View Full Version : What is the price of this crafted arrow?

2022-01-02, 10:23 PM

I want to craft an arrow with the Sun Blade effect Price 50,335 gp;
I also want to add Ghost Touch(+1) Bane (+1) and Clouting (+3)
Since the wording of Sun Blade seems to indicate it's a +2 enhancement, I'm not sure if I can still add 3 more enhancement.

Since the formula is Bonus squared × 2,000 gp and I think the enhancement is +7 at the moment, it's 98 000 gp/50 because it's an ammunition=1960 gp.

It's the first time that I deal with crafting and wanting your opinions on what I think about that.

Thanks for the information and have a nice day.

2022-01-02, 11:08 PM
The answer is "ask your DM."

A Sun Blade is a specific magic weapon that has no official "formula" price for anything other than increasing its own abilities- and even then, increasing the enhancement bonus does not necessarily work the way you want it to. It's already +2 so increasing it to +3 would be +10,000gp, but that has no change on the "increases to +4 against evil creatures" part.

There is absolutely no advice or precedent that I've ever heard of for taking a specific permanent magic weapon and turning it into a piece of ammunition. The "trick" of putting weapon properties meant for permanent weapons on ammunition to get them at 1/50 price is exactly why even "formula" magic items are still always subject to DM approval or disapproval.

Even if you were allowed to treat a specific melee weapon as a flat cost ammunition ability, that would be 42,000 on top of the +7 enhancement cost of 98,000, multiplied by 1/50 to 2,800gp. But it doesn't matter much because I would say no, absolutely not, and recommend any other DM do the same.

2022-01-03, 01:11 PM
"Clouting?" What does that do, get you famous on Macebook?:smalltongue: