View Full Version : Odlark's Farm [Reavers of Magog]

2021-12-23, 09:10 PM
Here's a link to the OOC thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?640682-Odlark-s-Farm-OOC).

There is a prosperous farm outside the half-ruined city of Kint. The king of the city, Odlark, wants possession of the farm. But the farmer has a large and belligerent household. The king wants you to persuade the farmer to give over the farm - with minimal loss of life or property.

You stand in the mud, at the foot of a hillside covered with rows of broccoli. A few hands move among the rows, harvesting the good heads. You can see the high fence that encloses the farmstead at the top of the hill. You don't see any guards.

What do you do?

What have you done to prepare?

2021-12-23, 09:45 PM

There is a prosperous farm outside the half-ruined city of Kint. The king of the city, Odlark, wants possession of the farm. But the farmer has a large and belligerent household. The king wants you to persuade the farmer to give over the farm - with minimal loss of life or property.

You stand in the mud, at the foot of a hillside covered with rows of broccoli. A few hands move among the rows, harvesting the good heads. You can see the high fence that encloses the farmstead at the top of the hill. You don't see any guards.

What do you do?

What have you done to prepare?

To prepare for this Ben Miller tried to make a mind control device. If that doesn't work or is impossible ben just brings his micro gun incase of a fight breaking out. He also has his latest attempt at a tank at the outskirts in case if he needs to escape.

Standing in the mud gives ben a gross feeling. "ewww! I swear i should be used to this by now. but mud is just so gross! ben sighs and then says in a annoyed voice "let's just get this over with. 1st let's go over the plan. You start simon.

We should probably have a ooc thread.

2021-12-24, 02:33 AM
To prepare, Simon carries in 2 small belt pouch, medical kit and drugs. Various knives are stored around him mostly hidden, a little notebook and 2 pens in a chest pocket, and some fingerless gloves with "reinforced" knuckles are in the trousers back pockets ready to slip on.

Simon chuckles at Ben's distaste for mud before covering some of the plans he'd thought on while getting there.
"I think our first step should be checking in with a farm hand or two, see if we can find one with a bit of knowledge about the family or the farm. Break them in with basics of working conditions and pay as if we were thinking of working, but bring it round more to how the farm is doing, the family being OK, and any scraps of info we can use." Simon days, stepping into one of the lanes or broccoli, a slight curl of disgust cruises his face as he thinks of the taste.
"if after that, then we go to the farm and see what their side of the story is. I don't imagine we'll change their mind but it depends what we find out. If we move to plan B, break their face, then we will need to be quick, they have numbers. If we get the chance during B to take a hostage, then using that as plan C may speed up the process and give minimal loss. Plans D, destroy the place, is a last resort and we'll do it following a 'retreat'. Did you have any additions?"

2021-12-24, 03:28 AM
To prepare, Simon carries in 2 small belt pouch, medical kit and drugs. Various knives are stored around him mostly hidden, a little notebook and 2 pens in a chest pocket, and some fingerless gloves with "reinforced" knuckles are in the trousers back pockets ready to slip on.

Simon chuckles at Ben's distaste for mud before covering some of the plans he'd thought on while getting there.
"I think our first step should be checking in with a farm hand or two, see if we can find one with a bit of knowledge about the family or the farm. Break them in with basics of working conditions and pay as if we were thinking of working, but bring it round more to how the farm is doing, the family being OK, and any scraps of info we can use." Simon days, stepping into one of the lanes or broccoli, a slight curl of disgust cruises his face as he thinks of the taste.
"if after that, then we go to the farm and see what their side of the story is. I don't imagine we'll change their mind but it depends what we find out. If we move to plan B, break their face, then we will need to be quick, they have numbers. If we get the chance during B to take a hostage, then using that as plan C may speed up the process and give minimal loss. Plans D, destroy the place, is a last resort and we'll do it following a 'retreat'. Did you have any additions?"

Ben thinks a bit before saying "i don't think so. It's a good plan. Though i can't remember if the mind control machine i tried to invent succeeded testing. That's what lack of sleep does i guess. If it did then we can also use that. Though otherwise you summed everything up. I'll check the bag to see if i brought the mind control device. If not then it means it failed testing and we follow your plan to a t.

Ben then checks his bag.

2021-12-24, 03:59 AM
"ah Ben, you really are a genius! I hope you brought it with, we could try it on a farm hand that proves to be awkward." Simon exclaims, holding out a hand to fist bump.

2021-12-24, 04:04 AM
"ah Ben, you really are a genius! I hope you brought it with, we could try it on a farm hand that proves to be awkward." Simon exclaims, holding out a hand to fist bump.

So do i have the mind control device? Do i need to make a roll to check? My next ic post depends on what my character finds in his bag afterall.

2021-12-24, 10:31 AM

Also, Ben should make a roll to find out the status of the mind control gadget:
6- it failed testing but he didn't realize
7-9 he found the defects and stuck it on the work bench for later rework
10+ it will work - at least once
It starts to rain a little.

2021-12-24, 10:32 PM
"ah Ben, you really are a genius! I hope you brought it with, we could try it on a farm hand that proves to be awkward." Simon exclaims, holding out a hand to fist bump.

Ben nervously groans "my bad. Not in the bag. Must of failed testing. Oh well. Your plan it is. So save that fist bump for after the job is done. I appreciate the sentiment though.

Ben tries to find and enter the entrance into the farm.

2021-12-25, 01:56 AM
"aww nuts! It's ok, I'm sure we'll do it but first no mind control thing and now rain, I hope this is the worst of our luck" si says as he pulls up his collar. "at least there's enough farm hands about to not go searching, we'll start with the closest."

sorry for colour change, wasn't sure if all speech was to be blue or if you wanted different for different people, in which case I'm grabbing green 😉

2021-12-27, 07:53 AM
There is an easy-to-find path up between the rows of broccoli toward the obvious gate in the wooden palisade that surrounds the farmstead. As you pass each of the half-dozen farm hands who are cutting broccoli and stuffing it into rough sacks, they look up and greet you - "Hey" - "howdy" - "Wassup?" - "mornin"

Do you do anything before you reach the gate?

2021-12-27, 07:59 AM
There is an easy-to-find path up between the rows of broccoli toward the obvious gate in the wooden palisade that surrounds the farmstead. As you pass each of the half-dozen farm hands who are cutting broccoli and stuffing it into rough sacks, they look up and greet you - "Hey" - "howdy" - "Wassup?" - "mornin"

Do you do anything before you reach the gate?

Ben miller walks up to one of the farm hands and says "what's the working conditions and pay here?" ben turns his head with his hands in his pockets and winks at simon

2021-12-27, 08:45 AM
Ben miller walks up to one of the farm hands and says "what's the working conditions and pay here?" ben turns his head with his hands in his pockets and winks at simon

"and are they rough on ya like McRea... The last place we were at?"
He half smiled and rubbed his left arm in pretence of an old injury.

