View Full Version : Nothing is true. Everything is permitted. Just don't break the Creed.

2007-11-19, 10:58 AM
Yes, I picked up Assassin's Creed, and we didn't seem to have a proper thread for it, so here ya go.
One thing I want to discuss though, is the sense of... enlightenment I get playing it.
Before, I was adamant that I was going to turn off the HUD. I thought it broke up an otherwise realistic game, and ruined some of the cinema scape of the game, but once you're in, once you've got the twist... it makes sense.
All those aspects of games that don't really make sense when compared with real life, the skips in time, the HUD, the different camera angles... they answer it. Assassin's Creed gives you a reason for every single part of gameplay. Even reloading old sections makes sense.
It... breaks down parts of the fourth wall, while keeping it completely intact. There's some weird relationship built between player and game that I've not found elsewhere.
I know that when it comes to all the technical details, design elements, that sort of thing, the game has its failings. But I just gloss other that. I believe I can honestly say that I have found a new favourite game, and it will remain as such for many years to come. (Of course, when Mass Effect comes out that may change, as it stands though, it won't).
Maybe later I might go into detail about just what I like, but its that connection that makes me happiest. It gives a more... personal feel to it, in its own way.
So come on, who else is loving Assassin's Creed

2007-11-19, 12:41 PM
I wish I could rejoice with you, but the PC version was delayed. :smallfrown:

I'll have to see if any of my friends are getting it, and I'll hassle them until I can play it.

2007-11-19, 05:46 PM
I dunno, it seemed somewhat blah to me. The freerunning is just the same old moves over and over, but it's pretty cool and helps a lot when I get bored of the repetitive fights and want to just get away. The graphics are breathtaking, but so what? It doesn't have any multiplayer, so the replay value is poor. I borrowed it from a firend and gave it back halfway through the campaign feeling rather underwhelmed. I had lots of fun climbing buildings and admiring the massive cityscapes, but I was unimpressed overall.

Lord Shplane
2007-11-19, 06:16 PM
Personally, I can't wait to get it. I loved the Prince of Persia games, and it sounds like the platforming sections are going to be similar to that.

Also, the combat system looks awesome.

And for people like me, who like to overdo it on quests, all the little things you can do to make sure you get your target (All the pickpocketing and such) will be really fun.

2007-11-19, 07:14 PM
So this wonderful gem IS coming out on pc eventually, right? Please, oh, please tell me it is so...

I just wont have money for a new console system until next year (maybe), so if it doesnt I may never enjoy it's awesomeness!:smallfrown:

I really really really look forward to it, and hope my friend gets it soon so I can try it first.

2007-11-19, 07:14 PM
Play the first mission and it's phenominal. Play the second and chances are you'll think to yourself "wait, didn't I JUST do this?" Play the third and you'll think you're having deja vous. Play up to the eighth and chances are you'll be thinking to yourself "kill me now!"

It's a one-day rental game. A GOOD one-day rental, but a rental none the less.

2007-11-20, 08:52 AM
So for those of us who won't be getting the game until next september, or whenever it comes out for PC can we have the spoiler in a spoiler?

2007-11-20, 09:54 AM
I don't think that there's been any spoilers yet.

2007-11-20, 10:06 AM
My copy just arrived through the post! But I was out so it's languishing in the depths of the post office waiting for me to rescue it.:smallfrown:

2007-11-20, 10:16 AM
My copy just arrived through the post! But I was out so it's languishing in the depths of the post office waiting for me to rescue it.:smallfrown:

Go undertake the mission, just don't break the Creed. :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-20, 11:50 AM
Play the first mission and it's phenominal. Play the second and chances are you'll think to yourself "wait, didn't I JUST do this?" Play the third and you'll think you're having deja vous. Play up to the eighth and chances are you'll be thinking to yourself "kill me now!"

It's a one-day rental game. A GOOD one-day rental, but a rental none the less.

