View Full Version : 5e Fighter Archetype: Riskbreaker (rework of Shikensu Warrior)

2022-01-03, 03:34 PM

I'm revisiting some of my previous subclasses for updates. The Shikensu Warrior (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g_MRkCYLXX-LSmCG4FG7aeBgf6Wtc-Bs/view?usp=sharing) was I think a submission for a subclass design contest.

I decided to go back and simplify it, take out one of the Shonen Anime features in exchange for something breezier. Pls have a look!

As a Riskbreaker you learn to overwhelm foes with combination attacks that build toward devastating Finishers. A Riskbreaker leaves trails of broken weapons and defeated foes in their wake, ever questing for the next challenge.

Risky Combinations
Beginning at 3rd level after choosing this Archetype you learn to capitalize on earlier successes to corner foes and drive them to defeat. Each time you hit with a weapon attack on your turn you gain a point of Risk. Risk remains until the end of your turn. You can spend these points on attacks made later in the turn to perform Finishers. The kind of Finisher available to you is dependent on the weapons you are wielding and how much Risk you have to spend. A complete list of Finishers can be found below.

Deceptive Draw
At 7th level and beyond you understand that feints are what differentiate true warriors from brutes. You gain proficiency in Deception and Sleight of Hand.
When you draw a weapon on your turn you can make a Sleight of Hand check against the target’s passive perception. On a success you have advantage on your next attack roll. You can use this feature once and regain its use after a short rest.

Desperate Gambit
Beginning at 10th level you can turn an enemy’s success into your strength. When you are damaged you can use your reaction to gain a point of Risk.

Overwhelming Confidence
By 15th level your past victories have given you such immense self knowledge that your courage and sense of self are iron clad. If you start your turn Frightened or Charmed you can end that condition. If you do you can only take one action or bonus action that turn.

At 18th level you have mastered the art of hitting enemies where it hurts. When you deal damage with a Finisher you can choose to have it deal maximum damage. If the Finisher grants multiple attacks or deals damage over multiple turns, they all deal maximum damage. You can use this feature twice and regain all uses after a short or long rest.

Finishers are attacks that take advantage of earlier successes that generate Risk points. Attack rolls made as part of a Finisher do not generate Risk.
Some Finishers may require targets to make a saving throw, the DC of these saves is based on your choice of Strength or Dexterity.
Some Finishers may require the use of your Action Surge or Haste etc to generate sufficient Risk to execute them.
Some weapons fall under more than one category and can be used to perform Finishers from either.

Finishers cannot be combined, but if you have sufficient Risk they can be chained together. For example, an 11th level fighter wielding a handaxe and light hammer could generate up to 5 Risk (1 from Desperate Gambit, 3 from their attack action, and 1 from an off-hand attack) then action surge and chain together Dazing Blow, Blood Fury Slice, and Deft Volley against up to 4 creatures within range.

Piercing Weapons

Painful Skewer. 1 point: On a hit the weapon becomes lodged in the target’s body and the target suffers a 1d4 penalty to attacks and checks until it is removed. The target or another creature can remove the weapon as an action.

Devil’s Elbow. 1 Points: You stab the target in the foot or wing, reducing their speed to 0 until the end of your next turn. If you release the weapon or have a free hand you can immediately make an unarmed strike against the target.

Driving Thrust. 3 Points: This Finisher does not require an attack. You race forward or fire or throw a piece of ammunition in a line up to 30 feet long with the force of a hurricane. Creatures in this area must succeed on a dexterity save or take 3d10 piercing damage. A success halves this damage. If you execute this Finisher with a melee weapon you can move through the spaces of these creatures freely but must end the line in an unoccupied space you can see.

Breakpoint Technique. 6 Points: You make a melee attack at a vital point that sends shockwaves throughout the target destroying it from the inside. A non magical object or up to 10 cubic feet of it is destroyed, crumbling to pieces. A creature hit by this attack must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be reduced to 0 hit points. This Finisher has no effect on Creatures without discernible anatomies such as oozes or incorporeal creatures.

Heavy Weapons

Red Comet. 1 pt: You make a weapon attack with such force it draws the enemy into its path. On a hit that deals additional damage equal to your Proficiency bonus on a hit. On a miss the target takes half the attack’s damage anyway.

Iron Tornado. 2 Points: You make a single sweeping attack that sends your targets flying. Make one attack roll and apply the result to each creature you choose within reach. On a hit the target must succeed on a strength save or be pushed 10 feet away from you.

Earth Shattering Blow. 2 Points: A ferocious overhand strike drives your melee weapon with force sufficient to sunder the ground below. This Finisher causes a shockwave of Thunder damage to erupt from your space in a 15 foot radius. Creatures in the area must succeed on a Constitution save or suffer 3d8 Thunder damage. A successful save halves the damage.

War Volcano. 4 Points: You deal a devastating upward smash. On a hit you send your foe flying upward a number of feet equal to your Proficiency bonus x 10 feet. If the creature enters your reach when it falls you can immediately make another attack. On a hit you deal no damage but the falling damage the creature suffers will be d12s.

Bludgeoning Weapons

Dazing Blow. 1 Point: You hit the target in the head dealing an additional 1d6 damage and the creature suffers a penalty to all rolls equal to the number rolled until the end of your next turn. This Finisher has no effect on creatures that lack discernible anatomies such as oozes or incorporeal creatures.

Wind Knocking Blow. 3 Points: You deal a potent strike to a target’s chest or abdomen knocking the wind out of it. On a hit the creature’s speed is halved and it can take only an action (making only a single attack) or bonus action on its turn. The creature can make a Constitution save at the end of each of its turns to end this effect. This Finisher’s additional effects cannot be applied to creatures that do not need to breathe.

