View Full Version : DM Help Adventure Module Suggestions for Short Vacation One-Shot?

2021-12-11, 11:07 AM
The family is going to be at the beach for a week this Christmas. My middle sister and her husband are a part of the regular gaming group, the former running the current campaign and the latter has been the GM for as long as I've been a part of the group. My youngest sister has occasionally joined in the past, and her fiancé will be there and is interested in joining a game at some point.

We've been talking about running a short one-shot (1-3 sessions depending on time) during the week with the 5 of us, but no firm plans have been made and everyone's time has been pinched.

I was thinking of finding a short adventure module or something along those lines and running it as the GM to give our usual suspects a break. Does anyone know of a good, short adventure that would be a good fit for this?

We'd be running 3.5 in the Eberron setting (though we're fine with re-fluffing to fit if needed). Most books are on the table, as are all the Dragon/Dungeon mags (assuming we have/can find a copy). We like fun characters more than super-optimized, and we have one completely new - so something that would provide a good intro to the game and mechanics would be preferred.

I was tentatively looking at the "Gorgoldand's Gauntlet" from Dragon Magazine Annual #5, but there's the issue of updating creatures/traps from 3.0 to 3.5 (prep time being what it is). On the other hand, it looks like it'd be a good intro for the new guy and about the right adventure time.

I'm hoping the wisdom of the crowd will help give a few more options.

Thanks in advance. :)

2021-12-11, 12:05 PM
Here is a thread with suggestions for One-Shot adventures:


2021-12-11, 12:31 PM
Definitely some good suggestions there. I'll have to look into the Escape from Meenlock Prison if I can find it...

Edit: Found it, and found The Forge of Fury. Skimming the latter now, but it seems like it might be a smidge too long for our needs. How long has it taken others to manage that one?