2021-12-27, 10:42 AM
"Hah," says the farm hand, and she grins, "Miss Kloomi's alright. Keeps us warm and fed ... when we're not in the fields." Her henna-red hair is French-braided and her face has faint lines. She glances up toward the rain that spatters down from the glowing pink sky. Licks a rain drop off her lip. "Salty today," she says.

"You looking for work?" she adds, as she severs a stem with her sturdy knife.

2021-12-27, 10:57 AM
"Hah," says the farm hand, and she grins, "Miss Kloomi's alright. Keeps us warm and fed ... when we're not in the fields." Her henna-red hair is French-braided and her face has faint lines. She glances up toward the rain that spatters down from the glowing pink sky. Licks a rain drop off her lip. "Salty today," she says.

"You looking for work?" she adds, as she severs a stem with her sturdy knife.

"that's good to hear in this world, though the way you only say Miss Kloomi, are there others who are less so hospitable, 'cos she can't run all of this herself can she?" Simon says looking around. "though if others are as nice as you, exceptions can be made".

2021-12-28, 09:54 AM
a large burly man walks up. he has a rifle slung across his back, and a big knife at his waist. a bulging backpack is on his back, filled with all manner of things. "morning folks" he says, his eyes scanning the area with practiced repetition. this is clearly a man you do not want to cross, if thou dost value thy life and limbs.

2021-12-28, 10:49 AM
The farm hand looks anxiously at the rifle-wearing man who has just walked up. "Are you three together?" she asks. "I don't know whether Miss Kloomi will like this ... but I reckon you'd best go on up and say hi, before the watchers get anxious." She nods toward a rickety tower that stands above and behind the wooden palisade. You notice a couple of figures standing up there.

2021-12-28, 11:13 AM
"Arrr, that makes things a little tricky. Thanks for your help once again". Simon says as he bows to the lady before walking away towards the gate. "Ragnar, I think you turned up at just the right moment to settle my nerves from her pointing out the tower, did either of you boys count any others?"

2021-12-28, 11:39 AM
"three is all i counted" ragnar says softly, fingering the hilt of the knife at his waistband

2021-12-28, 12:22 PM
As you head up the hill toward the gate, the other half-dozen farm hands watch you pass. You get a clearer look at the two watchers up in the tower. Each of them holds a long gun under their arm. They aren't drawing down on you, but they're obviously ready for anything.

2021-12-28, 12:38 PM
"Ragnar, how confident are you that you can take down those up there if we need to? And do you have anything we can use on a second tower? We don't want to fight our way out but let's keep prepared." Si quietly says as he walks trying to avoid being overheard. "Equally, Ben, if you spot some bits to put together that could do the job, that'd be great to know, so keep your eyes peeled".

2021-12-28, 02:30 PM
"pretty darn confident" rangar murmurs back

2021-12-28, 07:04 PM
"sup ragnar."

"Ragnar, how confident are you that you can take down those up there if we need to? And do you have anything we can use on a second tower? We don't want to fight our way out but let's keep prepared." Si quietly says as he walks trying to avoid being overheard. "Equally, Ben, if you spot some bits to put together that could do the job, that'd be great to know, so keep your eyes peeled".

Ben nods.

2021-12-29, 08:28 AM
You get to the gate. It's open. There's nobody standing in your way. You walk through the gateway, noticing the palisade is about nine feet tall and made of rough-cut 2x6s driven into the ground somehow and cross-braced with more rough 2x12s.

The farm stead inside the palisade has several sturdy-looking buildings, they look like a big house, a barn for equipment, a milk barn, a hay barn, and a smithy. There's not any discernible activity in here. You feel eyes on you. Glancing up at the tower, you see the two silent watchers. A curtain moves on the second floor of the house.

2021-12-29, 08:37 AM
"so far so good, let's see if that person inside wants to say hello". Simon says as he walks to the door, ready to knock.

2021-12-29, 01:04 PM
In response to a few polite knuckle-taps, the windowless steel door opens partway. A small and wiry grey-haired lady with a timeworn face stands at the opening, quickly looking you over.

"I'm Kloomi," she says brusquely. "What are your names? What do you want?"

Ragnar and Simon notice a couple of round splintery holes in the frame of the door.

2021-12-29, 03:41 PM
Ragnar will introduce himself, and watch her reaction. he keeps an eye on people, especially the two watchers in the tower

2021-12-29, 04:12 PM
Baring any sudden change in Kloomi's demeanour to the less favourable while we introduce ourselves, Simon introduces himself, waits for Ben to do likewise, then says: "We come, as I understand you have an issue and we're here to help! Might we come in to discuss things further, away from those who may not need to hear all?"

2021-12-29, 05:27 PM
Ben waves "sup. My name is ben. ben then stays silent with simple smile. better let simon do the talking since he is the best at it in the group he thinks

2021-12-29, 08:54 PM
Baring any sudden change in Kloomi's demeanour to the less favourable while we introduce ourselves, Simon introduces himself, waits for Ben to do likewise, then says: "We come, as I understand you have an issue and we're here to help! Might we come in to discuss things further, away from those who may not need to hear all?"

{I'm going to want a roll for that, straight 2d6 as I don't think you've got any relevant calling or gift.

The risk (6-) is that she slams the door in your face, and then .... other stuff happens, maybe.

On a 7-9 I'll let you describe what you do to stop her slamming the door. There may be another roll on that.

10+, she welcomes you in to talk.}

2021-12-30, 01:59 AM

crosses fingers... Oh this dice roll doesn't like me
"Thank you! We'll go get started then!" si half shouts in the hope that she normally like this and the tower guards will think it's normal. "ok boys, over to that workshop".

2021-12-30, 08:08 AM

Everybody roll. You get a bonus for any combat-related calling.

6-, you get shot.

7-9, you evade injury.

10+, you get a return shot (if you have a shooting weapon).}

The guns are close enough, up in that tower, that their bangs are nearly simultaneous with the whack of bullets denting the steel door.

2021-12-30, 08:14 AM

here's hoping ben survives

Also I'll also edit this post to reflect the die results.

Ben was too shocked to see the bullet hit him. When it does he screams in pain then covers the wound with his hand and groan.

Here's hoping it's not an instant death.

2021-12-30, 08:58 AM
ragnar with surprising speed, pulls the rifle off his shoulder and pops one of the watchers in the midsection. he doesnt wait to see if the fool goes down, before finding some cover and watching for more tangoes to pop outta the woodowrk


2021-12-30, 10:40 AM
Ben was too shocked to see the bullet hit him. When it does he screams in pain then covers the wound with his hand and groan.

