View Full Version : Character voices

Ash Williams
2007-11-21, 10:56 AM
Well, it's been a while since this thread has been around, so I thought I'd bring it up again. Not a live-action version of the characters, but simply their voices; how do you hear them sounding? My musings:

BELKAR: For some reason, a hybrid of Glenn Quagmire (just imagine the halfling saying "Giggity! :smallbiggrin: ) and Gilbert Gottfried. I'm fairly certain that Belkar's voice would be a bit high, anyway. Although, one of my friends suggested that he sounds like Wallace Shawn (due to the "Battle of Wits").
DURKON: Just a traditional Scottish brogue (and yes, I know Durkon "dinnae speak wi' an accent").
ELAN: Like Xander from Drawn Together. I know Elan's straight, but just that voice... Anyway, as for his singing voice, it'd probably switch to a 'cooler' voice, like Robert Goulet.
HALEY STARSHINE: Amanda Bynes, for some reason.
NALE: Years of supervillain training have given Nale a traditional evil mastermind voice (like Alan Rickman or Jeremy Irons). But when he panics, he suddenly starts sounding like "Weird Al" Yankovic.
REDCLOAK: Don't ask me why, but David Spade.
ROY: Donald Faison from Scrubs. A lot of people have said Samuel L. Jackson, but I just can't see Roy saying the following dialogue:

"Hand me my sword."
"Which one is it?"
"It's the one that says 'Bad Melon Farmer' on it."

THOG: Ed (the dopey one in the green jacket) From Ed, Edd & Eddy.
VAARSUVIUS: Just an unemotional voice; very Spock-like. But when she goes on one of her long-winded speeches, there's suddenly an echo element.
XYKON: Gotta be Christopher Lee, or a Christopher Lee soundalike.

the mysterian
2007-11-21, 11:07 AM
for elans singing voice i always imagined barry white for the fun of it.

Tempest Fennac
2007-11-21, 01:39 PM
I imagine V as sounding like Lisa Simpson to be honest (I think it's mainly because they have similar mental stats and personalities).

2007-11-21, 02:00 PM
Elan voiced by a Xandir-alike Jack Plotnick would be a bit too gay (not in the happy/cheerful way). Dunno much about what people I'd like to see supplying voices, but in the Japanese dub I'd love to see Norio Wakamoto (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norio_Wakamoto) do Xykon. That'd be brill.

RMS Oceanic
2007-11-21, 02:07 PM
I always imagined Elan's singing voice as Robert Goulet, but alas, he has passed on. :(

For Eric Greenhilt, I pictured Nicholas Bird, son of Brad Bird, and voice of Squirt the Turtle in Finding Nemo and the little boy who watches Mr Incredible pick up his card in The Incredibles.

2007-11-21, 02:34 PM
Don't laugh, this could actually work!

For Vaarsuvius, I've always imagined a voice similar to a well-spoken Terrence from Terrence and Phillip, the characters in South Park. It's a very gender-unspecific voice, and taking out the wackiness, dropping the pitch half a tone or so, while adding a slight british accent and an air of superiority, it would work quite well!

2007-11-21, 02:44 PM
I always imgined Elan (when singing) sounding like Alfalfa from Little Rascals.

Durkon sounding like William Wallace's uncle, Argyle, from Brave heart.

V would sound like 7of9 from Voyager

Roy would sound like SpaceGhost

Xykon like Christopher Walken in a neverending SNL skit

Belkar like Bill Murray with a squeeky voice

Red Cloak by Will Ferrell

Thog like John Matuszak ("Sloth" from Goonies)

Haley voiced by Ulma Thurman

Nale might sound like Rob Lowe when he played the sleezeball in Waynes World

2007-11-22, 01:30 AM
WOW! Someone who actually agrees with me on the Belkar = Wallace Shawn front!

"Never go in against the Belksta when DEATH is on the line! Bwahahahaha!"

I can completely see Wallace Shawn doing any of Belkar's lines.

2007-11-22, 01:46 AM
V should be done by Johnny Depp...is this one the guy from Charlie and the chocolate factory? I mean, it took me about 45 minutes to safely say he was male...

