View Full Version : DM Help Advice on running Iggwilv's Legacy: The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth

2021-11-29, 07:56 PM
I plan on running the updated Cavern's of Tsojcanth advanture.

This will be a for a single player and a 5 character evil party consisting of...
Troll Barbarian 3
Drow Dread Necromancer 8
Kobold Unchained Monk 1/Druid 8
Hobgoblin Cleric 3/Wizard 3/Mystic Theurge 3
Githzerai Unchained Monk 8

Anyone run this adventure have some advice?

Akal Saris
2021-11-30, 11:39 PM
It's been a long time since I ran the module (also for an evil party), but some things I remember:

- The taint rules that the module pushes ended up just being kind of obnoxious to the players and I dropped it after a while (it didn't help that every time somebody said 'the taint' the whole group started snickering like farty schoolboys).

- The cauchimera was really hard for my players because they didn't have any flight options. After they drove it off the first time, I had it be super ticked off at them, and the rest of the module there were always hints of its presence, and it had a habit of either scaring monsters towards them or jumping in to attack when they were in a fight. They grew to loathe the cauchimera.

- The encounters with the human village and the gnomes isn't much of a moral dilemma for evil PCs, so I instead played it up more as a mystery/horror scenario.

- The module just sort of ends at the entrance to the Caverns, so you may want to have something in mind as a resolution if you don't plan to start the Lost Caverns next.

2021-12-02, 11:06 AM
Yeah the Cauchimera looks to be quite tough. I do plan on running the whole thing including the caverns.
They do have flight options. But it being immune to negative energy will be a nasty surprise to them.
Still trying to decide what to do with it.

I plan on replacing the more 'peaceful' encounters. I don't see how the friendly gnomes can survive. So, it will be a ruined town with something nasty form the random encounter table. Plan to also replace the good aligned Dwarf and Human patrol encounters with them either being chard bodies on the side of the road or the PCs stumble upon them in a middle of a fight with something more powerful.

The Taint... once inside the cavern it is a Fort and Will saves DC 20 every hour. I think the intent is to keep the party moving as there isn't any co-operation between the different monsters and it is easy to go nuclear and then rest w/o repercussions.

Their patron is a Succubus they rescued from Forge of Fury that they have a love/hate relationship with. Should be interesting to see if they turn over the Demonomicom to her and what happens if they do.