Instant death's not much fun.

ragnar with surprising speed, pulls the rifle off his shoulder and pops one of the watchers in the midsection. he doesnt wait to see if the fool goes down, before finding some cover and watching for more tangoes to pop outta the woodowrk

Ben tumbles heavily off the door step onto a small group of bright orange tulips that protrude from the moist ground. He lies there. The shooting has stopped.

{Ragnar, describe your cover.


2021-12-30, 10:49 AM

as well edit after with action... Phew!

Simon flinched at the ricochet and runs to the side of the house for cover.
"anyone hit?!"
Checks over himself and breathes a sigh of relief.
" Ragnar, are they both dealt with? " is a follow up shout.

2021-12-30, 12:44 PM
ragnar is behind some old rusted metal wreck, rifle to his shoulder "i got one, not so sure about the other" he calls back

2021-12-30, 01:45 PM
Ben lies still. Motion hurts. There's a hole through his pants and into his thigh. The puncture throbs. Blood oozes from it. There's a hard hot thing in it, right against his thighbone. When he shifts a little to try and relieve the pressure of the ground against his body, the hard hot thing scrapes his bone.

Both watchers in the tower have vanished from view.

You all can hear shouts of alarm from outside the palisade. The field workers probably don't know what to do now.

{Simon, Ragnar: Ben needs first aid.}

2021-12-30, 02:37 PM
"keep me covered!" si shouts and runs for Ben, hands going straight to his kit for the required bits to patch up Ben.

Guessing you want a roll for this...


2021-12-30, 03:37 PM
"keep me covered!" si shouts and runs for Ben, hands going straight to his kit for the required bits to patch up Ben.

{I'm going to wait for Ragnar's action ...

For Ragnar (if you choose to cover):
10+ Suppressing fire keeps the watchers down, Si makes it safely to Ben

7-9 Pick one:
Suppressing fire effective, but running out of ammo - Si reaches Ben
Si driven to cover before reaching Ben

6- (Si gets +2 warrior to his roll for getting to Ben) - cascade to a list of options for Si's "7" result}

2021-12-30, 03:46 PM
ragnar will give cover fire, bullets plinking off the tower as he keeps watch for any other suprises


2021-12-30, 07:31 PM
Ben whispers "not how i was imagining this day going." he says very much in a lot of pain.

2021-12-31, 09:52 AM
Simon slides into position next to Ben, his surgical kit in his hand. He quickly assesses the wound. Blood flow is not life threatening. In more hygienic conditions, he could extract the bullet. For now, what does he do?

2021-12-31, 10:22 AM
Simon cuts open the trousers to see better and is relieved by the minimal extent of the injury but throws on some antiseptic powder, dresses the wound and hits in a shot of strong painkiller. Checks over the wound to make sure it's all good. "You'll be fine in no time, plus a nicely placed scar to show the ladies" he says reassuring Ben.

Guessing you wanted one. [roll0]

2021-12-31, 04:28 PM
Ben whispers "not how i was imagining this day going." he says very much in a lot of pain.

Simon cuts open the trousers to see better and is relieved by the minimal extent of the injury but throws on some antiseptic powder, dresses the wound and hits in a shot of strong painkiller. Checks over the wound to make sure it's all good. "You'll be fine in no time, plus a nicely placed scar to show the ladies" he says reassuring Ben.

Guessing you wanted one.

{+3 surgeon = 8
7-9: Ben Pick one

The wound isn't as clean as you thought
The painkiller will wear off quicker than you expected
The antiseptic has expired
The embedded bullet will cause problems at an unexpected moment}

2021-12-31, 09:55 PM
Ben attempts to grin through the pain "like i have time for lelationships. Heh.

I pick the pain killer will run out.

2022-01-01, 12:15 PM
The door of the house is shut. Ragnar has stopped sending bullets up toward the tower. The shouts of alarm from the fields have stopped. The watchers are not visible.

What do you do?

2022-01-01, 12:24 PM
"Ragnar, with any luck Ben will work some magic, did you want to check around the house to find our best way in and out, or possible issue points? Ben, do you think you're up for seeing what they have over in their workshop that you can put to good use?" asks Si, peaking around.

2022-01-01, 01:10 PM
"yessir" ragnar barks and darts toward the house. he will check for entrances, find the one of least resistance, and breach and clear

2022-01-01, 05:34 PM
"yessir" ragnar barks and darts toward the house. he will check for entrances, find the one of least resistance, and breach and clear

{Good plan. I'm going to roll for it, save time. [roll0]
10+ You find a good entrance, breach it, and enter - describe please.

7-9 You find an entrance, but (pick one):
It's tough to open (describe) - as you struggle, a bullet smacks against the wall beside you
It opens easily, you enter, and ... there's someone there in front of you (I'll describe)
As you approach, it opens and someone comes out of it (I'll describe)

6- As you circle the house in search of an entrance, you (pick one):
Catch your foot on a rock and fall on your face, your knee hurts bad
Catch your foot on a rock and fall on your face, your rifle bounces away
Feel a bullet burn across the side of your neck, a moment before you hear the gunshot behind you

2022-01-01, 08:18 PM
"Ragnar, with any luck Ben will work some magic, did you want to check around the house to find our best way in and out, or possible issue points? Ben, do you think you're up for seeing what they have over in their workshop that you can put to good use?" asks Si, peaking around.

Ben nodded then attempted to stand up. "I'll do my best with what i get."

2022-01-01, 08:34 PM
ragnar circles the house and finds an entrance to the root cellar. he kicks in the door and heads down, checking his corners, the cellar is old and dusty, and he sees stairs leading up to the ground floor. he takes them two at a time, and kicks in that door as well

2022-01-02, 03:42 AM
Simon helps Ben over to the smithy "if you're all good here, I'll let you get on, I'm going to get up into that tower". And with that, races over to the tower, puts a throwing dagger between his teeth and climbs the ladder up, slowing at the top and taking hold of his knife with one hand and getting a good grip with the other before going over the top.

2022-01-02, 08:13 PM
"alright. It's time to get to work! ben thinks "hmmm. Maybe a gatling gun will do. Time to use my gift. Good bye the understanding of emotions.

Ben uses his gift to make a gatling gun.

2022-01-03, 07:43 AM
Ragnar is in the first floor of the house. [roll0] As you spin around the frame of the root cellar doorway, {roll 2d6}

Simon is at the tower parapet. You see one of the watchers crouched over the other, administering first aid like you did to Ben. It doesn't seem like it's working. [roll1]

Ben is in the workshop making a gatling gun from some old scrap (please describe what you find and use).