2007-11-22, 02:01 AM
Without question, Thog needs to be played by the voice for this lovely character. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookie_Monster)

2007-11-22, 02:59 AM
Elan would sound like Vash the stampede from Trigun

Nale would sound like Knives from Trigun

Thog would sound like cookie monster-- definitely correct there.

Durkon I'd see as sounding like Sean connery.

Roy I'd see as sounding alot like whoever does Dr. Quinn from sealab 2021.

Belkar I'd see as somewhat of a angry kid voice. Truth be told, I can't match this to an actual voice right now.

no one special
2007-11-22, 06:32 AM
:thog: :Ed (the dopey one in the green jacket) From Ed, Edd & Eddy, just deeper
:durkon: :someone with a VERY deep Scottish acsent
:xykon: :some kinda Skelator ripoff, like the one on a show called "Robot Chicken", thats just how I Imagen it
:nale: :I think of him a lot like Elan, but slightly deeper and somewhat more intelligent
:elan: :very childish and slightly girlish (for what reason, I cant say)
:belkar: :a lot like a child
everyone else, NO CLUE

I just have to say it:
Elan:Like Xander from Drawn Together. I know Elan's straight.. or is he :elan: dun dun DUN:elan: for all we know, he's bi :smallamused:

2007-11-22, 09:33 AM
This has crossed my mind at times but it's really hard to point out anything in particular. When I read, I "hear" the voices but describing them through the medium of the written word would not be unlike how I contemplated the idea of a single being comprehending the Planes. Basically, it's harder than folding a sphere.

2007-11-22, 10:05 AM
For most characters, I´m not sure what they should sound like; however, a few stand out really clearly.

Belkar: Danny de Vito - nobody else can do a diminutive psychopath like he does

Redcloak: Ron Rifkin - if you´ve seen him in Alias, you know why

Hinjo: Jackie Chan

Roy: Laurence Fishbourne

V: no one person could voice V; I should a male and a female voice should be blended together for V, to keep up the confusion

2007-11-22, 11:10 AM
This has been brought up a couple of times, but its a neat idea, and I've never participated, so hey, why not? Heres some of my thoughts.

:roy: - Phil Lamaar ( Somewhere between his Deep "Green Lantern" Voice, and the higher "Static Shock" probably closer to his normal voice. )

:durkon: - Billy Connely. ( Not a lot of work here, perhaps just less funny. )

:elan: - I'll second who ever voted for Xander from Drawn Together.

:Haley: - I think of Grey Delise, using something close to her Frankie (Foster's Home for Imaginary friends) voice, but less frazzled.

:xykon: - Don't ask me why, but I hear John Cleese. Maybe its his sense of humor.

2007-11-22, 11:14 AM
I see John Cleese as voicing Eugene Greenhilt - the sarcasm and tendency to flip out and shout at pretty minor things is what does it for me.

Xykon doesn't have the same tendency to shout that is very Cleesian.

2007-11-22, 11:29 AM
Well, I think V's voice sounds might sound like T'Pol (Jolene Blalock) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jolene_Blalock) from Star Trek Enterprise. That's just me though. :smallredface:

As for Elan - a young Matthew Perry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Perry_%28actor%29). I think he could make use of Elan's happy-go-luckyness. With the singing voice of the lead of Fountains of Wayne, Chris Collingwood (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Collingwood).

I have to think more about the others...

2007-11-22, 11:45 AM
I could see Eugene voice as morgan freeman's voice.

Roy: I really dunno.
Elan:The way Johnny Depp talks as Captain Jack Sparrow
Haley:I dunno
Belkar:I dunno
V:if guy,Christopher Walkin,if female,Liv Taylor(the girl who played arwen in LoTR)
Durkon:Gimli,forget the actors name who played him, but yeah as everybody says a deep scottish accent.

2007-11-22, 12:18 PM
I see the actor who plays Dr. Cox in Scrubs as voicing Roy Greenhilt.

Edit: Spelt 'cox' wrongly. I am ashamed.

2007-11-22, 01:08 PM
This has been done before so I'll just copy/paste my previous post in a thread like this:

I guess I play too much videogames and I watch too much anime (by the way, when I mention an anime, I'm talking about the real japanese voice, not the crappy english version):

Roy: Master chief from Halo. I dont know where that come from but its really who I hear.

Haley: Nami the Navigator from One Piece. They have exactly the same style.

Miko: Kuchiki Rukia from Bleach. Noble, serious and kinda scary sometimes.

Sabine: Lust from Full Metal alchemist.

Shojo: The Third Hokage from Naruto.

Redcloak: Kel'thuzad from Warcraft3. Its a calm, smart, humble and a bit sarcastic voice.

V: Haku from Naruto. Now thats an andorogynous voice.

Nale/Elan: Vash the Stampede and Knife from Trigun. They are also twins and they are also one naive good guy and one thoughfull villain.

Belkar: Zaraki Kenpachi from Bleach. Here is a video to make you understand why : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzIbOpyNtH4
I can totally imagine Zaraki on a pile of dead corpse screaming: ĞI'm a god of war!ğ Beside, ĞI stand aloneğ would be a great theme song for Belkar too.

I also hear voice for all the other character I didnt wrote here but its just that I cant relate their voice to anyone.

2007-11-22, 02:47 PM
Using Ash's template, cause I'm lazy.

BELKAR: Belkar sounds kinda like Vin Diesel to me. Its funny as hell to put that voice in that small halfling body. Plus, its just not what you would expect. John Dimaggio would be a good choice as well.
DURKON: Yeah, any scottish-sounding accent is good. Once again, I'd love to get someone with a thick WELSH accent doing the voice, just to throw people off a bit.
ELAN: Get Nicholas Brendan to do his voice. Perfect fit.
HALEY STARSHINE: A really girly-girl voice, but kinda tough. One of the Olsen twins would be cool. Or Lindsay Lohan.
NALE: Mark Hamil. There is no other choice. :smallbiggrin:
REDCLOAK: Dude who plays "Eckley" on CSI.
ROY: Mos Def. Perfect fit. Or Will Smith.
THOG: Dude who did the voice for Grimlock.
VAARSUVIUS: I always get a "Marcy" from Peanuts voice in my head.
XYKON: The thing about Xykon is he's too goofy to really sound evil. He's evil, but he's not menacing. Jack Black, with some vocal/audio enhancements to give his voice more "oomph", but he's got the goofy down. Or Rick Moranis doing his "Darth Helmet" voice.
Goofy hidden shadow demon thing Billy West.

Ash Williams
2007-11-28, 11:23 AM
HALEY STARSHINE: A really girly-girl voice, but kinda tough. One of the Olsen twins would be cool. Or Lindsay Lohan.

I don't recall any scenes where Haley, wasted on fairy dust or ale, steers her horse out of control down the wrong side of the dirt path.

2007-11-28, 11:38 AM
Everyone knows Xykon sounds like Strong Bad.

2007-11-28, 12:55 PM
V would have to be Brian Molko from Placebo:smallwink:

2007-11-28, 01:38 PM
In my head, V has always sounded like Dr. Orpheus from The Venture Bros. Belkar sounds like an evil version of Krillin's English dub voice from Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z.

2007-11-28, 09:38 PM
Never really imagined an actors voice for anyone but the demon roaches and Xykon, but here goes

:roy: Just under tenor voice, almost always with a touch of sarcasm to it.
:haley: A girly-girl voice, kinda teenish, but not annoyingly so.
:elan: Always heard him with a higher voice, but him dropping down to baritone when he starts singing.
:vaarsuvius: Really Spock-like, but a little higher (for the gender-neutral sound) and more aloof and haughty.
:belkar: Angry 11 or 12 year old kid.
:durkon: Thick scottish accent.
:xykon: The guy who played Darth Helmet while the helmet is down (can't remember his name).
:redcloak: Kind of like Roy, but more white-sounding.
:mitd: About the same voice as Belkar, but not as angry and a little nasaly.
:thog: High-pitched gravelly idiot voice.
:sabine: Slightly lower-pitched Haley.
:nale: Average James Bond bad-guy voice.
:miko: Nearly the same voice as V, with more conviction and less haughty.
:roach: John Candy.

I'm betting none of that made any sense.

2007-11-28, 09:41 PM
Unfortunately, I cannot imagine any voices that would fit the characters.

Sue me.

