View Full Version : Optimization Master of disguise bardlock feats

2021-12-20, 02:23 PM
We are about to start the Rise of Tiamat campaign, starting at level 8. I want to become a social character specialized in disguising myself and misleading enemies outside of battle and therefore fell in love with the actor+mask of many faces combo. In battle I'm mainly looking to be a battlefield controller.
I therefore decided that it might be fun to become an eloquence bard 6 / hexblade 2. Eloquence bard for the great deception and persuasion as well as the unsettling words and universal speech, and hexblade for the mask of many faces invocation for infinite disguise selfs, the ability to wear med. armour and shields, as well as keeping the possibility open to blast some enemies with EB+AB when necessary.

We rolled for stats and unfortunately I was not very lucky with my rolls (14/14/12/12/9/8) and am therefore looking to optimize my character as much as possible. Choosing half-elf as a class this would give me (8/12/15/10/12/16). Fortunately the DM is so generous to give our characters a starting feat.

So now I am deciding what would be the best feat as a starting feat + lvl 4 (ASI/feat), and how to build my character in the next couple of levels. Looking at the feats, the following feats seem interesting to me:
-Actor: combines well with the mask of many faces and gives +1 Cha
-Fey touched: misty steps are always good and also +1 Cha
-Telepathic: getting into people's head and detecting thoughts, and a +1 Cha
-Resilient (Con): bringing my Con to 16 and keeping concentration in battle
-Metamagic adept: subtle spell for suggesting/charming/... people when I'm disguised and behind enemy lines without them noticing. Also extended spell might be useful sometimes.

I'm leaning towards choosing Actor as starting feat and then either telepathic or fey-touched as lvl 4 feat to bring my Cha to 18. Then going 2 levels in bard to go for metamagic adept at bard lvl 8 as a next feat to get my disguising/copycat shenanigans completely online (that seems like lots of fun). However, it is also tempting to choose Res(con) for the concentration, or upping my Cha to 20. What do you guys think?

2021-12-20, 03:01 PM
It consumes an attunement slot, but a hat of disguise is an uncommon item, and item spells never require components, so you could do subtle disguise self without met magic. Wouldn't even need warlock, if Mask of Many Faces is the only or primary reason for splitting your bard levels.

2021-12-20, 03:24 PM
It consumes an attunement slot, but a hat of disguise is an uncommon item, and item spells never require components, so you could do subtle disguise self without met magic. Wouldn't even need warlock, if Mask of Many Faces is the only or primary reason for splitting your bard levels.

Fair point, though the extra dip in warlock also gives agonizing blast as well as an extra short rest 1st lvl spell slot which can always come in handy, especially since lots of bard spells for social stuff is already first level :) even if its just to always have the possibility to cast a charm person/command/comprehend language/faerie fire or healing word when necessary.

But you are right that it will always be a lag in progression, but I think focussing on social it might be worth it.

2021-12-20, 05:45 PM
Starting at level 8, the Hexblade dip is great. You get medium armor, 2 invocations, and eldritch blast. I think that's worth delaying your spells, since you'll still get 3rd level spells and will have your 6th level bard ability.

I like the actor feat a lot with mask of many faces. For Rise of Tiamat, make sure you take draconic as a language and you should be able to infiltrate quite a lot.

Then I'd go with Fey touched. Misty step and a free preparation and casting of command, dissonant whispers, gift of alacrity, or silvery barbs.

At 8, I'd look at Res. CON or warcaster.

2021-12-21, 04:41 PM
I think for the theme you are looking at that the Actor feat and Fey Touched might be your best choices followed by resilient con at level 8 bard though you could also go with charisma 20. This might depend on how often you find your character being targeted and how often you are concentrating on a spell.

I would also tend to start with warlock at level 1 for the wisdom save rather than the dex save from bard.

Finally, agonizing blast is a great fall back for damage on those turns that you are concentrating on another spell. If you find that you need to focus on damage you can also add hex to the mix and at character level 11 you will have 3 bolts which is competitive in terms of single target damage with some of the better options and requires only an invocation plus the warlock levels.