View Full Version : Super Mario Galaxy, woohoo!

2007-11-19, 11:07 AM
Another of my November pick ups, to go with Assassin's Creed, and I am amazed as well that there is no thread for it.
Galaxy takes everything you know and love about Mario, and throws in bat crap insane gravity, absolutely brilliant level design, gorgeous graphics and sound, and then throws in things which you could not do on any console but the Wii.
It's like stepping back to Mario 64 again, but this time it's a million times better. Everything feels so comfortable, anyone who's played an earlier 3D Mario game can jump right in and find themselves completely synchronised to play. Newcomers can pick up the Wii remote and Nunchuck, play for 15 minutes, and then lose themselves for another few hours.
Twilight Princess was adapted to the Wii, Wii Sports was made as a test, Metroid Prime 3 was to show you how much easier a FPS can be, but it's Super Mario Galaxy that shows what the Wii was made for.
If you haven't got it, stop reading and go buy it. Now.

No seriously. Do it.

2007-11-19, 11:18 AM
Thank you, Jibar, for quelling my fears. :smallsmile:

Lord Shplane
2007-11-19, 12:51 PM
Like I said in another thread, I still think I might not like it. Motion controls make me moderately suicidal.

2007-11-19, 12:52 PM
Picked it up today after work and played for a couple of hours. I have to say, this game is simply amazing. As Jibar says, this game shows what the Wii was made for. I'm supposed to go away the coming weekend, but I suspect I'll ditch that and jump from planet to planet and run around upside down in Mario instead ^_^

Rogue 7
2007-11-19, 02:28 PM
I may have to pick this up when I get home for Thanksgiving this week.

2007-11-19, 02:49 PM
Like I said in another thread, I still think I might not like it. Motion controls make me moderately suicidal.
I've only played it for an hour or two (stupid friends) but at least at the beginning of the game, motion controls are rather minimal. There's one move that you use rather a lot that's "shake the Wiimote", but it's quite easy to pull off, as opposed to the more unnecessarily byzantine maneuvers in things like Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Oh, and you can point the Wiimote to pick up some pickups and shoot enemies with them, but that just requires a little extra situational awareness.

Overall, it's just as awesome as Super Mario 64 was in its own time, but even better with the faster pace, smoother controls, and larger, more spectacular worlds that one expects from modern hardware.

Demon Messiah
2007-11-19, 04:18 PM
Excellent game. I'm at 83 stars right now. Big bonus if you get all 120. :smallbiggrin:

I've slowed down now that I've beat the game. Plus I FINALLY got Dawn of War.

2007-11-21, 12:56 AM
I got it today, only 30 min or so of play time but its amazing. A must have for any Wii owner.

2007-11-21, 01:12 PM
I had been afraid of it too, I thought running around on little balls was going to be hard to control and not as fun as other Mario games. Looks like now I'll pick it up after thanksgiving.

Lord Shplane
2007-11-21, 03:26 PM
I won't be getting it until sometime next year. Too many other games that don't have the "It's on the Wii, so it'll annoy the hell out of you with motion controls and two piece controllers" factor that I want to buy.

2007-11-21, 06:51 PM
Good to know, good to know. TYVM Jibar, I've heard from many people "Super Mario Galaxy will be good get it rar." but I've never really known why.

Christmas list-tastic, probably.

Demon Messiah
2007-11-22, 08:45 PM
Let me reassure you that the motion controls don't feel tacked on at all. First of all, there is very little motion based gameplay to begin with...pretty much just the spin attack, a move performed with a slight wiggle of either the Wiimote or the nuchuck attachment. There's also the on-screen reticule star, simmilar to the fairy from the Wii version of Twilight Princess. You use it to pick up star bits by just gliding the reticule over them, although you can pick them up by touching them with Mario as well - it's just much more convenient. There's a few items that you use by pressing "A" on them, but it feels very fluid. Couldn't be done without motion control. Mostly it's just straight up platforming though. Jump, jump, wall jump, jump on enemy, get star.
There's TWO minigame style levels that use the motion control. One where you're surfing on a manta ray, (you tilt the Wiimote to turn) and one where you're on a glass ball moving around. You hold the Wiimote like a flight stick for that one. (pointing up) Easy and fun.

Lord Shplane
2007-11-23, 01:02 AM
Let me reassure you that the motion controls don't feel tacked on at all. First of all, there is very little motion based gameplay to begin with...pretty much just the spin attack, a move performed with a slight wiggle of either the Wiimote or the nuchuck attachment.

Doing that annoyed me in Twilight Princess.

There's also the on-screen reticule star, simmilar to the fairy from the Wii version of Twilight Princess. You use it to pick up star bits by just gliding the reticule over them, although you can pick them up by touching them with Mario as well - it's just much more convenient.

I'd rather walk up to them. It would annoy me less. Especially since the little floating star thing wouldn't make much sense, and would annoy me by existing. Like the fairy reticle from Twilight Princess that you mentioned.

There's a few items that you use by pressing "A" on them, but it feels very fluid. Couldn't be done without motion control. Mostly it's just straight up platforming though. Jump, jump, wall jump, jump on enemy, get star.

