View Full Version : Feathersnow ptu doomtown!! Ic

2022-01-10, 02:18 PM
OC thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?641060-Feathersnow-ptu-doomtown!!&p=25322386#post25322386)

Gommora, the last city before the Maze headed West, the first herald of the growing presence of the Americans going East...

In the center are rival churches, the Cathedral of Zapdos from Lost Angels has an outpost here, rivaling the more conventional Luiga Mission and Arceus Chapels...

Moving outward from the main corner are stores offering various selections of New Science, the likes of which cannot be found closer than Utah, in the lands claimed by the Church of Ho-oh. They failed to get a favored spot, losing it to City Hall, but a priest is available to the Chosen.

On opposite sides of the city are the mighty taverns, separated less by distance than the loyalty of their patrons during... the recent unpleasantness. The North, and their pyrrhic victory, mean "we are all Americans." Many doubt it, some with reasons better or purer than others.

But here, in the Southwest, that is far away. Perhaps there is yet room enough, perhaps the ecumenism of the new government will be less strangling than embracing. No one can yet say.

Most of the city, though, is devoted to commerce! It bustles like few of you have seen. Surveyors, factors, merchants! If you have something to sell or buy, there is nowhere better in a thousand miles!

Each of you is here for your own reasons, but, soon events will bring you together...

2022-01-10, 03:00 PM
The trail for Florians aunt has run cold for a while now, so he might as well made the best of his situation and had gone further to the west. The politics that shook the country for a while now have had little impact on him, being that he was officially not even part of america yet, still holding on to his german papers, as if he had a intention to leave again any time soon.

Walking around the commercial area of the city, which is most of the city as it turned out, Flo was searching for some spices and herbs to use in his baking. He specifically searched out street vendors, avoiding going into the larger stores, hoping for a generally more local variety in ingredients. Above his head, as always, was Zappla. He never really got around to giving the Tynamo a real nickname, and the shortened version of its name in mother tongue just stuck. The small floating fish kept circling above his head, just out of way of the people, nibbeling on the rest of a small filled bun it got from Florian before.

I am looking if I can find some 'food-scraps' to buy, as well as the general sortiment of what the street vendors sell.
Also, feed Zappla the Tynamo a 'Spicy Wrap' I had made from the starter money earlier.

2022-01-10, 06:56 PM
Sabrina is walking near the edge of town, her dowsing rods out. She felt like doing some crafting tonight and wanted an excuse to get away from all the people. They pass through, looking for something better, but this region was her home. The least she could do is try to make some money off them by selling them her simple creations. If any of them took the time to learn even the basics, they wouldn't need her. They don't though so they are always so amazed when she has stones and tags and whatever else she throws together for them.

Honedge floats invisibly near her. She knows he is there, without having to check. He is always there. He mainly leaves her alone when she is working but later he will show himself and they will spend some time together.

Not sure what else to do right now so I thought I could be doing this. I'll roll to try out this dowsing thing though. Lets see:

1d6 per rank in occult education

Not sure if this area is desert or sandy/rocky but I'll roll and only count it if told it is.

Skill stunt dice:

Then crystal resonance:

So... its one random shard for anything 4 or higher. So I'll put other rolls to determine the color unless the DM wants to handle that.




Based on rolls I believe I get:
1 Green
2 Yellow
1 blue
1 orange
1 violet

2022-01-10, 10:31 PM
A brightly-clad woman strolls up the dusty street, wearing a bag designed for a pony across her bony shoulders. She knows, intellectually, that pocket monsters aren't a rare sight in this town. They're more-or-less accepted by now, and Daymare might even be considered a good omen compared to the translucent sword-thing she saw floating around by the East road. Still, it doesn't hurt to be careful, and anyway this is a city and Roz would have to tie her up or keep her in stables all the time anyway. No, best to keep the burning pony dematerialized for now.

Technically, between her pocket monster and all of her bag's contents, Roz already has all the tools she needs to start a traveling ghost-poaching business. Alas, that's not a real profession, and the developing world is not about to wait for her to come up with a better idea of what to do with herself. If she's to survive on her own, she needs cash, so she's going to the post office to ask for a job.

With the postal service expanding as rapidly as it has been and with most able-bodied women eager for a quieter life at the war's end, Roz imagines she'd be in high demand. She has her own horse, and can protect herself at least as well as the average postsm'n. The bell over the door dingles as she throws it open, fairly confident with herself.

2022-01-10, 10:57 PM
Vivian sits comfortably in the first half-decent saloon she came across in the town. Water and a simple meal was just what the doc had called for after the last few days of travel.

Ditching a train just before a robbery, hiking through the land until she was picked up by a courier, and ending up dragged here, the closest point of civilization.

Her escapades mean she didn't have much left to her name, but it wasn't the first time she'd been in that ditch.

