View Full Version : Help me find a scenario, please

2021-11-24, 04:51 AM

I am looking for a scenario I read, but I cannot find it again. If you are a player and don't usually read scenarios or DM, please don't read the text in the spoiler below, as it may ruin your future fun.

I remember relatively recently reading a scenario (likely intended for lower-level parties, around level 3 or 4 perhaps, but I don't know for sure) in which a neighbor complains about another neighbor (an elf?) about something... perhaps polluting the well or something like that. So the party goes to investigate, they meet the neighbor, but they find nothing wrong. The deal is that this elf? neighbor is actually a sorcerer or something and is using modify memory on people. He uses it on the party, too. This is all I remember: an elf? NPC bothering other people in the village and using modify memory a lot.

I sometimes look at Dungeon Masters Guild / DriveThruRPG stuff, usually the for-free ones, so it could be that, but it could be some other source, too. Did anyone come across this one? Can you please help me find it?

2021-11-24, 07:22 AM
I think it was someone's game being reported here, not a scenario. I just did some duckduckgoing and couldn't find anything with the search terms that seemed right.