View Full Version : Good creatures that have an ability drain or energy drain supernatural ability?

2022-01-14, 01:48 PM
In my game, our party has come into possession of a +1 Necrotic Focus dagger (which channels supernatural ability drain or energy drain). It's a valuable item, so we'd like to sell it... but the party is all Good or Neutral, and some characters are concerned that selling it through the usual methods would eventually end up assisting the forces of Evil.

Are there any prominent Good-aligned (or Neutral in a pinch) creatures with (Su) drain abilities who would also be able and willing to wield a dagger?

I figure we'll probably end up looking for some non-Evil people who might use it for research purposes, but it got me wondering if there are any other possibilities.

2022-01-14, 02:42 PM
It's just a dinky little dagger, so any evil creature foolish enough to buy it is probably making its drain attack weaker and wasting money in the process! Your conscience is clear.

2022-01-14, 02:45 PM
You could always further enhance it as a holy or similar weapon, and then sell it. It would ensure that only Good-aligned creatures (such as spellcasters who use ability/energy drain spells) would want it. And if an evil creature does get its hands on it, well, it would ensure the thing is most definitely weaker than it ought to be.

2022-01-14, 03:03 PM
You could always further enhance it as a holy or similar weapon, and then sell it. It would ensure that only Good-aligned creatures (such as spellcasters who use ability/energy drain spells) would want it. And if an evil creature does get its hands on it, well, it would ensure the thing is most definitely weaker than it ought to be.

Oh, that's clever, I like that idea (though, with the party being all 1st and 2nd level, we'd need the altruistic assistance of a higher-level cleric of a Good god....)

2022-01-14, 03:07 PM
It's just a dinky little dagger, so any evil creature foolish enough to buy it is probably making its drain attack weaker and wasting money in the process! Your conscience is clear.

Possibility to do 2-3-4 attacks instead of 1 nowhere is weak or waste of money.

2022-01-14, 03:14 PM
Sacred, from Libris Mortuum Mortis, is a +1 weapon enhancement that harms undead that wield it via Cha damage, but it also specifically harms evil outsiders and undead, so if an evil creature uses it, it'll most likely use it against its evil brethren.

Also, how about enhancing it as a vicious weapon? Sure, it deals more damage to those hit with it, but it also harms the wielder. Doesn't gel well with good creatures, but it definitely harms any evil creature wielding it. Add a curse to it to make evil wielders think it's doing extra damage to targets, but all that extra damage instead goes to them (which they don't notice); it functions normally for non-evil wielders.

2022-01-14, 03:40 PM
Intelligent items impose a negative level on any wielder who doesn't share their alignment, so if you want to sabotage the weapon, that's probably the cheapest way. It's a flat cost and it's pretty affordable. I still think you don't need to worry about it though.

2022-01-14, 05:51 PM
Possibility to do 2-3-4 attacks instead of 1 nowhere is weak or waste of money.
The vast majority of natural energy drain attacks are capped at 1 use per round. The ones that aren't are usually attached to creatures with multiple natural weapons anyway. I also do not think it is an issue.

One method if you're worried about it is, rather than crafting an item that has a set of features that nobody would actually buy, you could sell it to an artificer on the condition that he uses his retain essence ability, which will destroy the item. This probably won't get you as much but the "market price" of xp is 5 gp per XP, and it should have a few hundred in it I guess.