View Full Version : IC: Acquisitions Incorporated - The Menagerie Coast [5E]

2022-01-11, 02:14 PM
Acquisitions Incorporated:
The Menagerie Coast
Chapter 1

Three months ago, a Faerunian prospector by the name of Bryna Tyrsdaughter-Bronzebreaker traveled to Wildemount to explore the world and find riches, and riches she found, high up in the Hearthstar Peaks. Above the clouds that loom over the fertile jungles of the Vezdaweald, Tyrsdaughter-Bronzebreaker chanced upon what many are calling the largest silver load ever discovered in the Menagerie Coast. The dwarf immediately hired local help to construct the mine and brought in relatives from Faerun to build a small fort to guard the silver (specifically) and the mine (more generally). Before anyone in the Clovis Concord knew what was going on, the fort had been established and the mine dug deeply into the mountainside. Knowing it would set trans-plane relationships back if the Concord attacked the mine, the confederation recognized Bryna Tyrsdaughter-Bronzebreaker's claim (in exchange for a hefty cut of the profits).

The Mine is located at the tip of the Hearthstar Peaks, about a hundred miles (or four days march) from Palma Flora & Fort Damali. Many within the Tyrsdaughter-Bronzebreaker Silver Company had hoped to found a new port, closer to the mine. The small town of Tyrsgaze was erected along the western coast of the peninsula but all shipments were beset by powerful predatory creatures, which ravaged the caravan workers. The port itself was burned down by rampaging Kobolds who claim loyalty to some strange dragon named Vemmryth the Sea Queen. Beyond those difficulties, the Concord specifically forbade the company from founding a port of its own (for fear of the company becoming too powerful, too wealthy and too independent). Since wagons do not tread well within dense jungles, Palma Flora was designated as the company's port. This designation has become a great boon to the once, small vacation town, which has doubled in size in the last few months, as prospectors from across the Menagerie Coast (and further afield) have sailed into town. Indeed, Acquisitions Incorporated counts itself as very fortunate to have established itself in the port mere weeks before the bonanza began, turning Plama Flora into a boom town.

The newly minted Acquisitions Incorporated franchise has been hired by Tyrsdaughter-Bronzebreaker Silver Company to guard a particularly large shipment of ore from the mine to the company's vault in Palma Flora. The caravan has four wagons in it, each overladen with silver. The caravan is accompanied by four company guards (all Faerunian dwarves armed with battle axes and chain shirts) as well as a half dozen hirelings. The caravan leader is a dwarven woman named Sardeth Tyrsdaughter-Battlerager, aunt of the founder of the Tyrsdaughter-Bronzebreaker Silver Company. She is a stately looking, middle-aged woman with shoulder length blonde hair that has been streaked with silver strands. She has cold, blue-gray eyes. She wears a handsome travelers outfit, made from fine leather and cloth. Upon her ears rest large silver stud earrings. She has remained aloof from the franchise members, preferring instead the companionship of a stout dwarven man named Von. Unlike Sardeth, Von is a native of Wildemount. Von has short brown-black wiry hair and a well trimmed beard and mustache. His deep brown eyes are warm and inviting. The man is always smiling. He is on the younger side. You would say, if he were human, he would be in his mid twenties, far younger than the matriarch who seems quite smitten with him. The two show genuine affection for one another, often very vocally, and in a manner that most would call "puppy love." This aspect has annoyed many of the other caravan workers (who are definitely not paid enough to put up with this).

Mere moments before leaving the mine, a wizard from the Dwendalian Empire named Marco Hönigsmann gave Sardeth a large sack of coins as payment to join the caravan, as he has business in Palma Flora. Many of the workers groaned about this addition. The guards seemed perplexed, too, by the allowance of a stranger to join a silver run but Sardeth would broker no complaint and ordered the caravan to leave the mine post haste. Marco is an older human man, in his late fifties by the look of it. He has salt and pepper hair, that is more salt than pepper at this point. He has stern blue eyes and wears thick glasses. He sports a beard and mustache but neither are well groomed or maintained. His green tunic is threadbare, while his britches are made from thick leather. Upon his thigh rests a thick tome with tattered pages. The cover has been bejeweled with rounded river stones painted to look like gems.

