View Full Version : Cleric multiclass for Necromancer

2021-12-03, 11:26 PM
So, I had an idea for a character and was trying to figure out which works better Death or Grave Domain. (WIP) Character is a Vampire, who has the appearance of a little girl. True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral School of Necromancy Wizard who hunts down those who are evil and kills them, chaining their souls to her will for her to use to hunt down more evil people. She does this as a way to appease her Vampiric nature and as a way to try to keep herself from becoming evil herself. In her studies she finds information regarding Jergal and his clergy, and their use of undead to hunt undead. Knowing the fate of those who have no patron, even if she doesn't know if she still has a soul, she earnestly seeks him out in order to join his faithful.

Plan is starting as Wizard and eventually multiclassing into Cleric. Thinking either Necro 6/Cleric 14 or Necro 8/Cleric 12.

2021-12-03, 11:53 PM
Wizard and cleric really don't multiclass well together as the both use different magic stats, Intelligence for Wizard and Wisdom for Cleric.

If you wanted to multiclass Wizard (though personally I wouldn't recommend it for Necromancer) I'd go with Artificer.

If you wanted to multiclass Cleric (of which I think Grave would be the better option) then going Spore Druid would be a good option as it is also death themed.

If you were wanting to go the Charisma magic stat route, then the New Undead Warlock patron or even the Divine Soul Sorcerer (which allows you to use both cleric and sorcerer spells) could be a great options.

2021-12-04, 12:07 AM
Full casters tend to work best when you can take one to 17 for 9th level spells. There are exceptions, such as an eldritch sniper build I came up with a while back that is a split of dragon sorcerer and genielock, but that's because that particular build is more like a half caster gish, which strong (and long distance) at-will attacks via EB, and lots of other tricks. Neither wizard nor cleric are really great for this. That said, if building around Animate Dead, you don't care as much about getting high level spells (so long as you have the slots) or having compatible casting stats, but it does make you a one trick pony.

Now, a cleric dip is great on a wizard. I'd suggest cleric 1 / wizard 19, or cleric 2 if you really like your domain's channel divinity. But I don't know that that will get you what you're looking for. Speaking of, what are you looking for? What are you trying to accomplish with this build? What are the key features of either cleric or wizard you're trying to get?

da newt
2021-12-04, 09:17 AM
BTW - dhampir might be a good race option for this PC theme.

I'd also recommend building a primarily wizard with a bit of cleric vice a 1/2 and 1/2 - there are many nice low level cleric spells that are very handy but don't require good Wisdom to be effective. Just meet the min MC requirement and you are fine.

Also twilight cleric could be on theme.

2021-12-04, 11:44 AM
BTW - dhampir might be a good race option for this PC theme.

I'd also recommend building a primarily wizard with a bit of cleric vice a 1/2 and 1/2 - there are many nice low level cleric spells that are very handy but don't require good Wisdom to be effective. Just meet the min MC requirement and you are fine.

Also twilight cleric could be on theme.

Peace cleric would fit too as the level 1 feature can work on the undead.

On that note. A peace cleric necromancer sounds funny and peace cleric 1 scales by proficiency, so peace clr 1/necro wizard could work.

2021-12-04, 01:17 PM
If you don't really care about getting the class features or spell list, I would recommend just staying single-class and role playing the character's faith. Not everyone who worships or serves a deity/patron needs to have Cleric or Paladin levels. If you're explicitly looking for a tangible benefit, the DM would probably throw a boon or special magic item your way if you talk to them about what powers or effects this character wants to achieve from serving Jergal.

If you're really set on multiclassing, Grave Domain sounds a bit more useful to me, mainly for Eyes of the Grave and because the Channel Divinity feature doesn't rely on melee attacks like Death Domain does.

2021-12-04, 01:26 PM
So, I had an idea for a character and was trying to figure out which works better Death or Grave Domain.

Peace Domain makes arguably the strongest Cleric Necromancers.

That's right. Not Grave or Death. Peace. Whether we're talking about a dip, or something more (their channel divinity mass-heals undead, their body-swap thing can substitute expendable minions for more valuable characters, etc).

As far as multiclassing goes, Death Cleric is also useful for getting free-twinned Toll the Dead (though this synergizes even better with Evokers than Necromancers).

A Grave Cleric dip doesn't really have a whole lot to offer a Wizard.

2021-12-04, 01:28 PM
Peace Domain makes arguably the strongest Cleric Necromancers.

That's right. Not Grave or Death. Peace.

Whats more peaceful than not making the living fight?

2021-12-04, 02:20 PM
If allowed, Theurgy wizard with any cleric domain you fancy. Twilight would be my top pick.

2021-12-04, 07:41 PM
Whats more peaceful than not making the living fight?

I heard the battlefield is very peaceful and silent after a Fireball hit.

2021-12-06, 04:19 AM
The most important thing you can do as a summoner of any kind, is to increase the summon's hit chance, either through +hit or advantage. You can do that through peace cleric (emboldening bond), the restrained condition which is fairly common (maximilian's earthen grasp, web, evards, telekinesis) or sight rules if applicable.

Additionally, high level Wizard spells are more valuable than Cleric's. Cleric gets Summon Celestial, Heroes Feast and Divine Word. Wizard gets Wall of Force, Forcecage, Simulacrum and all the ways to grant the restrained condition.

The suggestion of Peace Cleric 1/Necromancer X is the most potent one.