View Full Version : 5e Realm: not the ususal

2022-01-04, 03:21 PM
Hi All,
Our group is getting a little bored with the kind of 'samey' high magic bloated variations on the same theme that keep getting published for 5e.

So, my question is, has anyone tried any of the homebrew stuff that's out there that would be different?

I'd like something focused, with more limited (and maybe a few different) races and classes. Darksun would be at the top of my list, but we used to enjoy OA 2e as well. I don't mind doing conversions of old mods myself, but if someone has dealt with monsters and PC races and classes that saves a lot of work.
Thanks in advance

Sparky McDibben
2022-01-04, 04:43 PM
If you're looking for a world that's really friggin' weird, I recommend the Goblin Punch blog.

2022-01-04, 08:08 PM
If you're looking for a world that's really friggin' weird, I recommend the Goblin Punch blog.

Weird is right. Looks like I have some reading to do.

Sparky McDibben
2022-01-04, 09:58 PM
Weird is right. Looks like I have some reading to do.

You might also like Coins and Scrolls by Skerples. Similar vibe, and the two frequently reference each others works. Hope this helps!

2022-01-04, 10:57 PM
You might also like Coins and Scrolls by Skerples. Similar vibe, and the two frequently reference each others works. Hope this helps!

Will do. Looks like OA has been adapted to 5e on DM's Guild, and as we have a lot of that material I might go that route as well.

2022-01-04, 11:01 PM
There's already a 5e Dark Sun conversion over on Enworld.

2022-01-04, 11:34 PM
Haven't played it but Grim Hollow looks really good and unique to me: https://ghostfiregaming.com/grim-hollow/

Dr. Murgunstrum
2022-01-05, 08:31 AM
I know there’s a vocal set that isn’t a fan, but many of the MTG settings are, while high magic, very weird.

Ravinica isn’t a Faerun or Exandria style high medieval kitchen sink. It’s a cyberpunk sprawl with guilds taking the place of mega corps.

Theros is equally strange, with no elves or dwarves Or Dragonborn: it’s a call back to the older settings, where gods are cruel and fragile, the cities might as well be ruled by Invincible Overlords.

If you wanted to tone down the magic and make it about the border between civilization and the wild, the underworld and the strange places between, Theros is an excellent setting for that.