View Full Version : Rules Q&A [PF 1E]Question about the Psychic Armory archetype for Soulknife (Dreamscarred Press)

2021-12-27, 01:34 PM
I have a player that is wanting to use the Psychic Armory archetype for Soulknife (I tried to include links to both but site wont let me), but I am tempted to say no because there is a lot I am fuzzy about with the panoply of blades feature and am hoping for some clarification.

1. I understand that the character is treated as wielding their panoply, and that their panoply contains light, one handed and two handed weapons but can they freely swap weapons during an attack? Like could a level 6 Psychic Armory us a two handed mind blade for the first attack then swap to a one handed mind blade for the second?

2. I am very unclear how certain weapon enhancements work given the Psychic Armory is treated as wielding all three types of weapons in their panoply at once and gets to set their full enhancement bonus for each type. Most notable is defending, could a character decided to put defending on each type and then stack their AC by activating it on all three types? Or say a player knows they will rarely if ever use the light category, could they put defending on it and just use it to boost their AC every turn?

2021-12-28, 09:59 AM
1. I understand that the character is treated as wielding their panoply, and that their panoply contains light, one handed and two handed weapons but can they freely swap weapons during an attack? Like could a level 6 Psychic Armory us a two handed mind blade for the first attack then swap to a one handed mind blade for the second?

The psychic armory is considered to be wielding components of their panoply of blades for the purpose of threatening spaces, can make melee attacks with them, and can make non-provoking thrown attacks out to five increments (for a maximum of 100 feet light, 75 feet one-handed, and 50 feet with Two-Handed Thrower; the range increments are short and stack up).
However, yes:

A psychic armory’s panoply can generate as many weapons as she wills; she has no limit on its use beyond her attacks in a round. Whether her attacks are melee or ranged, the psychic armory controls her panoply telekinetically. She must use her hands to direct her attacks, as appropriate (a light or one-handed panoply attack requires one hand, and a two-handed panoply attack requires two). Otherwise, she may combine them with other weapons’ attacks normally, so long as she still has the right number of free hands to use.

2. I am very unclear how certain weapon enhancements work given the Psychic Armory is treated as wielding all three types of weapons in their panoply at once and gets to set their full enhancement bonus for each type. Most notable is defending, could a character decided to put defending on each type and then stack their AC by activating it on all three types? Or say a player knows they will rarely if ever use the light category, could they put defending on it and just use it to boost their AC every turn?

The AC bonus from a defending weapon should not stack with another AC bonus from a defending weapon, because they're the same source.
However, yes, a 5th-level psychic armory can commit a point of bonus from their most long-range weapon to be able to commit more points of said bonus to their AC, reducing their capacity to snipe.

What level game are you looking to run, and would this player need to multiclass to get abilities that threaten to combine in a toxic fashion with the panoply?