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2022-01-10, 01:00 PM
"Ho! There lads, bring 'er in gently we've come all this way with no damage, be a shame to scratch her now." The captain's call rang clear in the brisk evening air. The sun, no longer visible behind the bulk of the Island of Augury shown just enough light for the "Ashen Mist" to dock at the stone pier. As the various crewman climbed the rigging & swung down from the now bundled sails, the field of figures on the deck still as game pieces for nearly a half hour began to move.

Half a dozen or so figures who'd been clustered on the bow looking out towards the island suddenly sprinted back to the staircase that would take them below deck, their childlike stature belied their nature, each one was barefoot, as halflings tended to be aboard ship. As they disappeared below a chorus of howls suddenly emitted from deck of the ship, the wolves, they'd been caged at the captain's demand for the length of the trip despite their obvious intelligence & obedience.

Across the deck where the remaining two dozen or so figures stood clustered into 5 distinct groups, a man was walking between them giving orders. His dress of a blue robe with a distinct yellow sash across the chest, a purple cloak flowing from the shoulders and an orange turban on his head gave him a chromatic distinction from those around him. He turns pointing at a group of sailors as they were carrying the gangplank towards the side of the ship, he reaches down and retrieves a baton clipped to his belt, he makes a pair of waving motions with the baton, his speak pattern clearly changing to an incantation or verse.

Before your eyes 30 horses appear across the deck, each one fully tacked with a saddle, reins and saddlebags, the ship lurches with the sudden onset of weight tilting away from the stone pier mere feet from the hull. Oi you poxxing son of a whore! Yer gonna capsize my ship if you keep up that idiocy! The captains irritated yell seemed to go unnoticed as the colorful figure gestured again at the gangplank, which having just been secured provided a means of the near listing ship. He barked another command and the figures all hurried to mount the conjured horses.

Before any was ready a scrabbling came from below, with yips of excitement 8 massive wolves leapt forth from bowels of the ship, and made for the gangplank, upon the back of each wolf was a halfling wearing chain shirts, and carrying a war-lance, across the rider's backs were a strangely proportioned shield, a bow and quiver, while a saddle scabbard held a sword and a few throwing javelins. With a few whistles & grunts the troop of little folk & their lupine mounts leapt down the gang plank & took off down the pier.

Over the next minute a procession of riders followed until all but two of the 30 had departed the ship. The turbaned man walked across the deck now still after the departure of the horses & riders, he stopped by the captain, and after a very brief exchange opened a sack at his hip and pulled out a small chest & opened it. Even in the dying light the glint of gold was shown across the captains face, he reached out and took the box, closing it as he did so. He gave the cap solid nod, helped up 3 fingers and turned towards his cabin, the man returned to his horse and remaining companion, both mounted and without nearly as much zeal as the others traversed the gangplank & down the rocky pier.

A minute of so later, the captain having likely deposited his newly acquired chest in his cabin came to the stern castle and opened the door. They're all gone now, sorry to have kept ye in 'er, but I couldn't be risking a fight between you lot during the journey, an' especially when we're tryin' to dock on the stone pier. Couldn't risk my ship or crew in the cross fire of whatever could've been started.
He paused, they aren't happy you lot are here, and I 'spect that some of them wouldn't lose much sleep over seeing you get gutted here.

