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2021-12-27, 09:07 AM
You have all been summoned to this meeting by Elinon Darasis-Domar, the woman accounted by almost everyone to be the most powerful “good” person in the Daystor universe. She is not alone however, the high priestess of Klintina Bindar, Tiffany Shonar, is there, along with Tishtina Bindar II, high priestess of Glendira Philisar.
Elinon opens the meeting. Even just sitting there, you can tell Elinon is a woman of action, the high priestess of Lysindra. Her use of magic to bolster her fighting skills is legendary, and while many people can wield two short swords or even two long swords, Elinon is the only person who can wield two greatswords simaltaneously, and she does it seemingly without effort. For the past few years, the various forces of evil have been making unacceptable inroads in all areas of Daystor. Various demonic religions have been building power and the devils have been making a comeback, in fact out agents tell us that there has been a wholesale change in the hierarchy of Hell, lead by an ascended pit fiend named Askaretha. Other sundry evil forces have been causing trouble in various areas. You are here to disrupt as many of those enterprises as possible
Tiffany speaks up at this point, as the high priestess of Klintina, she seems to almost radiate grace and peace. Calmness flows out from her, yet there is more than one story of her using her hammer to demonstrate the power of good over evil. We will be providing you with mission briefings at the start of scenario and then it will be up to you to handle it. Not necessarily by killing them all, although that would work, but at least put the operation out of commission. After a down time of about a month, we will contact you with your next target. Your pay will be whatever you take out of the operation, along with a per mission reward from us.
Tishtina is the last to speak. Known far and wide as The Teacher, those of Glendiras' religion are the greatest teachers of arcane techniques and of them, she is the most prolific. In terms of actual mission operations, we will not be able to help you, if we get involved, then other more powerful forces will get involved and the whole thing will spiral out of control. We can however provide you with indirect aid, such as access to spell books normally out of reach or magic items as long as you can pay the appropriate price. Access to training and any sorts of things that dont bring us into direct opposition with your targets. Even the highest level of healing if needed
Most of you dont know each other, so introductions are in order, along with anything you would like to share about your abilities.

2021-12-28, 01:11 PM
Atalanta had made this trip across the sea once, almost two decades ago when she was a wide eyed youngling with barely any notches on her bow. Now she stood in front of Elinon Darasis-Domar as Daystor's exemplar of good adressed a crowd of heroes from the four courners of Daystor.

This time around, Atalanta's deep mellow eyes no longer showed awe. After all, she had spent most of her adulthood hunting monsters and facing unimaginable dangers- Though she was not an equal to the triad of paramount heroes in front of her, the proud Amazon knew she belonged.

Atalanta is here as an herald of Corsada. Elinon's words all but comfirm what the elders in Corsada and Zylina Corandis II suspect: hell is raising and soon any sign of peace will be the exception.

She stepped forward, moving with ease and barely grazing the floor with her light, almost ethereal steps, she bowed to the triad of heroes and then to the other adventurers.

I am Atalanta, daughter of Nefele and Testio of Corsada, blessed huntress of Daren Philisat II and herald of Zylina Corandis. I bow to you and I'm grateful for the consideration. My vow is to hunt down these demons wherever they hide and put an arrow throught their dark heart.

2021-12-28, 07:07 PM

Otrera smiled faintly, listening to the triad of godly representatives as they lay out the situation. She reaches out to take the hand of the large attractive man beside her, and he smiles broadly. The two are dressed in simple flowing robes common to desert travellers, although currently clean and free of the usual layers of dust accumulated in the in the waste.

When Atalanta introduced herself, Otrera smiled. Here was a woman who understood hard work, and another devotee of the hunt god besides. Perhaps there would be much that the two of them could share in the weeks ahead.

Otrera saw no point in waiting further. The tall, plump woman rose from her seat, the robes swirling around her. The man quickly stood beside her, looking to Otrera for direction.

"My Lady Darasis-Domar. Honoured matriarch Shonar. Honoured matriarch Bindar. Fellow invitees.

"I am Otrera, leader of the Orestii tribe, of the Isharrah. This is my companion, Hillock. My people send praise and honour to this assemblage. I confess that I have less experience dealing with the legions of hell, but am no stranger to the desert's heat and cold, and will hope that a humble servant of the Hunt may be of assistance in this cause."

Those with true sight active see that Otrera is in a slightly different form from her natural one - mostly, in a cleaner robe - but that the man beside her is actually a very large elephant.

2021-12-29, 12:07 PM
"Welcome, Atalanta, Otrera, and Hillock." A lighter black skinned woman steps forward to introduce herself. She wears a clean, high quality hunter green hooded cloak that is pulled back off her shoulders. Under the cloak reveals an exquisite black, gold, and light blue brocaded vest with some discrete dark red arcane symbols. Her figure is well toned but not extraordinarily muscled. She gives a respectful nod to their three hosts.

"I am Sora Solaran, born in Amazonia, raised in Erandol. I am a Battle Mage, primarily defending my home Erandol but also my birthplace when needed. I have a variety of spells to aid my allies, a selection of teleportation spells, spells to control the battlefield, and of course spells to destroy the enemy. My specialty, with Lady Tishtina's aid, is enhancing spells beyond their ordinary limits while still controlling them to keep allies safe."

"I look forward to taking the fight to the enemy and defending Daystor as a whole." Sora gives a smile to those not introduced yet, then steps back for whoever steps forward next.

2021-12-29, 01:54 PM
An average built, but rather handsome man in a white with gold trimmed robe steps forward bows slightly to all gathered. I am Tinac, just a simple healer. Though I might not be able to do much against the forces of evil directly. I will do all I can to make sure all of you are more ready, cared for life and limb, and indeed supported in this upcoming endeavor

He steps back, lost in thought Such legendary champions, am I truly deserving to accompany such great warriors?

I do not remember seeing how to post thoughts, so I just put mine in italics.

2021-12-30, 10:54 AM

I am Tessa.

Standing before you is a short woman, very striking and clearly sure of herself. She has deep brown eyes that are nearly green in some lights, and brown hair cut short, other than a tail in the back.

Her clothes are unrestricting, and she has a sword at her hip that looks well-made and often used.

Her eyes are flicking back and forth among everyone, rarely settling in one place. Her moves are graceful, but they also seem unnaturally fast.

I'm glad to meet you all, and look forward to taking the fight to the enemy. It is always better to attack than defend. I fight with both magic and blade, and mix the two in a style similar to Lysindra herself. I can also enhance weapons, and always make it difficult to teleport in around me.

2021-12-30, 05:47 PM
Not seeing any particular order that the group has been seated or rising in, an Elf with pale gray skin wearing a red dress chooses the next gap in conversation to stand and introduce herself. "My name is Mulcri Setuhl, also one of Elinon's contributions to our little group." She gives Tessa a greeting nod before continuing. "Though my own magic is more focused in defense, debilitation, and molding the battlefield to our advantage. That said, I also usually keep a teleportation ward up." She now turns, speaking directly to Sora. "Though I can cast it on you instead of myself, so it will keep us from being ambushed while not interfering with you jumping around during a fight." She turns to Tessa. "Of course that won't do anything if there are other such wards in place."

"Also, I have several spells that I can cast before we turn in the night before we begin our assignments that will last throughout the next day and beyond. As I was uncertain, I prepared my spells for today assuming we would be leaving for our first task relatively soon, but do let me know what kinds of magic will be helpful to you all so I may prepare them when able. Perhaps we may even have time today; I do not know."

2022-01-01, 12:21 PM
(Still waiting on Belgareth to do intro, but we can get a bit going)

Now that you have introduced yourselves, here is your first mission As Tiffany speaks, she spreads out a map on a table, as you gather around it, you recognize the island continent of Corsada. She waves her hand and the projection changes, zeroing in on Paramibo, the one evil city in Corsada, lead by their devil worshipping (Asmodeus) king. Sargentum is a substance highly prized by both demons and devils, we are not quite sure what it does for them as it is utterly poisonous to mortals. Most sargentum is mined in the Hells and of course the devils wont trade with the demons so its value to them goes up even moreso. There is one source of sargentum in Prime Material and it is mined just outside of Paramibo. The devils dont share that supply either, but recently, we learned that an agent of Nocticula demon queen of succubi, among other titles was able to infiltrate that supply chain and siphon off sargentum for their cult. Your objective will be to disrupt that mining operation, thereby honking off the devils who work it, the demons who steal some of it, and the Paramibo government. Given that they worship Asmodeus, or at least did up until the devil hierarchy got turned upside down, that probably wont go over well.

2022-01-01, 12:41 PM

This surely is a coloful group of heroes. Otrera's companion has a funky smell, but all of them seem capable and eager.

Atalanta is familiar with Paraimbo and the fiends that corrupt the land in Corsada. As she hears the words she tries to recall whatever she rememebers on the mines and the Sargentum.

She feels grateful that their first mission will be in Corsada. After hearing the initial debrief, she respectfully asks:

Do we have any intelligence on their numbers and composition? Or about their defensive position?

2022-01-01, 03:10 PM

Alhambra nods her understanding. Her voice is calm and matter-of-fact.

"How 'disrupted' are we looking for? A break in the supply roads? An earthquake that collapses the mine and everyone in it? What avenues are open to us."

She turns to her colleagues.

"I'm afraid I have never been to this Paramibo, but I'm fairly sure that I could get Hillock and me there tomorrow. But I can't take others with me, normally. Can anyone else transport the group together quickly?"

2022-01-01, 07:23 PM

I can teleport. Myself and seven other people.

She sighs.

You should also have access to Wind Walk, right? If teleport can't get us there?

2022-01-01, 08:55 PM

"Earthquakes and Greater Teleport I can do. Knowing where to teleport to is a detail I hope our hosts have already solved, perhaps the teleport itself too. Since the sargentum is poisonous to mortals then burying what miners they have should be an extra benefit. Exposing the demon agent, or even getting the disruption blamed on the agent would cause a lot of chaos for our enemy. Depends on if we wish a quick strike or not. Details always count." She looks to the hosts, hoping they just started to give what information they have.

2022-01-02, 11:22 AM

Atalanta is familiar with Paraimbo and the fiends that corrupt the land in Corsada. As she hears the words she tries to recall whatever she rememebers on the mines and the Sargentum.

She feels grateful that their first mission will be in Corsada. After hearing the initial debrief, she respectfully asks:

Do we have any intelligence on their numbers and composition? Or about their defensive position?

Unfortunately, Atalanta's time in Corsada never included checking out the mines. Perhaps her superiors wisely considered it above her pay grade at that time.
We know that the whole operation is run by a pit fiend who calls himself by the somewhat pretentious name of Balor Nimbus. In terms of direct underlings, he has cloud giants directing the day-to-day operations and then captured dwarves to do the actual mining. Obviously the pit fiend and the cloud giants will fight you, the dwarves are a different story. The ones who have been given greater positions and power will likely oppose you, if the will of the rest of them hasnt been beaten out of them, they will not.


Alhambra nods her understanding. Her voice is calm and matter-of-fact.

"How 'disrupted' are we looking for? A break in the supply roads? An earthquake that collapses the mine and everyone in it? What avenues are open to us."

She turns to her colleagues.

"I'm afraid I have never been to this Paramibo, but I'm fairly sure that I could get Hillock and me there tomorrow. But I can't take others with me, normally. Can anyone else transport the group together quickly?"

We want the mine shut down permanently. She hands the group a scroll. While I dont know if any of you have earthquake on your list of spells you use regularly, that scroll was penned by myself personally. You should find it more than sufficient to close the mine out. Dispel the fiend, kill the giants, save as many of the dwarves as you can but do not hesitate to kill. If they are there against their will, Moradin will welcome their souls into their afterlife. If they have become corrupted by the temptations of petty power, they deserve no pity.


"Earthquakes and Greater Teleport I can do. Knowing where to teleport to is a detail I hope our hosts have already solved, perhaps the teleport itself too. Since the sargentum is poisonous to mortals then burying what miners they have should be an extra benefit. Exposing the demon agent, or even getting the disruption blamed on the agent would cause a lot of chaos for our enemy. Depends on if we wish a quick strike or not. Details always count." She looks to the hosts, hoping they just started to give what information they have.

Tiffany waves her hand again, and the map zooms in to almost per tree detail. This spot will put you half an hour's walk to the mine entrance. Outside of their patrol range.

2022-01-02, 11:57 AM
"It seems we have no lack of teleportation options either. As for sowing confusion within the ranks and potentially getting them to blame each other, I have several spells that can influence the mind. I can even disguise our group to appear as the enemy. With a bit of luck, they will be at each others' throats instead of ours."

"While I wouldn't expect them to care about the cruelty of it, one would think using Dwarves to mine a substance so toxic to mortals would at least raise practical issues. I suppose they reason they can always go out and capture more slaves.

2022-01-02, 12:15 PM
You actually have to consume the sargentum for it to become poisonous.

2022-01-02, 06:12 PM

Otrera nods as the elder heroes convey more information, and stares at the projection of the spot they show. If no one else seems inclined to take the scroll of earthquake, Otrera does so.

"Thank you. While it is indeed in my power to unleash an earthquake, I've never had cause to do so."

2022-01-02, 11:06 PM
Sora studies the detailed map closely while asking her questions and allowing someone else to take the scroll. "Is there any more information on the cult... who, what, where, how? Is the mining headquarters inside the mine? Are there any other known entrances? I can do several widened earthquakes. Don't want the enemy escaping out a back door, and could be an alternate way in for us. "

"I would need Mulcri's magic for a disguise."

"Are we all prepared to leave today? Or would it benefit us for some to prepare their spells in the morning? I need only a few minutes to prepare."

Knowledge checks
Geography: Paramibo/sargentum [roll0]
Planes: Pit Fiend [roll1]
Nature: Cloud Giants [roll2]

2022-01-03, 08:58 AM
"I happen to have the spell ready, though I would like some time to prepare a few situational spells. I can be ready in as little fifteen minutes after we finish planning, though more spells require a bit more time. In the meantime, does Nocticula have any sort of symbol? Something she marks her forces with? While I doubt she would be stupid enough to send a force openly bearing her banner, or that our target would believe something so blatant, something more subtle might work to improve the disguise."

"As for saving Dwarves, do we know if there are constant mining shifts throughout the day, or if they break overnight? It wouldn't be wise to collapse the mine while there are slaves still inside. Also, should we try to obtain samples of the sargentum to analyze and potentially understand the fiends' interest in it?"

Nobility and Royalty (for anything it might be worth, in particular Nocticula and/or Balor Nimbus) - [roll0]
Planes (general Pit Fiend info, and possibly even things specific to Balor Nimbus) - [roll1]
Nature (general Cloud Giant info) - [roll2]

2022-01-03, 09:31 AM
There is no back door to this mine, as far as we know, the operation consists of two levels, the first level is no longer being worked for the sargentum and they are on to the second level in their diggings. Apart from pubiicizing his name, Balor has not done much to go on notice in the Prime, we figure he accepted this assignment in order to build his power base, probably by skimming from the operation. We have analyzed sargentum repeatedly and cant make heads or tails of it or what they want it for, so theres no need to bring a sample back. If its desired by fiends and is poison to mortals, we really have no other reason to study it.
I dont think a disguise is going to get you anywhere, there are only so many people that show up at the mine, delivery people specifically and anyone else is going to be suspect right away. As well, trying to bill yourself as forces of Nocticula or anyone else is rather pointless as the only survivors you are supposed to leave are dwarves who arent about to go running back to Hell to tell the story of who attacked them. Yes, you are soon going to start building a reputation as a "strike force" for good but the first mission is likely to be dismissed as a one off.

2022-01-03, 10:59 AM

The desert chief shrugs.

"If this is a fairly straightforward effort. To kill the leaders, release the workers and then wreck the works. Then I'm about as ready as I'm likely to be, and am ready to teleport. It might be best to wait for the detailed planning of tactics for the walk."

Otrera shimmers for a moment, and shrinks by a couple of feet, becoming a bearded dwarf in a ragged grey jacket, pants and boots. She turns to rumble a few syllables to Hillock, who then also shifts form to a similar looking dwarf. The second grins broadly, white teeth picked out in the middle of a dark beard, and the pair turn to their companions, waiting for the all clear.

In case it's relevant, Otrera is currently shapechanged into a Planetar, and Hillock into a Solar. Both then use the archons' alternate form ability to look like dwarves.

2022-01-03, 11:56 AM

"Good, that simplifies things. One way in and out short of teleporting. Any reason to still wait until tomorrow? If not we can cast long term spells now, teleport, scout the entrance, then cast medium term spells before going in."

2022-01-03, 03:32 PM

I can be ready to go in less than a minute. Just need to cast a few spells. I hear someone else may want the teleport warning ward instead of me having it myself?

And I'll speed everyone up as soon as the outhouse collides with the windmill.

2022-01-03, 04:05 PM
Atalanta lets go a clear and sincere laugh.

I just arrived to port on board of the Juno from Corsada. It was a long sea trip. Didn't occur to me to teleport. So here we go again

She arranges her hair as her shiftweave takes on a more modest transformation that the one she just did, turning from clear white silk into a muted leaf green.

I'm ready to go. I just need to fetch my eagle.

2022-01-03, 04:19 PM
Raodan was standing in the back, silently watching, and invisible to all but the most discernible eye. He was silent, knowing he was among his betters, and awaited his turn when presented.

He felt no need to introduce himself, this was not a social event, this was a mission debriefing, and he was determined to take it as seriously as possible, entirely possible, he was taking too seriously, but that was how the die was cast.

He speaks up still invisible, "I do not have a way to teleport, and would appreciate a ride from Lady Tessa, if possible" he says, respectfully.

He has a ring of invisibility, so if you can see invisibility, you can see him.
he has a +34 to M.S, so unless you have an insane listen, or some other magical means, you probably didn't hear him either.

2022-01-03, 04:24 PM
I would submit that if he's speaking, he's not actually attempting to be silent, so we should be able to hear him just fine.

2022-01-03, 04:54 PM
"Even if we set aside the confusion game for now, we still should approach with caution. Perhaps we disguise as yet more Dwarf slaves, or approach invisibly, or even both. At a certain point, it will mainly be about getting close rather than being completely undetected. The less warning of our presence we give them to prepare, the better."

2022-01-03, 06:51 PM
I have found that no plan survives much longer after first meeting. The more detailed the plan the more things can go awry. Plus, I think the element of surprise is on our side. I agree with Otrera. I need an hour, for my heroes feast spell to fully function THEN I am 100% ready to go. Tinac then digs into his robes to get a ring, he quickly puts it on and disappears from view, unless of course you have a way to see invisible. After a while a massive table filled with abundant food appears. There we go, dig in and be merry, for soon we might have to take lives, and that is no merry endeavor.

[roll0] temp HP PLUS immunity to poison and fear for 12 hours and +1 morale to attack and will saves.

2022-01-03, 08:29 PM
Tessa will happily sit down and enjoy the Hero's Feast, and then cast a series of spells on herself.

Wings of Swift Flying (CL 19), 19 hours
Greater Enlarge Person (CL 19), 19 hours
Greater Magic Weapon (CL 19), 19 hours
Greater Mage Armor (CL 19), 19 hours
Create Magic Tattoo - +1 luck bonus to attack rolls (CL 13), 24 hours
Create Magic Tattoo - +2 competence bonus to attack rolls (CL 13, 24 hours)
Heart of Earth (CL 19), 19 hours
Greater Anticipate Teleport - 95 foot radius (CL 19), 24 hours
Elemental Body - Air (CL 19, 19 hours)
Retributive Fleshshiver (CL 19, 24 hours)
Energy Absorption (CL 19, 19 hours)

Instead of casting Greater Anticipate Teleport on herself, she'll cast that on Sora after handing her the focus. That way she can still play with shenanigans without getting stuck outside of existence for 18 seconds at a time.

So: Greater Anticipate Teleport - 95 foot radius (CL 19), 24 hours on Sora

Does anyone else want to be big?

2022-01-03, 10:14 PM

The sudden newcomer surprised Sora. He was lucky she had the presence of mind to glance at their hosts first to see if the newcomer was expected, before simply imploding the unannounced stranger. Their lack of concern dismisses hers. She considers him a moment then moves on.

"While I agree plans normally change once enacted, I find it best to have at least a semblance of a plan and be able to adjust as the situation requires. I propose we arrive at the designated location, have the stealthy one in the back scout ahead and lead us to the entrance. I can grant seven of us a telepathic bond to keep in contact with him. Since there seems to be eight of us one will have to forgo the bond, if there are any volunteers. Near the entrance I can use Arcane Eye to inspect the entrance and tunnel within. If we need to take out guards we can figure out the details then. We cast our medium term spells then move in. It sounds like the first level will be at least mostly empty so we should be able to move rapidly. We're a strike force. In and out quickly, doing our best to prevent any enemy from running off and sounding the alarm. The enslaved dwarves may even want to pitch in with their picks to exact revenge once we empower them."

