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2021-12-02, 07:05 PM
The Day Before The Harvest Festival

You receive a letter, in an envelope sealed with wax. In the wax, a symbol of some noble or another-you don't pay them too much mind, so which symbol belongs to which family escapes you.

The letter reads...

To The Mare Who Slays Monsters
Your efforts have not gone unnoticed! We would like to thank you, personally, during the Harvest Festival. Come to the Heights, to Midrew's Landing. There will be much for you there!

It is unsigned.

Emera Myr
Your adventuring companions are elsewhere, doing what they do best-helping others in need. But you are in Altenheim, and having worked with them, are approached by a young-looking gnomish man, dressed in Midrew's colors. "Hello there, Miss Myr! I am Garl McNallee, and I would like to extend a warm welcome from the Midrew family, on behalf of the city of Altenheim. If you would like, you are invited to the celebration of the Harvest Festival at Midrew's Landing. And, speaking in a personal capacity... I would come! It's grand fun-food and dancing and celebrations!"

Serenity Nemar
You dismiss your class, sending them on their way. A few hang around, asking you some questions-nitty gritty of arcane theory. You answer as best you can, and once satisfied they're learning, head back to your chambers. As you go, one of the School's servants, a thin elvish woman by the name of Nanti, walks up and with you. "Professor Nemar, I'd like to inform you that you've been invited to Midrew's Landing for the Harvest Festival tomorrow. It's from the Midrews themselves, so even if you'd be otherwise busy... It might be best to make time for this."

Mina Grey And Alexandria Midrew
Mina is helping to braid Alexandria's hair, when one of the servants, Lalu McNallee (daughter of Garl McNallee) enters. "Your majesty, your father will be coming shortly. I just came to make sure you're decent before he does so."

Lalu, having seen that Alexandria is dressed, heads out after a moment, and shortly after, Jonathan Midrew The Tenth enters. "Good morning, sweetheart. And good morning-ah, pardon me," he says, seeing it's Mina attending to her. He holds his hands up and signs Good afternoon, servant. Thank you. The signed words come slowly, and only mostly accurate, as he rarely has need of it, but he tries honestly. "I really must brush up on my signing if she's going to be around so often-she's a good worker. But now, Alexandria, you know what tomorrow is! The Harvest Festival is a time where we can all relax, let our day-to-day worries fade away... Or it should be, at least. Alas, we have our duties. I have arranged for you to meet Duke Lancelot, your betrothed. I know, I know," he says, heading off objections, "you aren't happy about it. But it's something that has to be done-and maybe you'll like him more than you think. Keep an open mind, at least, okay? I love you," he finishes, and heads out, leaving Mina and Alexandria alone again.

OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?639645-The-Crystal-Cult-OOC)

2021-12-02, 07:45 PM
Serenity smiled, still looking down at her book of notes while Nanti spoke jotting down the last few details of the last lesson. Alright, sure, she was busy- between lessons and lab projects there was never a dull moment for the elven woman in the lab coat. But the Midrew were the most powerful people in the whole city, and there was much to gain by accepting the invitation. Plus, she liked the Festival- there were people, there was fun and good wine.

"I'll be glad to attend. Please, Nanti, could you be a dear and write a letter of thanks? And book a flying carriage for tomorrow?" she asked, lifting her gaze from her book to address the servant.

Dusk Raven
2021-12-02, 07:46 PM
I would come, one of the whispers repeats in Emera's head. Of course, she needs little prodding. Although Emera is hardly one for dancing and celebration, the festival seems like a welcome diversion, a chance to pass the time while she waits to reunite with her adventuring companions. Besides, it would be rude to refuse a personal invitation. And so, she nods politely to the gnome. "Very well. I think I will attend. Are there any other details I should be aware of?" Although her even tone stands in contrast to the gnome's enthusiasm, she still puts on a faint, warm smile, to indicate her gratitude at the offer.

2021-12-02, 07:50 PM
Serenity smiled, still looking down at her book of notes while Nanti spoke jotting down the last few details of the last lesson. Alright, sure, she was busy- between lessons and lab projects there was never a dull moment for the elven woman in the lab coat. But the Midrew were the most powerful people in the whole city, and there was much to gain by accepting the invitation. Plus, she liked the Festival- there were people, there was fun and good wine.

"I'll be glad to attend. Please, Nanti, could you be a dear and write a letter of thanks? And book a flying carriage for tomorrow?" she asked, lifting her gaze from her book to address the servant.

"Of course, ma'am. Right away," Nanti replies, and moves off to do as instructed.

I would come, one of the whispers repeats in Emera's head. Of course, she needs little prodding. Although Emera is hardly one for dancing and celebration, the festival seems like a welcome diversion, a chance to pass the time while she waits to reunite with her adventuring companions. Besides, it would be rude to refuse a personal invitation. And so, she nods politely to the gnome. "Very well. I think I will attend. Are there any other details I should be aware of?" Although her even tone stands in contrast to the gnome's enthusiasm, she still puts on a faint, warm smile, to indicate her gratitude at the offer.

"Hrm..." Garl says, idly fiddling with his beard. "Dress comfortably, but... Well, I was going to say fashionably, but given the reason for your invitation, I don't think anyone much expects you to be dolled up. Do bring your adventuring gear-peacebonded, of course! But there might be some excuse for an exhibition, or some parlor tricks, or what-have-you. My daughter, Lalu, will be there, and she's rather enamored of some of your companion's exploits."

2021-12-02, 08:09 PM
"Of course, ma'am. Right away," Nanti replies, and moves off to do as instructed.

"Ah, another thing" Serenity added quickly "Send message to Alezia Borealis and Adrian Basil. I assume they would be there either way but as my top students I would prefer if they accompanied me specifically- it'll be good for them to show up with me if they are to make a name for themselves when they graduate"

Just some npcs I made up, I'm not overly attached to the idea if you find it bothersome.

I don't know how many non-nobles would frequent the University, but eh (seems fair to assume all noble families will attend the festival regardless).
I think Alezia could be a winter eladrin and Adrian a human- competing for the spot as top of the class, they're both pretty good in their subjects with Adrian being more Artificer-y in his approach and Alezia more Wizard-ly in hers, with Serenity always thinking they could learn so much from each other.

2021-12-02, 09:05 PM
The bay and black centaur reads the note a second time. Sophie isn't sure if "The Mare" is a pejorative or not, but she's certainly been called worse and deep down she thinks the term is almost 'pretty.' The same could only generously be said of her surroundings; whomever delivered the message found Sophie residing in a repurposed short barn rented room pushed up against a ramshackle but clean tavern called The Praying Pint. It was a watering hole for Paladins and traveling holy types coming in and out of Altenheim half sunk into the city's outskirts.

"Yes, Aquilonia, we're going... Ah, pardon me, but is this a formal affair?" she asks the messenger, her mind already aflutter with worries about what she would even wear, "And do I need to bring a gift? Dearest me, it's been an age since I was last invited to a a party, I hardly know the right custom..."

2021-12-02, 09:09 PM
"Ah, another thing" Serenity added quickly "Send message to Alezia Borealis and Adrian Basil. I assume they would be there either way but as my top students I would prefer if they accompanied me specifically- it'll be good for them to show up with me if they are to make a name for themselves when they graduate"

Just some npcs I made up, I'm not overly attached to the idea if you find it bothersome.

I don't know how many non-nobles would frequent the University, but eh (seems fair to assume all noble families will attend the festival regardless).
I think Alezia could be a winter eladrin and Adrian a human- competing for the spot as top of the class, they're both pretty good in their subjects with Adrian being more Artificer-y in his approach and Alezia more Wizard-ly in hers, with Serenity always thinking they could learn so much from each other.

Nanti nods. "Sounds like a plan."

That's totally fine! Added them to the NPC list.

Not sure what else to do with this scene, but we'll likely be moving on to the Festival itself soon.

The bay and black centaur reads the note a second time. Sophie isn't sure if "The Mare" is a pejorative or not, but she's certainly been called worse and deep down she thinks the term is almost 'pretty.' The same could only generously be said of her surroundings; whomever delivered the message found Sophie residing in a repurposed short barn rented room pushed up against a ramshackle but clean tavern called The Praying Pint. It was a watering hole for Paladins and traveling holy types coming in and out of Altenheim half sunk into the city's outskirts.