Oh no no no. This worth so much more than a rental, just for the story.
That's the greatest element actually, and it's what inspired me to make sure I did everything.
I've actually done all investigations, because they give you so much. I need to know more than where he is, where he'll go, I need to know what kind of man he is, what he aspires to, just why I'm killing him. Doing the investigations gives you such a large amount of information, not about how to assassinate them, but about the feel of the time, about your target. The atmosphere that's built up, as well as the attention to detail, and sheer strength of the story can justify picking it up for any of us who love games like this.
If you're one of those who tend to gloss over story, then yeah, sure. Rent it for one day. I don't think you really deserve it if you're just going to ignore such a brilliant piece of work.

2007-11-20, 01:48 PM
Something about a sci-fi twist is what I meant. The thing they wanted to keep silent.

2007-11-20, 02:14 PM
This looks like the kind of game I love, and I can't wait untill I get enough money to go buy it.

Lord Shplane
2007-11-20, 03:17 PM
Oh no no no. This worth so much more than a rental, just for the story.
That's the greatest element actually, and it's what inspired me to make sure I did everything.
I've actually done all investigations, because they give you so much. I need to know more than where he is, where he'll go, I need to know what kind of man he is, what he aspires to, just why I'm killing him. Doing the investigations gives you such a large amount of information, not about how to assassinate them, but about the feel of the time, about your target. The atmosphere that's built up, as well as the attention to detail, and sheer strength of the story can justify picking it up for any of us who love games like this.
If you're one of those who tend to gloss over story, then yeah, sure. Rent it for one day. I don't think you really deserve it if you're just going to ignore such a brilliant piece of work.

See, that's why I want it. I overdo things in quests and whatnot in games, because I know that I'll always get something for it. It might be an item, it might be a piece of the story. But I always do everything I possibly can. And the fact that you can do so much for one quest sounds like pure-canned-awesome to me.

Also, I loved the PoP games, and this looks to be very similar to those in gameplay.

2007-11-20, 09:58 PM
I would just like to add:

Holy bujeesus can the fat guy run.

Dumbledore lives
2007-11-20, 10:24 PM
I ordered the game, but since it's coming from America it will take about forever and a half to get here. Does anyone know why certain games work and others don't? I don't understand, because region has to do with the TV but some games work like Gears of War works on my NTSC, though it is PAl.

2007-11-20, 10:32 PM
I haven't had a chance to play it all that much. The controls seem fun and interesting, though a little less user friendly then PoP:SoT (which is the game I am comparing this to), time will tell if I get quite as fluid with this set up as I did with the prince.

I immediately don't like the main characters voice, 20th century American doesn't mix with medieval middle eastern. I'm also not too crazy about the whole memories in a computer simulation bit. I enjoyed the whole story thing with PoP (where the game was the main character explaining what happened before), but I think this removes you too far from the world, giving you a lesser sense of immersion. Plus all the techie icons on the hud and graphical glitches kinda ruin the feel as well.

All in all, the game looks promising, and I look forward to playing it, but I don't think it will live up to it's hype (then again, what game does?).

2007-11-20, 10:59 PM
I immediately don't like the main characters voice, 20th century American doesn't mix with medieval middle eastern.
Altair isn't supposed to mix with the other characters. He's supposed to float to the top and be awesome, like an Oreo in a glass of milk.

2007-11-21, 11:10 AM
Plus all the techie icons on the hud and graphical glitches kinda ruin the feel as well.

Like I said, play it. First 10 minutes and everything will make sense.
The twist by the by, there's like, 3 or 4. The main one you get in the first five minutes, but after that... woah.
I actually finished it last night (fastest I've ever completed a game Ladies and Gentlemen), and the ending. Oh the ending.
Now to work on earning achievements, and perfecting the assassination of William De Montferrat. Because he's an ass.

2007-11-21, 03:20 PM
Wow, Jibar. I just noticed your new cloak. Where can my Alakapimp get one of those?

Sir Tareg
2007-11-21, 03:51 PM
I can't say that I enjoyed this game much. I read the review on IGN first so I just rented it, and sad to say it was something of a disappointment. The guards are easy to escape, the first 6 missions are ridiculously easy, the missions are tedious and repetetive, the lack of any side quests is disappointing.

Now, that being said, It was good for a bit of entertainment, I love the controls, and It is amazingly realistic, but I will never pick it up again. It's replay value is nil.

I am sorry to any I offended but I thought the game failed to live up to it's potential in the extreme.