The first day of the journey was uneventful, which is what most were hoping for. As the caravan beds down for the night, dark clouds gather on the horizon, tomorrow will likely be very, very, wet… Basic tents have been set up for the workers. A much larger and elaborate tent was constructed for Sardeth (and, presumably, Von). The wizard cast a spell that conjured a tiny hut the color of the night sky for himself. He refuses entry to anyone else, "even if it rains."

One of the caravan workers, a young human woman named Elly stands over the campfire, stirring a pot of rabbit and cabbage stew. She has sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes. Her voice is unexpectedly nasally. While she cooks, she hums some songs about the great sharks that have been seen in and around Palma Flora.

The caravan managed to make good time and has taken up rest in the foothills of the Hearthstar Peaks, in a wide meadow in which a small creek snakes through. The locals once called Karl's Creek but has now been given the moniker, Silver Creek. The meadow is covered in vibrantly colored flowers and knee-high wild grass. In the woodland that rings the meadow, the party can hear the cawing of tropical birds and the chittering of insects.

The Caravan Guard Captain is named Kardain. He is tall, for a dwarf, with thinning black hair. He has muted eyes, deeply inset into his face. He possesses thin lips and a shaved beard. He has rugged skin that has seen far too much harsh weather yet remains pale and milky white in color. He has a gruff, off putting voice. "You Acq Inc folks take first watch. The Silver Guards n' I will take second watch. Agreed?"

2022-01-11, 02:30 PM
"We can do that," Lily says. She pats her horse, Stanley, on his flank while she eyes the skies. "You're gonna be okay, champ. A little water won't bother you, right?" she mutters to him.

She also looks around for Vartan, the pseudodragon who's been her friend for the past few years. They tend to flit around, never staying too close, but never straying too far either.

2022-01-11, 02:58 PM
Ashryn is by the fire for now, ostensibly waiting for the stew, but anyone who knows her knows she has been paying quite a bit of attention to Elly. And her latest attentions have led her to the fire where she is sitting, leaned against a wagon wheel, 'idly' strumming her mandolin along to the humming of Elly.

When she hears they will have first watch, Ashryn shrugs.

Just means uninterrupted sleep. Sure.

Ninja Dragon
2022-01-11, 03:30 PM
Hak is also sitting by the campfire, observing the people and the scenery while he waits for the dinner. He feels most awake at night, and wouldn't mind taking multiple turns if it meant he could sleep in the day. Unfortunately, those people seem to prefer the sunlight for some strange reason.

"No problem." - he replies.

That will probably be the first time he ever guards treasure from possible thieves. It's usually the inverse.

2022-01-11, 03:58 PM
Hal sits with his back to the fire, watching the route they took off the main road for any trouble. "We would be happy to take first watch Kardain. It will give us time for our muscles to relax from the long days walk." Hal begins to slowly oil both his sword and chainmail in preparation for the coming rain. A regular at camping out, and keeping watch, he finds it is best to have an activity to keep both his hands and mind busy so as not to fall asleep.

"Well team, our first job together seems to be going well so far. No signs of bandits or beasts thus far."

2022-01-11, 04:04 PM
Lily nods. "It's kinda exciting, honestly-but not TOO exciting. And hopefully it stays that way! Excitement on the road isn't what you look for."

Ninja Dragon
2022-01-11, 04:21 PM
"I don't think you're wrong" - the kobold says to Lily - "But I wouldn't mind some excitement myself. Since I left my city it has been just walking and walking, all this wilderness feels too quiet sometimes" - he adds.

2022-01-11, 11:50 PM
"I am with Lily. Between having to spend each day in this strange new land and opening up a new franchise, I am happy to be doing some dull caravan watching. A hard ground, bad food, forced awkward company with a bunch of merchants.. I couldn't be happier."

Hal takes a look around to see if any of these merchants heard his comment, and were offended, then continues, "Actually, with all the work we have been doing, I feel like I have barely gotten to know any of you. I feel like we know each other's name and specialties, but that is about all. I am Hal, I love playing cards, drinking and was the best wrestler Neverwinter has ever seen."

