people get killed in front of him. As he runs towards her, he quickly dips a needle into one of the vials on his belt and fires it towards the half-orc - if he hits his mark, the right substance in the right spot of the body can do a world of good. Should keep her on her feet a little longer, anyway.

Using Chemical Coating to apply a Salve (I'm assuming Tobias has had time to make some formulas before this) to one of his needles as a swift action (expending martial focus), moving 30ft towards the woman as a move action and firing the needle at her as a standard action.
Attack: [roll0] touch
If it hits, she's healed by [roll1] damage.

Using Scout on one of the demons: [roll2]+[roll3]
DC is 10+CR, and reveals the target's weaknesses, if any, along with its BAB and if it has any martial spheres, and gives it -1 AC against Tobias' attacks for a round.

And since I didn't roll earlier, Knowledge (the planes) to recognise what they are: [roll4]+[roll5]

2021-11-28, 12:04 PM

Cyffre access the battlefield quickly and decides that while the others do what they need to so... she needs to save the women's life.

"I'm moving to save women; Assist me once you can." She says as if it's just a matter of fact that anybody will; she trusts them.

Cyffree Uses a Spell Point and a Standard action on her Warp Sphere (expanding range she can move to medium) and teleports herself as IN the way of the enemy as she can to protect the wounded warrior; after she does so she draws one of her weapon foci (Weapon 3; Current imbued with talents: War Sphere and Resilient Momentum) as her move action.

Cyffre Mystryl (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2541659)
Female CG Aasimar(Titan-Spawn) (Elven ancestry) Spheres Arcanist//Armiger(Antiquinarian), Level 3, Init 3, HP 21/21, Speed 30ft
AC 17, Touch 17, Flat-footed 17, CMD 15, Fort 4, Ref 6, Will 5, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 2
Light Starknife 5 (1d4, x3)
Unarmored Training (based on BAB+Trait(+1) (+4 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 10

Spell Points: 13/14 / Arcanist Points: 7/9
Momentum Pool: 0/0
Prepared Alchemy: None Currently / 4 at a time.
Salve Uses of the Day:

2021-11-28, 05:34 PM
Delphyne swiftly scans the creatures for weak points as she dashes towards them, drawing one of her many daggers.

"Oi, ugly," she shouts, loosing the blade when it turns its head.

Delphyne moves 30 feet towards the fray and draws a dagger, uses the Scout sphere as a swift action, and throws the dagger.
Scout: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2021-11-29, 05:59 PM
Hannah saves her breath and sets her feet, jabbing at the devils as they get close to the woman directly to her left.

Full round action, activating Patrol from Guardian sphere while standing directly next to the woman, meaning I threaten 15 feet around me. Should the devils come at her I will make multiple AoOs. Assuming they come from the side that means they only trigger one (the opposite side of the woman, at ground level)...
Trip attempt: [roll0] if possible.
Should it not be or if they trigger another.
Attack: [roll1] crit confirm [roll2]
damage: [roll3] crit damage: [roll4]

2021-11-30, 07:26 AM
The devils fall to the ground with a screech, and with a few spams, they stop moving entirely. Peace descends on the roadside, and the now partly healed half-orc woman puts her bow away, breathing heavily. "Thank you, strangers. My name is Vegazi. Thank you so much for the help, I would have struggled to survive otherwise," she says.

2021-11-30, 11:41 PM
"Anyone else alive out here?" Variel was no healer but he was checking the fallen guards anyway, in case his companions might be able to help.

2021-12-01, 02:54 AM
There appears to be no one alive in the area. There are the bodies of four human warriors, someone who was apparently a priest, the bodies of a dozen of the Graav Devils, and a strange being that appears to be a tiefling.

2021-12-01, 02:48 PM
Azethia double checks the bodies to see if any of them might be rescuable.

Then, she focuses her investigation on the priest and the tiefling.

For the priest: who is the priest? Are they carrying anything that can identify them? Do they look like locals or from somewhere away from Lastwall? What's their holy symbol?

And, for the tiefling, do they look like locals? Is there any evidence that they are related to the devils?

Knowledge (Religion) for the priest: [roll0]+[roll1]+8=10
Knowledge (Planes) for the tiefling: [roll2]+[roll3]+8=27

2021-12-02, 01:25 PM
Seeing that Variel was only finding corpses, Tobias focuses his attention on Vegazi, taking a moment to assess her wounds before nodding, telling her to hold still and (assuming she lets it happen) applying another of his concoctions to her wounds. As he does, he talks. "This was a trading caravan, I presume. Where were you all headed? Any idea where those things came from? Fiend attacks aren't a regular thing, even in these parts. Might be more to this."

Another Salve to heal another [roll0]hp, and that's him out of them until he has a little brewing time (his formula loadout before the fight was two Salves and one Focusing Formula), although he still has Medical Training if more healing is needed before now and then.

2021-12-03, 11:18 PM
"Please tell me one of my favorite places to lie low isn't overrun by fiends," adds Delphyne, "finding new safehouses is such a hassle."

2021-12-04, 03:54 PM
"The type of fiend worries me. Demons range south sometimes, but these were devils, hell-spawn. This land is already beset on both sides. More enemies are all we ****ing need," Variel cursed. "I hope for all our sakes this was an isolated attack."

2021-12-05, 06:31 AM
The living half-orc woman, Vegazi, says, "The priest was named Phazia. He served Iomedae." A quick glance at the body shows he wears a holy symbol of that deity. "The woman there," she continues, gesturing at the tiefling, "Is my sister. Well, half sister. Jagan was her name." She sounds like she is holding onto her emotions tightly, but she is clearly hurting from this loss. And the leader of the group is that one down there. His name was Wate Arwyll. I was not actually with the group. I have been living in the hills for some years now, ever since I left my tribe. They came from the human town, what they called Arwyll Stead. They were scouts. As for the devils, I have no idea where they came from. They are rare, and I have never seen them before."

2021-12-06, 08:19 AM
"I am sorry to learn what has happened. Please accept my condolences on your loss." Azethia says to Vegazi, gravely, almost like she is apologizing.

"I think we need to head to Arwyll Stead. At the very least, they need someone to inform them about the assault. Are there anything else we need to know about Arwyll Stead?" she asks Vegazi.

2021-12-06, 01:49 PM
"I'm from Arwyll Stead! We have to get back there right away and warn them—and bring these poor souls back with us too." Variel exclaimed.

2021-12-06, 02:30 PM
Tobias nods, happy with his work for now, before glancing over at Variel. Vaguely familiar, now he thought about the man in the context of the town. Sometimes helped guard the town, perhaps? "Likewise." His gaze drifts over to Wate, and he sighs. "For those of us who don't know, Wate there was the last descendant of the family who founded the town. Good people, well respected in the town. People relied on them to keep them safe if the orcs caused too many problems." He pauses, thinking. "It may well be that killing him was the point of this entire attack. Not exactly common for people to call upon infernal aid for a simple caravan raid. If I'm right, then yes Awyll Stead is likely in some kind of danger. Let's go. Bring the bodies." He looks back at Vegazi. "Two questions. Do you want to come with us, and what do you want done with your sister's body?"

2021-12-07, 09:30 AM
While the others were busy conversing and planning, Cyffre was busy making sure she could be more useful next time.. *I did nothing* she chides herself while she stares at one of her starknives. "I need to be better.." she says to nobody but herself; seemingly lost in thought of how to make that happen.

After a few moments thought; she holds up a starknife and puts her other hand over it..then an odd sort of mute light show..one that would be quite clear to those who can see magic; emanates from her hands as she works magic onto her starknife to reconfigure it to better assist her magics next time.

Modifying my Starknife that Contains:
10 Minutes Action to Change :Alchemy Sphere: focusing formulae to Protection Sphere: Distant Protection [range]
Additional 10 Minute Action if Time allows to change Alchemy Sphere: Improved Acid Flask to also Protection Sphere: Distant Protection (formulae)

2021-12-08, 03:54 PM
"I would hope we bring the body with us, for burial." Hannah looks up from her quiet prayer over the dead. "And besides Wate, is there any sort of guards or other group that can be rallied here?

2021-12-09, 02:21 PM
Azethia nods. She checks whether there is any intact wagon left from the caravan raid. If there is one, she carefully moves the bodies on the wagon and attempts to drag it manually.

She then utters a few ancient words, which grants the herself extra strength for any potential physical tasks she'll need to do.

Azethia casts the Strength motif (with Cups arcana added on) on herself for some... strength (+3 for any Strength checks, Strength-based skill checks and CMB/CMD).

If anyone needs Strength, feel free to ask Azethia to cast for you. It lasts 4 hours and has a discharge effect so it's unlikely to be a waste.

2021-12-09, 11:56 PM
Failing the wagon, Hannah does her best to quickly clean the bodies and asks for the boost from Azethia. Then she simple picks up a few corpses. Sometimes a sheep would get stuck and I had to carry it home. She explains, slightly embarrassed. Nowhere near this strong normally.

2021-12-11, 10:47 PM
"I would hope we bring the body with us, for burial." Hannah looks up from her quiet prayer over the dead. "And besides Wate, is there any sort of guards or other group that can be rallied here?

"Militia for sure. There should be some Lastwall regulars too. The town sits between greenskins to the west, and Ustalav to the north. It would not have survived this long without a stout defense."