So a simple meal while she took stock of the conversation around her, taking in all the details she could while figuring out her first play.

She felt more than heard Kera's approval. The Ralts was her truest companion and closest confidant and together they'd leave their mark on this town.

2022-01-11, 09:47 AM
Jay wakes in a her tent, the canine spirit Jest curled up at her side for warmth. She yawns and stretches. She wasn’t keen on staying in the settler towns - not a safe place for women to stay alone at night if they weren’t someone known, and sometimes even then. Doubly so for a woman who wasn’t European. She changes to her day clothes and brings out a small loaf of sweetened hard bread, breaking off a piece of it and some smoked meat for her morning meal.

Another day. She disliked leaving the tribe on her own, but she could at least blend in more than any of the Ku’wil or Oohl, who the Europeans hated. As such, it was on her to go in every month since the Cataclysm and keep tabs.

As she walks along the dusty road, Jest runs to and fro. He was a cheerful and strong spirit. Were he human, he would be a noble warrior. The dog-like spirit sniffs everything larger than a bush in its energetic frolic.
[roll0] - An X-Item, DM’s choice which

Regardless of whether he finds anything, Jaye eventually does spot a lone woman on the road, wandering back and forth, occasionally digging at the ground. From one of the neighboring tribes, it appeared. ”Hey, you need help finding something?” she calls out to her.

2022-01-11, 06:54 PM
Regardless of whether he finds anything, Jaye eventually does spot a lone woman on the road, wandering back and forth, occasionally digging at the ground. From one of the neighboring tribes, it appeared. ”Hey, you need help finding something?” she calls out to her.

Sabrina stands and Glade (the honedge) revealed themselves. She holds up the violet shard she had just found. "Just gathering some crafting supplies. Simple stuff really but most of the travellers can't seem to do it themselves."

2022-01-12, 10:27 AM
Jaye’s eyes look to the spectral sword. Jest (the Lillipup) stands defensively between his human and the other Pokémon, but doesn’t growl yet. ”It takes know-how, something many of the new arrivals lack.” She looks over the shard in the other woman’s grasp. ”And to be honest, I’m not someone who quite has that ‘know.’ What do you make with them? They can’t be worth much to sell on their own.”

2022-01-12, 11:51 AM
Jaye’s eyes look to the spectral sword. Jest (the Lillipup) stands defensively between his human and the other Pokémon, but doesn’t growl yet. ”It takes know-how, something many of the new arrivals lack.” She looks over the shard in the other woman’s grasp. ”And to be honest, I’m not someone who quite has that ‘know.’ What do you make with them? They can’t be worth much to sell on their own.”

Sabrina shrugged and threw the shard into the pouch she kept them in. "Different things. Gems. Evolution stones. Stat and type boosters. Type braces. Foci. Gomez's Gems and Ghostly Gear. Fair prices. I also offer cleanse tags."

2022-01-12, 01:12 PM
Sabrina shrugged and threw the shard into the pouch she kept them in. "Different things. Gems. Evolution stones. Stat and type boosters. Type braces. Foci. Gomez's Gems and Ghostly Gear. Fair prices. I also offer cleanse tags."

”Hm. How much for the tags? It’s always good to have a few handy around here.”

2022-01-14, 09:30 PM
”Hm. How much for the tags? It’s always good to have a few handy around here.”

Sabrina shrugged and reached into her bag. "I'll give you one for free, but after that about 200 poké. They aren't hard to make but I can only make a couple a day."

Really I was procrastinating posting this, figuring the GM might want to weigh in sooner and didn't want a massive back and forth before anything happened. But nothing happened yet so I figured I'd finish.

Also I based that price off the book saying shops might sell them for 500. So I picked something less than half that.

2022-01-15, 06:04 PM
"I can't buy one now, but I'll remember you if this one works well," she says, carefully folding the tag and placing it in a pocket. "Which tribe are you from? How have your interactions with the settlers been?"

2022-01-21, 03:17 PM
Vivian stepped out of the saloon with a smile stretched across her face. Her stomach was much happier, so now it was time to get the lay of the land here. She wanted to get the measure of this town's heartbeat. And the best place to start would be going through the commercial, plus maybe she'd find a decent resupply once she acquired a few extra funds.

2022-01-21, 04:54 PM
Flo has walked by uncountable vendors by now, not satisfied with product or price. He expected it to take a while to find a good deal, however. With how this city relies on its markets, its expected that a lot has low standards or just overcharges. And a lot of the stuff is imports from the east as well, which, while understandable, is not exactly what he was looking for.

While the chef was distracted by yet another merchants wares, the Tynamo widened its circles around the loose crowd, trying to find someone interesting to mess with a bit. How, it is not sure yet, but a opportunity to have some fun is sure to show itself sooner rather then later.