Lord Shplane
2007-11-21, 05:02 PM
I just love how they call it repetitive.

Know what other games are repetitive?

Mario Bros., Resident Evil, Grand Theft Auto, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Halo...

Pretty much every game ever. It's just how games are. They have always been, and will always be, repetitive.

2007-11-21, 06:37 PM
I think all the people screaming about the repitition of this game are just reading reviews, or maybe playing the first two missions or so and simply doing three investigations and then rushing in to kill their mark.

But there's a ton of stuff to do that has nothing to do with the story. There's lots of combat moves to unlock and learn, there's the fun of freerunning across a city and seeing how fast you can do it.

Sure, its the same basic elements... but what game isn't? Resident Evil 4 is touted as one of the best games in history, but all it really is is shooting people with swords a lot. This game does have its downsides, and somtimes they can be frustrating, but I was never bored by it.

And why is no one mentioning the whole other aspect? You know, the part where you're NOT freerunning around and stabbing people in the neck? I found myself looking forward to the modern segments as much as the past segments.

But its the story that really got me. I thought the way the two stories, that of Altair and Desmond, played out was pretty awesome. The ending of the game was a bit trippy, but it left me wanting a lot more. I can't wait for the next game to come out.

Oh, and:

Is anyone else REALLY wondering how cool a modern-day assassin must look?

And did you all get into the conference room at the end and read up on all the stuff the Templar had been up to? The Phillidelphia Experiment, Tunguska? I wonder if the next game will be Desmond's memories, or maybe the person who covered the wall in chinese riddles?

2007-11-21, 06:41 PM
I actually finished it last night (fastest I've ever completed a game Ladies and Gentlemen), and the ending. Oh the ending..

I was so damn frustrated at the ending.

I was so hoping that Altair would somehow fuse or help Desmond, who'd open the second door of his closet and find some awesome modern version of the white robes and weapons and then go tear through the Abstergo facility.

Oh well. Maybe next time.

2007-11-21, 07:10 PM
Oh no no no. This worth so much more than a rental, just for the story.
That's the greatest element actually, and it's what inspired me to make sure I did everything.
I've actually done all investigations, because they give you so much. I need to know more than where he is, where he'll go, I need to know what kind of man he is, what he aspires to, just why I'm killing him. Doing the investigations gives you such a large amount of information, not about how to assassinate them, but about the feel of the time, about your target. The atmosphere that's built up, as well as the attention to detail, and sheer strength of the story can justify picking it up for any of us who love games like this.
If you're one of those who tend to gloss over story, then yeah, sure. Rent it for one day. I don't think you really deserve it if you're just going to ignore such a brilliant piece of work.

Hey Jibar, here's something I over heard elsewhere:

The hell? The story alone isn't worth £40.
Also, the investigations don't tell you much about the person at all. For each guy there'll be one for one of his guys telling you about his orders, then a guy who hates him who talks about how ****e he is. That's not much insight to what they're like. More than likely they're an extreme version of one particular emotion, you got the angry guy, the cowardly guy, the fat greedy guy, the psychotic guy etc etc.

Lord Shplane
2007-11-21, 07:15 PM
Hey Jibar, here's something I over heard elsewhere:

The person who said that probably didn't actually do all the investigations. That or they're an idiot. Either one works.

2007-11-21, 07:44 PM
I've seen all of the game, and the combat, missions, climbing, and breathtaking visuals were all really fun. Altair's little post-assassination rap sessions with his victims were predictable to a seasoned story veteran such as myself, but for the most part well-written and enjoyable. But the 'twist' was really, really stupid. It adds nothing to the game except an excuse for a HUD, which they probably should have just done away with considering how realistic and innovative Ubisoft was trying to make the game. Altair probably knows these cities fairly well, so there should have been a button to just start walking toward the next waypoint, and thus done away with the only real need for a HUD, the mini-map.

It would have been so much cooler if the game had actually taken place when and where the previews said it would.

Although it did have the sarcastic guy who hates you because you almost got him killed (Malak was his name, I think), and the banter between him and Altair was classic. I'm also a fan of the crazy, paranoid German knight you eventually kill. So it evens out.