2022-01-03, 08:14 AM
Ragnar is in the first floor of the house. [roll0] As you spin around the frame of the root cellar doorway, {roll 2d6}

Simon is at the tower parapet. You see one of the watchers crouched over the other, administering first aid like you did to Ben. It doesn't seem like it's working. [roll1]

Ben is in the workshop making a gatling gun from some old scrap (please describe what you find and use).

[roll0] << be lucky for me dice, or at least not a 1 or 2

2022-01-03, 08:26 AM
Ragnar is in the first floor of the house. [roll0] As you spin around the frame of the root cellar doorway, {roll 2d6}

Simon is at the tower parapet. You see one of the watchers crouched over the other, administering first aid like you did to Ben. It doesn't seem like it's working. [roll1]

Ben is in the workshop making a gatling gun from some old scrap (please describe what you find and use).

Ben takes apart some pipes and some tin watering cans plus nails. The nails are the bullets. The cans make up the bulk of the design and the pipes are the 6 chambers.

Ooc is this fine.

2022-01-03, 09:12 AM
Ben takes apart some pipes and some tin watering cans plus nails. The nails are the bullets. The cans make up the bulk of the design and the pipes are the 6 chambers.

Ooc is this fine.

{Ben: good so far but we need a propellant }

[roll0] << be lucky for me dice, or at least not a 1 or 2

{ Simon: the 6 I rolled means this: }
You roll over the parapet and land on your feet, directly behind the kneeling watcher, who is fixated on helping their comrade. What do you do?
{ The 2 you rolled means it's not going to go well, next time please state what you're trying to do before you roll }

2022-01-03, 09:20 AM
{Ben: good so far but we need a propellant }

{ Simon: the 6 I rolled means this: }
You roll over the parapet and land on your feet, directly behind the kneeling watcher, who is fixated on helping their comrade. What do you do?
{ The 2 you rolled means it's not going to go well, next time please state what you're trying to do before you roll }

Ooc the propilent is a bunch of gun powder and lighters to activate the gunpowder.

2022-01-03, 09:37 AM
sorry, me being daft. But the following is what I would have tried doing on getting up successfully

With Simon getting up without issue he surveys the situation of what the wend watcher is trying to do. He'll use a foot to pull any guns to behind him while brandishing the knife in one hand and showing an open palm with the other (like "stop").
"Hey, calm down, I'm a medic. Where's he hit? I can help"

Get an insider on our side, it's the plan.

2022-01-03, 12:05 PM
sorry, me being daft. But the following is what I would have tried doing on getting up successfully

With Simon getting up without issue he surveys the situation of what the wend watcher is trying to do. He'll use a foot to pull any guns to behind him while brandishing the knife in one hand and showing an open palm with the other (like "stop").
"Hey, calm down, I'm a medic. Where's he hit? I can help"

Get an insider on our side, it's the plan.

Simon doesn't see a gun. But he has his knife and he says his piece.

As he starts to speak, the kneeling person scrambles around to face him - and grabs up the rifle that was laying next to the wounded watcher.

Simon is looking at two wide eyes in a frightened woman's face, and at the little black hole in the wrong end of a rifle barrel. He notices the woman has short blonde bangs and a fringe of blonde hair around the bottom of a dark green watch cap.

"You shot him!" she exclaims. "Drop the knife!"

2022-01-03, 12:09 PM
Ooc the propilent is a bunch of gun powder and lighters to activate the gunpowder.

Looking around the shed, Ben finds in one corner on the floor a stack of heavy rectangular metal cans with latched lids. There is faded writing on the side. He opens the top one and finds himself looking at somewhat tarnished brass cartridges with greenish-blue bullets. After a couple of minutes he's got a working weapon. It's not quite a gatling gun, it doesn't spin the barrels around. But it has multiple zipgun barrels that should fire individual rounds.

{ If you roll 6- while using this it's running out of ammo and will run out the next time you use it. if you roll 7-9, it will run out on the next 9-. }

2022-01-03, 03:03 PM
Simon doesn't see a gun. But he has his knife and he says his piece.

As he starts to speak, the kneeling person scrambles around to face him - and grabs up the rifle that was laying next to the wounded watcher.

Simon is looking at two wide eyes in a frightened woman's face, and at the little black hole in the wrong end of a rifle barrel. He notices the woman has short blonde bangs and a fringe of blonde hair around the bottom of a dark green watch cap.

"You shot him!" she exclaims. "Drop the knife!"

"Whoaa! If I meant you harm I wouldn't have said anything and just stabbed you. Like I said... I'm a medic... I can help." Simon says very slowly, eyes flickering from the end of a barrel to the ladies eyes and back. He gives a very audible gulp, a final look at her eyes then down at the wounded watcher to see if he can see where the wound is. Slowly he lowers the knife but only to his sheath. "He needs help now, and I really don't like helping with a gun pointed at me, can we just look at helping your friend? He's bleeding badly, I think I'll need your help..."

2022-01-03, 04:13 PM
"Whoaa! If I meant you harm I wouldn't have said anything and just stabbed you. Like I said... I'm a medic... I can help." Simon says very slowly, eyes flickering from the end of a barrel to the ladies eyes and back. He gives a very audible gulp, a final look at her eyes then down at the wounded watcher to see if he can see where the wound is. Slowly he lowers the knife but only to his sheath. "He needs help now, and I really don't like helping with a gun pointed at me, can we just look at helping your friend? He's bleeding badly, I think I'll need your help..."

{ I'm going to save time a bit with [roll0]

10+ she lowers the rifle and accepts Simon's help

7-9 she accepts Simon's help but keeps the rifle pointed at him the whole time; his roll to help had better go well!

6- she shoots Simon now }

2022-01-03, 04:14 PM
{ double post so I don't have to edit previous }

The frightened woman lowers the rifle as Simon returns his knife to its sheath. She takes a deep breath and scoots aside so that Simon can get to the wounded person - a skinny man wearing overalls and a thick plaid jacket over a t-shirt.

Simon describe what you're doing and make a roll.

2022-01-03, 05:02 PM
Simon looks over the man, checks for pulse and breathing, both present but breathing is laboured. There's a wound to the left upper chest, he wonders if all of Ragnar's shooting is this good if the reaction shots hit like this. He checks for an exit wound and is glad to see there was one so no bullet to deal with but hates having to deal with such an awkward wound. Firstly, applying pressure to the wound he then turns to the lady and says:
"Take off your coat and top, then rip up the top into 2! This will pad each wound, and your belt will hold these in place." Once that's done, the coat goes over him to keep him as warm as possible.
"Right, he's going to need more than this and I can't help with what I have. If there's needle and fishing line in the house, I'll patch him up like that. You know as well as me, I'll never get in that house and make it out to help, you'll need to come with me. There's nothing more we can do here for him now. Lets take the guns and go, we don't want him waking up and taking a pot shot at us in a shock induced mania."