The feast arrives. Sora joins in. "I can cover the group with the telepathic bond, a keen edge for all of our weapons, and resist energy, presumably against fire at least, all for about three hours. When it is time to fight I can also protect us all with a cold or fire shield. The banner that I will have on my back suppresses fear, stunning, and confusion if you stay near."

Sora looks to the newcomer. "You've heard our stories, time for your own?"

"Thank you Tinac, this is delicious.

2022-01-03, 11:22 PM
Tinac thinks about it for a moment and says I will forego the bond. I think not having it will be the least disruptive for the group, I don't have need for an energy resist spells. If Tessa doesn't mind, I have a rod of Chain Spell she can use for Greater Magic Weapon. I'll set it on the table so she can see my rod. Oh..I almost forgot, I would like to cast Status on all of you so I have a way to tell if you are injured or otherwise disposed Tinac casts the rest of his usual suite of personal protection spells on himself.

Energy immunity (to all) -seperate spells for each of the 5 energy types, acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic
Superior resistance
Magic vestment
Comprehend Languages
Magic Circle vs Evil

2022-01-03, 11:49 PM
Tessa will gladly cast Greater Magic Weapon through the Rod. That means up to 21 other weapons gain a +5 enhancement bonus, so unless some of us are running around with giant arsenals, I think that should cover every weapon and a backup weapon for each character.

2022-01-04, 04:49 AM

Otrera sits down to partake of the meal. She nods appreciatively, and gestures for Hillock to join her. He does so, hesitantly with first, but soon with an appetite and enthusiasm that seem remarkable.

Otrera looks around at her new colleagues.

"I should mention that Hillock and I specialize in transforming into a variety of forms, as the need arises. As we have already shown. While your magics are much appreciated, and will be gratefully received, our contributions may be more varied.

"For example, Raodan, should you desire others with you on a scouting run, Hillock and I could accompany you, either invisible and silent above ground, or intangibly underneath."

2022-01-04, 09:27 AM
Mulcri will also partake of the offered meal, offering a few thoughts when she feels she has something relevant to contribute.

"I have a spell that can turn the lot of us invisible, though it has some restrictions. For one, it will break for all of us if [/i]any[/i] of us do anything that would break a standard invisibility spell. It will also break for any one person who moves more than one-hundred eighty feet away from the nearest other person in the group. With that in mind, I can also cast some individual invisibility spells for those who might end up going off on their own, or perhaps the ones we would expect to strike first. In particular, might I expect that the invisible gentleman might appreciate a spell that will keep him unseen even after he begins striking, or do you have one already?"

"I should also like to know who here can't already see in the dark."

"It may not be necessary for any of us to be excluded from the bond. Tessa, if Miss Solaran may borrow your ring; I can anoint her, or anyone else that wants it for that matter, with a mark that can make up the rest of the difference."

2022-01-04, 12:31 PM
Raodan dismisses his invisibility, it was almost a habit now a days, perhaps he shouldn't have remained invisible, and spoken up before hand? ah well, it was done with, no use in hashing it out a thousand times.

He smiled and bowed to the group of women, "I am Raodan the White hand, pleasure to meet you all, I am at your collective wills. I am a capable scout, and thief, capable of getting into and out of places where others could not. I prefer to avoid fighting, but I am able to help out if the need arises." he says simply, he has a simple blade at his hip, but that is it, his clothes are nice, new, and a dark purple with black lace highlighted edges, with intricate patterns of macabre scenes, where skeletons are fighting various humanoids.

Turning to Mulcri "I am able to see in the dark, and I am curious about this spell, I have a magical ring, as you have seen, and the ability to step into the aether." he takes a seat, and a little bit of the food, waiting to eat until he is answered.

2022-01-04, 05:30 PM

"Blessings on this meal, and all those who partake."

After a moment of silent thanksgiving, Otrera pulls back from the table. Hillock, on the other hand, reaches for another slice of bread.

"While neither Hillock nor I have the ability to see in the dark in our natural state, most of the seemings that we take on will give us that ability. Tinac, thanks so much for that astonishing food. It satisfies like a cool spring in the desert."

2022-01-04, 10:04 PM
Sora turns to Mulcri . "Yes you may borrow it momentarily when the time comes. I do not have magic to see in the dark."

2022-01-05, 06:36 AM

Never one to refuse a good meal, Atalanta partakes heartfuly of the feast --except for apples which she doesn't like--- and listens carefuly to the tactical discussion. She would prefer to take a more direct approach: strike fast and hard, even at her age and experience, she still thought that spellcasters tend to overthink situations.

The best laid plans. But let them strategize.They seem powerful and competent, they wouldn't be here if they were not.

She gulps down a goblet of wine---this food is really good--- and obliviously starts to make sure her bow is perfectly strung while mumbling a nice little tune.


2022-01-06, 09:34 AM
So, are you ready to go?

2022-01-06, 11:38 AM

The desert chief gently tugs Hillock to his feet. The big man reaches down to grab a handful of roasted carrots from the table.

"Yes, ready and waiting."

2022-01-06, 11:54 AM

Atalanta grabbed an apple and delicately cut a couple of slices. She didn't enjoy them, but theye were great to clean one's teeth. She rose and looked at the others.

I'm always ready to cause some trouble in Hell's plan. Shall we go?

She said it all calmly, in fact she was not a fan of teleportation. It tingled.

2022-01-06, 12:19 PM

"Yes, I am ready. Does someone want to do the greater teleport, or shall I?"

2022-01-06, 12:32 PM

My teleports aren't of the Greater variety, so if you can manage exact pinpoint accuracy, that probably makes more sense.

2022-01-06, 01:36 PM
After eating his modest fill, Raodan stands and bows to everyone.

"I am ready" he says simply.

Changing speech to bold

2022-01-06, 03:37 PM
Sora stands and moves to a space where everyone can gather. As she waits on the others she takes a final look at the map, for both the teleport destination and the direction to the tunnel entrance from there based on any landmarks.

"When we get close to the mine entrance I have a summon spell that takes a few minutes to cast, but will be most helpful underground."

She casts a few spells on herself, one of which may be surprising for those expert in identifying spells. Once everyone is ready Sora casts Greater Teleport for the group.

Good thing Hillock doesn't count as natural size here (I hope...)

Protection from Arrows (19 hours)
Moment of Prescience (19 hours)
Split Ray Disintegrate (SL9) seemingly on herself even though there are no rays shot, but is the setup for her Retributive Spell.

Greater Teleport with the whole party to the designated arrival spot.

2022-01-06, 05:43 PM
The meal finished and spells prepared, Mulcri will begin casting her longer-duration spells.

Mass Darkvision, targeting everyone because why not. - 18 hours
Chain of Eyes targeting herself for now, but can be passed freely among the group. - 18 hours
Create Magic Tattoo via my Shadow Illusion ability with Major Image, giving Sora a +1 to caster level for all spells. - 48 hours (Mulcri auto-Extends all of her Illusions for free. It stacks with Extend Spell, but three days seems somewhat unnecessary for this.)

"Yes, I believe that's it for the moment."

2022-01-07, 01:06 PM
The group gathers around Sora, hearing the word Tele and then a whoosh of wind along with tingling, followed by port. The group finds themselves standing in a small group of trees. They immediately see a path that looks like it was made by wagon wheels, closer inspection reveals that it has been worked on so that any wagon would roll on it perfectly but it would not be totally obvious except for someone looking for it. Not only has the party covered a dozen time zones in the casting (leaving at 10 in the morning and arriving at 10 at night) they have also changed seasons, going from summer to winter. Fortunately, Corsada does not have overly harsh winters, and the party is only minorly inconvenienced by the change in temperature. Getting their bearings straight (seeing as the stars are all in the "wrong" place) the group heads south and true to Tiffany's word, after half an hour they see the entrance to the cave. The group is still 60 feet from the cave, under tree cover, but the last 30 feet to the cave is out in the wide open. Standing in front of the mine entrance are 4 cloud giant guards. They are not aware of the party (yet) but are clearly on alert, that probably comes from the fact that their "boss" wont just fire them for incompetence, he will literally send their souls to Hell.

2022-01-07, 02:53 PM
If nobody else did by then, Mulcri would stop the group long before they got anywhere near being only sixty feet away. Probably closer to six hundred. Let's call it five hundred or so.

"Alright, this seems to be a good spot to start casting our shorter-term spells. I'll remind you all just in case, this spell will break for all of us if anyone does something that would break a standard Invisibility spell. Anyone who moves more than one hundred eighty feet away from the nearest member of the group will also become visible, but only that person. With that in mind, does anyone not want to be included in the spell? Raodan, for instance? I have that other Invisibility spell ready if you still want it. Perhaps to scout ahead if you're so inclined? And if you do, I can also give you truesight, as well as a spell that will allow me to see through your eyes. Redundant with the Telepathic Bond perhaps, but it couldn't hurt anything."

Also, from here on out, all of Mulcri's spells will include a Sleight of Hand roll to attempt to cast unnoticed. (Races of Stone, page 133)

Greater Prying Eyes, creating [roll0] eyes that will simply wait there until ordered otherwise (18 hours)
SoH: [roll1]

Extended Stoneskin on self (360 minutes)
SoH: [roll2]

See Invisibility (180 minutes)
SoH: [roll3]

True Seeing on Raodan if he goes to scout (180 minutes)
SoH: [roll4]

True Seeing on Self (180 minutes)
SoH: [roll5]

Spell Matrix, prepping Slow and Unluck to be cast Quickened for the duration (180 minutes)
SoH: [roll6]

Extended Superior Invisibility on Raodan, even if he just wants it for the fight and not to scout (54 minutes)
Also using that touch to transfer Chain of Eyes to him if he's willing.
SoH: [roll7]

Mass Invisibility on those that want it, excluding Raodan and herself (36 minutes)
SoH: [roll8]

Superior Invisibility on self (36 minutes)
SoH: [roll9]

EDIT: Forgot one. Just gonna take ten for a 45 on the SoH to not mess with the post's rolls.... Which I could have saved some effort on by just taking ten for everything, but oh well.
Extended Shield (36 minutes)

EDIT2: She will also hold off on making people invisible until other spells have been cast for the sake of targeting.

EDIT3: Just as she is about to cast the first Invisibility spell, she suddenly stops and looks down at her feet. "Snow." The word comes out as if it were a curse as she turns to look back up at the group. "I don't suppose everyone here can already fly somehow?" With that, she rises to about a foot in the air, hoping against hope that everyone else is able to do the same.

2022-01-07, 04:17 PM
Raodan takes the teleport like the stoic soldier he was, he instantly turned invisible, and starting scouting.

Holding the group up as soon as he saw the guards.

He alerts the others that he will be heading out, keeping to cover and concealment as he went, you never know if an enemy had something clever up their sleeves. Would anyone be able to let me know if cloud giants can see invisible creatures? he mentally asks as he takes off. I will gladly accept these boons. He thinks to Mulcri


Invisibility from his ring is active (so +20 to hide if they cannot see invisibility). He'll get as close as he can (30ft), and then reassess.

2022-01-07, 04:51 PM

She was at home. Taking a look at the south hemisphere constelations she had seen so many times, Atalanta didn't seem to bothered at all by the cold, even in her light robe, her bare feet didn't even touch the snow and her skin didn't show any signs of cold. She playfuly threw a couple of snow balls into the air.

Right before becoming invisible a wand and lightly touched her forehead.

Embrace the wild from wand CL 3, 30 minutes blindsense.

She then moved along Raodan, keeping a few feet befind the ninja and to the left and airwalking at 20-25' high and close to the trees. Once there she took a long deep look around.

Extra +9 vs outsiders
eXTRA +5 Undead and Magic Beasts

Atalanta (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2563535)
Female CG Human Amazon Wild Heart, Level 18, Init 15, HP 251/251, DR 2/Cold Iron, Speed 50/50' air walk
AC 30, Touch 26, Flat-footed 22, Fort 24, Ref 21, Will 20, Base Attack Bonus 18/13/8/ 3
Warning +1 Quarter Staff & Bite +26/+21/+16/ +11 & +20 bite (1d6+3 / 1d6 +2, x2 )
Power Shots, Hunting, Bane Bow (Infinite force arrows) +30 or +28/ +28 / +23/ +18/ +14 (2d6+5, x3)
Bow vs Outsiders (Evil) +32 or +30/ +30 / +25/ +20/ +15 (5d6+21, x3)
Bracers of Armor (+4 Armor, +8 Dex, +1 Deflect, +7 Misc)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 26, Con 26, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 25
Condition Continuos Effect like Displacement but only 20%
Initiative +2 Belt, +5 Warning weapon
Endure Elements
Freedom of movement
Blindsense 30'

2022-01-07, 04:53 PM
Tessa rises from the ground in her large, wispy air elemental form.

Invisibility is always good, even if it only gives us a bit of an edge momentarily.

Raodan, my recommendation: Assume there's someone around who can see through invisibility. Worst-case scenario, you're pleasantly surprised. Best-case scenario you're not being watched as you walk exposed through the middle of a cavern or whatever.

2022-01-07, 05:45 PM

"I have spells to cast too. Mulcri thank you for the spells. you may want to wait on Mass Invisibility. If there are guards at the entrance the spell will not last long. Your choice of course. I need ten minutes for this summons." After the Swarm spell is complete she'll wait for the scouts to meet up again for the other Mass spells.

Sora orders the elementals to earth glide to stay with the party and out of sight as they move towards the mine entrance.

When the group sees the mine entrance she orders the elementals to glide underground into the mine entrance then stay out of sight until the group attacks. At that point they are to prevent any enemy from entering or leaving the mine.

"The elementals will block the entrance once the fight starts. I can hit the giants with an empowered acid ball and let you all finish them off. The blast will hit anything just inside the tunnel too. Any other ideas?

Telepathic Bond. CL19 leaves us short one person. Lasts 190 minutes (180 after swarm spell).

Elemental Swarm. Ten min casting. Lasts 190 min. 2d4 Large earth elementals appear when casting complete. Ten min later 1d4 Huge earth elementals. Ten min after that 1 Greater earth elemental.

Absorption. Lasts 190 minutes.

Mass Resist Energy, Fire 30. Lasts 190 minutes, includes Large elementals.

Chained Keen Edge (on all). Lasts 190 minutes.

Accuracy on Atalanta's bow. Lasts 0 minutes. Range increment for the bow is doubled.

Large earth elementals (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/elemental.htm#earthElemental): [roll0]. Will call them L1-Lx, each with 88hp

2022-01-07, 05:52 PM
(It would have been hard to stop that far away from the cave as the path twists and turns through the forest and you would not have seen it sooner. However, I am fine with you backing off after seeing it without alerting the baddies. Remember that if you turn everyone invisible, they wont be able t see each other)

Raodan creeps closer to the cave entrance, at one point he thinks he might have made a noise as one of the giants looks in his direction, but nothing more happens and he is pretty sure he is still hidden. Scanning the area with his now enhanced sight, he does not see anything more than was first spotted, 4 cloud giants standing guard over the entrance. One thing he does notice, cloud giants have a reputation of having weapons and armor of the finest appearance, but these 4 take it to the next level, their morning stars and chain shirts positively glisten.

2022-01-07, 07:38 PM
He frowns, something was off These cloud giants are exceptionally armed, can you see through my eyes Mulcri? he thinks to them I will attempt to go past them, into the mouth, so we can ambush them

2022-01-07, 09:54 PM

"Raodan, my earth elementals can take them from the rear. I'm hoping to blast the whole area to catch the four we see and any that might be inside the tunnel. Assume anything within 40 feet of the entrance will get hit, inside and out. Perhaps charge at them after the blast?"

2022-01-08, 10:53 AM
Since they need to sit tight for ten minutes before moving on anyway, Mulcri will take that and then another five on top of it before casting her above-listed spells to IC correct a minor mistake I made OOC instead of me just asking to handwave it away. (Said mistake being a minor goof while prepping spells.) She will prepare a Greater Arcane Sight, casting it when they are closer to the Giants due to its lower duration compared to her other spells.

"Yes, I'm seeing clearly. And keep in mind that I can only see through you, not hear. For the moment, I will need my own eyes to make full use of one of my other spells. Let us know if you think anything needs my attention."

Mulcri will study each of the Giants in turn through her Greater Arcane Sight, attempting to determine what spells they have active upon them, as well as if any of them might be spellcasters, and relaying that information to the others. When that is done, she will switch to looking through Raodan's eyes until the group is ready to strike.

Greater Arcane Sight (18 minutes)
SoH: Take ten for 45

And since I'm re-prepping anyway, throw in a Spell Turning after all the other buffs are settled. (180 minutes)
SoH: Take ten for 45

Also, I forgot to roll the damage I have to take for casting Spell Matrix. [roll1]

2022-01-08, 12:44 PM
Atalanta watched the giants from her position 40' away the entrance and mingled in the tree branches.

She sent suggestions through the telepatic link.

Elementals or a wall of force behing them would be of great use and would cut reinforcements. I could also try to lure them into an ambush. My concern is that there could be other defensive positions along the perimeter. Could your magic eyes take a quick look? Raodan, stay outside the open area. When we are ready for the attack let me know.

I'll act under the assumption that she is subject of the telepatic bond and the invisibility. I also have another concern, if the ground is snowy, Raodan shouldn' come into the open space, as the giants may see his footprints. Atalanta has Blindsense so anyone 30' away would be on her "radar". She has scent when on her wild frenzy.

2022-01-08, 02:16 PM
"They have See Invisibility. Don't worry though, it can't penetrate the spell I put on you and I."

She will send six of her eyes (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/pryingEyesGreater.htm) forward with instructions to "Search the area. Stay hidden. If you see anything noteworthy, observe it for ten seconds and then return. Stay within one mile of me."

"Ten seconds" actually being IC-speak for "two rounds" because twelve seconds would be an odd thing to specify. They will take ten for 26 to Hide, plus whatever modifiers are appropriate for what cover the forest can provide.
30' Perfect flight, +18 Spot, True Seeing, and can see 120' in all directions.

And while we're here, I'll just put Mulcri's own perceptions in a nice convenient spot:

Spot/Listen: Both +3
Superior Low-Light Vision
See Invisibility
180' Darkvision
120' True Seeing and Greater Arcane Sight
90' Blindsense
40'-radius Detect Scrying

2022-01-08, 02:38 PM
Tinac nods his head and to no one in particular Sounds, about right. These guys most likely have various magical effects to enhance their capabilities for a job as important as guarding the mining of sargentum.

2022-01-08, 03:05 PM

As the group back-tracks to pump up, Otrera joins the buff-a-thon.

*Hillock and I can join in the efforts to block off retreat into the cave. We'll come up from underground, waiting for your signal.*

Once the others are ready, Otrera and Hillock become shadowy humanoid figures and float into the earth.

Otrera casts the following, all shared with Hillock:

Greater Blindsight

When we're ready to move forward, Otrera and Hillock will transform into Greater Shadows, sink into the ground, and move together to position themselves just under the ground at the cave entrance.

2022-01-09, 01:18 AM
Mulcri's Prying Eyes return to her, and she withdraws from Raodan to review what they've brought her. "The surrounding area outside the mine appears empty, though there is plenty of evidence of the land being well-travelled. If they usually have outside patrols, they either aren't there at the moment or are well-hidden."

2022-01-09, 07:03 AM
Atalanta remained invisible and hidden behind the trees, as far inside as would allow her to still have clear view of the giants.

She was trying to assess which one was the leader of this particular group to take them down first.

Sense Motive [roll0]

I have them on sight, as soon as you want to move in I can start pelting them with arrows. May be luring them closer to us while those of you who can, bar the mine entrance.

2022-01-09, 08:01 AM
"The elementals have the enemy rear covered. It would be unwise to have all our warriors attack from the rear as well, since the giants will be trying to get to the spellcasters here. Report where you are and I'll start the show. Hurry, we don't need the giants detecting us somehow beforehand."

Mulcri didn't respond to the question about the mass invisibility not lasting long. Did she cast it and we are all invisible?

2022-01-09, 10:02 AM
"I have spells to cast too. Mulcri thank you for the spells. you may want to wait on Mass Invisibility. If there are guards at the entrance the spell will not last long. Your choice of course."

"You're right. I'll save that one for after." Mulcri will cast the rest of her spells before they move back into position.

