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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Class Whirling Mage, a pseudo-gish PrC for when the blades are whirling (PEACH)

2021-12-26, 02:18 PM
Whirling Mage
Those blades aren't even whirling?
Shut up.


BaB: +3
Skills: Concentration +7, Spellcraft +7
Feats: Combat Casting, Weapon Focus (Any slashing weapon)
Special: Ability to cast Whirling Blade

Hit Dice 1d6

Skill Points: 4 + Int

Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Climb, Craft, Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Search, Slight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope


Whirling Edge, Mystic Whirling
+1 level of any spellcasting class

+1 level of any spellcasting class

Metawhirl: Extend
+1 level of any spellcasting class

Arcane Sabre
+1 level of any spellcasting class

Supernatural Whirl
+1 level of any spellcasting class

Whirling Defense
+1 level of any spellcasting class

Metawhirl: Twin
+1 level of any spellcasting class

Whirling Return
+1 level of any spellcasting class

Metawhirl: Quicken
+1 level of any spellcasting class

Exceptional Whirl
+1 level of any spellcasting class


At each level you gain spells known, spells per day, increased caster level, etc as if you had gained a level in any class you had taken levels in before this class.

Whirling Edge(SP)
Your mastery of the whirling blade spell allows you to use it more frequently. As an action you can use Whirling Blade as a spell like ability. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Whirling Mage class level per day.

At 5th level you can use this ability as a supernatural ability or a spell like ability.

At 10th level you can use this ability as a exceptional ability, supernatural ability, or a spell like ability. If you choose to use it as a exceptional ability, it does not count against your daily uses of this ability.

Mystic Whirling
At 1st level you gain the ability to substitute your magical prowess for your training with weapons when using Whirling Blade. When using Whirling blade, either as a spell or with your whirling edge class feature, you can treat your BaB as being equal to your caster level. When using your exceptional whirl ability treat its caster level as being equal to your hit dice.

At 2nd level you gain the ability to strike multiple times with your whirling blade. When striking a creature with your whirling blade you may attack that creature as if using a full attack. For example a whirling blade spell with a caster level of 11 can deliver one attack at +11 bab, another at +6, and another at +1 against each creature in it's 60 ft line.

At 3rd level you gain the ability to modify your whirling blades with special metamagic like effects. You may sacrifice a 2nd level or higher spell slor or 2nd level or higher prepared spell or a use of your whirling edge feature when using whirling blade to change your whirling blade's range from 60 ft to 120 ft.

At 7th level you can sacrifice a 4th level or higher spell slot or prepared spell or two uses of your whirling edge feature to strike creatures in 2 lines with your whirling blade. You cannot include the same creature in both lines using this ability.

At 9th level you can sacrifice a 4th level or higher spell slot or prepared spell or two uses of your whirling edge feature to change the casting time of your whirling blade or whirling edge class feature from a action to a swift action.

Arcane Sabre(SU)
At 4th level you gain the ability to maintain the mystical momentum in your blades after they have stopped whirling. For a number of rounds equal to that whirling blade's caster level after you use whirling blade you can treat your BaB as being equal to it's caster level when attacking with the weapon you used as the focus.

Whirling Defense
At 6th level you can have a blade orbit you briefly after using whirling blade. When you use whirling blade you gain a bonus to AC equal to 2 + any enhancement bonus the weapon you used for for whirling blade possesses. This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn.

Whirling Return
At 8th level you can make an additional weapon attack against any creature within 5 ft of you as a free action after using whirling blade.

2021-12-26, 02:19 PM
Reserved incase i need to use it. Also since i forgot to put it in the title. PEACH

2022-01-18, 08:43 AM
While the Whirling Mage looks fine initially, I like to give it a boost.

- requirement +2 BAB
- +4 to +6 skillpoints per level
- poor to medium BAB (helps with blunt and piercing weapons)
- poor will to good will saves
- Arcane Sabre II class feature as the capstone ability, which gives you automatically your CL as BAB with any bladed weapon you have weapon focus in.

And then a class feature would be nice, which works exactly like Whirlwind Attack except it uses the improved range of the Whirling Blade spell and can use a full attack against all enemy within range.

Last but not least the weapon used for Whirling Blade could be treated as if it was +1 size category larger for each 4 caster levels.
With CL 20 it could be +5 size categories larger.

Throw a blade and everyone in your area gets nasty slash wounds.
A thrown long sword could deal 8d6 damage per attack this way.

A Wizard 4/Whirling Mage 10/Abjurant Champion 5/Dragonslayer 1 with the given changes
would still have 15 BAB normally, but whirling blade keeps it at 20 BAB.

2022-01-18, 09:15 PM
While the Whirling Mage looks fine initially, I like to give it a boost.

- requirement +2 BAB
- +4 to +6 skillpoints per level
- poor to medium BAB (helps with blunt and piercing weapons)
- poor will to good will saves
- Arcane Sabre II class feature as the capstone ability, which gives you automatically your CL as BAB with any bladed weapon you have weapon focus in.

And then a class feature would be nice, which works exactly like Whirlwind Attack except it uses the improved range of the Whirling Blade spell and can use a full attack against all enemy within range.

Last but not least the weapon used for Whirling Blade could be treated as if it was +1 size category larger for each 4 caster levels.
With CL 20 it could be +5 size categories larger.

Throw a blade and everyone in your area gets nasty slash wounds.
A thrown long sword could deal 8d6 damage per attack this way.

A Wizard 4/Whirling Mage 10/Abjurant Champion 5/Dragonslayer 1 with the given changes
would still have 15 BAB normally, but whirling blade keeps it at 20 BAB.

Thanks! I didn’t expect people to suggest me buff it, though I can see why. It’s good for what it does but I’ll admit when I made it I might have overvalued what it does. I like the idea of giving larger size categories, though I’ll have to make a note that it’s can’t stack with greater mighty wallop since Executioner’s Mace exists. And the idea of a reverse Martial Arcanist is kind of entertaining.