I'll have to get you to roll mine more often :smallwink:

2022-01-05, 08:28 PM
Ben takes his gatling gun and looks for the owner of the farm to force them to hand it over.

2022-01-06, 08:20 AM
Thought I'd put this in the ooc but no...

2022-01-06, 02:09 PM
Simon looks over the man, checks for pulse and breathing, both present but breathing is laboured. There's a wound to the left upper chest, he wonders if all of Ragnar's shooting is this good if the reaction shots hit like this. He checks for an exit wound and is glad to see there was one so no bullet to deal with but hates having to deal with such an awkward wound. Firstly, applying pressure to the wound

The female watcher scrutinizes Simon's actions, keeping her gun in her hand.

As Simon asks for her garments she inhales deeply, exhales, and complies. She's wearing a halter under the t-shirt. She rips the shirt and passes it over.

Simon dresses the wound the best he can with the non-sterile garments. The woman picks up her gun again as he does so.

"Fine," she says when he's done. "I don't know why you'd think we have fishing line, there's no good water near here. But Miss Kloomi probably has thread. We could ... boil it? Is that what you do?"

Ben takes his gatling gun and looks for the owner of the farm to force them to hand it over.

{ Where does Ben look? }

ragnar circles the house and finds an entrance to the root cellar. he kicks in the door and heads down, checking his corners, the cellar is old and dusty, and he sees stairs leading up to the ground floor. he takes them two at a time, and kicks in that door as well

{ Ragnar: what's up? I'm going to [roll0] }

2022-01-06, 03:40 PM
Ooc ben just tries to check every room in the house but by quickly scanning said rooms.

2022-01-07, 04:02 AM
"That would do it, unless you have some extra strong moonshine about, that'd be even better as we can use that on the wounds when we put a fresh dressing on after." Simon replies. "Nice top by the way" he says slowly noticing the lady before him all the more now that things are calming down. "You know, we are trying to help here. Do you know Kloomi well?" moving to the ladder.

2022-01-07, 10:15 AM
ragnar circles the house and finds an entrance to the root cellar. he kicks in the door and heads down, checking his corners, the cellar is old and dusty, and he sees stairs leading up to the ground floor. he takes them two at a time, and kicks in that door as well

Ragnar spins around the doorframe, bringing his rifle down, and finds a knife-handle jutting from the hollow between his left shoulder and his chest. His left arm goes limp and he nearly drops the gun. Across the room, the grey-haired lady reaches for another knife from the big shiny brown wooden block.

Ooc ben just tries to check every room in the house but by quickly scanning said rooms.

Ben follows Ragnar's path into the root cellar and starts up the steps. He sees someone's shadow in the open door at the top of the stairs, and hears a wet "thump" and a gasp of breath. Then he hears, a woman's voice, "Get the hell out!"

"That would do it, unless you have some extra strong moonshine about, that'd be even better as we can use that on the wounds when we put a fresh dressing on after." Simon replies. "Nice top by the way" he says slowly noticing the lady before him all the more now that things are calming down. "You know, we are trying to help here. Do you know Kloomi well?" moving to the ladder.

"She's a decent woman," the woman answers, "runs fair and keeps us fed."

2022-01-07, 10:44 AM
ragnar will activate the gift of the cheetah and book it towards her, pulling the knife from his sheath and stabbing violently


2022-01-07, 10:51 AM
"I have a feeling that may well be true. You don't get happy workers otherwise. Like you, clearly you are at least friends with that bloke. The thing is, the King wants here." Simon says then offering a hand to help her down the final rungs. "Would you rather, he comes here with an army, kills loads of you guys and runs the show or... You accept some kind of deal and no doubt everyone goes on with the reassurance you're then under royal protection?" he says, and before allowing time for a reply continues "front door?"

2022-01-07, 09:31 PM
ragnar will activate the gift of the cheetah and book it towards her, pulling the knife from his sheath and stabbing violently

{ I'm guessing that you're trying to kill her. 7-9: either you fail to kill her, OR she wounds you while you're killing her, OR - you describe something else that is similarly somewhat unsat. }

2022-01-07, 10:52 PM
i will take the wound while i kill her

2022-01-09, 09:40 AM

Ragnar has just killed the owner of the farm. He's wounded twice. { Please keep this in mind when narrating his further actions. }

Simon is bringing the watcher from the tower to the front door of the house. They hear some indistinct clamor from inside. The watcher looks nervous and grips her rifle tightly. She's not quite pointing it at Simon.

Ben comes out the door from the root cellar into the kitchen and sees Ragnar savagely murder an old woman.

Ragnar's rifle is on the floor, where he dropped it when he pulled out his knife.

2022-01-09, 11:28 AM
Simon noticed but will continue and open the front door (using watchers key if needs be, or just knock if all else fails), he'll also keep close to her ready to tackle her if she tries to raise the gun.

2022-01-09, 01:15 PM
ragnar half-straightens, sheathing the knife and limping over to the rifle. he picks it up one-handed. "damn bitch got me twice" he mutters, moving into cover, and preparing to take as many people as he can with him

2022-01-09, 02:38 PM
Simon noticed but will continue and open the front door (using watchers key if needs be, or just knock if all else fails), he'll also keep close to her ready to tackle her if she tries to raise the gun.

The door is locked and nobody immediately answers Simon's knocking. Simon hears movement inside.

ragnar half-straightens, sheathing the knife and limping over to the rifle. he picks it up one-handed. "damn bitch got me twice" he mutters, moving into cover, and preparing to take as many people as he can with him

Ragnar hears someone knocking on the door.

{ What does Ben do? }

2022-01-09, 06:48 PM
Ben is currently unable to understand emotions due to using his gift earlier. So when he sees ragnar kill the old lady he says "I'm guessing she took you by surprise?" completely emotionlessly

When ben hears the door knocking he says "wel we might die. Get ready now.

Ben prepares his gun but makes sure to not accidentally shoot his partner in case he is the one going through the door. Ben makes no effort to hide the body not realising that seeing their boss dead might enrage the enemy.

2022-01-11, 09:16 AM
... some time later ...

You stand before the King of Kint, stern Odlark.

Ragnar's bandaged ribs and shoulder mightily throb. Ben's neck has scabbed over and itches fiercely.

Odlark is wroth.

"You killed Kloomi?!! All the farm hands ran away??!" He slams his fist down on the arm of his carved wooden throne, up on the knee-high green-carpeted platform of the royal dais. You're standing on white and grey square tiles, in a large square room under a high ceiling lit by fading white glow panels. It's cold.

"What ... the ... hell were you thinking, Ragnar?"