2007-11-21, 09:58 PM
See, that's why I want it. I overdo things in quests and whatnot in games, because I know that I'll always get something for it. It might be an item, it might be a piece of the story. But I always do everything I possibly can. And the fact that you can do so much for one quest sounds like pure-canned-awesome to me.

Yeah, when I play TF2, I wait for days, listening to the other team's voice chat, observing their routine, seeing what makes them tick, if they have kids, their favourite food, if the play sports, if they watch sports, their favourite sport, their favourite sports team, their favourite player on that team, then I grab the bag and run while screaming "kekekekekeke, zergz0rz suckas!"

Too bad I can't do that in Assasin's Creed, because it lacks in the "multiple people playing, possibly over the internet or something" department.

2007-11-22, 02:41 AM
It would have been so much cooler if the game had actually taken place when and where the previews said it would.

Well, all of those things DID happen. They're, you know...


And it was pretty obvious from the first preview I ever saw of AC that something funny was going on. At least it wasn't time travel.

Although from what I read at the end of the game about what the Templars had been doing, it would seem as if the 'piece of eden' could be capable of that.

And does anyone know what that ball is? Was it aliens? Artifact from the future? What? Its really annoying me.

2007-11-22, 10:17 AM
I was so damn frustrated at the ending.

I know what you mean, but come on. I think I would've been annoyed by anything else.

The person who said that probably didn't actually do all the investigations. That or they're an idiot. Either one works.

I wouldn't... quite put it like that, but I'm siding with Shplane on that response.

Also, it seems every time I play, I discover something new I can. Yesterday, I discovered I can do counterkills with the hidden blade, which just opens up so much more.
I also earned the Blade of the Crowd achievement on the first Acre assassination.

I know it's really coming through in my posts, but I still feel I must point out that despite all criticisms and other opinions, I am absolutely floored by this game.

2007-11-22, 11:03 AM
I just started playing through again, and I just noticed the there are always pigeons on ledges you can do a leap of faith off of. Nifty.

2007-11-22, 06:04 PM
I know what you mean, but come on. I think I would've been annoyed by anything else.

I just wish there had been some kind of answer given, like, what the hell is a piece of eden anyway?

Stories with no resolution frustrate me. Still, I can't say I didn't see it comming.

Lord Shplane
2007-11-24, 05:47 PM
Hai gaiz!!

I just got this for my PS3. I'll start playing it as soon as I rest a bit.

2007-11-25, 04:32 AM
Stories with no resolution frustrate me. Still, I can't say I didn't see it comming.
No resolution = sequal = OMGYES

It is a hell of a fun game. After killing the guys the first time, I went back and tried to stealth assassinate them perfectly. totally worth it. Especially Majd Addin and William. (I killed the german guy properly the first time round)

2007-11-25, 06:34 AM
Is anyone else REALLY wondering how cool a modern-day assassin must look?

And did you all get into the conference room at the end and read up on all the stuff the Templar had been up to? The Phillidelphia Experiment, Tunguska? I wonder if the next game will be Desmond's memories, or maybe the person who covered the wall in chinese riddles?

Oh, I expect a sequel will feature more Altair, and quite likely his descendants.

2007-11-26, 07:57 AM
I liked the game but the end truly ticked me off.

Maybe I missed something but
Is there any point to getting sucked back to the present other then getting to see the credits? Having to go back after every block really annoyed me and then to find out that there was NO payoff what so ever truly made me upset. There is nothing more that I hate in a game then truly worthless things to do.

2007-11-26, 09:17 AM
I liked the game but the end truly ticked me off.

Maybe I missed something but
Is there any point to getting sucked back to the present other then getting to see the credits? Having to go back after every block really annoyed me and then to find out that there was NO payoff what so ever truly made me upset. There is nothing more that I hate in a game then truly worthless things to do.

Getting to copy down all the puzzles on paper, for one. There's a record of the Templar's past exploits in the conference room, and one email from an unkknown party includes a poorly hidden message: I'LL BE THERE SOON.

2007-11-26, 10:01 AM
Getting to copy down all the puzzles on paper, for one. There's a record of the Templar's past exploits in the conference room, and one email from an unkknown party includes a poorly hidden message: I'LL BE THERE SOON.

