View Full Version : DM Help Let's make a list! Share your Archfey with us!

2022-01-10, 08:57 AM
Hey guys! I thought it would be neat to make a thread where everyone can share the archfey they created for their games with each other! This could help players find a cool patron to use, or dungeon masters with populating their Feywild!

Feel free to post any idea you have, whether it has seen play or not, whether you are player or DM! To keep the quality high, please cover as many of the following aspects of your archfey as possible:

Name, including nicknames and titles
Description of their portfolio and behaviour
Does your archfey have warlocks? If yes, what do they use them for?
What does your archfey look like? Bonus points for art!
Does your archfey have a statblock? If so, feel free to share a link! I highly recommend the homebrewery (https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/)for sharing custom statblocks.

I'll start! Luthaera, The Mistress of Dreams, The Slumbering One is the archfey of sleep and good dreams. As an unusually goodly fey, she favours those who invoke her with pleasant and reinvigorating slumber. Her direct followers are sparse, but they travel the land to combat monsters that infect the minds of sleeping folk and evil wizards that spread nightmares alike.
Appearance: Luthaera appears as a large though shrouded humanoid figure, hunched forward over a small candle. Her face is an owl-like mask; to those who have seen 'spirited away', she would resemble the faceless one from that movie but for the great multi-spiraled horns that protrude from her head. I did a sketch of her once, I'll see if I can find it and add it to the homebrewery if I do.
I will share the statblock (https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/DpNPDu7CJGi3) for Luthaera with you once I get home from work!

I'm interested in your archfey! Please feel free to share them!

2022-01-10, 09:21 AM
I used an Archfey in a game of Monster of the Week.

Oberon, Lord of the Dreaming
As lord of the fairies and the Dreaming, Oberon is proud and doesn't suffer insolence, ejecting mortals from his realm for even mild slights.
Not technically warlocks (because it wasn't D&D), but Oberon would kidnap children and raise them in the Fairy Realm (aka the Dreaming). Fairies exist in the Dreaming, but are unable to shape it. Oberon used mortal children, who have strong imagination and belief in magic, to shape his kingdom. He usually only kept one apprentice at a time, ejecting them from the Dreaming when they reached adulthood.
I ripped Oberon straight outta traditional lore. My players all googled it separately and whatever they each saw became cannon for their characters.

2022-01-10, 09:21 AM
I just use the Pathfinder list, aka The Eldest (https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Eldest), with maybe some notable public domain additions like Oberon, Titania, Puck etc.

2022-01-10, 09:35 AM
Archfey don't have portfolios in the technical sense, but pedantry aside...

*The Voice in the Jungle
*Patron of places untouched by civilized people, keeper of ancient secrets, guardian of plant life (especially endangered plants and the jungle) and, to a degree, protector of women who have run into the wilds to escape torment and/or captivity
*Warlocks are rare but will empower a woman for revenge on her tormentors if they are respectful of nature enough; or their babies if they fled into the wilds pregnant (where she may nurture the baby if the mother dies in hiding)
*Looks like a incredibly old and scar covered woman (yet still strong and spry) woman with long hair that covers her face
*Stats: probably weld a Dryad to a Treant and give it some high level druid casting, and 'teleport via plants' at will

2022-01-10, 10:00 AM
Name: Archdutchess Illyansitra, The brightest star
Portfolio/behavior head of the Summernight seelie court, Illyansitra is a manifestation of the brightest star in the sky. As such, she sleeps during the day.

She owns 7 great danes; each dog is the size of a horse (Messier, Adhara, Wezen, Mirzam, Aludra, Tau and Furud)

She also has 2 servents - Procyon, a fey nearly indistinguishable from a white furred hound archon & Gomeisa, a female shifter who has 2 forms: an elf-like fey, and a corgi. Gomeisa is married to a male corgi (who’s name is a set of barks (it wouldn’t make sense to have a name one can’t produce on it’s own) )

(the idea is a homage to the movie Stardust with Claire Danes. The brightest star is part of Canis Major (the Big Dog constelation - which has 8 stars, the birghtest + 7 others, their names being the names of the dogs). Her two servents are the manifestation of the stars of Canis Minor (the Small Dog constelation))

warlocks? Not really. Though she might give a boon for tracking things, people or finding locations (following the theme of dogs, and of brightness during the night)

Looks like http://www.costumersguide.com/stardust/queen2.jpg


Illyansitra (CR ~15), Procyon (CR 13) & Gomeisa(CR 13) use the statblock for Rakshasa (vulnerability against cold iron weapons instead of weapons by good creatures; no dominate person). Illyansitra can also cast up to lvl 9 spells as the Archmage NPC.
Messier, Adhara, Wezen, Mirzam, Aludra, Tau and Furud (CR 5): use the Unicorn statblock with pack tactics; locate object instead of entangle, and Darkness instead of Shimmering Shield. (A Great Dane can see through the darkness of it's own or darkness spells created by other Great Danes)

2022-01-10, 02:37 PM
Name: Archdutchess Illyansitra, The brightest star
Portfolio/behavior head of the Summernight seelie court, Illyansitra is a manifestation of the brightest star in the sky. As such, she sleeps during the day.

She owns 7 great danes; each dog is the size of a horse (Messier, Adhara, Wezen, Mirzam, Aludra, Tau and Furud)

She also has 2 servents - Procyon, a fey nearly indistinguishable from a white furred hound archon & Gomeisa, a female shifter who has 2 forms: an elf-like fey, and a corgi. Gomeisa is married to a male corgi (who’s name is a set of barks (it wouldn’t make sense to have a name one can’t produce on it’s own) )

(the idea is a homage to the movie Stardust with Claire Danes. The brightest star is part of Canis Major (the Big Dog constelation - which has 8 stars, the birghtest + 7 others, their names being the names of the dogs). Her two servents are the manifestation of the stars of Canis Minor (the Small Dog constelation))

warlocks? Not really. Though she might give a boon for tracking things, people or finding locations (following the theme of dogs, and of brightness during the night)

Looks like http://www.costumersguide.com/stardust/queen2.jpg


Illyansitra (CR ~15), Procyon (CR 13) & Gomeisa(CR 13) use the statblock for Rakshasa (vulnerability against cold iron weapons instead of weapons by good creatures; no dominate person). Illyansitra can also cast up to lvl 9 spells as the Archmage NPC.
Messier, Adhara, Wezen, Mirzam, Aludra, Tau and Furud (CR 5): use the Unicorn statblock with pack tactics; locate object instead of entangle, and Darkness instead of Shimmering Shield. (A Great Dane can see through the darkness of it's own or darkness spells created by other Great Danes)

Ooooh very cool! Mind if I steal this for my game?
Keep it coming folks!
BTW I added the statblock for Luthaera.

2022-01-10, 11:28 PM
La Belle Dame Sans Merci
A love 'em and leave kinda fey gal.
Yes, she uses beautiful elven and fairy warlocks who act as femme fatales who lead men to their doom.
Often depicted by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
No known statblock.