"Yes, Aquilonia, we're going... Ah, pardon me, but is this a formal affair?" she asks the messenger, her mind already aflutter with worries about what she would even wear, "And do I need to bring a gift? Dearest me, it's been an age since I was last invited to a a party..."

The courier, a half-elven woman, shrugs. "I'm just delivering the letter. Where were you invited to?"

You take a moment to explain. "That sounds exciting! I don't think you need to bring a gift-it's more them throwing a party for everyone else, after all. But yeah, if you're heading to Midrew's Landing I'd dress up nice. Isn't the princess gonna be there? She's so pretty! Oh, I wish I could go too."

Dusk Raven
2021-12-02, 09:32 PM
"Hrm..." Garl says, idly fiddling with his beard. "Dress comfortably, but... Well, I was going to say fashionably, but given the reason for your invitation, I don't think anyone much expects you to be dolled up. Do bring your adventuring gear-peacebonded, of course! But there might be some excuse for an exhibition, or some parlor tricks, or what-have-you. My daughter, Lalu, will be there, and she's rather enamored of some of your companion's exploits."

Emera's smile widens just a little further. "Is she? Well, I generally don't show my powers off, but perhaps I'll make an exception for her." After this, Emera sighs. "Fortunately, I don't need to do much to prepare. I don't have much gear to peacebind, so... I suppose it's just a matter of finding something to wear that suits me..."

2021-12-02, 09:37 PM
Sophie flicks her tail about idly, turning the note over to see if there's anything else written on the paper.

"Do you recognize this wax seal on the letter, dear?" she asks of the courier before catching what was said, and she offers a warm smile, "...Well... this letter doesn't seem to say anything about my not being allowed a plus one. Tell you what--I can't wear a surgeons tunic to an event like this; find me a tailor who caters to nonhumanoids like myself and I could try to bring you along and at least get you through the door."

2021-12-02, 09:53 PM
Emera's smile widens just a little further. "Is she? Well, I generally don't show my powers off, but perhaps I'll make an exception for her." After this, Emera sighs. "Fortunately, I don't need to do much to prepare. I don't have much gear to peacebind, so... I suppose it's just a matter of finding something to wear that suits me..."

"Good luck, Miss Myr," he says. "I may not see you then, but regardless, I wish you the best!"

Sophie flicks her tail about idly, turning the note over to see if there's anything else written on the paper.

"Do you recognize this wax seal on the letter, dear?" she asks of the courier before catching what was said, and she offers a warm smile, "...Well... this letter doesn't seem to say anything about my not being allowed a plus one. Tell you what--I can't wear a surgeons tunic to an event like this; find me a tailor who caters to nonhumanoids like myself and I could try to bring you along and at least get you through the door."

"Er, no. Afraid not," she says about the question. When you mention taking her with, she brightens up considerably. "Really? You'd do that? Um, okay, I know someone who can help, I think! A costumer who worked on The Ballad Of Party Horse, last year-they cast a centaur as Party Horse, since, well, you know-horses are smart, but not quite enough to really play Party Horse. Um, he's maybe a half hour away on foot-I can show you where he works! Thank you so much!"

As you go through Altenheim, she introduces herself as Mariam Brighton. It takes a little more than the time indicated, owing to foot traffic, but eventually you arrive at a vibrant display of costumes and outfits. Mariam walks you in, and waves to the man sewing some socks. "Pinskidan, hello! I brought a friend who needs something nice for tomorrow-she'll be attending the celebration at Midrew's Landing!"

"Oh really now?" Pinskidan says. "Something this short notice might not be cheap. But I'll see what I can do-a pleasure to meet you, by the way, Miss..."

Party Horse is a reference to a game I ran where someone got a 30 on a Performance check.

It's not a super relevant detail, but it was a smash hit everywhere it went initially, and still sees performances all over the world, decades after it came out to start. It's one of those classics in this world.

2021-12-02, 10:30 PM
At Lalu's entrance, Mina gives a smile and pauses her braiding to give a small bow, then resumes braiding the princess's hair.

Forewarned of his arrival, when the king enters, Mina fully stops braiding Alexandria's hair and gives a much deeper bow. As she rises, she keeps her head somewhat bowed, never raising her gaze enough to meet the kings eyes. She does however watch his lips as he speaks, and a small smile flickers across her face when he signs to her. After the king takes his leave, Mina silently resumes braiding Alexandria's hair.

2021-12-02, 11:00 PM
Sophie tries very hard not to show any offense; she knows a few centaurs who'd be incensed at Miriam right about now, but she is trying to help after all.

Upon entry into the shop she bows her head in deference. "You may call me Sophie, Good Tailor. I just need something soft and presentable adjusted for my... figure. It doesn't have to be--and I must emphasize this-- anything fancy. ... Yes, Aquilonia, I was getting to that..." ...did she just talk to the sword on her back? "But if possible, something blue."

2021-12-02, 11:15 PM
"Blue. I can work with blue," Pinskidan says. He spends some time cutting, sewing, and fitting, and before long, a simple but well-tailored and good-looking outfit. It's focused more on the humanoid portion, with some minor accoutrements and accessories on the equine part, but still leaves full mobility.

Pinskidan nods at his work. "This should do well-any adjustments you'd like made? Does it feel comfortable? Or is it just how you need it?"

Dusk Raven
2021-12-02, 11:43 PM
"Good luck, Miss Myr," he says. "I may not see you then, but regardless, I wish you the best!"

"Thank you." Emera offers a short bow. "Ah, one more thing - you wouldn't happen to know of any good tailors or other places in this city to purchase formal wear, would you?"

2021-12-02, 11:47 PM
"Why yes, I do! Pinskidan-he tends to work with the theaters, but he has some truly inspired designs!" Garl tells you. He also gives you the address of the costumer, so you can make your way there.

2021-12-02, 11:49 PM
Nanti nods. "Sounds like a plan."

That's totally fine! Added them to the NPC list.

Not sure what else to do with this scene, but we'll likely be moving on to the Festival itself soon.

With a nod, Serenity sent Nanti on her way and hurried to the lab.

Yeah I'm fine with Serenity ending here until we move on to the festival.

2021-12-03, 11:25 AM
For her part, Sophie quickly takes a shine to her new blue dress, emerging from the dressing room wearing it in case the tailor needed to make any final adjustments.”Ahh, this looks simply marvelous; it’s perfect! Oh I can’t even remember when I was last invited to a party…” Sophie asks Miriam if she has anything to wear, willing to pay for her own dress and the courier’s.

2021-12-03, 11:25 AM
Alexandria huffs to her servant. Why do I have to marry him? She pouts, before remembering to sign as well. Why can't he marry my sister, at least they have some small chance of being happy! She continues.

Okay, I know why he doesn't want to. She's not the heir to the throne, but still! Alexandria continues.

2021-12-03, 12:41 PM
For the briefest moment, Mina seems surprised, almost scandalized, to see the princess's desire to avoid her duty. But it passes quickly, and a small, mischievous smile forms at the corner of Mina's mouth. It may not be my place, but who knows, Your Highness? Perhaps the Duke or someone in his entourage will have one glass too many at the Festival, misstep, and leave your father no choice but to reconsider the matter. she signs.

Dusk Raven
2021-12-03, 01:14 PM
"Why yes, I do! Pinskidan-he tends to work with the theaters, but he has some truly inspired designs!" Garl tells you. He also gives you the address of the costumer, so you can make your way there.

"Thank you." Emera gives another short bow. "I will be on my way now."

Thus, Emera sets out into the hustle and bustle of the city. She can't help but wonder if she really needs to get new clothing -- after all, what's wrong with her current attire? Still, it's an activity to pass the time, and it's not like she couldn't afford a new dress. And perhaps the tailor would surprise her with something that would look beautiful on her...

2021-12-03, 09:15 PM
The Day Before The Harvest Festival

You head for Pinskidan's place of work, passing by a glamorously-outfitted centaur along the way. You meet the man himself, who is more than happy to adorn you in something practical, stylish, and in your preferred style. It's perhaps a little more ostentatious than you'd normally go for, but it is for a high-class event, after all.

