View Full Version : Can someone help me interpret this?

2021-12-11, 02:51 AM
In the Weather sphere, there's a feat named Mantled Caster, which does the following.

Benefit: For the purposes of your (mantle) talents you are always treated as being under the effect of your mantle and gain benefits from any (mantle) talents as if the weather were one step more severe. This does not apply to other creatures you bestow your mantle on.

For context, (mantle) talents are spell-like sphere effects which have a 1 hour duration. It makes perfect sense to me that "Oh, neat. You basically get all of your mantles permanently active."

Except I've read it again, and I'm actually not sure that's what it's saying. But if that's not what it's saying, then what could it possibly mean by "For the purposes of your (mantle) talents you are always treated as being under the effect of your mantle"?
Like. "For the purposes of your (mantle) talents" is the real kicker. Because I'm not sure how to interpret that.

Obviously there's the dysfunctional way of reading it of "Oh hey, all your mantles treat you as having it active, so you can't cast it on yourself any more." Except that casting a duplicate buff doesn't actually stop the duplicate from happening, so not even that works.
My head is currently exploding. Please send help.

2021-12-11, 07:01 AM
From an outsider's perspective it seems to mean that if your mantle isn't active, the talents you chose act as if it were. If you have mantle x and a talent that requires your mantle being active to provide y, even if you don't have x you still get y.

That said, I don't know if there are talents that work by requiring a mantle to be active to function, but at the very least they would probably benefit from the weather step increase.

2021-12-11, 08:08 AM
You don't bestow different mantle talents separately, when you bestow your mantle on someone they get the effects of all the mantle talents you have for the duration. So yes, Mantled Caster means all your mantle talents are always in effect on you.

2021-12-11, 09:09 AM
You don't bestow different mantle talents separately, when you bestow your mantle on someone they get the effects of all the mantle talents you have for the duration. So yes, Mantled Caster means all your mantle talents are always in effect on you.

Oh what? That's interesting.

Man it has been a long time since I looked at that.

So "always treated as being under the effect of your mantle" is obviously meaning that you just have an implicit mantle on you, "For the purposes of your (mantle) talents," rather than for the more general purposes like dispel magic and what not.