View Full Version : DM Help Help me Find a monster

2021-12-27, 08:08 AM
Some time ago I remember seeing a monster that was kinda reminiscent of the Snow Queen from the fairy tale. It was a cold-based humanoid (it looked like a human-ish female on the art), fairly high CR (something in double-digits) and and had a bunch of cold-related abilities, probably as SLAs or spells.
Now I can't seem to find her either in the Monster Compendium or in Frostburn.
Any idea what it could have been?

2021-12-27, 08:13 AM
Probably the Frostwind Virago from MMV - it's CR 16.


Its cold abilities are all Supernatural though.

2021-12-27, 08:49 AM
Yeh, that looks about right.
Not a great monster though. Ugh, I'll have to make something up.

Thank you!

2021-12-27, 08:49 AM
Try also Elemental Weirds in Frostburn - they're CR 15 and look like a woman