The Day Of The Harvest Festival

Midrew's Landing
Alexandria is behind her father, slightly to his right. Mina is tailing behind, a decent distance back and out of sight. The rest of you are mingling in the crowds, when the King steps down to the top of the stairs of Midrew's Landing's tower. A cleric casts Thaumaturgy on the King, who's voice booms out. "Welcome, fine people of Altenheim! Please, enjoy the food, the music, the atmosphere-all provided thanks to the hard work that brings prosperity to this city! We have a few people of note here today, but you are, one and all, important to our city. My daughter will be serving in my stead for this event, as I do have duties elsewhere, but rest assured-she is fit to stand in my place! Now... Celebrate!"

He waits for the applause to die down before heading back into the tower. He speaks, back at a normal volume, to Alexandria. "Good luck, sweetie. Duke Lancelot will be arriving in about half an hour."

Serenity is perhaps regretting inviting her two best students, as Alezia and Adrian have been bickering virtually non-stop about the most petty of matters. It's all done politely, but it goes on-like they've nothing better to do than to find the most little of things to nitpick apart on each other.

Onisophia is much more pleased with her choice of company-Mariam is nothing but smiles, laughter, and excitement. She's thrilled to be here!

Nothing to say about Emera-you didn't bring a guest. :P

Mingle away!

Dusk Raven
2021-12-03, 10:03 PM
Truth be told, social gatherings and celebrations and excitement aren't Emera's thing. She much prefers an evening of quiet meditation and solitude. But, her fellow adventurers had been saying that she ought to go outside her shell a bit more. They'd surely be pleased, if they could see her now -- and not just because of the midnight-blue dress she's wearing. Truly, that tailor had done a wonderful job. Earlier, Emera couldn't help but smile when she saw herself in the mirror.

Now, if she could just smile in front of people, she might look a lot better. Sadly, she's feeling a bit overwhelmed at this time. There are so many people chatting that she can't even hear the whispers anymore, and without them, she feels strangely alone. A strange thing, truly, to be alone amongst so many people... Such a shame, she thinks to herself. Maybe if I struck up a conversation...?

Thus, she looks around for a conversation upon which to gently intrude - or perhaps someone like her, standing alone in a crowded room...

In other words, anyone can feel free to spot Emera and chat her up!

2021-12-03, 10:43 PM
In a dress of her own, rather than the livery she normally wears, Mina wanders the edges of the party, enjoying observing the many guests. Occasionally she sneaks pieces of cheese and meats from trays carried by fellow servants.

Though seemingly carefree, Mina nevertheless makes sure that she never more than a few hasty steps away from the princess, should her services be required.

2021-12-04, 05:13 AM
Serenity smiled mischievously.
"Alezia, Adrian, here's a little challenge for you" she said. Serenity was still dressed in her 'work' clothes, not out of a lack of understanding of social clues but because it was important for her to be seen as a scientist instead of literally anything else.
"You're to introduce yourselves to at least three people that look like they'll be important- the exact ones will be up to you to choose, bonus points if one of them is the future Queen, but consider that optional. Introduction, a brief exchange of words, then you can move on after making a good impression. Enough to get yourself out there. Here's the catch- if one of you manages that, the other will report that to me. So if you, Alezia, can make acquitances Adrian will be the one you depend on to testify for you. And viceversa- if you help each other out I'll select you as my personal assistants. If you don't, well, no can do" she knew they'd hate it, but Serenity also counted on them being more interested in the school credit.

"Feel free to come to me if you do need help though. And don't try charming anybody with magic, people don't like that" with that she grabbed two drinks -one was white wine, but the other was alcohol-free, something sweet without a strong flavor, possibly a light fruit juice- and beelined for the one that looked so out of her depth in there, using her elven eyes to keep track of her students as she struck up a conversation with Emera.

"The festival gets every year more grandiose. I'm glad I was invited" she offered the fruit juice to the half-elf, keeping the wine for herself "Especially when I can join together work and leisure. You alone?"

Serenity doesn't actually have good Insight so I don't know how obvious Emera was being but she does have good Perception at least. Shouldn't be hard to spot one person standing without talking.

2021-12-04, 12:16 PM
While Sophie is cordially enjoying herself, the centaur has a prevalent reminder in the back of her mind as the party dances on: she was much smaller the last time she was at an event like this. She finds Miriam charming, but Sophie herself can't swim through the crowds like most of the crowd itself. Her pacing is glacial.

Still, slight discomfort aside, she has to admit this is also much better than the last party she went to years and years ago, but why was she invited, she asks herself in between bouts of small talk with her plus one. Presumably not to be a spectacle, but instead to meet with someone.... No guessing who though, so while she eventually lets Miriam loose, should the half elf want to go speak and meet with others, Sophie mostly tries to stand out as much as she can in her powder blue ensemble.

Eventually though, she notices she's not the only one dressed in blue.

"Oh! Your dress is lovely," she addresses Emera with a rather soft inflection, "Is that a Pinskidan? I just met him the other day..."

Dusk Raven
2021-12-04, 03:49 PM
"Feel free to come to me if you do need help though. And don't try charming anybody with magic, people don't like that" with that she grabbed two drinks -one was white wine, but the other was alcohol-free, something sweet without a strong flavor, possibly a light fruit juice- and beelined for the one that looked so out of her depth in there, using her elven eyes to keep track of her students as she struck up a conversation with Emera.

"The festival gets every year more grandiose. I'm glad I was invited" she offered the fruit juice to the half-elf, keeping the wine for herself "Especially when I can join together work and leisure. You alone?"

"Yes, so it seems. I have some adventuring companions, but they are off doing other things today." She sips the fruit juice. "I don't mind being physically alone, however."

"Oh! Your dress is lovely," she addresses Emera with a rather soft inflection, "Is that a Pinskidan? I just met him the other day..."

"I'm glad you like it," Emera says to the newcomer. "And yes. In fact, it's possible we passed each other as you were leaving and I arriving." Unless, of course, there were multiple centaurs attempting to find clothing at Pinskidan's...

She glances between her two conversation partners. "Also, I believe introductions are in order. My name is Emera."

2021-12-04, 05:31 PM
Alezia and Adrian look to one another, both of them sighing, and move into the crowd, looking to schmooze and make friends.

Mina, Alexandria, it might be a good idea to find an excuse to get into the group talks. I'd like y'all to be together before the hammer falls.

2021-12-04, 06:17 PM
"Serenity Nemar. Teacher at the Grand School of Magic here in the High, here on invitation from the King" Serenity downed her wine "Speaking of, I should probably greet the princess, she being the host. Anybody feeling the same?"

2021-12-04, 06:52 PM
"Oh! The princess is here?!," the centaur's hand flies up to her face in surprise, "Dear me... Oh, but where are my manners: my name is Onisophia but you may call me Sophie. I'm, shall we say, a priestess, though I spend most of my time on the outskirts of the city." she reaches around to a pouch on the side of her peacebound sword and withdraws the wax seal from her invitation, "Actually, may I trouble any of you for aide? My invitation has this noble seal on it, but I don't know who it belongs to; perhaps one of you knows better than I?"

2021-12-04, 08:21 PM
"Can I see?" Serenity asked before reaching for the seal to inspect it.

Would Serenity know it? Should I roll for it?

2021-12-04, 08:25 PM
Observing the party from the outskirts, it doesn't long for Mina to notice the beautifully dressed centaur. In fact, would be difficult not to notice her, standing head, shoulders, and a fair bit of torso above most of the rest of the guests.

Having only seen a centaur once before, and that from a much greater distance, Mina approaches with curiousity and awe written clearly across her face. Only through supreme willpower does she manage to prevent herself from reaching out and patting Sophie on a flank.

2021-12-05, 12:36 AM
Alexandria having started to talk to noble family after noble family slowly wanders her way to the rest of the group, just in time to hear Sophia's question.

Hmm. Oh wow, that is a very old house. I'm trying to remember what they were called but they don't exist anymore. No more true born heirs if I recall correctly. It would certainly be the most common explanation for their disappearance.