2007-11-28, 09:54 PM
Belkar is so Rik Mayall. I can't imagine anyone else doing his voice.
Durkon is Simon Callow putting on a Scottish Accent
V is Kirsten Scott Thomas
Roy is the bloke who played Mickey in Dr Who
on the Dr Who subject, Billie Piper would make quite a good Haley

2007-11-28, 09:55 PM
:elan: I alway thought of him with sort of a higher pitched eric kelsofrom thats 70s show

2007-11-29, 12:14 AM
Dr. Orpheus from Venture Bros for :vaarsuvius: is spot on! Anytime he goes on his bizintine rants I just think of Dr. O, and his voice is kind of androgenous enough. Anyone who wants can just youtube Dr. Orpheus and see what we mean

Thog will always sound like Cookie Monster of PCP to Me.:thog:

2007-11-29, 09:04 AM
:roy: Sigint from MGS 3
:haley: No specific, just a womans voice...
:elan: Childish voice, like Haley, nothing specific
:durkon: Scottish person...
:belkar: Nothing specific
:vaarsuvius: Nothing specific
:nale: Balthier from FF12 (No I don't hear Elan and Nale having the same voice)
:sabine: Err... From Devil May Cry 3: Dantes awekening, the boss you get the guitar weapon from after beating it.
:thog: Wei Yan from Dynasty Warriors
:xykon: Mr. Burns from Simpsons
:redcloak: Mr. Smithers from Simpsons
:mitd: Homer Simpson
:miko: Oyu from Onimusha Blade warriors (They have diffrent voices in Onimusha 2 and Blade warriors)
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a311/estelindis/hinjo.gif Tidus from FF10
http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2006-8/1204323/Shojo.jpg Ted Denslow from BaseketBall

2007-11-29, 02:57 PM
I said it before and I said it again. Wendee Lee should play :haley:.

2007-12-01, 10:17 PM
:belkar: Jason Lee
:elan: weird al yankovic
:haley: jewel slate (kayley from firefly
:xykon: john barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness from torchwood and doctor who)
:miko: Jenerfer Hale
the cliffport police chief: John Cygan

2007-12-02, 01:30 AM
I hear

Durkon as Mel Brooks but with the Durkon Accent
Roy as Wesley Snipes
Haley as I agree, Amanda Bynes
Belkar as Napolean minus french
Xykon as James Woods
Redcloak as Gaston from Beauty & the Beast but less "Look at me be Great"
Miko as Lucy Lu
Nale as a twisted Jim Carrey (i.e The Mask)
Elan as Zach Braff
Vaarsuvius as Wallace Shawn
Sabine as Ali Larter

Paragon Badger
2007-12-02, 01:43 AM
Xyklon = The Monarch from Venture Brothers. :smalltongue:

2007-12-02, 02:05 AM
Xyklon = The Monarch from Venture Brothers. :smalltongue:

He lacks sufficient nose to be that naisely, otherwise, perfect

2007-12-02, 12:15 PM
I imagine :elan: as Freddie Mercury maybe? And :haley: as Angelina Jolie.

2007-12-02, 12:26 PM
I hear

Durkon as Mel Brooks but with the Durkon Accent
Roy as Wesley Snipes
Haley as I agree, Amanda Bynes
Belkar as Napolean minus french
Xykon as James Woods
Redcloak as Gaston from Beauty & the Beast but less "Look at me be Great"
Miko as Lucy Lu
Nale as a twisted Jim Carrey (i.e The Mask)
Elan as Zach Braff
Vaarsuvius as Wallace Shawn
Sabine as Ali Larter

I suport the idea of Zach Braff as Elan he is like Gooffy and stuff

2007-12-02, 12:46 PM
But he's not goofy in the "Elan" way :smalltongue: Also, Elan needs a more "beatiful" voice for his bard songs.

2007-12-02, 12:48 PM
My 0.02 USD, if I had to cast voices for an animated OOTS. Comment or critique as you see fit.

:roy: Will Smith

:haley: Jennifer Aniston

:durkon: Simon Pegg

:elan:/:nale: Alan Tudyk

:belkar: Denis Leary

:vaarsuvius: Frank Caliendo (he can do a lot of voices, including female ones; he did a pretty good Elaine Benes from "Seinfeld" on his TV show. It's reasonable to think he could come up with an ambiguous/androgynous one).

:xykon: Jeremy Kemp

:redcloak: Gilbert Gottfried

:miko: Margaret Cho

:mitd: Frank Oz

Eugene Greenhilt: Eddie Murphy (the Goody Stubbs voice from "The P.J.'s" most likely)

Lord Shojo: David Carradine

Hinjo: Daniel Dae Kim

Green-Shirt Q
2007-12-02, 01:20 PM
These are how I alway's imagened them:

Roy:roy: : who ever play Jean Luc Picard in Star terk: Next Generation
Xykon:xykon: : like that guy in Kids in the Hall with a really high voice
Redcloak:redcloak: :the guy who play Sideshow bob in the Simpsons
Durkon:durkon: : everybody says he should have a scottish accent, but I say he should have a Canadian Accent( they are aboot the same, eh.)
Haley:haley:: who ever played the mechanic chick in Firefly
Belkar:belkar:: who ever played Bender in Futurama
Thog:thog: : Who ever played Robot Santa in Futurama

not like you care or anything, just my opionon.

2007-12-02, 01:57 PM
I could pick people to play the OotS in a live action production, but voice actors are another story. I could play everyone, or at least all of the men, because that's just how good I am. I read the comics to my sister, and I've come up with distinct voices for each character.

Roy has a deep voice, and sounds perpetually exhasperated. A bit like Hugh Laurie, if he were black.

Elan is an idiot, and sounds like a cross between the greatest idiots of all time, Caboose (from RvB) and Ed (from Ed, Edd and Eddy), with a hint of the lead singer of Fall Out Boy when he sings.

Durkon gets a traditional Scottish brogue, just youthend somewhat. After all, he is a young dwarf in love.

Haley. Hmm. Not a whole lot to say here, except that I have to try very hard to give my voice any feminine inflection without just sounding like a gay guy. (Her Self-Loathing sounds like Tara Strong as Raven, though.)

Belkar sounds like me, but with a sort of lispy Texan drawl, like Cmdr. Tucker from ST:Enterprise.

Vaarsuvius I am of the school that :vaarsuvius: is female, and even if I wasn't, my sister would make me voice him/her/it that way anyway. I also added a sort of Vulcan emotionlessness and a british accent just to round it out.

Hinjo has a raspy, supressed-emotions type voice, like the Mandalorian scout captain from KotOR II.

Team Evil

Xykon sounds like Ian McKellan doing an O'Malley impression, with just a hint of typical villainous inflection here and there.

Redcloak sounds like :roy:, only slightly higher.

:mitd:: Straight Donut.

The hobgoblins all sounded like the Mandalorians from KotOR II, and the Hobgoblin General sounded like Temuera Morrison.

Supporting Cast
All of the female NPCs sound like variations on my Haley voice. Especially :sabine:. :miko: sounds like an emotionless :haley: and Celia sounds like a whispy :haley:. Kazumi and Daigo (why don't we have K+D smileys?) sound like my generic girl voice and a younger :roy:. :thog: sounds like a deeper Patrick from Spongebob with the same "Caboose Factor" as :elan:. :nale: sounds like Christopher Lee, if he were younger, doing the same voice he did as Dooku.

Edit: Wow. This is the longest (screenwise) post I've ever made. I've written essays that were shorter than this.

2007-12-02, 02:14 PM
Redcloak:redcloak: :the guy who play Sideshow bob in the Simpsons

That would be Kelsey Grammer, and good point makes sense

2007-12-04, 02:39 PM
BELKAR: I see Belkar as a......higher version of Terminator.
DURKON: Jist a' traditional Sco'ish min. Aye'.
ELAN: Wow. Uh. I guess he'd be like high-pitched, annoying and idiotic during bard songs. But when he's in dashing swordsmen he's gotta sound like Antonio Banderas as Zorro. I mean, come ON!
HALEY STARSHINE: Hmmmm... Paris Hilton. I DO NOT know. Just that high-pitched, annoying, idiotic voice just like Elan normally but, when she comes out she sounds like the true adult female she is.
NALE: I see him as Patrick Warburton or something.
REDCLOAK: David Spade. Ya. Definetly.
ROY: Bruce Willis. Don't ask.
THOG:Heck yes, Cookie Monster!
VAARSUVIUS: Just an unemotional voice.
XYKON: I do NOT know.
mITD: A sad voice. Confused when Xykon, Redcloak and occasionally a different PC, or otherwise mentions a 'gate'.

:mitd:-What Gate??!?!?

2007-12-06, 08:50 PM
Today I had a thought for Durkon's voice: Colm Meaney. With only a little modification, it would work.

2007-12-08, 12:18 AM
This is my first post. I joined this forum just for this discussion. I work in entertainment, so this is a chance to put my dream cast out there.

So allow me to make my suggestions:

:roy: I actually think I'd go with Jamey Shrick (Grandia III, The Tola Crusades: The Light of Day) for this one. He has that sort of deadpan voice, that can really move on this.

:durkon: Richard McGonagle (Star Trek: Voyager, Metal Gear Solid 3). I hired him once to play an Irishman. This guy is about as perfect for this roll as it gets.

:vaarsuvius: Tony Oliver (Samurai Warriors, Samurai Champloo). As Mori Ranmaru in Samurai Warriors, I could not tell if the character was male or female, and I'm paid to tell stuff like this. Best possible choice.

:haley: Kari Wahlgren (Digital Devil Saga, Samurai Champloo). A girly-girl voice with an edge to it.

:elan: / :nale: Liam O'Brian (Paranoia Agent, Persona 3). Anyone who's played Soul Nomad already knows what I'm talking about. In that game, he went from dumb idiot to major hard-guy in no time flat.

:belkar: I think I'd have to default to Steven Blum (Cowboy Bebop, just about every other major anime and video game in recent memory) here. I think he's the only "rough guy" actor that I can actually imagine screaming the line, "I am a sexy shoeless G-d of War."

:miko: Tara Platt (Persona 3, Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria). For a new girl on the voice acting scene, she has the best tough girl voice out of anyone I've ever heard, surpassing even staples like Mary Elizabeth McGlynn and Wendee Lee.

:sabine: On the subject of Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Vampire Hunter D). I've heard her play the sultry psychopath before, she's a perfect fit here.

:thog: Bob Papenbrook (Samurai Warriors, Eureka 7). He was the perfect Ishikawa Goemon. He'd be the perfect Thog.

:redcloak: Yuri Lowenthal (Prince of Persia, Metal of Honor). He has a smooth voice that can easily go nuts. Like Liam O'Brian, anyone who's played Soul Nomad already knows what I'm talking about.

Hinjo: Crispen Freeman (Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Tales of Symphonia). He has a major tough-guy voice, but is also capable of weakness. Completely humorless, too. He's the guy for this.

2007-12-09, 02:02 AM
Intresting topic. I shall throw in my rare $.02

:roy: I don't think of Roy as sounding like he's black (meaning that I disagree with Will Smith voicing him, as great an actor as he is). Bruce Williw might make a good match here. Other than that, nothing specific.
:elan: Micheal Cera from Superbad (Evan). He's a guy, but has a higher voice that could work really well with a undefined character such as V.
:haley: I like the idea of Amy Adams (Enchanted) doing it. I vehemantly disagree with whoever suggested Lindsay Lohan though. Ick, hell no.
:thog: Edwardo, from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Accent and everything.
:durkon: John Rhys-Davies, and I'm almost shocked that I didn't see this one yet. If he can do Gimli, he can do Durkon.
:belkar: I almost hear Bill Hader (also of Superbad) doing this part I hear him shouting Sexy Shoeless God of War, and think it may work.
:xykon: Hugo Weaving. No question in my mind.
:mitd: Willem Dafoe.
:miko: Lyv Taylor. Like Roy, I don't hear Miko as specifically asian. I think it's because Durkon's accent is transcribed, while noone else's is.
:sabine: Angelina Jolie, a la Grendel's mom from Beowulf. Heck, she could do it live action too.

2007-12-09, 02:29 AM
:durkon: John Rhys-Davies, and I'm almost shocked that I didn't see this one yet. If he can do Gimli, he can do Durkon.

what r u talking about? it was mentioned. they just didn't use his name.

