View Full Version : How to make a Frankenstein style character?

2021-11-22, 07:57 AM
Hello guys, I am wondering how, using official sources, I could make a Frankenstein type character. What race/class would you use? I haven't found a really satisfying answer (well I have, but some is unofficial content). Beast barbarian is a good start, but they multiclass so poorly, and barbs are so boring out of combat (some would even say in combat too).

2021-11-22, 07:58 AM
Do you want Dr. Frankenstein or Frankenstein's Monster? Totally different build depending on what you are looking for. And are you looking for Monster movie type, or Mary Shelly's type if it's the monster?

2021-11-22, 08:06 AM
Hello guys, I am wondering how, using official sources, I could make a Frankenstein type character. What race/class would you use? I haven't found a really satisfying answer (well I have, but some is unofficial content). Beast barbarian is a good start, but they multiclass so poorly, and barbs are so boring out of combat (some would even say in combat too).

i mean, narratively i'd just go with human necromancer. pretty straight forward. might throw an artificer dip in there....oh, you mean his monster.

yeah, barbarian. and, really, arguably if barbs are too 'boring' in or out of combat, i'd say you should see about widening your perspective on how to play the game. but yeah, Frankensteins monsters is pretty obviously a berserker barbarian. probably goliath due to size.

edit: how do you plan to have fun playing frankensteins monster, as opposed to just playing a barbarian? given that the monster is like...an Archetypal barbarian, what is the pecieved difference?

2021-11-22, 08:11 AM
A sort of Frankenstein monster. It doesn't have to be the same. You might even say I'm looking for the type of Gothic horror you find in the book, and its sense of tragedy. Reanimated by science, without a place in society. I might inject a bit of Jekyll and Hide in it, I like the thematic of psychological transformation too.
The Character I made is a multiclassing of path of the beast barbarian and order of the mutant blood hunter. I rolled my stats and as usual with me, they are wonderful. 16 in three stats, I chose strength, constitution and Intel. I surmise it to be very powerful in combat, 4 attacks, a rider on each attack etc etc, but at the end of the day it's not official content and was blessed with out of the ordinary stats.

EDIT: I like the idea of barbarians, I don't like their design, narrow and boring. The thing I like most about beat barb is the idea of physical transformation and the fact they can climb every surface.

2021-11-22, 08:14 AM
Warforged champion fighter with a barbarian dip for armored AC?

2021-11-22, 08:19 AM
A sort of Frankenstein monster. It doesn't have to be the same. You might even say I'm looking for the type of Gothic horror you find in the book, and its sense of tragedy. Reanimated by science, without a place in society. I might inject a bit of Jekyll and Hide in it, I like the thematic of psychological transformation too.
The Character I made is a multiclassing of path of the beast barbarian and order of the mutant blood hunter. I rolled my stats and as usual with me, they are wonderful. 16 in three stats, I chose strength, constitution and Intel. I surmise it to be very powerful in combat, 4 attacks, a rider on each attack etc etc, but at the end of the day it's not official content and was blessed with out of the ordinary stats.

Gloom Stalker 5/Phantom Rogue X could be an interesting character for Gothis Horror. The biggest problem I see with it is that you would need to be strength based, but you could still do that since you only need 14 dex and you have good stats.

2021-11-22, 08:23 AM
I think I expressed myself poorly. I don't care much about optimisation for this character, but I want him to be able to do more than hit, have thematic abilities, maybe a high Intel. For example the dark gift: death touch seems like something cool to have of this character. Basically I'd like you to help me think outside of the box, classes and abilities that may be rebranded to fit this character theme.

2021-11-22, 08:24 AM

Dr Frankenstein: Human Artificer Battlesmith, the steel defender looks like the monster.

Frankenstein's monster: Reborn Barbarian (probably beast and say that claws are just unarmed attacks)

If both are in the same party then the steel defender is Igor.

2021-11-22, 08:24 AM
I forgot phantom rogues existed, there might might be something to it. That's a lead thanks.

2021-11-22, 08:44 AM
We had a player play Frankenstein's monster recently. We called the character Adam. But if you think Barbarian is boring, you'd probably think the same of our build.

Adam was a Reborn Champion Fighter. He took the unarmed fighting style, along with the Crusher and Grappler feats. Adam did not necessarily do as much damage as other fighters, but he was great at locking up one enemy and punching them into submission. The DM told us we each got a magic item, so Adam's was a set of enchanted clothing that gave him AC as though he were wearing armor (I forget what type, though his Dex wasn't terrible either).

2021-11-22, 09:09 AM
Given what you've said, Warforged Hexblade Warlock, Pact of the Blade Works okay if you’re willing to reflavor some.
shield and wrathful Smite at level 1 work very well for giving you both “supernaturally durable” and the frightened condition – mainstays of any monster.

Hexblade’s curse could be that rage state that you’re looking for, if only against one opponent.