2021-12-05, 06:09 AM
"Princess" Serenity bowed "This is a lovely festival. As for the seal... Yes... It is old. And I would've expected inexistent by now" she frowned after inspecting it "It's the Grigorins' family seal. We're talking about those who founded Altheneim"

2021-12-05, 08:24 AM
Sophie starts at the arrival of Alexandria, once she figures out just who is showing interest in her invitation.

"Your highness!" she all but meeps, trying to initiate the centaur equivalent of a curtsy in the small space she can, Thank you for this festival; You grace me with your interest... though forgive my impertinence, but... Are these 'Grigorins' still around? Why would they invite a priestess like me--just a canter away from being a mendicant or a friar-- to this? Or someone else acting in their name?" though her tone remains pleasant, Sophie clearly seems confused, as if she's inviting trouble on herself.

Dusk Raven
2021-12-05, 01:13 PM
Emera bows politely to the princess as she arrives, smiling softly. She listens quietly to the conversation as it progresses, but narrows her eyes at Sophie mentions that she doesn't know why she was invited. "I was also invited by unknown benefactors, curiously enough..."

2021-12-05, 06:02 PM
Mina seems to be taking a keen interest in the conversation, but also, for whatever reason, gives the impression of not wanting to interject herself into a conversation with the princess.

2021-12-05, 08:15 PM
The Harvest Festival celebration at Midrew's Landing has started properly, by now, as have your conversations with one another. Serenity can see her students, halfway through the dance floor, as the music kicks up. It's comedic, watching them scramble as they realize they're about to be stuck dancing-until she notices something else. Emera notices too-something rising from beneath the tower's island. It's not too large, perhaps the size of a small home, but it looks out of place, and feels... Ominous.

And the the crackle starts.

The thing, once you get a good look at it, is similar, but not quite the same, in appearance to a small boat. It's made of some strange material you do not recognize, or at least can't recognize at this distance, and has rings projecting some kind of light where the oars would normally be.

The crackle will require y'all to make a DC 12 Intelligence save. On a success, it sounds annoying and reverberates in your brain. On a failure, take [roll0] psychic damage, and suffer a -1d4 penalty to any d20 rolls you make while still within range of the crackle. Notably, succeeding on this save will NOT make you immune to it-and each time you fail a save, the penalty increases by a die size.

I'll roll i this thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?639778-Spare-Dice-Rolls-For-Crystal-Cult&p=25291794#post25291794) for the other guests' saves.

That'll be 44 failures!

2021-12-05, 09:48 PM
Mina's eyes immediately snap to the object. She grimaces slightly, physically feeling the energy it gives off, rather than hearing it. She moves herself slightly, positioned not directly between it and Princess Alexandria, but slightly off to the side so that she can see both it and Alexandria, in case the Princess has orders for her.

2021-12-05, 10:06 PM
"What is- nnngh" Serenity put a hand to her head, then realized the slightly bothersome ringing seemed to be hurting the other guests a whole lot more.

"There!" she pointed to the incoming ship "That might be making this sound- we need to either stop it or take everybody away!"

How are her students? How far is the 'ship'? Are people's vehicles/mounts/whatever they uses to come here nearby to evacuate everybody?

2021-12-05, 10:11 PM
Most of the people seem... Affected, but they don't seem to place it as something sinister. Lacking the experience you all have, some might chalk it up to altitude sickness, some might think it's booze (which has been available), some might just think they're getting a migraine.

Adrian and Alezia seem unaffected, for the moment, but are hellbent on getting off the dance floor right now-and are heading directly away from their teacher, as that's their shortest avenue.

There are a few mounts and carriages, but not near enough to evacuate everyone. You could fit perhaps a dozen people comfortably to escape, perhaps half again with squeezing, and twice as many if you're willing to risk some folk falling off.

2021-12-05, 11:11 PM
Sophie shifts her hooves awkwardly, hand to her temples her eyes in a wince.

"That was... unpleasant. Why would a ship or whatever that thing is cause so much unpleasantness?" Sophie looks around warily. Usually things like this may be nothing more than a distraction. Something else may be going on, something dangerous.

[roll0] Perception

2021-12-06, 10:35 AM
There are three more of the floating things-the other three are much lower, just barely cresting over the landing. People are disembarking from them.

2021-12-06, 02:48 PM
Mina looks to the princess and begins to sign. Highness, there three other... she hesitates for a moment, uncertain of the right word to describe the craft, ships? at the landing. It looks like people are getting off of them.

2021-12-06, 11:53 PM
Three other ships! Alexandria calls out. Guards, to arms, to arms! Citizens please evacuate in an orderly fashion.

Lady Anna, grant me the strength! Alexandria starts putting her hand on her holy symbol. To not dance with the reaper this day!

Casting death ward.

Dusk Raven
2021-12-07, 05:59 PM
The noise.

Emera was accustomed to hearing voices in her head, but this was something else entirely. It was like a jagged rock plunging through her head, and she grit her teeth as the force hits. She barely registers the additional flying ships, but she doesn't need to process them to know that she, and everyone else present, are in danger. However, the need to act wars with her natural instinct to keep her powers hidden. She settles on a compromise - a simple use of power that serves to fortify her for the coming battle while not being too extravagant a use of magic.

She reaches into her purse, drawing out the black crystal she uses as her arcane focus, as well as the magical rod used to enhance some of her powers. Thus equipped, she softly chants a prayer in an alien language: "En lik zaresh, bankorok sen reth evesaltic." Even before the incantation is fully complete, as if her powers already sense her intent, a layer of dark frost spreads over her body and clothes...

And then, she waits, for the enemy to make the first move.

"I call to the shadows, protect me with voidfrost."

Emera casts Armor of Agathys on herself, using a Warlock spell slot. She duly gains 25 Temp HP, and anyone striking her takes that same amount of cold damage.

2021-12-07, 06:06 PM
The guards continue to sort people, no real urgency. At least, not until people start dropping from the crackle.

But near one of the groups, a trio of mask-wearing goons attacks them. With Alexandria's warning, they had their shields ready, and so are able to avoid taking any hits from the attackers.

Another group of guards is attacked, and in this group, one of the trio lands a solid blow. The cut from the short blade doesn't bleed much, or even look that bad, but the guard drops, knocked out.

The third and final group of guards suffer a similar fate, leaving only four guards standing.


2021-12-08, 09:43 PM
Sophie puts her hand on her holy symbol... She flexes her arms under the powder blue dress and with a creaking RIIIIIP, the knots and cords around her sword shred apart freeing the chisel tipped and battered blade. A giant ruby rests inside the metal at the base of the hilt, reflecting an unorthodox symbol etched within.

"Yes, Aquilonia, I'm quite upset," she briefly frets before saying goodbye to her dress under her breath, "Princess, ladies... I'm going to give those naughty party crashers a piece of my mind. |And a taste of this steel. Please excuse me while I settle their hash." she growls louder, "I'll buy you some time to prepare a defense!"

Athletics check to circumvent the crowd, either from leaps, body checks, or what have you: [roll0]

2021-12-09, 11:10 PM
Alexandria twirls her hands.

Spirits of the throne, your crown princess calls upon you!

Alexandria will cast spirit guardians marking her family, the pc's, the guards, and the civilians as to not be affected.

2021-12-09, 11:16 PM
Mina wastes no time deciding what to do. As long as the craft remain in the air, there is nothing she can do about them. The masked figures on the ground, however, are another matter.

Mina sprints forward towards the masked figures, then stops short in front of Sophie. With a small flourish, a translucent, amber colored blade forms in her hand, which she promptly hurls towards the nearest of the masked figures, then quickly summons and throws a second and third blade.

Full 65ft movement towards the goons, and an Attack action, followed by the Psychic Blades BA attack. Attack and damage rolls are in the OoC thread.

Results of 21 to hit with 10 psychic damage, 11 to hit with 8 psychic damage, and 20 to hit with 6 psychic damage.

2021-12-13, 11:42 AM
Serenity stepped forward.
"We can't save these people if they're going to get knocked out right away- I'm a little hesistant to use this right now, but it's my best option" retreating a small bottle from her bag, she spinned it in her hands once before drinking the content. Inspiring heavily, she blew out a whirlwind right at the ship that was flying out of reach, and concentrating commanded the winds to knock the ship down.