I had read all the emails before I finished. I did not nor probably will do anything with the puzzles. It just seems to me that they had you do all this stuff like stealing the pen, and reading all these emails and what not for absolutely no reason. What was the point of doing all that if nothing was going to happen because of that? What was the point of having the assassins attack? Why revile that what’s her name is an assassin? I did not need to know that if all she was going to do is say let’s not kill him yet? That’s just stupid. Did we ever find out if Desmund actually was an assassin like Vidic kept claiming he was? I assume he was not but they seemed to keep going back and forth on that. I don't care if there is a sequel coming that’s not a reason to have no ending to the game.

2007-11-26, 10:05 AM
I had read all the emails before I finished. I did not nor probably will do anything with the puzzles. It just seems to me that they had you do all this stuff like stealing the pen, and reading all these emails and what not for absolutely no reason. What was the point of doing all that if nothing was going to happen because of that? What was the point of having the assassins attack? Why revile that what’s her name is an assassin? I did not need to know that if all she was going to do is say let’s not kill him yet? That’s just stupid. Did we ever find out if Desmund actually was an assassin like Vidic kept claiming he was? I assume he was not but they seemed to keep going back and forth on that. I don't care if there is a sequel coming that’s not a reason to have no ending to the game.

It's called a metaplot.

2007-11-26, 11:10 AM
I had read all the emails before I finished. I did not nor probably will do anything with the puzzles. It just seems to me that they had you do all this stuff like stealing the pen, and reading all these emails and what not for absolutely no reason. What was the point of doing all that if nothing was going to happen because of that? What was the point of having the assassins attack? Why revile that what’s her name is an assassin? I did not need to know that if all she was going to do is say let’s not kill him yet? That’s just stupid. Did we ever find out if Desmund actually was an assassin like Vidic kept claiming he was? I assume he was not but they seemed to keep going back and forth on that. I don't care if there is a sequel coming that’s not a reason to have no ending to the game.

Its pretty obvious that Desmond was an assassin, since the few assassin's left attacked a Templar headquarters in an attempt to rescue him. There was also the thing about his parents being killed, I assume there was some sort of Assassin town like Masayf.

Lucy was shown to be an Assassin so you'd know why she gave a damn about wether or not Desmond was killed.

Still, I wish you could have at least tried to break out of captivity as Desmond. I kept waiting for the other cloest door to open and show a spiffy suit of white kevlar armor and an assault rifle.

An interesting side note: My girlfriend is Chinese and reads mandrian. When she comes into town I'm going to see if she can make sense of the stuff scrawled on the walls of Desmond's room. Maybe it'll give some kind of clue about what happened?

2007-11-29, 04:44 AM
I just finished this game not to long ago, and I loved it. I was sorta put of in the begining because all the climb points in the first area are exactly the same, so I feared the cries of "Way-to-repetitive" where true, but the more i played, the more I wanted to play. Now im gonna go back and try to do the air-to-assassinate move, and collect the flags.

Im pretty sure Desmond still has all his fingers, so if he IS an assassin, he didn't complete the training. Also, Im pretty sure the characters on the wall are japanese, seeing as how there are japanese pagodas drawn on the wall too. Did anyone figure out the thing? I thought it might have been an Ip adress at first, but its 1 number too long.

2007-11-29, 11:30 AM
I'm under the impression that while Desmond knows his parents live in some remote desert area, he wasn't actually aware of the assassins, as he left to become a bartender or go to school or something before it really came up.
I also believe that 13.however many 0s refers to the Mayan date for the end of this world. Most of the stuff appears to be end of the world theories actually. Apparantly it's the result of "bleeding" of other subjects, so now we have to wonder whose memories they were plumbing.

2007-12-05, 08:26 PM
... I just had to share this. I was playing, fighting some guards, and I killed one, and he... morphed...


2007-12-08, 12:19 AM
The most annoying thing about this game is probably this:
"I am Altair, I just killed a hundred guys in hand-to-hand combat! Their corpses litter the ground! Woohoo!"
"Oh, hey Altair! Could you go kill these three guys without anybody noticing you?"