2022-01-09, 11:10 AM
No one giant appears to be the leader over the others, and the rest of the spells are cast.

Please detail who is invisible, how they are invisible and what breaks/penetrates that invisibility

2022-01-09, 12:47 PM
Only Raodan and Mulcri are invisible, both with Superior Invisibility (Spell Compendium 125).

This powerful glamer functions like invisibility (PH 245), except that it masks image, scent, and sound alike, concealing the subject from all senses except touch. As with greater invisibility, this spell doesn’t end if the subject attacks. While invisible, the subject exudes no scent and is undetectable by scent, blindsense, tremorsense, and blindsight.

Superior invisibility renders the recipient immune to detection by see invisibility, faerie fire, glitterdust, invisibility purge, and dust of appearance, although creatures under the effect of the spell can be detected by true seeing. Certain mundane conditions (such as leaving footprints) can also render a subject detectable.

So footprints in the snow could give him away, though falling snow hitting him might be considered close enough to Glitterdust/Dust of Appearance. That'd be your call, though I'd argue it would be fine for an 8th-level spell to cover it.

Apologies for the mix-up.

2022-01-09, 02:17 PM

The now-shadowy form of Otrera nods. She lifts her long-handled axe in farewell.

*If the giants try to overwhelm your position, we can move quickly to assist. But some of our attacks work best up close. I'll signal when we're in position at the entrance.*

She and Hillock vanish into the earth. Once they're in position under the cave entrance, they signal their readiness.

Otrera and Hillock are not invisible, but are in Greater Shadow form and travelling a foot under the ground. If they hit a barrier, trap or alarm of any kind, they'll immediate report it back to the others via the link.

They're using Blindsight to navigate into position.

2022-01-09, 05:55 PM
Now confident the Giants won't see her either, Mulcri will order her Eyes to stay where they are before flying up and forward. "I'm ready when you are."

When the signal comes, the Elf will let loose.

Initiative: [roll0]

Free Action: Assign all five four points of her Defending weapon's enhancement bonus to her AC, just in case. (Already noted in sheet. "Misc" section of AC has both Amazon Grace and this bonus, for 10 9 total.)

Swift Action: Shock and Awe (SpC 189), giving the Giants a -10 to their Initiative checks. No save, but won't work on targets that can't be flat-footed, such as those with Uncanny Dodge. It's also an Enchantment, so Once a Fool will apply to any Illusions cast by any of us for 18 rounds.
SoH: [roll1]

Standard Action: Net of Shadows (SpC 147), giving the Giants concealment but making them unable to see beyond 5'. And creatures within that range will have concealment against them as well. Can be penetrated by whatever can see through magical darkness (like our people with True Seeing and Blindsight). [roll2] x2 rounds. Will 24 negates, Once a Fool for Enchantments for 18 rounds.
SoH: [roll3]

2022-01-09, 06:22 PM

"Raodan, I don't know where you are. You have ten seconds to be more than forty feet from the entrance. After the initial blast, have at them."

The warmage gives the allotted time, then with two arcane words and a pointing of her finger, a green glowing, pea sized bead streaks from her finger, flies past the giants, and explodes into a massive burst of acid dowsing the guards and any inside the beginning of the mine.

Initiative [roll0] (somewhat redundant I guess since I'm the trigger)

Fireball detonated at the mine entrance or as close to it as possible to also cover the giants.
- Widen: 40' radius
- Energy Substitution: Acid instead of fire.
- Warmage Edge (bonus static damage)
- Improved Warmage Edge (increased max dice)

Damage: [roll1] Acid. Reflex DC22 for half.

2022-01-09, 07:34 PM

Atalanta uses the warmage's warning 10 seconds to cast Hunter's Mercy, and methodically waits for the blast. As the acid explodes she quickly pulls the string of her bow and three arrows of pure energy materialize and fly towards the closest giant. The first one is particularly viscious and aimed at the creature's neck.

Standard: Many Shot 3 arrows at closest giant. If the attack hits, the first arrow is an auto critical. [roll0]

Movement: Sniping Attack [roll5] + distance penalties, next round I can move and hide with no penalty.

2022-01-09, 08:59 PM
Tessa uses the 10 second warning to cast Shield (duration 36 minutes) on herself, and then prepares to charge.

Because of her Ring of Anticipation, she rolls twice for initiative and takes the highest result.

At the beginning of the surprise round, she'll swift cast Haste, hitting everyone in range, followed by charging the nearest cloud giant and attacking.
Attack roll: [roll2]
Damage roll: [roll3] + 16 + [roll4] Skirmish + [roll5] cold damage
Last action will be a Defensively cast Night's Caress
Touch attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] damage, plus it needs to make a Fortitude save DC 25 or take [roll8] constitution damage.

Because of her defenses, she has a 50% miss chance for all attacks and targeted spells.

Tessa Paledane
HP: 154/124 (temporary hit points)
AC: 44, +4 vs attacks of opportunity due to movement
Saves: Fort +16, Ref +24, Will +21

edit...Attacks are at +35.
So modified hit rolls hit AC 41 for the first attack, and touch 37 for the second. Damage rolls should still be accurate.

2022-01-10, 12:32 AM
(We have 4 attacks in, waiting on the rest)

2022-01-10, 08:30 AM

Otrera and Hillock wait patiently just under the surface for the blast that is the signal to begin. As soon as Sora's blast rolls through, the pair rise up out of the earth and change. Each becomes a purplish multi-headed snake-creature which, side by side, seek to hold the entrance from any of the giants re-entering it.

Otrera's first task is to confirm with her blindsight that there are no creatures within 60 feet inside the cave that they hadn't already accounted for. If she senses anything hidden there, she immediately reports it over the link, and that/those things become the target of their attack rather than the giants outside.

Failing that, Otrera and Hillock each let loose with a series of small bursts of intense cold at the giant guardians.

Initiative: [roll0]

Identical actions for Otrera and Hillock:
Free action: 5' step up to get out of the ground
Free action: shapechange from greater shadow to 12-headed cryohydras (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/hydra.htm#cryohydra)
Standard action: breathing 30' cones of cold from each of the heads. The preferred target is anything previously undetected inside the cave. Failing that, a spread intended to take in as many of the giants as they can outside the cave.

Damage from all of Otrera's blasts (the first twelve) are reflex DC 24 for half. All of Hillock's blasts are reflex DC 23 for half damage:


2022-01-10, 11:45 AM
Tinac watches and waits for the big explosion of spells to burst forth, then he runs up to be close enough to heal his compatriots in case any of them become injured. He draws his mace as he advances, knowing that it might have to get used.

Initiative: [roll0]
Tinac has a Ring of invisibility (plus a cloak of minor displacement) It is if I make an attack, see invisibility as well as true seeing counters it.

2022-01-10, 12:28 PM
Raodan silently nods at the directions, and moves to the side of the Giants, 40 feet away. Ready to pounce on the closest one. He then informs them where exactly he is to the side.

Superior invisibility
Superior invisibility renders the recipient immune to detection by see invisibility, faerie fire, glitterdust, invisibility purge, and dust of appearance, although creatures under the effect of the spell can be detected by true seeing. Certain mundane conditions (such as leaving footprints) can also render a subject detectable.

Actions after Acidball hits:
Move to closest Giant (im flying 5'ft off the ground)
Standard: Attack


Sudden strike vs flat footed AC from Superior Invisibility
[roll1] +4 if target is denied Dex
[roll2] +4 if target is denied Dex & [roll3]
Staggering Strike fort DC Damage done or be staggered for 1 round

Raodan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2566037)
HP's: 117/101
AC: 37
T: 29 FF: 29
Saves- F: +12 R: +24 W: +20
Effects: Heroe's Feast (16 temp HP, immunity to poison/fear for 12 hours & +1 morale to attack and will saves), Extended Superior Invisibility (54 minutes), True Seeing (180 minutes), Telepathic Bond (180 minutes), Mass Resist Energy, Fire 30 (190 minutes)

2022-01-11, 12:13 PM
Atalanta, Tessa, Raordan, Mulcri, Giants, Sora, Otrera, Tinac

Im going to list the results in initiative order, but this round, everything is pretty much at the same time, except for the blast which is first.

With a booming blast, the party springs into attacks on the giants. The blast from Sora catches all 4 giants, dealing a varying amount of damage. Atalanta's arrows connect on one giant, dealing him even more damage. Tessa strikes a giant, making his day go from bad to worse, but Raordan is not so lucky, his strike does not connect with giant flesh. Mulcri's spell envelopes all in a Net of Shadows, and then Otrera and Hillock rise out of the ground, Otrera's breath catches two of the giants while Hillock's catches the other two. Tinac moves into position to provide healing when needed.

Round two
Tactical: All giants severely damaged, but none are down
Tessa engaged on a giant, Raordan on another, but presumably Raordan cannot be seen, Tessa can be. You are not sure if the giants can see anyone else due to the Net of Shadows. (i.e. did they save or not?)

2022-01-11, 01:15 PM

Pushing their advantage, Atalanta lets go a deadly volley of force arrows, firing alternatively to the giant she hit before and the closest one. The net of shadows does not obscure her vision as the arrows fly towards the target.

Improve precise shot ignores concealment

Fullround action: full-attack with rapid shot 5 arrows (I don't know if Atalanta was on the range of Haste, it she was then is 6 arrows) using Power shot -2. Because of woodland archer, if an attack misses, the next attack against the same target has a +4 to attack. If Atalanta is Hasted, add +1 to all attacks.

1st attack 1st giant [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2nd attack 1st giant [roll2][/SPOILER] Damage [roll3]

1st attack 2nd giant [roll4][/SPOILER] Damage [roll5]

2nd attack 2nd giant [roll6][/SPOILER] Damage [roll7]

3rd attack 2nd giant [roll8][/SPOILER] Damage [roll9]

IF Hasted

1ST attack 3rd giant [roll10][/SPOILER] Damage [roll11][/SPOILER]

2022-01-11, 01:46 PM
Grimacing as his blade manages to miss his target, he realigns, and focuses, sending 3 separate slashes at the giants achilles, groin, and knee.

Superior invisibility
Superior invisibility renders the recipient immune to detection by see invisibility, faerie fire, glitterdust, invisibility purge, and dust of appearance, although creatures under the effect of the spell can be detected by true seeing. Certain mundane conditions (such as leaving footprints) can also render a subject detectable.

Full attack vs giant I missed

Sudden strike vs flat footed AC from Superior Invisibility
[roll0] +4 if target is denied Dex
[roll1] +4 if target is denied Dex & [roll2]
Staggering Strike fort DC Damage done or be staggered for 1 round

[roll3] +4 if target is denied Dex
[roll4] +4 if target is denied Dex & [roll5]
Staggering Strike fort DC Damage done or be staggered for 1 round

[roll6] +4 if target is denied Dex
[roll7] +4 if target is denied Dex & [roll8]
Staggering Strike fort DC Damage done or be staggered for 1 round

Raodan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2566037)
HP's: 117/101
AC: 37
T: 29 FF: 29
Saves- F: +12 R: +24 W: +20
Effects: Heroe's Feast (16 temp HP, immunity to poison/fear for 12 hours & +1 morale to attack and will saves), Extended Superior Invisibility (54 minutes), True Seeing (180 minutes), Telepathic Bond (180 minutes), Mass Resist Energy Fire 30 (190 minutes)

2022-01-11, 03:56 PM

Not sure where Raordan was on the battlefield, Otrera decided that risking a second volley of area attacks was only asking for trouble. Instead, she nodded to Hillock. Her dozen heads abruptly collapse into a single gleaming reptilian head and neck. Wings and four legs sprouted from the hydra body, and the entire form took on a metallic sheen.

Hillock looks at his companion and mimics her, becoming an even larger dragon. Both rear up onto their hind legs for a moment, unleashing a blast of electricity at giants still in the fray.

Otrera becomes a young adult bronze dragon (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dragonTrue.htm#bronzeDragon). Size large, AC 52. Hillock becomes a Mature Adult bronze dragon. Size huge, AC 37.

Both of them pick a still-living giant, and fire a line of electricity at them. Firing from a height of 10' to as to avoid any invisible medium-sized colleagues on the ground.

Otrera: [roll0] electricity damage, Reflex save DC 26 for half
Hillock: [roll1] electricity damage, Reflex save DC 29 for half

2022-01-11, 08:13 PM
Tessa darts in close to the giant that she's fighting, and slashes at her foe several times in quick succession.

Move action: Tessa moves 40 feet in, trying to place herself in a position to hit two of them. If this provokes an attack of opportunity, her AC vs these attacks will be 48 due to her feats (Expeditious Dodge and Mobility). If she moves before the giants, this shouldn't matter because they should still be flat-footed.
Swift action: Cast Bladeweave
Free action: Sacrifice a 4th level spell slot for her Arcane Strike feat
Full-round action: Full Attack action on as many of the giants as she can reach.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Critical confirmation if roll is 53 or higher: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + 16 + [roll3] Skirmish + [roll4] Cold + [roll5] Arcane Strike
Attack 2: [roll6]
Critical confirmation if roll is 48 or higher: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8] + 16 + [roll9] Skirmish + [roll10] Cold + [roll11] Arcane Strike
Attack 3: [roll12]
Critical confirmation if roll is 43 or higher: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14] + 16 + [roll15] Skirmish + [roll16] Cold + [roll17] Arcane Strike

Bladeweave: If any giant is still alive at the end and has been hit once, it needs to make a Will save DC 22 or be dazed for one round.

Tessa Paledane
HP: 154/124 (temporary hit points)
AC: 46, +4 vs attacks of opportunity due to movement
Saves: Fort +16, Ref +24, Will +21

edit...Total damage for each attack to save Mikela some work:
Attack #1: 38 + 1 cold, 58 + 1 cold if it's a critical hit
Attack #2: 41 + 1 cold, 66 + 1 cold if it's a critical hit
Attack #3: 36 + 3 cold, 64 + 3 cold if it's a critical hit

2022-01-12, 11:57 AM

With the ambush devastating the giants, Sora begins walking forward. Her longsword is in her right hand. She raises her left hand in a fist. "Arr-Mis". The warmage flicks her fingers towards the melee as a magical dart erupts from each finger. The darts space themselves out in a circular fashion as they fly towards the giants then close and impact at a singular point on the giant seeming to be dealing an attacker it can't see.

The earth elementals emerge from the walls of the tunnel and keep watch from within while blocking the path of any reenforcements.

Move 20' (40' speed) towards the fight (staying out of melee range)
Magic Missile at Raodan's target.
Damage: [roll0]

2022-01-12, 04:45 PM
Three jets of shadowy fire spring forth from seemingly nowhere towards one of the Giants.

Non-Action: Continue to look at the Giants with Greater Arcane Sight. Even if it's not visually apparent, Mulcri should be able to tell that way which ones were affected by her last spell and relay that information to the others.

Standard: Lose Dispel Magic to spontaneously cast Major Image using Shadow Illusion to turn it into Scorching Ray. All three rays targeting one of the giants that neither Tessa nor Raodan are engaging.

Will Disbelief 26, take only 50% damage per ray on a successful save.



Move: Fly about 30' to the right, roughly parallel to the mine entrance and trying to stay out of Atalanta's line of fire.

2022-01-12, 04:47 PM
Critical confirmation for the second ray:

2022-01-13, 07:25 PM
Atalanta unleashes a volley of arrows at the giants, one of them drops and the other one takes even more damage. Tessa moves in and finishes off that giant. Raordan takes three successful shots at his giant which finishes him as well. Mulcri deals the remaining damage more damage, and even though the giant is being pounded from all sides, he manages to stay alive long enough to take three parting shots at Tessa. Due to her speed defense, two of them fail to connect, but one gets through for 25 points. At that point, Sora's missiles connect and the last giant falls.

2022-01-14, 02:42 AM
Otrera and Hillock

The dragons pause in the midst of their great inhalation, all of their targets already taken care of. Otrera sent to her comrades through the mental link.

*A bold first strike. Well done. We should press the advantage. Would some of you be able to search the giants? Hillock and I will keep watch in the cave.*

She turns to her fellow dragon and smiles.

"Hell on Earth, Hillock."

The other dragon smiles and nods. Its body melts and flows as it transforms into a great horned demon, wreathed continuously in dancing flames. Otrera nods encouragingly, and she also morphs and flows, settling into a squat three-legged composition with three blinking eyes.

The pair step into the cave and take up guard positions inside.

Otrera turns into an Elder Xorn (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/xorn.htm), gaining 60' tremorsense on top of her existing 60' blindsight. Spot: [roll0]

Hillock turns into a Balor (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/demon.htm#balor), gaining true seeing 120' range in addition to his 60' blindsight. Spot: [roll1]

The pair are looking around the cave, but not advancing until the rest of the group is ready.

2022-01-14, 10:28 AM
From where they are standing, Otrera and Hillock can see that the opening leads into a large cave, but unless they have sight powers that can pierce the gloom and cover the distance, they cannot see the back of the cave. However, nothing is rushing forward to attack them so it is possible this part of the mine is currently unoccupied.

2022-01-14, 02:14 PM
Sora continues her confident walk to and into the cave entrance. She orders the earth elementals to drag the corpses into the cave. Informed by the glowing eyes, Sora turns to Mulcri . "Does your sight show them having anything magical beyond their weapon and armor? The spoils of war are ours, though cloud giant sized arms and armor are not easily manageable. I'm used to having troops to handle cleanup. I'll have to pick up a large bag of holding or the like once we get back."

2022-01-14, 02:56 PM

Checking to see how far the back of the cave goes, Otrera shifts into a strange eyeless quadrupedal form and scans ahead. She sends back through the link.

*The cave is clear out to more than a hundred feet. If any of those giants' weapons are showing as magic, would you mind lending us one? Sometimes, it's useful for Hillock to hit things WITH things.*

She quickly returns to her previous three-eyed stone form.

Otera shifts to an Yrthak, so she's scanning ahead with 120' blindsight, and Hillock has 120' True Seeing.

2022-01-14, 02:58 PM
The morning stars and chain mail are all magical although giant sized and not easily transported by the party. Each giant also has a magical amulet.
As Otrera walks deeper into the cave, she can see that there are no other occupants inside and at the far end of the cave, there are three exits out of it, all leading deeper into the mountain

2022-01-14, 04:29 PM
Mulcri will collect the amulets to identify as the group walks through the tunnels. She will also give their pockets a once-over, though not an especially thorough search. "I don't suppose anyone has some kind of extra-dimensional storage large enough to fit these items? Mine might be able to fit one of these things, but I doubt it."

"At any rate, now would probably be the best time for us to become invisible."

After any looting that can be done is done and everyone is ready to move on, Mulcri will cast Mass Invisibility on anyone who wants it, excluding herself and Raodan. (36 minutes, and if we just so happen to meet another group of Giants after only a few minutes of walking and break the spell, then so be it. I'm not taking back the casting this time unless something interrupts us before she casts it.)

She will summon her Prying Eyes and have them follow a bit behind the group, though she will send four of them ahead with instructions to stay hidden and wait where they are if they see any creatures or a fork in the tunnel. One of the four will also be instructed to return to her if it sees any creatures.

As the group walks, Mulcri will identify the amulets with her Artificer's Monocle.

2022-01-14, 04:53 PM
Amulets of Health +4
(There are 3 tunnels, are you sending one down each tunnel and if so, where is the last one going)

2022-01-14, 06:17 PM
2 eyes float down each corridor and about 5 minutes, all return to report. The eyes in the corridor on the far right report an empty chamber that have cots and two exits out the rear. The eyes from the middle corridor report 11 sleeping dwarves and one sleeping giant, one exit out the rear. The far left sees 11 dwarves and one giant, all awake and two exits out the rear.

2022-01-15, 01:16 AM
While the Eyes are scouting ahead, Mulcri passes out three of the amulets to whoever wants one, storing any remaining into her Haversack. These will make the wearer a bit heartier." She will wear one herself, after activating the amulet she is already wearing.

With the amulets identified and still no sign of returning eyes, the Elf will take a look at the Giants' weapons as well.

When they return, the Elf will report what her Eyes have seen to the rest of the group, then use her Third Eye Sense to observe the room with the awake people while we discuss our next move. "So, shall we ambush the sleeping one first, or silence the alert?"

CL4 Righteous Fury, 20 Temporary HP for up to an hour and an irrelevant +4 sacred bonus to Str for four minutes.

Four amulets means four minutes, leaving one to inspect a morningstar. No action to simply check the auras of the armor and weapons. I assume those are similarly identical to each other, so I'll just identify the nearest morningstar if none of the auras are different. If any are, I'll make the decision when I get the info.

2022-01-15, 09:56 AM
The auras on all weapons and armor are similar, and the first morning star is a +4 weapon.

2022-01-15, 01:38 PM

Once the magic items are identified and the eyes are on their way, Otrera and Hillock will step out of the cave. For a moment Otrera resumes her amazon aspect, and Hillock transforms into a gigantic, slightly hairy, elephant. Unless there are objections, the giants' armour and weapons are loaded onto bags and straps hanging off of Hillock, except for one of the highly magical morningstars. When, at a second command from Otrera, the elephant transforms again into the flaming demon, he bends down to pick up the morning star and practices with it for a moment. It's clear that he has swung things before, but any benefit is likely to come from the magic of the weapon and the force of the blow, not the skill of the swinger.

*Yes, definitely the awake ones first. They're also the ones most likely to be on the move, to a meal or a shift.*

Unless anyone else wants to carry the giants' stuff, Hillock can do so pretty easily.

Neither of us would benefit from the amulets, and should be left out of the mass invisibility, so we don't spoil it if we need to move.

2022-01-15, 01:43 PM
Tinac asks nonchalantly Any need healing? I doubt it, as you were most efficient in taking down those giants... were if the rest of our potential combats went as smoothly. He then stands near Mulcri I feel that taking out the potential of an alert is more pressing, the sleeping one will take a few to even be aware that anything is happening, In fact. I think Roadan could most likely, kill the sleeping one with one stab.

2022-01-15, 05:35 PM

Tessa shrugs.

I think I'm the only one that got hit at all, and the attack didn't get through my protective aura. Let's hope they're all that easy...

2022-01-15, 07:00 PM

Atalanta approached the group. She called Nerva, her eagle, and instructed her to patrol the area around the entrance.

She found Hillock's latest transformation a really bad choice given the mission objective...

A Balor. Really?

And went inside the cave trying to avoid the elementals who were ruining the trails inside. She then started to look fo any indication of other giants or dwarfs moving around the mine in the previous hours.

[roll1] add +9 if evil outsiders tracks

2022-01-15, 09:40 PM

"Enough of us, including the elementals, can get to the sleeping giant and all hit him at once, while keeping the invisibility alive. The fight should be over before those dwarves wake. That gives us time to keep get the dwarves to keep quiet, with the benefit of killing fewer slaves. If we attack the others first we don't know how many of the dwarves will help sound the alarm and wake up the sleeping group. No one has a silence spell or effect do they?"

Just thought of it- with the magic IDing some time as passed. Once 10 minutes from the buffing outside the cave has passed I'll have more elementals showing up. Let me know when please.

2022-01-16, 02:09 PM

Returning to her three-eyed earthen form, Otrera lead Hillock back inside the cave and sent to her colleagues.

*Okay, that's two votes for the awake giant and one for the sleeping one. Anyone else care to express an opinion?*

2022-01-16, 05:47 PM
Advantage of taking out the sleeping one first? We MAY be able to kill it before it can set off an alarm. Disadvantage: May be noisy enough to attract the awake one anyway. Advantage to going after the awake one first? We MAY be able to knock it out quietly enough that the sleeping one doesn't wake up...

Honestly, we're probably going to have to deal with them both anyway. I'll volunteer to go kill the sleeping one and catch up with the rest of you after it's done.

2022-01-16, 11:17 PM
Sora casts a spell on herself. "If you all insist on the awake on first, fine, though I still believe a silent assassination is the better tactic. Once we deal with one group we need to quietly hurry to the other group. Trying to take out a giant alone is unwise. Remember the last ones took a severe hit from my magic first, plus there may be a dwarf or two that sides with the giant, especially if there is just one attacker. I'll have the elementals block the back exits as before. Am I holding back on casting so I don't break the Mass Invisibility?"

Cast See Invisibility on myself. Lasts 190 minutes.

How wide/high are these tunnels?

2022-01-17, 03:17 PM

It's hard to tell in her current form whether Otrera is smiling or grimacing.

"Ideally, Sora, we'll still manage a quick assassination on the sleeping giants afterward. And, indeed, the waking ones, if we're able to move stealthily enough.

*I'll proceed below the main group, in the earth, to watch for any pits or the like. I should be able to keep track of you through your footsteps. Hillock will stay up here with you for now. We should go now, if you're ready.*

The rocky thing that is Otrera sinks into the ground without a trace.

2022-01-17, 04:24 PM
How wide/high are these tunnels?

You know that cloud giants are supposed to be about 18 feet tall and they can move in these tunnels without stooping down...it looks like they are wide enough for two to walk abreast.

2022-01-17, 04:29 PM
I have a way to kind-of be at two places at once. If Aracor is going to kill the sleeping one by himself, i will cast Foresight, so I know if he is in danger.... actually now that I think about it... I need to cast it on Roadan as well. I will Delay Death Aracor as well, that will give him time for me arrive and heal before he succumbs to any wounds. Tinac then casts while the conversation on what best route to precced is taking place.

Zero: 6

8 +1
8 +1
7 +1
8 +1
5 +1
3 +1
6 +1
5 +1
2 +1

2022-01-17, 05:22 PM
"I believe Roadan can keep himself alive. If there are enemy dwarves there too he won't be able to block two large exits at the same time. Let's strike the awake ones quickly all together. The elementals are already on their way to block the exits. We'll need to calm the slaves quickly. We'll use my magic blast as the attack sign again? It'll target just the giant and easier if he isn't in melee already."

2022-01-18, 07:57 AM

Killing a sleeping enemy was not really in her ethos; ambush them while they were guarding the entrance was one thing, but slaughtering them while aslept seemed wrong.

Wouldn't be wiser to try and talk with the dwarfs that are with the sleeping giant. Surround the giant and force them to surrender?

She offered, knowing well too well that these zealous wariors were up for the killing. Atalanta was here to fight demons, their minions were of lesser importance, but living and intelligent creatures non the least.

However they decided to go, Atalant will take point on one of the groups.

2022-01-18, 08:07 PM
"I would normally be fine with that, but remember our instructions specifically include killing these Giants. Slitting someone's throat in his sleep doesn't exactly appeal to me, but I can live with it because it's more practical than starting a fight and potentially raising the alarm. I've already been forming a mental list of things to mention to our superiors before we do any future missions, and now that you mention it I will happily add some variation of 'what do we do if someone you told us to kill tries to surrender'."

"For now, I say we take the awake ones first, before they leave. Although, if anyone wants to split off to handle the sleeping one, I wouldn't try to stop them.[/i]

2022-01-18, 09:31 PM

Otrera winces under the earth. She is reminded of the reason why her clan had one chief. She rose up out of the earth again.

*This is as the droning of the wind across the dunes, a sound lulling but meaningless. Talk later. Kill now.*

She beckoned for Hillock to start down the hallway. She melts into a new form, a horned and clawed fiend subtly different from Hillock.

*You're welcome to come.*

The pair of fiends take to the air and start off slowly down the passage.

Moving this forward.

Otrera takes on the shape of a pit fiend. AC 63. They fly forward at ceiling height at 30' movement rate. Hoping that others will join them.

2022-01-19, 10:25 AM
I am open to a split or divided party, just remember that you cannot influence reactions in the room you are not in (looks specifically at Tinac)

Otrera has indicated that she is moving forward, I need clarification on which tunnel she is choosing, sleeping or non-sleeping. Since this is now breaking the ice, I need to hear which tunnel each person is following, an initiative roll and a statement of your actions, based obviously on which room you enter, seeing as it doesnt make any sense to burst into the sleeping room with fireballs blazing.

2022-01-19, 11:48 AM
Raodan watches with an impressed-raised-eyebrow as the group tears through the giants, his own blows felling the giant, it was an impressive display that not many mortals could claim. He cleaned his blade on the corpse of the giant before him, placing it back in it's sheath while they scouted and looted, he moved slowly walked to the mouth of the tunnel, seeing one of his allies...he couldn't remember her name, turn into a....demon? his demonology wasn't up to snuff, he simply shrugged it off and watched.

Upon hearing of the two options, he mentally nods in agreement I will go to the sleeping giant, anyone willing to come is welcome, I do not want to waste these boons I have received, I will be stepping out in 1 minute

And with that, he waits, then moves off in the direction designated, looking for the giant.

[roll1] (+20 from being invisible)

Coup de grace vs sleeping giant (FRA):
Auto crit [roll2] & sudden strike [roll3]
Giant must make Fort save DC 74 or die

Raodan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2566037)
HP's: 117/101
AC: 37
T: 29 FF: 29
Saves- F: +12 R: +24 W: +20
Effects: Heroe's Feast (16 temp HP, immunity to poison/fear for 12 hours & +1 morale to attack and will saves), Extended Superior Invisibility (54 minutes), True Seeing (180 minutes), Telepathic Bond (180 minutes), Mass Resist Energy, Fire 30 (190 minutes), Foresight (190 minutes?)

2022-01-19, 12:06 PM

I'll go with you to the sleeping giant, and back you up if necessary. Hopefully I'll also be able to talk the dwarves into standing down instead of trying to defend it, and hopefully just bugging out entirely.

She'll cast Invisibility on herself and head down with Raodan.

2022-01-19, 01:01 PM
Atalanta joins the duo. The others seem more than capable of handling the awaken giants, and rescuing those dwarfs seems a priority.

She moves ahead, always alert and cautious.

2022-01-19, 11:27 PM
Wouldn't be wiser to try and talk with the dwarfs that are with the sleeping giant. Surround the giant and force them to surrender?

Sora explains matter of factually. "This is a fast strike operation. We're not giving them the chance for a fair fight. We want to keep things as lopsided as possible for us. No time for prisoners. Remember these are slavers. Best we can do is hand over any who try to surrender to the dwarves we free so they can have their revenge."

"We need to get the dwarves to stay quiet. They should know the mine layout which will aid us greatly. Their choice to either leave or follow us in. Having some follow us will help when we encounter other dwarves."

"So Atalanta, Tessa, and Atalanta at least are hitting the sleeping ones. They'll be group 2 and I'll join the awake group, group 1, using the elementals to keep the exits blocked. I can see invisible now, except for the superior invisibility of course. I'll be attacking from up on the ceiling and using teleports to move so I don't make noise approaching. Two elementals will cover each exit and one will join in the attack from below. Anything else? Let's go."

While everyone gets quietly into position Sora eyes the cavern, particularly the dwarves. Where there any traitors among them? Is the giant similarly outfitted as the others? Once the others (from both groups) were ready Sora casts a spell with her one hand starting open then snapping her pointer finger closed while the rest of her fingers aim at the giant. A small fist sized ball of flame shoots out aimed at the giant. Just after the blast impacts, she calls out in polite Dwarven. "We are here to help and kill the giants. Please stay clear."

Sora will combine Dimensional Jaunt (45') and Slippers of Spider Climbing to move along the ceiling invisibly.
Four Elementals will earth glide to the exits and stay in the ground until the attack starts. Then their job is to stop things from getting through.
L1 and L2 cover the left exit.
L3 and L4 cover the right exit
L5 will earth glide next to the giant and come up to attack on the right once things have started.

Initiative [roll0]

Attack: Orb of Fire (SL4)
Ranged Touch: [roll1] (+13 BAB, +3 Dex)
Damage: [roll2] Fire and Fort DC 23 or be Dazed one round.

L5 attack: [roll3] (+1 for Mastery)
Damage: [roll4] (+1 for Mastery)

Sora: AC30, 180/182hp, 16 temp hp
L1-L5: AC18, 96hp

2022-01-19, 11:37 PM
Mulcri will send an Eye down the third tunnel with instructions to stay hidden at the fork and return to her if it sees any creature not part of their own group. She will then join the ones heading towards the people who are awake. When they get close, she will again briefly check on them with her Third Eye before they proceed. "Strike when you will. I will try to keep the Dwarves calm."

Initiative: [roll0]

Mulcri will delay until the last of her team has done their actions, acting on the lowest of their initiative counts (or until the Giant is dead, whichever comes first). She will cast Mass Suggestion on the Dwarves (and also the Giant, because why not) and say in Dwarven: "Please remain calm. We are here to set you all free."

Will 29 negates.

2022-01-20, 01:41 AM

Together with Sora and Mulcri, Otrera instinctively take on guard positions in front of the others. Once they reach the cavern with the giant, they draw fire by darting forward from the ceiling. Hillock lifts his newly-acquired morningstar, while Otrera has pulled out a glaive that adjusts to her size.

Initiative: [roll0]

To start, Hillock is in Balor form, and Otrera is a pit fiend.

Once we arrive at the room with the awake giant, Hillock will charge forward from the ceiling to the cloud giant, unless there's a clear reason in the room not to (a barrier, the giant is a baby, etc). He can cover up to 180' with a flying charge, and uses full power attack with Stormguard Warrior to attack once with his new morning star. Hillock is then AC 22, HP 392, and size large.
Attack (18 BAB + 18 Strength +4 weapon bonus +2 charge) [roll1]
Damage (2d6 +4 magic weapon +13 strength (two handed grip + 36 power attack) [roll2]
With Pierce Magical Concealment, Hillock ignores miss chances or concealment coming from spells or SLA's. With Mage Slayer, the giant cannot cast spells defensively.

Otrera will also charge the giant, lowering her AC to 61. She uses her Sizing Glaive, which has now been augmented to +4.
Attack: (13 BAB + 21 strength +4 magic weapon +2 charge) [roll3]
Damage: (2d8 +4 weapon + 31 strength) [roll4]

If the giant does anything to trigger an attack of opportunity, both Hillock and Orera will take the attacks:
Hillock: Attack [roll5]
Damage [roll6]
Otrera: Attack [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

2022-01-20, 01:45 AM
Crit Confirmation roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2022-01-20, 12:45 PM
Sora, Otrara, Mulcri, Giant
Raordan, Tessa, Atalanta, Dwarf

The group attacking the active giants and dwarves explode into action, Sora hitting the giant with magic and Otrera and Hillock pounding on him as well. The giant looks extremely damaged but manages a strike back on Ortara for 37 points. One dwarf, who is armed and armored as well steps forward with the giant, striking at Hillock 4 times but scoring only one hit for 20 points. The other 10 dwarves, who are unarmed and unarmored, run to the back of the room, forming a defensive position but taking no threatening action.

Raordan creeps silently into the sleeping dwarf room and with one swift blow, separates the giant's head from its body. The head rolls around, the sound awakening the dwarves. One dwarf, who is armed (but unfortunately unarmored as he was sleeping) steps forward, boldly saying What is the meaning of this outrageous intrusion?. The other 10 dwarves run to the far end of the room, forming a defensive position but taking no threatening action.

Round 2
Tactical: Group 1, giant near death, dwarf unharmed, 10 dwarves taking no offensive action
Group 2, giant beheaded, dwarf unharmed, 10 dwarves taking no offensive action

EVERYBODY in both groups, make a will save.

2022-01-20, 02:14 PM

Tessa, though invisible, will speak.

Peace, friends. We are here to render these mines inoperative. As of right now, we've slain the guards at the entrance and are pushing deeper. We plan to evacuate everyone who's willing to go, but this mine is going to collapse within the hour. I strongly recommend that you work on evacuation.

She stops for a second and tilts her head...Did anyone else just get some words in their head?

2022-01-20, 02:36 PM
Raodan wipes the blood of his blade as he regarded the giants head on the floor, it was grisly work, but needed to be done. He tilted his head to the side as a voice spoke to him.

Looking to Tessa he nods, I too heard a voice. Someone has noticed us.

Raodan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2566037)
HP's: 117/101
AC: 37
T: 29 FF: 29
Saves- F: +12 R: +24 W: +20
Effects: Heroe's Feast (16 temp HP, immunity to poison/fear for 12 hours & +1 morale to attack and will saves), Extended Superior Invisibility (44 minutes), True Seeing (170 minutes), Telepathic Bond (170 minutes), Mass Resist Energy, Fire 30 (~180 minutes), Foresight (180 minutes?), Ghost Mind (caster level check DC 38 vs scrying), Ghost Sight (see invisible and ethereal), trapfinding.

2022-01-20, 05:49 PM
Tinac watches as Otrara, Hillock, and Sora unleash a devastating first strike against the giant. He nods and answers Tessa mentally somebody thinks I should leave as I cannot do anything..


2022-01-20, 09:09 PM
"The voice to me said 'They don't understand your military magic, strike at them before they attack you'. "

"They are tipping their hand by trying to sow doubt. Stay strong and keep an eye out for each other. Group 1 giant nearly dead. One dwarf fighting back. How goes group 2?"

Will save 38 in OOC.

No action yet. For planning, elemental L5 is fighting the giant too right?

2022-01-20, 10:08 PM
Raodan took the giant out in one shot. I'm trying to talk the dwarves into evacuating now.

2022-01-21, 09:15 AM

the brave hunter was starting to have serious doubts about her value to the group. And then this voice in her head called her worthless...

She tried to fight the voice, argue against it.

I belong here, I am the herald of Corsada, slayer of demons...

But whatever it was, the voice felt overpowering. Atalanta's mind was clouded, her emotions out of her control.

2022-01-22, 12:46 PM
Rolling for Toli to push this forward
[roll0] WILL

EDIT: As the group pushes forward into battle, Atalanta and Mulcri both clutch their heads, screaming out The voices, the voices, make them stop

ROUND TWO continues

2022-01-23, 07:52 PM
Sora, visible and sticking to the ceiling, walks upside down towards the huddling dwarves staying clear of the giant's reach. She lets loose with a slightly smaller version of the fire spell she fired at the giant, this time targeting the dwarf. "Tinac, can you check on Mulcri?"

Verbally, she continues to address the dwarf slaves in proper formal but quickly spoken dwarven. "You are slaves no more. Please allow us another moment for the fight and then we shall talk."

40' move along the ceiling towards the dwarves to also get a clearer shot at the attacking dwarf without the melee with the giant in the way.

Lesser Orb of Fire (SL1) with Improved Warmage Edge
Touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Diplomacy [roll2]

2022-01-24, 02:02 AM
Briefly forgetting who can and can not perceive her movements, Mulcri holds up a hand in Tinac's direction. "I... I'm okay. It seems the voices are hitting me harder than the rest of- SHUT UP ALREADY! I DON'T EVEN GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THAT!" She begins to cast, then moves laterally away from where she cried out.

Cast Fizzle Net of Shadows targeting the Dwarf and Giant. Will 24 negates, along with the -2 for Once a Fool/Creeping Vulnerability.

Concentration: [roll0]

2022-01-24, 08:30 AM

Her fingers clutched her bow with clear tension and insecurity as her head turned around nervously, it was affecting her precision and calmness. She wanted the voices to stop. But more importantly, she wnated to know where the voices came from. Inside this room? Were the demons scrying them? The spellcasters should know.

Hey, are we being observed? Because the voices in my head suggest that we migh have blown our cover already.

With the sleeping giant now beheaded, Atalanta had no hostile intentions towards the dwarfs. She silently air walked to a position of safety and waited for the situation to evolve.

2022-01-24, 11:25 PM
Otrera & Hillock

Hillock looks around, wondering where the voices are that he's not hearing. He shrugs.

In retaliation for the giant's counter-strike, Otrera slashes at him with her glaive. Hillock waits to see if Otrera finishes off the giant. If not, he moves around to the other side of the great thug's head and slashes at him several times with his morning star. But if Otrera has already toppled the giant, Hillock turns his weapon onto the armoured dwarf.

Otrera sends back through the link with her colleagues.

*The message I got was pure silliness. Something about a king of burghers?*

Otrera also drops heavily to the ground and glances around at the other dwarves. Realizing that anything she says in her current form is going to sound especially ominous, she keeps it brief.

"This man has chosen the wrong side. Wait a moment, and we will explain."

Sorry to hold things up.

Mikela, can we get some sense of the room that we're in now? Other entrances/exits? Roughly how big? Hillock has True Seeing active, and both have 60' blindsight.

Otrera full attack with her glaive on the giant. She's now AC 63.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]
Attack 3: [roll4]
Damage 3: [roll5]

Hillock full attack, either on the giant (if he's still active) or the dwarf) if not. His AC rises to 40. Using 5 points of power attack
Attack 1 (BAB 18 -5 power attack +4 magic +19 strength +2 flanking): [roll6]
Damage 1 (+28 strength +10 power attack +4 magic): [roll7]
Attack 2: [roll8]
Damage 2: [roll9]
Attack 3: [roll10]
Damage 3: [roll11]
Attack 4: [roll12]
Damage 4: [roll13]

Then both fall to the ground (damage likely absorbed by DR)

2022-01-25, 05:57 PM
Mulcri, having issues with voices in her head, attempts to cast on the dwarf but is unable to maintain the necessary concentration, and her spell fizzles. The matter is resolved by the combined attacks of Sora, Otrara and Hillock, as the dwarf and the giant are polished off.
The dwarves look up at that point, who are you, why are you doing this, are we really free?