2007-12-09, 02:41 AM
The person I can think of that would be perfect for someone is already dead.

Red Foxx for Eugene.

2007-12-10, 12:16 AM
what r u talking about? it was mentioned. they just didn't use his name.

'Kay, guess I missed that then. My bad.

Mando Knight
2007-12-10, 01:39 AM
Without question, Thog needs to be played by the voice for this lovely character. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookie_Monster)


:thog: COOKIES!

Think about it.

Also, V should sound like the child of Spock and Seven. With that ambiguously genderless voice pitch...

Xykon should sound like... I don't know, maybe... James Earl Jones? ...nah. Mark Hamill, aka The Joker!!!

John Rhys-Davies should definitely do Durkon, laddies.

Wait... I just thought of it... Thog should be Fred Fredburger... you know, that weird green elephant guy off of Billy & Mandy? Just think of it:

:thog: I like frozen yogurt! I can spell my name: T... H... O... G... Thog! ...Yes!

Nale and "Not-Nale" should maybe both be Jim Carrey...

Haley? ...emo self: definitely Raven off of Teen Titans. Maybe V could use that voice, too... Her self-self: maybe Jennifer Hale... names are a little similar... and she seems to get a lot of voice-acting roles... even the grunts of Samus Aran in Metroid Prime 3...

Roy? Will Smith. He can do a lot of roles, not just "Prince of Bel-Air" and "Agent J." Besides, the one-liners? Either that, or Patrick Warburton. Anyone who's seen the Buzz Lightyear cartoon...

Too bad that there's no one to take the voice of Gin Ichimaru or Maximillion Pegasus...

Here's one... who would get Adam West, ala Family Guy?

2007-12-10, 12:39 PM
God, so many choices. If only we could get some of these actors to read lines for us...

2007-12-11, 01:08 PM
I don't know why but to me XYKON's voice would be similiar to that of the parrot from Disney's Aladdin. Slightly deeper and more sarcastic though.

no one special
2007-12-11, 09:25 PM
one more from me

:mitd: = Satan from South Park

the mysterian
2007-12-11, 10:44 PM
xykon...hmmm hugh laurie, don't know why, it just fits

2007-12-11, 11:06 PM
:vaarsuvius: Dr. Orpheus' voice might work for V, but I think he sounds a little too masculine. Someone else said it first, but V reminds me a lot of Marcy from Peanuts, only..uh..older? :smalltongue: It would definitely have to be someone who doesn't sound obviously male or female.

:elan: and :nale: Those two would probably have to have the same voice actor. After all, none of Elan's friends could hear a difference in their voices.

:haley: I love the Amanda Bynes idea.

The Vanishing Hitchhiker
2007-12-12, 12:13 AM
For Vaarsuvius, I've always imagined a voice similar to a well-spoken Terrence from Terrence and Phillip, the characters in South Park. It's a very gender-unspecific voice, and taking out the wackiness, dropping the pitch half a tone or so, while adding a slight british accent and an air of superiority, it would work quite well!
Funny, that's sort of how I read V's voice when I'm reading a comic out loud. Right down to the British-ish lilt. I might record something off and upload it later to give an idea...

Xykon:xykon: : like that guy in Kids in the Hall with a really high voice
:smallyuk: Hell no! Kevin McDonald is so totally Elan! That's pretty much how I read Elan, too, only...um...not as sqeaky.

Xykon as James Woods
WINNER! YES! I never heard Xykon's voice in my head until now. Thank you! Only with slightly less...um...emoting than he usually has to do. The poor typecast dear. :smallbiggrin:

Phil Lamarr is a good pick for Roy. The guy's so dang versatile I'm sure it'd work. Gilbert Gottfried should be Loki.

And to the people suggesting that Haley's Self-Loathing sounds like Raven from Teen Titans...you know who else Tara Strong is? Bubbles. From the Powerpuff Girls. I think Tara Strong would be adequately equipped to voice Haley and all aspects of her personality. Really though, it's a toss-up between her and Grey Delisle (then her Self-Loathing can sound like Mandy! or Azula!). Actually, to heck with it, my vote goes to Grey DeLisle for Haley.