2022-01-11, 05:50 PM
"sorry sir" ragnar chirps, attempting to look innocent. that lady's a damn good knife thrower"

2022-01-11, 09:38 PM
The king rubs his forehead. He's not a young man, exactly. The weight of a half-ruined city rests on his head.

"Do you think any of you have the personality that can charm a bunch of folk to go out and learn how to work a farm where all the hands have left?" Odlark asks you. "Do any of you know a damned thing about running a farm?"

2022-01-12, 01:56 AM
"I'm sorry your majesty, I do not" Simon says in an apologetic manner.

2022-01-12, 04:40 PM
"not i, your majesty" ragnar says

2022-01-12, 08:25 PM
"well ..." says the king, slowly, as if trying to buy time for thought to catch up to his tongue. "... do you reckon that you have the skills to protect someone like that, while they travel around trying to recruit a farmer who'll take over and repair for me what you've wrecked?"

2022-01-12, 09:34 PM
"well ..." says the king, slowly, as if trying to buy time for thought to catch up to his tongue. "... do you reckon that you have the skills to protect someone like that, while they travel around trying to recruit a farmer who'll take over and repair for me what you've wrecked?"

"I'd say yes. We got 2 excellent fighters and I'm a inventor of great renown so i think it's a job we can preform to the best of our ability. What's the worst that can happen." ben says like he didn't just mess up the previous job.

2022-01-13, 03:13 AM
"It would be both just and appropriate my lord" Si chimes in

2022-01-13, 10:06 PM
"Oh, good," King Odlark says. Flatly.

"Well, I have just such a person available for you to escort. My niece, Lamisa."

You all know Lamisa. She's a good looker, cheerful, outgoing, a real ring-leader among the teenagers a few years younger than Ben. Most likely she would be able to talk a farmer into joining Odlark's struggling community.

But she has absolutely no judgment.

So ... this might be "fun."

"Are you in?" asks the King.

2022-01-14, 12:04 AM
"a job is a job. It's the least we can do after what happened at the farm. ben said honestly.

2022-01-14, 02:00 AM
"Did you also have a destination you would wish us escort the Princess to, a meeting of farmers or a few candidate farmers who seem more... prosperous than others?" Simon asks, hoping against hope that it won't be a a case of visiting every single farm until they strike it lucky.

2022-01-14, 08:54 AM
"ah," says King Odlark thoughtfully, "I think in the city of Lonsk there is a Grange where their farmers meet." Lonsk is about a week away on foot. It's larger and more prosperous than Kint. "The Queen of that city might not take well to us openly luring a farmer away. You would need to be discreet ..." his brow furrows as he thinks more about that "... which could be difficult for Lamisa. Which of you could get her to tone it down a bit in public?"

2022-01-14, 09:08 AM
"Ben, you know your mind control thing... Do you think you could get it working, or even something else, something that calms or pacifies in any way?" Simon asks, knowing that suggesting Ragnar threatens violence against the Kings niece probably isn't the best choice to offer.

2022-01-14, 09:27 AM
"Ben, you know your mind control thing... Do you think you could get it working, or even something else, something that calms or pacifies in any way?" Simon asks, knowing that suggesting Ragnar threatens violence against the Kings niece probably isn't the best choice to offer.

"i can try. That's for sure. Not sure if the king will be ok with that but if he is then it's worth a shot.

2022-01-14, 03:22 PM
Odlark smiles a thin smile.

"I've always thought her mother took away the pacifier too early," he says. "Sure, if you have some device to calm her down a bit, that probably would help." He gestures toward you in casual dismissal. "Go find her, get ready to travel. I think the Lonsk Grange meets at the full moon, that's about ten days from now. Time enough to get there and get your feet on the ground."

2022-01-14, 03:35 PM
"At once my king" si says and bows.

2022-01-14, 06:22 PM
"at your orders me leige." says ben putting a hand to his chest with a smug smile at the usefulness of his genius.

2022-01-14, 06:34 PM
It's not hard to find Lamisa, she's holding her own court amidst a laughing bunch of girls and teasing boys in the flower garden courtyard that is surrounded by Odlark's ramshackle palace. She and her coterie completely ignore you as you descend the shallow steps from the inward door of the king's hall.

2022-01-14, 06:41 PM
It's not hard to find Lamisa, she's holding her own court amidst a laughing bunch of girls and teasing boys in the flower garden courtyard that is surrounded by Odlark's ramshackle palace. She and her coterie completely ignore you as you descend the shallow steps from the inward door of the king's hall.

"lamisa. We gotta go. We need you to get you to convince some folk to work for us." ben says professionally but still a bit high on his previous smugness.

2022-01-15, 12:15 AM
ragnar stands and harrumphs, watching everything

2022-01-15, 02:15 AM
"Lamisa... *sigh* the king is dire need of your utmost beauty and considerable skills in order to deal with a problem that wracks him most terribly. Alas for such short notice and time that we must make haste and be on our way. Please adjourn your court that we may do the kind bidding swiftly. Simon says, trying to get things under way and remove all the annoying people which will only distract Lamisa and test the patience of the 3 of them beyond what will no doubt be their limits.

2022-01-15, 08:24 AM
Lamisa glances at you, tosses her hair, and laughs as she holds out her hand for another girl to paint something on the back of it with henna ink. "What does uncle want?"

2022-01-15, 08:38 AM
Lamisa glances at you, tosses her hair, and laughs as she holds out her hand for another girl to paint something on the back of it with henna ink. "What does uncle want?"

"well miss. We need some farmers to work for us. We could use your skill at persuasion.

2022-01-15, 09:00 AM
"Don't worry, not some mucky farm." Simon hastily adds "Rather ... an exclusive show!"

2022-01-15, 01:36 PM
Lamisa bites her lip thoughtfully, swings her legs down from the stone plinth where she's sitting, slides to her feet and brushes down her embroidered linen trousers and blouse. "Excuse me," she says to her friends, and she walks away from them and away from the king's hall toward the far side of the courtyard. It's not clear whether she expects you to follow but she's walking with a certain seriousness that's not like the persona she has been displaying with her friends.

2022-01-15, 01:42 PM
"Oh great! We're gonna get treated like that are we... Guessing that's our sign to follow. Come on" Si says feeling like this task became a whole lot trickier.

2022-01-15, 08:40 PM
So you follow the spoiled princess, and when you're at the steps at the far side of the rectangular courtyard you glance back and see that her friends are oblivious to her absence.

"What kind of a show is it?" she anxiously asks. "Not like a beauty ... pageant?" She looks worried. Without other teenagers around her, the cheerful bubbly demeanor is gone.