Things dont go as well on the other side, the other dwarves are not taking action, but the lead dwarf is not interested in talking. We are already free, we are paid a fair wage and you are wrecking everything. He swings wildly at where he perceives the voice to be coming from, but misses.

2022-01-26, 01:42 AM

Otrera lifts her glaive, still dripping with blood, and drops down from her fiendish aspect into a form like the dwarven miners around her. Hillock glances over and does the same...then has trouble holding onto the still-massive morningstar in his hands. Otrera sent to her colleagues through their link.

*We have taken out a a giant and a dwarf loyal to his cause. A dozen dwarf miners are seeking their freedom. How do you fare over there?*

Otrera shakes off something in her head, then glances over at Sora and Mulcri. This group had been working together for only a short time, but already Otrera saw leadership and clear language in both. She could speak fire when the situation called for it, but it seemed to come much more smoothly to Sora, and Mulcri clearly had magics that could make the stones themselves obey.

She was concerned about the cry she had heard from the elf-woman a few seconds ago, but hoped that Mulcri could regather her thoughts.

In the meantime, she turned to the dwarves.

"Yes, you are free. But if can linger a few minutes. We would like to better understand the layout of this place. Who can help?"

2022-01-26, 09:14 AM
(10 dwarves) The dwarf miners look at each other for a moment, clearly unsettled by a pair of shape changing fiends, but it seems like they were on their side, at least in taking out the giants. Then again, demons like sargentum as much as devils did. Finally, one of them steps forward. All of the mining takes place on the second level, one team at a time, 3 teams for an 8 hour shift. Guarded by giants, one traitor dwarf in each team and the pit fiend overseer. The refining operations are done on this level, in the room beyond this one He gestures towards two exits in the back of the room, pointing to the one on the right.

2022-01-26, 12:35 PM
I am hearing strange voices as well, 3 I think, and I could not decipher what it meant. The Dwarves here are saying they are paid, and we are ruining everything. The others have gone silent, I will attempt to reveal myself and figure things out

He then uses prestidigitation to create a tiny Swan made out of stone 10 feet from his person, it is very crude, but gets the job done. "I apologize master Dwarf, we are on a mission against these giants and their master, you are unfortunate bystanders, if any of you feel you want to leave, feel free to do so, but if you get in the way, I cannot promise your safety."


Raodan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2566037)
HP's: 117/101
AC: 37
T: 29 FF: 29
Saves- F: +12 R: +24 W: +20
Effects: Heroe's Feast (16 temp HP, immunity to poison/fear for 12 hours & +1 morale to attack and will saves), Extended Superior Invisibility (44 minutes), True Seeing (170 minutes), Telepathic Bond (170 minutes), Mass Resist Energy, Fire 30 (~180 minutes), Foresight (180 minutes?), Ghost Mind (caster level check DC 38 vs scrying), Ghost Sight (see invisible and ethereal), trapfinding.

2022-01-26, 03:00 PM
Tessa will step back to make sure she's not within melee range of the dwarf, and then speak to the dwarf again.

Let me be perfectly clear here. I can offer you either the carrot or the stick, but this mine is going down. If you try to take another swing at me, you're going to get cut down just as quickly as that giant did.

The mine is going to be shut down, and the only real choice you have is whether or not you die before it does, or if you survive and escape.

There are now three voices talking in my head, but they make no sense at all.

Move action, Tessa will move out of melee range of the dwarf.
Standard action: Suggestion (DC 29) You should flee before the mine collapses. You may be able to dig out some loot later.
Swift action: Activate Minor Shapeshift reserve feat to give herself 19 temporary hit points. [Duration 5 rounds]

Using her Suggestion spell-like ability should cause her invisibility spell to break.

2022-01-26, 03:49 PM
The leader dwarf clearly doesnt want to leave and gives a warning, glowering look to the rest of the dwarves as he slinks out of cave, unable to resist the amazonian magic.
Rockbelly lied, we dont get paid a wage, we get barely enough food to live. Sure he gets a cushy position, cracking the whip over all of us.

2022-01-26, 04:12 PM
Well, he's listening to me for nearly a day. I don't suggest being around him when he comes to his senses.

Can you tell us about what lies beyond? You can easily escape out the front if that's what you'd like, but we'd be grateful for any information you can offer us.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

Okay, the hostile dwarf is heading out the front, and will be doing so for nearly a day. That should be more than enough time for us to complete our task, though I expect he'll be staying close. I'm asking the rest if they can give us any information before we go forward further.

2022-01-26, 04:22 PM
Well, he's listening to me for nearly a day. I don't suggest being around him when he comes to his senses.

Can you tell us about what lies beyond? You can easily escape out the front if that's what you'd like, but we'd be grateful for any information you can offer us.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

Okay, the hostile dwarf is heading out the front, and will be doing so for nearly a day. That should be more than enough time for us to complete our task, though I expect he'll be staying close. I'm asking the rest if they can give us any information before we go forward further.

The of this level contains other teams sleeping quarters, refining operations for the sargentum and one forbidden room. The actual mining operation is all down on the second level, along with the pit fiend overlord

2022-01-26, 08:17 PM
Fortunately Sora is used to the demands of multitasking within the chaos of battle. There was no physical battle right now, but mixing peacefulness with the dwarven slaves in front of her, the arcane assault the group faced telepathically, and the dwarves in the other room was still a juggling act. She teleports to the ground near the dwarves with her weapon lowered and addresses them in their language and her own group in common.

"My apologies for my colleagues' horrible choice of forms to shift into. I assure you that they are not fiends else I would be using all my magic to blast them myself. Thank you for the blessing of information. The giants that were guarding outside are dead so you may safely escape this place. The giant in the next room over is already dead too. That leaves just one more giant, traitor and the overseer? Anything you can tell us of the overseer? He has no other guards? That way to the refinery, where does the other way lead? Down to the 2nd level? The traitor in the next room is on his way out of the mine. I'm sure you could catch up to him. May Moradin guide you."

"Otrera and Hillock, fiendish forms are not the way to establish trust, never mind being unwise in general."

"Mulcri, a fizzle? What can we do to help? With a pit fiend we'll need you in top form. Who else is having trouble with the voices? Affecting us in both rooms is impressive, unless there are more than one culprit. We're done here let's go join the others."

2022-01-26, 08:31 PM
Down in the mine right now is a work group, which would be a group of dwarf miners, one leader dwarf and a giant overseer. The pit fiend always has one giant guard and I have seen an ice devil with him at times. The refinery also has the elevator down to the mine, and the other passage leads to the forbidden room.

2022-01-26, 10:56 PM
It seems as though a farm owned by the nation is your friend...according to these voices. The tone of his voice makes you envision Tinac shrugging his shoulders and having a confused expression. He walks up to Mulcri and says matter of factly "I am not sure... you do not sound OK, yelling at a disembodied voice like that.. do you wish a spell to perhaps assist you?

2022-01-26, 11:45 PM

Otrera turns to the dwarf miners, waiting for them to respond to Sora's questions before asking her own.

"Is the refined sargentum stored in the refining area? And how many more dwarves would be down in the mines at this time?"

She joins in the mental conversation among her colleagues.

*I'm still getting the voice as well, telling me that we'll all die. Et cetera et cetera.

*Sora, once we're ready to destroy this place, it would be unwise to leave any stores of the poison behind. Do you have the ability to obliterate objects entirely? And my primary intent is not to establish trust, but to kill giants.*

2022-01-27, 07:14 AM
"These voices are very annoying. I already have Mind Blank of all things up and they're still getting through. If you think you have something else that will help, I'll take it."

2022-01-27, 07:17 AM
"Gaining trust is how we know a lot more about what we face. Remaining are ten slaves, a traitor, two giants, the overseer, and possibly an ice devil. The later two may be able to summon more aid. The passage to the right is to the refinery and a lift to the other level. The other way leads to a forbidden room. I wonder if these chaotic voices come from there. Let us go see to the other group then altogether hit the forbidden room."

Yes, if we find a sizable pile of sargentum I can disintegrate it. What is unmined will get buried with an earthquake, several if we can figure a safe way to do that."

"Mulcri, can you send any eyes into the two passages? Does your Arcane Sight tell you of any unexpected spells upon yourself?"

(Dwarven) "Thank you, master dwarves. We plan to sink this mine with an earthquake spell. Do you have a suggestion for the best place to do that?

(Common) "Grab the gear from the slain. Let's all head back to the intersection so the dwarves may leave and we can find the others. Elementals, follow me." Sora takes the lead. "We are on our way to you."

2022-01-27, 09:43 AM

Otrera turns to the dwarf miners, waiting for them to respond to Sora's questions before asking her own.

"Is the refined sargentum stored in the refining area? And how many more dwarves would be down in the mines at this time?"

She joins in the mental conversation among her colleagues.

*I'm still getting the voice as well, telling me that we'll all die. Et cetera et cetera.

*Sora, once we're ready to destroy this place, it would be unwise to leave any stores of the poison behind. Do you have the ability to obliterate objects entirely? And my primary intent is not to establish trust, but to kill giants.*

The refined sargentum is picked up on a fairly regular basis, but there is a bit stored there now, our last pick up was two days ago and there is one scheduled for tomorrow. There are only 10 dwarves on each team plus the traitor and one team down in the mine at any one time.

"Gaining trust is how we know a lot more about what we face. Remaining are ten slaves, a traitor, two giants, the overseer, and possibly an ice devil. The later two may be able to summon more aid. The passage to the right is to the refinery and a lift to the other level. The other way leads to a forbidden room. I wonder if these chaotic voices come from there. Let us go see to the other group then altogether hit the forbidden room."

Yes, if we find a sizable pile of sargentum I can disintegrate it. What is unmined will get buried with an earthquake, several if we can figure a safe way to do that."

"Mulcri, can you send any eyes into the two passages? Does your Arcane Sight tell you of any unexpected spells upon yourself?"

(Dwarven) "Thank you, master dwarves. We plan to sink this mine with an earthquake spell. Do you have a suggestion for the best place to do that?

(Common) "Grab the gear from the slain. Let's all head back to the intersection so the dwarves may leave and we can find the others. Elementals, follow me." Sora takes the lead. "We are on our way to you."

One of the dwarves gives Sora the most advantageous position to center the earthquake, with his geological knowledge he assures her that the mine will be totally obliterated by the spell and would be beyond the capabilities of human miners to re-excavate.

Both cloud giants have morning stars that appear to be a bit better crafted than the outer guards were. They both wear chain shirts and have an amulet but they also both have a magical ring. The slain warrior dwarf has a battle axe, plate-mail, an amulet and a ring. The other dwarf left with his axe, amulet and ring, but left behind his plate-mail.

2022-01-27, 10:10 AM

She was too scared. The voices in her head distracted her and incited her to leave.

She is so distragught that when she attempts a telephatic message, she mumbles it instead.

We should re-group and move downwards...

2022-01-28, 01:57 AM

Since it seemed that Sora was unlikely to let the matter drop, Otrera exercised the better half of valour and simply gestured for Hillock to transform back into his elephantine form. A bit of a squeeze underground, but if it was big enough for cloud giants, the cavern would suit him just fine.

She quickly quickly transferred the weapon Hillock had been holding into one of the bags on his back, and added the giant's gear, and anything the dwarf had that was worth salvaging, as well. Otrera shrunk her her long-handled axe down to the size of an arrow and slid it into her bag.

Turning to the dwarves, Otrera nodded. "Thank you, and good luck. The way out should be clear. Don't stop until you're miles away."

Almost as an afterthought, she sends mentally to her colleagues.

*I'm hearing three distinct voices in my head. Same for all of you?*

Otrera grows into a shadowy spectral figure. She murmurs in a hollow voice.

"Big ghosty man now, Hillock."

With a slow nod, the big elephant shrinks down, becoming a similarly transparent figure. Otrera uses her newfound abilities to scan the room for any possible sources of the voices, and then took up a rearguard as the group joined up with their colleagues.

Otrera and Hillock get the captured gear stored, and then transform into Dread Wraiths, so as to be able to scan the room with 60' lifesense. On the assumption that they don't spot anything new, they'll wait for Mulcri and the dwarves to exit and then drift out behind, side by side.

2022-01-28, 10:55 AM
The lifesense scan reveals no results.

2022-01-28, 11:55 AM
Raodan responds "Yes, three distinct voices, talking gibberish, nothing seems to stop them. Let us go to this forbidden room and find what we can. I will go look now."


[roll2] (for any doors to this room)
[roll3] (if i find a trap)
[roll4] (if the door is locked)

Raodan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2566037)
HP's: 117/101
AC: 37
T: 29 FF: 29
Saves- F: +12 R: +24 W: +20
Effects: Heroe's Feast (16 temp HP, immunity to poison/fear for 12 hours & +1 morale to attack and will saves), Extended Superior Invisibility (44 minutes), True Seeing (170 minutes), Telepathic Bond (170 minutes), Mass Resist Energy, Fire 30 (~180 minutes), Foresight (180 minutes?), Ghost Mind (caster level check DC 38 vs scrying), Ghost Sight (see invisible and ethereal), trapfinding.

2022-01-28, 12:34 PM
Humorous gibberish I find it to be. But yes, most certainly 3 voices. what or who ever it is went from some kind of insults to just plain illogical statements.

2022-01-28, 03:41 PM
It started out as a single voice making nonsensical statements. Then it was three nonsensical voices. Lastly, the voices seemed at least somewhat threatening, but in a non-specific way. Agreed, let's move on.

Tessa will grab the rest of the loot from here, she should be able to carry it all long enough to load it onto Hillock.

2022-01-28, 03:46 PM
"At first one voice, now three. Chaotic statements trying to instill fear or just plain rubbish. Remember the council said there is an agent of Nocticula involved stealing some of the product. Maybe this is the agent's doing to foil our efforts to cut off his supply too."

At the intersection Sora sees that the two groups of dwarves have left then onward to the room group 2 had handled. She sends the elementals to earth glide ahead with instructions to attack from the enemy's rear if there is a fight. Sora herself then follows the reunited group minus their scout towards the forbidden room.

2022-01-28, 05:44 PM
The party follows the tunnel to the forbidden room, it bends like an elbow, clearly to go around the refining/elevator room. At the end of the tunnel, the group comes to a door, with writing on it. The writing is in Dwarven, and says simply Forbidden

2022-01-28, 06:18 PM
Raodan finds no traps and no locks to open or disable.

2022-01-28, 06:25 PM
"Since we're all together here and there may be an ice devil around. Take this protection too." Sora quietly casts Mass Resist Energy (Cold) on the party and elementals while the others do their own thing.

The party has Fire and Cold resist 30 from Sora. The elementals just have the Resist Cold spell. SL4.

2022-01-29, 11:04 PM
Otrera and Hillock

One of the transparent forms nods her gratitude when Sora adds another layer of protection to the group.

*Unless you want help in getting through this door, Hillock and I will head through the ground, to see if we can get us all an advance sense of how many opponents might be within.*

Joining hands, the duo slide down into the ground, moving around Sora's elementals and under the floor of the room ahead.

Otrera will be trying to get close enough to the floor surface to be able to read the room with her 60' lifesense and 60' blindsight. She will mentally report what she senses back to her colleagues.

2022-01-29, 11:27 PM
Sora nods to the incorporeal undead as much as it pains and disgusts her. As they go to scout, a huge earth elemental rises from the ground, answering the warmage's call. With a few moment's thought, two arcane symbols on her robe fades.

Activating Vest of the Archmagi to regain two level 9 slots.

2022-01-30, 09:02 PM
Mulcri will use her Third Eye to peek behind the door before the group proceeds.

2022-01-30, 10:37 PM
The room appears to be empty of life, however there are a lot of bones and garbage.
(I have given scouting results to Toliudar so we should probably wait for her report)

2022-01-31, 12:19 AM

After a moment, Otrera sends back through the mental link.

*I sense no life forms in the room. There is, however, a very, very large worm coiled under the chamber. Very likely, it will rise up to strike at anything that walks across the floor.

*Sora, can your pet elementals attack while they move through the earth? They might be able to dispatch this beast without any of the combat reaching the surface.*

2022-01-31, 09:31 AM
(I just want to point out that the purple worm is very much alive and very much lurking)

2022-01-31, 11:02 AM
Raodan messages the group "The door is unlocked, and untrapped, as far as I can tell."

Raodan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2566037)
HP's: 117/101
AC: 37
T: 29 FF: 29
Saves- F: +12 R: +24 W: +20
Effects: Heroe's Feast (16 temp HP, immunity to poison/fear for 12 hours & +1 morale to attack and will saves), Extended Superior Invisibility (34 minutes), True Seeing (160 minutes), Telepathic Bond (160 minutes), Mass Resist Energy, Fire and Cold 30 (~170 minutes), Foresight (170 minutes?), Ghost Mind (caster level check DC 38 vs scrying), Ghost Sight (see invisible and ethereal), trapfinding.

2022-01-31, 05:33 PM

"Gigantic worm? ... I'd rather use one elemental to get the worm to surface then we can blast it from here through the doorway. We should make short work of it. Didn't happen to notice what type it was?"

2022-01-31, 06:23 PM

Otrera sends back a mental shrug.

*I can't see it, only sense its shape. However, the only things I know of that are that size and shape are sandworms and purple worms. Either way, let me know when your elemental will break the surface. Perhaps Hillock and I can strike from below without getting in the way of the blasting above.*

2022-01-31, 09:24 PM
"Fights within the ground is not a strong point for me. We won't be able to help you if there's a problem down there. I'll position most of the elementals in the ceiling. If opening the door doesn't wake up the worm I'll have one elemental drop down onto the floor to get things started. Raodan, would you do the honors of opening the door in thirty seconds please? I'd suggest you and Tessa stay on either side of the door in case it tries coming this way. Atalanta and I can attack from here. Tinac, guard our rear?"

Sora has the large earth elementals earth glide to the ceiling of the next room while the larger one stays to defend the group if needed.

2022-02-01, 12:19 PM
Raodan opens the door and the group sees what is almost like a combination garbage dump, graveyard for the complex. Nothing happens when the door opens, the group can vaguely see a door on the far end of the chamber, which likely leads back to the last dwarven chamber, the one that was empty. Seeing as that was not enough to get the worm's attention, Sora has one of her elementals drop to the ground and seconds later the now identified as a purple worm bursts out of the ground and with one huge gulp, swallows the elemental whole before it even knew what was about to happen.

Raodan and Tessa were positioned at the door (according to Sora's instructions. They are 100 feet away from the worm.
Atalanta and Sora are in the doorway, positioned for blasting or moving, the worm is 100 feet away from them as well.
Mulcri and Tinac are one rank behind Atalanta and Sora, able to take a ranged shot if they wish, but if they push past Sora and Atalanta (provided that neither of them move), they would like disrupt what they are doing, distance is basically 105 feet.
Otrara and Hillock are still buried in the earth and can come up wherever they want, if they go straight up, they will be 60 feet away but in between Sora and the worm

Roll initiative and post action, there is no surprise round.

2022-02-01, 01:08 PM
Raodan opened the door, with a countdown from 5.

"...4, 5 Opening"

He watched in abject awe as the wurm devoured the elemental, and then in the flash of an eye, runs up to the beast, attempting to stagger the thing, so his companions can do what they do best.

Move action: 40 towards wurm (using 1 charge from belt of battle to gain a bonus move action)
Full round action: charge wurm (flying in the air, 5ft off the ground)

While invisible, the subject exudes no scent and is undetectable by scent, blindsense, tremorsense, and blindsight.
Superior invisibility renders the recipient immune to detection by see invisibility, faerie fire, glitterdust, invisibility purge, and dust of appearance, although creatures under the effect of the spell can be detected by true seeing.

[roll1] +4 if target is denied Dex
[roll2] & [roll3]
Fort Save DC damage dealt [58] or be staggered for one round

Raodan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2566037)
HP's: 117/101
AC: 35 (-2 from charging)
T: 27 FF: 27
Saves- F: +12 R: +24 W: +20
Effects: Heroe's Feast (16 temp HP, immunity to poison/fear for 12 hours & +1 morale to attack and will saves), Extended Superior Invisibility (34 minutes), True Seeing (160 minutes), Telepathic Bond (160 minutes), Mass Resist Energy, Fire and Cold 30 (~170 minutes), Foresight (170 minutes?), Ghost Mind (caster level check DC 38 vs scrying), Ghost Sight (see invisible and ethereal), trapfinding.