2022-01-12, 01:19 AM
The idle strumming continues as the conversation continues.

Don't know what you are all complaining about. The food is amazing. And the company, she adds with a look toward Elly, Is incredible.

Ninja Dragon
2022-01-12, 02:27 PM
"Name is Hak. I came here from Baldur's Gate. My father was a wizard, I'm trying to figure out if I wanna follow his footsteps, but so far I've been living with some gigs and buying and selling stuff. I like drinking with friends too, I guess."

He decides he won't detail the nature of "gigs" for the time being.

2022-01-13, 10:33 PM
As everyone in the caravan saunters over for a big scoop of stew, Elly's soft humming turns into a beautiful song about the wondrous birds that dwell within the Menagerie Coast, including the golden Vol'antim jay who likes to caw caw caw, the sand hopping Torrid Gull that hops hops hops and the purple-colored Plum Robin that steals your fruit. Almost everyone is very appreciative for the levity, save for the Dwendalian wizard whose face contorts into a most dissatisfied scowl. He does not state why he is unhappy but clearly either the song itself or the singing has put him into mood most foul. In a huff he stomps back to his hut, slamming the door. As the members of the Acquisitions Incorporated franchise walk up to get their helping of stew, Elly asks, "What's got him in a tizzy? Was it something I said?"

The meat in the stew is a bit over cooked but, as a whole product, the stew has a nice earthy taste to it. Most of the guards seems to quite like it, while the caravaners seem to tolerate the meal and accept that food on the road will never be as good as food from home. When Ashryn compliments Elly on her stew, the lass blushes mightily. With a giggle, she belts out, "Thanks!"

The sun slowly dips beneath the horizon, the sky is lit a flame by a riotous cacophony of oranges, reds and pinks... Except for the north-west, where dark clouds are mustering...

As the caravan goers bed down for the night, Captain Kardain hands Lily a meadskin, "Ye and ye's friends can take three sips each when yer watch is over. Think of this as incentive to do a good job." The gruff dwarf then walks over to his tent and flops down like a heavy sack of potatoes.

The first hour of night is accompanied by the overwhelming sound of nighttime birds and insects awakening. As far as the party can see, nothing seems out of the ordinary.

Hak notices it before anyone else. There is a scent on the wind. A scent he knows well, the scent of kobolds. Not kinfolk but different, stranger... Saltier. All Hak smells are three quick sniffs worth, then the scent fades...

2022-01-13, 11:33 PM
Ashryn smiles warmly at Elly. I only compliment the stews that truly deserve it. It really wasn't a terrible stew. Didn't even need a little reflavoring with magic. Ash just hopes Elly doesn't think anything of her not eating the meat.

And then Kardain comes over. With his 'reward.' Once he turns his back, Ash makes a face.

Really. We keep watch and get three sips of mead. I really regret not taking Jess up on the offer of the bottle of Lionett red she made... Ashryn strums on her mandolin again. It would have taken all the gold I have on me at the moment. But it would have made a better travelling companion than that one.

And now all Ash can think about is a decent glass of wine. Which is probably why her fingers start strumming the opening bars to "The Bottom of My Glass."

2022-01-14, 12:20 AM
Despite his comment on bad camp food, Hal wolfs down his stew in moments either not noticing or not caring about the overcooked meat. "A bottle of something red would be perfect right now if we didn't have watch to keep. And Ashryn, it will be something to look forward to when we return to the 'Hidden Gems'."

Hal finds as comfortable and dry a spot as he can, and finishes oiling his equipment while keeping a watch on the camp.

If there is still a few hours left in their watch when he is done Hal will re-equip his armor, otherwise, will keep it off for the last hour until bedtime.

Ninja Dragon
2022-01-14, 06:35 AM
After smelling the scent, Hak thinks for a bit, then decides to tell his group about it. It might be nothing, but he didn't stay alive to this day by ignoring possible danger.

"I don't think we are alone" - he says - "There are other kobolds nearby".

