View Full Version : Conjure Beasts/Fey/etc... same creature each time you summon?

2021-11-28, 12:43 AM
So this is a flavoring question, but when your character is conjuring something like a beast or fey, do you mentally treat it as if you're summoning the same specific creature (assuming its the same species) that you conjured previously, or are you conjuring something new each time?

Like for example, a druid summons 8 wolves using Conjure Animals, then another game later summons 8 wolves again. Would you treat them as the same 8 wolves that were summoned before, or do you prefer to think of them as 8 totally unrelated wolves. Mechanically it makes no difference, but it does seem like it'd be a nice character development thing, that they're friends with this pack of wolves they magically summon.

The thought about this occurred to me the other day, and I was curious what people thought of the idea, or if they or their players had done something like it?

2021-11-28, 03:43 PM
I usually imagined that you were summoning fey local to the area. So if you cast it often in the same town or whatever, you might get some of the same fey. If you are moving around they would all be new.

2021-11-28, 03:57 PM
For my shepherd druid I treat conjure animals as the same 8 Fey every time, no matter whether they form as wolves or snakes or owls. She gives them commands as if they are old friends.

It's all just fluff so I don't think there's a wrong answer.

da newt
2021-11-29, 09:02 AM
Like Bob, my summoner tried to find spirits that wanted to be summoned for some RP in whatever form was handy and enjoyed a scrap, so he kept summoning the same ones as long as they were enjoying it and treated them like buddies.

Its just flavor but it felt nicer to me - is the alternative that you force random spirits to appear at the snap of your fingers to fight to the death against some foe they know nothing about? That seems like a **** move to me. One second some kindly old fey spirit is tending her toad stools and the next second she's forced to take the form of a velociraptor and thrown in the face of a rampaging bullette where she can fight like a scalded cat or get chomped just because some simpering druid adventurer doesn't want to jump into the mix himself ...