Meanwhile, her little flying airship model turned towards one of the wounded aggressors, blasting away.

Alright, Action to use Control Winds (Downdraft) around the flying crackle ship- it needs to make a Str save or be knocked Prone.

She'll also use her Bonus Action to attack with the aritificer homunculus if possible- it has a 30 feet fly speed and a 30 feet reach spell attack.

[roll0] for [roll1] force damage.

2021-12-13, 12:11 PM
60' range (with move plus distance) is not sufficient.

[roll0] Strength Save
What's the DC?

Edit: It's more than 7. That's a failure.

The crackling ship wibbles, wobbles, and goes down. One of the holes emitting the light keeping it aloft smacks into the side of the Landing, and it tumbles down, down, down...

The noise of the crackle fades. You don't hear any crash from below, so it might come back, but for the moment, it's gone.

The foes by the second ship start to move towards your group rapidly.

They're closing, but they're still a ways away. Crackle is gone for the moment.

Emera is up now!

Dusk Raven
2021-12-13, 02:43 PM
Well, that was one problem gone, for the moment. Serenity's solution had, however, drawn attention to them. But that was fine -- it was best if these assailants focused on the ones who were actually the biggest threat.

Quickly, Emera assessed her options. There weren't enough foes in a single area -- and too many bystanders -- to justify an area attack. She could cloak herself in darkness, but that would hinder her allies who weren't used to Emera's style of fighting. That left... ah, of course. She could call for aid. But she'd have to move quickly.

Drawing on the dark power inside her, she uttered a single word, "Tier," and the darkness answered. There was no need to waste time on lengthy incantations, for the darkness already knew what she wanted. A dark portal opened up beside her, and out shambled a mishapen, two-legged creature, its features mercifully hidden by the shadows cloaking it. All that could be distinguished were sharp claws and gnashing teeth, accompanied by an enraged growling - an echo of the subtle anger Emera felt at the nerve of those who would attack this gathering. And, lest anyone mistake the creature for an enemy, she called out to it in Common, "Protect us!"

With that done, Emera extended her hand towards whatever goon approaching them that she had the clearest shot to, and uttered another word, "Destarok," and a pair of violet bolts flew out, one after another, towards their target. This would, at the very least, tell Emera how tough their foes were. Hopefully.

Using 2 Sorcery Points (7 remaining) to cast Summon Shadowspawn as a bonus action, using a 4th-level spell slot and choosing Fury for its emotion.

Then, casting Eldritch Blast and targeting both bolts at whatever foe I have the clearest shot at.
[roll0] minus [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
[roll3] minus [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Do you have the stats for the Shadowspawn, or should I post those here?

Dusk Raven
2021-12-13, 02:45 PM
You know, I thought, "Should I roll an extra damage die in case I crit?" But then I thought, "nah..."

Also, I just realized, those attack rolls should have been at a +11, thanks to Rod of the Pact Keeper, though it probably doesn't matter this time.


2021-12-13, 02:45 PM
I do have Tasha's, but post them in the OOC thread for convenience, please. And you can roll for your summon.

The first bolt slams into the goon Mina targeted, taking them down and dropping them to the ground. The second bolt hits another one of them, but they're undeterred.

2021-12-14, 06:55 AM
The guards are wrapped up-dispatched, but not dead, by the masked goons.

The two mooks by Mina strike with their shortswords, but find themselves missing, Mina expertly bobbing and weaving between the blades. When the blades near her, though, she can feel a faint vibration from them, and a sort of accompanying resonance in her mind.

No damage on Mina, just some flavor describing how it feels.

And now, it's Alexandria, Sophie, Mina, and Serenity!

2021-12-16, 02:48 PM
As the source of the crackle goes down, Mina glances over to Serenity and gives her a quick smile in gratitude. She then looks at the princess and signs a brief question, Take prisoners?

She swiftly reforms the amber blade, and swings at the masked assailants, then prepares to defend herself from the incoming group.

Attacks on the goon that survived the Eldritch Blast, switching targets if they drop, and sneak attack in case Sophie moved somewhere that enables it.

[roll0]-[roll1]; [roll2]
[roll3]-[roll4]; [roll5]

Then she'll spend a Ki point on Patient Defense.

2021-12-16, 07:59 PM
Aquilonia takes no prisoners.

Sophie may pull her strikes at times, however, especially if she wants someone alive for questioning or to just keep the peace. She bullies through the crowd, shouting apologies and moves her way as far as she can, trying to get to the closest mooks and swings the flat of her sword about; hopefully this means she's fighting near or alongside Mina.

Since I'm gonna say Sophie only brought her sword with her and not her shield, her AC is 16 at the moment. But that also means she's 2-handing her weapon.

Aquilonia attack 1:[roll0]


2021-12-16, 08:48 PM
Mina's strike downs one of the assailants, and Sophie kills another. This leaves you temporarily free of goons-and the other groups, seeing how quickly you dealt with their friends, are hesitating just a bit to come after you too.

They, all acting in accord, start to grab people off the floor-dragging them, one in each hand, slowly towards their vessels. A few moments after they start doing that, Midrew's Landing begins listing-subtly, but assuredly. Whatever magic maintains the flight of this island is weakening, and it's tilting. Fortunately, during this altercation, someone with access to Altenheim's Sending network must have noticed the battle-carriages, pegasi, griffons, and other miscellaneous flying implements or mounts are arriving.

Among the arrivals is another one of the goon's flying vessels-nothing you've seen before have that type of motive force. This one appears rather damaged-a thin wisp of smoke curls up from its rear, and one of the light-emitting holes is tinted yellow, rather than white. There's a person on the deck as it flies, gripping hard to a railing but standing strong. It is also barreling directly for the area currently occupied by Serenity, Emera, and Alexandria.

"Princess!" the figure-a woman with a deep alto voice-bellows as the vessel comes nearer. It stops, dangerously close to the group, smoke pluming out now as it pulls the difficult maneuver. "Your sisters are in danger! We need your help to save them!"

Right-goons taken care of, if you're okay with them grabbing the civilians. There are some more guards arriving, but they're unlikely to be able to stop the goons on their own before they flee.

Then, there's this lady yelling at you. Insight and Perception results below.

She's being honest.

Yup, totally honest.

She seems pretty dang capable, but is worried about what's going on.

She's here to help.
She should probably put more clothes on. She's got a bare midriff and some kind of form-fitting red cloak. Also a big greatsword.

That's not a cloak, that's her... Armor? It's part of her body. Some kind of shellish thing, though she's still got the figure of a woman.

And that sword is NOT the same material as the goons' blades-it's steel.

2021-12-16, 09:02 PM
"Princess, do you know this person?" Serenity inquired before adding "I wish to stress out that people are in danger right here and now"

She grasped a bottle of flammable liquid and threw it at a goon dragging a civillian, advancing after them while her small homunculus shot at them.

Serenity doesn't trust this woman but maybe she knows the princess.

If in range she will Firebolt a goon taking a civillian away and blast them with the homunculus (or another one if that one dies).

Firebolt [roll0] [roll1] fire damage
Homunculus [roll2] [roll3] force damage

If she's too far she'll Dash after them.

2021-12-17, 09:27 PM
I....do not.... but if my siblings are in danger. I must rescue them. Alexandria will turn to one of the other vehicles looking for a high ranking person.

Get the civilians out of here, they are alive and should be able to make a full recovery!

2021-12-17, 09:39 PM
A guard astride a griffon with a red plume (indicating a rank of sergeant) nods to Alexandria. "Yes ma'am, right away!"

"Kincaid, get this thing moored properly!" the woman on top yells down to someone belowdecks. The vessel moves a bit, dropping down a tad and crashing against the edge of the Landing, if only slightly. With the vessel holding, the woman on top lets go of the railing and helps anyone who wants aboard on. "Might be best to hunker below-it gets rough up here," she adds.