Island of the Augury - (1) An small cylindrical island in the vast expanse of the Hulkat Ocean the largest known continuous body of water. (2) The island is home to any diviner or fortune teller or predictor of the future, they will tell you the answer to any questions you have for a price. (3) The island is only accessible by ships during a 1 month period each year, due to lunar & thermotic, conditions, the waters recede from the cylindrical island to reveal a cavern that allows visitors to ascend from the sea up the sheer walls of the islands cliffs. (4) Transportation by magical means is blocked by the occupants of the island with most results arriving miles out to sea, while some meriting execution upon arrival. (5) 500gp will gain you entrance to the Island and allow you to ask 2 questions to the Oracles, however after this it is 500 gp for each 2 questions & one cannot ask more than two questions per day.
Group 1 - (1) A group of halfling paladins known as the wolf runners, they are a semi nomadic order that roams the lands addressing problems & crisis. (2) Despite using beasts you've heard of no incidents of them falling victim to the tone. (3) They are well versed in various weapons as well as tactics & often fight creatures from wyverns to chimeras.
Group 2 - (1) "The Lodge" - A guild of hunters that rarely kill or hunt anything but the most exotic or dangerous creature. (2) They have in recent years become apt Mage & Bounty Hunters as the challenge of capturing rogue or illicit mages appeals to their interest of a challenging hunt. (3) There are rumors they covertly work as assassins, but such talk to their face is ill-advised.
Group 3 - (1) "The Last Line" - A mercenary company who became famous by accident when a band of giants attacked a town and were brought down by only a dozen men. (2) There is a rule among this guild that if you don't name a replacement prior to your death or have an apprentice, should you die the company will not replace him, so far the total members of the this company is down to 8 members. (3) They utilize team tactics and coordination to bring down foes rapidly and with minimal bloodshed.
Group 4 - A group of mage-clerics from the church of the "Copper Scales" - the believe everyone man, woman & child should have the chance to balance the scales or his or her life, especially when outside factors influence them. (2) They will heal, restore and improve the lives of all they can without prior payment, only expecting it when negotiating for future aid. (3) They are hirable to many different factions.
Group 5 -(1) Members of the scarlet choir - a group of marshals, bards and filled with various military leaders and others of renown. (2) They often accompany military endeavors to keep the troops focused on the goals and moving forward efficiently. (3) They are known for they're cavalry hats with red plumes.
Turban Wearer - Mahir the Mountain - A sorcerer specializing in force magic who garnered a reputation for weigh laying armies by himself at times. He has defended his kingdom for 19 years, and is a champion swordsman as well as.

2022-01-10, 05:04 PM
"Hrrrrm...well, what can one expect from those eager to prrrrove themselves in blood and in pelts, yes? No doubt, we will have to keep our guarrrrd up during our stay here. Typical, so typical." Her voice, low and throaty, Mirrasha's fur was still poofed out slightly, tail twitching back and forth from having been cooped up for longer than she felt comfortable with. Her lips pulled back in a slight grimace, unable to fully clear the stink of many horses and wolves from her nostrils just yet. "Captain, have there been any rrrrrumours of this tone affecting any animals on this isle? Could even the Orrrracles be in danger perrrrhaps?"

It sounded odd to be worried about seers. Could they, after all, be already forewarned of such dangers? But the catfolk woman took nothing for granted. Not with her people's lives at stake.

And idiot hunters looking for trophies.

Mirrasha Untouchable (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2573660)
F CN Catfolk Scout13//Warlock8/Binder1/HellfireWarlock3, Level 13, Init 11, HP 98/98, DR 2/cold iron, Speed 70
AC 26, Touch 17, Flat-footed 19, Fort 14, Ref 21, Will 14, Base Attack Bonus 9/4
+1 bonus on attack & dmg rolls at ranges of up to 30 ft Eldritch Blast +17/+12 (7d6+1, 19-20/x2)
+1 bonus on attack & dmg rolls at ranges of up to 30 ft Hellfire Blast +17/+12 (13d6+1, 19-20/x2)
+1 Light Mace Warlock's Scepter 9/4 (1d6, x2)
Bracers of Armor (+8 Armor, +7 Dex, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 9, Dex 24, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 13
Low-Light Vision
Fire Resistance 10
Damage Reduction 2/Cold Iron
All Seeing Eyes: +6 to Search & Spot, Comprehend Languages (written) -- 24hrs
See the Unseen: Darkvision & See Invisibility 60ft -- 24hrs
Fell Flight: 70ft Fly w/good maneuverability -- 24 hrs
Walk Unseen: Invisibility -- 24hrs
Blindsense 30ft
Faster Ability Healing: You heal 1 point in each damaged ability score every round, and 1 point in all drained ability scores every hour.
Darkstalker: When you hide, creatures with blindsense, blindsight, scent, or tremorsense must make a Listen check or a Spot check (whichever DC is higher) to notice you, just as sighted creatures would make Spot checks to detect you. You cannot hide in plain sight unless you have that ability as a class feature. In addition, you can flank creatures that have the all-around vision special quality.