Mommy’s Kisses. 5 Points: A singular strike to a creature’s head at just the right angle crushes their consciousness and skull. On a hit the creature is knocked Unconscious until the end of your next turn

Ranged Weapons

Deft Volley. 1 Point: This finisher does not require an attack roll, instead requiring a number of pieces of ammunition equal to the number of targets in range. You hurl or fire ammunition at a number of targets up to your proficiency bonus and deal your Strength or Dexterity modifier in a damage type based on the weapon.

Angry Bee Hive. 4 Points: You can fire or hurl a flurry of ammunition at a target to inflict numerous shallow wounds. Make one attack roll at a target within range but you can use a number of pieces of ammunition up to your proficiency modifier. On a hit you add static bonuses like those from your ability score or magic weapon only once.

Blue Dart/Silver Bullet/Black Arrow etc. 3 Points: You make a precise attack that digs into your target’s critical viscera. On a hit the target suffers a level of exhaustion. A creature cannot die from these levels of exhaustion and they can be removed with the Lesser Restoration spell or short rest.

Godly Wrath. 5 Points: You fire or hurl a piece of ammunition skyward and it disappears only to fall on your foe at the most inopportune time. If the target succeeds on an attack, save, or check within the next minute you can use your reaction to bring the weapon down dealing your Proficiency bonus in damage and forcing the target to reroll and take the lower result.

Slashing Weapons

Signature Slash. 1 Point: This Finisher requires no attack roll. Instead of your normal damage you deal your Proficiency bonus in slashing damage as you carve an initial into the garb or flesh of your foe. The target has disadvantage on attacks against creatures other than you until the beginning of your next turn. Creatures immune to the Charmed condition do not suffer disadvantage.

Blood Fury Slice. 2 Points. You make an attack and on a hit deal a deep and ragged wound. The target suffers 1d4 necrotic damage at the start of its next turn. The target or another creature can end this bleeding by taking an action to staunch the bleeding.

Vacuum Slash. *4 Points:* You make a series of attacks so quickly the target cannot see them. You can make up to three Attack rolls with advantage. These attacks cannot gain damage bonuses from any source but deal your weapon damage die + Proficiency bonus in Force damage.

Skull Splitter. *5 Points:* On a hit the target must make a Constitution save or suffer a random effect. Unless stated otherwise these effects are permanent but can be removed via Heal, Regeneration, or a Wish.
1. Lose an Eye- the target has disadvantage on perception checks involving their vision or become blind if having only one eye. Creatures with many eyes overcome the disadvantage at the beginning of your next turn.
2. Lose a nose- disadvantage on social rolls and smell perception
3. Lose all teeth- disadvantage on social rolls and bite attacks deal half damage and are Bludgeoning.
4. Brain Damage- the target rolls a d6 and subtracts the result from all attacks and ability rolls until they complete a long rest.

Unarmed Fighting

Furious Strikes. 1 Point: This Finisher requires no attack roll. You make a series of light rapid blows that become unavoidable, less concerned with dealing damage than cornering your target. It deals your Strength bonus in bludgeoning damage and the target’s speed is halved until the beginning of your next turn.

Northern Cross. 2 Points: On a hit this savage blow places an enemy on their heels and unprepared for allied attacks. Until the beginning of your next turn, damage rolls against the target may add your Proficiency bonus.

Ragdoll. 3 Points: on a hit the target is grappled, until this grapple ends or the end of your next turn (whichever comes first) you can wield the target as a weapon you are proficient in. The target deals 1d8+Str damage if medium, 2d8 if large, 4d8 if huge. On a hit both the grappled creature and target take the damage of the attack. You must be able to lift the target to use this benefit.

Sinuous Weapons
(*Whip, Chain, Flail, Rope, and Net*)

Thunderous Crack. 1 Point: This Finisher requires no attack roll. The distracting crack and snap of your weapon forces enemies within reach to tread carefully. Until the beginning of your next turn creatures that move into, out of, or within your reach without disengaging take your Attack Bonus in slashing and thunder damage. A creature cannot take this damage more than once per turn.

Choking Hazard. 2 Points: On a hit the target is grappled. Until the grapple ends or the end of your next turn whichever comes first, the target has disadvantage on concentration saves and must make a concentration save vs your Finisher DC to cast a spell with verbal components. For the duration of the grapple you cannot target creatures other than the one grappled with this weapon.

Hog Tie. 3 Points: On a hit the target is grappled and you can make an immediate shove attempt against the target. On a success the target is knocked prone and, if you release your weapon, restrained. On their turn they can use an action to make a Strength or Dexterity check against your Finisher DC to escape.

2022-01-03, 04:27 PM

I'd be half tempted to all the 7th level ability to work once per round, as *maybe* advantage once per short rest is kinda silly. Perhaps once per round, but with disadvantage against creatures you have already used it on until your next long rest? Fool me twice, and all that...

2022-01-03, 06:35 PM

I'd be half tempted to all the 7th level ability to work once per round, as *maybe* advantage once per short rest is kinda silly. Perhaps once per round, but with disadvantage against creatures you have already used it on until your next long rest? Fool me twice, and all that...
Thank you so much for your feedback!

The main thrust of the feature is bonus skills and I wanted a clear mechanical application for them (but ribbons should never be just ribbons) so I added something I thought was a nice bump ~once in a while outside being a competent liar, thief, and gambler.

If you take a look at the level 7 champion feature it compares favorably.