Down below, there's a woman at the... Helm? Maybe? It's hard to tell what exactly it is, as it appears to be some sort of contraption for controlling the vessel, but it's not like anything you've seen before. There are loops of something hanging down, and a circular white plate-porcelain, maybe?-about five feet wide she's standing on.

"Oh gods don't panic don't panic princess on board oh gods what do I do don't crash don't crash-Arma! Let me know the moment I can move this thing!" the woman piloting it says. She's a bit below average in height, with purple hair above her furry, pointed ears. She's furry, covered in soft brown down, with a lighter patch on her front, and is dressed in boots, short breaches, and a tunic with a vest.

2021-12-17, 09:48 PM
Princess, Sergeant! Alexandria calls out to correct the sergeant. Where a lesser princess may have the man demoted for his faux pas, Alexandria will put it to his lesser intellect, and the stress of the situation.

Do not worry, miss. She calls to the pilot as she panicks. Should you lose control, I can simply feather fall us to safety.

2021-12-18, 02:17 AM
The closest foes dealt with, Mina quickly reaches down to relieve one of the assailants of their mask, as well as their unusual blade. She then falls into place behind the princess.

2021-12-18, 01:54 PM
The closest foes dealt with, Mina quickly reaches down to relieve one of the assailants of their mask, as well as their unusual blade. She then falls into place behind the princess.

Beneath the mask is an ordinary-looking man-a quick examination, all you have time for, reveals nothing unusual, no markings, nothing. Grabbing the blade sends a shock down your arm and into your mind-nothing that causes harm, but a brief spike of... Something. You quickly stow the blade somewhere it doesn't directly touch you, just in case it can turn worse than that.

2021-12-19, 03:40 AM
After much thought Serenity sighed and broke off, jumping on the ship as well "Let's do this"

Pulling out a vial from her bag, Serenity asked "Who's currently feeling any ill effect from the crackling? This potion should counteract it for a short while, take it and use it when you think it's better. Also who's wounded?"

The potion adds 1d4 to attack rolls and saving throws for a minute and can be drunk as an action.

Serenity can make more sacrificing 1st level slots but I'd rather first check for wounded.

Also her potions gives 2d6+5 temporary hit points.

Dusk Raven
2021-12-19, 11:55 AM
Emera frowned as the goons started dragging people away. For what purpose, she wondered? Hostages? The whispers were slowly coming back, and one of them offered another possibility: Sacrifices? Still, she didn't have time to worry about this - there were bigger problems brewing, from the sounds of it.

Emera looked over the ship. Presumably, the woman on board and her pilot had taken this vessel from the group orchestrating these attacks. As far as Emera could tell, she was trustworthy. The whispers offered no dissent. Thus, Emera prepared to board.

There was just one problem. She wasn't exactly a strong individual. But there was a simple solution to this - she commanded her Shadow Spawn, "Go aboard first, then help me up." The creature of darkness promptly obliged, then reached a claw out to her, leading to the rather strange sight of a fearsome, shadowy monster helping up a well-dressed lady into a ship, light a gentleman.

Once aboard, Emera turns to the princess and the soldier who had beckoned them aboard. "Forgive my presumption, but If you'll have me, I'd like to assist in this effort."

2021-12-19, 01:05 PM
"Right-anyone who can't hold onto the railing at high speeds, belowdecks, now," the woman on top-Arma, apparently-orders. There's some movement, with Emera and possibly others heading down below, but once everyone is situated, the woman below-Kincaid, apparently-starts moving the vessel.

"This is gonna be a bit rough..." Kincaid says, and the ship you're on heads out from Midrew's Landing. The other vessels, the ones that disgorged your assailants, moved smoothly, silently, barely a whisper on the wind. This one is full of turbulence and makes some kind of rumbling, grating sound.

Despite the rumbling, the vessel moves effectively, and you zoom off into the sky. Alexandria's second youngest sister, she knows, is currently attending some gala with nobility for the Harvest Festival, and the ship is heading straight for there.

Up top, speaking loudly over the wind, Arma is giving a briefing on the situation. "Since this is a noble event, there's a lot more guards here. They sent something heavier than just some soldiers to this one-be ready!"

2021-12-19, 01:41 PM
"Time to get mixing, then"

Mina is lightly wounded so she can take an Healing Elixir that'll heal her for [roll0] hp and also give her [roll1] temporary hit points (if she wants to drink it of course).

Sophie can take the Boldness Elixir- [roll2] temporary hit points and +1d4 to attack rolls and saving throws for 10 minutes (so assume it's drank later).

I don't see good mobility options so Serenity will give Alexandria a Swiftness potion for +10 feet speed and [roll3] temporary hit points.

Lastly (I'm not including Emera as she already has a lot of THP, that said if you want a buff it only costs a 1st level slot so no big deal) Serenity will drink her Transformation potion, giving herself [roll4] thp and growing claws that are magical +1 weapons that deal 1d6 damage. Could be useful-ish?

That'll be my preparations I think, consuming two 1st level slots.

Serenity distribuited her potions, with some more deference when handing the princess her own.

2021-12-19, 05:31 PM
Mina accepts the potion from Serenity wordlessly, but with a smile. At Arma's instruction, Mina notes the princess's apparent intention to stay topside. She glances around for a moment, then reaches up and pulls a ribbon from her hair and uses it to quickly tie a hand to the rail, just in case.

2021-12-19, 10:49 PM
Do we have any details on the amount of invaders, and whether they have any casters among them? Alexandria asks Arma

And is there any armor shaped for me, here? It's usually considered impolite to wear armor at a party, unless you have military victories to your name.

2021-12-20, 01:28 AM
Sophie, with a glance towards the people being dragged off by the goons, turns hoof and gallops for them. She shouts "I'll keep the folk here safe! You just focus on saving the rest!"

Back on the vessel, "No armor-you'll have to tough it without," Arma says as Kincaid continues to take the ship towards the nobles' gala. "And there's some kind of golem there. It's probably being controlled, given its actions, but how near that controller might be... No clue."

You've got a few minutes of prep time. If you want to cast some buffs or otherwise prepare, lemme know-if you're all good, I'll skip ahead to arrival.

Dusk Raven
2021-12-20, 12:18 PM
After commanding her Shadow Spirit to wait on the deck of the ship, Emera retreated below. The voyage was a bit rough, but Emera had a stern stomach, and wasn't bothered by the conditions. There was little to do at this point - she'd cast all the preparatory spells she could - and so she sat in a corner, eyes closed so that she could better listen to the whispers. Occasionally, they were even intelligible.

"Approaching the foe..."
"...Must pay..."
"Why? Why this attack...?"

That last one was actually a good question. Perhaps Emera would have a chance to find out soon enough.

I've got my Concentration spell up, and I've got Armor of Agathys on already... the only other buff I could do would be Disguise Self, and that doesn't seem terribly useful right now!

2021-12-21, 10:44 PM
Lady Anna! Alexandria intoned touching her holy symbol to Mina's forehead.

Grant my servant strength to resist the call of the reaper this day! She continues, waving her arm around Mina's body.

Mina gets a death ward.

2021-12-23, 05:39 PM
You arrive on the scene, Kincaid managing to avoid any major crashes. It's a rough ride, but no one falls off.

The vessel skids across the island, and lands. Arma helps anyone who needs it off, and you rush into the building, seeing several knocked out guards on the way in. Inside, you see a crystal humanoid figure, some twelve feet tall. Its top is rounded, and has no differentiation between its torso and head. Its one, staring, white eye gazes towards you.

[roll0] Golem
[roll1] Other 1
[roll2] Other 2
[roll3] Princess
[roll4] Mina
[roll5] Emera
[roll6] Serenity

Dusk Raven
2021-12-23, 09:36 PM
"That's our target?" Emera asks, raising her hand towards the crystaline golem creature. The whispers became more unified, more insistent. They sensed the threat it posed, and wished to destroy it. And so Emera called upon her power to heed their desires. "Destarok," she intoned, firing a pair of Eldritch Blasts towards the golem. Afterwards, she beckoned to her Shadow Spirit, calling it closer. "Stay in front of me and protect me."

The shadowy creature, obliging, moves up in front of its master and crosses its forelimbs in a defensive stance...

Firing a pair of Eldritch Blasts at the Golem.

Attack 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

The Shadow Spirit, meanwhile, will move directly in front of Emera and take the Dodge action.

Dusk Raven
2021-12-23, 09:38 PM
Damn it, the popup message ruined my rolls. Trying again:

Attack 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

2021-12-26, 11:55 PM
Alexandria let out a yell, as dozens of firebolts burst from her hands, hanging in the air before all converging on the golem.

Scorched EARTH! She cried out.

Casting fireball as a fourth level spell slot. DC 17 dex. [roll0]

2021-12-27, 11:56 AM
[roll1] Advantage

The golem's crystalline form is slightly marred by the fireball, but it's still trucking.


2021-12-28, 09:38 PM
Mina quickly rushes forward, placing herself between it and Alexandria, then swings her amber blade at the golem.

Mina will swing the Psychic Blade at the golem once, and then upon presumably encountering no mind to stab, will simply pummel it with her bare hands.
[roll0]; [roll1]
[roll2]; [roll3]
[roll4]; [roll5]


2021-12-29, 05:24 PM
The psychic blade does cause the golem to briefly glow, but doesn't seem to cause any damage.

It then swings out, two strikes at Mina, its dolorous fists slamming hard.



Magical bludgeoning damage, if relevant.

2021-12-29, 07:48 PM
Serenity ran by Mina's side, throwing a Firebolt on the way there.
"Don't use that sword of yours" she told her when she made sure Mina was paying attention "The golem's absorbing it- I think it'll use the energy to strike us down with it"

Meanwhile her little homunculus kept going pew pew at it. Couldn't do much more.

Alright, so, attacking with Firebolt [roll0] for [roll1] fire damage, and bonus action to fire with the homunculus [roll2] for [roll3] force damage. She will move into melee next to Mina afterwards.

Serenity is still concentrating on that Control Winds which ties her up in terms of options. Still she can at least help flank.

Dusk Raven
2021-12-31, 10:50 AM
Seeing her companions boldly charge into melee with the golem, she gave a command to her summoned creature, "Go to the golem and attack it." She punctuated her words with another brief incantation for another salvo of Eldritch Blasts. The Shadow Spirit, obliging her, hustled towards the melee with surprising speed.

Eldritch Blast #1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Eldritch Blast #2: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
In case of crit: [roll4]

The Shadow Spirit will move towards the Golem, taking the dash action if necessary. If not, I'll post its attack rolls afterwards.

2021-12-31, 05:38 PM

The golem is taking damage, a few cracks visible on its crystal exterior, but isn't even close to out.

2022-01-02, 11:33 PM
Alexandria lets out the same styled yell as before, as yet more globes of fire appear around the top of the creature, converging into it.

Fireball fourth level spell Dex save DC 17 [roll0]

2022-01-03, 11:24 AM
[roll1] Advantage

I think I've miscalculated the HP damage-can someone help me know for sure what damage has been taken, and of what types?

2022-01-03, 07:22 PM
Mina winces in pain as the golem's blows land. That first one felt like it might have cracked a rib...

Annoyed, Mina strikes at it again with her fists, then retreats back a short way and touches her injury, causing the pain to lessen slightly.

Flurry on the golem, and swapping one of the strikes for Healing Hands, then safely falling back 40ft via Mobile.




Damage is Magical Bludgeoning, and no Sneak Attack since Unarmed Strikes aren't Finesse.

2022-01-03, 07:25 PM
Oh hey, a crit!

2022-01-03, 08:12 PM
"Thanks for the ride, Mister!"

The sound of another airship is briefly broken up by a clopping thud as Sophie manages a successful leap from the vehicle. Already having given up on keeping her dress intact, she takes one look at the golem, hooves pawing at the ground before she charges the stony foe, both hands gripping her sword before she brings it down in a sledge hammer blow.

Using the Centaur's charge attack AND the Divine Strike for this:

...I do get two regular attacks, right?


Here's the one for the hooves.


[roll5] Divine Strike
[roll6] Hoof damage

2022-01-04, 05:31 PM
The golem stops moving for a moment-then it moves, much more slowly and deliberately. It repositions slightly, so it's standing with its arms at its sides, not attacking or moving anymore.

2022-01-04, 08:09 PM
Oh ****, my turn.

Mmm... Disengage and moving 40 feet past the golem.

Unsure on what to do, Serenity carefully backed off from the golem going past it to go find the princess' sister. Which was also a princess.

"Princess, the golem seems to have stopped and your sister is here. Please, don't be afraid and come with us"

2022-01-04, 08:55 PM
"Um..." she says, and looks over to Alexandria. Seeing Alexandria's approval, the other princess takes Serenity's hand and lets herself be pulled up and out from underneath the table. "Is everyone safe?" she asks.

2022-01-06, 11:54 PM
We are. We don't have a full accounting of the injuries at this time. Are you okay, emotionally? Alexandria asks crouching down slightly to reach her.

2022-01-07, 01:46 AM
Mina reaches into a concealed pocket and pulls out a few powders, which she mixes and swallows, then quickly applies a salve to the visible cuts and bruising inflicted by the golem, then returns the salve to the pocket. She then quickly skirts the golem, giving it a bit of a wide berth as she approaches the members of the royal family. Mina gives a deep bow and signs to them, Your Highnesses, are you injured?

Mina will use the Healer feat to heal herself [roll0] HP.

2022-01-07, 10:01 AM
"I'm doing okay," the princess says. "Still in shock, maybe? It just came plowing in through the back, and the guards tried to stop it. It knocked them all out-I don't know how bad they're hurt."

Examining the unconscious bodies reveals that, yeah, they're hurt. There's some broken bones and whatnot, but none of them seem to be in critical condition.

As Alexandria talks to her sister, the other attendees of this little gala start to come from their hiding places. They give the golem a very wide berth, seeing as it doesn't seem to be dead.

First off, 2,000 XP.

Second off, what's the plan? I think this scene is well enough wrapped up that we can kinda narrate through the ending, not focusing on every little detail, but what's your general plan?

Dusk Raven
2022-01-07, 10:56 AM
Emera kept her hand raised towards the golem. She and the whispers were wary of it, puzzled by the fact that it had simply stopped moving rather than collapsed or broken apart. She did, however, call out a command to her Shadow Spirit. "Stop. Hold position." She advanced a few steps towards the golem, casting an eye over the bystanders present, while keeping wary of the golem...

Readying an action to cast Eldritch Blast at the golem if it attacks again. Also, moving up ten feet. The Shadow Spirit will hold position, adjacent to the golem.

2022-01-09, 10:54 AM
Sophie likewise will see to the guards in an attempt to doctor them, but should it be necessary, the centaur has no problems getting up alongside Emera and finishing the golem off, "Do you think we need to decapitate it or something? Break it apart with hammers?" she suggests, trying to be helpful.

Medicine roll for the wounded guards; the princesses seem to be seeing to each other:


2022-01-09, 11:21 AM
Sophie attends to the guards. She gently lays a few of them down, with instructions to not move more than necessary, and helps up those who can stand on their own.

They'll need, especially those who're still lying down, more medical attention, but no one's dying.

2022-01-09, 08:58 PM
Since the situation seemed under control, Serenity dedicated her full attention to the golem.

Serenity would try to examine the golem and understand why it stopped, if it could resume acting, etc.

Mmm... Arcana?

After that, Serenity asked the woman in red coat that had taken them there "What's the situation in the city? Do we know who attacked?"

2022-01-09, 10:01 PM
The golem appears perfectly functional. Damaged, of course, but nothing seems to be stopping it from simply activating again.

2022-01-10, 11:32 AM
Alexandria starts chanting, focusing on the 6 most injured guards.

Your duty is not done, get up and serve! She commands, casting mass healing word.

2022-01-10, 08:25 PM
"I'm starting to think this was a diversive" Serenity called out "This golem has no reason to have stopped, nor any reason to not resume moving. I'm afraid somebody stopped the attack after it wasn't needed anymore- and yes, breaking it would be a safe move"

She turned to the woman with the red armor coat thing that had led them there.
"Do we know what's happening in the rest of the city? What about the other nobles or even the King?"