2022-01-11, 10:51 AM
Well if it is reasonably safe to disembark I suggest we get about the business of figuring out if the oracles have answers to the dilemma at hand. With that Darren calls his companion and begins walking off the ship

2022-01-13, 04:47 PM
Dawn’s first journey at sea had taught her one, very important fact.

She hated boats.

It wasn’t just the fact that it was cramped quarters, where she was forced to bunk with complete strangers. It wasn’t just the fact that aside from her morning katas, she had minimal time to spend on the deck and stretch her legs. It wasn’t just the fact that there was absolutely zero hygiene on the ship, meaning not just that Dawn had to spend days with people who stank like a compost heap, but also that she likely smelt just as bad and most certainly felt like it. It was all of the above combined... and the fact that the infernal bobbing up and down motion had her hanging over the edge of the ship for what felt like forever during the first few days of the trip!

Needless to say... Dawn was both highly relieved that they were finally, finally reaching the end of her time on the boat. As well as somewhat peeved that it had to come to an end stuffed in close quarters with two people she hardly knew and a wolf... although honestly, Dawn pitied the wolf. Its nose was many, many times stronger than her own after all. So the smell of this place had to be even worse for them. Not to mention the presence of another pack of wolves nearby, with no way to get away from them, must have been extremely stressful for the poor canine. If there was one creature that Dawn was glad to have in the sterncastle with her while the rest of the lot left, it would be the wolf.

“I understand Captian.” Was all that Dawn said as she finally took her leave. Stretching her limbs out as she headed for the gangplank, eager to get back onto solid ground. No need to comment how the others had ever right to be warry of her and the others, thanks to the dangers of the Beast Blood Furry and how it might strike them without warning. Yet that did not excuse paranoia and violence when they were clearly in control of their faculaties. She was here for a purpose, and Dawn was eager to see it though.

2022-01-13, 05:11 PM
The sailors were lighting the lanterns on the deck as you departed, the sulfuric odor of the alchemical matches quickly swept away by the breeze billowing around the island base, in concert with the waves. The stony pier, about as wide as the tunnel it led to, (15') is solid, if not slippery from the layer algae that covered it.

As you proceed into the tunnel the light dims, throwing shadows down it's length though it remains sufficient for you to make out smooth and tooled edges of the carved passage. After a few hundred feat the passage begins to curve to the right and rise, after a full revolution passage opens into a cavernous chamber. A pool located in the center fills most of the cavern, it appears to be clear with a few cloudy sections near the bottom, with the visible sections being a pebbled floor. On both left & right sides of the pool partially built into the wall are a set of gates, built of bone, coral and vines.

You can see a series of figures ahead, between you and the edge of the pool, they are humanoid in appearance, but with grey & bluish hued skin, as you approach closer, you can make out fins on their joints and gills at their necks, with webbing between their fingers and toes. Several of them are wielding crossbows, other have tridents, and a few have nets & daggers.

The tallest of these figures raises a trident and shouts to you. Halt! You must prove yourselves free of the corruption of the mind that wracks your kind' afore we allow you pass thru our domain.

You may prove yourselves in 3 ways. - You may open either gate that borders the pool, such a task is impossible for one of corrupted mind, you may swim freely thru the water that burns to reach the other side, for if you can survive we cannot stop you, or you may meet me in combat of might & mind and I shall declare you worthy!

He stops, a leering smile curling on his lips, Any who fail shall surrender their lives to mine kin for us to do as we'd will. So take heart and heed my word, retreat, begone or be my next kill.

2022-01-15, 09:10 AM
Stopping just short of the water, Darren looking at it attempting to determine if there is anything wrong with it, before going for a swim.

2022-01-15, 11:18 AM
It is a common misconception that all cats (and, by extension, all catfolk) hate water. The clan of the Stalking Night, with their dark orange fur and black stripes, loved taking dips in forest pools. And the clan of the Screaming River (golden fur with black rosettes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar)) hunted dire crocodiles for fun and profit.

But the children of the Burning Sand were very much desert dwellers. Mirrasha's large black ears flicked in irritation. "And how did the halflings convince you that theirrrr wolves were without corrrruption, hrrrrm?"

It is also a common misconception that the Feline language is only made up of growls, meows, hisses and purrs. The Feline language also uses a series of complex ear and tail movements that make the vaunted Drow sign language look like a game of pattycake. And right now Mirrasha's ears were telling the loudmouth which orifice he could stick that trident up and what he could do with it.

She looked towards the others with her. Fighting seemed like a lose-lose option -- a set-up that those of "beast blood" were violent regardless of the fight's outcome and she didn't trust the pool. Instead, she concentrated on detecting magic to see if there were nasty surprises waiting on either of the gates before fetching her tools from her haversack.

Activating Detect Magic. Mirrasha would take 20 on Searching a gate for traps and take 20 on any Disable Device/Open Locks afterwards.

Mirrasha Untouchable (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2573660)
F CN Catfolk Scout13//Warlock8/Binder1/HellfireWarlock3, Level 13, Init 11, HP 98/98, DR 2/cold iron, Speed 70
AC 26, Touch 17, Flat-footed 19, Fort 14, Ref 21, Will 14, Base Attack Bonus 9/4
+1 bonus on attack & dmg rolls at ranges of up to 30 ft Eldritch Blast +17/+12 (7d6+1, 19-20/x2)
+1 bonus on attack & dmg rolls at ranges of up to 30 ft Hellfire Blast +17/+12 (13d6+1, 19-20/x2)
+1 Light Mace Warlock's Scepter 9/4 (1d6, x2)
Bracers of Armor (+8 Armor, +7 Dex, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 9, Dex 24, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 13
Low-Light Vision
Fire Resistance 10
Damage Reduction 2/Cold Iron
All Seeing Eyes: +6 to Search & Spot, Comprehend Languages (written) -- 24hrs
See the Unseen: Darkvision & See Invisibility 60ft -- 24hrs
Fell Flight: 70ft Fly w/good maneuverability -- 24 hrs
Walk Unseen: Invisibility -- 24hrs
Blindsense 30ft
Faster Ability Healing: You heal 1 point in each damaged ability score every round, and 1 point in all drained ability scores every hour.
Darkstalker: When you hide, creatures with blindsense, blindsight, scent, or tremorsense must make a Listen check or a Spot check (whichever DC is higher) to notice you, just as sighted creatures would make Spot checks to detect you. You cannot hide in plain sight unless you have that ability as a class feature. In addition, you can flank creatures that have the all-around vision special quality.

2022-01-15, 06:57 PM
Whilst searching the gate, Mirrasha discovers 6 brightly colored shells imbedded equidistant from each other. In the center of this layout of shells, she also finds a plaque. Engraved upon are shifting runes, that slow begin to remain still the longer she looked at them.

The 6 shells are colored Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Violet, & Orange, each illicits a different music note upon being touched.

The plaque reads: The Wind: Thru clear skies, & over spring covered hills, to the hives of buzzing honey, the wind blows, thru royalty it rose up it like the flames in a fire, stripping from many but all but the best, their very reason for living.

2022-01-18, 02:31 PM
"Don't think I didn't notice you ignorrrring my question about the halflings' currrs..." Mirrasha didn't even deign to turn back to address the merfolk as she continued her examination of the gate.

Odd...I always thought merfolk had fish tails. Maybe the more 'human-looking' ones killed them already...? If that was the case, it wouldn't surprise Mirrasha in the slightest. And they dare to call us 'animals'....

She cocked her head towards Darren. "It may be worrrrth it to you to cut a piece of vine from this doorrrr to check the pool's safety beforrrre swimming." Tail slowly swishing back and forth in interest, Mirrasha extended the handle of one of her longspoon tools. Though her initial examination of the door's shells left her untouched, she wanted to make sure whatever pattern she produced could be done with minimal risk to herself. "...clever..."

Using the extended handle, the catfolk carefully pressed the shells in this order.


