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2021-12-01, 10:29 AM

Im getting to play my first Warlock and also maybe first evil character (I have her marked neutral, but we will see.)

Format is a little clunky because the DM wants a brass tacks kinda thing for quick reference so if he needs to check something he can do so quickly.

I feel like the character defenitely wants to be RPd as a tug of war between good and evil. Buf let me know if you get a different feel, and also how you feel about her story.

"Zephyra was born to two human parents, unaware of their own infernal legacy they scorned their daughter giving her naught but a name and at least having the decency not to drop her down a well. They traveled into the city of Neverwinter, such abominations being at least less hated in such places, and was abandoned at the Hall of Justice, a temple patroned by the god Tyr.

Once the shining hall of the God of Justice, the Hall of Justice has been helmed by lesser men in recent years; the men and women of quality being promoted to positions of prestige while the less glamorous tasks such as running the orphanage fell to… less scrupulous sorts. She had few friends at the orphanage, often looked at with fear and distrust from both children and adults.

Glasya, daughter of Asmodeus and an archfiend herself, began appearing to Zephyra in dreams. Tempting her with not just power but the kindness and love she had been denied in the waking world. It was intoxicating but still Zephyra resisted. She resisted for 10 long years before she had had enough.

Zephyra finally gave in when one of the girls at the temple tried to break one of her horns off. She reached out to her “dark mother” and pulled from the weave a fragment of eldritch energy and used it to sear the girl’s face halfway off. Fleeing the temple, she found herself in the Dwarven Quarter where she was taken in by Gundren Rockseeker who took pity on the sobbing girl. After hearing her tale, he was incensed by her treatment and concerned about the archdevil on her shoulder. He took her in as a ward and started trying to protect her from the vicious bishop that wanted her burned at the stake. However, the case was not going well.

Glasya appeared to them both one night and made a simple offer; she would give them the witness they needed to free Zephyra from her legal torments; and in return Zephyra would open her mind to Glasya; living in the 6th layer of hell by dream. Glasya would also grant Zephyra access to magics and other abilities "oh not for her soul, no. Merely to protect my investment."

After winning the case Gundren took Zephyra to all matter of wizard and cleric, but the contract made with Glasya was iron clad. Instead, he sought to balance the devil on her shoulder and reinforced her belief in Tyr; who despite her poor treatment by his lesser followers, Zephyra still in many ways loved the god of Justice.

When she came of age, he found her an apprenticeship with a human jeweler, “A good honest craft”. But by night Glasya tempted her daughter just as fiercely. Teaching her of the blood war, and the pleasures of indulgence; but also how to use her budding gifts of magic; how to tempt and lie, and twist.

Zephyra stands on a knife’s edge between heaven and hell. "

2021-12-04, 08:50 AM

Im getting to play my first Warlock and also maybe first evil character (I have her marked neutral, but we will see.)

Format is a little clunky because the DM wants a brass tacks kinda thing for quick reference so if he needs to check something he can do so quickly.

I feel like the character defenitely wants to be RPd as a tug of war between good and evil. Buf let me know if you get a different feel, and also how you feel about her story.

It feels a bit "typical YA protagonist", but that's not a bad thing. Tropes become tropes because they're enduring stories that people like to see over and over again, after all.

As a DM, I'd be a little worried it's a character designed to just tell their own story, and it's important to be open to adapting it to the other characters and whatever the story throws at you. I've seen (and played) characters like this in the past, and they turned out less cool than I envisioned because the other players weren't really interested in learning about my dark and tormented past no matter how many cryptic hints I threw in front of them. :smalltongue:

I'd suggest talking with the other players, and see if any of them are interested in playing into this story, either in the backstory (they already know each other in some way, giving an easy explanation why they trust each other) or sketching an outline for how their relationship might develop as the story moves on.

Also, check with your DM and other players if they actually want to have an evil character in the party if she does go that way, and what "evil" would actually mean in play. There might be characters who simply wouldn't be able to work with someone doing evil stuff.

2021-12-21, 09:43 AM
I recently started playing a human Warlock. Not sure if it is of help to you but her background is a bit as follows

She grew up in a small town (Millhaven). In this town people sometimes disappeared or died A house went up in flames that sort of thing. Finally it was found out that Loretta was involved. Since she was still very young she was sent of to a looney bin. There the local care taker saw potential in her an started teaching her about some things. Trying to channel her rage into a more focused energy.

After a few years she was asked if she would be wiling to pledge her soul to Lords of the Nine Hells or forever remain locked up. In order to prove her tr00 loyalty she had put her hands in the burning fire (I use this as my willing deformity claws back ground). After the ritual she was declared dead in the looney bin and was secretly move out and she got basic Warlock training.

In tr00 faustian pact style she was betrayed by her teacher and found herself in a cell in some strange land when she woke up.

That is how my level 1 Warlock was released upon the world.

Loosely based on a song. Bonus point for people who know the song.

Scarlet Knight
2021-12-21, 12:59 PM

Im getting to play my first Warlock and also maybe first evil character (I have her marked neutral, but we will see.) ...
...Zephyra stands on a knife’s edge between heaven and hell. "

This is very playable since your character is a tiefling. It fits where the dwarf tries to guide her to good, believing in her but she can be tempted by the devil.

Start her mostly good while young (low level) but then tempt her to evil in the disguise of good. It's easy enough to do. Teens tend to rebel against their parents teachings as a matter of course, so it can be with her & her dwarf mentor "who just doesn't understaaaand!". When decisions need to be made let her choose evil but delude herself that it is for good. Example: She may want the kind husband of a nagging woman. She tells herself she is breaking them up for his own good ("he deserves someone better") but actually she seduces him away because she likes the power her charisma holds, which then makes her feel better about herself despite all who mocked her. Rinse and repeat. You can make many evil choices seem good under the old saws of "can't make an omelet without cracking some eggs," "I need power to protect the weak" or "it's for the greater good".

Commoners expect tieflings to be evil, so her any selfish actions reinforce their bigotry leading to more selfish or angry acts. My only warning is make sure most of her evil acts are against NPCs as other players don't want to play with someone who hurts their characters.