2022-01-10, 08:30 PM
Arma, who's been prowling the edges of the battle and preparing to get people out if need be, comes forward. "Most of the city should be fine-far as Kincaid and I know, they're targeting the nobility, not really the common folk. The king's well-protected, as far as we know-it was Alexandria and the younger sister who were in the most danger."

2022-01-10, 11:52 PM
Maybe they intend to take over the city, and want to cause the least damage possible? Alexandria muses out loud.

2022-01-12, 11:20 AM
While the others discuss the possible reasons and goals of the attack, Mina slowly makes her way among the injured, providing whatever aid she can. As she moves, she does so on a circular pattern, making sure to always keep the princesses and prince in view.

Mina has 9 uses left on this healing kit, and is ready to spend all of them on the injured.

2022-01-12, 05:04 PM
May I suggest getting me into armor. I'm quite skilled in its use in all actuality. Alexandria suggests to the group.

2022-01-13, 12:22 PM
The room eventually settles down. More guards arrive, with chains to secure the golem. Kincaid looks ready to leave, but Arma insists that they stay, telling her "We've done nothing wrong-hell, we helped them! We'll be fine."

Alexandria and her siblings are all brought back to the palace. Arma, Kincaid, Serenity, Emera, and Sophie are brought as well, with Mina being put in charge of finding them a good spot to stay.

Alexandria And Family
Your father is pacing when you enter the room, and he rushes over to hug you as you enter. "I'm so glad you're okay!" he says, sweeping the three of you into his arms. "Everyone is okay. Well... At least, physically."

He lets go, and takes a seat. "Right. Alexandria-you handled yourself well. Your training has paid off. And I won't tell you to stay in the palace-but I will tell you, please be safe. Please. I love you, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure you're safe. But, I know that look in your eyes-you want to handle this yourself. Just... be safe. As for the rest of you," he turns to his other children, "you did what was best. You're not as trained as Alexandria is, so you hid and kept yourselves safe. But, you will be staying in the palace-if you want to leave, we'll have to make sure you're under considerable protection."

The Rest Of The Crew
Mina leads you to a comfy living area, with thick, luxurious couches and carpets and rugs. She snags a few other servants, who ask if you need any food or refreshments or anything of the sort. Arma asks for something strong, while Kincaid just asks for water.

When the servants, save for Mina, leave, Arma grins. "Hell yeah! We saved two princesses and a prince!"

Kincaid looks down, but you can see her smiling. "I... I don't think we can claim full credit for that, Arma. But... It is pretty exciting."

2022-01-13, 02:40 PM
Serenity tried not to marvel at the undoubtly reach even for nobles arrangements. Not visibly anyway. Instead she turned to Arma and Kincaid.

"So" she started, as soon as she had a glass of wine in one hand and sat on a couch "You said 'We've done nothing wrong'- while Kincaid seemed keen on getting away. Is there something we should know about?" Serenity asked them "Also, nice coat Arma. Is it... Ah... Natural or some kind of equipment?"

It's part of her body but it could always be an attuned item or something like that.

2022-01-13, 11:54 PM
"Kincaid's just nervous around new people," Arma says. "She hasn't always had the best luck with the places she's traveled to."

Kincaid sighs. "You know, the other lizardfolk I met were friendly."

Continuing, Arma adds "And it's all-natural. Admittedly, I do have some lotions and salves that I use to keep it from flaking, but I don't know if you're interested in the nitty-gritty, really."

"You know, we should probably do proper introductions," Kincaid says. "I am Kincaid Vuster. I'm a wide-ranging traveler, and met Arma about two years ago. I think-is that the timeframe?"

Arma nods. "Arma Lon. Noble knight of the Anth kingdom, across the sea. Sent with Kincaid due to a certain... Prickly little problem. Kinda. Sorta. Long story."

2022-01-14, 02:06 PM
"Serenity Nemar, teacher at the Grand School of Magic" she presented herself sipping her wine "Is that problem the mask-wearing people with... Those weird blades? Or that was just a coincidence?"

2022-01-14, 02:26 PM
"Entirely unrelated," Arma says. "A spirit decided it'd be fun to mess with me. Honestly, she's not that bad-but it wasn't viewed as proper for a Knight to have that kind of attachment, so I was sent away with Kincaid."

Kincaid nods. "She's... Interesting, for sure, but not really harmful. But these masked assailants-we know some bits of them, though I'd like to save the explanations for a more secluded location. No idea who might be listening here."

2022-01-14, 03:32 PM
While Sophie does rest against a pile of pillows off her four feet, the centaur seems lost in thought when bereft of people to heal, tapping her chin with one hand and fretting at her presumably ruined dress with the other. Her eyes twitch for a brief moment as she looks at her sword from the corner of her eye.

"That's a very good point Aquilonia..." she clears her throat, "Not everything we've seen is adding up to me, pardon my paranoia. For one thing, I was invited to the party by a mysterious benefactor--whom I still don't know-- and it just so happened that a centaur with a sword was just what the party goers, royalty and commoners alike, needed. In fact, I'd say it's quite the blessing that were we all there to aide putting down
the violence before it got any worse."

She lets the words hang for a moment, "Of course, it wouldn't be the first time I've been called crazy but... It's almost as if someone wanted us to be there in order to keep people safe. Someone who knew that there would be trouble."

Dusk Raven
2022-01-15, 11:49 AM
Emera listens quietly to the conversation for a short while, her attention occationally drifting to the voices only she could hear, to see if they had any particular insights. They didn't. However, when Sophie mentioned being invited by a mysterious benefactor, the voices went still - as did Emera herself.

"My story is very similar," she says, frowning slightly. And it does seem rather... providential that we would be invited in this way, and quickly find our skills needed."

2022-01-16, 07:06 PM
"So, an unknown person that knew we would be in trouble and a misteryous organization... What's our next step?" Serenity asked "I suggest we take the stolen weapon ti somebody capable of Identifying its properties"

2022-01-18, 12:06 AM
"I do need to lead the investigation. If our enemies get away with this attack. It'll only inspire further actions against the crown. Alexandria starts.

2022-01-18, 03:11 PM
"You have the resources of Altenheim at your disposal. Well," your father says, "within reason. I might go talk to the other brave folk who helped you-Mina took them to some corner of the palace."

2022-01-20, 02:50 AM
You really should, they served far beyond their station. Alexandria said warmly, a pure smile on her face.

2022-01-26, 07:23 PM
Alexandria arrives at the chamber where you're all present, and announces that she'll be in charge of the investigation, with all of you deputized to have the authority of the crown while working for this purpose. Arma laughs at that, with Kincaid following in a chuckle, though Kincaid's is a bit nervous. "I don't get it, Arma."

"Oh, nothing. Just laughing at another knighting being in my future, looking at the odds," she replies.

Serenity follows that with her plan to visit her place of work, the school she teaches and researches at. There's a little more discussion, but it's agreed to head there before long. Transport is worked out, with Kincaid and Arma taking the vessel they came in on, and a few winged carriages for all of you to help keep it from being so cramped this time. The flight is quick, and uneventful.

At the school, Serenity is immediately approached by one of the mageguards. "Professor Nemar, we seem to have some trouble-not something we'd normally trouble you with, but given that word has reached our ears about what transpired... We're unsure if it's related, but thought it best to alert you."

When pressed for details, he expands on his statements. "A 'gnomish' woman attempted to enter the school-under heavy illusions. When the illusions were stripped, she appeared to be some kind of malicious spirit. The-"

Arma interrupts. "About three feet tall, purple and pink coloration, carries a small trident that's also a focus... Yeah?"

The mageguard narrows his eyes. "Yes... How did you know?"

"Gerba's been messing with me for a few years now. I can keep her in check, for the most part-Serenity, mind if I go collect her while you guys find what you needed here? I'm worried she'll cause trouble if I'm not there to keep an eye on her," Arma asks.

2022-01-31, 10:47 PM
Serenity, care to introduce us? Alexandria beamed warmly to her teammate.

2022-02-01, 09:30 AM
Serenity has seen the mageguard before, though it does her a moment or two to recall his name. He's Earl McFeeny-one of the older mageguards. A competent and trustworthy man, if a bit strict and stoic.