2022-01-18, 03:25 PM
The musical echo around the cavern as the spoon pressed each shell in following the designated pattern, shortly after the final note was played, a burst of light emanated from the gate, as it faded along with the residual notes, the gate slowly began to raise itself until the waiting parties could clearly walk beneath.

If you speak for your companions, you may do as the halflings did and proceed. Only one of untarnished mind could pass the puzzle in a single attempt.

The speaker is the same as before, though he looks much more at ease now. Pardon my delay of you're question, once you'd begun examining the gate I figured you want to be uninterrupted.

He pauses, then gestures to the cavern, the pools & the gates,

While our methods might be unseemly to you, we've diverted more than enough trouble to make up for screening in this manner, additionally we did have to ensure you weren't utterly corrupted by the tone. We've seen many who have been, and we expect to see more.

2022-01-18, 03:59 PM
A small, satisfied trill of victory (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ_CDMyz374) erupted from Mirrasha's throat as the gate opened. Not that she had any doubt, what with her tail now held high in confidence. She nodded towards the speaker.

"Fairrrr. I speak for them -- unless they trrrruly wish to fight or get wet. Has therrrre been trouble then of the native animals on this island?"

2022-01-19, 11:38 AM
The speaker nods at Darren & the others, before returning his gaze to Mirrasha, they may proceed with you.

"We had a large surge of the corrupted initially, but have seen significantly less over the course of the year, though since the waters have withdrawn for the year we have seen some incidents...."

He pauses, then walks closer lowering his voice, "Some of the guardians who were unaffected before have nearly destroyed a few temples."

He looks at his companions who are suddenly watching with focused interest.

When you arrive at the convergence of paths above - you'll have many options, and more each step of the way, we have dozens of oracles scattered across the island. Each can offer different answers on varying subjects - I can only recommend you follow the well maintained & illuminated paths to avoid trouble, the others may not lead to the safest of locales.

He looks like he's about to say more, but stops.... I will be breaking oaths if I say more..... good luck traveler.

2022-01-20, 05:13 AM
Darren Turns and follows the others watching the strangers carefully.

2022-01-21, 12:07 PM
"...hrrrm, thank you..." Noting the reticence, Mirrasha still gave a polite nod of her head. At least she got some information willingly.

Once they had gotten out of view from the merfolk, the catfolk looked over towards Darren and Dawn. "Given the cirrrrcumstances and potential enemies looking forrrr any excuse to harm us here, forrrrgive me if I indulge in some perrrrsonal protection..."

With that, Mirrasha turned invisible...

...and then rose about ten feet in the air.

Any now she's invoking Walk Unseen & Fell Flight

Mirrasha Untouchable (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2573660)
F CN Catfolk Scout13//Warlock8/Binder1/HellfireWarlock3, Level 13, Init 11, HP 98/98, DR 2/cold iron, Speed 70
AC 26, Touch 17, Flat-footed 19, Fort 14, Ref 21, Will 14, Base Attack Bonus 9/4
+1 bonus on attack & dmg rolls at ranges of up to 30 ft Eldritch Blast +17/+12 (7d6+1, 19-20/x2)
+1 bonus on attack & dmg rolls at ranges of up to 30 ft Hellfire Blast +17/+12 (13d6+1, 19-20/x2)
+1 Light Mace Warlock's Scepter 9/4 (1d6, x2)
Bracers of Armor (+8 Armor, +7 Dex, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 9, Dex 24, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 13
Low-Light Vision
Fire Resistance 10
Damage Reduction 2/Cold Iron
All Seeing Eyes: +6 to Search & Spot, Comprehend Languages (written) -- 24hrs
See the Unseen: Darkvision & See Invisibility 60ft -- 24hrs
Fell Flight: 70ft Fly w/good maneuverability -- 24 hrs
Walk Unseen: Invisibility -- 24hrs
Blindsense 30ft
Faster Ability Healing: You heal 1 point in each damaged ability score every round, and 1 point in all drained ability scores every hour.
Darkstalker: When you hide, creatures with blindsense, blindsight, scent, or tremorsense must make a Listen check or a Spot check (whichever DC is higher) to notice you, just as sighted creatures would make Spot checks to detect you. You cannot hide in plain sight unless you have that ability as a class feature. In addition, you can flank creatures that have the all-around vision special quality.