For the flavor you’re talking about, the cantrips I’d go with friends, chill touch, and thunderclap maybe? Bladtrips, of course, and mind sliver are also nice. (friends works really well, as the “becomes hostile and might attack you” could be flavored as the creature seeing your true nature)

For Invocations, Aspect of the Moon, Devil’s sight, Fiendish Vigor, Tomb of Levistus, Thirsting Blade, Lifedrinker, and Maddening Hex are all flavorful/effective for you.

On spell selection, Armor of Agathys is always a good Warlock Pick and can be easily reflavored. For the other level 1 pick… expeditious retreat? All the rest are pretty explicitly magical. Hex, maybe.

For level 2 spells, hold person is easy to reflavor. Mirror image as well. Spider Climb is super creepy if you describe it right. Suggestion can be swung as a supernatural power. Monster teleportation is common in hollywood, so you might or might not be comfortable with misty step. Your hexblade picks also work as easy reflavors.

Level 3 is where it starts getting hard, but we have a few picks here. fear, of course. thunder Step can easily become “supernatural speed.” enemies abound is another good pick that can be reflavored.

For level 4+ … I have no idea. This is where the high fantasy of D&D really starts to rub against the semi-realistic sci-fi of Frankenstein. If you want to multiclass out, Warlock level 6 is a good time.

2021-11-22, 09:22 AM
I wasn't really thinking of spellcasting, it would involve heavy reflavouring sure but it's a good idea. Thanks for the ideas everyone, keep them coming if you have them!

2021-11-22, 12:35 PM

Dr Frankenstein: Human Artificer Battlesmith, the steel defender looks like the monster.

Frankenstein's monster: Reborn Barbarian (probably beast and say that claws are just unarmed attacks)

If both are in the same party then the steel defender is Igor.

Just throwing out there that nothing says a steel defender has to actually be made out of steel. Why not have it made out of flesh?

2021-11-22, 01:41 PM
I'm a honestly bit confused at the character archetype that you want to play. If you're bored at the idea of playing a Fighter or Barbarian out of combat, of playing a hulking brute who can throw non-combatants around like rag dolls and knock doors in — which honestly sounds like a blast* — what is it that draws you to Frankenstein's monster?

If you are drawn to playing someone who came back wrong, I suppose you could pair the Reborn Archetype with any creepy class. Phantom Rogue, Shadow Sorcerer, Conquest Paladin, Spore Druid. If you want to be someone who was constructed, maybe Clockwork Soul or some flavour of Artificer would be a good fit — especially if you killed your creator and took their place.

*IMHO physicality is underrated by D&D players. Being INCREDIBLY STRONG gives you all sorts of ways to interact with the world around you, aside from cracking skulls in.

2021-11-22, 02:40 PM
Hello guys, I am wondering how, using official sources, I could make a Frankenstein type character. What race/class would you use? I haven't found a really satisfying answer (well I have, but some is unofficial content). Beast barbarian is a good start, but they multiclass so poorly, and barbs are so boring out of combat (some would even say in combat too).
Warforged Kensei Monk. (Brute)
Warforged Four Elements Monk. (Exotic elemental skills)

2021-11-22, 09:37 PM
I'm a honestly bit confused at the character archetype that you want to play. If you're bored at the idea of playing a Fighter or Barbarian out of combat, of playing a hulking brute who can throw non-combatants around like rag dolls and knock doors in — which honestly sounds like a blast* — what is it that draws you to Frankenstein's monster?

If you are drawn to playing someone who came back wrong, I suppose you could pair the Reborn Archetype with any creepy class. Phantom Rogue, Shadow Sorcerer, Conquest Paladin, Spore Druid. If you want to be someone who was constructed, maybe Clockwork Soul or some flavour of Artificer would be a good fit — especially if you killed your creator and took their place.

*IMHO physicality is underrated by D&D players. Being INCREDIBLY STRONG gives you all sorts of ways to interact with the world around you, aside from cracking skulls in.
I don't mind fighters, especially battlemaster and psy warrior. They have options and variety. And fighter have enough ASI to diversify into tertiary stats or feats. For barbarians, I'm mostly fine with the subclasses, it's the classe itself I find boring. Sure they are good grapplers and that's the best thing imo about them, but for the rest? They are fairly mad, and suck in non combat situations. Sure I can make it work, as long as I construct an interesting enough character, but why not have both fun with roleplay and fun with the gameplay. That's why I have never played a champion fighter and will never play one. Just too limited for me.
For the character concept, I am referring to Frankenstein because I like the ambiance of the book, same thing for jekyll&hide. Mad science, moral ambiguity, on the edge characters. I could totally see my character as a victim of a mad scientist, cast out of society because of what he has become. Meaning well but with the kind of power that makes violence so easy to use. Or I could go another way, a scientist victim of an accident, having difficulties to contain the beast inside. Or even funnier, a scientist that quite like what the accident has made of him, after all with all that power, obtaining samples of mystical or divine creatures would be so hard. All he has to do is join one of those adventurer group, pretending to care about adventure and friendship and finding its place in the world while reaping the rewards. Who know what he might become if he had access to the body of a dragon, or the essence of a demon or angel, so much potential for evolution!