2022-01-16, 07:28 AM
"Erm... Sorry?" Simon replies taking a double check on what he heard and how. He looks to Ben and Ragnar. "I mean no, I don't think there will be anything like that. Although I'm not familiar with what will be there. It could be there is a bit for farmer clothing, or best cow, pig etc but..." the mental penny drops "I think you will be away from all the people in this court." he says gently.

2022-01-16, 07:36 AM
Ben stays silent since he know enough to know he isn't as socially skilled as simon.

2022-01-18, 01:47 PM
"Erm... Sorry?" Simon replies taking a double check on what he heard and how. He looks to Ben and Ragnar. "I mean no, I don't think there will be anything like that. Although I'm not familiar with what will be there. It could be there is a bit for farmer clothing, or best cow, pig etc but..." the mental penny drops "I think you will be away from all the people in this court." he says gently.

Lamisa looks up at Simon and half-smiles. "That would be nice," she says. "When do we leave? Where are we going?"

2022-01-18, 02:48 PM
"We head for Lonsk, around a weeks walk. I believe the king would want us to leave as soon as possible." Simon explains "We will be ready tomorrow no doubt, once packed and any last preparations arranged for. Will you be able to be ready for then? Or do you have any other questions or such?"

2022-01-19, 11:15 AM
Lamisa slowly shakes her head. She has a serious look.

"I can be ready," she says. She glances up at the eternally pink-glowing sky, then over toward the shattered clock on the courtyard wall. "I will take a rest for six turns of the hourglass," she suggests. "Then we'll take another two turns to pack, and then we'll go."

After you rest and pack, you meet in front of the palace. Oddly, only a few of Lamisa's friends are there to wish her luck. You think you recognize the girl who was painting on her hand, and two of the boys who were laughing with her.

The road to Lonsk is well known but not much traveled. Towns in these times supply themselves and trade little other than rumors. Sometimes people "choose" to leave a town and wander to another. Such travelers are given the benefit of big doubts.

You walk toward Lonsk.

{ What have you each done to prepare? }

2022-01-19, 01:00 PM
Simon has a backpack stuffed with rations (if you're bothering with such things) for the journey and topped with a bed roll pack and tarp with strings (unless we have regular easy access to inns and skiing such bits and maybe having rp based on being in them as required?). Med packs all topped up, a mess tin with "emergency operation items, (e.g. Scalpels, alcohol, matches and candle and needles and thread) and an additional pouch with sedatives has been added. Knives honed. I'd love to day a ballistics vest b but that may push things?

"Your royal highness. We await your word". Simon says with a bow of his head.

2022-01-19, 06:46 PM
Ben brings his micro gun and his self made car

"thank you. Your royal highness" ben says with a bow of his head.

2022-01-23, 11:28 AM
After packing and resting, whichever order you do that, you arrive with your packs at the front of the palace. The structure is more impressive from the outside, its gleaming metal and glass facade looming up into the sky a hundred feet or more. The shattered remains of many windows impart an ominous appearance to the ancient edifice.

Lamisa is waiting outside. Only three of her dozens of friends are with her - the girl who was painting henna on her hand, and two of the boys. They all look seriously at you and at Lamisa. The girl embraces her: "Good luck, sweetie!" The boys stand awkwardly before one of them leans forward to kiss her forehead. Then the other quickly and embarassedly hugs her.

You set out toward Lonsk.

= = =

Half an hour from town you pass Kloomi's abandoned farm. The odor of rotting broccoli makes you gag as you walk on.

Hours pass. It's hard to track time beneath the ceaseless pink shadowless glow of the clouds. Rain falls for a bit and you get wet and cold. The showers pass by and the pink glow starts to slowly warm you.

The road is basically flat, the land around it stretches into the distance without much variation. Pebbles, dirt, cactus, shrubs, big cactus, big shrubs, a few isolated hummocks of dirt that rise no more than a few dozen feet in the air. At one time long ago the road was smooth and black. Now it is a mess of cracked black rubble, not particularly even but more solid than the somewhat muddy ground to either side.

You can see the problem for a while before you reach it. There's a group of people loitering on the road ahead, about a mile away. They have a campfire burning, and a couple of tents, and it looks like they may have melee weapons. There's seven of them. You can assume they noticed you as they get up from the fire and stand in a spread-out group across the road and the adjacent ground. They don't say anything yet, or they're too far for you to hear them.

2022-01-23, 12:53 PM
"To good to have hoped that we would have a peaceful journey." Si says in a reassigned way glad they're still far from earshot. "Do excuse me for asking princess, but have you ever been in a fight or ever taken any for of combat training? They don't look like they want to make friends."

2022-01-23, 08:27 PM
"I'll just drive through them. This car can handle running over a few folk. Be prepared for a big bump! ben prepares to run over and drive through any obstacle.

2022-01-28, 01:45 AM
As Ben pushes down on the accelerator that but more, Simon braces and tries to watch and predict what the people ahead will do..

2022-02-07, 08:20 PM
{ Ben rolls
SUFFER: they shoot at you with bullets and Ben loses control of the car.
SUCCEED: they scatter out of the way, and you proceed.
SETTLE: you run over some, and the car stops; OR, they scatter, and they shoot you with bullets, but you proceed. }

2022-02-07, 09:12 PM
{ Ben rolls
SUFFER: they shoot at you with bullets and Ben loses control of the car.
SUCCEED: they scatter out of the way, and you proceed.
SETTLE: you run over some, and the car stops; OR, they scatter, and they shoot you with bullets, but you proceed. }


If i have to settle I'd say I'd run over some and the car stops.

2022-02-08, 01:32 AM
As the car comes to a halt, Simon checks his companions are OK before getting out and taking cover behind the car and seeing if he can assess the situation.

2022-02-08, 09:41 PM

If i have to settle I'd say I'd run over some and the car stops.

{ With that roll, you would SUFFER unless you spent a point from some calling relevant to driving. You don't have one of those.

So I reckon this happens: }

Bullets smack into the windshield making circular dents and stars. Shards of glass spray into the car from the impacts. One of them cuts Ben's eyelid and he feels a sharp pain in his right eye. Inadvertently, he swerves. The car lurches, skids, and tumbles. Lamisa shrieks "oh noes!"

Were you wearing seatbelts?

2022-02-08, 09:55 PM
{ With that roll, you would SUFFER unless you spent a point from some calling relevant to driving. You don't have one of those.

So I reckon this happens: }

Bullets smack into the windshield making circular dents and stars. Shards of glass spray into the car from the impacts. One of them cuts Ben's eyelid and he feels a sharp pain in his right eye. Inadvertently, he swerves. The car lurches, skids, and tumbles. Lamisa shrieks "oh noes!"

Were you wearing seatbelts?

Yes ben was wearing a seat belt.

2022-02-09, 02:02 AM
Were you wearing seatbelts?

Wouldn't drive without one.