2022-02-01, 02:58 PM
Sora had expected a beast of great size, but not how far away it was. The room was immense. With barely a thought she changes her mind on a spell that would reach. She points to a spot just past and above the worm. With an arcane word a swirling red pea sized bead streaks from her finger. At the designated spot, it erupts in vicious flame burning the purple worm.

Initiative [roll0]

Fireball (SL3) with Improved Warmage Edge just past and above the worm so that if any colleagues were able to charge up to it the blast won't hit them.
[roll1] x 1.5 for Empower. Reflex DC 23 for half.

Might be worth tracking damage on the swallowed elemental in case we can kill the worm quick enough. DR 5/- and max hp.

EDIT: Forgot I can't do Empowered plus Improved Warmage Edge. Forget the Empowered. Just 119 damage.

2022-02-02, 10:52 AM
That room is big. Bigger than she expected. But that doesn't matter to her.

Swift action: Activate Minor Shapeshift to give herself 19 temporary hit points again [Duration 5 rounds].
Move action: Tessa will move 70 feet up, and off the left of the door so she doesn't block anyone else's line of sight.
Standard action: Ready an action to strike the worm if it comes within reach.

I realize that the worm is probably stuck there and won't be able to hit Tessa anyway, but she doesn't really feel this encounter is worth expending spell slots on.

2022-02-02, 12:51 PM
Otrera and Hillock

Hand in hand, the pair of ghostly figures wait until the worm surges upward into the room. Once it does so, Otrera and Hillock float forward through the ground, PAST the point at which the worm emerged, and popping up well behind the worm as it struggles to digest the elemental.

Grimly sizing up the worm and the likelihood of the worm trying to eat them next, Otrera looks over at Hillock.

"If it tries to leave, hit it."

Otrera and Hillock will choose to go last in initiative. Otrera's AC is currently 43, and Hillock's is 31. They are incorporeal: not harmed by non-magical attacks, and magical attacks or effects have a

Double Move action: fly under the floor to a point 10' past the purple worm's position and then fly up.
Free action: talky talky.

AoO: if the purple worm tries to flee underground, or moves toward the rest of the group, both Otrera and Hillock will take attacks of opportunity on it.

Otrera AoO (versus Touch AC):
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus they make a DC 20 fort save or take [roll2] constitution drain

Hillock AoO (versus Touch AC - also ignores magical concealment and magical bonuses to AC on a successful hit):
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] plus they make a DC 11 fort save or take [roll5] constitution drain

2022-02-02, 01:39 PM
Mulcri will fly up and forward, hovering just below the ceiling so as to stay out of everyone's way. She will not strike for now, but will be ready to act if needed.

Initiative: [roll0]

Ready Action: If the worm tries to approach the back lines, Mulcri will use her Ring of the Forcewall to put a 10' square wall of force in its path (hopefully stopping a charge, but whatever works). One charge from the ring, so the wall will last two rounds.

2022-02-04, 09:30 AM
Thats a biig worm, real big. I can say, I have seen some interesting things, but that is a first for me. i don't even think it swallowed just *gulp* and that elemental was gone. Tinac hefts hsi mace and makes his way closer to the intimidatingly large purple worm.

2022-02-05, 05:36 PM
Tessa, Mulcri, Raodan, Sora, Otrara, Hillock, Worm, Tinac
The party goes into action against the giant worm. Tessa and Mulcri move into better attack positions, but hold shots for now. Raodan deals a punishing blow to the beast that deals damage but doesnt seem slow it down. Sora's fireball likewise connects with the giant worm, but the creature just seems to soak up the damage and keep on going. Otrara and Hillock make their appearance from behind and both of them deal even more damage to it. Finally the worm is able to retaliate, it bites at where it thinks Raodan is, based on where it got hit from, but misses. Hillock is not so lucky, getting hit by the worms stinger tail (6 points damage but a poison Fort save at DC35). The swallowed elemental tries to batter its way out, but blunt weapons are useless inside the worm. Tinac and Atalanta hold their position

Second Round
Otrara, Hillock and Raodan actively engaged on worm. Tessa in position to engage worm, Mulcri and Sora able blast at will.

Hillock, FORT save vs. poison.
Everyone else, another WILL save (even the ones who failed the original WILL save

In their heads, everyone hears voices again
Flee while you can the worm will eat you all
Kill each other, the worm will spare the winner
Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is

2022-02-06, 10:47 AM
Tessa grimly moves in and prepares to hack away at the worm.

This creature has impressive bulk! Let's see if we can cut it down to size a bit more.

In response to the voices: Yes, yes - doom, destruction, and if we continue you'll probably turn our pantaloons inside out and put them on our heads! It will take more than silly words to stop us.

Tessa moves in using her Bounding Assault feat to prevent attacks of opportunity.
She'll move in 45 feet to where she can reach it, attack, then dart back out 25 feet so it cannot reach her (in total, she should be 30 feet away from it).
Free action: Activate Arcane Strike, sacrificing a first level spell slot
Attack 1: [roll0]
Critical confirmation if necessary: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + 16 + [roll3] Swift Surge + [roll4] Arcane Strike + [roll5] Cold
Attack 2: [roll6]
Critical confirmation if necessary: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8] + 16 + [roll9] Swift Surge + [roll10] Arcane Strike + [roll11] Cold

2022-02-06, 09:29 PM
Otrera and Hillock

The great worm's vicious stinger swishes through Hillock's form, causing him to flinch instinctively, even though the strike doesn't make contact.

Both Otrera and Hillock lunge forward in response, their spectral hands plunging into the worm's side.

Since they came up behind the worm, they should be providing flanking with anyone attacking from the front.

Otrera Touch attack: [roll0]
Incorporeal Touch Damage: [roll1]
Fort save DC 26 or take [roll2] Constitution Drain

Hillock touch attack: [roll3]
Incorporeal touch damage: [roll4]
Fort save DC 21 or take [roll5] constitution drain

2022-02-07, 09:38 AM

Sora strides into the room, shifting a little to the left to get out of the line of fire from Atalanta. The huge earth elemental follows its summoner. Sora raised an open hand and it fills with an orb of white flames. With a slight flick it streaks off at the purple worm.

On her command the other four large earth elementals drop from the ceiling landing at various sides around the worm and add to the beat down.

40' forward, shifting left, putting me 65' away. Cast Orb of Fire, Lesser (range 70').
Ranged touch: [roll0]
[roll1] Fire. No save/SR.

Elemental L1 is in the purple worm. L2-L5 drop down to the ground and attack. DR 5/- for falling damage if any.

L2 attack: [roll2] (+6 BAB, +7 STR, -1 size, +1 Earth Mastery, +2 flank)
Damage: [roll3]

L3 attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

L4 attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

L5 attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

2022-02-07, 06:22 PM

Can't someone stop those voices?! She wasn't sure if she said it out loud or through the telepathic link. The reality was both.

Kill each other Atalanta's initial bead was drawn to Sora's back but the archer caught herself before launching a whole volley of energy arrows at the purple worm. Her focus, and thus her aim, were off but how could one miss a target that large and slow?

Improved Rapid Shot with Woodland Archer (shots after a miss are at +4 to hit) vs favored enemy: Magical Beasts.

Will save of 33 in OOC.

Using the stats I can figure out, though they don't get as high as on the sheet. Happy to get corrected.

Attack: [roll0] (+18 BAB, +8 DEX, +4 GMW, +1 Heroes Feast, +1 Enemy Spirit Pouch, -5 Voices)
Damage: [roll1] (+4 GMW, +2 FE, +3 Imp FE, +4 Hunting, +2 STR)

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

2022-02-08, 10:46 AM
Raodan frowned, this beast was truly remarkable, and will be a notable notch on his record after he had slain it. He took his blade and prepared to deliver several blows to the thing, hoping to slow it's advance somewhat.

Full attack

[roll1] & [roll2]

[roll4] & [roll5]

Attack 2 confirm - (1d20+28)[34]
Damage - (1d6+6)[10]

[roll7] & [roll8]

Attack 3 confirm - (1d20+23)[40]
Damage - (1d6+6)[12]

Raodan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2566037)
HP's: 117/101
AC: 37
T: 29 FF: 29
Saves- F: +12 R: +24 W: +20
Effects: Heroe's Feast (16 temp HP, immunity to poison/fear for 12 hours & +1 morale to attack and will saves), Extended Superior Invisibility (34 minutes), True Seeing (160 minutes), Telepathic Bond (160 minutes), Mass Resist Energy, Fire and Cold 30 (~170 minutes), Foresight (170 minutes?), Ghost Mind (caster level check DC 38 vs scrying), Ghost Sight (see invisible and ethereal), trapfinding.

2022-02-09, 01:30 PM
Mulcri moves forward, flying just below the ceiling to stay out of the way of their group's back lines, and extends her invisible hand toward the large beast.

"The voices are actually getting a little better for me. How is everyone else?"

Move within 30' of the Worm and use Inspire Fear (Su). Will 16 or be Shaken for one round.

2022-02-10, 11:12 AM
The party continues the work of hacking on the worm. All of Tessa's hits connect, causing huge gouts of blood to spurt forth, followed by Mulcri's spell, the effect of which is questionable. The point is rendered moot by Raodan's devastating assault, all the hits connecting and causing the worm to collapse, motionless. Sora and Atalanta are able to hold their attacks.

The voices seem to subside for now, still murmuring in the background. Mulcri now has a DC of 33 to cast a spell, while Atalanta has -1 on her attacks.

2022-02-10, 08:26 PM
Sora actually cuts her spellcasting in time as the worm falls while the elementals are still mid-fall. "Nicely done. Would someone cut a hole for the elemental to get out please?"

"A quick search of the room might prove useful." She orders the elementals to search for arms or armors while she searches using Detect Magic. It's not meant to be an exhaustive search.

Is there only one other door? Figured there would be two more.

2022-02-10, 09:57 PM

Otrera involuntarily flinches back as the worm collapses quickly in the face of the group's concerted assault. She signals for Hillock to remain where and as he is, then steps back into pit fiend form in order to slash an opening in the worm for the elemental to escape. She quickly returns to her insubstatial state.

*We'll check out the door. Raordan, would you care to join us?*

The pair of wraiths drifts over to the closed door, attuning their unusual senses to watch for anything that might be coming.

Otrera and Hillock use 60' tremorsense and 60' lifesense to scan for anything that might be coming from further inside the mine.

In case it's relevant: Otrera spot: [roll0]
Hillock spot: [roll1]

2022-02-10, 10:14 PM
Raodan blinks, and the beast was slain. This group was truly impressive, he made a mental note to remember that.

Turning in time to avoid seeing the Pit fiend disembowel the wurm to rescue an elemental, Raodan grinned at the craziness of it all.

He nodded to Otrera in her wraith form, and moved to follow. "Of course"

Raodan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2566037)
HP's: 117/101
AC: 37
T: 29 FF: 29
Saves- F: +12 R: +24 W: +20
Effects: Heroe's Feast (16 temp HP, immunity to poison/fear for 12 hours & +1 morale to attack and will saves), Extended Superior Invisibility (34 minutes), True Seeing (160 minutes), Telepathic Bond (160 minutes), Mass Resist Energy, Fire and Cold 30 (~170 minutes), Foresight (170 minutes?), Ghost Mind (caster level check DC 38 vs scrying), Ghost Sight (see invisible and ethereal), trapfinding.

2022-02-11, 03:26 PM
There are no signs of life beyond the door and a quick search of the room reveals no magic. The elemental is quickly cut out of the worm and is in quite a huff about the whole situation.

2022-02-11, 04:21 PM
Mulcri will use her Third Eye to check behind the door as well.

"I apologize for my lack of contribution to that last battle. Many of my current spells are the sort that ought to be saved for something more substantial than a single angry beast. Quite the oversight on my part, I must admit. At least this was a simple enough creature to be handled without issue."

2022-02-11, 05:33 PM
The eye sees nothing but a corridor that appears to bend back towards the dwarf sleeping quarters

2022-02-11, 10:32 PM
Considering the fact that no one got hurt except for a summoned elemental, I think we're okay with you saving your spells for something more dangerous. The question is, why does this room even exist?

2022-02-12, 12:34 AM

"Better to kill it now than have it drop down while we are fighting below. Our next fight will be far more dangerous. Let us go head back and take the other passage to the refinery. We need to discuss strategy along the way."

"We seem to be facing a Pit Fiend, Ice Devil, giant, dwarf, and possibly the source of the voices. Maybe more if they can summon help. I'll need to cast Dimensional Anchor right away at least once so that no enemies live to warn others about us. Can someone take on Dispelling what they cast? I'm primarily concerned with what the Pit Fiend can cast. I can take on dispelling later but I have many devastating spells with their names on it. Once we know they can't escape I can let loose. For those in melee please stay on our side of the battle. Many of my spells need space. Don't want any of you to feel a prismatic spray or worse."

"The Heroes Feast will protect us from fear. Stay within 20' of me for protection against stunning and confusion. This spell may not help most of you, but it will at least aid the elementals."

"And yes, the voices are much quieter now.

With the speed of thought, there's plenty of time for the others to pitch in their thoughts. Sora welcomes them.

Cast Mass Bear's Endurance on whole party including elementals. +4 CON enhancement for 19 minutes.
Large elementals get +16hp = 113hp each minus the damage L1 has from the worm.
Huge elemental gets +32hp = 240hp
In about 8 min, a greater earth elemental shows up, completing the summoning for that spell.

2022-02-12, 07:32 AM
"We should try to enter quietly. My divination is still up, so it would be a great benefit to know what magic they already have active. Once we have that information, I will open with a Reaving Dispel, most likely targeting the Pit Fiend. I also have one spell that can force several foes to teleport a short distance in a random direction. In addition to scattering their ranks, our Anticipate Teleportation will remove them from the fight for a while. I have Dimensional Anchor as well as Dimensional Lock ready if needed."

"I have one last Greater Invisibility available. The less powerful, shorter-term version I mean. Does anyone in particular want it?"

2022-02-12, 04:19 PM
Otrera and Hillock

At Otrera's signal, the pair drift back to rejoin the main group.

*The presence of this chamber underground is indeed puzzling. Dwarves would have more care of their surroundings than to simply make a garbage dump in the middle of their mine complex. Nor is there any trace of the poisonous ore, as there might be if this place was used as a repository.

*Still, these are questions we can ask the fiends later, if need be. Thank you for your kind offer, Mulcri, but I'll rely on other methods to avoid detection. We should go, before the shift change begins, yes?*

When the others signal their readiness, Otrera and Hillock once again sink into the floor so as to take the lead, watching for any traps in the floor or signs of life in the passageway ahead.

2022-02-12, 06:43 PM
I can throw a dispel or two if necessary. And Starlight Grace (her sword) is more effective against outsiders, so that should help as well. And if no one else wants an invisibility spell, I'll take it.

I can cast Haste and hit everyone with it this time including all of the elementals. That should help us out.

Tessa will cast Ray Deflection on herself before we go in (duration 38 minutes).

2022-02-12, 08:26 PM
"The dwarves said the other passage leads to the refinery with access to the other level. Scouting ahead to the refinery where the ore should be would be good. From there we can divine what's below."

"This complex may be worked by dwarves, but they are just the slave labor. The worm was probably the devil's idea of a pet for cleanup and backup in case of attack."

2022-02-13, 03:38 PM
Tinac looks around at nods absent-mindedly as the rest of the group makes statements as to the nature of the chamber, as he has absolutely no knowledge of mining or stonework himself. I can recite a prayer to give us all an extra edge and them a malus once we get into the thick of things. Of course, if any become injured I have heals enough for all. If need be, I can unleash holy power upon the fiends if you need assistance in combatting them.

Recitation gives +2 luck to attacks and saves (+3 if you also worship Endolin Domar) as well as a -2 luck penalty to enemies> this is a 60 foot burst with no save and last 18 rounds.

Holy word might not do much to the pit fiend, but might make the others severely weakened.

2022-02-14, 12:04 PM
"Will the Pit fiend be able to see through our invisibility? I would be happy to scout ahead and report back."

Raodan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2566037)
HP's: 117/101
AC: 37
T: 29 FF: 29
Saves- F: +12 R: +24 W: +20
Effects: Heroe's Feast (16 temp HP, immunity to poison/fear for 12 hours & +1 morale to attack and will saves), Extended Superior Invisibility (34 minutes), True Seeing (160 minutes), Telepathic Bond (160 minutes), Mass Resist Energy, Fire and Cold 30 (~170 minutes), Foresight (170 minutes?), Ghost Mind (caster level check DC 38 vs scrying), Ghost Sight (see invisible and ethereal), trapfinding.

2022-02-15, 07:39 AM
Sora nods at Tinac's plans then turns to Raodan "Go ahead. With Otrera and Hillock you won't be alone and we won't be far behind. I imagine the enemy will be more focused on the next level, 'encouraging' the dwarves to work faster so we'll have the refinery and shaft to deal with first. Let's go." Sora and her escorts follow Raodan, a ways back, toward the refinery.

Spells in effect:
Retributive Spell - Split ray Disintegrate (SL9)
Banner of the Storm's Eye (MIC151) 20' suppress fear, immune to stun/confused
Heroes Feast: 16 temp hp, +1 morale to attack and will saves, immune to poison and fear.
Greater Anticipate Teleport: 105' radius. 3 rounds delayed.
Greater Magic Weapon +4: Long Sword
Protection from Arrows
Moment of Prescience
Mass Darkvision
Telepathic Bond
Elemental Swarm: 5x Large earth (113hp each, L1 damaged), 1x Huge earth (240hp)
Mass Resist Energy, Fire 30
Mass Resist Energy Cold 30
Chained Keen Edge
See Invisibility
Mass Bear's Endurance

Side note, Recitation:
The fiend may think differently about the spell after an energy drain or two :smallbiggrin:

2022-02-15, 10:10 AM
The group proceeds to what they were told would be the refinery, going through the empty dwarf sleeping quarters in the process and then through the other tunnel which leads to a large cavern. The tunnels to the worm cave bracketed it like arms. This cavern is even larger than the worm's was and bears signs of being formerly worked for ore, but it must have played out. There is a large quantity of machinery, none of the group are experts in mining or refining but given the huge pile of large rock at one end of it and a much smaller pile of silvery white material at the other end, along with several small boxes stacked neatly containing more of this material, you would venture a good guess that this is indeed the refining operation. In the middle of the room is a simple rope and pulley lift, at the moment the platform is up in the room.

Blow the earthquake here, you'll bury them all
Flee, the pit fiend will eat your souls
The best part of waking up, is Folgers in your cup
Elinon has betrayed you, there will be 9 devil lords at the bottom of the lift
Tonight on Sportsdesk, Erandol captures Olympic gold over Varstok

EVERYONE, make a will save.

2022-02-15, 11:49 AM
Otrera and Hillock

Otrera and Hillock drift up out of the ground to better look around the massive chamber.

*I'm not sensing any living creatures here. In our current form, we won't be affected by that metal - you might want to let us take a closer look, at least until Sora disposes of that ore.

*And, as a bonus, the voices are telling us that we'll have an opportunity to face down a bunch of devil lords. I look forward to it.*

Otrera gestures, and Hillock follows her on a circuit of the large room.

Otrera Will save: [roll0]. In her current undead form, she is immune to mind-affecting effects, if that matters.
Hillock Will save: [roll1]. In her current undead form, she is immune to mind-affecting effects, if that matters.

They do a clockwise circuit of the room to check for any signs of a living creature.
Otrera spot: [roll2]
Hillock spot: [roll3]

2022-02-15, 12:20 PM
Otrera and Hillock do not sense any living creatures, outside of a few rats and bats (and not the kind that attack parties either)

2022-02-15, 02:31 PM
The voices are trying extra hard I feel now, plus there's a new one... at least for me Tinac shrugs and watches as Otrera and Hillock come out of the ground say a few words, then patrol the edge of the room


2022-02-15, 03:38 PM
"Yes, the voices know more than expected. Perhaps they can tap into our telepathy. Let's continue with our plan quickly before they can do more to react. If they had that many lords down there they'd be up here to stop me. Otrera, if you want a closer look then hurry. I suspect that stuff may strengthen the power of the those behind the voices so once the elementals do their part I'll do mine. Everyone be alert in case the enemy acts to intervene."

Sora orders two of the 'smaller' elementals (including the injured one) to move the boxes onto the pile of the silvery white material. Another two are sent through the earth to the bottom of the shaft to see what is there without giving themselves away, with one of them ordered to come right back up to report. The remaining two elementals (including the huge one) stand to either side of her as protection.

Once the material is piled up, Otrera has had a moment to examine it, and allies are clear Sora casts Disintegrate (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/disintegrate.htm) on the pile.

