View Full Version : Rules Q&A [3.5] Looking For Rules - Manacled to Another Character

2022-01-10, 06:57 PM
Just wondering,

Are there any printed rules that would cover a situation where one character is manacled (or otherwise tethered) to another? They can't leave the adjacent square, presumably. Would they be considered entangled?

Was going to ask in Q&A, but I thought it might get a bit messy.

Cheers - T


2022-01-10, 10:33 PM
Closest thing I can think of is the Armor of the Dread Emperor, from BoVD. The only mechanical effect it mentions is an armor check penalty to the wearer when people are tethered to it, but it doesn't say about any effects the tethering, specifically, would have on the captives (movement penalties, what happens if the captives are faster/slower than the Dread Emperor, etc).

2022-01-11, 12:12 AM
I wasn't able to find anything from a brief search.
How about using the grapple rules as a starting point?

2022-01-11, 01:48 AM
a bit short on time, but I thought I could throw in some thoughts..

both characters (lets call em A & B) roll Initiative.

lets assume A has a higher roll than B.

Either A has delay his action to move in sync, or I would enforce rules for grappling and dragging B with A's actions.

Otherwise A can only move around B.

The same goes for B. Either he delays his action until next round till A's Initiative comes into play, or he is restricted the same way as A is.

If the DM wants to be mean, he could demand communication (and the free action within each one's initiative) to hassle the characters until they maybe agree to a pattern of behavior (in combat). Once they get used to the situation, this restriction could be lessened.

2022-01-11, 08:19 AM
Races of Faerun has an entry for a Lasso weapon. If it hits and you win the Grapple check, the target is considered Grappled, but the wielder isn't.

So yeah, not much that really describes what you're looking for. If I had to houserule it, I'd probably make them take the same initiative (either lowest of the two, or take an average of the rolls). If one is faster and has enough strength to do it, they can pick the other one up and carry them, or drag them if necessary. Otherwise they'd be considered Entangled. If they're disagreeing about which direction to go, opposed strength check (a la Bull Rush).

A couple other special situations: if they're ever in a situation where they're getting Bull Rushed themselves (or thrown, like with some Setting Sun maneuvers), they should get some sort of a bonus to the check. (Whoever's rushing them would need to be strong enough to move both of them, not just one). If they're ever in a situation where one of them falls (either from being tripped, or one but not both failing a Reflex save of a pit trap, or whatever) the other one makes a Strength check as an immediate action to pull the prone one up. If the check fails, or they don't attempt it, they're both prone, falling, or whatever.

I'd actually have them occupying the same square, just for sanity's sake, but adjacent squares could make sense too.

2022-01-13, 09:28 AM
I think your idea to have them entangled is spot on, because the situation is very similar to the use of a net, just shorter range and harder to get out of, except that people on both sides would potentially be entangled.

2022-01-20, 10:42 PM
If they are friendly and both want to move the same way, they can move like a 3-legged race. Easily go close to regular base speed, unless area does not allow 2 people side by side. If they are tethered like the picture, things get even easier, and more actions are possible.
They should have a dex penalty similar to grapple, against any attacks.

If they are opposed, grapple rules apply.

mabriss lethe
2022-01-20, 11:10 PM
Races of Faerun has an entry for a Lasso weapon. If it hits and you win the Grapple check, the target is considered Grappled, but the wielder isn't.

So yeah, not much that really describes what you're looking for. If I had to houserule it, I'd probably make them take the same initiative (either lowest of the two, or take an average of the rolls). If one is faster and has enough strength to do it, they can pick the other one up and carry them, or drag them if necessary. Otherwise they'd be considered Entangled. If they're disagreeing about which direction to go, opposed strength check (a la Bull Rush).

A couple other special situations: if they're ever in a situation where they're getting Bull Rushed themselves (or thrown, like with some Setting Sun maneuvers), they should get some sort of a bonus to the check. (Whoever's rushing them would need to be strong enough to move both of them, not just one). If they're ever in a situation where one of them falls (either from being tripped, or one but not both failing a Reflex save of a pit trap, or whatever) the other one makes a Strength check as an immediate action to pull the prone one up. If the check fails, or they don't attempt it, they're both prone, falling, or whatever.

I'd actually have them occupying the same square, just for sanity's sake, but adjacent squares could make sense too.

The lasso entry from Book of Exalted Deeds might work better here. It doesn't initiate a grapple, but leaves the victim partially entangled. If you treat both parties as being "lasso'd" to one another it would at least be a starting place.

2022-01-20, 11:49 PM
I’d borrow 5e. Give ‘em both disadvantage for physical things. Except killing each other. Then it’s opposed rolls