With that said, he walks to a spot near the tents, where it is easier to disappear if he needs to, but still lets him see anything coming from the woods. He also draws one of his short swords, and gets ready to draw a second one if needed.

He warned them, now it's up to each member of the group to protect themselves.

2022-01-14, 12:19 PM
Lily readies her focus, but tries to avoid looking too hostile. "Should we try to parley?"

Ninja Dragon
2022-01-14, 01:13 PM
Hak is tempted by the idea, he would prefer not killing his own kin. But he isn't very optimistic.

"We can try. But if they are desperate, it might not be enough to avoid a conflict"

He says it from experience.

"Just don't be reckless." - he adds.

2022-01-14, 02:05 PM
As Hak skulks around the tents he catches a few more whiffs of kobolds. They are very near by.

Lily can hear rustling out in the thick grass. Something is moving out there...

Ashryn notices a very large seagull is hovering above the camp. It has alabaster white feathers and an almost iridescent yellow beak.

Hal saw a flash of something glinting in the starlight out in the deep grass, on the opposite side of camp from where Lily is.

2022-01-14, 02:27 PM
"We can hear you," Lily says, not yelling, but loud enough to be heard plainly. "We would rather not fight-we're not afraid of you, but we've no desire for violence. Please, come out and talk to us instead of trying anything malicious."

Ninja Dragon
2022-01-14, 07:35 PM
Hak draws a dagger with his free hand and pays attention to the spots where his teammates are, particularly Lilly who just exposed herself. He is ready to throw the dagger at anything that attacks his party.

Action: ready a dagger throw as a reaction

2022-01-14, 07:54 PM
As Lily peers out into the dark, trying her best to see into the shadow darkness that surrounds the camp, suddenly a three foot tall kobold pops up and screeches, "Anon Batobot lleisgaric mrith wer siksta thesek svern wuxx!" The small lizard-like person is wearing a black robe and wears a bleached skull as a helmet. He fumbles under his robe for a moment before revealing a hand-sized pendant that, from this distance, looks like a three yellow sticks arranged in a Y shape, with a red rock dangling above the open part of the Y shape...? The kobold shakes his pendant at Lily as he calls out again, "RINOV MITNE!"

The Kobold is speaking a strange form of Draconic that slurs letters and sounds together. His accent is difficult to parse. You believe he is saying:

"The flower that rises with the sun in the morn watches over you!"

"Always Sunny!"

The rustling in the bushes on the other side of camp immediately stop once the kobold reveals himself.

Once the kobold appeared, the gull floating above the camp has dropped down about twenty feet and is now circling just 25 feet above the camp.


Ninja Dragon
2022-01-14, 08:09 PM
Hak lets out a breath of relief, not losing attention but relaxing his muscles a bit. He was expecting a gang of thieves. Instead, it's some religious weirdo.

He comes out of hiding, not sure if anyone there besides him speaks draconic.

"Who are you and what do you want?" - he asks in Draconic, making sure the other kobold sees his weapons.

2022-01-14, 08:22 PM
The kobold lights up when Hak approaches, "fekiikiri! fekiikiri! si mi opsola metavekgatt, svaust huena served wer indomitable ayvroal svaust jahus slain ini wer dreaded sonear di warg rhyvos! ios hesi darastrix daariv, yth jahen rechan aside, woari vur leaderless... halkvri vi sthyr named friedrich suhren, elamapha sunathear di wer everlight, regiprea udoka mrith wer irthir di wer dian dask. jaci educated udoka persvek jacioniv worship vur jacioniv ways. yth jaka faestir lae jacioniv elamaph arytissi persvek wer jungle. fellow petisse, yth sweekmon voga di hesi kin. vi phlita, disrespectful soti. jaci jahus huena persvek service ekess janikup ayvroal shar ui jaka woari. jaci tepohaic ti nymuera wer bensvelk lex. jaci ui akin ekess vin baeshra, ajikis. dangerous. yth tepoha coanwor maulkir jacion ihk dampra keari jaka. yth jikahshi jaci ui houpeir persvek nomeno meadow. geou wux aso udoka, fellow petisse, persvek dronilnrir hesi woari thurirl spical ekess wer mitne?