2022-01-24, 11:04 AM
The speaker began walking towards the now open gate. Please follow me, it's getting dark outside & I don't see to well at night.

He leads the group through the gate & around the rest of the clear pool, after a dozen or so paces down the tunnel on the other side the passage turns sharply to the right before ending a handful of steps before a ending at a large platform with a raised pedestal.

If you'd be so kind He gestured for everyone to step on the pedestal, as they did he secured a hanging chain across the width of the hallway. Then he ascended the platform and placed a hand on the pedestal, the platform vibrated slightly as it began to rise thru the air and up the empty shaft.

After close to a minute of ascension the platform cease rising and was now even with a similar base in a small stone building, the speaker swiftly walked out and began down the path of well worn cobbles.

The walk was brisk in the cooling night air, every 3 dozen paces or so was an overhead torch keeping the path illuminated if not well lit. 5 minutes had passed before the group arrived thru a cluster or tightly planted trees and into the a large circular courtyard. There were 7 other paths intersecting with the courtyard each evenly spaced apart, 4 of them had lights and cobbles like the prior path, while two were dark, the final path (directly opposite), was both dark & by the apparent shadows in structural disarray with the road fractured and the rubble scattered.

The sign can help you, it lists which types of oracles live at the ends of each path, or what types of questions to ask or note ask. He turns and walks back down the path, returning to the cave below.

2022-01-25, 09:42 AM
Flitting down to get a better look at the sign and its advice, Mirrasha murmured "...and to stay in the well-lit arrrreas." With luck, who they needed to ask were on those illuminated paths.

Still, they had to be wary. With those odious hunters already ahead of them, Mirrasha worried about potential attacks and set-ups. An image of a oracle murdered by one of those beast trappers because they didn't like the answer that was given to them, then set up to frame her party afterwards flashed through the catfolk's mind.

Or, kill first, ask questions never...it's not paranoia if they're actually out to get you...

Mirrasha Untouchable (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2573660)
F CN Catfolk Scout13//Warlock8/Binder1/HellfireWarlock3, Level 13, Init 11, HP 98/98, DR 2/cold iron, Speed 70
AC 26, Touch 17, Flat-footed 19, Fort 14, Ref 21, Will 14, Base Attack Bonus 9/4
+1 bonus on attack & dmg rolls at ranges of up to 30 ft Eldritch Blast +17/+12 (7d6+1, 19-20/x2)
+1 bonus on attack & dmg rolls at ranges of up to 30 ft Hellfire Blast +17/+12 (13d6+1, 19-20/x2)
+1 Light Mace Warlock's Scepter 9/4 (1d6, x2)
Bracers of Armor (+8 Armor, +7 Dex, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 9, Dex 24, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 13
Low-Light Vision
Fire Resistance 10
Damage Reduction 2/Cold Iron
All Seeing Eyes: +6 to Search & Spot, Comprehend Languages (written) -- 24hrs
See the Unseen: Darkvision & See Invisibility 60ft -- 24hrs
Fell Flight: 70ft Fly w/good maneuverability -- 24 hrs
Walk Unseen: Invisibility -- 24hrs
Blindsense 30ft
Faster Ability Healing: You heal 1 point in each damaged ability score every round, and 1 point in all drained ability scores every hour.
Darkstalker: When you hide, creatures with blindsense, blindsight, scent, or tremorsense must make a Listen check or a Spot check (whichever DC is higher) to notice you, just as sighted creatures would make Spot checks to detect you. You cannot hide in plain sight unless you have that ability as a class feature. In addition, you can flank creatures that have the all-around vision special quality.

2022-01-26, 11:41 AM
The circular plaza is about 50 in diameter, with a large floor mosaic of the depicting major events & general artwork, there is the great battle of Halcynith, the comets of Arakesh, a solar eclipse, pictures of the island & ships travelling to & from, & a storm fire and light and many others.