2022-01-22, 11:21 PM
Jack wanders down the central road in town, keeping to the side of the street with his hood pulled low and head kept down. He wasn't looking to attract too much attention while he was here. Woe circled above him, keeping an eye out for trouble or anything that seemed interesting. Jacks eyes caught sight of the various religious folk walking around town, preaching the good word of their various gods.

Personally Jack wasn't to sure about following any of the legends. If they truly wanted to be part of this world and worshipped by man then they would make this world a better place then watching it descend into the horror that was slowly gripping this country. Though they were part of the reason he had travelled West. He had heard that the various churches out here were closer to the heart of the worship, he was curious to see if maybe seeing the center of the worship was better the the watered down dregs making it to the east coast.

Woe using his stealth capability here.

2022-01-25, 11:21 PM
Eventually, you all find lodging for the night...

Each of you wakes with a start, covered with cold sweat!

There was a dream, where four heroes, indistinct, were fighting a giant, neither human nor Pokémon. One of them falls to the creatures claws!

There was more to it, but you can't easily recall. You just know, somehow, the fallen one was at the tavern frequented by Northern loyalists last night.

2022-01-25, 11:42 PM
The shopping trip was rather poor for results, and it seems the sleep was not better either in this city. Flo has been told that americas west can give one nightmares, but maybe its just the air in this cheap inn. Must be more dusty then the roads one takes to even get here... But well, a bit of clean air may solves any issues with sleep? Nightmares about Monsters like ones not seen yet are not the most unusual thing to have, after all...

Slipping the poncho back on, and grabbing his bag (No point in leaving the stuff here, or someone might steal it over night), Florian gave the receptionist a small wave as he left for the cities streets. It was a bit quieter at night, even if still not totally deserted, being a rather big place. Zappla flew a bit in front of him, choosing the way they walk while going in no consious direction... Sooner or later, they would however land deep in the Tavern district. Seems like a lot of them are still open, so maybe going for a drink was not a bad idea.

That one seems... Familiar? Huh, might as well go in there then.

A walk in the night, visiting taverns.

2022-01-26, 01:59 AM
Roz's conversation at the post office didn't amount to anything. Contrary to what everyone's grandpa says, finding paid work is not as simple as barging into a place and asking for a job, especially when you croak it out through a dry throat after three days of not speaking a word to anyone. Since then, she had just sort of hunkered down at the edge of town, tending to her terrarium as an excuse not to get arrested for vagrancy. It's no surprise she dozed off, considering she was literally watching a little plant grow.

As for the dreams that came in that reverie... well, dreams can be tricky things. Roz knows she's not psychic, so the spiritual message is going to be packaged behind her mind's notions of hero, fallen, giant, and for some reason, tavern. She tries to hold onto a fading image of herself stumbling backwards out of the shadowy boss arena that constituted her dreamscape.

She stands up, stretches her back and blinks the sleep out of her eyes. It's still dark out - probably an hour or so before dawn - but that's not a real problem. She swallows to clear her throat and touches a red-and-white gourd on her belt.

"Hoiho Ra! Come!"

On cue, a horse just big enough to ride and just bright enough to see by materializes at Roz's side. The ponyta is already eager to guide her back up the street and retrace her dreamed steps in the real world. To get back into the fight, she thinks. Of course that doesn't necessarily translate to a real-world battle of any kind.

She walks up the dusty road to the tavern she only noticed in passing, where some soldiers were hanging out earlier. It's early, and the tavern is probably empty by now, yet she's apparently not the only one investigating. The skinny boy and his light-up fish strangely mirror the tall girl and her lantern-horse in the twilit morning.

Still kind of half-asleep, she mumbles the words before her waking brain can check their stupidity:

"Are you the fallen one?"

2022-01-26, 02:27 AM
"Fallen one?" He perked up a bit, but was still waiting for the night (or morning? hard to tell if one does not check the clock, really) air to kick in properly. Being talked to does however kick the head into gear somewhat. "No no, I just..."

He turns properly to the rider, looking up at her on her mon, and the mon itself. Was that a Ponyta? They look different from the kind he is used to from europe. More on fire, and he can by best of will not make out its horn. In any case, that is something to ask another time, lets just start with introductions. He steps a bit closer and extends a hand for a shake. "I am Florian, and sorry if the question sounds dumb, but you don't happen to have had a Nightmare?"

The Tynamo, during all this, decided it would be best to stay low, and sort of peak from behind Flo. The glimmer-fishes eyes more set on the torch-horse, wondering how to play with fire without getting burned, for sure.

Turns out, X and Y have no Ponyta, so I am kinda assuming that the Galar-Variant is the one more known in Europe as a whole.

