View Full Version : is there metamagic heavy spells like rays but for cleric?

2022-01-02, 07:36 PM

I'll play a cleric and have access to the metaphysical spellshaper prestige class so all my metamagic will be free. I would like to cast a spell with a lot of metamagic like an Empower Spell, Maximize Spell and Twin Spell but I cannot find spells like ray of stupidity or enervation or something like that.

The only way I found is to use my dweomerkeeper to cast limited wish without cost, reducing the casting time of anyspell, casting anyspell for enervation.

This seems like a waste of ressource and I will not be able to do it a lot of times per day.

I could just chain spell some buff and persist my personal buff but I would really like to be a debuff. Is it something that exist?

2022-01-02, 07:49 PM
I'll play a cleric and have access to the metaphysical spellshaper prestige class

0_o this post is a cognito hazard for anyone who knows what book that spell is from, is that the only thing from that book you’re allowed?

As for craziness Ocular Spell + Empower + Maximize Shivering Touch kills basically everything. Persist divine power is a meme for how good it is. You won’t find as many debuffs on a cleric as you would a wizard, they’re better at buffing.

As for resources, just take 1 level of binder. You’re ability damage disappears almost instantly. If not just grab spells to heal ability damage

2022-01-02, 07:50 PM
Druid list + Spellwarp Sniper is fun. Sandblast, Shivering Touch, etc.

2022-01-02, 08:32 PM
0_o this post is a cognito hazard for anyone who knows what book that spell is from, is that the only thing from that book you’re allowed?

As for craziness Ocular Spell + Empower + Maximize Shivering Touch kills basically everything. Persist divine power is a meme for how good it is. You won’t find as many debuffs on a cleric as you would a wizard, they’re better at buffing.

As for resources, just take 1 level of binder. You’re ability damage disappears almost instantly. If not just grab spells to heal ability damage

yes it's the only thing from this book that I have access to. I have a question. Why do you need ocular spell in the exemple you gave?

Usually I use it to persist spell I couldnt persist but I don't see the utility here.

With ocular spell, is it possible to add Chain spell?

Thanks a lot for the information!

2022-01-02, 08:38 PM
yes it's the only thing from this book that I have access to. I have a question. Why do you need ocular spell in the exemple you gave?

Usually I use it to persist spell I couldnt persist but I don't see the utility here.

With ocular spell, is it possible to add Chain spell?

Thanks a lot for the information!

Not necessary but range is good. And i think you could add chain with it, ask your GM though, metamagic stacking is weird on that.

2022-01-02, 10:57 PM
What domains do you have? There might be a domain with a helpful spell in it. Might need to take Domain Spontaneity too.

After a quick Google search:
Decay/Hunger/Suffering Domain: Enervation
Destruction Domain: Disintegrate
Envy Domain: Vampiric Touch
Spell Domain: Anyspell/Greater Anyspell

2022-01-02, 11:31 PM
If you're getting a giant pile of free metamagic you don't need anything huge to start with. Just basic Searing Light/Slashing Darkness or Sound Lance will do. Free Twin on every save or lose is exactly the same as forcing the enemy to roll twice and take the worse result.

2022-01-03, 01:09 AM
If you have access to Anyspell, I assume you also have (or will have) access to greater Anyspell.

Get Persistent "Snakebite" with Gr. Anyspell.
Persistent (Empowered Maximized) Venomfire

Have fun all day long with your poison attack.

2022-01-03, 07:15 AM
Darkfire (cleric 3) is subject to persistent spell, empower spell, maximize spell, searing spell, fiery spell, and blistering spell. It allows you to execute a ranged full attack. By level 20, if you cast it while under Mark of the Enlightened Soul you'll have (5d6+13)x2 4x/round (~=244 / round). That's not bad for a 3rd level spell, and it works all day.

Holy Star (cleric 7) is subject to the same metamagic. It's a SR:no abjuration (so it fully affects even an incorporeal with magic immunity) and the attack is a free action (so attacks/round is not necessarily bounded). It's quite overpowered with metamagic and multiple castings.

Erupt (cleric 9) is also subject to the same metamagic if you use the ring of mystic fire to provide a variable numeric effect. If you also use Ocular Spell with it, you'll be able to deploy in a manner which does not cause blowback. Erupt starts at 200 damage before metamagic so with metamagic and other optimizations, you can hit 10000 damage per casting.