2022-02-12, 08:22 AM
The car flips, tumbles, bounces, lands on its roof. All three of you are hanging uncomfortably in your seatbelts.

It's like you've all gone deaf. There should be some kind of noise, maybe a shrieking sound from whatever vapor is jetting from the front of the car - in the current disorder, Ben can't remember what he put in there that would make vapor - is it smoke? - but none of you hear anything.

Time seems not to be moving.

Then one of you moves. Who? What do you do?

2022-02-12, 09:08 AM
The car flips, tumbles, bounces, lands on its roof. All three of you are hanging uncomfortably in your seatbelts.

It's like you've all gone deaf. There should be some kind of noise, maybe a shrieking sound from whatever vapor is jetting from the front of the car - in the current disorder, Ben can't remember what he put in there that would make vapor - is it smoke? - but none of you hear anything.

Time seems not to be moving.

Then one of you moves. Who? What do you do?

Ben attempts to shake simon and tries to whisper "are you guys ok?" to the group.

2022-02-12, 10:54 AM
"I'm good, but what's in your engine...? Lamisa, are you alright?"
Simon says as he plays with the belt release, resorting to a knife if not releasing.

2022-02-12, 07:10 PM
"I'm good, but what's in your engine...? Lamisa, are you alright?"
Simon says as he plays with the belt release, resorting to a knife if not releasing.

"I don't remember what's in my engine. Is that bad?" Ben said worriedly.

2022-02-13, 07:26 AM
"Well I don't think it's good!" Si replies. Then just before the belt gives, he extends a free hand to stop ginseng face planting onto the roof of the car.
"Let's get away from here it if we can. Lamisa, you OK back there" Simon asks as he tries to wriggle into a better position to look out of the window and open the door if possible.

2022-02-13, 10:46 PM
{[roll0] 1-2: roof is crushed, doors are jammed shut

3+: doors open }

Simon kicks open the door. Lamisa scrambles over and around him and tumbles out onto the ground, where she rolls herself quickly away from the car. Simon and Ben see two pairs of feet running after her. As Lamisa and the feet get further from the car, Simon and Ben see two rough-looking men grab Lamisa and haul her up to her feet!

2022-02-13, 10:54 PM
Ben attempts to shoot the man on the right. [roll0]

2022-02-14, 02:02 AM
Simon tries to intimidate the other after seeing Ben's great shot. "You want to end up like your friend there, you'll let her go now and walk away!" while saying this, he keeps walking towards them, or sideways away from the car depending on the man's reactions.

guessing you'll want a roll

2022-02-16, 02:42 PM
The man Simon's trying to threaten barks out a harsh laugh, releases Lamisa's twisted arm, steps forward, and punches Simon in the face.

{ I'll give you a roll to resist being knocked down.
10+ you automatically succeed at whatever you do to respond
7-9 you stay on your feet and can respond
6- you're knocked down and things keep going wrong }

2022-02-16, 02:55 PM
Simon's head snaps to the right from the man's hit, but he lets the movement take him and he carries the spin; although his arms come up, they come with knives. The spin takes him full 360, and from the half crouch position, springs at the man. His left arm punching forwards towards their torso, right held close in ready for a second strike as soon as the other hits or blocked away.

2022-02-16, 08:22 PM
Ben tries the pistol whip the guy that punched simon.

2022-02-18, 04:40 PM
A few brief moments of confusion ...

The tough guy staggers backward, clutching his stomach and grunting. Simon's knife has blood on it.

Simon also has a pain in his skull, thanks to Ben's mis-directed swing of a pistol. The headache lances from the top right side of his head into his upper teeth.

Lamisa scrambles to her feet. "are you ok?"

2022-02-18, 06:19 PM
Simon reels and stumbles onto a knee and stops himself falling further with his hands as the pounding in his head sends him dizzy. What just happened? He knew that he was past the man's arms and he wasn't getting a hit in. Driving, ambush, car crash, Lamisa, man... He looks up, there's the man. He's not dead but... Lamisa, she's there concerned... What? "Yer... Just give me a moment. I'm just..". Ben, he's.. He's the gun the wrong.. Oh. Wait the car! The ambush! Simon stands quickly..... A bit too quickly and nearly falls only to catch and support himself on Lamisa as she approaches. "Thanks" he manages to murmur. He shakes his head. And looks to assess the situation.

2022-02-18, 07:57 PM
Simon reels and stumbles onto a knee and stops himself falling further with his hands as the pounding in his head sends him dizzy. What just happened? He knew that he was past the man's arms and he wasn't getting a hit in. Driving, ambush, car crash, Lamisa, man... He looks up, there's the man. He's not dead but... Lamisa, she's there concerned... What? "Yer... Just give me a moment. I'm just..". Ben, he's.. He's the gun the wrong.. Oh. Wait the car! The ambush! Simon stands quickly..... A bit too quickly and nearly falls only to catch and support himself on Lamisa as she approaches. "Thanks" he manages to murmur. He shakes his head. And looks to assess the situation.

"S-sorry pal. Was trying to hit the bandit." Ben looks ashamed of himself. "wow. I ****ed up." he thinks to himself.

2022-02-22, 03:22 PM
Lamisa ... the situation seems to be sinking in. She looks pale and her face is faintly shiny, like sweaty.

The tough guy on the ground is not moving, the one Simon stabbed has sat down hard and is clutching his belly and moaning.

Lamisa abruptly pivots away from you two, hunches over, and pukes.

2022-02-22, 05:10 PM
Ben looks away from the pukeing. Nearly pukeing from her puke.

2022-02-23, 11:47 AM
There's a group of people at a distance of about fifty yards. They seem preoccupied with caring for the people Ben ran over.

The car makes an ominous hissing noise. Then it stops.

What do you do?

2022-02-23, 01:31 PM
Simon looks to the other two.
"So what do you think we should do. We can stick around here... Or we can try and get as far away from here as we can. If we stay, do we befriend in case they can help some how or"
Looks at the injured man and his dead friend.
"... And if we go, let's get going, but again, what do we do with him?"

2022-02-23, 06:10 PM
Simon looks to the other two.
"So what do you think we should do. We can stick around here... Or we can try and get as far away from here as we can. If we stay, do we befriend in case they can help some how or"
Looks at the injured man and his dead friend.
"... And if we go, let's get going, but again, what do we do with him?"

"I say we run. They aren't gonna wanna befriend someone who just ran over their fellow bandits."

2022-02-24, 01:42 AM
"I'm glad you think so too, let's go." he replies, then turning to the injured man. "I suggest that you don't try to follow us!" he warns.
Simon will look quickly to see if there's
Any obvious weapons or stuff that could be of use taking before moving away.

2022-02-24, 03:43 AM
Once simon starts leaving then so does ben.