View Full Version : Reflavoring "Conjure demons" spells to "manifest demons"

2021-11-28, 04:26 PM
So the Conjure demons spells from Xanathar are really fun thematically when you play a "scorched earth" kind of conjurer where you don't care about collateral damage. But I was wondering and playing in my head with a more "good" version of the spell, and I thought

"Manifest [xxxx] Demon"

The spell manifest existing/haunting demon in the vicinity and materialize their forms for the duration. In this form demons can be formally banished or dispelled form the material plane.

If there is no demon haunting or possessing in the vicinity, the spell has no effect.

Allows for a demon hunter type of cleric/wizard character.

2021-11-28, 05:26 PM
So it would be like Earthbind, but instead of targeting a flying creature and forcing it to the ground it would target a possessing creature and force it out into the open, probably using a cha save instead of str.

You could do the same thing with a teleporting creature too, which would replicate 3e's dimensional anchor spell.

2021-11-29, 09:04 AM
So it would be like Earthbind, but instead of targeting a flying creature and forcing it to the ground it would target a possessing creature and force it out into the open, probably using a cha save instead of str.

You could do the same thing with a teleporting creature too, which would replicate 3e's dimensional anchor spell.

Ohhhhhh right. "Dimensional Anchor" was a thing in 3e. Now that was a fun spell to unleash on extraplanar intruders