It takes you a moment to parse through his thick accent but, roughly translated the kobold stated: Greetings! Greetings! I am Tiny Father Metavekgatt, who once served the indomitable and ever wise Ayvroal, who was murdered by the dreaded Eater Of Wooly Cows! Without our dragon princess, we were cast aside, lost and leaderless... Until a man named Friedrich Suhren, devoted Cleric of the flower that rises with the sun, gifted us with the knowledge of the Always Sunny. He educated us in the warmth of her worship and her light-filled ways. We now serve as her devote soldiers in the jungle. Fellow Kobold, we seek another of our kin who hath become a terrible, disrespectful monster. He was once in service to mighty and far seeing Ayvroal but is now he lost. He has not heard the good word of the Always Sunny. He is akin to an animal. Wild. Dangerous. We have been hunting him for several days now. We believe he is hiding in this meadow. Will you aid us, fellow kobold, in bringing our lost kin back to the path of the Always Sunny?"

2022-01-14, 10:46 PM
Ashryn is looking up. She doesn't pay attention to the Draconic talk. If its something that she needs to know about, someone will get her attention.

Instead... there is a seagull. She is fairly certain they are too far away from the sea for the gull. Maybe?

Nature check: [roll0] I am sure this will go well....

2022-01-14, 11:08 PM
Hal had just been about to shout a warning out to Lily when the Kobold revealed itself. Once Hak entered into conversation with this newcomer, Hal was able to relax. While not fluent in draconic, talk is usually better than fighting.

While this conversation is happening, Hal secures the perimeter to ensure no other surprises lie in wait.

2022-01-15, 12:10 AM
It is possible to see gulls inland, especially near bodies of water but... This gull is really big. Well fed, powerfully built. Very out of the ordinary.

As Hal wanders around the perimeter, he spots movement in the grass and the glint of something shiny again. After a moment, the glint happens again. You see what looks like a kobold wielding a metal axe, hidden out in the tall grass about thirty feet away from the edge of the camp.

2022-01-15, 12:22 AM
Hal does his best not to give away that he spotted the other Kobolds, and tries to both not turn his back on them, while working his way back to the campfire. Unsure of the conversation that has been taking place; and very angry at himself for not suggesting that the group create a set of codewords, something he vows to do at the next opportunity, Hal says to Hak, "Has our new friend here mentioned his compatriots? They seem to be flanking our camp at the moment."

Ninja Dragon
2022-01-15, 07:24 PM
Hak replies, trying to sum it up.

He is saying he and his group are followers of a goddess named Always Sunny. They are hunting a kobold from their group who left before the conversion and is now "wild and dangerous", according to him."

"That could be him" - he says about the movement Hal saw.

"Are others with you?" - Hak asks to the other Kobold

2022-01-15, 07:32 PM
Ashryn starts watching the gull more closely. Until and unless someone tells her something important is going on, she will just keep watching the bird.

2022-01-16, 12:53 PM
"Can you describe your target? And what exactly he did to be, well, targeted?" Lily asks.

Ninja Dragon
2022-01-16, 02:37 PM
Hak translates Lily's questions into draconic.

2022-01-24, 10:45 PM
The kobold lunges out of the grasses and charges the camp!

The Kobold Hak had been speaking with screeches in draconic, "<IT IS HIM! IT IS HIM! Stop him!>"

Initiative was rolled players won. First player to post is first to go.

Link to the MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/142a7MRumU0SwstWuxqgXRIM-wQTG_HiEhJewmPekw8I/edit?usp=sharing)

Ninja Dragon
2022-01-25, 09:36 AM
The enemy is too far for Hak to attack first, but he will charge to provide back-up as soon as he can.

Dash to S12.

I'm assuming squares are 5 ft, so I can move 12 if I dash.

Also put away my dagger with a free interaction, so I can grab the second short sword next turn

2022-01-29, 02:49 AM
Not terribly afraid of a single kobold, Hal will close the distance to the new comer and show off those wrestling skills he is so proud of as he tries to subdue the enemy.

I assume I am HL, since HK was too far away to engage in combat. Move to V7

Roll to grapple. [roll0]