The path directly to the left of the exited tunnel lies due East, the light posts along it are extinguished and some of the road stones have been churned up.
The next path is well lit, and appears untouched, in fact moss has grown over many of the stones as though the path is travelled infrequently.
The third path is has no lit posts, but appears undamaged, and a bit narrow.
The 4th path (opposite of your exit) is also well lit, those the vegetation on either side appears to be slightly overgrown.
The 5th path is is brightly lit, with new & old lamps alike, there are several piles of rubble that have been swept into piles and appears to be in the midst of being cleaned up.
The 6th path is perfectly leveled with stone worn and shaped into a smooth path, mage lights hang in the air revealing large scratches in the smooth rocky surface.
The final path is a deer trail through a cluster of tightly packed trees, it is unlit, but there doesn't appear to be any light poles.

The sign is made of carved marble with inlays of gold & silver bordering the edges, the words are hewn into the rock and have clearly been etched for some time.

There are 8 large lines, each with smaller lines beneath them.

Down the path most grand, reside those who understand, all that is to be, events not yet come, but shall indeed occur.
Be warned all thee who proceed down this route, questions with answer more than one shall begin a confusing pursuit.
Believe not a word from the one who speaks not in verse, for their only goal is to see you work in reverse

Down the path most serene, reside those whose bond with nature, is greater than those of any other in this vast marine, when entering their abode be warned of the soil with excess moisture.
5 shrines along the way you shall pass, one would do well to check the grass.
At roads end shall you soon arrive, but recall the path's number should you wish to survive.

Out along the island's edge shall 3rd path creep, it will test your balance above the briny deep, with stoic gait & iron grip, knowledge of the divine await those who take this trip.
Short and quick the route may be, but surviel above for treachery
As is with all things - as above as is below.

Down the hole of shadows and secrets live those with secrets not to tell, with blood & meat alone shall you coax the oracle from her shell.
Take from us this hint, for those who pay in blood & gold, all shall be revealed - upon thine flesh the answer will imprint.
A price, a cost, a gift of gold, all of these for truths untold, to you alone the secret given, struggle not or be rended whilst shriven.

Along the Sun's first path answers abound, from places to names & farway planes ask only for things that can be travelled to & found.
No tribute or trial for one without burden, what were saying is leave your weapons for those who are uncertain.
A trick it is not nor trap may it be, scared of weapons this oracle be, sheathed or stowed it makes not a hoot, don't bring your arms or recieve the boot.

Along the final but path but one lies one of greed for gold, twice the price he will charge, yet he's often visted by and large.
On matters of magic he does remit, ancient, arcane, divine and more of all of it he knows.
Pay him more per query posed and he shall answer still, but ask not questions exceeding five if you hope to leave alive.

Straight out and ahead you may proceed, if by chance you wish to have the answers to succeed.
Neither time of day or season past determine likelihood - its by fickle fate alone whether an answer is good
For those who who travel without guide or guard, take this path for untested is the boulevard.

All paths but one of have been written and listed, save for one, for who cares about details past & done. Mysteries of the past lay dead & hidden, but come to this oracle when bidden.
This knowledge is not for those of empty minds or those thoughts frequent flutter, to learn my secrets, you must remember that which is frequent
What mistakes & choices do all make that ends with sobs or rejoices? What events prosper as death becomes a merchant lord & what compels it Pride, Greed or Sword?

2022-01-29, 10:24 AM
Looking at the path options, Well which way shall we go?, Deferring to the others to pick a direction

2022-02-03, 05:35 PM
Dawn stayed silent as she left the boat behind and walked deeper into the island.

As an individual who had spent plenty of time in nature and away from major hubs of civilization. Dawn appreciated the beauty of the place that she travelled through. While the tunnel they moved through had been smoothed out and helped along by tools and construction, it did not hold the rigidness that was so common in the corridors and passageways of civilization. Working with nature, rather than against it. Which Dawn found herself grateful to see. When the tunnel opened up into a great cavern, Dawn would allow her attention to be taken away from the journey, simply to admire the beauty and splendour of the cave she found herself in. This was no natural construction, and for that, Dawn could not help but be awed by the majesty of nature.