Will save from OOC: 32

I don't know how long the tunnels have been but ten minutes since the Huge elemental showed up (before the purple worm), one more elemental will arrive.

Am I guessing right that the ideal earthquake location is on the other level?

2022-02-15, 04:57 PM
Since mortals have next to no experience with sargentum, there is little that Otrera can gleam from examining the stuff.
The one elemental sinks into the ground and moments later returns....shaft leads to empty room with two tunnels leading out
That description jibes with where the dwarf said the best place to cast the earthquake was.

2022-02-15, 05:09 PM
Raodan falls to one knee, he stumbles, having a hard time focusing on what is real.

"I...am...having....a hard time." he manages to get out, looking up to them.

Raodan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2566037)
HP's: 117/101
AC: 37
T: 29 FF: 29
Saves- F: +12 R: +24 W: +20
Effects: Heroe's Feast (16 temp HP, immunity to poison/fear for 12 hours & +1 morale to attack and will saves), Extended Superior Invisibility (34 minutes), True Seeing (160 minutes), Telepathic Bond (160 minutes), Mass Resist Energy, Fire and Cold 30 (~170 minutes), Foresight (170 minutes?), Ghost Mind (caster level check DC 38 vs scrying), Ghost Sight (see invisible and ethereal), trapfinding, -5 to hit

2022-02-15, 05:29 PM
"Yes, it's a shame the rest of what they've been saying has been nonsense so far. THose would be quite the fight. But still, nine at once might be a bit too much for us.

2022-02-15, 07:22 PM
Tessa feels an invasion in her mind, and reacts quickly, attempting to cast a spell so that she can protect herself more fully.

Unfortunately, she can't maintain her concentration due to the voices, and she loses the spell.


She reaches up to clutch her head. What in the HELL is that?!

2022-02-15, 07:37 PM
Otrera and Hillock

In less than a minute, the ghostly duo have completed their circuit of the room, and watch silently as the earth elementals pile up the sargentum. Partway through, Hillock seems to waver and shimmer, clearly affected by the voices in the complex as well. Otrera supports Hillock as they drift forward.

*All clear.*

2022-02-15, 10:10 PM
Sora grimaces and picks up the pace of her telepathic chat. "Tinac, can you tell what's going on? Magic, a curse, something divine? Do you know the spell Resurgence? The prayer you mentioned. If you have several castings available you might to keep that active to help against the voices." She pulls out one of her own wands and uses it on Raodan. "Did that help?"

"The elemental says the room down below is clear. We just need to get ourselves under control."

Wand of Protection from Evil on Raodan. 49 charges remaining.

I haven't cast Disintegrate yet right? If not, will still follow through with that as soon as the pile is complete and people/elementals are out of the way, hopefully now.

2022-02-16, 11:00 AM
A thin green ray springs from one of Sora's fingers and the silvery grey material, if it is indeed sargentum is blasted out of existence. Almost immediately, everyone's minds clear from the chattering voices in their heads.
For now.

2022-02-16, 12:59 PM
That...helps! So it's proximity to the purified ore actually causing this?

Good to know. Hopefully you have some more disintegrate spells, because that's not something I really use - but it was definitely helpful there!

2022-02-16, 03:02 PM

"Apparently yes regarding the sargentum. In small amounts, the sargentum probably is used to weaken one's willpower making them pliable. That will be useful information for the council. I wonder how the slaves were dealing with it. And yes, I have many slots open for disintegrate, and better." She smiles in anticipation.

"The room below is clear. Mulcri, your sight doesn't notice anything else around here right? Otrera, Hillock, and the elementals can earth glide down. The rest of us can take the lift. Are we all ready to go?"

2022-02-16, 03:35 PM
Hmm, what is sargentum in actuality again? By that I mean, what is it made out of. Tinac listens to Sora ponder how the dwarves were around it That would explain why the dwarves were insane.

2022-02-16, 03:50 PM
"It is mined for, like gold or silver, just with it's own special effect. This is the only known location for it on the Prime."

Sora steps onto the lift. If it looks like the lift is manually operated she'll have the elementals supply the muscle once everyone is ready.

2022-02-16, 03:58 PM
The lift is operated manually.

2022-02-17, 09:17 PM
Otrera and Hillock

Hillock seems to recover when Sora blasts away the Sargentum. She embraces him - a very strange sight, and then the pair recover.

*We'll start down ahead, and will get out of the way and send up to the rest of you if we meet anything in the shaft. Although, by their very nature, such places are normally kept clear.*

Otrera and Hillock pass down through the floor next to the lift, and then out into the shaft below it.

Descending at about 140' per round. Watching not only for surprises via lifesense, but also observing the machinery of the lift mechanism, to try to spot any unpleasantness that might be set up there.

Otrera Spot: [roll0]
Hillock Spot: [roll1]

2022-02-18, 11:25 AM
Raodan found himself marveling at his companions, and was again impressed by them.

He nodded his thanks, and stepped onto the platform, signalling to them that he was ready in case they could not see him.

"I am ready"

Raodan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2566037)
HP's: 117/101
AC: 37
T: 29 FF: 29
Saves- F: +12 R: +24 W: +20
Effects: Heroe's Feast (16 temp HP, immunity to poison/fear for 12 hours & +1 morale to attack and will saves), Extended Superior Invisibility (34 minutes), True Seeing (160 minutes), Telepathic Bond (160 minutes), Mass Resist Energy, Fire and Cold 30 (~170 minutes), Foresight (170 minutes?), Ghost Mind (caster level check DC 38 vs scrying), Ghost Sight (see invisible and ethereal), trapfinding, -5 to hit

2022-02-18, 11:27 AM
Otrera and Hillock descend what they guess to be 100 feet before coming out the top of the cavern and continuing the last 25 feet to the floor. The room is empty and has two tunnels leading from it.
(Listen check please)

2022-02-18, 11:57 AM
Otrera and Hillock

Ortera and Hillock float silently down the shaft and emerge in the cavern. She immediately sends up to her colleagues.

*The shaft is about a hundred feet deep, and ends in a high-ceilinged cavern with two tunnels branching off from it. No living things in the cavern, as far as I can tell, but there's the sound of hammers down one of the passages. If you have a way to silence the motion of the lift as you descend, that would be useful.*

Her examination of the cavern complete, Otrera gestures for Hillock to join her in the floor of the cavern, to await the arrival of the others.

Ironically, the elephant has a terrible listen bonus.

Otrera listen: [roll0]
Hillock listen: [roll1]

Otrera is interested in which of the tunnels is getting more foot traffic, and how big the feet are.

Otrera Spot: [roll2] and Survival [roll3]

2022-02-18, 12:00 PM
The sound of hammers ringing off stone can be heard from the left hand passage, and it has the most foot traffic on it.

2022-02-18, 01:00 PM
"Alright, coming down." Sora looks to see if anyone is taking the lift. Once everyone using the lift is aboard she directs an elemental to operate the lift and the others to meet them at the bottom.

2022-02-18, 02:27 PM
Tessa has perfect maneuverability, so she'll wait at the top and keep watch until the lift reaches the bottom and people have spread out. Then she'll drop down and join them.

Just in case there's something going on up top and an ambush to be sprung...
Spot check: [roll0]
Listen check: [roll1]

She has darkvision 60 ft and a permanent See Invisibility spell for special senses.

2022-02-18, 06:15 PM
Otrera and Hillock

The ghostly pair poke their heads up out of the floor as the lift arrives.

*Based on what the dwarves are singing, there might only be seven miners down the tunnel.*

Otrera's arm appears as she points towards the tunnel that singing is coming from.

2022-02-18, 11:00 PM
The lift reaches the bottom. Sora steps off. "No signs of the other voices right? Otrera and Raodan, care to each take a tunnel to scout?"

2022-02-19, 12:25 PM
Mulcri will float down the shaft a few feet above the rest of the group. When they reach the bottom, she will land beside them and send a Prying Eye down the right-hand tunnel with instructions to stay hidden and return when it sees anything of note. While it's gone, she will attempt to use her Third Eye to observe the workers who are presumably the source of the hammering and singing.

2022-02-19, 12:46 PM
(Let me be clear, there is NO singing. I made a joke to Toliudar on his Listen check, pulling the 7 dwarfs working song, but I said, she does NOT hear this, but it was misinterpreted that she DID hear it)

The prying eye floats down the tunnel and comes back very quickly to report a pit fiend, an ice devil and a very large cloud giant. Using the Third Eye, Mulcri sees the tunnel divide several feet in and it is not clear if the hammering is coming from one or the other, or both.

2022-02-19, 01:06 PM
(With 30' movement, presumably double-moving but at half-speed to remain hidden, about how long was "very quickly"? Also, while the Eye would have come back as soon as it saw them, did it happen to get a glance at what they were doing? Mainly, did they appear to be coming this way?)

"The left tunnel forks again partway down, but we have more pressing issues. The fiends and giant are down the right tunnel, and they're close." She uses her Third Eye again, this time to observe the three of them.

2022-02-19, 04:17 PM
The tunnel to the pit fiend would be about 30 feet long based on the eye travel. They are not heading towards you, they appear to be discussing mine business.

2022-02-19, 10:57 PM
Otrera and Hillock

On hearing that the devils are close, Otrera and Hillock rise up out of the floor. Otrera looks at Hillock and makes a circle over her head. Hillock nods.

He gradually solidifies and shifts from grey to silver-white, while feathered wings sprout from his back. The morninstar in his hands seems to gleam with silvery light.

Otrera, meanwhile, also becomes solid again. She transforms into a slightly less robust version of Hillock's form. She swishes her glaive, getting a feel for it in this new form.

*Shall we go kill some devils?*

Hillock becomes a Solar. Otrera becomes a Planetar.

2022-02-19, 11:40 PM

"They're close and not aware of us? Excellent. We have the advantage, let's use it. Time for final spells. We need to hit them with Dimensional Anchor so they don't escape and their spells could be a problem where dispelling would help."

The warmage casts Shield on herself. "Nicer choice, Otrera. Let's finish this. Everyone ready?" She isn't taking lead in the charge, but will quickly follow, casting as soon as she sees the pit fiend.

Might as well get ahead on doing the roll.
Initiative [roll0]

2022-02-20, 12:14 AM
Tinac nods affirmatively at Otrera and is ready to unleash his magic at the first opportunity.

Tinac readies a Recitation to cast as soon as he is within range of the fiends

2022-02-20, 11:01 AM
I'm ready!

Tessa will pause momentarily to see anyone has a last-minute spell that they'd like to cast before charging in.

Initiative roll from OOC post: 39

2022-02-20, 11:25 AM
"Let me go first so I can scan them with my Greater Arcane Sight. They are close enough that you can rush in if any of them happen to spot me with True Seeing without having to get closer first. Raodan, you may as well come too, but stay behind me until I can get the information." She will order her remaining Eyes to stay here and stay hidden, except for one that she will send down the left tunnel with instructions to hide at the fork and return to her if anything not part of their group comes along. Mulcri will then silently fly down the right tunnel until she can see the three enemies in question, stopping short to peek around any corner there might be.

Hide if Needed: [roll0]

2022-02-20, 01:37 PM
Otrera and Hillock

Otrera and Hillock beat their wings and lift up about 10', so as to be able to rush in without getting in the way of the pedestrians.

*Sora, is there any chance that you might be able to augment us with that hastening magic? It's immensely helpful in battle.*

Initiative: [roll0]

2022-02-21, 12:52 AM

"Tessa prefers to handle that. Should be coming shortly. No mercy for the enemy!"

Sora follows the others in, far enough to see the enemy. The injured elemental and one other stick to her side. The other three original elementals and the newer larger one zip through the ground to the enemy, two to the left, 2 to the right.

The warmage makes a quick clenching movement and a green ray streaks at the pit fiend.
She then points two fingers from her non sword hand and while twisting that wrist with an quick incantation, a black ray from each of the extended fingers shoots out at the pit fiend.

Sora has 40' speed and the elementals have 20' speed. With Haste that becomes 70' and 50'. The elementals move in and pop up on the sides of the enemy so they won't interfere with party members moving to melee. If they don't have haste their full move is to get into position. With haste they get an attack. I don't know the enemy formation but hoping each elemental will be on a different target with the huge elemental (Hugo1) on the pit fiend.

Sora: If the pit fiend isn't there, then target the ice devil. If neither are there then skip the anchor and target the enervations on the giant.

Quickened Dimensional Anchor (SL8)
Touch attack: (extra +1 if hasted)
No save
SR yes [roll1]

Split Ray / Empowered Enervation (SL7)
Touch attack #1: [roll2] (extra +1 if hasted)
Damage: [roll3] negative levels, *1.5
No save
SR yes [roll4]

Touch attack #2: roll]1d20+16 (extra +1 if hasted) --> from OOC: 35
Damage: [roll5] negative levels, *1.5
No save
SR yes [roll6]

Assuming they get to attack and the enemy is such that attacking from our left and right won't give flanking. L1 and L2 are guarding Sora.

L3 Attack: [roll7] (with +1 Earth Mastery) (extra +1 if Hasted)
Damage: [roll8] (with +1 Earth Mastery)

L4 Attack: [roll9] (with +1 Earth Mastery) (extra +1 if Hasted)
Damage: [roll10] (with +1 Earth Mastery)

L5 Attack: [roll11] (with +1 Earth Mastery) (extra +1 if Hasted)
Damage: [roll12] (with +1 Earth Mastery)

H1 Attack:Attack: [roll13] (with +1 Earth Mastery) (extra +1 if Hasted)
Damage: [roll14] (with +1 Earth Mastery)

Status (with Haste):
Sora: AC 35, 180/182hp, 16 temp hp
L elementals: AC 19, 112hp max (L1 injured)
H elemental: AC 19, 240hp max

Retributive Spell - Split ray Disintegrate (SL9)
Banner of the Storm's Eye (MIC151) 20' suppress fear, immune to stun/confused
Heroes Feast: 16 temp hp, +1 morale to attack and will saves, immune to poison and fear.
Greater Anticipate Teleport CL21, 105' radius. 3 rounds delayed.
Greater Magic Weapon +4: Long Sword
Protection from Arrows
Moment of Prescience
Mass Darkvision
Telepathic Bond
Absorption - (DM rolls for # of spell levels secretly)
Mass Resist Energy, Fire 30
Mass Resist Energy Cold 30
Chained Keen Edge
See Invisibility
Mass Bear's Endurance

2022-02-21, 02:41 AM
Otrera and Hillock

Once Tessa weaves her hastening magic, Otrera and Hillock dash forward. They hope to engage with the ice devil first, perhaps to knock it out of the fight quickly.

As soon as both complete their strikes, they shift in tandem, becoming hazy and insubstantial again.

This proceeds with or without Haste. If Haste doesn't happen, reduce the attack rolls by 1.

Full Round action: charging attack. Preferring to target the ice devil together, but if it's not in range, going after the pit fiend or the giant instead.

Otrera Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1], counts as slashing, magic, good and lawful.

Hillock Full power attack using shock trooper.
Attack: [roll2] His attack ignores magical miss chances.
Damage: [roll3] Attack counts as piercing, bludgeoning, magic, good, lawful and epic

With Hillock's Mage Slayer feat, the target and any other opponent within 10' reach cannot cast defensively.

Free action: after they complete their charge, both Otrera and Hillock shapechange into Dread Wraiths. Incorporeal. At the end of their turn, Otrera's AC is 39, and Hillock's is 2.

2022-02-21, 05:18 AM
Realizing that the enemy have become alert, Mulcri calls out a mental warning for the rest of their group. "Get in here now!" After a Nerveskitter for herself, she will ascend to the ceiling of the tunnel in order to stay out of the line of fire and lob out a Greater Dispel Magic. "And be careful. They have True Seeing and a summoned Hellcat."

Area Dispel, also including the Hellcat if possible, and using her Mastery of Shaping to avoid dispelling herself or her allies if needed.

SoH: [roll0]

Dispel Check for Hellcat: [roll1]
Ice Devil: [roll2]
Giant: [roll3]
Pit Fiend: [roll4]

Of course, if Mulcri manages to knock out anyone's True Seeing or the Hellcat summon, she will be more specific in her latter line.

180/154 HP
AC 42, T 32, FF 34 TFF 24 (The "Misc" section is both the +5 for Amazon Grace and +4 for my Defending rapier with GMW on it.)
180' Darkvision, 120' GAS+True Seeing, 90' Blindsense
DR 10/adamantine (Stoneskin), Mind Blank, Contingent Break Enchantment
Ten spell levels of Spell Turning

Potential Immediate Actions: Stay the Hand (two prepped), Greater Mirror Image (pointless because only things with True Seeing can see me anyway, but maybe my Invis will be dispelled or something), Ring of Spell-Battle (auto-detect spellcasting within 60', 1/day redirect a spell someone casts or attempt to counter it as if with Greater Dispel Magic)

2022-02-21, 10:51 AM

The wildrunner sniffs the air when they reach the bottom of the shaft, getting a scent of what is and what has been around.

She dashes forward with the others. She sees the enemy they've been searching for. Atalanta let's out a blood-chilling scream at the fiends as she frenzies. Her jaw elongates. Her teeth sharpen. She becomes one with the battle. Quickly and accurately she fires five force arrows into the enemy ranks.

Scent: fiends, dwarves, giant... anything else? Direction towards each?

Swift: Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker (1/2 move as swift). Move to be within sight of the enemy, within 20' of Sora and 30' of enemies. Movement is base 50', 80' with Haste.

Free action: Primal Scream. Enemies within 30' Will DC 27 to negate. Enemies <19HD shakened for 10 rounds. Enemies <9HD are cowered for 10 rounds.

Full attack with rapid shot. Order of preference: Ice Devil, Hellcat, Pit Fiend, any other evil outsiders, giant. Rolls are assumed to be at Evil Outsider. Woodland Archer (shots after a miss are at +4 to hit) vs favored enemy)

Attack: [roll0] (+18 BAB, +11 DEX, +4 GMW, +1 Heroes Feast, +1 Enemy Spirit Pouch, +1 PBS, +1 Haste)
Damage: [roll1] (2d6 arrows, 1d6 crystal, 2d6 bane, +4 GMW, +6 FE, +3 Imp FE, +4 Hunting, +3 STR, +1 PBS) Force + Good (from crystal)

Attack: [roll2] (+18 BAB, +11 DEX, +4 GMW, +1 Heroes Feast, +1 Enemy Spirit Pouch, +1 PBS, +1 Haste)
Damage: [roll3] (2d6 arrows, 1d6 crystal, 2d6 bane, +4 GMW, +6 FE, +3 Imp FE, +4 Hunting, +3 STR, +1 PBS) Force + Good (from crystal)

Attack: [roll4] (+18 BAB, +11 DEX, +4 GMW, +1 Heroes Feast, +1 Enemy Spirit Pouch, +1 PBS, +1 Haste)
Damage: [roll5] (2d6 arrows, 1d6 crystal, 2d6 bane, +4 GMW, +6 FE, +3 Imp FE, +4 Hunting, +3 STR, +1 PBS) Force + Good (from crystal)

Attack: [roll6] (+18 BAB, +11 DEX, +4 GMW, +1 Heroes Feast, +1 Enemy Spirit Pouch, +1 PBS, +1 Haste)
Damage: [roll7] (2d6 arrows, 1d6 crystal, 2d6 bane, +4 GMW, +6 FE, +3 Imp FE, +4 Hunting, +3 STR, +1 PBS) Force + Good (from crystal)

Attack: [roll8] (+18 BAB, +11 DEX, +4 GMW, +1 Heroes Feast, +1 Enemy Spirit Pouch, +1 PBS, +1 Haste)
Damage: [roll9] (2d6 arrows, 1d6 crystal, 2d6 bane, +4 GMW, +6 FE, +3 Imp FE, +4 Hunting, +3 STR, +1 PBS) Force + Good (from crystal)

Lasts 11 rounds
+2 STR (on top of items)
+6 DEX (on top of items)
bite 1d8 (can be secondary attack)
Enemies Shake- enemies within 30' Will save (10+CL+CHA=27) or shaken for CL rounds. Creatures with more HD than you unaffected.
Pounce: in round that you activate scream
Enemies Cower: As with Shaken above, but opps < my HD are cowered
Fast Heal 5 as long as you have at least 1hp

Improved Precise Shot (ignore cover/miss chance less than total)
Primal Scream
Sora's Banner of the Storm's Eye (MIC151) 20' suppress fear, immune to stun/confused
Heroes Feast: 16 temp hp, +1 morale to attack and will saves, immune to poison and fear.
Greater Magic Weapon +4: Bow
Mass Darkvision
Telepathic Bond
Mass Resist Energy, Fire 30
Mass Resist Energy Cold 30
Chained Keen Edge
Mass Bear's Endurance

AC 31 (with Haste)
DR 2/Cold Iron
256/267hp (including this round's fast heal 5)

2022-02-21, 02:08 PM
As soon as Mulcri gives the word, Tessa rushes in.

