View Full Version : Rules Q&A (3.5) is base damage just weapon damage?

2022-01-11, 08:18 AM
So, i might be going on a wild goose chase, but i found a mention of something called base damage in the 3.5 d20srd page for the psywar power “Claws of the Vampire”.

That ability itself i found because it was referenced in a thread here called “Help with making a lifesteal/vampirism 6th level character” (post #14)

So i checked around and while I’m probably missing something right in front of my face (I'm REALLY good at missing things that are right in front of me) but i couldn’t find anything on it. My best guess is that base damage just how much damage the weapon deals without modifications, but i really don’t know.

So, what is base damage?

(Ps. Sorry about the poor citations for the srd page and forum post, i cant use links yet.)

2022-01-11, 09:09 AM
It's in the description of Claws of the Vampire itself: "additional damage dealt because of a high Strength score or other enhancements does not count toward the amount you heal." That looks to me like only the damage resulting from the claw's damage dice counts.

2022-01-11, 09:11 AM
Thanks. I was hoping there would be a good way to up that, but it should still work for what im trying to do.