Sadly, her inspection of the wondrous around her was broken by a coarse, aggressive voice snapping out at her. Turning, Dawn found a frown crossing her face at the unpleasant opinions directed at her. The reasoning behind the actions of this strange, finned creature, was one that Dawn could not begrudge. Individuals like herself had been deeply troubled recently, becoming a danger to themselves and others around them. To test them and try to ensure that they had the mental resilience to resist the corruption they might face was a choice that Dawn could understand. It was the execution of it, the way this being seemed to judge them poorly for this otherworld affliction and was so ready to set them to death that Dawn could not help but desire conflict, in order to teach this individual respect.

As she had been trained to do, however, Dawn resisted this desire, controlling herself and regaining her composure in order to examine the options before her. Testing the waters, and swimming across them did seem to be the best option for her, as she was not the most intelligent of her order, and the riddle made her nervous. Nor did the idea of fighting to the death appeal to her, when there was a much simpler test before her. A test that Dawn was confident she could pass, even if it proved to be one of body and not mind... at least, this was the plan. As Dawn was reflecting on her options, and deciding which path to take, one of the companions she had to travel with proved their quick intelligence. Solving the puzzle to unlock the gates, and allowing Dawn to pass without testing herself. It impressed Dawn, even as she felt uneasy at the unintentional deception. Dawn was a companion to these two only by chance and circumstance, not by choice or even necessity. It gave her a compulsion to test the waters regardless, to prove herself and not her temporary companion.

Once again, this was resisted. Dawn accepted her good fortune, and passed through the opened gate without a word to the aggressive guards, passing by them and heading forwards with her quest. Succeeding in the quest was far more important than any personal desires after all. The advice given to the guards, and some understanding of their own struggles gave her a measure of empathy for the guards, though she still judges them for their aggression.

Finally, when they arrive at the plaza and the options before them, Dawn steps forwards to read the sign before them. The natural beauty pushed aside to focus on the mission. Reading the sign was a difficult task. While Dawn had experience in poetry and riddles thanks to her previous occupation, she was never the most skilled at resolving them. It took Dawn several moments of contemplation in order to get a comfortable idea about the strengths and talents of each different oracle. Each of them had ways to potentially give them information on the quest to end the tone, but when asked which oracle that Dawn wished to speak to, there were two options that stood out. “The Grand Oracle of the Future, while risky due to the potential of seeking a confusing pursuit, is likely the best guide in finding the source of the tone. The Serene Oracle of Nature, however, is more likely to be able to explain to us how this frenzy is afflicting us and creatures across the land. Knowledge that can be used to calm those caught in its grip, and weaken its hold across the land, even if we are unable to seek it out and end it directly.”

2022-02-03, 07:23 PM
Still invisible, Mirrasha's voice rumbled from above.

"A large group of ourrrr earrrrlier...traveling companions-- The catfolk did little to hide her distrust of those they shared the boat with. "--went down that grrrranderrrr path. And the wolves have gone down that darrrrkened forest path. They've not kept to the light then. Some have gone down the mage lighted path...hrrrm? What's this?"

A pause.

"Interrrresting...some rrrriders have gone between the paths. Perrrrhaps they do not trust what is offerrrred -- or arrrre planning an ambush...

"Passage grrrranted us each two questions for free. It would behoove us to figurrrre out beforehand which questions are worth asking wherrrre." Unseen, Mirrasha's ears flicked in thought.

2022-02-06, 12:10 PM
Darren shrugging, well which ever way you want to go I will follow and try to think of some related questions when we get there

2022-02-12, 09:49 PM
The forest path was serene, barely more than a deer path, after several minutes of travel a small shrine appears by the side of the path.

The shrine is a simple one of stone with inlays of bronze writing. The language is certainly not common, it is a long flowing one with loops and curls. Atop the shrine is an ornamental owl poised as if to take flight. The shrine is thick with overgrown grass and weeds building up around the base, though there isn't much overgrowth anywhere else.

The path continues further into the forest and around a bend.