View Full Version : Board T.I.M.E. Stories

2021-11-24, 12:02 AM
My friend and I found this game not too long ago at our local game shop, got it on sale and took it home to play. We thoroughly enjoyed it, loving how it really creatively replicates a video game feel while remaining a board game. We got the base game with the Asylum module, and have been looking around for the next games in the series (I love that they're a series). We really enjoy roleplaying and mystery games, so this was a magnificent game, it's a shame that we can't really replay it, and can never find enough people to play it so we can watch them play it.

I was just wondering if anyone has played or seen this game, because I really enjoy talking about it. I'd be overjoyed if anyone has played any of the further games in the series (once again, I love that it's a series).

If not, and you think it might sound interesting, I'd love to share my experience with anyone interested.

2021-11-25, 07:22 AM
I've played the base scenario & the prophecy of dragons. It's interesting, but expensive compared to a standard boardgame for the amount of gameplay you get out of it in my opinion. I bought it & the scenario cheap on ebay so I don't feel cheated, but not sure I'd be so happy if I'd shelled out full price for it. It's an interesting concept but I am honestly not completely sold on it personally. I have got a whole load more hours out of Eldritch horror, but it's not really a fair comparison - you have to compare it more to something like an escape room or maybe a legacy game (Pandemic legacy for example) which I haven't played for the same reason.

Another issue is that you need to play all the way through the scenario (which can take multiple sessions) quite soon so you remember what has happened & can get the most efficient route through to finish on time. That means assembling the same group, and only them, to do it. I advise making some detailed notes on paper.
If you can get it cheap I'd say go for it (or if someone else you know has finished it & will lend/give it to you after they have played). Just know that you'll get maybe 6 hours out of the base scenario and then you're done, no replay ability after that without getting another scenario.

2021-11-25, 12:16 PM
Wife and I have played all of the scenarios though we haven't followed the series through to Time stories revolutions.

Really enjoy the game it's a bit pricier than an Exit or Unlock game. Though we didn't enjoy Unlock. And I really liked the overall storyline where you get to make choices about who you align with.

Which ones have you done? My wife and I enjoyed Prophecy of Dragons the most. There's a point midway through where I don't think I've ever been more excited by any game.

2021-12-02, 06:42 AM
Some of the modules are better than others. I remember one where our group was stuck for an entire hour just trying to figure out where a clue even was because nothing in the module pointed to it. We ended up having to find it online, and even then with the clue found it was a really bizarre puzzle that kind of sucked the fun out.

We also found outside of the Asylum and Dragon modules that most of the characters were very samey. The flaws and abilities were neat ways of differentiating vessels in the two mentioned modules.

As far as repayablility, it's definitely an issue. You play through once and do poorly (probably) and you can never really do better since each module is wildly different in terms of what you need to do. Unlike Legacy games like Pandemic where the core stays the same even if circumstances change. I've played through both Season 1 and 2 of Pandemic Legacy and my groups thoroughly enjoyed themselves and got many hours of entertainment.