2022-01-26, 04:59 AM
Vivian slinks her way through the shadows at the edge of the road with a frown. A cigarette she'd slipped earlier being the only light she bore as she made her ways towards the Tavern.

"Dreams and Portents be cursed. I know the night be yer domain, but a lady needs her sleep," she hisses at the empty air.

Darkrai and Cresselia were never the first gods she prayed to when in trouble, but she knew well to respect the gods of Fate Yet Written.

Merciful Mew she had no clue why she was out here, but a dream like that didn't come your way for no reason.

It doesn't take long to reach her destination, and she stubs out the light and slows her stride as she makes out the mutterings of another....and a Nightmare?

"Something tells me I should've gone to bed earlier," she mutters before moving closer. If this turned out to be important, it was probably best not to converse in the middle of the street next to a highly visible Ponyta.

2022-01-26, 07:25 AM
Sabrina makes her way to the tavern. Curious about the dream and wondering if it might increase business if she wasn't the only one to have a nightmare last night. She sees the others as she approaches but stands back a ways, wanting to wait and see what is going on. . Honedge floating behind her as does.

2022-01-26, 06:04 PM
"Fallen one? No no, I just... I am Florian, and sorry if the question sounds dumb, but you don't happen to have had a Nightmare?"

"No, she's a Daymare, actually."

Roz's brain finishes rebooting. Her eyes light up and her whole body flinches as she remembers that nightmare is a real English word which is not usually capitalized.

"Oh! I'm sorry, of course you must mean a bad dream. I... guess I have, yeah." She crosses her arms and looks away, embarrassed. Yet, having already uttered one ridiculously suspicious question, she may as well hit him with the other.

"Why do you ask?"

2022-01-26, 06:55 PM
"No, she's a Daymare, actually. Oh! I'm sorry, of course you must mean a bad dream. I... guess I have, yeah. Why do you ask?"

He puts his hand down again, it does not seem he gets a handshake from the rider. "You asked about a Fallen One. Seems to me like rather easy to connect Dots."

Well, this counts out natural causes for nightmares, probably. So maybe its the workings of the lunar duo? It may be to early for wild theories, but he better keeps out an eye for any absol in the future.

Should I roll a perception check to figure out that we already have two pairs of human eyes on us?

2022-01-26, 07:36 PM
"If you two are quite done chatting right in the open, I'd suggest any further talk of 'odd dreams' be done with a bit more privacy than the middle of a street," Vivian claims as she reveals herself to the two chattermouths.

Hopefully they had more a sense of preservation than this. Still, three people assembled and that dream featured a fourth person...odds are there was another somewhere nearby if things were working out so quickly.

"Now if we could schooch a ways I think we might have something to talk about."

2d6 Perception

2022-01-26, 08:38 PM

For a second, she was about to just agree with the spooky smoke lady, but then she thinks, wait, why is talking in the open a problem? With an almost comedic flair, she looks over her shoulder, then up and down the street. It doesn't seem especially dangerous. What did I just walk in on?

"...right? Where did you have in mind?"

2022-01-27, 11:08 AM
Jaye awakens with a start. Jest hops off of her, startled by the sudden movement. As always with a dream, she recounts it rapidly to the little Pokémon. It wasn’t for Jest’s benefit, but hers. If she said it aloud, she would remember it better later. She continues on as she gets dressed and takes down her tent. She hadn’t found much the previous day - a more populous town than before, more people hoping to strike riches from the hands of her people. But the name of that tavern stuck out in the dream saw well. Not as a location, but a feeling, the way a fruit’s taste calls to mind its texture. She heads into the growing town of Gommora, pricking slightly as the tall, unstable, American buildings become more common and clustered together.

Tavern, tavern… she thinks as she walks along the street. Jest stays at her side, bounding along and only slipping away to find occasional little hidey-holes of interest.
Another day, another Pickup roll. Still need a battle item for yesterday.
[roll0] Today is Status/Healing: Any Random Status healing item or HP healing item

Do you need some sort of check to know which tavern they frequent? I have Novice Gen Ed if that’s what the roll would be.

2022-01-27, 06:37 PM
Jack wakes with a start to the crowing of Woe. He had bedded down in the outskirts of the town rather then stay in the middle of the population center, easier to make his escape if needed. The dream though. It was... different. Much different then the usual nightmares plaguing his dreams.

Woe hops down from the rooftop of the shack a short ways away, hopping over to him and giving him a small peck on the hand and a quiet caw.

One way or another he should check out the tavern. Either he found some meaning to the dream or he got a drink cause he wasn't going back to sleep.

He wanders through the town, Woe on his cloaked shoulder. Checking the few taverns there until he found one that seemed to just... fit. He sees several colorful characters entering and carefully makes his way in behind them. Ordering a whiskey from the barkers as he settles in.