View Full Version : How would you redeem a member of the Eldreth Veluuthra?

2021-12-05, 01:38 PM
Say you captured an elf who was born to or adopted by a cell of the Eldreth Veluuthra. What do you do with that person? Is there somewhere that will take them in and try to deprogram them?

2021-12-05, 01:48 PM
First, remember the Eldreth Veluuthra includes nonevil members (mostly CN).

Second, the first step is to see things from their perspective. Humanity has destroyed and despoiled their forests.

After that, I'd focus on trying to shift their attitudes to be less extreme. It's called out that a lot of elves sympathize with the Eldreth Veluuthra's hatred but don't condone their violent actions. See if you can deprogram your prisoner to be of that attitude.

2021-12-06, 02:31 PM
I find swords applied swiftly to the neck followed by being tossed into a pyre to be a pretty efficient method of redeeming genocidal maniacs.

2021-12-07, 10:23 PM
I find swords applied swiftly to the neck followed by being tossed into a pyre to be a pretty efficient method of redeeming genocidal maniacs.

But these are people who are supposedly victimized by humanity. We are destroying all of the natural world and… wait, what IS their beef with us? I get that we humans are a walking extinction event, but was there anything else? These are not Dragon Age elves. They know that while there are Red Wizards out there, we also have Paladins and druids and the like.

2021-12-08, 07:20 AM
Say you captured an elf who was born to or adopted by a cell of the Eldreth Veluuthra. What do you do with that person? Is there somewhere that will take them in and try to deprogram them?

Convince them that their aims can be met without violence.

2021-12-15, 10:22 PM
Convince them that their aims can be met without violence.

Ok, but after you survive a surprise attack and you have one elf tied up wut do?

2021-12-15, 10:32 PM
'Deprogramming' an elf would take decades. Your presumably human or at least non-elven party doesn't have that kind of spare time. Find an elven authority and patrol your prisoner into their custody so they can take care of it.