I'll probably like those parts.

There's TWO minigame style levels that use the motion control. One where you're surfing on a manta ray, (you tilt the Wiimote to turn) and one where you're on a glass ball moving around. You hold the Wiimote like a flight stick for that one. (pointing up) Easy and fun.

I'd end up not playing those minigames. Either that or just forcing myself to go through it to get whatever the bonus is (Probably a star), then complaining about how annoying it is.

So yeah, from the descriptions I've gotten, I'll probably think of this game like I currently do Twilight Princess.

"You know, I really like this game, it's just that it would be so much better if I could use my Gamecube controller."

2007-11-23, 01:46 AM
What makes you so opposed to even minimal motion control, anyway? I mean, the same in Twilight Princess was badly-implemented (as it was essentially a Gamecube port), but even then it wasn't terribly disruptive. What's wrong with a little change?

Lord Shplane
2007-11-23, 02:37 AM
What makes you so opposed to even minimal motion control, anyway? I mean, the same in Twilight Princess was badly-implemented (as it was essentially a Gamecube port), but even then it wasn't terribly disruptive. What's wrong with a little change?

It has nothing to do with "Change". When I first saw the Wii, I thought "Wow, that'll be awesome".

Then I bought it.

I really wish I never had. I've never played a game on it that I didn't think would be better without the Wiimote. I thought Twilight Princess was good, but I really, really hated using the Wiimote. Hell, Red Steel was OK, it's just that I wished I could aim with a joystick. I plan on getting Corruption eventually, and I expect it to be the same. I simply don't like motion controls.

Also, the whole Wiimote-Nunchuk thing annoys me. I hate having one hand over here and the other one ever there with a big annoying cord hanging inbetween the two.

2007-11-23, 02:44 AM
There really isn't much to say, it is another amazing mario game. It adds enough to the series to keep it interesting, while still keeping enough the same to still be the same old mario we know and love. The game mostly speaks for itself. If you liked mario 64 and or mario sunshine, you'll love this, if you didn't you probably won't.

The biggest thing of note, I think, is that this game proves that games can and will use the WiiMote in fun an interesting ways without making the game feel weird or gimmicky.

2007-11-23, 02:57 AM
Well, different strokes I guess, but I've never had a problem with the controller...or any controller, really. I guess I had trouble reaching buttons on the original Xbox controller, and the rarely-used D-pad on the N64, but peripherals have never been annoying enough to me to detract from my gaming experience.

Lord Shplane
2007-11-23, 03:28 AM
Well, different strokes I guess, but I've never had a problem with the controller...or any controller, really. I guess I had trouble reaching buttons on the original Xbox controller, and the rarely-used D-pad on the N64, but peripherals have never been annoying enough to me to detract from my gaming experience.

They'd never annoyed me enough to matter until the Wii. XD

Yuki Akuma
2007-11-23, 05:59 AM
Don't get the game, then. It's really quite simple. Now leave us Mario lovers to our unashamed Mariogasm.

...So, yeah. 111 stars in. These last few comet stars are murderous...

And I've heard people complaining about the manta surfing and ball rolling. I, um... didn't find either of those hard. Not even the hard versions of those levels.

Purple coins on Melty Molten Galaxy, though? Damn the person who decided that was a good idea!

Lord Shplane
2007-11-23, 07:21 PM
Don't get the game, then. It's really quite simple. Now leave us Mario lovers to our unashamed Mariogasm.

See, that's the problem. I love Mario as well. It's just that the Wii has killed all my other Nintendo favorites, and as much as I want to love this game, I expect the Wii to kill it as well.

I'm still getting this game. I expect it to be good most of the time, like Twilight Princess was. But I'm still pretty much going to hate the motion detection.

Yuki Akuma
2007-11-23, 08:11 PM
Just be sure to post when you realise you love the game and all of its controls, instead of hiding away because you judged it before ever even playing it.

120 stars, here. The bonus for collecting them all is fun.

Super Luigi Galaxy! :smallbiggrin: For some reason, he's shorter than the other Luigi.

2007-12-02, 06:14 AM
I finally managed to get the game last Friday.

And it's awesome.

No, seriously, it is. It's been years since I found myself having so much concentrated fun with a single game. In fact, while a lot of later games evoke a "whoah, awesome" reaction from me, Galaxy far surpasses that and just... reduces me to a giggling kid, overloaded with so much pure, visceral, childish glee that I can't notice any flaw in the game.

So, to sum up: I think this might very well be the best Mario game ever. And that's saying a lot coming from me.

2007-12-06, 06:22 AM
I just played it today.

At first I disliked it, but it grew on me very quickly. I liked how the puzzles worked, though I wished the controls were a little sharper.

The minigames were fun and I found the boss batles to be incredible... but you already knew this.

This is the first 3d Mario game I like.

2007-12-06, 01:24 PM
I had serious doubts about this game. I was hoping for something similar to Mario 64 DS ( I LOVE IT!!) or Mario Sunshine (Love that as well).

It seems like it is in a way, so I may just buy it now.