Swift action: Cast Haste, hitting everyone.
Full-round action: Rush into the room. She has 90 feet, so she should be able to get to a place where she can engage the giant with her Bounding Assault feat, skittering in, striking twice, and then darting back out of reach. She'll use the second target to help her avoid any attacks of opportunity from another creature if she ends up within reach of them. Her movement goal is to end up further than 10' away from any enemy so they'd have difficulty pinning her down with a full attack.
Attack 1: [roll]1d20+36[roll]
Critical confirmation if necessary: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + 12 + [roll2] Swift Surge + [roll3] Cold

Attack 2: [roll]1d20+31[roll]
Critical confirmation if necessary: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] + 12 + [roll6] Swift Surge + [roll7] Cold

If either of these attacks hit, Tessa will trigger her Bloodstone weapon to also hit the giant with an empowered vampiric touch spell.
That will inflict [roll8] * 1.5 damage and give her the same amount of temporary hit points.

Standard action due to Perpetual Options: Tessa will hit the Balor with a targeted Greater Dispel Magic spell, trying to disrupt any buff spells that it has up. Her caster level is considered 19 for this.

...edit: Attack rolls from OOC: Attack #1: 50 / Attack #2: 36
Damage: 23 + 3 cold from attack #1 / 23 + 5 cold from attack #2.

Assuming that either of those hits, the giant takes an additional 33 damage from the Vampiric Touch spell and Tessa gains an extra 33 temporary hit points.

2022-02-21, 08:07 PM
Action explodes as the group attacks. Tessa bounds into battle, pounding the giant twice and jumping back. Mulcri manages to knock out the true seeing of the hellcat and the cloud giant while Atalanta rips through the ice devil, almost finishing him off but not quite. Tinac's spell buffs the group while Sora's spell severely weakens the pit fiend, unfortunately her elementals do nothing to the cloud giant. The devil retaliation is swift as Atalanta is stabbed by ice devil spear for 50 points, and the hellcat claws Otrera for 20. The cloud giant bashes the elemental in return, dealing 100 points of damage in 3 attacks. The pit fiend casts, and 4 meteor swarms roar out. The targets are Tessa for 34 points, Mulcri for 32 points, Atalanta for 29 points and Sora for 30 points (Since the balls scored touch attack hits, there is no save vs. fire damage) Otrera finishes off the ice devil, and Raodan guards the rear.

Tactical: Pit fiend weakened by multiple enervations. Ice devil dead. Cloud giant hit several times but not showing much damage. Hellcat untouched.

Mulcri's eyes suddenly return to report a hellcat, a cloud giant, and a warrior dwarf coming from the other tunnel, they will arrive at the end of the next round.

2022-02-21, 11:23 PM

The ice devil's riposte stung some but her primal connection already started healing that wound. The pit fiend's fire spell was absorbed by the protections given by Sora. With Otrera finishing off that prey, Atalanta changed targets. "I've got the hellcat."

DR 2/Cold Iron, so 48 damage taken from spear. Fire Resist 30 protects from the meteor swarm.

AC 33 (with Haste and Recitation)
DR 2/Cold Iron
217/267hp (including this round's fast heal 5)
Primal Scream: round 2 of 11

Full attack with rapid shot. Order of preference: Hellcat, Pit Fiend, Giant. Rolls are assumed to be at Evil Outsider.
Woodland Archer (shots after a miss are at +4 to hit). Crit on 19+.

Attack1: [roll]1d20+39/roll] (+18 BAB, +11 DEX, +4 GMW, +1 Heroes Feast, +1 Enemy Spirit Pouch, +1 PBS, +1 Haste +2 Recitation)
Damage: [roll0] (2d6 arrows, 1d6 crystal, 2d6 bane, +4 GMW, +6 FE, +3 Imp FE, +4 Hunting, +3 STR, +1 PBS) Force + Good (from crystal)

Attack2: [roll]1d20+39/roll]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack3: [roll]1d20+34/roll]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack4: [roll]1d20+29/roll]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack5: [roll]1d20+24/roll]
Damage: [roll4]

From OOC:
Attack1: (1d20+39)[52]
Attack2: (1d20+39)[54]
Attack3: (1d20+34)[44]
Attack4: (1d20+29)[33]
Attack5: (1d20+24)[43]

Attack5 is a crit threat: (1d20+24)[26]
Damage: (6d6+63)[78]

2022-02-22, 12:50 AM
Mulcri calls out again through the mental link, "More coming from behind! Watch yourselves!" A translucent gray cone erupts from where she hovers before the Elf moves laterally so the two that just lost their True Seeing can't get a lucky swing at the space she recently occupied.

Assay Spell Resistance for the Pit Fiend, followed by Cone of Dimness (SpC 50). Using Mastery of Shaping so the cone leaves allies untouched (to save time, just assume I'm always doing this unless noted). Will 26 to avoid believing they are blinded (it's a phantasm, all in their heads, so True Seeing is useless against it) for 36 rounds. Those who fail may attempt a new save each round, but will only partly recover their vision and suffer a 20% miss chance to all attacks for the duration.

Once a Fool/Creeping Vulnerability gives them a -2 to saves vs Enchantments we cast for 18 rounds, or 36 if they fail their saves.

Spell Resistance Check for Pit Fiend: [roll0]
For the Hellcat: [roll1]

178/154 HP
AC 45, T 35, FF 36 TFF 26 ("Misc" section is both +5 for Amazon Grace and +4 for Defending rapier with GMW on it. The bonuses for Recitation and Haste are not listed on the sheet but are here.)
180' Darkvision, 120' GAS+True Seeing, 90' Blindsense
DR 10/adamantine (Stoneskin), Mind Blank, Contingent Break Enchantment
Ten spell levels of Spell Turning
Resist Fire and Cold 30 from Sora (which I totally forgot about for last round's buff list)
Ring of Greater Counterspells keyed to Greater Dispel Magic (likewise)

Potential Immediate Actions: Stay the Hand (two prepped), Greater Mirror Image, Ring of Spell-Battle

2022-02-22, 03:13 AM
Otrera and Hillock

With two opponents down and two more in the room with them, Otrera opts to split focus with Hillock, even if they stay close together.

She transforms out of her shadowy form, resuming the bluish dozen-headed brute form of a hydra that she took on for the first battle, outside the mine. This time, she angles her heads upward in order to help incapacitate the sturdy cloud giant.

Meanwhile, she also bids Hillock resume the angelic form that was in just seconds ago. Swinging his morning star again and again, Hillock savages the pit fiend.

Otrera becomes a 12-headed cryohydra. Hillock becomes a solar.

Otrera blasts the cloud giant with all 12 heads, arcing the blasts upward so as to avoid anyone engaging the giant in melee. All of these are Reflex DC 24 for half damage.

Hillock in Solar form gets close enough to the pit fiend that his Mage Slayer and Pierce Magical Concealment feats may come into play. He full attacks. His attacks count as good, epic, magic, piercing and bludgeoning.
Attack 1: [roll12]
Damage 1: [roll13]
Attack 2: [roll14]
Damage 2: [roll15]
Attack 3: [roll16]
Damage 3: [roll17]
Attack 4: [roll18]
Damage 4: [roll19]

2022-02-22, 10:54 AM
The moment Mulcri tries to use the mental link, the voices start screaming contradictory orders at the top of their "lungs" which is amplified by an almost echo from everyone repeating itself

Kill the pit fiend
No, concentrate on the giant
The hellcat is the key
How do they get the caramel inside the Caramilk bar
The ice devil isnt really dead
Theres too many of them, flee while you can
Harveys makes your hamburger a beautiful thing

No will save required, however everyone must roll a D2, 1=you able make out Mulcri's warning and act on it, 2=no idea of something coming

2022-02-22, 12:26 PM
Tessa slips back in and decides that the time has come to rip down the giant.

Let's see how tough you really are!

Move action: Move 10 feet so that she's back within reach of the giant.
Free action: Sacrifice a 6th level spell to Arcane Strike. This gives her a +6 bonus to all attacks this round, and an extra 6d4 damage.
Full-round action due to perpetual options: Full attack.

Attack #1: [roll0] (57 or higher is a threat)
Critical confirmation: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + 12 + [roll3] Swift Surge + [roll4] + [roll5] cold
Critical damage: [roll6] + 12

Attack #2: [roll7] (57 or higher is a threat)
Critical confirmation: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9] + 12 + [roll10] Swift Surge + [roll11] + [roll12] cold
Critical damage: [roll13] + 12

Attack #3: [roll14] (52 or higher is a threat)
Critical confirmation: [roll15]
Damage: [roll16] + 12 + [roll17] Swift Surge + [roll18] + [roll19] cold
Critical damage: [roll20] + 12

Attack #4: [roll21] (47 or higher is a threat)
Critical confirmation: [roll22]
Damage: [roll23] + 12 + [roll24] Swift Surge + [roll25] + [roll26] cold
Critical damage: [roll27] + 12

If this isn't enough to finish the giant off, Tessa will use her swift action to activate her Belt of Battle to take another full-attack.

Attack #1: [roll28] (57 or higher is a threat)
Critical confirmation: [roll29]
Damage: [roll30] + 12 + [roll31] Swift Surge + [roll32] + [roll33] cold
Critical damage: [roll34] + 12

Attack #2: [roll35] (57 or higher is a threat)
Critical confirmation: [roll36]
Damage: [roll37] + 12 + [roll38] Swift Surge + [roll39] + [roll40] cold
Critical damage: [roll41] + 12

Attack #3: [roll42] (52 or higher is a threat)
Critical confirmation: [roll43]
Damage: [roll44] + 12 + [roll45] Swift Surge + [roll46] + [roll47] cold
Critical damage: [roll48] + 12

Attack #4: [roll49] (47 or higher is a threat)
Critical confirmation: [roll50]
Damage: [roll51] + 12 + [roll52] Swift Surge + [roll53] + [roll54] cold
Critical damage: [roll55] + 12

If the first full attack drops the giant, then she'll use her swift action to cast Bladeweave for future attacks.

edit for cliffnotes version:

Attack 1 hits 58: 40 + 2 cold
Attack 2 hits 59 (60 to confirm): 32 + 1 cold - extra 22 if the giant is vulnerable to critical hits
Attack 3 hits 40: 35 + 6 cold
Attack 4 hits 35: 44 + 1 cold

If that doesn't finish the giant off after damage reduction and whatever, the second set of attacks is:

Attack 1 hits 46: 35 + 5 cold
Attack 2 hits 57 (55 to confirm): 41 + 3 cold - extra 20 if the giant is vulnerable to critical hits
Attack 3 hits 45: 46 + 1 cold
Attack 4 hits 52 (49 to confirm): 39 + 3 cold - extra 20 if the giant is vulnerable to critical hits

2022-02-22, 02:17 PM
Tinac sees that the group has been hurt and is in need of healing, and is quick to unleash a jolt of positive energy. If need be, he will enter melee with the Pit Fiend, but Tinac is most confident is his new allies abilities.

super cool 1d2 roll: [roll0]
Check for Potent Healing, if the roll is at or above 51 (15+ 2Xhd of target) heals for an additional 50% [roll1]
Roll for cure light wounds: [roll2]
Available Spells Remaining
Zero: 6

8 +1
8 +1
7 +1
6 +1
5 +1
3 +1
6 +1
5 +1
2 +1

2022-02-22, 09:24 PM
Sora's Elementals

The elementals in the fray focus on the cloud giant. Since they attacks from the sides (relative to the party) they are able to flank with each other.

The elementals guarding Sora stay on alert and are ready to charge any enemy getting too close.

Giving them their own post for my own sanity.

Three large and one huge elemental full attacks (with haste bonus) on the cloud giant. The two large elementals with Sora ready a charge.

Huge1-1: [roll0] (+1 Earth Mastery, +1 Haste, +2 Recitation, +2 flank)
Damage: [roll1] (+1 Earth Mastery)

Huge1-2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Huge1-3: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Large3-1: [roll6] (+1 Earth Mastery, +1 Haste, +2 Recitation, +2 flank)
Damage: [roll7] (+1 Earth Mastery)

Large3-2: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Large3-3: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

Large4-1: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13]

Large4-2: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]

Large4-3: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17]

Large5-1: [roll18]
Damage: [roll19]

Large5-2: [roll20]
Damage: [roll21]

Large5-3: [roll22]
Damage: [roll23]

Readied Charges:
Large1: [roll24] (+1 Earth Mastery, +1 Haste, +2 Recitation, +2 charge)
Damage: [roll25] (+1 Earth Mastery)

Large2: [roll26] (+1 Earth Mastery, +1 Haste, +2 Recitation, +2 charge)
Damage: [roll27] (+1 Earth Mastery)

L elementals: AC 21, 112hp max
L1: x damage
L3: 100 damage

H elemental: AC 21, 240hp max

2022-02-22, 11:35 PM

The sargentum voices were back and louder, but were only drowning out communication apparently. Sora gave up on the telepathy for now. "Say again?" Even while planning her next spells with the voices in the background, an idea popped into her head. "The traitors had amulets right? Maybe they give protection against the voices?"

There wasn't time to wait for an answer, not that the answer about the amulet mattered since she didn't have one. Even drained the fiend probably still had plenty of tricks. Sora casts one of her nastier spells reserved for select nasty targets, enhanced by her training and studies. She points her pinkie and pointer fingers at the fiend. A bright, thin, green ray springs from those fingers, both at the pit fiend.

Spot check to see if there was any piles of sargentum around? [roll0]

Split ray Disintegrate (SL8). Both rays at the pit fiend. If the fiend makes a save (who's already greatly drained), then use my immediate for activating Barbs of Retribution (MiC203). Sacrificing a 6th level slot for the fiend to have to reroll the save with a -3 penalty. Let me know to count the extra slot or not.

Fort DC 27
Ranged Touch 1: [roll1] (+1 haste, +2 recitation)
SR: [roll2] (does enervation reduce their SR too?)
Damage: [roll3]
Damage on fort save: [roll4]

Ranged Touch 1: [roll5] (+1 haste, +2 recitation)
SR: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Damage on fort save: [roll8]

AC 36
9 temp hp left (absorbed the meteor damage)

Imagine a crit... :smallcool:

2022-02-23, 12:00 PM
The battle rages on. Tessa leaps into battle with the cloud giant and her attacks ravage but do not finish off the brute. Mulcri's spell blinds both the pit fiend and the hellcat, the latter then gets torn almost to shreds by Atalanta, Sora's elementals divide their attacks providing the last blows to the giant and the hellcat. Sora herself launches twin rays of disintegration at the pit fiend. The first one tears through him causing him to roar in pain, but he manages to resist the full brunt of the second one. She uses her Barb but he still manages to pull though, but it is clear that he is one hit away from "death". Realizing that he is completely overmatched by this group and the rest of his forces have been decimated (and the fact that he cant see), his face makes a sneer, and he (figuratively) flips the bird to his remaining allies by plane shifting himself back to Hell. At this point, the cloud giant, the dwarf, and hellcat arrive in the rear of the party and.....their attempt to take Raodan by surprise from the rear is thwarted by an avalanche of boulders caused by Otrera's magic and the sudden appearance of a gargantuan black pudding right in their way. They begin to dig themselves out from the rocks.

2022-02-24, 02:25 PM
Otrera and Hillock

Restated round 2 action:

As the pit fiend flees and the other opponents fall, Otrera and Hillock turn to face the pounding of feet. Their blindsense and lifesense provide a heads-up for the arrival of the second wave of forces behind. And their response is swift.

Moving as one, Otrera and Hillock soar back into the tunnel, shifting into walls or floors in order to dodge around Mulcri and Sora. Otrera weaves a spell that sends an avalanche of rubble on top of the approaching figures. Meanwhile, Hillock becomes a menacing black ooze that spreads across the entirety of the tunnel between the reinforcements and the rescuers.

Otrera and Hillock move up to 90 as a move action to reposition themselves between Sora, her elemental and Mulcri on one side, and the reinforcements coming from behind on the other.

As a standard action, Otrera casts Bombardment, positioned to hit as many as possible of the group approaching in its 30' diameter. They all take [roll0] untyped damage, and are buried under rubble. A Reflex save DC 26 halves the damage and avoids being buried. Otrera is still in Dread Wraith form. Her AC is currently 41

Hillock steps in front of Otrera and becomes a gargantuan elder black pudding (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/ooze.htm#elderBlackPudding), 20' diameter, in order to block the passage. His AC is currently only 6, but he is immune to slashing and piercing damage.

2022-02-24, 04:12 PM
Round three
All the opponents in the first room are dead, you see a cloud giant, a hellcat and a leader dwarf trying to dig themselves out of an avalanche. We maintain the same initiative order but there is a pudding between you and the members digging out from the rock. All took full damage, but the cloud giant is too big to be buried, the hellcat and the dwarf have bigger problems.

2022-02-24, 10:24 PM
Sora walks toward the new enemies, stopping short of the elder pudding. She clenches her free hand. Her thumb and pinkie fingers shoot open. An enormous electrical arc reverberates between the giant and the hellcat.

The earth elementals guarding Sora keep to their role. The other elementals earth glide to the far side of the new enemies, ensuring they can't escape.

Empowered Arc of Lightning (SL6)
Damage [roll0] * 1.5
Reflex DC 25 for half (dodging while half buried!)

2022-02-25, 11:11 AM
Tessa sees Otrera and Hillock turn around and face off more enemies behind them. Since everything in the room is fallen or gone, she'll fling herself at the new enemies.

Move action: Fly back into range of the giant over the ooze that's spread onto the floor. She should have plenty of movement to make it.
Full-round action: Full attack.
Attack 1: [roll0] (51 or higher threatens)
Confirmation roll: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + 12 + [roll3] swift surge + [roll4] cold
Critical damage: [roll5] + 12

Attack 2(Haste): [roll6] (51 or higher threatens)
Confirmation roll: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8] + 12 + [roll9] swift surge + [roll10] cold
Critical damage: [roll11] + 12

Attack 3: [roll12] (46 or higher threatens)
Confirmation roll: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14] + 12 + [roll15] swift surge + [roll16] cold
Critical damage: [roll17] + 12

Attack 4: [roll18] (41 or higher threatens)
Confirmation roll: [roll19]
Damage: [roll20] + 12 + [roll21] swift surge + [roll22] cold
Critical damage: [roll23] + 12

2022-02-25, 12:16 PM
Mulcri moves in a little closer to the new arrivals, attempting to magically hinder them even more than the avalanche has already done.

Crushing Despair (Will 27 negates, plus Once a Fool/Creeping Vulnerability for our Illusions), followed by a Quickened Slow (Will 25 negates) from her Spell Matrix.

SoH (CD) [roll0]
SoH (S) [roll1]

171/154 HP
AC 45, T 35, FF 36 TFF 26 ("Misc" section is both +5 for Amazon Grace and +4 for Defending rapier with GMW on it. The bonuses for Recitation and Haste are not listed on the sheet but are here.)
180' Darkvision, 120' GAS+True Seeing, 90' Blindsense
DR 10/adamantine (Stoneskin), Mind Blank, Contingent Break Enchantment
Ten spell levels of Spell Turning
Resist Fire and Cold 30 from Sora
Ring of Greater Counterspells keyed to Greater Dispel Magic

Potential Immediate Actions: Stay the Hand (two prepped), Greater Mirror Image, Ring of Spell-Battle

2022-02-25, 06:31 PM
Otrera and Hillock

Seeing Sora and Tessa finish off the giant and hellcat, and Mulcri debilitate the dwarf buried in the rubble. Otrera calls out mentally to her colleagues over the renewed voices in their heads.

*We'll see if we can stop the dwarf without killing him.*

Otrera transforms into a gleaming silvery dragon, about the size of a tiger, and gestures for Hillock to do the same. They scurry into the entrance cavern and out of the way of others following them down the tunnel. Both focus on the place where the dwarf was buried in the rubble and exhale gentle gusts of grey fog into the area.

Otrera and Hillock transform into juvenile silver dragons, size large.
They both move into a corner of the entrance chamber, leaping or flying over the rubble if need be.

Standard action: Breath their paralyzing gas breath onto the dwarf.
Otrera Fort save DC 24 or paralyzed for [roll0] rounds
Hillock Fort save DC 23 or paralyzed for [roll1] rounds